Example #1
ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RefToken LexTokenStream::nextToken()
	ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RefToken ret;
	if (!reachedEOF)
		int type;

		currentLexer = this;
		while ((type = yylex()) == -1) // Token::SKIP

		if (type != 0)
			if( type != JavaTokenTypes::STRING_LITERAL )
				ret = ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RefToken(new ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)CommonToken(type,yytext));
				ret = ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RefToken(new ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)CommonToken(type,string_buf));

//			ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)cout << "Read token " << type << " [" << ret->getText() << "]" << ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)endl;
			reachedEOF = true;
	if (reachedEOF)
		ret = ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RefToken(new ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)CommonToken(1,"EOF"));
		//		cout << "EOF reached" << endl;
	return ret;
Example #2
// Resolve build-in operations for non-map types, e.g.: 'str'.len()
packToken TypeSpecificFunction(const packToken& p_left, const packToken& p_right, evaluationData* data) {
  if (p_left->type == MAP) throw Operation::Reject();

  TokenMap& attr_map = calculator::type_attribute_map()[p_left->type];
  std::string& key = p_right.asString();

  packToken* attr = attr_map.find(key);
  if (attr) {
    // Note: If attr is a function, it will receive have
    // scope["this"] == source, so it can make changes on this object.
    // Or just read some information for example: its length.
    return RefToken(key, (*attr), p_left);
  } else {
    throw undefined_operation(data->op, p_left, p_right);
RefToken TokenStreamRewriteEngine::nextToken( void )
	RefTokenWithIndex t;
	// suck tokens until end of stream or we find a non-discarded token
	do {
		t = RefTokenWithIndex(stream.nextToken());
		if ( t )
			t->setIndex(index);  // what is t's index in list?
			if ( t->getType() != Token::EOF_TYPE ) {
				tokens.push_back(t);  // track all tokens except EOF
			index++;			// move to next position
	} while ( t && discardMask.member(t->getType()) );
	return RefToken(t);
RefToken CommonToken::factory()
	return RefToken(new CommonToken);
RefToken CommonHiddenStreamToken::factory()
	return RefToken(new CommonHiddenStreamToken);
Example #6
namespace antlr {

// The below initialization ICED AIX Visualage CC
//ANTLR_API RefToken Token::badToken(new Token(Token::INVALID_TYPE, "<no text>"));
// this seemed to work

// Create "static reference counters", i.e. don't do any reference counting
// as these objects are supposed to exist "forever".
ANTLR_API RefToken Token::badToken =
    RefToken(new Token(Token::INVALID_TYPE, "<no text>"), true);
ANTLR_API RefToken Token::eofToken =
    RefToken(new Token(Token::EOF_TYPE, "EOF"), true);

Token::Token() : type(INVALID_TYPE)

Token::Token(int t) : type(t)

Token::Token(int t, const string& txt)
        : type(t)

int Token::getColumn() const
        return 0;

int Token::getLine() const
        return 0;

string Token::getText() const
        return "<no text>";

int Token::getType() const
        return type;

void Token::setColumn(int c)

void Token::setLine(int l)

void Token::setText(const string& t)

void Token::setType(int t)

string Token::toString() const
        return "[\""+getText()+"\",<"+type+">]";


ANTLR_API RefToken nullToken;

const int Token::MIN_USER_TYPE;
const int Token::NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD;
const int Token::INVALID_TYPE;
const int Token::EOF_TYPE;
const int Token::SKIP;
