int Bootstrap() { applicationHome = GetApplicationHomePath(); string manifestPath = FileUtils::Join(applicationHome.c_str(), MANIFEST_FILENAME, NULL); if (!FileUtils::IsFile(manifestPath)) { string error("Application packaging error: no manifest was found at: "); error.append(manifestPath); ShowError(error); return __LINE__; } app = Application::NewApplication(applicationHome); if (app.isNull()) { string error("Application packaging error: could not read manifest at: "); error.append(manifestPath); ShowError(error); return __LINE__; } app->SetArguments(argc, argv); // Look for a .update file in the app data directory FindUpdate(); vector<SharedDependency> missing = app->ResolveDependencies(); if (app->HasArgument("debug")) { vector<SharedComponent> resolved = app->GetResolvedComponents(); for (size_t i = 0; i < resolved.size(); i++) { SharedComponent c = resolved[i]; std::cout << "Resolved: (" << c->name << " " << c->version << ") " << c->path << std::endl; } for (size_t i = 0; i < missing.size(); i++) { SharedDependency d =; std::cerr << "Unresolved: " << d->name << " " << d->version << std::endl; } } bool forceInstall = app->HasArgument("--force-install"); if (forceInstall || !missing.empty() || !app->IsInstalled() || !updateFile.empty()) { // If this list of dependencies incluces the SDKs, just install // those -- we assume that they also supply our other dependencies. missing = FilterForSDKInstall(missing); if (!RunInstaller(missing, forceInstall)) { return __LINE__; } missing = app->ResolveDependencies(); } if (missing.size() > 0 || !app->IsInstalled()) { // The user cancelled or the installer encountered an error // -- which is should have already reported. We're not checking // for updateFile.empty() here, because if the user cancelled // the update, we just want to start the application as usual. return __LINE__; } // Construct a list of module pathnames for setting up library paths std::ostringstream moduleList; vector<SharedComponent>::iterator i = app->modules.begin(); while (i != app->modules.end()) { SharedComponent module = *i++; moduleList << module->path << MODULE_SEPARATOR; } EnvironmentUtils::Set(BOOTSTRAP_ENV, "YES"); EnvironmentUtils::Set("KR_HOME", app->path); EnvironmentUtils::Set("KR_RUNTIME", app->runtime->path); EnvironmentUtils::Set("KR_MODULES", moduleList.str()); BootstrapPlatformSpecific(moduleList.str()); if (!updateFile.empty()) { FileUtils::DeleteFile(updateFile); } string error = Blastoff(); // If everything goes correctly, we should never get here error = string("Launching application failed: ") + error; ShowError(error, false); return __LINE__; }
void RunScript(FILE * script, const char * path) { ErrFunc_f old = InstallErrFunc(ScriptError, NULL); char * mem; int len, ok; char strbuf[1024]; strcpy(strbuf, path); strcat(strbuf, DIR_STR); MakeDirExist(strbuf); strcat(strbuf, "Installer Log.txt"); scriptLog = fopen(strbuf, "w"); if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Installing X-Plane to %s.\n", path); char from_buf[1024], to_buf[1024], partial[1024]; const char * app_path = GetApplicationPath(); if (app_path == NULL) { return; } bool condition = true; while (get_line(script, strbuf, sizeof(strbuf)-1)) { char * t; char * p = strbuf; t = next_token(&p); if (t == NULL) continue; if (!strcmp(t, "NOCONDITION")) { condition = true; } if (!strcmp(t, "ELSE")) { condition = !condition; } if (!strcmp(t, "MESSAGE")) { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Note: %s\n", p); DoUserAlert(p); } if (!strcmp(t, "CONDITION")) { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Checking: %s\n", p); condition = ConfirmMessage(p, "Yes", "No"); if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Answer: %s\n", condition ? "yes" : "no"); } if (!strcmp(t, "UPDATE")) { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Running update.\n"); if (condition) RunInstaller(path); } if (!strcmp(t, "COPY")) { t = next_token(&p); float indi = -1.0; sprintf(msgBuf, "Installing %s...", t); ShowProgressMessage(msgBuf, &indi); strcpy(from_buf, app_path); strip_to_delim(from_buf,DIR_CHAR); strcat(from_buf, t); strcpy(to_buf, path); strcat(to_buf, DIR_STR); strcat(to_buf, p); normalize_dir_chars(to_buf); normalize_dir_chars(from_buf); if (condition) { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Copying %s to %s\n", from_buf, to_buf); ok = FileToBlock(from_buf, &mem, &len); if (!ok) return; ok = BlockToFile(to_buf, mem); if (!ok) return; free(mem); } else { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Not copying %s to %s\n", from_buf, to_buf); } } if (!strcmp(t, "UNZIP")) { t = next_token(&p); sprintf(msgBuf, "Installing %s...", t); strcpy(from_buf, app_path); strip_to_delim(from_buf,DIR_CHAR); strcat(from_buf, t); if (!strcmp(p, "/")) { strcpy(partial, path); strcat(partial, DIR_STR); } else { strcpy(partial, path); strcat(partial, DIR_STR); strcat(partial, p); } normalize_dir_chars(partial); normalize_dir_chars(from_buf); if (condition) { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Unzipping %s to %s\n", from_buf, partial); unzFile unz = unzOpen(from_buf); if (unz == NULL) { ReportError("Unable to open zip file.", EUNKNOWN, from_buf); return; } unz_global_info global; unzGetGlobalInfo(unz, &global); unzGoToFirstFile(unz); int counter = 0; do { char zip_path[1024]; unz_file_info info; unzGetCurrentFileInfo(unz, &info, zip_path, sizeof(zip_path), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); sprintf(msgBuf, "Installing %s...", zip_path); float prog = (global.number_entry > 0) ? ((float) counter / (float) global.number_entry) : -1.0; ShowProgressMessage(msgBuf, &prog); ++counter; strcpy(to_buf, partial); strcat(to_buf, zip_path); normalize_dir_chars(to_buf); strip_to_delim(to_buf, DIR_CHAR); MakeDirExist(to_buf); if (info.uncompressed_size == 0) continue; char * mem = (char *) malloc(info.uncompressed_size); if (!mem) { ReportError("Out of memory", ENOMEM, NULL); return; } unzOpenCurrentFile(unz); int result = unzReadCurrentFile(unz,mem, info.uncompressed_size); if (result != info.uncompressed_size) { ReportError("Could not read installer archive.", EUNKNOWN, zip_path); } unzCloseCurrentFile(unz); strcpy(to_buf, partial); strcat(to_buf, zip_path); normalize_dir_chars(to_buf); FILE * fi = fopen(to_buf, "wb"); if (fi == NULL) { ReportError("Could not create file", errno, to_buf); return; } result = fwrite(mem, 1, info.uncompressed_size, fi); if (result != info.uncompressed_size) { ReportError("Could not read installer archive.", errno, to_buf); } fclose(fi); free(mem); } while(unzGoToNextFile(unz) == UNZ_OK); unzClose(unz); } else { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Not unzipping %s to %s\n", from_buf, partial); } } } InstallErrFunc(old, NULL); if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Installer completed successfully.\n"); if (scriptLog) fclose(scriptLog); DoUserAlert("Installation was successful!"); }
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { WNDCLASS wc; HWND hwndFW; hInst = hInstance; LoadString(hInst, IDS_TITLE, szTitle, MAX_BUF); // Parse the command line ParseCommandLine(lpCmdLine); /* Allow multiple installer instances with the provision that each instance is guaranteed to have its own unique setup directory */ if(FindWindow("NSExtracting", "Extracting...") != NULL || (hwndFW = FindWindow(CLASS_NAME_SETUP_DLG, NULL)) != NULL || (hwndFW = FindWindow(CLASS_NAME_SETUP, NULL)) != NULL) { if (gbAllowMultipleInstalls) { char szTempPath[MAX_BUF]; GetFullTempPathName("", MAX_BUF, szTempPath); DWORD dwLen = lstrlen(gszWizTempDir); for(int i = 1; i <= 100 && (FileExists(szTempPath) != FALSE); i++) { itoa(i, (gszWizTempDir + dwLen), 10); GetFullTempPathName("", MAX_BUF, szTempPath); } if (FileExists(szTempPath) != FALSE) { MessageBox(NULL, "Cannot create temp directory", NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); exit(1); } } else { if (hwndFW!=NULL) { ShowWindow(hwndFW, SW_RESTORE); SetForegroundWindow(hwndFW); } return(1); } } // Figure out the total size of the resources EnumResourceNames(NULL, "FILE", (ENUMRESNAMEPROC)SizeOfResourcesProc, 0); // Register a class for the gauge memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(wc)); wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)GaugeWndProc; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1); wc.lpszClassName = "NSGauge"; RegisterClass(&wc); // Register a class for the main dialog memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(wc)); = CS_DBLCLKS | CS_SAVEBITS | CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW; wc.lpfnWndProc = DefDlgProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = DLGWINDOWEXTRA; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); wc.lpszClassName = "NSExtracting"; RegisterClass(&wc); if(dwMode != SILENT) { // Display the dialog box dlgInfo.hWndDlg = CreateDialog(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_EXTRACTING), NULL, (DLGPROC)DialogProc); UpdateWindow(dlgInfo.hWndDlg); } // Extract the files EnumResourceNames(NULL, "FILE", (ENUMRESNAMEPROC)ExtractFilesProc, 0); // Launch the install program and wait for it to finish RunInstaller(); return 0; }