Example #1
void SetupStream5()
    RegisterPreprocessor("stream5_global", Stream5GlobalInit);
    RegisterPreprocessor("stream5_tcp", Stream5PolicyInitTcp);
    RegisterPreprocessor("stream5_udp", Stream5PolicyInitUdp);
    RegisterPreprocessor("stream5_icmp", Stream5PolicyInitIcmp);
    DEBUG_WRAP(DebugMessage(DEBUG_STREAM, "Preprocessor stream5 is setup\n"););
Example #2
**  This function initializes HttpInspect as a Snort preprocessor.
**  It registers the preprocessor keyword for use in the snort.conf
**  and sets up the initialization module for the preprocessor, in
**  case it is configured.
**  This function must be called in InitPreprocessors() in plugbase.c
**  in order to be recognized by Snort.
**  @param none
**  @return void
void SetupHttpInspect()
    RegisterPreprocessor(GLOBAL_KEYWORD, HttpInspectInit);
    RegisterPreprocessor(SERVER_KEYWORD, HttpInspectInit);

    DEBUG_WRAP(DebugMessage(DEBUG_HTTPINSPECT, "Preprocessor: HttpInspect is "
                "setup . . .\n"););
Example #3
 * Function: SetupRpcDecode()
 * Purpose: Registers the preprocessor keyword and initialization
 *          function into the preprocessor list.
 * Arguments: None.
 * Returns: void function
void SetupRpcDecode(void)
    /* link the preprocessor keyword to the init function in
       the preproc list */
    RegisterPreprocessor("rpc_decode", RpcDecodeInit);
    RegisterPreprocessor("rpc_decode", RpcDecodeInit, RpcDecodeReload,
                         RpcDecodeReloadSwap, RpcDecodeReloadSwapFree);

    DEBUG_WRAP(DebugMessage(DEBUG_RPC,"Preprocessor: RpcDecode in setup...\n"););
void SetupEntropy(void)
    /* link the preprocessor keyword to the init function in
       the preproc list */
    RegisterPreprocessor("entropy", EntropyInit);
    RegisterPreprocessor("entropy", EntropyInit, EntropyReload, NULL, EntropyReloadSwap, EntropyReloadSwapFree);

                "Preprocessor: High Entropy Flows Detection\n"););
Example #5
 * Function: SetupPerfMonitor()
 * Purpose: Registers the preprocessor keyword and initialization
 *          function into the preprocessor list.  This is the function that
 *          gets called from InitPreprocessors() in plugbase.c.
 * Arguments: None.
 * Returns: void function
void SetupPerfMonitor(void)
    /* link the preprocessor keyword to the init function in
       the preproc list */
    RegisterPreprocessor("PerfMonitor", PerfMonitorInit);
    RegisterPreprocessor("PerfMonitor", PerfMonitorInit, PerfMonitorReload,
                         PerfMonitorReloadSwap, PerfMonitorReloadSwapFree);

    DEBUG_WRAP(DebugMessage(DEBUG_PLUGIN,"Preprocessor: PerfMonitor is setup...\n"););
Example #6
void SetupARPspoof(void)
    RegisterPreprocessor("arpspoof", ARPspoofInit);
    RegisterPreprocessor("arpspoof_detect_host", ARPspoofHostInit);
    RegisterPreprocessor("arpspoof", ARPspoofInit, ARPspoofReload,
                         ARPspoofReloadSwap, ARPspoofReloadSwapFree);
    RegisterPreprocessor("arpspoof_detect_host", ARPspoofHostInit,
                         ARPspoofReloadHost, NULL, NULL);

            "Preprocessor: ARPspoof is setup...\n"););
Example #7
 * Function: SetupBo()
 * Purpose: Registers the preprocessor keyword and initialization
 *          function into the preprocessor list.
 * Arguments: None.
 * Returns: void function
void SetupBo()
    /* link the preprocessor keyword to the init function in
       the preproc list */
    RegisterPreprocessor("bo", BoInit);
                            "Preprocessor: Back Orifice is setup...\n"););
Example #8
 * Function: SetupPerfMonitor()
 * Purpose: Registers the preprocessor keyword and initialization 
 *          function into the preprocessor list.  This is the function that
 *          gets called from InitPreprocessors() in plugbase.c.
 * Arguments: None.
 * Returns: void function
void SetupPerfMonitor()
    /* link the preprocessor keyword to the init function in 
       the preproc list */
    RegisterPreprocessor("PerfMonitor", PerfMonitorInit);

    DEBUG_WRAP(DebugMessage(DEBUG_PLUGIN,"Preprocessor: PerfMonitor is setup...\n"););
Example #9
 * Function: SetupTemplate()
 * Purpose: Registers the preprocessor keyword and initialization 
 *          function into the preprocessor list.  This is the function that
 *          gets called from InitPreprocessors() in plugbase.c.
 * Arguments: None.
 * Returns: void function
void SetupTemplate()
    /* link the preprocessor keyword to the init function in 
       the preproc list */
    RegisterPreprocessor("keyword", TemplateInit);

    DebugMessage(DEBUG_PLUGIN,"Preprocessor: Template is setup...\n");
 * Add the Flow Preprocessor to the list of things that snort can
 * configure.
void SetupFlow(void)
    /* we should really create some set of structure's that we can go
     * register as config editors */
    RegisterPreprocessor("flow", FlowInit);

    /* setup the portscan preprocessor */
Example #11
 * Function: SetupHttpDecode()
 * Purpose: Registers the preprocessor keyword and initialization 
 *          function into the preprocessor list.
 * Arguments: None.
 * Returns: void function
void SetupHttpDecode()
    /* link the preprocessor keyword to the init function in 
       the preproc list */
    RegisterPreprocessor("http_decode", HttpDecodeInit);

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Preprocessor: HttpDecode in setup...\n");
Example #12
void SetupFlowPS(void)
    RegisterPreprocessor("flow-portscan", FlowPSInit);