Example #1
/** creates a new node entry in the VBC output file */
   SCIP_VBC*             vbc,                /**< VBC information */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics */
   SCIP_NODE*            node                /**< new node, that was created */
   SCIP_VAR* branchvar;
   SCIP_BOUNDTYPE branchtype;
   SCIP_Real branchbound;
   size_t parentnodenum;
   size_t nodenum;

   assert(vbc != NULL);
   assert(stat != NULL);
   assert(node != NULL);

   /* check, if VBC output should be created */
   if( vbc->file == NULL )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* vbc is disabled on probing nodes */
   if( SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* insert mapping node -> nodenum into hash map */
   if( stat->ncreatednodesrun >= (SCIP_Longint)INT_MAX )
      SCIPerrorMessage("too many nodes to store in the VBC file\n");
      return SCIP_INVALIDDATA;

   nodenum = (size_t)stat->ncreatednodesrun;
   assert(nodenum > 0);
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapInsert(vbc->nodenum, node, (void*)nodenum) );

   /* get nodenum of parent node from hash map */
   parentnodenum = (node->parent != NULL ? (size_t)SCIPhashmapGetImage(vbc->nodenum, node->parent) : 0);
   assert(node->parent == NULL || parentnodenum > 0);

   /* get branching information */
   getBranchInfo(node, &branchvar, &branchtype, &branchbound);

   printTime(vbc, stat);
   SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(vbc->messagehdlr, vbc->file, "N %d %d %d\n", (int)parentnodenum, (int)nodenum, SCIP_VBCCOLOR_UNSOLVED);
   printTime(vbc, stat);
   if( branchvar != NULL )
      SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(vbc->messagehdlr, vbc->file, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t%s [%g,%g] %s %f\\nbound:\\t%f\n",
         (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node),
         SCIPvarGetName(branchvar), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(branchvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(branchvar),
         branchtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",  branchbound, SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node));
      SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(vbc->messagehdlr, vbc->file, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t-\\nbound:\\t%f\n",
         (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node));

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #2
/** node comparison method of node selector */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   int depth1;
   int depth2;

   assert(nodesel != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPnodeselGetName(nodesel), NODESEL_NAME) == 0);
   assert(scip != NULL);

   depth1 = SCIPnodeGetDepth(node1);
   depth2 = SCIPnodeGetDepth(node2);
   if( depth1 > depth2 )
      return -1;
   else if( depth1 < depth2 )
      return +1;
      SCIP_Real lowerbound1;
      SCIP_Real lowerbound2;

      lowerbound1 = SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node1);
      lowerbound2 = SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node2);
      if( lowerbound1 < lowerbound2 )
         return -1;
      else if( lowerbound1 > lowerbound2 )
         return +1;
         return 0;
Example #3
/** node comparison method of breadth first search: nodes with lower depth are preferred; in case of a tie, the node
 *  which was created earlier (and therefore has a smaller node number) is preferred */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   int depth1;
   int depth2;

   assert(nodesel != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPnodeselGetName(nodesel), NODESEL_NAME) == 0);
   assert(scip != NULL);

   depth1 = SCIPnodeGetDepth(node1);
   depth2 = SCIPnodeGetDepth(node2);

   /* if depths differ, prefer node with smaller depth */
   if( depth1 < depth2 )
      return -1;
   else if( depth1 > depth2 )
      return +1;
      /* depths are equal; prefer node with smaller number */
      SCIP_Longint number1;
      SCIP_Longint number2;

      number1 = SCIPnodeGetNumber(node1);
      number2 = SCIPnodeGetNumber(node2);
      assert(number1 != number2);

      if( number1 < number2 )
         return -1;
         return +1;
Example #4
/** marks node as solved in visualization output file */
void SCIPvisualSolvedNode(
   SCIP_VISUAL*          visual,             /**< visualization information */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics */
   SCIP_NODE*            node                /**< node, that was solved */
   SCIP_VAR* branchvar;
   SCIP_BOUNDTYPE branchtype;
   SCIP_Real branchbound;
   SCIP_Real lowerbound;
   size_t nodenum;

   assert( visual != NULL );
   assert( stat != NULL );
   assert( node != NULL );

   /* check whether output should be created */
   if ( visual->vbcfile == NULL && visual->bakfile == NULL )

   /* visualization is disabled on probing nodes */
   if( SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE )

   /* get node num from hash map */
   nodenum = (size_t)SCIPhashmapGetImage(visual->nodenum, node);
   assert(nodenum > 0);

   /* get branching information */
   getBranchInfo(node, &branchvar, &branchtype, &branchbound);

   /* determine lower bound */
   if ( set->visual_objextern )
      lowerbound = SCIPretransformObj(set->scip, SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node));
      lowerbound = SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node);

   if ( visual->vbcfile != NULL )
      printTime(visual, stat, TRUE);
      if( branchvar != NULL )
         SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->vbcfile, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t%s [%g,%g] %s %f\\nbound:\\t%f\\nnr:\\t%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "\n",
            (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node),
            SCIPvarGetName(branchvar),  SCIPvarGetLbLocal(branchvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(branchvar),
            branchtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",  branchbound, lowerbound, stat->nnodes);
         SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->vbcfile, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t-\\nbound:\\t%f\\nnr:\\t%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "\n",
            (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), lowerbound, stat->nnodes);
      vbcSetColor(visual, stat, node, SCIP_VBCCOLOR_SOLVED);

