Example #1
  __declspec(dllexport) bool LoadImage(const char *file, unsigned int maxwidth, unsigned int maxheight, ImageInfo *info)
    if (!file || !info) return false;

	if (IsDir(file))
		return false;

	  // load the image
    DWORD dwImageType = GetImageType(file);
    CxImage *image = new CxImage(dwImageType);
    if (!image) return false;

    int actualwidth = maxwidth;
    int actualheight = maxheight;
      if (!image->Load(file, dwImageType, actualwidth, actualheight) || !image->IsValid())
#if !defined(_LINUX) && !defined(__APPLE__)
	    int nErr = GetLastError();
	    int nErr = errno;
        printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: %s Error:%s (%d)\n", file, image->GetLastError(),nErr);
        delete image;
        return false;
    catch (...)
      printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: %s\n", file);
      delete image;
      return false;
    // ok, now resample the image down if necessary
    if (ResampleKeepAspect(*image, maxwidth, maxheight) < 0)
      printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to resample picture: %s\n", file);
      delete image;
      return false;

    // make sure our image is 24bit minimum

    // fill in our struct
    info->width = image->GetWidth();
    info->height = image->GetHeight();
    info->originalwidth = actualwidth;
    info->originalheight = actualheight;
    memcpy(&info->exifInfo, image->GetExifInfo(), sizeof(EXIFINFO));

    // create our texture
    info->context = image;
    info->texture = image->GetBits();
    info->alpha = image->AlphaGetBits();
    return (info->texture != NULL);
Example #2
int ResampleKeepAspectArea(CxImage &image, unsigned int area)
  float fAspect = ((float)image.GetWidth()) / ((float)image.GetHeight());
  unsigned int width = (unsigned int)sqrt(area * fAspect);
  unsigned int height = (unsigned int)sqrt(area / fAspect);
  if (width > MAX_WIDTH) width = MAX_WIDTH;
  if (height > MAX_HEIGHT) height = MAX_HEIGHT;
  return ResampleKeepAspect(image, width, height, true);
Example #3
  __declspec(dllexport) bool CreateFolderThumbnail(const char **file, const char *thumb, int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
    if (!file || !file[0] || !file[1] || !file[2] || !file[3] || !thumb) return false;

    CxImage folderimage(maxWidth, maxHeight, 32, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG);
    int iWidth = maxWidth / 2;
    int iHeight = maxHeight / 2;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
        int width = iWidth;
        int height = iHeight;
        bool bBlank = false;
        if (strlen(file[i*2 + j]) == 0)
          bBlank = true;
        if (!bBlank)
          CxImage image;
          if (image.Load(file[i*2 + j], CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG, width, height))
            // resize image to iWidth
            if (ResampleKeepAspect(image, iWidth - 2, iHeight - 2) >= 0)
              int iOffX = (iWidth - 2 - image.GetWidth()) / 2;
              int iOffY = (iHeight - 2 - image.GetHeight()) / 2;
              for (int x = 0; x < iWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < iHeight; y++)
                  RGBQUAD rgb;
                  if (x < iOffX || x >= iOffX + (int)image.GetWidth() || y < iOffY || y >= iOffY + (int)image.GetHeight())
                    rgb.rgbBlue = 0; rgb.rgbGreen = 0; rgb.rgbRed = 0; rgb.rgbReserved = 0;
                    rgb = image.GetPixelColor(x - iOffX, y - iOffY);
                    rgb.rgbReserved = 255;
                  folderimage.SetPixelColor(x + j*iWidth, y + (1 - i)*iHeight, rgb, true);
              bBlank = true;
            bBlank = true;
        if (bBlank)
        { // no image - just fill with black alpha
          for (int x = 0; x < iWidth; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < iHeight; y++)
              RGBQUAD rgb;
              rgb.rgbBlue = 0; rgb.rgbGreen = 0; rgb.rgbRed = 0; rgb.rgbReserved = 0;
              folderimage.SetPixelColor(x + j*iWidth, y + (1 - i)*iHeight, rgb, true);
    if (!folderimage.Save(thumb, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG))
      printf("Unable to save thumb file");
      return false;
    return true;
Example #4
  __declspec(dllexport) bool LoadImageFromMemory(const BYTE *buffer, unsigned int size, const char *mime, unsigned int maxwidth, unsigned int maxheight, ImageInfo *info)
    if (!buffer || !size || !mime || !info) return false;

    // load the image
    if (strlen(mime))
      dwImageType = GetImageType(mime);
    if (dwImageType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
      dwImageType = DetectFileType(buffer, size);
    if (dwImageType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
      printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to determine image type.");
      return false;

    CxImage *image = new CxImage(dwImageType);
    if (!image)
      return false;

    int actualwidth = maxwidth;
    int actualheight = maxheight;

      bool success = image->Decode((BYTE*)buffer, size, dwImageType, actualwidth, actualheight);
      if (!success && dwImageType != CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
      { // try to decode with unknown imagetype
        success = image->Decode((BYTE*)buffer, size, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);
      if (!success || !image->IsValid())
        printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to decode image. Error:%s\n", image->GetLastError());
        delete image;
        return false;
    catch (...)
      printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to decode image.");
      delete image;
      return false;

    // ok, now resample the image down if necessary
    if (ResampleKeepAspect(*image, maxwidth, maxheight) < 0)
      printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to resample picture\n");
      delete image;
      return false;

    // make sure our image is 24bit minimum

    // fill in our struct
    info->width = image->GetWidth();
    info->height = image->GetHeight();
    info->originalwidth = actualwidth;
    info->originalheight = actualheight;
    memcpy(&info->exifInfo, image->GetExifInfo(), sizeof(EXIFINFO));

    // create our texture
    info->context = image;
    info->texture = image->GetBits();
    info->alpha = image->AlphaGetBits();
    return (info->texture != NULL);