LW_NTSTATUS LwRtlSetTaskUnixSignal( LW_IN PLW_TASK pTask, LW_IN int Sig, LW_IN LW_BOOLEAN bSubscribe ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (bSubscribe && !pTask->pUnixSignal) { status = LW_RTL_ALLOCATE_AUTO(&pTask->pUnixSignal); GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status); } status = RegisterTaskUnixSignal(pTask, Sig, bSubscribe); GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status); error: return status; }
static NTSTATUS ProcessRunnable( PEPOLL_THREAD pThread, PRING pRunnable, PRING pTimed, PRING pWaiting, LONG64 llNow ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG ulTicks = MAX_TICKS; PLW_TASK pTask = NULL; PLW_TASK_GROUP pGroup = NULL; PRING pRing = NULL; PRING pNext = NULL; /* We are guaranteed to run each task at least once. If tasks remain on the runnable list by yielding, we will continue to run them all in a round robin until our ticks are depleted. */ while (ulTicks && !RingIsEmpty(pRunnable)) { for (pRing = pRunnable->pNext; pRing != pRunnable; pRing = pNext) { pNext = pRing->pNext; pTask = LW_STRUCT_FROM_FIELD(pRing, EPOLL_TASK, QueueRing); RunTask(pTask, llNow); if (ulTicks) { ulTicks--; } if (pTask->EventWait != LW_TASK_EVENT_COMPLETE) { /* Task is still waiting to be runnable, update events in epoll set */ status = UpdateEventWait( pTask, pThread->EpollFd ); GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status); if (pTask->EventWait & LW_TASK_EVENT_YIELD) { /* Task is yielding. Set YIELD in its trigger arguments and and leave it on the runnable list for the next iteration */ pTask->EventArgs |= LW_TASK_EVENT_YIELD; } else if (pTask->EventWait & LW_TASK_EVENT_TIME) { /* If the task is waiting for a timeout, insert it into the timed queue */ RingRemove(&pTask->QueueRing); InsertTimedQueue(pTimed, pTask); } else { /* Otherwise, put it in the generic waiting queue */ RingRemove(&pTask->QueueRing); RingEnqueue(pWaiting, &pTask->QueueRing); } } else { /* Task is complete */ RingRemove(&pTask->QueueRing); /* Turn off any fd in the epoll set */ if (pTask->Fd >= 0) { status = LwRtlSetTaskFd(pTask, pTask->Fd, 0); GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status); } /* Unsubscribe task from any UNIX signals */ if (pTask->pUnixSignal) { RegisterTaskUnixSignal(pTask, 0, FALSE); } LOCK_POOL(pThread->pPool); pThread->ulLoad--; UNLOCK_POOL(pThread->pPool); pGroup = pTask->pGroup; /* If task was in a task group, remove it and notify anyone waiting on the group */ if (pGroup) { LOCK_GROUP(pGroup); pTask->pGroup = NULL; RingRemove(&pTask->GroupRing); pthread_cond_broadcast(&pGroup->Event); UNLOCK_GROUP(pGroup); } LOCK_THREAD(pThread); if (--pTask->ulRefCount) { /* The task still has a reference, so mark it as completed and notify anyone waiting on it */ pTask->EventSignal = TASK_COMPLETE_MASK; pthread_cond_broadcast(&pThread->Event); UNLOCK_THREAD(pThread); } else { /* We held the last reference to the task, so delete it */ RingRemove(&pTask->SignalRing); UNLOCK_THREAD(pThread); TaskDelete(pTask); } } } } error: return status; }
static VOID ProcessRunnable( PKQUEUE_THREAD pThread, PKQUEUE_COMMANDS pCommands, PRING pRunnable, PRING pTimed, PRING pWaiting, LONG64 llNow ) { ULONG ulTicks = MAX_TICKS; PLW_TASK pTask = NULL; PLW_TASK_GROUP pGroup = NULL; PRING pRing = NULL; PRING pNext = NULL; /* We are guaranteed to run each task at least once. If tasks remain on the runnable list by yielding, we will continue to run them all in a round robin until our ticks are depleted. */ while (ulTicks && !RingIsEmpty(pRunnable)) { for (pRing = pRunnable->pNext; pRing != pRunnable; pRing = pNext) { pNext = pRing->pNext; pTask = LW_STRUCT_FROM_FIELD(pRing, KQUEUE_TASK, QueueRing); RunTask(pTask, llNow); if (ulTicks) { ulTicks--; } if (pTask->EventWait != LW_TASK_EVENT_COMPLETE) { if (pTask->EventWait & LW_TASK_EVENT_YIELD) { /* Task is yielding. Set the YIELD flag and leave it on the runnable list for the next iteration. */ pTask->EventArgs |= LW_TASK_EVENT_YIELD; } else { /* Task is still waiting on events, update kqueue */ UpdateEventWait(pCommands, pTask); if (pTask->EventWait & LW_TASK_EVENT_TIME) { /* If the task is waiting for a