   /* do nothing for BAK */
Example #5
/** node comparison method of node selector */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_NODESELDATA* nodeseldata;
   SCIP_Real score1;
   SCIP_Real score2;

   assert(nodesel != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPnodeselGetName(nodesel), NODESEL_NAME) == 0);
   assert(scip != NULL);

   nodeseldata = SCIPnodeselGetData(nodesel);
   assert(nodeseldata != NULL);

   score1 = getNodeselScore(node1, nodeseldata->estimweight);
   score2 = getNodeselScore(node2, nodeseldata->estimweight);
   if( (SCIPisInfinity(scip,  score1) && SCIPisInfinity(scip,  score2)) ||
       (SCIPisInfinity(scip, -score1) && SCIPisInfinity(scip, -score2)) ||
       SCIPisEQ(scip, score1, score2) )
      SCIP_NODETYPE nodetype1;
      SCIP_NODETYPE nodetype2;

      nodetype1 = SCIPnodeGetType(node1);
      nodetype2 = SCIPnodeGetType(node2);
      if( nodetype1 == SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD && nodetype2 != SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD )
         return -1;
      else if( nodetype1 != SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD && nodetype2 == SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD )
         return +1;
      else if( nodetype1 == SCIP_NODETYPE_SIBLING && nodetype2 != SCIP_NODETYPE_SIBLING )
         return -1;
      else if( nodetype1 != SCIP_NODETYPE_SIBLING && nodetype2 == SCIP_NODETYPE_SIBLING )
         return +1;
         int depth1;
         int depth2;

         depth1 = SCIPnodeGetDepth(node1);
         depth2 = SCIPnodeGetDepth(node2);
         if( depth1 < depth2 )
            return -1;
         else if( depth1 > depth2 )
            return +1;
            return 0;

   if( SCIPisLT(scip, score1, score2) )
      return -1;

   assert(SCIPisGT(scip, score1, score2));
   return +1;
Example #6
/** separation method of constraint handler for LP solutions */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_CONSHDLRDATA* conshdlrdata;
   int maxcuts;
   int ncuts = 0;
   int i;

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;

   conshdlrdata = SCIPconshdlrGetData(conshdlr);
   assert(conshdlrdata != NULL);

   maxcuts = SCIPnodeGetDepth(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)) == 0 ?
      conshdlrdata->maxsepacutsroot : conshdlrdata->maxsepacuts;

   for( i = 0; i < nconss; ++i )
      SCIP_CONSDATA* consdata;

      consdata = SCIPconsGetData(conss[i]);

      SCIP_CALL( sep_flow(scip, conshdlr, conshdlrdata, consdata, maxcuts, &ncuts) );

      SCIP_CALL( sep_2cut(scip, conshdlr, conshdlrdata, consdata, maxcuts, &ncuts) );

   if( ncuts > 0 )
      *result = SCIP_SEPARATED;

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #7
/** constraint deactivation notification method of constraint handler */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_CONSDATA* consdata;
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPconshdlrGetName(conshdlr), CONSHDLR_NAME) == 0);
   assert(cons != NULL);

   consdata = SCIPconsGetData(cons);
   assert(consdata != NULL);
   assert(consdata->propagated || SCIPgetNChildren(scip) == 0);

   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   /* check if all variables which are not fixed locally to zero are valid for this constraint/node */
   assert( consdataCheck(scip, probdata, consdata) );

   SCIPdebugMessage("deactivate constraint <%s> at node <%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT"> in depth <%d>: ",
      SCIPconsGetName(cons), SCIPnodeGetNumber(consdata->node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(consdata->node));
   SCIPdebug( consdataPrint(scip, consdata, NULL) );

   /* set the number of propagated variables to current number of variables is SCIP */
   consdata->npropagatedvars = SCIPprobdataGetNVars(probdata);

   /* check if all variables are valid for this constraint */
   assert( consdataCheck(scip, probdata, consdata) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #8
/** constraint activation notification method of constraint handler */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_CONSDATA* consdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPconshdlrGetName(conshdlr), CONSHDLR_NAME) == 0);
   assert(cons != NULL);

   consdata = SCIPconsGetData(cons);
   assert(consdata != NULL);
   assert(consdata->npropagatedvars <= SCIPprobdataGetNVars(SCIPgetProbData(scip)));

   SCIPdebugMessage("activate constraint <%s> at node <%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT"> in depth <%d>: ",
      SCIPconsGetName(cons), SCIPnodeGetNumber(consdata->node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(consdata->node));
   SCIPdebug( consdataPrint(scip, consdata, NULL) );

   if( consdata->npropagatedvars != SCIPprobdataGetNVars(SCIPgetProbData(scip)) )
      SCIPdebugMessage("-> mark constraint to be repropagated\n");
      consdata->propagated = FALSE;
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPrepropagateNode(scip, consdata->node) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #9
/** changes the color of the node to the color of solved nodes */
void SCIPvbcSolvedNode(
   SCIP_VBC*             vbc,                /**< VBC information */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics */
   SCIP_NODE*            node                /**< node, that was solved */
   SCIP_VAR* branchvar;
   SCIP_BOUNDTYPE branchtype;
   SCIP_Real branchbound;
   size_t nodenum;

   assert(vbc != NULL);
   assert(stat != NULL);
   assert(node != NULL);

   /* check, if VBC output should be created */
   if( vbc->file == NULL )

   /* vbc is disabled on probing nodes */
   if( SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE )

   /* get node num from hash map */
   nodenum = (size_t)SCIPhashmapGetImage(vbc->nodenum, node);
   assert(nodenum > 0);

   /* get branching information */
   getBranchInfo(node, &branchvar, &branchtype, &branchbound);

   printTime(vbc, stat);

   if( branchvar != NULL )
      SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(vbc->messagehdlr, vbc->file, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t%s [%g,%g] %s %f\\nbound:\\t%f\\nnr:\\t%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT"\n",
         (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node),
         SCIPvarGetName(branchvar),  SCIPvarGetLbLocal(branchvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(branchvar),
         branchtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",  branchbound, SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node), stat->nnodes);
      SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(vbc->messagehdlr, vbc->file, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t-\\nbound:\\t%f\\nnr:\\t%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT"\n",
         (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node), stat->nnodes);

   vbcSetColor(vbc, stat, node, SCIP_VBCCOLOR_SOLVED);
Example #10
/** branching execution method for fractional LP solutions */
{/*lint --e{715}*/
   assert(branchrule != NULL );
   assert(*result != SCIP_BRANCHED);

