
If we need to render another view to complete the current view,
generate it first.

It is important to do this after all drawSurfs for the current
view have been generated, because it may create a subview which
would change tr.viewCount.
bool R_GenerateSubViews( const drawSurf_t* const drawSurfs[], const int numDrawSurfs )
	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "R_GenerateSubViews" );
	// for testing the performance hit
	if( r_skipSubviews.GetBool() )
		return false;
	// scan the surfaces until we either find a subview, or determine
	// there are no more subview surfaces.
	bool subviews = false;
	for( int i = 0; i < numDrawSurfs; i++ )
		const drawSurf_t* drawSurf = drawSurfs[i];
		if( !drawSurf->material->HasSubview() )
		if( R_GenerateSurfaceSubview( drawSurf ) )
			subviews = true;
	return subviews;
void R_AddInGameGuis( const drawSurf_t* const drawSurfs[], const int numDrawSurfs )
	// check for gui surfaces
	for( int i = 0; i < numDrawSurfs; i++ )
		const drawSurf_t* drawSurf = drawSurfs[i];
		idUserInterface*	gui = drawSurf->material->GlobalGui();
		int guiNum = drawSurf->material->GetEntityGui() - 1;
		if( guiNum >= 0 && guiNum < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI )
			if( drawSurf->space->entityDef != NULL )
				gui = drawSurf->space->entityDef->parms.gui[ guiNum ];
		if( gui == NULL )
		idBounds ndcBounds;
		if( !R_PreciseCullSurface( drawSurf, ndcBounds ) )
			// did we ever use this to forward an entity color to a gui that didn't set color?
			//	memcpy( tr.guiShaderParms, shaderParms, sizeof( tr.guiShaderParms ) );
			R_RenderGuiSurf( gui, drawSurf );
Example #3

Determines which triangles of the surface are facing towards the light origin.

The facing array should be allocated with one extra index than
the number of surface triangles, which will be used to handle dangling
edge silhouettes.
void R_CalcInteractionFacing( const idRenderEntityLocal *ent, const srfTriangles_t *tri, const idRenderLightLocal *light, srfCullInfo_t &cullInfo ) {
	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "R_CalcInteractionFacing" );

	if ( cullInfo.facing != NULL ) {

	idVec3 localLightOrigin;
	R_GlobalPointToLocal( ent->modelMatrix, light->globalLightOrigin, localLightOrigin );

	const int numFaces = tri->numIndexes / 3;
	cullInfo.facing = (byte *) R_StaticAlloc( ( numFaces + 1 ) * sizeof( cullInfo.facing[0] ), TAG_RENDER_INTERACTION );

	// exact geometric cull against face
	for ( int i = 0, face = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3, face++ ) {
		const idDrawVert & v0 = tri->verts[tri->indexes[i + 0]];
		const idDrawVert & v1 = tri->verts[tri->indexes[i + 1]];
		const idDrawVert & v2 = tri->verts[tri->indexes[i + 2]];

		const idPlane plane( v0.xyz, v1.xyz, v2.xyz );
		const float d = plane.Distance( localLightOrigin );

		cullInfo.facing[face] = ( d >= 0.0f );
	cullInfo.facing[numFaces] = 1;	// for dangling edges to reference
Example #4
void idRenderSystemLocal::SwapCommandBuffers_FinishRendering( 
												uint64 * frontEndMicroSec,
												uint64 * backEndMicroSec,
												uint64 * shadowMicroSec,
												uint64 * gpuMicroSec )  {
	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "SwapCommandBuffers" );

	if ( gpuMicroSec != NULL ) {
		*gpuMicroSec = 0;		// until shown otherwise

	if ( !R_IsInitialized() ) {

	// After coming back from an autoswap, we won't have anything to render
	if ( frameData->cmdHead->next != NULL ) {
		// wait for our fence to hit, which means the swap has actually happened
		// We must do this before clearing any resources the GPU may be using
		void GL_BlockingSwapBuffers();

	// read back the start and end timer queries from the previous frame
	if ( glConfig.timerQueryAvailable ) {
		uint64 drawingTimeNanoseconds = 0;
		if ( tr.timerQueryId != 0 ) {
			qglGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( tr.timerQueryId, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &drawingTimeNanoseconds );
		if ( gpuMicroSec != NULL ) {
			*gpuMicroSec = drawingTimeNanoseconds / 1000;


	// save out timing information
	if ( frontEndMicroSec != NULL ) {
		*frontEndMicroSec = pc.frontEndMicroSec;
	if ( backEndMicroSec != NULL ) {
		*backEndMicroSec = backEnd.pc.totalMicroSec;
	if ( shadowMicroSec != NULL ) {
		*shadowMicroSec = backEnd.pc.shadowMicroSec;

	// print any other statistics and clear all of them

	// check for dynamic changes that require some initialization

    // check for errors

Create a texture space on the given surface and
call the GUI generator to create quads for it.
static void R_RenderGuiSurf( idUserInterface* gui, const drawSurf_t* drawSurf )
	// for testing the performance hit
	if( r_skipGuiShaders.GetInteger() == 1 )
	// don't allow an infinite recursion loop
	if( tr.guiRecursionLevel == 4 )
	// create the new matrix to draw on this surface
	idVec3 origin, axis[3];
	R_SurfaceToTextureAxis( drawSurf->frontEndGeo, origin, axis );
	float guiModelMatrix[16];
	float modelMatrix[16];
	guiModelMatrix[0 * 4 + 0] = axis[0][0] * ( 1.0f / 640.0f );
	guiModelMatrix[1 * 4 + 0] = axis[1][0] * ( 1.0f / 480.0f );
	guiModelMatrix[2 * 4 + 0] = axis[2][0];
	guiModelMatrix[3 * 4 + 0] = origin[0];
	guiModelMatrix[0 * 4 + 1] = axis[0][1] * ( 1.0f / 640.0f );
	guiModelMatrix[1 * 4 + 1] = axis[1][1] * ( 1.0f / 480.0f );
	guiModelMatrix[2 * 4 + 1] = axis[2][1];
	guiModelMatrix[3 * 4 + 1] = origin[1];
	guiModelMatrix[0 * 4 + 2] = axis[0][2] * ( 1.0f / 640.0f );
	guiModelMatrix[1 * 4 + 2] = axis[1][2] * ( 1.0f / 480.0f );
	guiModelMatrix[2 * 4 + 2] = axis[2][2];
	guiModelMatrix[3 * 4 + 2] = origin[2];
	guiModelMatrix[0 * 4 + 3] = 0.0f;
	guiModelMatrix[1 * 4 + 3] = 0.0f;
	guiModelMatrix[2 * 4 + 3] = 0.0f;
	guiModelMatrix[3 * 4 + 3] = 1.0f;
	R_MatrixMultiply( guiModelMatrix, drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, modelMatrix );
	// call the gui, which will call the 2D drawing functions
	gui->Redraw( tr.viewDef->renderView.time[0] );
	tr.guiModel->EmitToCurrentView( modelMatrix, drawSurf->space->weaponDepthHack );

All the modelrefs and lightrefs that are in visible areas
will have viewEntitys and viewLights created for them.

The scissorRects on the viewEntitys and viewLights may be empty if
they were considered, but not actually visible.

