int llAddDiscontinuityGrid::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llSet::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-x", &gridx, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-y", &gridy, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	return 1;
Example #2
int llSplitAt::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llTriMod::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-x", &x);
	RegisterValue("-y", &y);

	return 1;
Example #3
static void DPOParams(void * id )
	struct DPODriver * d = (struct DPODriver*)id;

	d->leds = 9;		RegisterValue(  "leds", PAINT, &d->leds, sizeof( d->leds ) );
	d->pie_min = .18;	RegisterValue(  "pie_min", PAFLOAT, &d->pie_min, sizeof( d->pie_min ) );
	d->pie_max = .3;	RegisterValue(  "pie_max", PAFLOAT, &d->pie_max, sizeof( d->pie_max ) );

int llAddVertexToPolygon::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llSet::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-x",   &x1,            LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-y",   &y1,            LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-name", &polygon_name, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);

	return 1;
int llAddDiscontinuityLine::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llSet::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-x1", &x1, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-y1", &y1, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-x2", &x2, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-y2", &y2, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);

	return 1;
Example #6
int llAlgStripe::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llAlg::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-zmax",       &highest);
	RegisterValue("-zmin",       &lowest);
	RegisterValue("-outsideval", &value_at_lowest);
	RegisterValue("-insideval",  &value_at_highest);	

	return 1;
Example #7
int llSetGrid::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llSet::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-x", &gridx, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-y", &gridy, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-stepx", &stepx);
	RegisterValue("-stepy", &stepy);

	return 1;
Example #8
int llFillColorMap::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llMapWorker::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-algblue",   &alg_list_blue);
	RegisterValue("-algred",    &alg_list_red);
	RegisterValue("-alggreen",  &alg_list_green);
	RegisterValue("-algalpha",  &alg_list_alpha);
	return 1;
int llActivateVisibleVertices::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llTriMod::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-x",      &x);
	RegisterValue("-y",      &y);
	RegisterValue("-z",      &z);
	RegisterValue("-radius", &radius);

	return 1;
Example #10
int llExportMap::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llWorker::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-mapname",  &mapname);
	RegisterValue("-filename", &filename);
	RegisterValue("-depth",    &bits);
	RegisterFlag("-compress",    &compress);
	return 1;
Example #11
int llSetAtGridLine::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llSet::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-x",    &gridx, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-y",    &gridy, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-zmin", &zmin);
	RegisterValue("-max",  &max,   LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);

	return 1;
Example #12
int llCreatePolygon::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llSet::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-x1",   &x1,           LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-y1",   &y1,           LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-x2",   &x1,           LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-y2",   &y1,           LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-name", &polygon_name, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);

	return 1;
Example #13
static void DMXParams(void * id )
	struct DMXOutDriver * led = (struct DMXOutDriver*)id;

	led->total_leds = GetParameterI( "leds", 10 );
	led->byte_offset = 32; RegisterValue(  "byte_offset", PAINT, &led->byte_offset, sizeof( led->byte_offset ) );
	led->last_leds = malloc( 1026 );
	led->outamp = .1; RegisterValue(  "ledoutamp", PAFLOAT, &led->outamp, sizeof( led->outamp ) );

	led->did_init = 0;
Example #14
int llAlgPeakFinder::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llAlg::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterFlag( "-linear",     &linear);
	RegisterValue("-lowest",     &lowest);
	RegisterValue("-outsideval", &value_at_lowest);
	RegisterValue("-insideval",  &value_at_highest);
	RegisterValue("-radius",     &radius);
	RegisterValue("-scanradius", &scan_radius);

	return 1;
Example #15
int llSetHeight::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llMapWorker::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-z",            &zmin, LLWORKER_OBL_OPTION);
	RegisterValue("-alg",          &alg_list);

	RegisterFlag ("-usegameunits", &usegameunits);
	RegisterFlag ("-min",          &min);
	RegisterFlag ("-max",          &max);

	return 1;
Example #16
static void DPOParams(void * id )
	struct RecorderPlugin * d = (struct RecorderPlugin*)id;
	d->is_recording = 0;
	d->fRec = 0;
	d->fPlay = 0;
	d->DunBoop = 0;
	d->TimeSinceStart = 0;

	memset( d->In_Filename, 0, PARAM_BUFF );	RegisterValue(  "player_filename", PABUFFER, d->In_Filename, PARAM_BUFF );
	memset( d->Out_Filename, 0, PARAM_BUFF );	RegisterValue(  "recorder_filename", PABUFFER, d->Out_Filename, PARAM_BUFF );
	d->sps = 0;		RegisterValue(  "samplerate", PAINT, &d->sps, sizeof( d->sps ) );
	d->BypassLength = 0;	RegisterValue(  "recorder_bypass", PAINT, &d->BypassLength, sizeof( d->BypassLength ) );