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;

   if( SCIPisReoptEnabled(scip) && SCIPreoptimizeNode(scip, SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)) )
      SCIP_VAR** branchcands;
      SCIP_Real* branchcandssol;
      SCIP_Real* branchcandsfrac;
      int nbranchcands;

      SCIP_Bool sbinit;
      SCIP_Real objsimrootlp;

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetBoolParam(scip, "reoptimization/strongbranchinginit", &sbinit) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetRealParam(scip, "reoptimization/objsimrootLP", &objsimrootlp) );

      if( sbinit && SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip) == SCIPgetRootNode(scip)
       && SCIPgetReoptSimilarity(scip, SCIPgetNReoptRuns(scip), SCIPgetNReoptRuns(scip)) <= objsimrootlp ) /* check objsimrootlp */
         /* get branching candidates */
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBranchCands(scip, &branchcands, &branchcandssol, &branchcandsfrac, NULL, &nbranchcands, NULL) );

         /* run strong branching initialization */
         if( nbranchcands > 0 )
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPexecRelpscostBranching(scip, TRUE, branchcands, branchcandssol, branchcandsfrac, nbranchcands, FALSE, result) );
            assert(*result == SCIP_DIDNOTRUN || *result == SCIP_CUTOFF || *result == SCIP_REDUCEDDOM);

      if( *result != SCIP_CUTOFF && *result != SCIP_REDUCEDDOM)
         assert((SCIPnodeGetReoptID(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)) == 0 && SCIPnodeGetDepth(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)) == 0 )
              || 1 <= SCIPnodeGetReoptID(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)));

         SCIP_CALL( Exec(scip, result) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #11
/** branching execution method for not completely fixed pseudo solutions */
static SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECPS(branchExecpsnodereopt)
{/*lint --e{715}*/
   assert(branchrule != NULL );
   assert(*result != SCIP_BRANCHED);

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;

   if( SCIPisReoptEnabled(scip) && SCIPreoptimizeNode(scip, SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)) )
      assert((SCIPnodeGetReoptID(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)) == 0 && SCIPnodeGetDepth(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)) == 0 )
           || 1 <= SCIPnodeGetReoptID(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)));

      SCIP_CALL( Exec(scip, result) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #12
/** checks the consistency of the origbranch constraints in the problem */
void GCGconsOrigbranchCheckConsistency(
   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */

   SCIP_CONSHDLR*     conshdlr;

#ifndef NDEBUG
   SCIP_CONS** conss;
   int nconss;
   int i;
   SCIP_CONSDATA* consdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   conshdlr = SCIPfindConshdlr(scip, CONSHDLR_NAME);
   if( conshdlr == NULL )
      SCIPerrorMessage("origbranch constraint handler not found\n");
#ifndef NDEBUG
   conss = SCIPconshdlrGetConss(conshdlr);
   nconss = SCIPconshdlrGetNConss(conshdlr);

   for( i = 0; i < nconss; i++ )
      consdata = SCIPconsGetData(conss[i]);
      assert(consdata != NULL);
      assert(consdata->node != NULL);
      assert((consdata->parentcons == NULL) == (SCIPnodeGetDepth(consdata->node) == 0));
      assert(consdata->parentcons == NULL || SCIPconsGetData(consdata->parentcons)->child1cons == conss[i]
         || SCIPconsGetData(consdata->parentcons)->child2cons == conss[i]
         || ( SCIPinProbing(scip) && SCIPconsGetData(consdata->parentcons)->probingtmpcons == conss[i]));
      assert(consdata->child1cons == NULL || SCIPconsGetData(consdata->child1cons)->parentcons == conss[i]);
      assert(consdata->child2cons == NULL || SCIPconsGetData(consdata->child2cons)->parentcons == conss[i]);
      assert(consdata->probingtmpcons == NULL || SCIPinProbing(scip));
      assert(consdata->probingtmpcons == NULL || SCIPconsGetData(consdata->probingtmpcons)->parentcons == conss[i]);
      assert(consdata->mastercons == NULL ||
         GCGconsMasterbranchGetOrigcons(consdata->mastercons) == conss[i]);
Example #13
/** informs solution debugger, that the given node will be freed */
   BMS_BLKMEM*           blkmem,             /**< block memory */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_NODE*            node                /**< node that will be freed */
   assert(set != NULL);
   assert(blkmem != NULL);
   assert(node != NULL);

   /* check if we are in the original problem and not in a sub MIP */
   if( !isSolutionInMip(set) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* check if the incumbent solution is at least as good as the debug solution, so we can stop to check the debug solution */
   if( debugSolIsAchieved(set) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* check if a solution will be cutoff in tree */
   if( SCIPgetStage(set->scip) != SCIP_STAGE_FREESOLVE && SCIPgetStage(set->scip) != SCIP_STAGE_PRESOLVING && SCIPnodeGetType(node) != SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE )
      SCIP_Bool solisinnode;

      solisinnode = FALSE;

      SCIP_CALL( isSolutionInNode(blkmem, set, node, &solisinnode) );
      /* wrong node will be cutoff */
      if( solisinnode )
         SCIPerrorMessage("debugging solution was cut off in local node %p at depth %d\n",
            node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node));

   /* remove node from the hash map */
   if( solinnode != NULL )
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapRemove(solinnode, (void*)node) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #14
/** creates a new node entry in the visualization output file */
   SCIP_VISUAL*          visual,             /**< visualization information */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics */
   SCIP_NODE*            node                /**< new node, that was created */
   SCIP_VAR* branchvar;
   SCIP_BOUNDTYPE branchtype;
   SCIP_Real branchbound;
   SCIP_Real lowerbound;
   size_t parentnodenum;
   size_t nodenum;

   assert( visual != NULL );
   assert( stat != NULL );
   assert( node != NULL );

