static void test_RemoveDirectoryW(void) { WCHAR tmpdir[MAX_PATH]; BOOL ret; static const WCHAR tmp_dir_name[] = {'P','l','e','a','s','e',' ','R','e','m','o','v','e',' ','M','e',0}; static const WCHAR questionW[] = {'?',0}; GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, tmpdir); lstrcatW(tmpdir, tmp_dir_name); ret = CreateDirectoryW(tmpdir, NULL); if (!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { win_skip("CreateDirectoryW is not available\n"); return; } ok(ret == TRUE, "CreateDirectoryW should always succeed\n"); ret = RemoveDirectoryW(tmpdir); ok(ret == TRUE, "RemoveDirectoryW should always succeed\n"); lstrcatW(tmpdir, questionW); ret = RemoveDirectoryW(tmpdir); ok(ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME, "RemoveDirectoryW with wildcard should fail with error 183, ret=%s error=%d\n", ret ? " True" : "False", GetLastError()); tmpdir[lstrlenW(tmpdir) - 1] = '*'; ret = RemoveDirectoryW(tmpdir); ok(ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME, "RemoveDirectoryW with * wildcard name should fail with error 183, ret=%s error=%d\n", ret ? " True" : "False", GetLastError()); }
BOOL WINAPI ResilientRemoveDirectoryW( LPCWSTR lpPathName) { BOOL Success; DWORD LastError; Success = RemoveDirectoryW(lpPathName); LastError = GetLastError(); if (Success) WaitDeletePending(lpPathName); else { for (ULONG MaxTries = DeleteMaxTries; !Success && ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION == GetLastError() && 0 != MaxTries; MaxTries--) { Sleep(DeleteSleepTimeout); Success = RemoveDirectoryW(lpPathName); } } SetLastError(LastError); return Success; }
void removeAll() { RemoveDirectoryW(szDirName); RemoveDirectoryW(szDirName_02); DeleteFileW(szFindName); DeleteFileW(szFindName_02); DeleteFileW(szFindName_03); }
/*! * Removes the existing empty directory. * * @param directoryName Path to the directory. * @returns True if directory was successfully deleted. */ GDAPI bool FileUtilitiesWindows::DirectoryRemove(WideString const& directoryName) { auto const directoryNameSystem = Paths::Platformize(directoryName); if (RemoveDirectoryW(directoryNameSystem.CStr()) == FALSE) { Sleep(0); return RemoveDirectoryW(directoryNameSystem.CStr()) == TRUE; } return false; }
bool os_remove_nonempty_dir(const std::wstring &path) { WIN32_FIND_DATAW wfd; HANDLE hf=FindFirstFileW((path+L"\\*").c_str(), &wfd); BOOL b=true; while( b ) { if( (std::wstring)wfd.cFileName!=L"." && (std::wstring)wfd.cFileName!=L".." ) { if( wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { os_remove_nonempty_dir(path+L"\\"+wfd.cFileName); } else { DeleteFileW((path+L"\\"+wfd.cFileName).c_str()); } } b=FindNextFileW(hf,&wfd); } FindClose(hf); RemoveDirectoryW(path.c_str()); return true; }
bool tr_sys_path_remove(char const* path, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path != NULL); bool ret = false; wchar_t* wide_path = path_to_native_path(path); if (wide_path != NULL) { DWORD const attributes = GetFileAttributesW(wide_path); if (attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { if ((attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { ret = RemoveDirectoryW(wide_path); } else { ret = DeleteFileW(wide_path); } } } if (!ret) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } tr_free(wide_path); return ret; }
