Example #1
int ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( ResNameOrOrdinal *name, uint_8 use_unicode, int handle )
    int         error;
    uint_16     flag;
    uint_16     tmp16;
    uint_8      tmp8;

    if( name == NULL ) {
        error = ResWriteString( "", use_unicode, handle );
    } else {
        if (name->ord.fFlag == 0xff) {
            if( use_unicode ) {
                flag = 0xffff;
                error = ResWriteUint16( &flag, handle );
            } else {
                tmp8 = name->ord.fFlag;
                error = ResWriteUint8( &tmp8, handle );
            if (!error) {
                tmp16 = name->ord.wOrdinalID;
                ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
        } else {
            error = ResWriteString( name->name, use_unicode, handle );

    return( error );
} /* ResWriteNameOrOrdinal */
Example #2
static bool ResWriteDialogControlCommon32( ControlClass *class_id, ResNameOrOrdinal *text,
                                                  uint_16 extra_bytes, FILE *fp )
    bool      error;

    /* if the ClassID is one of the predefined ones write it out as a byte */
    /* otherwise it is a string */
    if( class_id->Class & 0x80 ) {
        /*the class number is prefixed by 0xFFFF to distinguish it
         * from a string */
        error = ResWriteUint16( (uint_16)-1, fp );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint16( class_id->Class, fp );
    } else {
        error = ResWriteString( class_id->ClassName, true, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( text, true, fp );

    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( extra_bytes, fp );

    return( error );
Example #3
static bool SemOS2WriteHelpSubTableEntries( FullHelpSubTableOS2 *helptable,
                                           WResFileID handle )
    FullHelpSubEntryOS2     *currentry = NULL;
    bool                    error;
    uint_16                 tmp = 2;

    if( helptable != NULL ) {
        currentry = helptable->head;
        tmp = helptable->numWords;
    error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp, handle );
    while( currentry != NULL && !error ) {
        error = SemOS2WriteHelpData( currentry->dataListHead, handle,
                                     helptable->numWords );
        currentry = currentry->next;
    if( !error ) {
        tmp = 0;
        error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp, handle ); // Closing zero

    return( error );
Example #4
bool ResWriteDialogBoxHeader32( DialogBoxHeader32 *head, FILE *fp )
    bool            error;

    error = ResWriteUint32( head->Style, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint32( head->ExtendedStyle, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( head->NumOfItems, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteDialogSizeInfo( &(head->SizeInfo), fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteDialogHeaderCommon32( head, fp, false );
    /* if the font was set output the font name and point size */
    if( !error && (head->Style & DS_SETFONT) ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( head->PointSize, fp );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteString( head->FontName, true, fp );

    if( !error ) {
        /* padding full record to dword boundary if necessary */
        error = ResWritePadDWord( fp );
    return( error );
Example #5
bool ResWriteDialogBoxExHeader32( DialogBoxHeader32 *head, DialogBoxExHeader32short *exhead, FILE *fp )
    bool            error;

    /* Write out the miscellaneous two WORDs 0x0001, 0xFFFF */

    error = ResWriteUint16( 0x0001, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( 0xFFFF, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint32( exhead->HelpId, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint32( head->ExtendedStyle, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint32( head->Style, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( head->NumOfItems, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteDialogSizeInfo( &(head->SizeInfo), fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteDialogHeaderCommon32( head, fp, true );
    /* If the font was set, write the font information */
    if( !error && (head->Style & DS_SETFONT) ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( head->PointSize, fp );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint16( exhead->FontWeight, fp );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint8( exhead->FontItalic, fp );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint8( exhead->FontCharset, fp );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteString( head->FontName, true, fp );

    if( !error ) {
        /* padding full record to dword boundary if necessary */
        error = ResWritePadDWord( fp );
    return( error );
Example #6
bool MResWriteResourceHeader( MResResourceHeader *currhead, WResFileID handle, bool iswin32 )
    bool        error;

    if( !iswin32 ) {
        error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( currhead->Type, false, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( currhead->Name, false, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint16( currhead->MemoryFlags, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint32( currhead->Size, handle );
    } else {
        error = ResWriteUint32( currhead->Size, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint32( MResFindHeaderSize( currhead, true ), handle  );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( currhead->Type, true, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( currhead->Name, true, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWritePadDWord( handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint32( currhead->DataVersion, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint16( currhead->MemoryFlags, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint16( currhead->LanguageId, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint32( currhead->Version, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint32( currhead->Characteristics, handle );