Example #17
int llMapWorker::RegisterOptions(void) {
    if (!llWorker::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

    RegisterValue("-map",  &mapname);

    return 1;
Example #18
int llMakeDerivatives::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llWorker::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-source", &sourcename);
	RegisterFlag("-use16bit", &makeshort);

	return 1;
void QGeneralSettingWidget::on_chkTrayIcon_toggled(bool checked)
    emit RegisterTrayIcon( checked );

    QSettings RegisterValue( tr("Habilience"), tr("T3kCfg") );
    RegisterValue.beginGroup( tr("Options") );
    RegisterValue.setValue( tr("TrayIcon"), checked );
Example #20
int llAlgRadial::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llAlg::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-near",   &my_near);
	RegisterValue("-far",    &my_far);
	RegisterValue("-nearval", &value_at_near);
	RegisterValue("-farval", &value_at_far);
	RegisterValue("-x",      &x);
	RegisterValue("-y",      &y);
	RegisterValue("-alg",    &alg_list);

	return 1;
Example #21
static void DPOParams(void * id )
	struct DPODriver * d = (struct DPODriver*)id;
	strcpy( d->address, "localhost" );

	d->leds = 10;		RegisterValue(  "leds", PAINT, &d->leds, sizeof( d->leds ) );
	d->skipfirst = 1;	RegisterValue(  "skipfirst", PAINT, &d->skipfirst, sizeof( d->skipfirst ) );
	d->port = 7777;		RegisterValue(  "port", PAINT, &d->port, sizeof( d->port ) );
	d->firstval = 0;	RegisterValue(  "firstval", PAINT, &d->firstval, sizeof( d->firstval ) );
						RegisterValue(  "address", PABUFFER, d->address, sizeof( d->address ) );
	d->fliprg = 0;		RegisterValue(  "fliprg", PAINT, &d->fliprg, sizeof( d->fliprg ) );
	d->skittlequantity=0;RegisterValue(  "skittlequantity", PAINT, &d->skittlequantity, sizeof( d->skittlequantity ) );
	d->socket = -1;
	d->oldaddress[0] = 0;
Example #22
int llScaleMap::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llMapWorker::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-name",   &targetname);
	RegisterValue("-filter", &pFilter);
	RegisterValue("-factor", &factor);
	RegisterValue("-sizeX",  &sizex);
	RegisterValue("-sizeY",  &sizey);
	RegisterValue("-gamma",  &source_gamma);

	RegisterFlag ("-rgb",    &rgb);

	return 1;
Example #23
int llCreateNormalMap::RegisterOptions(void) {
	if (!llMapWorker::RegisterOptions()) return 0;

	RegisterValue("-name",       &targetname);
	RegisterValue("-northboost", &northboost);
	RegisterValue("-boost",      &boost);

	RegisterValue("-resolution",  &resolution);
	RegisterValue("-range",       &range);
	RegisterValue("-total_range", &total_range);

	RegisterFlag ("-shadows",    &lodshadows);

	return 1;
Example #24
static void LEDParams(void * id )
	struct LEDOutDriver * led = (struct LEDOutDriver*)id;

	led->total_leds = GetParameterI( "leds", 300 );
	led->last_leds = malloc( led->total_leds * 3 + 1 );
	led->outamp = .1; RegisterValue(  "ledoutamp", PAFLOAT, &led->outamp, sizeof( led->outamp ) );
	led->zigzag = 0; RegisterValue(  "zigzag", PAINT, &led->zigzag, sizeof( led->zigzag ) );
	led->xn = 16;		RegisterValue(  "lightx", PAINT, &led->xn, sizeof( led->xn ) );
	led->yn = 9;		RegisterValue(  "lighty", PAINT, &led->yn, sizeof( led->yn ) );
	led->rot90 = 0;	RegisterValue(  "rot90", PAINT, &led->rot90, sizeof( led->rot90 ) );
	led->array = 0;	RegisterValue(  "ledarray", PAINT, &led->array, sizeof( led->array ) );