int32_t omrfile_unlinkdir(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path) { wchar_t unicodeBuffer[UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE], *unicodePath; BOOL result; /* Convert the filename from UTF8 to Unicode */ unicodePath = file_get_unicode_path(portLibrary, path, unicodeBuffer, UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE); if (NULL == unicodePath) { return -1; } /*PR 93036 - should be able to delete read-only dirs, so we set the file attribute back to normal*/ if (0 == SetFileAttributesW(unicodePath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) { int32_t error = GetLastError(); portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, error, findError(error)); /* continue */ } result = RemoveDirectoryW(unicodePath); if (unicodeBuffer != unicodePath) { portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePath); } if (!result) { int32_t error = GetLastError(); portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, error, findError(error)); return -1; } return 0; }
bool CFileAccess::remove(const char *file, bool recursive /* = false */) { Win32Wide wfile(file); DWORD att = GetFileAttributesW(wfile); if(att==0xFFFFFFFF) return false; SetFileAttributesW(wfile,att&~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); if(att&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if(!recursive) { if(!RemoveDirectoryW(wfile)) return false; } else { cvs::wstring wpath = wfile; if(!_remove(wpath)) return false; } } else { if(!DeleteFileW(wfile)) return false; } return true; }
/********************************************************************* * _wrmdir (MSVCRT.@) * * Unicode version of _rmdir. */ int CDECL MSVCRT__wrmdir(const MSVCRT_wchar_t * dir) { if (RemoveDirectoryW(dir)) return 0; msvcrt_set_errno(GetLastError()); return -1; }
static void exec_rename_dir_dotest(ULONG Flags, PWSTR Prefix, ULONG FileInfoTimeout) { void *memfs = memfs_start_ex(Flags, FileInfoTimeout); WCHAR Dir1Path[MAX_PATH], Dir2Path[MAX_PATH], FilePath[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE Process; StringCbPrintfW(Dir1Path, sizeof Dir1Path, L"%s%s\\dir1", Prefix ? L"" : L"\\\\?\\GLOBALROOT", Prefix ? Prefix : memfs_volumename(memfs)); StringCbPrintfW(Dir2Path, sizeof Dir2Path, L"%s%s\\dir2", Prefix ? L"" : L"\\\\?\\GLOBALROOT", Prefix ? Prefix : memfs_volumename(memfs)); StringCbPrintfW(FilePath, sizeof FilePath, L"%s%s\\dir1\\helper.exe", Prefix ? L"" : L"\\\\?\\GLOBALROOT", Prefix ? Prefix : memfs_volumename(memfs)); ASSERT(CreateDirectoryW(Dir1Path, 0)); ExecHelper(FilePath, 2000, &Process); Sleep(1000); /* give time for file handles to be closed (FlushAndPurgeOnCleanup) */ ASSERT(MoveFileExW(Dir1Path, Dir2Path, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)); ASSERT(MoveFileExW(Dir2Path, Dir1Path, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)); WaitHelper(Process, 2000); ASSERT(DeleteFileW(FilePath)); ASSERT(RemoveDirectoryW(Dir1Path)); memfs_stop(memfs); }
bool RemoveDirectoryIfExists(const char* path) { AWS_LOGSTREAM_INFO(FILE_SYSTEM_UTILS_LOG_TAG, "Removing directory at " << path); if(RemoveDirectoryW(ToLongPath(Aws::Utils::StringUtils::ToWString(path)).c_str())) { AWS_LOGSTREAM_DEBUG(FILE_SYSTEM_UTILS_LOG_TAG, "The remove operation of file at " << path << " Succeeded."); return true; } else { int errorCode = GetLastError(); if (errorCode == ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY) { AWS_LOGSTREAM_ERROR(FILE_SYSTEM_UTILS_LOG_TAG, "The remove operation of file at " << path << " failed. with error code because it was not empty."); } else if(errorCode == ERROR_DIRECTORY) { AWS_LOGSTREAM_DEBUG(FILE_SYSTEM_UTILS_LOG_TAG, "The deletion of directory at " << path << " failed because it doesn't exist."); return true; } AWS_LOGSTREAM_DEBUG(FILE_SYSTEM_UTILS_LOG_TAG, "The remove operation of file at " << path << " failed. with error code " << errorCode); return false; } }