Entities and lights can have cached viewEntities / viewLights that
will be used if the viewCount variable matches.
void idRenderWorldLocal::FindViewLightsAndEntities() {
	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "FindViewLightsAndEntities" );

	// bumping this counter invalidates cached viewLights / viewEntities,
	// when a light or entity is next considered, it will create a new
	// viewLight / viewEntity

	// clear the visible lightDef and entityDef lists
	tr.viewDef->viewLights = NULL;
	tr.viewDef->viewEntitys = NULL;

	// all areas are initially not visible, but each portal
	// chain that leads to them will expand the visible rectangle
	for ( int i = 0; i < numPortalAreas; i++ ) {

	// find the area to start the portal flooding in
	if ( !r_usePortals.GetBool() ) {
		// debug tool to force no portal culling
		tr.viewDef->areaNum = -1;
	} else {
		tr.viewDef->areaNum = PointInArea( tr.viewDef->initialViewAreaOrigin );

	// determine all possible connected areas for
	// light-behind-door culling

	// flow through all the portals and add models / lights
	if ( r_singleArea.GetBool() ) {
		// if debugging, only mark this area
		// if we are outside the world, don't draw anything
		if ( tr.viewDef->areaNum >= 0 ) {
			static int lastPrintedAreaNum;
			if ( tr.viewDef->areaNum != lastPrintedAreaNum ) {
				lastPrintedAreaNum = tr.viewDef->areaNum;
				common->Printf( "entering portal area %i\n", tr.viewDef->areaNum );

			portalStack_t ps;
			for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
				ps.portalPlanes[i] = tr.viewDef->frustum[i];
			ps.numPortalPlanes = 5;
			ps.rect = tr.viewDef->scissor;

			AddAreaToView( tr.viewDef->areaNum, &ps );
	} else {
		// note that the center of projection for flowing through portals may
		// be a different point than initialViewAreaOrigin for subviews that
		// may have the viewOrigin in a solid/invalid area
		FlowViewThroughPortals( tr.viewDef->renderView.vieworg, 5, tr.viewDef->frustum );
viewEntity_t* R_SortViewEntities( viewEntity_t* vEntities )
	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "R_SortViewEntities" );
	// We want to avoid having a single AddModel for something complex be
	// the last thing processed and hurt the parallel occupancy, so
	// sort dynamic models first, _area models second, then everything else.
	viewEntity_t* dynamics = NULL;
	viewEntity_t* areas = NULL;
	viewEntity_t* others = NULL;
	for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = vEntities; vEntity != NULL; )
		viewEntity_t* next = vEntity->next;
		const idRenderModel* model = vEntity->entityDef->parms.hModel;
		if( model->IsDynamicModel() != DM_STATIC )
			vEntity->next = dynamics;
			dynamics = vEntity;
		else if( model->IsStaticWorldModel() )
			vEntity->next = areas;
			areas = vEntity;
			vEntity->next = others;
			others = vEntity;
		vEntity = next;
	// concatenate the lists
	viewEntity_t* all = others;
	for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = areas; vEntity != NULL; )
		viewEntity_t* next = vEntity->next;
		vEntity->next = all;
		all = vEntity;
		vEntity = next;
	for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = dynamics; vEntity != NULL; )
		viewEntity_t* next = vEntity->next;
		vEntity->next = all;
		all = vEntity;
		vEntity = next;
	return all;
Example #8

We want to cull a little on the sloppy side, because the pre-clipping
of geometry to the lights in dmap will give many cases that are right
at the border. We throw things out on the border, because if any one
vertex is clearly inside, the entire triangle will be accepted.
void R_CalcInteractionCullBits( const idRenderEntityLocal* ent, const srfTriangles_t* tri, const idRenderLightLocal* light, srfCullInfo_t& cullInfo )
	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "R_CalcInteractionCullBits" );
	if( cullInfo.cullBits != NULL )
	idPlane frustumPlanes[6];
	idRenderMatrix::GetFrustumPlanes( frustumPlanes, light->baseLightProject, true, true );
	int frontBits = 0;
	// cull the triangle surface bounding box
	for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
		R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( ent->modelMatrix, frustumPlanes[i], cullInfo.localClipPlanes[i] );
		// get front bits for the whole surface
		if( tri->bounds.PlaneDistance( cullInfo.localClipPlanes[i] ) >= LIGHT_CLIP_EPSILON )
			frontBits |= 1 << i;
	// if the surface is completely inside the light frustum
	if( frontBits == ( ( 1 << 6 ) - 1 ) )
		cullInfo.cullBits = LIGHT_CULL_ALL_FRONT;
	cullInfo.cullBits = ( byte* ) R_StaticAlloc( tri->numVerts * sizeof( cullInfo.cullBits[0] ), TAG_RENDER_INTERACTION );
	memset( cullInfo.cullBits, 0, tri->numVerts * sizeof( cullInfo.cullBits[0] ) );
	for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
		// if completely infront of this clipping plane
		if( frontBits & ( 1 << i ) )
		for( int j = 0; j < tri->numVerts; j++ )
			float d = cullInfo.localClipPlanes[i].Distance( tri->verts[j].xyz );
			cullInfo.cullBits[j] |= ( d < LIGHT_CLIP_EPSILON ) << i;
void idLobby::UpdateSnaps()

	assert( lobbyType == GetActingGameStateLobbyType() );
#if 0
	uint64 startTimeMicroSec = Sys_Microseconds();
	haveSubmittedSnaps = false;
	if( !SendCompletedSnaps() )
		// If we weren't able to send all the submitted snaps, we need to wait till we can.
		// We can't start new jobs until they are all sent out.
	for( int p = 0; p < peers.Num(); p++ )
		peer_t& peer = peers[p];
		if( !peer.IsConnected() )
		if( peer.needToSubmitPendingSnap )
			// Submit the snap
			if( SubmitPendingSnap( p ) )
				peer.needToSubmitPendingSnap = false;	// only clear this if we actually submitted the snap
#if 0
	uint64 endTimeMicroSec = Sys_Microseconds();
	if( endTimeMicroSec - startTimeMicroSec > 200 )  	// .2 ms
		idLib::Printf( "NET: UpdateSnaps time in ms: %f\n", ( float )( endTimeMicroSec - startTimeMicroSec ) / 1000.0f );
Example #10

Creates a view that covers the screen and emit the surfaces
void idGuiModel::EmitFullScreen()

