 * @fn          zb_StartRequest
 * @brief       The zb_StartRequest function starts the ZigBee stack.  When the
 *              ZigBee stack starts, the device reads configuration parameters
 *              from Nonvolatile memory and the device joins its network.  The
 *              ZigBee stack calls the zb_StartConrifm callback function when
 *              the startup process completes.
 * @param       none
 * @return      none
void zb_StartRequest()
  uint8 logicalType;

  zb_ReadConfiguration( ZCD_NV_LOGICAL_TYPE, sizeof(uint8), &logicalType );

  // Check for bad combinations of compile flag definitions and device type setting.
  if ((logicalType > ZG_DEVICETYPE_ENDDEVICE)      ||
#if !ZG_BUILD_ENDDEVICE_TYPE   // Only RTR or Coord possible.
      (logicalType == ZG_DEVICETYPE_ENDDEVICE)     ||
#if !ZG_BUILD_RTR_TYPE         // Only End Device possible.
      (logicalType == ZG_DEVICETYPE_ROUTER)        ||
      (logicalType == ZG_DEVICETYPE_COORDINATOR)   ||
#elif ZG_BUILD_RTRONLY_TYPE    // Only RTR possible.
      (logicalType == ZG_DEVICETYPE_COORDINATOR)   ||
#elif !ZG_BUILD_JOINING_TYPE   // Only Coord possible.
      (logicalType == ZG_DEVICETYPE_ROUTER)        ||
    logicalType = ZB_INVALID_PARAMETER;
    SAPI_SendCback(SAPICB_START_CNF, logicalType, 0);
    logicalType = ZB_SUCCESS;

Example #2
 * @fn          zb_StartRequest
 * @brief       The zb_StartRequest function starts the ZigBee stack.  When the
 *              ZigBee stack starts, the device reads configuration parameters
 *              from Nonvolatile memory and the device joins its network.  The
 *              ZigBee stack calls the zb_StartConrifm callback function when
 *              the startup process completes.
 * @param       none
 * @return      none
void zb_StartRequest()
  uint8 logicalType;

  // Start the device
  // start delay = min(NWK_START_DELAY, zgStartDelay) + rand() - only for fresh start, not restore
  if ( zgStartDelay < NWK_START_DELAY )
    zgStartDelay = 0;
    zgStartDelay -= NWK_START_DELAY;

  // check that bad combinations of compile flag definitions and device type
  zb_ReadConfiguration( ZCD_NV_LOGICAL_TYPE, sizeof(uint8), &logicalType );
   if (  ( logicalType > ZG_DEVICETYPE_ENDDEVICE )        ||
#if defined( RTR_NWK )
  #if defined( ZDO_COORDINATOR )
          // Only RTR or Coord possible
         ( logicalType == ZG_DEVICETYPE_ENDDEVICE )   ||
          // Only RTR possible
          ( logicalType != ZG_DEVICETYPE_ROUTER )     ||
  #if defined( ZDO_COORDINATOR )
          // Error
          ( 1 )                                     ||
          // only ED possible
          ( logicalType != ZG_DEVICETYPE_ENDDEVICE )  ||
          ( 0 ) )
     // error configuration
     SAPI_SendCback( SAPICB_START_CNF, ZInvalidParameter, 0 );

 * @fn          zb_SendDataRequest
 * @brief       The zb_SendDataRequest function initiates transmission of data
 *              to a peer device
 * @param       destination - The destination of the data.  The destination can
 *                            be one of the following:
 *                            - 16-Bit short address of device [0-0xfffD]
 *                            - ZB_BROADCAST_ADDR sends the data to all devices
 *                              in the network.
 *                            - ZB_BINDING_ADDR sends the data to a previously
 *                              bound device.
 *              commandId - The command ID to send with the message.  If the
 *                          ZB_BINDING_ADDR destination is used, this parameter
 *                          also indicates the binding to use.
 *              len - The size of the pData buffer in bytes
 *              handle - A handle used to identify the send data request.
 *              txOptions - TRUE if requesting acknowledgement from the destination.
 *              radius - The max number of hops the packet can travel through
 *                       before it is dropped.
 * @return      none
void zb_SendDataRequest ( uint16 destination, uint16 commandId, uint8 len,
                          uint8 *pData, uint8 handle, uint8 txOptions, uint8 radius )
  afStatus_t status;
  afAddrType_t dstAddr;

  txOptions |= AF_DISCV_ROUTE;