   /* visualization is disabled on probing nodes */
   if( SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* check whether output should be created */
   if ( visual->vbcfile == NULL && visual->bakfile == NULL )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* insert mapping node -> nodenum into hash map */
   if( stat->ncreatednodesrun >= (SCIP_Longint)INT_MAX )
      SCIPerrorMessage("too many nodes to store in the visualization file\n");
      return SCIP_INVALIDDATA;

   nodenum = (size_t)stat->ncreatednodesrun;
   assert(nodenum > 0);
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapInsert(visual->nodenum, node, (void*)nodenum) );

   /* get nodenum of parent node from hash map */
   parentnodenum = (node->parent != NULL ? (size_t)SCIPhashmapGetImage(visual->nodenum, node->parent) : 0);
   assert(node->parent == NULL || parentnodenum > 0);

   /* get branching information */
   getBranchInfo(node, &branchvar, &branchtype, &branchbound);

   /* determine lower bound */
   if ( set->visual_objextern )
      lowerbound = SCIPretransformObj(set->scip, SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node));
      lowerbound = SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node);

   if ( visual->vbcfile != NULL )
      printTime(visual, stat, TRUE);
      SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->vbcfile, "N %d %d %d\n", (int)parentnodenum, (int)nodenum, SCIP_VBCCOLOR_UNSOLVED);
      printTime(visual, stat, TRUE);
      if( branchvar != NULL )
         SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->vbcfile, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t%s [%g,%g] %s %f\\nbound:\\t%f\n",
            (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node),
            SCIPvarGetName(branchvar), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(branchvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(branchvar),
            branchtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",  branchbound, lowerbound);
         SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->vbcfile, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t-\\nbound:\\t%f\n",
            (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), lowerbound);

   /* For BAK, not all available information is available here. Use SCIPvisualUpdateChild() instead */

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #15
/** node comparison method of node selector */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_Real lowerbound1;
   SCIP_Real lowerbound2;

   assert(nodesel != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPnodeselGetName(nodesel), NODESEL_NAME) == 0);
   assert(scip != NULL);

   lowerbound1 = SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node1);
   lowerbound2 = SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node2);
   if( SCIPisLT(scip, lowerbound1, lowerbound2) )
      return -1;
   else if( SCIPisGT(scip, lowerbound1, lowerbound2) )
      return +1;
      SCIP_Real estimate1;
      SCIP_Real estimate2;

      estimate1 = SCIPnodeGetEstimate(node1);
      estimate2 = SCIPnodeGetEstimate(node2);
      if( (SCIPisInfinity(scip,  estimate1) && SCIPisInfinity(scip,  estimate2)) ||
          (SCIPisInfinity(scip, -estimate1) && SCIPisInfinity(scip, -estimate2)) ||
          SCIPisEQ(scip, estimate1, estimate2) )
         SCIP_NODETYPE nodetype1;
         SCIP_NODETYPE nodetype2;

         nodetype1 = SCIPnodeGetType(node1);
         nodetype2 = SCIPnodeGetType(node2);
         if( nodetype1 == SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD && nodetype2 != SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD )
            return -1;
         else if( nodetype1 != SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD && nodetype2 == SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD )
            return +1;
         else if( nodetype1 == SCIP_NODETYPE_SIBLING && nodetype2 != SCIP_NODETYPE_SIBLING )
            return -1;
         else if( nodetype1 != SCIP_NODETYPE_SIBLING && nodetype2 == SCIP_NODETYPE_SIBLING )
            return +1;
            int depth1;
            int depth2;
            depth1 = SCIPnodeGetDepth(node1);
            depth2 = SCIPnodeGetDepth(node2);
            if( depth1 < depth2 )
               return -1;
            else if( depth1 > depth2 )
               return +1;
               return 0;

      if( SCIPisLT(scip, estimate1, estimate2) )
         return -1;

      assert(SCIPisGT(scip, estimate1, estimate2));
      return +1;
Example #16
/** branching execution method for external candidates */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
   SCIP_VAR** externcands;
   SCIP_Real* externcandssol;
   SCIP_Real* externcandsscore;
   int nprioexterncands;
   SCIP_VAR* brvar;
   SCIP_Real brpoint;
   int nchildren;

   assert(branchrule != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPbranchruleGetName(branchrule), BRANCHRULE_NAME) == 0);
   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(result != NULL);
   branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
   assert(branchruledata != NULL);

   SCIPdebugMessage("Execext method of pscost branching\n");
   /* get branching candidates */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetExternBranchCands(scip, &externcands, &externcandssol, &externcandsscore, NULL, &nprioexterncands, NULL, NULL, NULL) );
   assert(nprioexterncands > 0);
   /* get current update strategy for pseudo costs, if our multiplier rule is 'u' */
   if( branchruledata->strategy == 'u' )
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetCharParam(scip, "branching/lpgainnormalize", &branchruledata->updatestrategy) );

   /* select branching variable */
   SCIP_CALL( selectBranchVar(scip, branchrule, externcands, externcandssol, externcandsscore, nprioexterncands, &brvar, &brpoint) );
   if( brvar == NULL )
      SCIPerrorMessage("branchExecextPscost failed to select a branching variable from %d candidates\n", nprioexterncands);
      *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   SCIPdebugMessage("branching on variable <%s>: new intervals: [%g, %g] and [%g, %g]\n",
      SCIPvarGetName(brvar), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(brvar), SCIPadjustedVarUb(scip, brvar, brpoint), SCIPadjustedVarLb(scip, brvar, brpoint), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(brvar));

   if( branchruledata->nchildren > 2 && SCIPnodeGetDepth(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)) <= branchruledata->narymaxdepth )
      /* do n-ary branching */
      SCIP_Real minwidth;

      minwidth = 0.0;
      if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(brvar)) && !SCIPisInfinity(scip, SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(brvar)) )
         minwidth = branchruledata->naryminwidth * (SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(brvar) - SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(brvar));