	if( surfaces[0].numIndexes == 0 )
	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "Gui::EmitFullScreen" );
	viewDef_t* viewDef = ( viewDef_t* )R_ClearedFrameAlloc( sizeof( *viewDef ), FRAME_ALLOC_VIEW_DEF );
	viewDef->is2Dgui = true;
	tr.GetCroppedViewport( &viewDef->viewport );
	bool stereoEnabled = ( renderSystem->GetStereo3DMode() != STEREO3D_OFF );
	if( stereoEnabled )
		const float screenSeparation = GetScreenSeparationForGuis();
		// this will be negated on the alternate eyes, both rendered each frame
		viewDef->renderView.stereoScreenSeparation = screenSeparation;
		extern idCVar stereoRender_swapEyes;
		viewDef->renderView.viewEyeBuffer = 0;	// render to both buffers
		if( stereoRender_swapEyes.GetBool() )
			viewDef->renderView.stereoScreenSeparation = -screenSeparation;
	viewDef->scissor.x1 = 0;
	viewDef->scissor.y1 = 0;
	viewDef->scissor.x2 = viewDef->viewport.x2 - viewDef->viewport.x1;
	viewDef->scissor.y2 = viewDef->viewport.y2 - viewDef->viewport.y1;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[0 * 4 + 0] = 2.0f / renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth();
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[0 * 4 + 1] = 0.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[0 * 4 + 2] = 0.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[0 * 4 + 3] = 0.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[1 * 4 + 0] = 0.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[1 * 4 + 1] = -2.0f / renderSystem->GetVirtualHeight();
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[1 * 4 + 2] = 0.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[1 * 4 + 3] = 0.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[2 * 4 + 0] = 0.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[2 * 4 + 1] = 0.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[2 * 4 + 2] = -2.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[2 * 4 + 3] = 0.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[3 * 4 + 0] = -1.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[3 * 4 + 1] = 1.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[3 * 4 + 2] = -1.0f;
	viewDef->projectionMatrix[3 * 4 + 3] = 1.0f;
	// make a tech5 renderMatrix for faster culling
	idRenderMatrix::Transpose( *( idRenderMatrix* )viewDef->projectionMatrix, viewDef->projectionRenderMatrix );
	viewDef->worldSpace.modelMatrix[0 * 4 + 0] = 1.0f;
	viewDef->worldSpace.modelMatrix[1 * 4 + 1] = 1.0f;
	viewDef->worldSpace.modelMatrix[2 * 4 + 2] = 1.0f;
	viewDef->worldSpace.modelMatrix[3 * 4 + 3] = 1.0f;
	viewDef->worldSpace.modelViewMatrix[0 * 4 + 0] = 1.0f;
	viewDef->worldSpace.modelViewMatrix[1 * 4 + 1] = 1.0f;
	viewDef->worldSpace.modelViewMatrix[2 * 4 + 2] = 1.0f;
	viewDef->worldSpace.modelViewMatrix[3 * 4 + 3] = 1.0f;
	viewDef->maxDrawSurfs = surfaces.Num();
	viewDef->drawSurfs = ( drawSurf_t** )R_FrameAlloc( viewDef->maxDrawSurfs * sizeof( viewDef->drawSurfs[0] ), FRAME_ALLOC_DRAW_SURFACE_POINTER );
	viewDef->numDrawSurfs = 0;
#if 1
	// RB: give renderView the current time to calculate 2D shader effects
	int shaderTime = tr.frameShaderTime * 1000; //Sys_Milliseconds();
	viewDef->renderView.time[0] = shaderTime;
	viewDef->renderView.time[1] = shaderTime;
	// RB end
	viewDef_t* oldViewDef = tr.viewDef;
	tr.viewDef = viewDef;
	EmitSurfaces( viewDef->worldSpace.modelMatrix, viewDef->worldSpace.modelViewMatrix,
				  false /* depthHack */ , stereoEnabled /* stereoDepthSort */, false /* link as entity */ );
	tr.viewDef = oldViewDef;
	// add the command to draw this view
	R_AddDrawViewCmd( viewDef, true );
void R_AddLights()
	// check each light individually, possibly in parallel
	if( r_useParallelAddLights.GetBool() )
		for( viewLight_t* vLight = tr.viewDef->viewLights; vLight != NULL; vLight = vLight->next )
			tr.frontEndJobList->AddJob( ( jobRun_t )R_AddSingleLight, vLight );
		for( viewLight_t* vLight = tr.viewDef->viewLights; vLight != NULL; vLight = vLight->next )
			R_AddSingleLight( vLight );
	// cull lights from the list if they turned out to not be needed
	tr.pc.c_viewLights = 0;
	viewLight_t** ptr = &tr.viewDef->viewLights;
	while( *ptr != NULL )
		viewLight_t* vLight = *ptr;
		if( vLight->removeFromList )
			vLight->lightDef->viewCount = -1;	// this probably doesn't matter with current code
			*ptr = vLight->next;
		ptr = &vLight->next;
		// serial work
		for( shadowOnlyEntity_t* shadEnt = vLight->shadowOnlyViewEntities; shadEnt != NULL; shadEnt = shadEnt->next )
			// this will add it to the viewEntities list, but with an empty scissor rect
			R_SetEntityDefViewEntity( shadEnt->edef );
		if( r_showLightScissors.GetBool() )
			R_ShowColoredScreenRect( vLight->scissorRect, vLight->lightDef->index );
	// Add jobs to setup pre-light shadow volumes.
	if( r_useParallelAddShadows.GetInteger() == 1 )
		for( viewLight_t* vLight = tr.viewDef->viewLights; vLight != NULL; vLight = vLight->next )
			for( preLightShadowVolumeParms_t* shadowParms = vLight->preLightShadowVolumes; shadowParms != NULL; shadowParms = shadowParms->next )
				tr.frontEndJobList->AddJob( ( jobRun_t )PreLightShadowVolumeJob, shadowParms );
			vLight->preLightShadowVolumes = NULL;
		int start = Sys_Microseconds();
		for( viewLight_t* vLight = tr.viewDef->viewLights; vLight != NULL; vLight = vLight->next )
			for( preLightShadowVolumeParms_t* shadowParms = vLight->preLightShadowVolumes; shadowParms != NULL; shadowParms = shadowParms->next )
				PreLightShadowVolumeJob( shadowParms );
			vLight->preLightShadowVolumes = NULL;
		int end = Sys_Microseconds();
		tr.backend.pc.shadowMicroSec += end - start;

May be run in parallel.

Sets vLight->removeFromList to true if the light should be removed from the list.
Builds a chain of entities that need to be added for shadows only off vLight->shadowOnlyViewEntities.
Allocates and fills in vLight->entityInteractionState.

Calc the light shader values, removing any light from the viewLight list
if it is determined to not have any visible effect due to being flashed off or turned off.