    return( error );
} /* MResWriteResourceHeader */
Example #7
bool ResWriteMenuExItemNormal( const MenuItemNormal *curritem, const MenuExItemNormal *exdata,
                              bool use_unicode, WResFileID handle )
    bool        error;
    uint_16     tmp16;
    uint_32     tmp32;

    if( curritem->ItemFlags & MENUEX_POPUP ) {
        error = true;
    } else {
        error = ResWriteUint32( &(exdata->ItemType), handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteUint32( &(exdata->ItemState), handle );
        if( !error ) {
            tmp32 = curritem->ItemID;
            error = ResWriteUint32( &tmp32, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            tmp16 = curritem->ItemFlags;
            error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteString( curritem->ItemText, use_unicode, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResPadDWord( handle );

    return( error );
Example #8
bool ResWriteDialogBoxHeader( DialogBoxHeader *head, FILE *fp )
    bool            error;

    error = ResWriteUint32( head->Style, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint8( head->NumOfItems, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteDialogSizeInfo( &(head->SizeInfo), fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( head->MenuName, false, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( head->ClassName, false, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteString( head->Caption, false, fp );
    /* if the font was set output the font name and point size */
    if( !error && (head->Style & DS_SETFONT) ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( head->PointSize, fp );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteString( head->FontName, false, fp );
    return( error );
Example #9
bool ResWriteDialogBoxControl32( DialogBoxControl32 *control, FILE *fp )
    bool            error;

    error = ResWriteUint32( control->Style, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint32( control->ExtendedStyle, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteDialogSizeInfo( &(control->SizeInfo), fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( control->ID, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteDialogControlCommon32( control->ClassID, control->Text, control->ExtraBytes, fp );

    if( !error ) {
        /* padding full record to dword boundary if necessary */
        error = ResWritePadDWord( fp );
    return( error );
Example #10
bool ResWriteDialogBoxControl( DialogBoxControl *control, FILE *fp )
    bool            error;

    error = ResWriteDialogSizeInfo( &(control->SizeInfo), fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( control->ID, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint32( control->Style, fp );

    /* if the ClassID is one of the predefined ones write it out as a byte */
    /* otherwise it is a string */
    if( !error ) {
        if( control->ClassID->Class & 0x80 ) {
            error = ResWriteUint8( control->ClassID->Class, fp );
        } else {
            error = ResWriteString( control->ClassID->ClassName, false, fp );

    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( control->Text, false, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint8( control->ExtraBytes, fp );

    return( error );
Example #11
static bool ResWriteDialogSizeInfo( DialogSizeInfo *sizeinfo, FILE *fp )
    bool    error;

    error = ResWriteUint16( sizeinfo->x, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( sizeinfo->y, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( sizeinfo->width, fp );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( sizeinfo->height, fp );
    return( error );
Example #12
static bool writeAccelTableEntries( FullAccelTableOS2 *acctable,
                                   WResFileID fid, uint_32 codepage )
    FullAccelEntryOS2   *currentry;
    bool                error;

    error = ResWriteUint16( SemOS2CountAccelTableEntries( acctable ), fid );
    if( !error ) {
        error = ResWriteUint16( codepage, fid );
    currentry = acctable->head;
    while( currentry != NULL && !error ) {
        ResOS2WriteAccelEntry( &currentry->entry, fid );
        currentry = currentry->next;
    return( error );
Example #13
static int writeAccelTableEntries( FullAccelTableOS2 *acctable,
                                   WResFileID handle, uint_32 codepage )
    FullAccelEntryOS2   *currentry;
    int                 error;
    uint_16             tmp;

    tmp = SemOS2CountAccelTableEntries( acctable );
    error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp, handle );
    if( !error ) {
        tmp   = codepage;
        error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp, handle );
    currentry = acctable->head;
    while( currentry != NULL && !error ) {
        ResOS2WriteAccelEntry( &currentry->entry, handle );
        currentry = currentry->next;
    return( error );
Example #14
int ResWriteToolBarHeader( WResFileID handle, uint_16 item1, uint_16 item2, uint_16 cnt )
    uint_16     tmp;
    int         ret;