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchVarValNary(scip, brvar, brpoint, branchruledata->nchildren, minwidth, branchruledata->narywidthfactor, &nchildren) );
      /* do binary branching */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchVarValNary(scip, brvar, brpoint, 2, 0.0, 1.0, &nchildren) );

   if( nchildren > 1 )
      *result = SCIP_BRANCHED;
      /* if there are no children, then variable should have been fixed by SCIPbranchVarVal */
      assert(SCIPisEQ(scip, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(brvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(brvar)));
      *result = SCIP_REDUCEDDOM;

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #17
/** changes the color of the node to the color of cutoff nodes */
void SCIPvisualCutoffNode(
   SCIP_VISUAL*          visual,             /**< visualization information */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics */
   SCIP_NODE*            node,               /**< node, that was cut off */
   SCIP_Bool             infeasible          /**< whether the node is infeasible (otherwise exceeded the cutoff bound) */
   SCIP_VAR* branchvar;
   SCIP_BOUNDTYPE branchtype;
   SCIP_Real branchbound;
   SCIP_Real lowerbound;
   size_t nodenum;

   assert( visual != NULL );
   assert( stat != NULL );
   assert( node != NULL );

   /* check whether output should be created */
   if ( visual->vbcfile == NULL && visual->bakfile == NULL )

   /* visualization is disabled on probing nodes */
   if( SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE )

   /* get node num from hash map */
   nodenum = (size_t)SCIPhashmapGetImage(visual->nodenum, node);
   assert(nodenum > 0);

   /* get branching information */
   getBranchInfo(node, &branchvar, &branchtype, &branchbound);

   /* determine lower bound */
   if ( set->visual_objextern )
      lowerbound = SCIPretransformObj(set->scip, SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node));
      lowerbound = SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node);

   if ( visual->vbcfile != NULL )
      printTime(visual, stat, TRUE);
      if( branchvar != NULL )
         SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->vbcfile, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t%s [%g,%g] %s %f\\nbound:\\t%f\\nnr:\\t%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "\n",
            (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node),
            SCIPvarGetName(branchvar),  SCIPvarGetLbLocal(branchvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(branchvar),
            branchtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",  branchbound, lowerbound, stat->nnodes);
         SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->vbcfile, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t-\\nbound:\\t%f\\nnr:\\t%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "\n",
            (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), lowerbound, stat->nnodes);
      vbcSetColor(visual, stat, node, SCIP_VBCCOLOR_CUTOFF);

   if ( visual->bakfile != NULL )
      size_t parentnodenum;
      char t = 'M';

      /* determine branching type */
      if ( branchvar != NULL )
         t = (branchtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? 'R' : 'L');

      /* get nodenum of parent node from hash map */
      parentnodenum = (node->parent != NULL ? (size_t)SCIPhashmapGetImage(visual->nodenum, node->parent) : 0);
      assert(node->parent == NULL || parentnodenum > 0);

      printTime(visual, stat, FALSE);
      if ( infeasible )
         SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->bakfile, "infeasible %d %d %c\n", (int)nodenum, (int)parentnodenum, t);
         SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->bakfile, "fathomed %d %d %c\n", (int)nodenum, (int)parentnodenum, t);
Example #18
/** node selection method of node selector */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   assert(nodesel != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPnodeselGetName(nodesel), NODESEL_NAME) == 0);
   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(selnode != NULL);

   /* siblings come before leaves at the same level. Sometimes it can occur that no leaves are left except for children */
   *selnode = SCIPgetBestSibling(scip);
   if( *selnode == NULL )
      *selnode = SCIPgetBestLeaf(scip);
      if( *selnode == NULL )
   if( *selnode != NULL )
      SCIPdebugMessage("Selecting next node number %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" at depth %d\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(*selnode), SCIPnodeGetDepth(*selnode));

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #19
/** call writing method */
SCIP_RETCODE writeBounds(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   FILE*                 file,               /**< file to write to or NULL */
   SCIP_Bool             writesubmipdualbound/**< write dualbounds of submip roots for all open nodes */
   SCIP_NODE** opennodes;
   int nopennodes;
   int n;
   int v;

   assert(scip != NULL);

   nopennodes = -1;

   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Status after %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" processed nodes (%d open)\n", SCIPgetNNodes(scip), SCIPgetNNodesLeft(scip));

   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Primalbound: %g\n", SCIPgetPrimalbound(scip));
   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Dualbound: %g\n", SCIPgetDualbound(scip));
   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "PB %g\n", SCIPgetPrimalbound(scip));

   /* get all open nodes and therefor print all dualbounds */
   for( v = 2; v >= 0; --v )
      SCIP_NODE* node;

      switch( v )
      case 2:
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetChildren(scip, &opennodes, &nopennodes) );
      case 1:
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetSiblings(scip, &opennodes, &nopennodes) );
      case 0:
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLeaves(scip, &opennodes, &nopennodes) );
      assert(nopennodes >= 0);

      /* print all node information */
      for( n = nopennodes - 1; n >= 0 && !SCIPisStopped(scip); --n )
         node = opennodes[n];

         if( writesubmipdualbound )
            SCIP* subscip;
            SCIP_Bool valid;
            SCIP_HASHMAP* varmap;                     /* mapping of SCIP variables to sub-SCIP variables */
            SCIP_VAR** vars;                          /* original problem's variables                    */
            int nvars;
            SCIP_Real submipdb;
	    SCIP_Bool cutoff;

            SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreate(&subscip) );

            SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetVarsData(scip, &vars, &nvars, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) );

