Example #1
rowvec Connectome::richClub(const mat &W, int klevel)
        inputs:     W:       weighted connection matrix
                    k-level: max level of RC(k).
                    When k-level is -1, k-level is set to max of degree of W
        output:     rich:         rich-club curve

    adopted from Opsahl et al. Phys Rev Lett, 2008, 101(16)

    rowvec nodeDegree = degree(W);
    if (klevel == -1)
        klevel = nodeDegree.max();
    vec wrank = sort(vectorise(W),"descend");
    rowvec Rw = rowvec(1,W.n_rows).fill(datum::nan);
    uvec smallNodes;
    for (uint kk=0;kk<klevel;++kk) {
        smallNodes = find(nodeDegree<kk+1);
        if (smallNodes.is_empty())
        mat cutOutW = W;
        smallNodes = sort(smallNodes,"descend");
        for (uint i =0;i<smallNodes.n_elem;++i) {
        double Wr = accu(cutOutW);
        uvec t = find(cutOutW != 0);
        if (!t.is_empty())
            Rw(kk) = Wr/ accu(wrank.subvec(0,t.n_elem-1));
    return Rw;
Example #2
  Insert \f$ l_r \f$ times a knot in the \f$ l_k \f$ th interval of the knot vector. The inserted knot \f$ l_u \f$ has multiplicity \f$ l_s \f$.
  Of course the knot vector changes. But The list of control points and the list of the associated weights change too.
  \param l_u : A real number which is between the extrimities of the knot vector and which has to be inserted.
  \param l_k : The number of the knot interval in which \f$ l_u \f$ lies.
  \param l_s : Multiplicity of \f$ l_u \f$
  \param l_r : Number of times \f$ l_u \f$ has to be inserted.
  \param l_p : Degree of the NURBS basis functions.
  \param l_knots : The knot vector
  \param l_controlPoints : the list of control points.
  \param l_weights : the list of weights.
void vpNurbs::curveKnotIns(double l_u, unsigned int l_k, unsigned int l_s, unsigned int l_r, unsigned int l_p, std::vector<double> &l_knots, std::vector<vpImagePoint> &l_controlPoints, std::vector<double> &l_weights)
  vpMatrix Rw(l_p+1,3);
  std::vector<vpImagePoint>::iterator it1;
  std::vector<double>::iterator it2;
  vpImagePoint pt;
  double w = 0;

  for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= l_p-l_s; j++)
    Rw[j][0] = (l_controlPoints[l_k-l_p+j]).get_i() * l_weights[l_k-l_p+j];
    Rw[j][1] = (l_controlPoints[l_k-l_p+j]).get_j() * l_weights[l_k-l_p+j];
    Rw[j][2] = l_weights[l_k-l_p+j];

  it1 = l_controlPoints.begin();
  l_controlPoints.insert(it1+(int)l_k-(int)l_s, l_r, pt);
  it2 = l_weights.begin();
  l_weights.insert(it2+(int)l_k-(int)l_s, l_r, w);

  unsigned int L=0;
  double alpha;
  for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= l_r; j++)
    L = l_k - l_p +j;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <=l_p-j-l_s; i++)
      alpha = (l_u - l_knots[L+i])/(l_knots[i+l_k+1] - l_knots[L+i]);
      Rw[i][0]= alpha*Rw[i+1][0]+(1.0-alpha)*Rw[i][0];
      Rw[i][1]= alpha*Rw[i+1][1]+(1.0-alpha)*Rw[i][1];
      Rw[i][2]= alpha*Rw[i+1][2]+(1.0-alpha)*Rw[i][2];

    l_controlPoints[L] = pt;
    l_weights[L] = Rw[0][2];

    l_controlPoints[l_k+l_r-j-l_s] = pt;
    l_weights[l_k+l_r-j-l_s] = Rw[l_p-j-l_s][2];

  for(unsigned int j = L+1; j < l_k-l_s; j++)
    l_controlPoints[j] = pt;
    l_weights[j] = Rw[j-L][2];

  it2 = l_knots.begin();
  l_knots.insert(it2+(int)l_k, l_r, l_u);
Example #3
void lcd_init(){
Example #4
  Method which enables to compute a NURBS curve approximating a set of data points.
  The data points are approximated thanks to a least square method.
  The result of the method is composed by a knot vector, a set of control points and a set of associated weights.
  \param l_crossingPoints : The list of data points which have to be interpolated.
  \param l_p : Degree of the NURBS basis functions.
  \param l_n : The desired number of control points. l_n must be under or equal to the number of data points.
  \param l_knots : The knot vector.
  \param l_controlPoints : the list of control points.
  \param l_weights : the list of weights.
void vpNurbs::globalCurveApprox(std::vector<vpImagePoint> &l_crossingPoints, unsigned int l_p, unsigned int l_n, std::vector<double> &l_knots, std::vector<vpImagePoint> &l_controlPoints, std::vector<double> &l_weights)
  unsigned int m = (unsigned int)l_crossingPoints.size()-1;

  double d = 0;
  for(unsigned int k=1; k<=m; k++)
    d = d + distance(l_crossingPoints[k],1,l_crossingPoints[k-1],1);
  //Compute ubar
  std::vector<double> ubar;
  for(unsigned int k=1; k<m; k++)