	led->did_init = 0;
Example #25
void CPROC ParseINI( uintptr_t psv, char *name, int flags )
	FILE *in = fopen( name, WIDE("rt") );
	if( in )
		char line[1024];
      char section[128];
		char *filename = (char*)pathrchr( name );
		if( filename )
         filename = name;
		while( fgets( line, sizeof( line ), in ) )
			int len = strlen( line );
			if( line[len-1] == '\n' )
				line[len-1] = 0;
			if( line[0] == '[' )
				char *end = strchr( line, ']' );
				if( end )
					end[0] = 0;
               strcpy( section, line + 1 );
			else if( line[0] == ';' )
            // commented line...
				char *val = strchr( line, '=' );
				if( val )
               char *trim = val;
               char classname[1024];
					val[0] = 0;
               while( val[0] == ' ' || val[0] == '\t' ) val++;
					while( trim[0] == ' ' || trim[0] == '\t' ) trim--;
					trim[0] = 0;
					// double slashes for section name...
               // filename will be without a slash, and so is INI...
						char *p = section;
						while( p[0] )
							if( p[0] == '/' || p[0] == '\\' )
								char *c = p;
								while( c[0] ) c++;
								while( c != p )
									c[0] = c[-1];
               sprintf( classname, WIDE("INI/%s/%s"), filename, section );
               RegisterValue( classname, line, val );
      fclose( in );
Example #26
void RegisterStandardValues(void)
	RegisterValue(	kTypeBoolean,		CreateValueBoolean		);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeByte,			CreateValueByte			);

	RegisterValue(	kTypeShort,			CreateValueShort		);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeUShort,		CreateValueUShort		);

	RegisterValue(	kTypeMedium,		CreateValueMedium		);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeUMedium,		CreateValueUMedium		);

	RegisterValue(	kTypeLong,			CreateValueLong			);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeULong,			CreateValueULong		);

	RegisterValue(	kTypeLLong,			CreateValueLLong		);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeULLong,		CreateValueULLong		);

	RegisterValue(	kTypeFloat,			CreateValueFloat		);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeDouble,		CreateValueDouble		);

	RegisterValue(	kTypeDate,			CreateValueDate			);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeTime,			CreateValueTime			);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeDateTime,		CreateValueDateTime		);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeString,		CreateValueString		);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeVarChar,		CreateValueVarChar		);

	RegisterValue(	kTypeFixedBinary,	CreateValueFixedBinary );
	RegisterValue(	kTypeVarBinary,		CreateValueVarBinary	);

	RegisterValue(	kTypeBLOB,			CreateValueBLOB			);
	RegisterValue(	kTypePicture,		CreateValuePicture		);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeText,			CreateValueText			);

	RegisterValue(	kTypeObjectPtr,		CreateValueObjectPtr	);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeRecID,			CreateValueULong	);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeOID,			CreateValueULLong	);
	RegisterValue(	kTypeMoney,			CreateValueMoney		);
void QGeneralSettingWidget::on_chkOSXGesture_toggled(bool checked)
    chkTrayIcon->setChecked( checked );
    emit enableMacOSXGesture( checked );

    QSettings RegisterValue( tr("Habilience"), tr("T3kCfg") );
    RegisterValue.beginGroup( tr("Options") );
    RegisterValue.setValue( tr("MacOSX_Gesture"), checked );

    int nMode = m_pT3kHandle->getInstantMode();
    if( !m_pT3kHandle->getReportCommand() )
        nMode |= T3K_HID_MODE_COMMAND;

    ulong dwFgstValue = checked ? 0x32FFFF : 0x0000;
    checked ? nMode |= T3K_HID_MODE_GESTURE : nMode &= ~T3K_HID_MODE_GESTURE;

    int nRet = m_pT3kHandle->setInstantMode( nMode, m_pT3kHandle->getExpireTime(), dwFgstValue );
    qDebug() << "InstantMode : " << nRet;

    QString strPlistPath = qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/../Info.plist";
    QSettings settings( strPlistPath, QSettings::NativeFormat );
    bool bRet = settings.value( "LSUIElement", false ).toBool();
    bool bRelunch = false;
    if( checked )
        if( !bRet )
            settings.setValue( "LSUIElement", true );
            bRelunch = true;
        if( bRet )
            settings.setValue( "LSUIElement", false );
            bRelunch = true;

    if( bRelunch )
        QLangRes& Res = QLangManager::instance()->getResource();
        QMessageBox::information( QT3kUserData::GetInstance()->getTopParent(),
                                  Res.getResString(QString::fromUtf8("SETTING"), QString::fromUtf8("TITLE_OSXGESTURE_MSG")),
                                  Res.getResString(QString::fromUtf8("SETTING"), QString::fromUtf8("TEXT_OSXGESTURE_MSG")),
                                  QMessageBox::Ok );

        QString strExec( qApp->applicationDirPath() );
        strExec.replace( "/Contents/MacOS", "" );
        qDebug() << strExec;
        QStringList args;
        args << "-e";
        args << "tell application \"" + strExec + "\"";
        args << "-e";
        args << "activate";
        args << "-e";
        args << "end tell";
        QProcess::startDetached( "osascript", args );