Add any precomputed shadow volumes.
static void R_AddSingleLight( viewLight_t* vLight )
	// until proven otherwise
	vLight->removeFromList = true;
	vLight->shadowOnlyViewEntities = NULL;
	vLight->preLightShadowVolumes = NULL;
	// globals we really should pass in...
	const viewDef_t* viewDef = tr.viewDef;
	const idRenderLightLocal* light = vLight->lightDef;
	const idMaterial* lightShader = light->lightShader;
	if( lightShader == NULL )
		common->Error( "R_AddSingleLight: NULL lightShader" );
	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( lightShader->GetName() );
	// see if we are suppressing the light in this view
	if( !r_skipSuppress.GetBool() )
		if( light->parms.suppressLightInViewID && light->parms.suppressLightInViewID == viewDef->renderView.viewID )
		if( light->parms.allowLightInViewID && light->parms.allowLightInViewID != viewDef->renderView.viewID )
	// evaluate the light shader registers
	float* lightRegs = ( float* )R_FrameAlloc( lightShader->GetNumRegisters() * sizeof( float ), FRAME_ALLOC_SHADER_REGISTER );
	lightShader->EvaluateRegisters( lightRegs, light->parms.shaderParms, viewDef->renderView.shaderParms,
									tr.viewDef->renderView.time[0] * 0.001f, light->parms.referenceSound );
	// if this is a purely additive light and no stage in the light shader evaluates
	// to a positive light value, we can completely skip the light
	if( !lightShader->IsFogLight() && !lightShader->IsBlendLight() )
		int lightStageNum;
		for( lightStageNum = 0; lightStageNum < lightShader->GetNumStages(); lightStageNum++ )
			const shaderStage_t*	lightStage = lightShader->GetStage( lightStageNum );
			// ignore stages that fail the condition
			if( !lightRegs[ lightStage->conditionRegister ] )
			const int* registers = lightStage->color.registers;
			// snap tiny values to zero
			if( lightRegs[ registers[0] ] < 0.001f )
				lightRegs[ registers[0] ] = 0.0f;
			if( lightRegs[ registers[1] ] < 0.001f )
				lightRegs[ registers[1] ] = 0.0f;
			if( lightRegs[ registers[2] ] < 0.001f )
				lightRegs[ registers[2] ] = 0.0f;
			if( lightRegs[ registers[0] ] > 0.0f ||
					lightRegs[ registers[1] ] > 0.0f ||
					lightRegs[ registers[2] ] > 0.0f )
		if( lightStageNum == lightShader->GetNumStages() )
			// we went through all the stages and didn't find one that adds anything
			// remove the light from the viewLights list, and change its frame marker
			// so interaction generation doesn't think the light is visible and
			// create a shadow for it
	// copy data used by backend
	vLight->globalLightOrigin = light->globalLightOrigin;
	vLight->lightProject[0] = light->lightProject[0];
	vLight->lightProject[1] = light->lightProject[1];
	vLight->lightProject[2] = light->lightProject[2];
	vLight->lightProject[3] = light->lightProject[3];
	// the fog plane is the light far clip plane
	idPlane fogPlane(	light->baseLightProject[2][0] - light->baseLightProject[3][0],
						light->baseLightProject[2][1] - light->baseLightProject[3][1],
						light->baseLightProject[2][2] - light->baseLightProject[3][2],
						light->baseLightProject[2][3] - light->baseLightProject[3][3] );
	const float planeScale = idMath::InvSqrt( fogPlane.Normal().LengthSqr() );
	vLight->fogPlane[0] = fogPlane[0] * planeScale;
	vLight->fogPlane[1] = fogPlane[1] * planeScale;
	vLight->fogPlane[2] = fogPlane[2] * planeScale;
	vLight->fogPlane[3] = fogPlane[3] * planeScale;
	// copy the matrix for deforming the 'zeroOneCubeModel' to exactly cover the light volume in world space
	vLight->inverseBaseLightProject = light->inverseBaseLightProject;
	// RB begin
	vLight->baseLightProject = light->baseLightProject;
	vLight->pointLight = light->parms.pointLight;
	vLight->parallel = light->parms.parallel;
	vLight->lightCenter = light->parms.lightCenter;
	// RB end
	vLight->falloffImage = light->falloffImage;
	vLight->lightShader = light->lightShader;
	vLight->shaderRegisters = lightRegs;
	const bool lightCastsShadows = light->LightCastsShadows();
	if( r_useLightScissors.GetInteger() != 0 )
		// Calculate the matrix that projects the zero-to-one cube to exactly cover the
		// light frustum in clip space.
		idRenderMatrix invProjectMVPMatrix;
		idRenderMatrix::Multiply( viewDef->worldSpace.mvp, light->inverseBaseLightProject, invProjectMVPMatrix );
		// Calculate the projected bounds, either not clipped at all, near clipped, or fully clipped.
		idBounds projected;
		if( r_useLightScissors.GetInteger() == 1 )
			idRenderMatrix::ProjectedBounds( projected, invProjectMVPMatrix, bounds_zeroOneCube );
		else if( r_useLightScissors.GetInteger() == 2 )
			idRenderMatrix::ProjectedNearClippedBounds( projected, invProjectMVPMatrix, bounds_zeroOneCube );
			idRenderMatrix::ProjectedFullyClippedBounds( projected, invProjectMVPMatrix, bounds_zeroOneCube );
		if( projected[0][2] >= projected[1][2] )
			// the light was culled to the view frustum
		float screenWidth = ( float )viewDef->viewport.x2 - ( float )viewDef->viewport.x1;
		float screenHeight = ( float )viewDef->viewport.y2 - ( float )viewDef->viewport.y1;
		idScreenRect lightScissorRect;
		lightScissorRect.x1 = idMath::Ftoi( projected[0][0] * screenWidth );
		lightScissorRect.x2 = idMath::Ftoi( projected[1][0] * screenWidth );
		lightScissorRect.y1 = idMath::Ftoi( projected[0][1] * screenHeight );
		lightScissorRect.y2 = idMath::Ftoi( projected[1][1] * screenHeight );
		vLight->scissorRect.Intersect( lightScissorRect );
		vLight->scissorRect.zmin = projected[0][2];
		vLight->scissorRect.zmax = projected[1][2];
		// RB: calculate shadow LOD similar to Q3A .md3 LOD code
		vLight->shadowLOD = 0;
		if( r_useShadowMapping.GetBool() && lightCastsShadows )
			float           flod, lodscale;
			float           projectedRadius;
			int             lod;
			int             numLods;
			// compute projected bounding sphere
			// and use that as a criteria for selecting LOD
			idVec3 center = projected.GetCenter();
			projectedRadius = projected.GetRadius( center );
			if( projectedRadius > 1.0f )
				projectedRadius = 1.0f;
			if( projectedRadius != 0 )
				lodscale = r_shadowMapLodScale.GetFloat();
				if( lodscale > 20 )
					lodscale = 20;
				flod = 1.0f - projectedRadius * lodscale;
				// object intersects near view plane, e.g. view weapon
				flod = 0;
			flod *= numLods;
			if( flod < 0 )
				flod = 0;
			lod = idMath::Ftoi( flod );
			if( lod >= numLods )
				//lod = numLods - 1;
			lod += r_shadowMapLodBias.GetInteger();
			if( lod < 0 )
				lod = 0;
			if( lod >= numLods )
				// don't draw any shadow
				//lod = -1;
				lod = numLods - 1;
			// 2048^2 ultra quality is only for cascaded shadow mapping with sun lights
			if( lod == 0 && !light->parms.parallel )
				lod = 1;
			vLight->shadowLOD = lod;
		// RB end
	// this one stays on the list
	vLight->removeFromList = false;
	// create interactions with all entities the light may touch, and add viewEntities
	// that may cast shadows, even if they aren't directly visible.  Any real work
	// will be deferred until we walk through the viewEntities
	const int renderViewID = viewDef->renderView.viewID;
	// this bool array will be set true whenever the entity will visibly interact with the light
	vLight->entityInteractionState = ( byte* )R_ClearedFrameAlloc( light->world->entityDefs.Num() * sizeof( vLight->entityInteractionState[0] ), FRAME_ALLOC_INTERACTION_STATE );
	idInteraction** const interactionTableRow = light->world->interactionTable + light->index * light->world->interactionTableWidth;
	for( areaReference_t* lref = light->references; lref != NULL; lref = lref->ownerNext )
		portalArea_t* area = lref->area;
		// some lights have their center of projection outside the world, but otherwise
		// we want to ignore areas that are not connected to the light center due to a closed door
		if( light->areaNum != -1 && r_useAreasConnectedForShadowCulling.GetInteger() == 2 )
			if( !light->world->AreasAreConnected( light->areaNum, area->areaNum, PS_BLOCK_VIEW ) )
				// can't possibly be seen or shadowed
		// check all the models in this area
		for( areaReference_t* eref = area->entityRefs.areaNext; eref != &area->entityRefs; eref = eref->areaNext )
			idRenderEntityLocal* edef = eref->entity;
			if( vLight->entityInteractionState[ edef->index ] != viewLight_t::INTERACTION_UNCHECKED )
			// until proven otherwise
			vLight->entityInteractionState[ edef->index ] = viewLight_t::INTERACTION_NO;
			// The table is updated at interaction::AllocAndLink() and interaction::UnlinkAndFree()
			const idInteraction* inter = interactionTableRow[ edef->index ];
			const renderEntity_t& eParms = edef->parms;
			const idRenderModel* eModel = eParms.hModel;
			// a large fraction of static entity / light pairs will still have no interactions even though
			// they are both present in the same area(s)
			if( eModel != NULL && !eModel->IsDynamicModel() && inter == INTERACTION_EMPTY )
				// the interaction was statically checked, and it didn't generate any surfaces,
				// so there is no need to force the entity onto the view list if it isn't
				// already there
			// We don't want the lights on weapons to illuminate anything else.
			// There are two assumptions here -- that allowLightInViewID is only
			// used for weapon lights, and that all weapons will have weaponDepthHack.
			// A more general solution would be to have an allowLightOnEntityID field.
			// HACK: the armor-mounted flashlight is a private spot light, which is probably
			// wrong -- you would expect to see them in multiplayer.
			//	if( light->parms.allowLightInViewID && light->parms.pointLight && !eParms.weaponDepthHack )
			//	{
			//		continue;
			//	}
			// non-shadow casting entities don't need to be added if they aren't
			// directly visible
			if( ( eParms.noShadow || ( eModel && !eModel->ModelHasShadowCastingSurfaces() ) ) && !edef->IsDirectlyVisible() )
			// if the model doesn't accept lighting or cast shadows, it doesn't need to be added
			if( eModel && !eModel->ModelHasInteractingSurfaces() && !eModel->ModelHasShadowCastingSurfaces() )
			// no interaction present, so either the light or entity has moved
			// assert( lightHasMoved || edef->entityHasMoved );
			if( inter == NULL )
				// some big outdoor meshes are flagged to not create any dynamic interactions
				// when the level designer knows that nearby moving lights shouldn't actually hit them
				if( eParms.noDynamicInteractions )
				// do a check of the entity reference bounds against the light frustum to see if they can't
				// possibly interact, despite sharing one or more world areas
				if( R_CullModelBoundsToLight( light, edef->localReferenceBounds, edef->modelRenderMatrix ) )
			// we now know that the entity and light do overlap
			if( edef->IsDirectlyVisible() )
				// entity is directly visible, so the interaction is definitely needed
				vLight->entityInteractionState[ edef->index ] = viewLight_t::INTERACTION_YES;
			// the entity is not directly visible, but if we can tell that it may cast
			// shadows onto visible surfaces, we must make a viewEntity for it
			if( !lightCastsShadows )
				// surfaces are never shadowed in this light
			// if we are suppressing its shadow in this view (player shadows, etc), skip
			if( !r_skipSuppress.GetBool() )
				if( eParms.suppressShadowInViewID && eParms.suppressShadowInViewID == renderViewID )
				if( eParms.suppressShadowInLightID && eParms.suppressShadowInLightID == light->parms.lightId )
			// should we use the shadow bounds from pre-calculated interactions?
			idBounds shadowBounds;
			R_ShadowBounds( edef->globalReferenceBounds, light->globalLightBounds, light->globalLightOrigin, shadowBounds );
			// this test is pointless if we knew the light was completely contained
			// in the view frustum, but the entity would also be directly visible in most
			// of those cases.
			// this doesn't say that the shadow can't effect anything, only that it can't
			// effect anything in the view, so we shouldn't set up a view entity
			if( idRenderMatrix::CullBoundsToMVP( viewDef->worldSpace.mvp, shadowBounds ) )
			// debug tool to allow viewing of only one entity at a time
			if( r_singleEntity.GetInteger() >= 0 && r_singleEntity.GetInteger() != edef->index )
			// we do need it for shadows
			vLight->entityInteractionState[ edef->index ] = viewLight_t::INTERACTION_YES;
			// we will need to create a viewEntity_t for it in the serial code section
			shadowOnlyEntity_t* shadEnt = ( shadowOnlyEntity_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( shadowOnlyEntity_t ), FRAME_ALLOC_SHADOW_ONLY_ENTITY );
			shadEnt->next = vLight->shadowOnlyViewEntities;
			shadEnt->edef = edef;
			vLight->shadowOnlyViewEntities = shadEnt;
	// add the prelight shadows for the static world geometry
	if( light->parms.prelightModel != NULL && !r_useShadowMapping.GetBool() )
		srfTriangles_t* tri = light->parms.prelightModel->Surface( 0 )->geometry;
		// these shadows will have valid bounds, and can be culled normally,
		// but they will typically cover most of the light's bounds
		if( idRenderMatrix::CullBoundsToMVP( viewDef->worldSpace.mvp, tri->bounds ) )
		// prelight models should always have static data that never gets purged
		assert( vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( tri->shadowCache ) );
		assert( vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( tri->indexCache ) );
		drawSurf_t* shadowDrawSurf = ( drawSurf_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *shadowDrawSurf ), FRAME_ALLOC_DRAW_SURFACE );
		shadowDrawSurf->frontEndGeo = tri;
		shadowDrawSurf->ambientCache = 0;
		shadowDrawSurf->indexCache = tri->indexCache;
		shadowDrawSurf->shadowCache = tri->shadowCache;
		shadowDrawSurf->jointCache = 0;
		shadowDrawSurf->numIndexes = 0;
		shadowDrawSurf->space = &viewDef->worldSpace;
		shadowDrawSurf->material = NULL;
		shadowDrawSurf->extraGLState = 0;
		shadowDrawSurf->shaderRegisters = NULL;
		shadowDrawSurf->scissorRect = vLight->scissorRect;		// default to the light scissor and light depth bounds
		shadowDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState = SHADOWVOLUME_DONE;	// assume the shadow volume is done in case r_skipPrelightShadows is set
		if( !r_skipPrelightShadows.GetBool() )
			preLightShadowVolumeParms_t* shadowParms = ( preLightShadowVolumeParms_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( shadowParms[0] ), FRAME_ALLOC_SHADOW_VOLUME_PARMS );
			shadowParms->verts = tri->preLightShadowVertexes;
			shadowParms->numVerts = tri->numVerts * 2;
			shadowParms->indexes = tri->indexes;
			shadowParms->numIndexes = tri->numIndexes;
			shadowParms->triangleBounds = tri->bounds;
			shadowParms->triangleMVP = viewDef->worldSpace.mvp;
			shadowParms->localLightOrigin = vLight->globalLightOrigin;
			shadowParms->localViewOrigin = viewDef->renderView.vieworg;
			shadowParms->zNear = r_znear.GetFloat();
			shadowParms->lightZMin = vLight->scissorRect.zmin;
			shadowParms->lightZMax = vLight->scissorRect.zmax;
			shadowParms->forceShadowCaps = r_forceShadowCaps.GetBool();
			shadowParms->useShadowPreciseInsideTest = r_useShadowPreciseInsideTest.GetBool();
			shadowParms->useShadowDepthBounds = r_useShadowDepthBounds.GetBool();
			shadowParms->numShadowIndices = & shadowDrawSurf->numIndexes;
			shadowParms->renderZFail = & shadowDrawSurf->renderZFail;
			shadowParms->shadowZMin = & shadowDrawSurf->scissorRect.zmin;
			shadowParms->shadowZMax = & shadowDrawSurf->scissorRect.zmax;
			shadowParms->shadowVolumeState = & shadowDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState;
			// the pre-light shadow volume "_prelight_light_3297" in "d3xpdm2" is malformed in that it contains the light origin so the precise inside test always fails
			if( tr.primaryWorld->mapName.IcmpPath( "maps/game/mp/d3xpdm2.map" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( light->parms.prelightModel->Name(), "_prelight_light_3297" ) == 0 )
				shadowParms->useShadowPreciseInsideTest = false;
			shadowDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState = SHADOWVOLUME_UNFINISHED;
			shadowParms->next = vLight->preLightShadowVolumes;
			vLight->preLightShadowVolumes = shadowParms;
		// actually link it in
		shadowDrawSurf->nextOnLight = vLight->globalShadows;
		vLight->globalShadows = shadowDrawSurf;
Example #13