  //Compute the knot vector
  for(unsigned int k = 0; k <= l_p; k++)
  d = (double)(m+1)/(double)(l_n-l_p+1);
  for(unsigned int j = 1; j <= l_n-l_p; j++)
    double i = floor(j*d);
    double alpha = j*d-i;
    l_knots.push_back((1.0-alpha)*ubar[(unsigned int)i-1]+alpha*ubar[(unsigned int)i]);

  for(unsigned int k = 0; k <= l_p ; k++)

  //Compute Rk
  std::vector<vpImagePoint> Rk;
  vpBasisFunction* N;
  for(unsigned int k = 1; k <= m-1; k++)
    unsigned int span = findSpan(ubar[k], l_p, l_knots);
    if (span == l_p && span == l_n) 
      N = computeBasisFuns(ubar[k], span, l_p, l_knots);
      vpImagePoint pt(l_crossingPoints[k].get_i()-N[0].value*l_crossingPoints[0].get_i()-N[l_p].value*l_crossingPoints[m].get_i(),
      delete[] N;
    else if (span == l_p) 
      N = computeBasisFuns(ubar[k], span, l_p, l_knots);
      vpImagePoint pt(l_crossingPoints[k].get_i()-N[0].value*l_crossingPoints[0].get_i(),
      delete[] N;
    else if (span == l_n)
      N = computeBasisFuns(ubar[k], span, l_p, l_knots);
      vpImagePoint pt(l_crossingPoints[k].get_i()-N[l_p].value*l_crossingPoints[m].get_i(),
      delete[] N;

  vpMatrix A(m-1,l_n-1);
  //Compute A
  for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= m-1; i++)
    unsigned int span = findSpan(ubar[i], l_p, l_knots);
    N = computeBasisFuns(ubar[i], span, l_p, l_knots);
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k <= l_p; k++)
      if (N[k].i > 0 && N[k].i < l_n)
        A[i-1][N[k].i-1] = N[k].value;
    delete[] N;
  vpColVector Ri(l_n-1);
  vpColVector Rj(l_n-1);
  vpColVector Rw(l_n-1);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_n-1; i++)
    double sum =0;
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < m-1; k++) sum = sum + A[k][i]*Rk[k].get_i();
    Ri[i] = sum;
    sum = 0;
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < m-1; k++) sum = sum + A[k][i]*Rk[k].get_j();
    Rj[i] = sum;
    sum = 0;
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < m-1; k++) sum = sum + A[k][i]; //The crossing points weigths are equal to 1.
    Rw[i] = sum;
  vpMatrix AtA = A.AtA();
  vpMatrix AtAinv;
  vpColVector Pi = AtAinv*Ri;
  vpColVector Pj = AtAinv*Rj;
  vpColVector Pw = AtAinv*Rw;
  vpImagePoint pt;
  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < l_n-1; k++)
Example #5
inline void converter<point_t>::knot_insertion(point_container_t& P,
                                               std::multiset<value_type>& knots,
                                               std::size_t order,
                                               value_type t) const {
  typedef typename point_t::value_type value_type;

  // copy knotvector for subscript [] access
  std::vector<value_type> kv_cpy(knots.begin(), knots.end());
  // get parameter
  std::size_t p = order - 1;                        // degree
  std::size_t s = knots.count(t);                   // multiplicity
  std::size_t r = std::max(std::size_t(0), p - s);  // number of insertions

  // get knotspan
  std::size_t k = std::distance(knots.begin(), knots.upper_bound(t));
  std::size_t np = P.size();  // number of control points

  // start computation
  std::size_t nq = np + r;

  // helper arrays
  std::vector<point_t> Qw(nq);
  std::vector<point_t> Rw(p - s + 1);

  // copy unaffected points and transform into homogenous coords
  for (size_t i = 0; i <= k - p; ++i) {
    Qw[i] = P[i].as_homogenous();
  for (size_t i = k - s - 1; i <= np - 1; ++i) {
    Qw[i + r] = P[i].as_homogenous();

  // helper points
  for (size_t i = 0; i <= p - s; ++i) {
    Rw[i] = P[k - p + i - 1].as_homogenous();

  // do knot insertion itself
  std::size_t L = 0;
  for (std::size_t j = 1; j <= r; ++j) {
    L = k - p + j;
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i <= p - j - s; ++i) {
      value_type alpha =
          (t - kv_cpy[L + i - 1]) / (kv_cpy[i + k] - kv_cpy[L + i - 1]);
      Rw[i] = alpha * Rw[i + 1] + value_type(1.0 - alpha) * Rw[i];
    Qw[L - 1] = Rw[0];
    Qw[k + r - j - s - 1] = Rw[p - j - s];

  // insert knots
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < r; ++i) {

  // copy new control points

  // transform back to euclidian space
  for (typename std::vector<point_t>::iterator i = Qw.begin(); i != Qw.end();
       ++i) {