            /* create the variable mapping hash map */
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapCreate(&varmap, SCIPblkmem(subscip), SCIPcalcHashtableSize(5 * nvars)) );

            submipdb = SCIP_INVALID;
            valid = FALSE;
	    cutoff = FALSE;
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPcopy(scip, subscip, varmap, NULL, "__boundwriting", TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, &valid) );

            if( valid )
               SCIP_VAR** branchvars;
               SCIP_Real* branchbounds;
               SCIP_BOUNDTYPE* boundtypes;
               int nbranchvars;
               int size;

               size = SCIPnodeGetDepth(node);

               /* allocate memory for all branching decisions */
               SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &branchvars, size) );
               SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &branchbounds, size) );
               SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &boundtypes, size) );

               /* we assume that we only have one branching decision at each node */
               SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchings( node, branchvars, branchbounds, boundtypes, &nbranchvars, size );

               /* check if did not have enough memory */
               if( nbranchvars > size )
                  size = nbranchvars;
                  SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &branchvars, size) );
                  SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &branchbounds, size) );
                  SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &boundtypes, size) );

                  /* now getting all information */
                  SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchings( node, branchvars, branchbounds, boundtypes, &nbranchvars, size );

               /* apply all changes to the submip */
               SCIP_CALL( applyDomainChanges(subscip, branchvars, branchbounds, boundtypes, nbranchvars, varmap) );

               /* free memory for all branching decisions */
               SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &boundtypes);
               SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &branchbounds);
               SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &branchvars);

	       /* do not abort subproblem on CTRL-C */
	       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBoolParam(subscip, "misc/catchctrlc", FALSE) );
	       /* disable output to console */
	       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetIntParam(subscip, "display/verblevel", 0) );
	       /* solve only root node */
	       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetLongintParam(subscip, "limits/nodes", 1LL) );

	       /* set cutoffbound as objective limit for subscip */
	       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetObjlimit(subscip, SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip)) );

	       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsolve(subscip) );

	       cutoff = (SCIPgetStatus(subscip) == SCIP_STATUS_INFEASIBLE);
	       submipdb = SCIPgetDualbound(subscip) * SCIPgetTransObjscale(scip) + SCIPgetTransObjoffset(scip);

            SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Node %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" (depth %d): dualbound: %g, nodesubmiprootdualbound: %g %s\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPgetNodeDualbound(scip, node), submipdb, cutoff ? "(cutoff)" : "");
	    SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" %d %g %g %s\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPgetNodeDualbound(scip, node), submipdb, cutoff ? "(cutoff)" : "");

            /* free hash map */

            SCIP_CALL( SCIPfree(&subscip) );
            SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Node %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" (depth %d): dualbound: %g\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPgetNodeDualbound(scip, node));
            SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" %d %g\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPgetNodeDualbound(scip, node));

   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "\n");

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #20
/** call writing method */
SCIP_RETCODE writeBoundsFocusNode(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_EVENTHDLRDATA*   eventhdlrdata       /**< event handler data */
   FILE* file;
   SCIP_Bool writesubmipdualbound;
   SCIP_NODE* node;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(eventhdlrdata != NULL);

   file = eventhdlrdata->file;
   writesubmipdualbound = eventhdlrdata->writesubmipdualbound;
   node = SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip);

   /* do not process probing nodes */
   if( SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* do not process cutoff nodes */
   if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, SCIPgetNodeDualbound(scip, node)) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   if( !SCIPisEQ(scip, eventhdlrdata->lastpb, SCIPgetPrimalbound(scip)) )
      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Status after %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" processed nodes (%d open)\n", SCIPgetNNodes(scip), SCIPgetNNodesLeft(scip));

      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Primalbound: %g\n", SCIPgetPrimalbound(scip));
      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Dualbound: %g\n", SCIPgetDualbound(scip));
      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "PB %g\n", SCIPgetPrimalbound(scip));
      eventhdlrdata->lastpb = SCIPgetPrimalbound(scip);

   if( writesubmipdualbound )
      SCIP* subscip;
      SCIP_Bool valid;
      SCIP_Real submipdb;
      SCIP_Bool cutoff;

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreate(&subscip) );

      submipdb = SCIP_INVALID;
      valid = FALSE;
      cutoff = FALSE;
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPcopy(scip, subscip, NULL, NULL, "__boundwriting", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, &valid) );

      if( valid )
	 /* do not abort subproblem on CTRL-C */
	 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBoolParam(subscip, "misc/catchctrlc", FALSE) );
	 /* disable output to console */
	 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetIntParam(subscip, "display/verblevel", 0) );
	 /* solve only root node */
	 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetLongintParam(subscip, "limits/nodes", 1LL) );

#if 0
	 /* disable heuristics in subscip */

	 /* set cutoffbound as objective limit for subscip */
	 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetObjlimit(subscip, SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip)) );

	 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsolve(subscip) );

	 cutoff = (SCIPgetStatus(subscip) == SCIP_STATUS_INFEASIBLE);
	 submipdb = SCIPgetDualbound(subscip) * SCIPgetTransObjscale(scip) + SCIPgetTransObjoffset(scip);

      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Node %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" (depth %d): dualbound: %g, nodesubmiprootdualbound: %g %s\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPgetNodeDualbound(scip, node), submipdb, cutoff ? "(cutoff)" : "");
      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" %d %g %g %s\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPgetNodeDualbound(scip, node), submipdb, cutoff ? "(cutoff)" : "");

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPfree(&subscip) );
      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Node %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" (depth %d): dualbound: %g\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPgetNodeDualbound(scip, node));
      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT" %d %g\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPgetNodeDualbound(scip, node));

   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "\n");

