Example #1
void HDP::sample_first_level_concentration(double gamma_a, double gamma_b) {
  /// (p 585 in escobar and west)
  double shape = gamma_a;
  double scale = gamma_b;
  int n = 0;
  RNGScope scope;
  for (int k = 0; k < hdp_state_->num_topics_; ++k) {
    n += hdp_state_->beta_u_[k];

  double eta = Rf_rbeta(hdp_state_->gamma_ + 1, n);
  double pi = shape + hdp_state_->num_topics_ - 1;
  double rate = 1.0 / scale - log(eta);
  pi = pi / (pi + rate * n);

  unsigned int cc = Rf_rbinom(1,pi);
  if (cc == 1)
    hdp_state_->gamma_ = Rf_rgamma(shape + hdp_state_->num_topics_, 1.0 / rate);
    hdp_state_->gamma_ = Rf_rgamma(shape + hdp_state_->num_topics_ - 1, 1.0 / rate);
Example #2
void MCMCPkPg::update_sigma_theta( PkPgModel& model, PkPgResult& Result ){
  mat eIv( model.V, model.V ); 
  eIv = eIv * model.epsilon;
  double sd =( 5.6644 / model.V ); 
  for(size_t i = 0; i< model.N; i++ ){
      rowvec theta_bar_old = Result.logTheta_bar_old.row( i );
      rowvec theta_bar_now = Result.logTheta_bar.row( i );
      rowvec theta_now     = Result.logTheta.row( i );
      rowvec theta_old     = Result.logTheta_old.row( i );
      if( cIter < 5000 ){ 
         Result.SS_theta.slice( i ) = Result.SS_theta.slice( i ) + theta_now.t() * theta_now;
      } else if( cIter >= 5000 ){
         Result.SS_theta.slice( i ) = Result.SS_theta.slice( i ) + theta_now.t() * theta_now;
         if( Rf_rbinom(1,0.01) == 1 ){ 
                 Result.Sigma_theta.slice(i)  =  sd * ( (  Result.SS_theta.slice( i ) 
                                                         - ( cIter + 2 ) * theta_bar_now.t()*theta_bar_now )/( cIter + 1 ) 
                                                          + eIv ) ; //sd *  
          } else {
                  Result.Sigma_theta.slice(i) = Result.SigmaTheta0;
          }                                  // /(cIter);
                                                              //+ sd * eIv;
      } //else{ 
        // if( cIter> 20 ){ //T0=10
        //   mat to = cIter*theta_old.t() * theta_bar_old;
        //   mat tn=( cIter + 1 ) * theta_bar_now.t()*theta_bar_now;
        //   mat tt=theta_now.t() * theta_now;
          // Result.Sigma_theta.slice( i ) = (  (cIter) / cIter+1 ) * Result.Sigma_theta.slice( i ) 
          //                               + ( sd / ( cIter + 1 ) ) 
          //                               * (  ( cIter + 1 ) * theta_bar_old.t() * theta_bar_old
          //                                  - ( cIter + 2 ) * theta_bar_now.t() * theta_bar_now
          //                                  + theta_now.t() * theta_now
          //                                  + eIv );
        // // } else {
Example #3
void HDP::sample_second_level_concentration(double alpha_a, double alpha_b) {
  double  shape = alpha_a;
  double  scale = alpha_b;
  RNGScope scope;
  int n = 0;
  for (int k = 0; k < hdp_state_->num_topics_; ++k) {
    n += hdp_state_->beta_u_[k];
  double rate, sum_log_w, sum_s;

  for (int step = 0; step < 20; ++step) {
    sum_log_w = 0.0;
    sum_s = 0.0;
    for (int d = 0; d < num_docs_; ++d) {
      sum_log_w += log(Rf_rbeta(hdp_state_->alpha_ + 1, doc_states_[d]->doc_length_));
      sum_s += (double)Rf_rbinom(1,doc_states_[d]->doc_length_ / (doc_states_[d]->doc_length_ + hdp_state_->alpha_));
    rate = 1.0 / scale - sum_log_w;
    hdp_state_->alpha_ = Rf_rgamma(shape + n - sum_s, 1.0 / rate);
Example #4
Type rbinom(Type size, Type prob)
  return Rf_rbinom(asDouble(size), asDouble(prob));