Run in a background thread for performance, but can also
be called directly in the foreground thread for comparison.
int idGameThread::Run() {
	commonLocal.frameTiming.startGameTime = Sys_Microseconds();

	// debugging tool to test frame dropping behavior
	if ( com_sleepGame.GetInteger() ) {
		Sys_Sleep( com_sleepGame.GetInteger() );

	if ( numGameFrames == 0 ) {
		// Ensure there's no stale gameReturn data from a paused game
		ret = gameReturn_t();

	if ( isClient ) {
		// run the game logic
		for ( int i = 0; i < numGameFrames; i++ ) {
			SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "Client Prediction" );
			if ( userCmdMgr ) {
				game->ClientRunFrame( *userCmdMgr, ( i == numGameFrames - 1 ), ret );
			if ( ret.syncNextGameFrame || ret.sessionCommand[0] != 0 ) {
	} else {
		// run the game logic
		for ( int i = 0; i < numGameFrames; i++ ) {
			if ( userCmdMgr ) {
				game->RunFrame( *userCmdMgr, ret );
			if ( ret.syncNextGameFrame || ret.sessionCommand[0] != 0 ) {

	// we should have consumed all of our usercmds
	if ( userCmdMgr ) {
		if ( userCmdMgr->HasUserCmdForPlayer( game->GetLocalClientNum() ) && common->GetCurrentGame() == DOOM3_BFG ) {
			idLib::Printf( "idGameThread::Run: didn't consume all usercmds\n" );

	commonLocal.frameTiming.finishGameTime = Sys_Microseconds();

	SetThreadGameTime( ( commonLocal.frameTiming.finishGameTime - commonLocal.frameTiming.startGameTime ) / 1000 );

	// build render commands and geometry

	commonLocal.frameTiming.finishDrawTime = Sys_Microseconds();

	SetThreadRenderTime( ( commonLocal.frameTiming.finishDrawTime - commonLocal.frameTiming.finishGameTime ) / 1000 );

	SetThreadTotalTime( ( commonLocal.frameTiming.finishDrawTime - commonLocal.frameTiming.startGameTime ) / 1000 );

	return 0;
Example #14
void idCommonLocal::Frame() {
	try {
		SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "Common::Frame" );

		// This is the only place this is incremented

		// allow changing SIMD usage on the fly
		if ( com_forceGenericSIMD.IsModified() ) {
			idSIMD::InitProcessor( "doom", com_forceGenericSIMD.GetBool() );

		// Do the actual switch between Doom 3 and the classics here so
		// that things don't get confused in the middle of the frame.