timeout, insert it into the timed queue */ RingRemove(&pTask->QueueRing); InsertTimedQueue(pTimed, pTask); } else { /* Otherwise, put it in the generic waiting queue */ RingRemove(&pTask->QueueRing); RingEnqueue(pWaiting, &pTask->QueueRing); } } } else { /* Task is complete */ RingRemove(&pTask->QueueRing); /* Remove any associated events from the kqueue */ if (pTask->Fd >= 0) { (void) LwRtlSetTaskFd(pTask, pTask->Fd, 0); } /* Unsubscribe task from any UNIX signals */ if (pTask->pUnixSignal) { RegisterTaskUnixSignal(pTask, 0, FALSE); } LOCK_POOL(pThread->pPool); pThread->ulLoad--; UNLOCK_POOL(pThread->pPool); pGroup = pTask->pGroup; /* If task was in a task group, remove it and notify anyone waiting on the group */ if (pGroup) { LOCK_GROUP(pGroup); pTask->pGroup = NULL; RingRemove(&pTask->GroupRing); pthread_cond_broadcast(&pGroup->Event); UNLOCK_GROUP(pGroup); } LOCK_THREAD(pThread); if (--pTask->ulRefCount) { /* The task still has a reference, so mark it as completed and notify anyone waiting on it */ pTask->EventSignal = TASK_COMPLETE_MASK; pthread_cond_broadcast(&pThread->Event); UNLOCK_THREAD(pThread); } else { /* We held the last reference to the task, so delete it */ RingRemove(&pTask->SignalRing); UNLOCK_THREAD(pThread); TaskDelete(pTask); } } } } /* Update kevent commands for yielding tasks */ for (pRing = pRunnable->pNext; pRing != pRunnable; pRing = pRing->pNext) { pTask = LW_STRUCT_FROM_FIELD(pRing, KQUEUE_TASK, QueueRing); if (pTask->EventArgs & LW_TASK_EVENT_YIELD) { UpdateEventWait(pCommands, pTask); } } }
static NTSTATUS EventLoop( PSELECT_THREAD pThread ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; RING tasks; RING runnable; PRING pRing = NULL; PRING pNext = NULL; PSELECT_TASK pTask = NULL; CLOCK clock = {0}; LONG64 llNow; LONG64 llNextDeadline; fd_set readSet; fd_set writeSet; fd_set exceptSet; int ready = 0; int nfds = 0; char c = 0; int res = 0; BOOLEAN bShutdown = FALSE; PLW_TASK_GROUP pGroup = NULL; BOOLEAN bYielding = FALSE; RingInit(&tasks); RingInit(&runnable); FD_ZERO(&readSet); FD_ZERO(&writeSet); FD_ZERO(&exceptSet); LOCK_THREAD(pThread); while (!bShutdown || !RingIsEmpty(&tasks)) { /* Reset variables */ llNextDeadline = 0; nfds = 0; bYielding = FALSE; /* Get current time for this iteration */ GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status = ClockGetMonotonicTime(&clock, &llNow)); /* Figure out which tasks are runnable */ for (pRing = tasks.pNext; pRing != &tasks; pRing = pNext) { pNext = pRing->pNext; pTask = LW_STRUCT_FROM_FIELD(pRing, SELECT_TASK, EventRing); /* Update trigger set with results from select() */ UpdateTriggerSet( pTask, &readSet, &writeSet, &exceptSet, llNow); /* Schedule tasks to run if they have been triggered or were yielding */ if ((pTask->TriggerWait & LW_TASK_EVENT_YIELD) || ((pTask->TriggerWait | LW_TASK_EVENT_EXPLICIT) & pTask->TriggerSet)) { /* Put task on a separate list to run its trigger function */ RingRemove(&pTask->EventRing); RingInsertBefore(&runnable, &pTask->EventRing); /* Update the trigger args with the trigger set */ pTask->TriggerArgs |= pTask->TriggerSet; /* Turn off bits (except cancel) now that we have copied them */ pTask->TriggerSet &= (LW_TASK_EVENT_CANCEL); } else { /* Update select parameters to wait for task to trigger */ UpdateTriggerWait( pTask, &nfds, &readSet, &writeSet, &exceptSet, &llNextDeadline); } } UNLOCK_THREAD(pThread); for (pRing = runnable.pNext; pRing != &runnable; pRing = pNext) { pNext = pRing->pNext; pTask = LW_STRUCT_FROM_FIELD(pRing, SELECT_TASK, EventRing); GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status = TaskProcessTrigger(pTask, llNow)); if (pTask->TriggerWait != 0) { /* Task is still waiting to be runnable, update select parameters and put it back in the task list */ UpdateTriggerWait( pTask, &nfds, &readSet, &writeSet, &exceptSet, &llNextDeadline); if (pTask->TriggerWait & LW_TASK_EVENT_YIELD) { /* Task is yielding temporarily. Set the yield flag on its trigger arguments. Leave it on the runnable list */ pTask->TriggerArgs |= LW_TASK_EVENT_YIELD; } else { RingRemove(&pTask->EventRing); RingInsertBefore(&tasks, &pTask->EventRing); } } else { /* Task