void WiiNetConfig::ReadConfig() { if (File::Exists(m_path)) { if (!File::IOFile(m_path, "rb").ReadBytes(&m_data, sizeof(m_data))) ResetConfig(); } else { ResetConfig(); } }
void MainExitServer() { lprintf("ExitServer terminating server\n"); ExitAsyncConnections(); CloseAllSessions(); /* gotta do this before anything, cause it uses kod, accounts */ CloseDefaultChannels(); ResetLoadMotd(); ResetLoadBof(); ResetTable(); ResetBufferPool(); ResetSysTimer(); ResetDLlist(); ResetNameID(); ResetAccount(); ResetUser(); ResetString(); ResetRoomData(); ResetResource(); ResetTimer(); ResetList(); ResetObject(); ResetMessage(); ResetClass(); ResetConfig(); DeleteAllBlocks(); }
bool Main::Run() { ResetConfig(); GetConfig(); #if _DEBUG mRoot = new Ogre::Root("","","ogre.graphics.log"); #else mRoot = new Ogre::Root("","","ogre.graphics.log"); #endif setupRenderSystem(); Log::Instance().LogMessage("Main Run"); mWindow = mRoot->initialise(true, "Blackstar Engine"); size_t window_hwnd; mWindow->getCustomAttribute("WINDOW", &window_hwnd); createInputSystem(window_hwnd); initScene(); CreateMainLoopThreads(); return true; }
void cGmSystem::Load() { ResetConfig(); Config.IsGMSystem = Configs.GetInt(0, 1, 0, "GMSystem", "IsGMSystem", IAJuliaGM); if(!Config.IsGMSystem)return; Config.IsGMInDB = Configs.GetInt(0, 1, 0, "GMSystem", "IsGMInDB", IAJuliaGM); FILE *file; file = fopen(IAJuliaGM,"r"); if (file == NULL) { Config.IsGMSystem = 0; Log.ConsoleOutPut(1,c_Red,t_Error,"[X] [GMSystem]\tCan`t Find %s",IAJuliaGM); return; } char Buff[256]; int Flag = 0; while (!feof(file)) { fgets(Buff,256,file); if(Utilits.IsBadFileLine(Buff, Flag)) continue; if (Flag == 1) { int n[15]; char GetGMName[11]; int isAdmin; sscanf(Buff, "%d %10s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d",&isAdmin, &GetGMName, &n[0], &n[1], &n[2], &n[3], &n[4], &n[5], &n[6], &n[7], &n[8], &n[9], &n[10], &n[11], &n[12], &n[13], &n[14]); GM[GMCount].IsAdmin = isAdmin; sprintf(GM[GMCount].Name,"%s",GetGMName); GM[GMCount].Drop = n[0]; GM[GMCount].Gg = n[1]; GM[GMCount].SetZen = n[2]; GM[GMCount].Status = n[3]; GM[GMCount].Gmove = n[4]; GM[GMCount].SetPK = n[5]; GM[GMCount].PkClear = n[6]; GM[GMCount].BanPlayer = n[7]; GM[GMCount].Reload = n[8]; GM[GMCount].Skin = n[9]; GM[GMCount].BanPost = n[10]; GM[GMCount].Voskl = n[11]; GM[GMCount].Disconnect = n[12]; GM[GMCount].Trace = n[13]; GM[GMCount].DisableChat = n[14]; GMCount++; } } fclose(file); Log.ConsoleOutPut(1, c_Magenta, t_GM, "[û] [GMSystem]\tLoad successfully. Total GMs: %d", GMCount); }
// ============================================================================= LogBuffer::LogBuffer() : mGenICamEnabled( true ) , mBufferAllEnabled( false ) , mBufferErrorEnabled( true ) , mWriteToFileEnabled( false ) { ResetConfig(); }
void Main::ExternInit() { mRoot = new Ogre::Root("","","ogre.graphics.log"); ResetConfig(); GetConfig(); setupRenderSystem(); mRoot->initialise(false); }
void DllModule::Attach() { ParseCommandLine([&](std::wstring const& key, std::wstring const& val){ if (key == L"ydwe") { ydwe_path = val; } else if (key == L"window") { IsWindowMode = true; } }); try { slk::IniTable table; ResetConfig(table); try { slk::buffer buf = base::file::read_stream(ydwe_path / L"bin" / L"EverConfig.cfg").read<slk::buffer>(); slk::buffer_reader reader(buf); slk::IniReader::Read(reader, table); } catch (...) { } IsFullWindowedMode = "0" != table["MapTest"]["LaunchFullWindowed"]; IsLockingMouse = "0" != table["MapTest"]["LaunchLockingMouse"]; IsFixedRatioWindowed = "0" != table["MapTest"]["LaunchFixedRatioWindowed"]; IsDisableSecurityAccess = "0" != table["MapTest"]["LaunchDisableSecurityAccess"]; try { if (table["War3Patch"]["Option"] == "1") { if (table["MapSave"]["Option"] == "1") { SearchPatch(patch_path, L""); } else if (table["MapSave"]["Option"] == "2") { SearchPatch(patch_path, L""); } } else if (table["War3Patch"]["Option"] == "2") { patch_path = ydwe_path / L"share" / L"patch"/ table["War3Patch"]["DirName"]; } } catch (...) { } } catch (...) { } RealLoadLibraryA = base::hook::iat(L"War3.exe", "kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA", (uintptr_t)FakeLoadLibraryA); }
void NWC24Config::ReadConfig() { if (File::Exists(m_path)) { if (!File::IOFile(m_path, "rb").ReadBytes(&m_data, sizeof(m_data))) { ResetConfig(); } else { const s32 config_error = CheckNwc24Config(); if (config_error) ERROR_LOG(WII_IPC_WC24, "There is an error in the config for for WC24: %d", config_error); } } else { ResetConfig(); } }