		// pump all the events

		// write config file if anything changed


		// Activate the shell if it's been requested
		if ( showShellRequested && game ) {
			game->Shell_Show( true );
			showShellRequested = false;

		// if the console or another gui is down, we don't need to hold the mouse cursor
		bool chatting = false;
		if ( console->Active() || Dialog().IsDialogActive() || session->IsSystemUIShowing() || ( game && game->InhibitControls() && !IsPlayingDoomClassic() ) ) {
			Sys_GrabMouseCursor( false );
			usercmdGen->InhibitUsercmd( INHIBIT_SESSION, true );
			chatting = true;
		} else {
			Sys_GrabMouseCursor( true );
			usercmdGen->InhibitUsercmd( INHIBIT_SESSION, false );

		const bool pauseGame = ( !mapSpawned || ( !IsMultiplayer() && ( Dialog().IsDialogPausing() || session->IsSystemUIShowing() || ( game && game->Shell_IsActive() ) ) ) ) && !IsPlayingDoomClassic();

		// save the screenshot and audio from the last draw if needed
		if ( aviCaptureMode ) {
			idStr name = va("demos/%s/%s_%05i.tga", aviDemoShortName.c_str(), aviDemoShortName.c_str(), aviDemoFrameCount++ );
			renderSystem->TakeScreenshot( com_aviDemoWidth.GetInteger(), com_aviDemoHeight.GetInteger(), name, com_aviDemoSamples.GetInteger(), NULL );

			// remove any printed lines at the top before taking the screenshot

			// this will call Draw, possibly multiple times if com_aviDemoSamples is > 1
			renderSystem->TakeScreenshot( com_aviDemoWidth.GetInteger(), com_aviDemoHeight.GetInteger(), name, com_aviDemoSamples.GetInteger(), NULL );

		// wait for the GPU to finish drawing
		// It is imporant to minimize the time spent between this
		// section and the call to renderSystem->RenderCommandBuffers(),
		// because the GPU is completely idle.
		// this should exit right after vsync, with the GPU idle and ready to draw
		// This may block if the GPU isn't finished renderng the previous frame.
		frameTiming.startSyncTime = Sys_Microseconds();
		const emptyCommand_t * renderCommands = NULL;
		if ( com_smp.GetBool() ) {
			renderCommands = renderSystem->SwapCommandBuffers( &time_frontend, &time_backend, &time_shadows, &time_gpu );
		} else {
			// the GPU will stay idle through command generation for minimal
			// input latency
			renderSystem->SwapCommandBuffers_FinishRendering( &time_frontend, &time_backend, &time_shadows, &time_gpu );
		frameTiming.finishSyncTime = Sys_Microseconds();

		// Determine how many game tics we are going to run,
		// now that the previous frame is completely finished.
		// It is important that any waiting on the GPU be done
		// before this, or there will be a bad stuttering when
		// dropping frames for performance management.

		// input:
		// thisFrameTime
		// com_noSleep
		// com_engineHz
		// com_fixedTic
		// com_deltaTimeClamp
		// IsMultiplayer
		// in/out state:
		// gameFrame
		// gameTimeResidual
		// lastFrameTime
		// syncNextFrame
		// Output:
		// numGameFrames

		// How many game frames to run
		int numGameFrames = 0;

		for(;;) {
			const int thisFrameTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
			static int lastFrameTime = thisFrameTime;	// initialized only the first time
			const int deltaMilliseconds = thisFrameTime - lastFrameTime;
			lastFrameTime = thisFrameTime;

			// if there was a large gap in time since the last frame, or the frame
			// rate is very very low, limit the number of frames we will run
			const int clampedDeltaMilliseconds = Min( deltaMilliseconds, com_deltaTimeClamp.GetInteger() );

			gameTimeResidual += clampedDeltaMilliseconds * timescale.GetFloat();

			// don't run any frames when paused
			if ( pauseGame ) {
				gameTimeResidual = 0;

			// debug cvar to force multiple game tics
			if ( com_fixedTic.GetInteger() > 0 ) {
				numGameFrames = com_fixedTic.GetInteger();
				gameFrame += numGameFrames;
				gameTimeResidual = 0;

			if ( syncNextGameFrame ) {
				// don't sleep at all
				syncNextGameFrame = false;
				gameTimeResidual = 0;

			for ( ;; ) {
				// How much time to wait before running the next frame,
				// based on com_engineHz
				const int frameDelay = FRAME_TO_MSEC( gameFrame + 1 ) - FRAME_TO_MSEC( gameFrame );
				if ( gameTimeResidual < frameDelay ) {
				gameTimeResidual -= frameDelay;
				// if there is enough residual left, we may run additional frames

			if ( numGameFrames > 0 ) {
				// ready to actually run them

			// if we are vsyncing, we always want to run at least one game
			// frame and never sleep, which might happen due to scheduling issues
			// if we were just looking at real time.
			if ( com_noSleep.GetBool() ) {
				numGameFrames = 1;
				gameFrame += numGameFrames;
				gameTimeResidual = 0;

			// not enough time has passed to run a frame, as might happen if
			// we don't have vsync on, or the monitor is running at 120hz while
			// com_engineHz is 60, so sleep a bit and check again
			Sys_Sleep( 0 );

		// It would be better to push as much of this as possible
		// either before or after the renderSystem->SwapCommandBuffers(),
		// because the GPU is completely idle.

		// Update session and syncronize to the new session state after sleeping

		if ( session->GetState() == idSession::LOADING ) {
			// If the session reports we should be loading a map, load it!
			mapSpawnData.savegameFile = NULL;
		} else if ( session->GetState() != idSession::INGAME && mapSpawned ) {
			// If the game is running, but the session reports we are not in a game, disconnect
			// This happens when a server disconnects us or we sign out

		if ( mapSpawned && !pauseGame ) {
			if ( IsClient() ) {


		// send frame and mouse events to active guis

		// Prepare usercmds and kick off the game processing
		// in a background thread

		// get the previous usercmd for bypassed head tracking transform
		const usercmd_t	previousCmd = usercmdGen->GetCurrentUsercmd();

		// build a new usercmd
		int deviceNum = session->GetSignInManager().GetMasterInputDevice();
		usercmdGen->BuildCurrentUsercmd( deviceNum );
		if ( deviceNum == -1 ) {
			for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_INPUT_DEVICES; i++ ) {
				Sys_PollJoystickInputEvents( i );
		if ( pauseGame ) {

		usercmd_t newCmd = usercmdGen->GetCurrentUsercmd();

		// Store server game time - don't let time go past last SS time in case we are extrapolating
		if ( IsClient() ) {
			newCmd.serverGameMilliseconds = std::min( Game()->GetServerGameTimeMs(), Game()->GetSSEndTime() );
		} else {
			newCmd.serverGameMilliseconds = Game()->GetServerGameTimeMs();

		userCmdMgr.MakeReadPtrCurrentForPlayer( Game()->GetLocalClientNum() );

		// Stuff a copy of this userCmd for each game frame we are going to run.
		// Ideally, the usercmds would be built in another thread so you could
		// still get 60hz control accuracy when the game is running slower.
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < numGameFrames ; i++ ) {
			newCmd.clientGameMilliseconds = FRAME_TO_MSEC( gameFrame-numGameFrames+i+1 );
			userCmdMgr.PutUserCmdForPlayer( game->GetLocalClientNum(), newCmd );

		// If we're in Doom or Doom 2, run tics and upload the new texture.
		if ( ( GetCurrentGame() == DOOM_CLASSIC || GetCurrentGame() == DOOM2_CLASSIC ) && !( Dialog().IsDialogPausing() || session->IsSystemUIShowing() ) ) {
		// start the game / draw command generation thread going in the background
		gameReturn_t ret = gameThread.RunGameAndDraw( numGameFrames, userCmdMgr, IsClient(), gameFrame - numGameFrames );

		if ( !com_smp.GetBool() ) {
			// in non-smp mode, run the commands we just generated, instead of
			// frame-delayed ones from a background thread
			renderCommands = renderSystem->SwapCommandBuffers_FinishCommandBuffers();