void CDownloadOperation::deleteDirectoryW(LPWSTR path) { WIN32_FIND_DATAW fw; std::wstring wstrPath = path ; wstrPath += L"*.*"; HANDLE hFind= FindFirstFileW(wstrPath.c_str(), &fw); if(hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return ; do { if(wcscmp(fw.cFileName,L".") == 0 || wcscmp(fw.cFileName,L"..") == 0 || wcscmp(fw.cFileName,L".svn") == 0) continue; if(fw.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { std::wstring wstrDirectory = path; wstrDirectory += fw.cFileName; wstrDirectory += L"\\"; deleteDirectoryW((LPWSTR)wstrDirectory.c_str()); RemoveDirectoryW(wstrDirectory.c_str() ); } else { std::wstring existingFile = path; existingFile += fw.cFileName; DeleteFileW(existingFile.c_str() ); } } while( FindNextFile(hFind,&fw) ); FindClose(hFind); }
/* * Arguments: path (string) * Returns: [boolean] */ static int sys_rmdir (lua_State *L) { const char *path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); int res; #ifndef _WIN32 sys_vm_leave(L); res = rmdir(path); sys_vm_enter(L); #else { void *os_path = utf8_to_filename(path); if (!os_path) return sys_seterror(L, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); sys_vm_leave(L); res = is_WinNT ? !RemoveDirectoryW(os_path) : !RemoveDirectoryA(os_path); free(os_path); sys_vm_enter(L); } #endif if (!res) { lua_pushboolean(L, 1); return 1; } return sys_seterror(L, 0); }
bool HostFolder::remove(const std::string &name) { auto hostPath = mPath.join(name); auto winPath = platform::toWinApiString(hostPath.path()); auto child = findChild(name); if (!child) { // File / Directory does not exist, nothing to do return true; } if (!checkPermission(Permissions::Write)) { return false; } auto removed = false; if (child->type() == NodeType::FileNode) { removed = !!DeleteFileW(winPath.c_str()); } else if (child->type() == NodeType::FolderNode) { removed = !!RemoveDirectoryW(winPath.c_str()); } if (removed) { mVirtual.deleteChild(child); } return removed; }
bool tr_sys_path_remove (const char * path, tr_error ** error) { bool ret = false; wchar_t * wide_path; assert (path != NULL); wide_path = tr_win32_utf8_to_native (path, -1); if (wide_path != NULL) { const DWORD attributes = GetFileAttributesW (wide_path); if (attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { if ((attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) ret = RemoveDirectoryW (wide_path); else ret = DeleteFileW (wide_path); } } if (!ret) set_system_error (error, GetLastError ()); tr_free (wide_path); return ret; }
bool File::remove_dir_nt(const wstring& file_path) { ArclitePrivateInfo* system_functions = Far::get_system_functions(); if (system_functions) return system_functions->RemoveDirectory(long_path(file_path).c_str()) != 0; else return RemoveDirectoryW(long_path(file_path).c_str()) != 0; }
HRESULT __cdecl SchRpcDelete(const WCHAR *path, DWORD flags) { WCHAR *full_name; HRESULT hr = S_OK; TRACE("%s,%#x\n", debugstr_w(path), flags); if (flags) return E_INVALIDARG; while (*path == '\\' || *path == '/') path++; if (!*path) return E_ACCESSDENIED; full_name = get_full_name(path, NULL); if (!full_name) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!RemoveDirectoryW(full_name)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DIRECTORY)) hr = DeleteFileW(full_name) ? S_OK : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } heap_free(full_name); return hr; }
int iop_rmdir(io_args_t *const args) { const char *const path = args->arg1.path; int result; ioeta_update(args->estim, path, path, 0, 0); #ifndef _WIN32 result = rmdir(path); if(result != 0) { (void)ioe_errlst_append(&args->result.errors, path, errno, strerror(errno)); } #else { wchar_t *const utf16_path = utf8_to_utf16(path); result = RemoveDirectoryW(utf16_path) == 0; if(result) { /* FIXME: use real system error message here. */ (void)ioe_errlst_append(&args->result.errors, path, IO_ERR_UNKNOWN, "Directory removal failed"); } free(utf16_path); } #endif ioeta_update(args->estim, NULL, NULL, 1, 0); return result; }