/* static */ void Game::Rescan() { TarScanner::DoScan(TarScanner::GAME); Game::scanner_info->RescanDir(); Game::scanner_library->RescanDir(); ResetConfig(); InvalidateWindowData(WC_AI_LIST, 0, 1); SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_AI_DEBUG); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_AI_SETTINGS); }
/* ====================================================================== Function: handleFactoryReset Purpose : reset the module to factory settingd Input : - Output : - Comments: - ====================================================================== */ void handleFactoryReset(void) { // Just to debug where we are Debug(F("Serving /factory_reset page...")); ResetConfig(); ESP.eraseConfig(); Debug(F("sending...")); server.send ( 200, "text/plain", FPSTR(FP_RESTART) ); Debugln(F("Ok!")); delay(1000); ESP.restart(); while (true) delay(1); }
void CocosFrame::OnFileMenuCreateSolution(wxCommandEvent& event) { CreateSolutionDialog path(NULL, wxID_ANY, _T("create solution")); path.CentreOnScreen(); if (wxID_OK == path.ShowModal()) { if (wxFile::Exists(wxT(path.GetPath().c_str()))) { wxLogMessage("solution %s existed!", path.GetPath().c_str()); return; } AppendSolutionItem(path.GetPath()); ResetConfig(); SaveConfig(); } }
// ============================================================================= void LogBuffer::Load( PvConfigurationReader &aReader ) { PvResult lResult; PvString lPvStr; // Always load from a blank setup! ResetConfig(); // bool mGenICamEnabled; lResult = aReader.Restore( TAG_GENICAMENABLED, lPvStr ); if ( lResult.IsOK() ) { mGenICamEnabled = ( lPvStr == VAL_TRUE ); } // bool mBufferAllEnabled; lResult = aReader.Restore( TAG_BUFFERALLENABLED, lPvStr ); if ( lResult.IsOK() ) { mBufferAllEnabled = ( lPvStr == VAL_TRUE ); } // bool mBufferErrorEnabled; lResult = aReader.Restore( TAG_BUFFERERRORENABLED, lPvStr ); if ( lResult.IsOK() ) { mBufferErrorEnabled = ( lPvStr == VAL_TRUE ); } // QString mFilename; lResult = aReader.Restore( TAG_LOGFILENAME, lPvStr ); if ( lResult.IsOK() ) { SetFilename( lPvStr.GetAscii() ); } // bool mWriteToFileEnabled; lResult = aReader.Restore( TAG_WRITETOFILEENABLED, lPvStr ); if ( lResult.IsOK() ) { SetWriteToFileEnabled( lPvStr == VAL_TRUE ); } }
void cDropSystem::Load() { ResetConfig(); FILE *file; file = fopen(IAJuliaDropSystem,"r"); if (file == NULL) { Log.ConsoleOutPut(1, c_Red, t_Error, "[X] [Drop System]\tImpossivel abrir %s", IAJuliaDropSystem); return; } char Buff[256]; int Flag = 0; while (!feof(file)) { fgets(Buff,256,file); if(Utilits.IsBadFileLine(Buff, Flag)) { continue; } if(Flag == 1) { int n[22]; sscanf(Buff, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &n[0], &n[1], &n[2], &n[3], &n[4], &n[5], &n[6], &n[7], &n[8], &n[9], &n[10], &n[11], &n[12], &n[13], &n[14], &n[15], &n[16], &n[17], &n[18], &n[19], &n[20], &n[21]); if(n[0] == -1) { int j = AllMobArrayMaxItem; if(j >= 1000) { continue; } AllMobItemsDrop[j].MMap = n[1]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].MMinLvl = n[2]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].MMaxLvl = n[3]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IDropRate = n[4]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IGroup = n[5]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IIndex = n[6]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IMinLvl = n[7]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IMaxLvl = n[8]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].ILvlRate = n[9]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IMinOpt = n[10]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IMaxOpt = n[11]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IOptRate = n[12]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].ISkill = n[13]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].ISkillRate = n[14]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].ILuck = n[15]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].ILuckRate = n[16]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IMinExc = n[17]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IMaxExc = n[18]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IExcRate = n[19]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IAnc = n[20]; AllMobItemsDrop[j].IAncRate = n[21]; AllMobArrayMaxItem = ++j; } else { int MobId = n[0]; int j = ArrayMaxItem[MobId]; if(j >= MAX_ITEM_FOR_MONSTER) { continue; } ItemsDrop[MobId][j].MMap = n[1]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].MMinLvl = n[2]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].MMaxLvl = n[3]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IDropRate = n[4]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IGroup = n[5]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IIndex = n[6]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IMinLvl = n[7]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IMaxLvl = n[8]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].ILvlRate = n[9]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IMinOpt = n[10]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IMaxOpt = n[11]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IOptRate = n[12]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].ISkill = n[13]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].ISkillRate = n[14]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].ILuck = n[15]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].ILuckRate = n[16]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IMinExc = n[17]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IMaxExc = n[18]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IExcRate = n[19]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IAnc = n[20]; ItemsDrop[MobId][j].IAncRate = n[21]; ArrayMaxItem[MobId] = ++j; } } } fclose(file); Log.ConsoleOutPut(1, c_Yellow, t_DROP, "[û] [Drop System]\tItens carregados"); }
static void Initialize(HWND hWnd) { _hWnd = hWnd; ResetConfig(); SE_InitEngine(""); // Get device content HDC hDC = GetDC(hWnd); if(hDC==NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; } EnumFonts(hDC,NULL,(FONTENUMPROC)ProcEnumFonts,0); SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,ICB_FONT_NAMES,CB_SETCURSEL,(WPARAM) 0,0); char strText[32] = {0,}; INDEX ctFontSizes = sizeof(_aiFontSizes) / sizeof(INDEX); for(INDEX ifs=0;ifs<ctFontSizes;ifs++) { itoa(_aiFontSizes[ifs],strText,10); SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,ICB_FONT_SIZES,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) strText); } SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,ICB_FONT_SIZES,CB_SETCURSEL,(WPARAM)4, 0); // Align SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,IDC_ALIGN_H,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) "H"); SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,IDC_ALIGN_H,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) "C"); SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,IDC_ALIGN_H,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) "V"); SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,IDC_ALIGN_V,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) "H"); SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,IDC_ALIGN_V,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) "C"); SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,IDC_ALIGN_V,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) "V"); SetComboIndex(IDC_ALIGN_H,1); SetComboIndex(IDC_ALIGN_V,1); INDEX ctTexSizes = sizeof(_aiTexSizes) / sizeof(INDEX); for(INDEX its=0;its<ctTexSizes;its++) { itoa(_aiTexSizes[its],strText,10); SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,ICB_TEX_WIDTH,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) strText); SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,ICB_TEX_HEIGHT,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) strText); } SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,ICB_TEX_WIDTH,CB_SETCURSEL,(WPARAM)2, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(_hWnd,ICB_TEX_HEIGHT,CB_SETCURSEL,(WPARAM)2, 0); ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); HWND hWndCanvas = GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_CANVAS); ASSERT(hWndCanvas!=NULL); ClearCharTable(); SetWindowLong(hWndCanvas,GWL_WNDPROC,(LONG)CanvasProc); _pGfx->ResetDisplayMode(GAT_OGL); _pGfx->CreateWindowCanvas(hWndCanvas, &_pvpViewPort, &_pdpDrawPort); UpdateWindow(hWndCanvas); _bInitialized = TRUE; GenerateFont(); LoadSettings((CTString)"Temp\\GenFont.cfg"); }
/* static */ void AI::Rescan() { AI::ai_scanner->RescanAIDir(); ResetConfig(); }