		// Run the render back end, getting the GPU busy with new commands
		// ASAP to minimize the pipeline bubble.
		frameTiming.startRenderTime = Sys_Microseconds();
		renderSystem->RenderCommandBuffers( renderCommands );
		if ( com_sleepRender.GetInteger() > 0 ) {
			// debug tool to test frame adaption
			Sys_Sleep( com_sleepRender.GetInteger() );
		frameTiming.finishRenderTime = Sys_Microseconds();

		// make sure the game / draw thread has completed
		// This may block if the game is taking longer than the render back end

		// Send local usermds to the server.
		// This happens after the game frame has run so that prediction data is up to date.
		SendUsercmds( Game()->GetLocalClientNum() );

		// Now that we have an updated game frame, we can send out new snapshots to our clients
		session->Pump(); // Pump to get updated usercmds to relay

		// Render the sound system using the latest commands from the game thread
		if ( pauseGame ) {
			soundSystem->SetPlayingSoundWorld( menuSoundWorld );
		} else {
			soundSystem->SetPlayingSoundWorld( soundWorld );

		// process the game return for map changes, etc
		ProcessGameReturn( ret );

		idLobbyBase & lobby = session->GetActivePlatformLobbyBase();
		if ( lobby.HasActivePeers() ) {
			if ( net_drawDebugHud.GetInteger() == 1 ) {
			if ( net_drawDebugHud.GetInteger() == 2 ) {
			lobby.DrawDebugNetworkHUD_ServerSnapshotMetrics( net_drawDebugHud.GetInteger() == 3 );

		// report timing information
		if ( com_speeds.GetBool() ) {
			static int lastTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
			int	nowTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
			int	com_frameMsec = nowTime - lastTime;
			lastTime = nowTime;
			Printf( "frame:%d all:%3d gfr:%3d rf:%3lld bk:%3lld\n", idLib::frameNumber, com_frameMsec, time_gameFrame, time_frontend / 1000, time_backend / 1000 );
			time_gameFrame = 0;
			time_gameDraw = 0;

		// the FPU stack better be empty at this point or some bad code or compiler bug left values on the stack
		if ( !Sys_FPU_StackIsEmpty() ) {
			Printf( Sys_FPU_GetState() );
			FatalError( "idCommon::Frame: the FPU stack is not empty at the end of the frame\n" );

		mainFrameTiming = frameTiming;

	} catch( idException & ) {
		return;			// an ERP_DROP was thrown
Example #15
void idCommonLocal::Draw() {
	// debugging tool to test frame dropping behavior
	if ( com_sleepDraw.GetInteger() ) {
		Sys_Sleep( com_sleepDraw.GetInteger() );

	if ( loadGUI != NULL ) {
		loadGUI->Render( renderSystem, Sys_Milliseconds() );
	} else if ( currentGame == DOOM_CLASSIC || currentGame == DOOM2_CLASSIC ) {
		const float sysWidth = renderSystem->GetWidth() * renderSystem->GetPixelAspect();
		const float sysHeight = renderSystem->GetHeight();
		const float sysAspect = sysWidth / sysHeight;
		const float doomAspect = 4.0f / 3.0f;
		const float adjustment = sysAspect / doomAspect;
		const float barHeight = ( adjustment >= 1.0f ) ? 0.0f : ( 1.0f - adjustment ) * (float)SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25f;
		const float barWidth = ( adjustment <= 1.0f ) ? 0.0f : ( adjustment - 1.0f ) * (float)SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.25f;
		if ( barHeight > 0.0f ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor( colorBlack );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, barHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - barHeight, SCREEN_WIDTH, barHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial );
		if ( barWidth > 0.0f ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor( colorBlack );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, barWidth, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( SCREEN_WIDTH - barWidth, 0, barWidth, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial );
		renderSystem->SetColor4( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
		renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( barWidth, barHeight, SCREEN_WIDTH - barWidth * 2.0f, SCREEN_HEIGHT - barHeight * 2.0f, 0, 0, 1, 1, doomClassicMaterial );
	} else if ( game && game->Shell_IsActive() ) {
		bool gameDraw = game->Draw( game->GetLocalClientNum() );
		if ( !gameDraw ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor( colorBlack );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial );
	} else if ( readDemo ) {
		renderWorld->RenderScene( &currentDemoRenderView );
	} else if ( mapSpawned ) {
		bool gameDraw = false;
		// normal drawing for both single and multi player
		if ( !com_skipGameDraw.GetBool() && Game()->GetLocalClientNum() >= 0 ) {
			// draw the game view
			int	start = Sys_Milliseconds();
			if ( game ) {
				gameDraw = game->Draw( Game()->GetLocalClientNum() );
			int end = Sys_Milliseconds();
			time_gameDraw += ( end - start );	// note time used for com_speeds
		if ( !gameDraw ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor( colorBlack );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial );

		// save off the 2D drawing from the game
		if ( writeDemo ) {
	} else {
		renderSystem->SetColor4( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
		renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial );


		// draw the wipe material on top of this if it hasn't completed yet

		Dialog().Render( loadGUI != NULL );

		// draw the half console / notify console on top of everything
		console->Draw( false );

This is also called by the game code for idRenderWorldLocal::ModelTrace(), and idRenderWorldLocal::Trace() which is bad for performance...

Issues a deferred entity callback if necessary.
If the model isn't dynamic, it returns the original.
Returns the cached dynamic model if present, otherwise creates it.
idRenderModel* R_EntityDefDynamicModel( idRenderEntityLocal* def )
	if( def->dynamicModelFrameCount == tr.frameCount )
		return def->dynamicModel;
	// allow deferred entities to construct themselves
	bool callbackUpdate;
	if( def->parms.callback != NULL )
		SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "R_IssueEntityDefCallback" );
		callbackUpdate = R_IssueEntityDefCallback( def );
		callbackUpdate = false;
	idRenderModel* model = def->parms.hModel;
	if( model == NULL )
		common->Error( "R_EntityDefDynamicModel: NULL model" );
		return NULL;
	if( model->IsDynamicModel() == DM_STATIC )
		def->dynamicModel = NULL;
		def->dynamicModelFrameCount = 0;
		return model;
	// continously animating models (particle systems, etc) will have their snapshot updated every single view
	if( callbackUpdate || ( model->IsDynamicModel() == DM_CONTINUOUS && def->dynamicModelFrameCount != tr.frameCount ) )
		R_ClearEntityDefDynamicModel( def );
	// if we don't have a snapshot of the dynamic model, generate it now
	if( def->dynamicModel == NULL )
		SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "InstantiateDynamicModel" );
		// instantiate the snapshot of the dynamic model, possibly reusing memory from the cached snapshot
		def->cachedDynamicModel = model->InstantiateDynamicModel( &def->parms, tr.viewDef, def->cachedDynamicModel );
		if( def->cachedDynamicModel != NULL && r_checkBounds.GetBool() )
			idBounds b = def->cachedDynamicModel->Bounds();
			if(	b[0][0] < def->localReferenceBounds[0][0] - CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON ||
					b[0][1] < def->localReferenceBounds[0][1] - CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON ||
					b[0][2] < def->localReferenceBounds[0][2] - CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON ||
					b[1][0] > def->localReferenceBounds[1][0] + CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON ||
					b[1][1] > def->localReferenceBounds[1][1] + CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON ||
					b[1][2] > def->localReferenceBounds[1][2] + CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON )
				common->Printf( "entity %i dynamic model exceeded reference bounds\n", def->index );
		def->dynamicModel = def->cachedDynamicModel;
		def->dynamicModelFrameCount = tr.frameCount;
	// set model depth hack value
	if( def->dynamicModel != NULL && model->DepthHack() != 0.0f && tr.viewDef != NULL )
		idPlane eye, clip;
		idVec3 ndc;
		R_TransformModelToClip( def->parms.origin, tr.viewDef->worldSpace.modelViewMatrix, tr.viewDef->projectionMatrix, eye, clip );
		R_TransformClipToDevice( clip, ndc );
		def->parms.modelDepthHack = model->DepthHack() * ( 1.0f - ndc.z );
		def->parms.modelDepthHack = 0.0f;
	return def->dynamicModel;

May be run in parallel.