    // don't know why but MS RC puts out a 1 at the start of the resourece
    // perhaps this is a version ????
    tmp = 1;
    ret =  ResWriteUint16( &tmp, handle );
    if( !ret ) {
        ret =  ResWriteUint16( &item1, handle );
    if( !ret ) {
        ret =  ResWriteUint16( &item2, handle );
    if( !ret ) {
        ret =  ResWriteUint16( &cnt, handle );
    return( ret );
Example #15
extern int ResOS2WriteStringTableBlock( StringTableBlock *currblock,
                                        int handle, uint_32 codepage )
    int         stringid;
    int         error;
    WResIDName  *name;
    uint_16     tmp16;
    uint_8      tmp8;
    uint_8      tmpzero = 0;

    // Write string table codepage
    tmp16 = codepage;
    error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
    if( error )
        return( error );

    tmp16 = 1;

    for( stringid = 0, error = FALSE; stringid < STRTABLE_STRS_PER_BLOCK
                        && !error; stringid++ ) {
        name = currblock->String[ stringid ];
        if( name == NULL ) {
            // Write an empty string
            error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
        } else {
            // The string can't be longer than 255 chars
            tmp8  = (name->NumChars + 1) & 0xFF;
            error = ResWriteUint8( &tmp8, handle );
            if( !error )
                error = ResWriteStringLen( name->Name, FALSE, handle, tmp8 - 1 );
            // The terminating NULL is not stored in the table, need to add it now
            if( !error )
                error = ResWriteUint8( &tmpzero, handle );

    return( error );
} /* ResOS2WriteStringTableBlock */
Example #16
int ResOS2WriteMenuItemNormal( const MenuItemOS2 *curritem, WResFileID handle )
    int         error;
    uint_16     tmp16;

    tmp16 = curritem->ItemStyle;
    error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
    if( !error ) {
        tmp16 = curritem->ItemAttrs;
        error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
    if( !error ) {
        tmp16 = curritem->ItemCmd;
        error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
    if( !error ) {
        if( !(curritem->ItemStyle & OS2_MIS_SEPARATOR) && curritem->ItemText != NULL )
            error = ResWriteString( curritem->ItemText, FALSE, handle );

    return( error );
Example #17
static bool ResOS2WriteStringTableBlock( StringTableBlock *currblock, WResFileID fid, uint_32 codepage )
    int         stringid;
    bool        error;
    WResIDName  *name;

    // Write string table codepage
    error = ResWriteUint16( codepage, fid );
    if( error )
        return( error );

    error = false;
    for( stringid = 0; stringid < STRTABLE_STRS_PER_BLOCK && !error; stringid++ ) {
        name = currblock->String[stringid];
        if( name == NULL ) {
            // Write an empty string
            error = ResWriteUint16( 1, fid );
        } else {
            size_t  len;
            // The string can't be longer than 255 chars
            len = name->NumChars + 1;
            if( len > 255 )
                len = 255;
            error = ResWriteUint8( len, fid );
            if( !error )
                error = ResWriteStringLen( name->Name, false, fid, len - 1 );
            // The terminating NULL is not stored in the table, need to add it now
            if( !error ) {
                error = ResWriteUint8( 0, fid );

    return( error );
} /* ResOS2WriteStringTableBlock */
Example #18
bool ResWriteMenuItemNormal( const MenuItemNormal *curritem, bool use_unicode,
                                                    WResFileID handle )
    bool        error;
    uint_16     tmp16;

    if( curritem->ItemFlags & MENU_POPUP ) {
        error = true;
    } else {
        tmp16 = curritem->ItemFlags;
        error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            tmp16 = curritem->ItemID;
            error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteString( curritem->ItemText, use_unicode, handle );

    return( error );
Example #19
bool ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( ResNameOrOrdinal *name, bool use_unicode, WResFileID handle )
    bool        error;

    if( name == NULL ) {
        error = ResWriteString( "", use_unicode, handle );
    } else {
        if( name->ord.fFlag == 0xff ) {
            if( use_unicode ) {
                error = ResWriteUint16( (uint_16)-1, handle );
            } else {
                error = ResWriteUint8( name->ord.fFlag, handle );
            if( !error ) {
                error = ResWriteUint16( name->ord.wOrdinalID, handle );
        } else {
            error = ResWriteString( name->name, use_unicode, handle );

