Example #1
scm_vector_writable_elements (SCM vec, scm_t_array_handle *h,
			      size_t *lenp, ssize_t *incp)
  if (SCM_I_WVECTP (vec))
    scm_wrong_type_arg_msg (NULL, 0, vec, "non-weak vector");

  scm_generalized_vector_get_handle (vec, h);
  if (lenp)
      scm_t_array_dim *dim = scm_array_handle_dims (h);
      *lenp = dim->ubnd - dim->lbnd + 1;
      *incp = dim->inc;
  return scm_array_handle_writable_elements (h);
Example #2
const SCM *
scm_vector_elements (SCM vec, scm_t_array_handle *h,
		     size_t *lenp, ssize_t *incp)
  /* it's unsafe to access the memory of a weak vector */
  if (SCM_I_WVECTP (vec))
    scm_wrong_type_arg_msg (NULL, 0, vec, "non-weak vector");

  scm_array_get_handle (vec, h);
  if (1 != scm_array_handle_rank (h))
      scm_array_handle_release (h);
      scm_wrong_type_arg_msg (NULL, 0, vec, "rank 1 array of Scheme values");
  if (lenp)
      scm_t_array_dim *dim = scm_array_handle_dims (h);
      *lenp = dim->ubnd - dim->lbnd + 1;
      *incp = dim->inc;
  return scm_array_handle_elements (h);