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #21
/** adds cuts to the LP and clears separation storage */
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsepastoreApplyCuts(
   SCIP_SEPASTORE*       sepastore,          /**< separation storage */
   BMS_BLKMEM*           blkmem,             /**< block memory */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics */
   SCIP_TREE*            tree,               /**< branch and bound tree */
   SCIP_LP*              lp,                 /**< LP data */
   SCIP_BRANCHCAND*      branchcand,         /**< branching candidate storage */
   SCIP_EVENTQUEUE*      eventqueue,         /**< event queue */
   SCIP_EVENTFILTER*     eventfilter,        /**< global event filter */
   SCIP_Bool             root,               /**< are we at the root node? */
   SCIP_Bool*            cutoff              /**< pointer to store whether an empty domain was created */
   SCIP_NODE* node;
   SCIP_Real mincutorthogonality;
   int depth;
   int maxsepacuts;
   int ncutsapplied;
   int pos;

   assert(sepastore != NULL);
   assert(set != NULL);
   assert(tree != NULL);
   assert(lp != NULL);
   assert(cutoff != NULL);

   *cutoff = FALSE;

   SCIPdebugMessage("applying %d cuts\n", sepastore->ncuts);

   node = SCIPtreeGetCurrentNode(tree);
   assert(node != NULL);

   /* get maximal number of cuts to add to the LP */
   maxsepacuts = SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root);
   ncutsapplied = 0;

   /* get depth of current node */
   depth = SCIPnodeGetDepth(node);

   /* calculate minimal cut orthogonality */
   mincutorthogonality = (root ? set->sepa_minorthoroot : set->sepa_minortho);
   mincutorthogonality = MAX(mincutorthogonality, set->num_epsilon);

   /* Compute scores for all non-forced cuts and initialize orthogonalities - make sure all cuts are initialized again for the current LP solution */
   for( pos = sepastore->nforcedcuts; pos < sepastore->ncuts; pos++ )
      SCIP_CALL( computeScore(sepastore, set, stat, lp, TRUE, pos) );

   /* apply all forced cuts */
   for( pos = 0; pos < sepastore->nforcedcuts && !(*cutoff); pos++ )
      SCIP_ROW* cut;

      cut = sepastore->cuts[pos];
      assert(SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, sepastore->scores[pos]));

      /* if the cut is a bound change (i.e. a row with only one variable), add it as bound change instead of LP row */
      if( !SCIProwIsModifiable(cut) && SCIProwGetNNonz(cut) == 1 )
         SCIPdebugMessage(" -> applying forced cut <%s> as boundchange\n", SCIProwGetName(cut));
         SCIP_CALL( sepastoreApplyBdchg(sepastore, blkmem, set, stat, tree, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cut, cutoff) );
         /* add cut to the LP and update orthogonalities */
         SCIPdebugMessage(" -> applying forced cut <%s>\n", SCIProwGetName(cut));
         /*SCIPdebug(SCIProwPrint(cut, NULL));*/
         SCIP_CALL( sepastoreApplyCut(sepastore, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, cut, mincutorthogonality, depth, &ncutsapplied) );

   /* apply non-forced cuts */
   while( ncutsapplied < maxsepacuts && sepastore->ncuts > sepastore->nforcedcuts && !(*cutoff) )
      SCIP_ROW* cut;
      int bestpos;
      /* get best non-forced cut */
      bestpos = sepastoreGetBestCut(sepastore);
      assert(sepastore->nforcedcuts <= bestpos && bestpos < sepastore->ncuts);
      assert(sepastore->scores[bestpos] != SCIP_INVALID ); /*lint !e777*/
      assert(sepastore->efficacies[bestpos] != SCIP_INVALID ); /*lint !e777*/
      cut = sepastore->cuts[bestpos];
      assert(SCIProwIsModifiable(cut) || SCIProwGetNNonz(cut) != 1); /* bound changes are forced cuts */
      assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, sepastore->scores[bestpos]));
      SCIPdebugMessage(" -> applying cut <%s> (pos=%d/%d, len=%d, efficacy=%g, objparallelism=%g, orthogonality=%g, score=%g)\n",
         SCIProwGetName(cut), bestpos, sepastore->ncuts, SCIProwGetNNonz(cut), sepastore->efficacies[bestpos], sepastore->objparallelisms[bestpos],
         sepastore->orthogonalities[bestpos], sepastore->scores[bestpos]);
      /*SCIPdebug(SCIProwPrint(cut, NULL));*/

      /* capture cut such that it is not destroyed in sepastoreDelCut() */

      /* release the row and delete the cut (also issuing ROWDELETEDSEPA event) */
      SCIP_CALL( sepastoreDelCut(sepastore, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, bestpos) );

      /* Do not add (non-forced) non-violated cuts.
       * Note: do not take SCIPsetIsEfficacious(), because constraint handlers often add cuts w.r.t. SCIPsetIsFeasPositive().
      if( SCIPsetIsFeasPositive(set, sepastore->efficacies[bestpos]) )
         /* add cut to the LP and update orthogonalities */
         SCIP_CALL( sepastoreApplyCut(sepastore, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, cut, mincutorthogonality, depth, &ncutsapplied) );

      /* release cut */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIProwRelease(&cut, blkmem, set, lp) );

   /* clear the separation storage and reset statistics for separation round */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPsepastoreClearCuts(sepastore, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #22
/** updates a node entry in the visualization output file */
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvisualUpdateChild(
   SCIP_VISUAL*          visual,             /**< visualization information */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics */
   SCIP_NODE*            node                /**< new node, that was created */
   SCIP_VAR* branchvar;
   SCIP_BOUNDTYPE branchtype;
   SCIP_Real branchbound;
   SCIP_Real lowerbound;
   size_t nodenum;

   assert( visual != NULL );
   assert( stat != NULL );
   assert( node != NULL );

   /* check whether output should be created */
   if ( visual->vbcfile == NULL && visual->bakfile == NULL )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* visualization is disabled on probing nodes */
   if( SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* get node num from hash map */
   nodenum = (size_t)SCIPhashmapGetImage(visual->nodenum, node);
   assert(nodenum > 0);