    return( error );
} /* ResWriteNameOrOrdinal */
Example #20
int WResWriteWResIDNameUni( const WResIDName *name, uint_8 use_unicode, int handle )
    int             error;
    wio_ssize_t     numwrote;
    uint_16         numchars;
    uint_8          tmp;
    char            *ptr;
    int             freebuf;

    freebuf = FALSE;
    error = FALSE;
    if (name == NULL) {
        /* a NULL name means write 0 length name */
        numchars = 0;
    } else {
        numchars = name->NumChars;
    if( use_unicode ) {
        // for short strings use a static buffer in improve performance
        if( numchars <= CONV_BUF_SIZE / 2 ) {
            ptr = ConvBuffer;
        } else {
            freebuf = TRUE;
            ptr = WRESALLOC( 2 * numchars );
        numchars = (ConvToUnicode)( numchars, name->Name, ptr ) / 2;
        error = ResWriteUint16( &numchars, handle );
        numchars *= 2;
    } else {
        numchars &= 0xFF;       /* in 16-bit the string can be no more than
                                   256 characters*/
        tmp = numchars;
        ptr = (char *)name->Name;
        error = ResWriteUint8( &tmp, handle );
    if( !error && numchars > 0 ) {
        numwrote = WRESWRITE( handle, ptr, numchars );
        if( numwrote != numchars ) {
            error = TRUE;
    if( freebuf ) {
        WRESFREE( ptr );
    return( error );
} /* WResWriteWResIDNameUni */
Example #21
bool WResWriteWResID( const WResID *name, WResFileID handle )
    bool        error;

    error = ResWriteUint8( name->IsName, handle );
    if( !error ) {
        if( name->IsName ) {
            error = WResWriteWResIDName( &(name->ID.Name), handle );
        } else {
            error = ResWriteUint16( name->ID.Num, handle );

    return( error );
} /* WResWriteWResID */
Example #22
void SemWriteRawDataItem( RawDataItem item )
    uint_16     num16;
    uint_32     num32;
    bool        error;

    if( item.IsString ) {
        int     len = item.StrLen;

        if( item.WriteNull ) {
        if( ResWriteStringLen( item.Item.String, item.LongItem, CurrResFile.handle, len ) ) {
            RcError( ERR_WRITTING_RES_FILE, CurrResFile.filename, LastWresErrStr() );
            ErrorHasOccured = true;
        if( item.TmpStr ) {
            RCFREE( item.Item.String );
    } else {
        if( !item.LongItem ) {
            if( (int_32)item.Item.Num < 0 ) {
                if( (int_32)item.Item.Num < SHRT_MIN ) {
                    RcWarning( ERR_RAW_DATA_TOO_SMALL, item.Item.Num, SHRT_MIN );
            } else {
                if( item.Item.Num > USHRT_MAX ) {
                    RcWarning( ERR_RAW_DATA_TOO_BIG, item.Item.Num, USHRT_MAX );
        if( !ErrorHasOccured ) {
            if( !item.LongItem ) {
                num16 = item.Item.Num;
                error = ResWriteUint16( &(num16), CurrResFile.handle );
            } else {
                num32 = item.Item.Num;
                error = ResWriteUint32( &(num32), CurrResFile.handle );
            if( error ) {
                RcError( ERR_WRITTING_RES_FILE, CurrResFile.filename, LastWresErrStr() );
                ErrorHasOccured = true;
Example #23
bool WResWriteWResIDNameUni( const WResIDName *name, bool use_unicode, WResFileID handle )
    bool            error;
    uint_16         numchars;
    char            *ptr;
    bool            freebuf;

    freebuf = false;
    error = false;
    if( name == NULL ) {
        /* a NULL name means write 0 length name */
        numchars = 0;
    } else {
        numchars = name->NumChars;
    if( use_unicode ) {
        // for short strings use a static buffer in improve performance
        if( numchars <= CONV_BUF_SIZE / 2 ) {
            ptr = ConvBuffer;
        } else {
            freebuf = true;
            ptr = WRESALLOC( 2 * numchars );
        numchars = (ConvToUnicode)( numchars, name->Name, ptr ) / 2;
        error = ResWriteUint16( numchars, handle );
        numchars *= 2;
    } else {
        /* in 16-bit resources the string can be no more than 255 characters */
        if( numchars > 0xFF )
            numchars = 0xFF;
        ptr = (char *)name->Name;
        error = ResWriteUint8( numchars, handle );
    if( !error && numchars > 0 ) {
        if( WRESWRITE( handle, ptr, numchars ) != numchars ) {
            error = true;
    if( freebuf ) {
        WRESFREE( ptr );
    return( error );
} /* WResWriteWResIDNameUni */
Example #24
void SemOS2WriteFontDir( void )
    FullFontDirEntry *  currentry;
    ResLocation         loc;
    bool                error;