bool fs::remove_dir(const std::string& path) { if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { return device->remove_dir(path); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (!RemoveDirectoryW(to_wchar(path).get())) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } return true; #else if (::rmdir(path.c_str()) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } return true; #endif }
static int win_RemoveDir(lua_State *L) { if(RemoveDirectoryW(check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL))) return lua_pushboolean(L, 1), 1; return SysErrorReturn(L); }
static int doPlatformDelete(LPWSTR wpath) { const int isdir = (GetFileAttributesW(wpath) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); const BOOL rc = (isdir) ? RemoveDirectoryW(wpath) : DeleteFileW(wpath); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!rc, errcodeFromWinApi(), 0); return 1; /* if you made it here, it worked. */ } /* doPlatformDelete */
BOOL msi_remove_directory( MSIPACKAGE *package, const WCHAR *path ) { BOOL ret; msi_disable_fs_redirection( package ); ret = RemoveDirectoryW( path ); msi_revert_fs_redirection( package ); return ret; }
static int do_RemoveDirectory(int argc, wchar_t **argv) { if (argc != 2) fail("usage: RemoveDirectory PathName"); BOOL r = RemoveDirectoryW(argv[1]); errprint(r); return 0; }
BOOL WINAPI MyRemoveDirectoryA( __in LPCSTR lpPathName ) { return RemoveDirectoryW( FromUTF8( lpPathName ) ); }
bool DirectoryInfo::RemoveDirectoryA(LPCSTR dirName,bool recursive) { WCHAR dirNameW[MAX_PATH]; if( NULL!=dirName ) { THROW_LASTERROREXCEPTION1( ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, dirName, -1,dirNameW, MAX_PATH) ); } return dirName!=NULL ? RemoveDirectoryW(dirNameW,recursive) : false;; } // of DirectoryInfo::RemoveDirectoryA()
bool DirMan::rmAbsPath(const std::string &dirPath) { BOOL ret = TRUE; struct DirStackEntry { std::wstring path; HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATAW data; }; std::stack<DirStackEntry> dirStack; DirStackEntry ds; ds.hFind = NULL; memset(&, 0, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATAW)); ds.path = Str2WStr(dirPath); dirStack.push(ds); while(!dirStack.empty()) { DirStackEntry *e = &; e->hFind = FindFirstFileW((e->path + L"/*").c_str(), &e->data); bool walkUp = false; if(e->hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if((wcscmp(e->data.cFileName, L"..") == 0) || (wcscmp(e->data.cFileName, L".") == 0)) continue; std::wstring path = e->path + L"/" + e->data.cFileName; if((e->data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { FindClose(e->hFind); ds.path = path; dirStack.push(ds); walkUp = true; break; } else { if(DeleteFileW(path.c_str()) == FALSE) ret = FALSE; } } while(FindNextFileW(e->hFind, &e->data)); } if(!walkUp) { if(e->hFind) FindClose(e->hFind); if(RemoveDirectoryW(e->path.c_str()) == FALSE) ret = FALSE; e = NULL; dirStack.pop(); } } return (ret == TRUE); }