  // Set the destination address
  if (destination == ZB_BINDING_ADDR)
    // Binding
    dstAddr.addrMode = afAddrNotPresent;
    // Use short address
    dstAddr.addr.shortAddr = destination;
    dstAddr.addrMode = afAddr16Bit;

    if ( ADDR_NOT_BCAST != NLME_IsAddressBroadcast( destination ) )
      txOptions &= ~AF_ACK_REQUEST;

  dstAddr.panId = 0;                                    // Not an inter-pan message.
  dstAddr.endPoint = sapi_epDesc.simpleDesc->EndPoint;  // Set the endpoint.

  // Send the message
  status = AF_DataRequest(&dstAddr, &sapi_epDesc, commandId, len,
                          pData, &handle, txOptions, radius);

  if (status != afStatus_SUCCESS)
    SAPI_SendCback( SAPICB_DATA_CNF, status, handle );
 * @fn          zb_BindDevice
 * @brief       The zb_BindDevice function establishes or removes a ‘binding’
 *              between two devices.  Once bound, an application can send
 *              messages to a device by referencing the commandId for the
 *              binding.
 * @param       create - TRUE to create a binding, FALSE to remove a binding
 *              commandId - The identifier of the binding
 *              pDestination - The 64-bit IEEE address of the device to bind to
 * @return      The status of the bind operation is returned in the
 *              zb_BindConfirm callback.
void zb_BindDevice ( uint8 create, uint16 commandId, uint8 *pDestination )
  zAddrType_t destination;

  if ( create )
    if (sapi_bindInProgress == 0xffff)
      if ( pDestination )
        destination.addrMode = Addr64Bit;
        osal_cpyExtAddr( destination.addr.extAddr, pDestination );

        ret = APSME_BindRequest( sapi_epDesc.endPoint, commandId,
                                            &destination, sapi_epDesc.endPoint );

        if ( ret == ZSuccess )
          // Find nwk addr
          ZDP_NwkAddrReq(pDestination, ZDP_ADDR_REQTYPE_SINGLE, 0, 0 );
          osal_start_timerEx( ZDAppTaskID, ZDO_NWK_UPDATE_NV, 250 );
        destination.addrMode = Addr16Bit;
        destination.addr.shortAddr = NWK_BROADCAST_SHORTADDR;
        if ( ZDO_AnyClusterMatches( 1, &commandId, sapi_epDesc.simpleDesc->AppNumOutClusters,
                                                sapi_epDesc.simpleDesc->pAppOutClusterList ) )
          // Try to match with a device in the allow bind mode
          ret = ZDP_MatchDescReq( &destination, NWK_BROADCAST_SHORTADDR,
              sapi_epDesc.simpleDesc->AppProfId, 1, &commandId, 0, (cId_t *)NULL, 0 );
        else if ( ZDO_AnyClusterMatches( 1, &commandId, sapi_epDesc.simpleDesc->AppNumInClusters,
                                                sapi_epDesc.simpleDesc->pAppInClusterList ) )
          ret = ZDP_MatchDescReq( &destination, NWK_BROADCAST_SHORTADDR,
              sapi_epDesc.simpleDesc->AppProfId, 0, (cId_t *)NULL, 1, &commandId, 0 );

        if ( ret == ZB_SUCCESS )
          // Set a timer to make sure bind completes
          osal_start_timerEx(sapi_TaskID, ZB_BIND_TIMER, AIB_MaxBindingTime);
          // AIB_MaxBindingTime is not defined for an End Device
          osal_start_timerEx(sapi_TaskID, ZB_BIND_TIMER, zgApsDefaultMaxBindingTime);
          sapi_bindInProgress = commandId;
          return; // dont send cback event

    SAPI_SendCback( SAPICB_BIND_CNF, ret, commandId );
    // Remove local bindings for the commandId
    BindingEntry_t *pBind;

    // Loop through bindings an remove any that match the cluster
    while ( pBind = bindFind( sapi_epDesc.simpleDesc->EndPoint, commandId, 0 ) )
    osal_start_timerEx( ZDAppTaskID, ZDO_NWK_UPDATE_NV, 250 );