   /* get branching information */
   getBranchInfo(node, &branchvar, &branchtype, &branchbound);

   /* determine lower bound */
   if ( set->visual_objextern )
      lowerbound = SCIPretransformObj(set->scip, SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node));
      lowerbound = SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(node);

   if ( visual->vbcfile != NULL )
      printTime(visual, stat, TRUE);
      if( branchvar != NULL )
         SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->vbcfile, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t%s [%g,%g] %s %f\\nbound:\\t%f\n",
            (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node),
            SCIPvarGetName(branchvar), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(branchvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(branchvar),
            branchtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",  branchbound, lowerbound);
         SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->vbcfile, "I %d \\inode:\\t%d (%p)\\idepth:\\t%d\\nvar:\\t-\\nbound:\\t%f\n",
            (int)nodenum, (int)nodenum, node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), lowerbound);

   if ( visual->bakfile != NULL )
      size_t parentnodenum;
      SCIP_Real* lpcandsfrac;
      SCIP_Real sum = 0.0;
      int nlpcands = 0;
      char t = 'M';
      const char* nodeinfo;
      int j;

      /* determine branching type */
      if ( branchvar != NULL )
         t = (branchtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? 'R' : 'L');

      /* get nodenum of parent node from hash map */
      parentnodenum = (node->parent != NULL ? (size_t)SCIPhashmapGetImage(visual->nodenum, node->parent) : 0);
      assert(node->parent == NULL || parentnodenum > 0);

      /* update info depending on the node type */
      switch( SCIPnodeGetType(node) )
         /* the child is a new candidate */
         nodeinfo = "candidate";
         /* the focus node is updated to a branch node */
         nodeinfo = "branched";

         /* calculate infeasibility information */
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBranchCands(set->scip, NULL, NULL, &lpcandsfrac, &nlpcands, NULL, NULL) );
         for (j = 0; j < nlpcands; ++j)
            sum += lpcandsfrac[j];

         SCIPerrorMessage("Error: Unexpected node type <%d> in Update Child Method", SCIPnodeGetType(node));
         return SCIP_INVALIDDATA;
      } /*lint !e788*/
      /* append new status line with updated node information to the bakfile */
      printTime(visual, stat, FALSE);
      SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->bakfile, "%s %d %d %c %f %f %d\n", nodeinfo, (int)nodenum, (int)parentnodenum, t,
            lowerbound, sum, nlpcands);

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Example #23
/** returns whether the solution is contained in node's subproblem */
SCIP_RETCODE isSolutionInNode(
   BMS_BLKMEM*           blkmem,             /**< block memory */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_NODE*            node,               /**< local node where this bound change was applied */
   SCIP_Bool*            solcontained        /**< pointer to store whether the solution is contained in node's subproblem */
   SCIP_Bool* boolptr;

   assert(set != NULL);
   assert(blkmem != NULL);
   assert(node != NULL);
   assert(solcontained != NULL);

   /* check if we are in the original problem and not in a sub MIP */
   if( !isSolutionInMip(set) )
      *solcontained = FALSE;
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* generate the hashmap */
   if( solinnode == NULL )
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapCreate(&solinnode, blkmem, SCIPcalcHashtableSize(SCIP_HASHSIZE_DEBUG)) );

   /* check, whether we know already whether the solution is contained in the given node */
   boolptr = (SCIP_Bool*)SCIPhashmapGetImage(solinnode, (void*)node);
   if( boolptr != NULL )
      if( boolptr != &falseptr && boolptr != &trueptr )
         SCIPerrorMessage("wrong value in node hashmap\n");
      *solcontained = *boolptr;
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* if the solution is not contained in the parent of the node, it cannot be contained in the current node */
   *solcontained = TRUE;
   if( node->parent != NULL )
      SCIP_CALL( isSolutionInNode(blkmem, set, node->parent, solcontained) );

   if( *solcontained )
      /* check whether the bound changes at the current node remove the debugging solution from the subproblem */
      if( node->domchg != NULL )
         SCIP_DOMCHGBOUND* domchgbound;
         SCIP_BOUNDCHG* boundchgs;
         int i;

         domchgbound = &node->domchg->domchgbound;
         boundchgs = domchgbound->boundchgs;
         for( i = 0; i < (int)domchgbound->nboundchgs && *solcontained; ++i )
            SCIP_Real varsol;

            if( SCIPboundchgIsRedundant(&boundchgs[i]) )

            /* get solution value of variable */
            SCIP_CALL( getSolutionValue(set, boundchgs[i].var, &varsol) );

            if( varsol != SCIP_UNKNOWN ) /*lint !e777*/
               /* compare the bound change with the solution value */
               if( SCIPboundchgGetBoundtype(&boundchgs[i]) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER )
                  *solcontained = SCIPsetIsFeasGE(set, varsol, boundchgs[i].newbound);
                  *solcontained = SCIPsetIsFeasLE(set, varsol, boundchgs[i].newbound);
               if( !(*solcontained) && SCIPboundchgGetBoundchgtype(&boundchgs[i]) != SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING )
                  SCIPerrorMessage("debugging solution was cut off in local node %p at depth %d by inference <%s>[%.15g] %s %.15g\n",
                     node, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPvarGetName(boundchgs[i].var), varsol,
                     SCIPboundchgGetBoundtype(&boundchgs[i]) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=", boundchgs[i].newbound);
            else if( SCIPboundchgGetBoundchgtype(&boundchgs[i]) == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING )
               /* we branched on a variable were we don't know the solution: no debugging can be applied in this subtree */
               *solcontained = FALSE;

   /* remember the status of the current node */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapSetImage(solinnode, (void*)node, *solcontained ? (void*)(&trueptr) : (void*)(&falseptr)) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;