static bool _recursive_delete_directory(WCHAR *directory) { if (directory == NULL) { return false; } WCHAR find_pattern[MAX_PATH]; wcsncpy(find_pattern, directory, MAX_PATH); wcsncat(find_pattern, L"\\*", MAX_PATH); WCHAR dir_path[MAX_PATH]; wcsncpy(dir_path, directory, MAX_PATH); wcsncat(dir_path, L"\\", MAX_PATH); WCHAR file_path[MAX_PATH]; wcsncpy(file_path, dir_path, MAX_PATH); DWORD err; WIN32_FIND_DATAW find_data; HANDLE find_handle = FindFirstFileW(find_pattern, &find_data); if (find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { err = GetLastError(); char *error_message = oscap_windows_error_message(err); oscap_seterr(OSCAP_EFAMILY_WINDOWS, "FindFirstFileW error: %s", error_message); free(error_message); return false; } do { if (wcscmp(find_data.cFileName, L".") != 0 && wcscmp(find_data.cFileName, L"..") != 0) { wcsncat(file_path, find_data.cFileName, MAX_PATH); if (find_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (!_recursive_delete_directory(file_path)) { FindClose(find_handle); return false; } } else { if (!DeleteFileW(file_path)) { err = GetLastError(); char *error_message = oscap_windows_error_message(err); oscap_seterr(OSCAP_EFAMILY_WINDOWS, "DeleteFileW Error: %s", error_message); free(error_message); FindClose(find_handle); return false; } } wcsncpy(file_path, dir_path, MAX_PATH); } } while (FindNextFileW(find_handle, &find_data) != 0); FindClose(find_handle); if (!RemoveDirectoryW(dir_path)) { err = GetLastError(); char *error_message = oscap_windows_error_message(err); oscap_seterr(OSCAP_EFAMILY_WINDOWS, "RemoveDirectoryW error: %s", error_message); free(error_message); return false; } return true; }
CAMLprim value win_rmdir(value path, value wpath) { CAMLparam2(path, wpath); if (!RemoveDirectoryW((LPWSTR)String_val(wpath))) { win32_maperr (GetLastError ()); uerror("rmdir", path); } CAMLreturn (Val_unit); }
bool os_link_symbolic_junctions(const std::wstring &target, const std::wstring &lname) { bool ret=false; std::wstring wtarget=target; HANDLE hJunc=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; char *buf=NULL; if(wtarget.find(os_file_prefix(L""))==0) wtarget.erase(0, os_file_prefix(L"").size()); if(!wtarget.empty() && wtarget[0]!='\\') wtarget=L"\\??\\"+wtarget; if(!wtarget.empty() && wtarget[target.size()-1]!='\\') wtarget+=L"\\"; if(!CreateDirectoryW(lname.c_str(), NULL) ) { goto cleanup; } hJunc=CreateFileW(lname.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT|FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if(hJunc==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto cleanup; size_t bsize=sizeof(REPARSE_MOUNTPOINT_DATA_BUFFER) + (wtarget.size()+1) * sizeof(wchar_t)+30; buf=new char[bsize]; memset(buf, 0, bsize); REPARSE_MOUNTPOINT_DATA_BUFFER *rb=(REPARSE_MOUNTPOINT_DATA_BUFFER*)buf; rb->ReparseTag=IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT; rb->ReparseTargetMaximumLength=(WORD)((wtarget.size()+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); rb->ReparseTargetLength=rb->ReparseTargetMaximumLength-1*sizeof(wchar_t); rb->ReparseDataLength=rb->ReparseTargetLength+12; memcpy(rb->ReparseTarget, wtarget.c_str(), rb->ReparseTargetMaximumLength); DWORD bytes_ret; if(!DeviceIoControl(hJunc, FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT, rb, rb->ReparseDataLength+REPARSE_MOUNTPOINT_HEADER_SIZE, NULL, 0, &bytes_ret, NULL) ) { goto cleanup; } ret=true; cleanup: if(!ret) { #ifndef OS_FUNC_NO_SERVER Server->Log("Creating junction failed. Last error="+nconvert((int)GetLastError()), LL_ERROR); #endif } delete []buf; if(hJunc!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hJunc); if(!ret) { RemoveDirectoryW(lname.c_str()); } return ret; }
int FSSys::RmDir( FSPath& path, int* err, FSCInfo* info ) { std::vector<wchar_t> sp = SysPathStr( _drive, path.GetUnicode( '\\' ) ); if ( RemoveDirectoryW( ) ) { return 0; } DWORD lastError = GetLastError(); if ( lastError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) //возможно read only аттрибут, пытаемся сбросить { if ( SetFileAttributesW(, 0 ) && RemoveDirectoryW( ) ) { return 0; } lastError = GetLastError(); } SetError( err, lastError ); return -1; }