Uint32 SCI_Boot()
   Uint32 EntryAddr;

   // Asign GetWordData to the SCI-A version of the
   // function.  GetOnlyWordData is a pointer to a function.
   // This version doesn't send echo back each character.
   GetOnlyWordData = SCIA_GetOnlyWordData;

   checksum = 0;

   // If the KeyValue was invalid, abort the load
   // and return the flash entry point. 
   if (SCIA_GetOnlyWordData() != 0x08AA) return FLASH_ENTRY_POINT;


   EntryAddr = GetLongData();   

   return EntryAddr;
// SCI_GetFunction - This function first initializes SCIA and performs
//                   an autobaud lock. It contains a while loop waiting on
//                   commands from the host.  It processes each
//                   command and sends a response except for Run and
//                   Reset commands.  On Run the kernel exits and branches
//                   to the Entry Point.  On Reset, the kernel exits the
//                   while loop and does a WatchDog Time-out.
Uint32 SCI_GetFunction(Uint32 BootMode)
    Uint32 EntryAddr;
    Uint16 command;
    Uint16 data[10]; // 16*10 = 128 + 32
    Uint16 length;

    // read CCNF0 register to check if SCI is enabled or not
    if((DevCfgRegs.DC8.bit.SCI_A != 0x01))
        return 0xFFFFFFFF;

    // Assign GetWordData to the SCI-A version of the
    // function. GetWordData is a pointer to a function.
    GetWordData = SCIA_GetWordData;

    // Initialize the SCI-A port for communications
    // with the host.

    command = SCI_GetPacket(&length, data);

    while(command != RESET_CPU1)
        //Reset the statusCode.
        statusCode.status = NO_ERROR;
        statusCode.address = 0x12345678;
        checksum = 0;

        // CPU1_UNLOCK_Z1
        if(command == CPU1_UNLOCK_Z1)
            Uint32 password0 = (Uint32)data[0] | ((Uint32)data[1] << 16);
            Uint32 password1 = (Uint32)data[2] | ((Uint32)data[3] << 16);
            Uint32 password2 = (Uint32)data[4] | ((Uint32)data[5] << 16);
            Uint32 password3 = (Uint32)data[6] | ((Uint32)data[7] << 16);

            // Unlock the device
            DcsmZ1Regs.Z1_CSMKEY0 = password0;
            DcsmZ1Regs.Z1_CSMKEY1 = password1;
            DcsmZ1Regs.Z1_CSMKEY2 = password2;
            DcsmZ1Regs.Z1_CSMKEY3 = password3;

            if(DcsmZ1Regs.Z1_CR.bit.UNSECURE == 0) //0 = Locked
                statusCode.status = UNLOCK_ERROR;
        // CPU1_UNLOCK_Z2
        else if(command == CPU1_UNLOCK_Z2)
            Uint32 password0 = (Uint32)data[0] | ((Uint32)data[1] << 16);
            Uint32 password1 = (Uint32)data[2] | ((Uint32)data[3] << 16);
            Uint32 password2 = (Uint32)data[4] | ((Uint32)data[5] << 16);
            Uint32 password3 = (Uint32)data[6] | ((Uint32)data[7] << 16);

            //Unlock the device
            DcsmZ2Regs.Z2_CSMKEY0 = password0;
            DcsmZ2Regs.Z2_CSMKEY1 = password1;
            DcsmZ2Regs.Z2_CSMKEY2 = password2;
            DcsmZ2Regs.Z2_CSMKEY3 = password3;

            if(DcsmZ2Regs.Z2_CR.bit.UNSECURE == 0) //0 = Locked
                statusCode.status = UNLOCK_ERROR;
        // DFU_CPU1
        else if(command == DFU_CPU1)
            EntryAddr = SCI_Boot(BootMode); //loads application into CPU1 FLASH
            if(statusCode.status == NO_ERROR)
                statusCode.address = EntryAddr;
        // ERASE_CPU1
        else if(command == ERASE_CPU1)
            Uint32 sectors = (Uint32)(((Uint32)data[1] << 16) |
        // VERIFY_CPU1
        else if(command == VERIFY_CPU1)
        // RUN_CPU1
        else if(command == RUN_CPU1)
            EntryAddr = (Uint32)(((Uint32)data[1] << 16) | (Uint32)data[0]);
        // COMMAND_ERROR
            statusCode.status = COMMAND_ERROR;

        // Send the packet and if NAK send again.
        while(SCI_SendPacket(command, statusCode.status, 6,

        // Get next Packet
        command = SCI_GetPacket(&length, data); //get next packet

    // Reset with WatchDog Timeout
    WdRegs.SCSR.all = 0;    //enable WDRST
    WdRegs.WDCR.all = 0x28; //enable WD