is complete, notify and remove from task group if it is in one */ RingRemove(&pTask->EventRing); /* Unregister task from global signal loop */ if (pTask->pUnixSignal) { RegisterTaskUnixSignal(pTask, 0, FALSE); } pGroup = pTask->pGroup; if (pGroup) { LOCK_GROUP(pGroup); pTask->pGroup = NULL; RingRemove(&pTask->GroupRing); pthread_cond_broadcast(&pGroup->Event); UNLOCK_GROUP(pGroup); } LOCK_THREAD(pThread); if (--pTask->ulRefCount) { pTask->TriggerSet = TASK_COMPLETE_MASK; pthread_cond_broadcast(&pThread->Event); UNLOCK_THREAD(pThread); } else { UNLOCK_THREAD(pThread); TaskDelete(pTask); } } } if (!RingIsEmpty(&runnable)) { /* We have runnable tasks that are yielding. Move them back to the event list and note the fact. */ bYielding = TRUE; RingMove(&runnable, &tasks); } if (!bShutdown) { /* Also wait for a poke on the thread's signal fd */ FD_SET(pThread->SignalFds[0], &readSet); if (pThread->SignalFds[0] >= nfds) { nfds = pThread->SignalFds[0] + 1; } } if (nfds) { /* If there are still runnable tasks due to LW_TASK_EVENT_YIELD, set the next deadline to now so we wake immediately. This gives other tasks the chance to become runnable before we proceed */ if (bYielding) { llNextDeadline = llNow; } /* Wait for a task to be runnable */ GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status = Sleep( &clock, &llNow, nfds, &readSet, &writeSet, &exceptSet, llNextDeadline, &ready)); } LOCK_THREAD(pThread); /* Check for a signal to the thread */ if (FD_ISSET(pThread->SignalFds[0], &readSet)) { FD_CLR(pThread->SignalFds[0], &readSet); pThread->bSignalled = FALSE; res = read(pThread->SignalFds[0], &c, sizeof(c)); assert(res == sizeof(c)); /* Move all tasks in queue into local task list */ RingMove(&pThread->Tasks, &tasks); if (pThread->bShutdown && !bShutdown) { bShutdown = pThread->bShutdown; /* Cancel all outstanding tasks */ for (pRing = tasks.pNext; pRing != &tasks; pRing = pRing->pNext) { pTask = LW_STRUCT_FROM_FIELD(pRing, SELECT_TASK, EventRing); pTask->TriggerSet |= LW_TASK_EVENT_CANCEL | LW_TASK_EVENT_EXPLICIT; } } } } error: UNLOCK_THREAD(pThread); return status; }
NTSTATUS RegisterTaskUnixSignal( LW_IN PLW_TASK pTask, LW_IN int Sig, LW_IN LW_BOOLEAN bSubscribe ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; size_t i = 0; PRING pBase = NULL; PRING pRing = NULL; PLW_SIGNAL_SUBSCRIPTION pExisting = NULL; PLW_SIGNAL_SUBSCRIPTION pSub = NULL; struct sigaction action; #ifdef SIGRTMAX int maxSig = SIGRTMAX; #else int maxSig = SIGUSR2; #endif if (Sig == 0) { for (i = 1; i < maxSig + 1; i++) { status = RegisterTaskUnixSignal(pTask, (int) i, bSubscribe); if (status) { return status; } } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } LOCK_SIGNAL(); if (Sig > maxSig || Sig < 0) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status); } if (!gSignal.pSubscribers) { status = LW_RTL_ALLOCATE_ARRAY_AUTO(&gSignal.pSubscribers, maxSig + 1); GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status); for (i = 0; i < maxSig + 1; i++) { RingInit(&gSignal.pSubscribers[i]); } gSignal.maxSig = maxSig; } pBase = &gSignal.pSubscribers[Sig]; for (pRing = pBase->pNext; pRing != pBase; pRing = pRing->pNext) { pSub = LW_STRUCT_FROM_FIELD(pRing, LW_SIGNAL_SUBSCRIPTION, Ring); if (pSub->pTask == pTask) { pExisting = pSub; break; } } if (bSubscribe && !pExisting) { if (Sig != SIGINT) { memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action)); /* Make sure there is a dummy handler for the signal so it is actually delivered to the process */ action.sa_handler = DummyHandler; action.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(Sig, &action, NULL) < 0) { status = LwErrnoToNtStatus(errno); GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status); } } status = LW_RTL_ALLOCATE_AUTO(&pSub); GOTO_ERROR_ON_STATUS(status); pSub->pTask = pTask; pSub->ucRefCount = 1; RingInit(&pSub->Ring); RingInit(&pSub->DispatchRing); RingEnqueue(pBase, &pSub->Ring); RetainTask(pTask); } else if (!bSubscribe && pExisting) { RingRemove(&pExisting->Ring); if (--pExisting->ucRefCount == 0) { LwRtlReleaseTask(&pExisting->pTask); LwRtlMemoryFree(pExisting); } } error: UNLOCK_SIGNAL(); return status; }