    if( CurrResFile.FontDir == NULL ) {

    loc.start = SemStartResource();

    error = ResWriteUint16( &(CurrResFile.FontDir->NumOfFonts),
                        CurrResFile.handle );
    if( error)
        goto OUTPUT_WRITE_ERROR;

    for( currentry = CurrResFile.FontDir->Head; currentry != NULL;
                currentry = currentry->Next ) {
        error = ResWriteFontDirEntry( &(currentry->Entry), CurrResFile.handle );
        if( error ) {
            goto OUTPUT_WRITE_ERROR;

    loc.len = SemEndResource( loc.start );

    SemAddResourceFree( WResIDFromStr( FONT_DIR_NAME ),
                WResIDFromNum( (long)RT_FONTDIR ), FONT_DIR_FLAGS, loc );

    FreeFontDir( CurrResFile.FontDir );
    CurrResFile.FontDir = NULL;


    RcError( ERR_WRITTING_RES_FILE, CurrResFile.filename, LastWresErrStr() );
    ErrorHasOccured = true;
    FreeFontDir( CurrResFile.FontDir );
    CurrResFile.FontDir = NULL;
Example #25
static bool SemOS2WriteHelpData( DataElemList *list, WResFileID handle, int count )
    uint_16           data;
    bool              error;
    int               i;

    error = false;
    if( list->count > count ) {
        //TODO: output warning
    } else if( list->count < count ) {
        // error
        return( true );
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        data = (uint_16)list->data[i].Item.Num;
        error = ResWriteUint16( &data, handle );
    return( error );
Example #26
static int SemOS2WriteHelpTableEntries( FullHelpTableOS2 * helptable,
                                        WResFileID handle )
    FullHelpEntryOS2    *currentry;
    int                 error = 0;
    uint_16             tmp = 0;

    if( helptable != NULL ) {
        currentry = helptable->head;
        while( currentry != NULL && !error ) {
            error = ResOS2WriteHelpEntry( &currentry->entry, handle );
            currentry = currentry->next;
    if( !error )
        error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp, handle ); // Closing zero

    return( error );
Example #27
int WResWriteWResID( const WResID *name, int handle )
    int         error;
    uint_16     tmp16;
    uint_8      tmp8;

    tmp8 = name->IsName;
    error = ResWriteUint8( &tmp8, handle );
    if( !error ) {
        if( name->IsName ) {
            error = WResWriteWResIDName( &(name->ID.Name), handle );
        } else {
            tmp16 = name->ID.Num;
            error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );

    return( error );
} /* WResWriteWResID */
Example #28
int MResWriteResourceHeader( MResResourceHeader *currhead, int handle, char iswin32 )
    int         error;
    uint_32     headersize;
    uint_16     tmp16;
    uint_32     tmp32;

    if( !iswin32 ) {
        error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( currhead->Type, FALSE, handle );
        if (!error) {
            error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( currhead->Name, FALSE, handle );
        if (!error) {
            tmp16 = currhead->MemoryFlags;
            error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
        if (!error) {
            tmp32 = currhead->Size;
            error = ResWriteUint32( &tmp32, handle );
    } else {
        tmp32 = currhead->Size;
        error = ResWriteUint32( &tmp32, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            headersize = MResFindHeaderSize( currhead, TRUE );
            error = ResWriteUint32( &headersize, handle  );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( currhead->Type, TRUE, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResWriteNameOrOrdinal( currhead->Name, TRUE, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            error = ResPadDWord( handle );
        if( !error ) {
            tmp32 = currhead->DataVersion;
            error = ResWriteUint32( &tmp32, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            tmp16 = currhead->MemoryFlags;
            error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            tmp16 = currhead->LanguageId;
            error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            tmp32 = currhead->Version;
            error = ResWriteUint32( &tmp32, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            tmp32 = currhead->Characteristics;
            error = ResWriteUint32( &tmp32, handle );

    return( error );
} /* MResWriteResourceHeader */