Here is where dynamic models actually get instantiated, and necessary
interaction surfaces get created. This is all done on a sort-by-model
basis to keep source data in cache (most likely L2) as any interactions
and shadows are generated, since dynamic models will typically be lit by
two or more lights.
void R_AddSingleModel( viewEntity_t* vEntity )
	// we will add all interaction surfs here, to be chained to the lights in later serial code
	vEntity->drawSurfs = NULL;
	vEntity->staticShadowVolumes = NULL;
	vEntity->dynamicShadowVolumes = NULL;
	// globals we really should pass in...
	const viewDef_t* viewDef = tr.viewDef;
	idRenderEntityLocal* entityDef = vEntity->entityDef;
	const renderEntity_t* renderEntity = &entityDef->parms;
	const idRenderWorldLocal* world = entityDef->world;
	if( viewDef->isXraySubview && entityDef->parms.xrayIndex == 1 )
	else if( !viewDef->isXraySubview && entityDef->parms.xrayIndex == 2 )
	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( renderEntity->hModel == NULL ? "Unknown Model" : renderEntity->hModel->Name() );
	// calculate the znear for testing whether or not the view is inside a shadow projection
	const float znear = ( viewDef->renderView.cramZNear ) ? ( r_znear.GetFloat() * 0.25f ) : r_znear.GetFloat();
	// if the entity wasn't seen through a portal chain, it was added just for light shadows
	const bool modelIsVisible = !vEntity->scissorRect.IsEmpty();
	const bool addInteractions = modelIsVisible && ( !viewDef->isXraySubview || entityDef->parms.xrayIndex == 2 );
	const int entityIndex = entityDef->index;
	// Find which of the visible lights contact this entity
	// If the entity doesn't accept light or cast shadows from any surface,
	// this can be skipped.
	// OPTIMIZE: world areas can assume all referenced lights are used
	int	numContactedLights = 0;
	static const int MAX_CONTACTED_LIGHTS = 128;
	viewLight_t* contactedLights[MAX_CONTACTED_LIGHTS];
	idInteraction* staticInteractions[MAX_CONTACTED_LIGHTS];
	if( renderEntity->hModel == NULL ||
			renderEntity->hModel->ModelHasInteractingSurfaces() ||
			renderEntity->hModel->ModelHasShadowCastingSurfaces() )
		SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "Find lights" );
		for( viewLight_t* vLight = viewDef->viewLights; vLight != NULL; vLight = vLight->next )
			if( vLight->scissorRect.IsEmpty() )
			if( vLight->entityInteractionState != NULL )
				// new code path, everything was done in AddLight
				if( vLight->entityInteractionState[entityIndex] == viewLight_t::INTERACTION_YES )
					contactedLights[numContactedLights] = vLight;
					staticInteractions[numContactedLights] = world->interactionTable[vLight->lightDef->index * world->interactionTableWidth + entityIndex];
					if( ++numContactedLights == MAX_CONTACTED_LIGHTS )
			const idRenderLightLocal* lightDef = vLight->lightDef;
			if( !lightDef->globalLightBounds.IntersectsBounds( entityDef->globalReferenceBounds ) )
			if( R_CullModelBoundsToLight( lightDef, entityDef->localReferenceBounds, entityDef->modelRenderMatrix ) )
			if( !modelIsVisible )
				// some lights have their center of projection outside the world
				if( lightDef->areaNum != -1 )
					// if no part of the model is in an area that is connected to
					// the light center (it is behind a solid, closed door), we can ignore it
					bool areasConnected = false;
					for( areaReference_t* ref = entityDef->entityRefs; ref != NULL; ref = ref->ownerNext )
						if( world->AreasAreConnected( lightDef->areaNum, ref->area->areaNum, PS_BLOCK_VIEW ) )
							areasConnected = true;
					if( areasConnected == false )
						// can't possibly be seen or shadowed
				// check more precisely for shadow visibility
				idBounds shadowBounds;
				R_ShadowBounds( entityDef->globalReferenceBounds, lightDef->globalLightBounds, lightDef->globalLightOrigin, shadowBounds );
				// this doesn't say that the shadow can't effect anything, only that it can't
				// effect anything in the view
				if( idRenderMatrix::CullBoundsToMVP( viewDef->worldSpace.mvp, shadowBounds ) )
			contactedLights[numContactedLights] = vLight;
			staticInteractions[numContactedLights] = world->interactionTable[vLight->lightDef->index * world->interactionTableWidth + entityIndex];
			if( ++numContactedLights == MAX_CONTACTED_LIGHTS )
	// if we aren't visible and none of the shadows stretch into the view,
	// we don't need to do anything else
	if( !modelIsVisible && numContactedLights == 0 )
	// create a dynamic model if the geometry isn't static
	idRenderModel* model = R_EntityDefDynamicModel( entityDef );
	if( model == NULL || model->NumSurfaces() <= 0 )
	// add the lightweight blood decal surfaces if the model is directly visible
	if( modelIsVisible )
		assert( !vEntity->scissorRect.IsEmpty() );
		if( entityDef->decals != NULL && !r_skipDecals.GetBool() )
			entityDef->decals->CreateDeferredDecals( model );
			unsigned int numDrawSurfs = entityDef->decals->GetNumDecalDrawSurfs();
			for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numDrawSurfs; i++ )
				drawSurf_t* decalDrawSurf = entityDef->decals->CreateDecalDrawSurf( vEntity, i );
				if( decalDrawSurf != NULL )
					decalDrawSurf->linkChain = NULL;
					decalDrawSurf->nextOnLight = vEntity->drawSurfs;
					vEntity->drawSurfs = decalDrawSurf;
		if( entityDef->overlays != NULL && !r_skipOverlays.GetBool() )
			entityDef->overlays->CreateDeferredOverlays( model );
			unsigned int numDrawSurfs = entityDef->overlays->GetNumOverlayDrawSurfs();
			for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numDrawSurfs; i++ )
				drawSurf_t* overlayDrawSurf = entityDef->overlays->CreateOverlayDrawSurf( vEntity, model, i );
				if( overlayDrawSurf != NULL )
					overlayDrawSurf->linkChain = NULL;
					overlayDrawSurf->nextOnLight = vEntity->drawSurfs;
					vEntity->drawSurfs = overlayDrawSurf;
	// copy matrix related stuff for back-end use
	// and setup a render matrix for faster culling
	vEntity->modelDepthHack = renderEntity->modelDepthHack;
	vEntity->weaponDepthHack = renderEntity->weaponDepthHack;
	vEntity->skipMotionBlur = renderEntity->skipMotionBlur;
	memcpy( vEntity->modelMatrix, entityDef->modelMatrix, sizeof( vEntity->modelMatrix ) );
	R_MatrixMultiply( entityDef->modelMatrix, viewDef->worldSpace.modelViewMatrix, vEntity->modelViewMatrix );
	idRenderMatrix viewMat;
	idRenderMatrix::Transpose( *( idRenderMatrix* )vEntity->modelViewMatrix, viewMat );
	idRenderMatrix::Multiply( viewDef->projectionRenderMatrix, viewMat, vEntity->mvp );
	if( renderEntity->weaponDepthHack )
		idRenderMatrix::ApplyDepthHack( vEntity->mvp );
	if( renderEntity->modelDepthHack != 0.0f )
		idRenderMatrix::ApplyModelDepthHack( vEntity->mvp, renderEntity->modelDepthHack );
	// local light and view origins are used to determine if the view is definitely outside
	// an extruded shadow volume, which means we can skip drawing the end caps
	idVec3 localViewOrigin;
	R_GlobalPointToLocal( vEntity->modelMatrix, viewDef->renderView.vieworg, localViewOrigin );
	// add all the model surfaces
	for( int surfaceNum = 0; surfaceNum < model->NumSurfaces(); surfaceNum++ )
		const modelSurface_t* surf = model->Surface( surfaceNum );
		// for debugging, only show a single surface at a time
		if( r_singleSurface.GetInteger() >= 0 && surfaceNum != r_singleSurface.GetInteger() )
		srfTriangles_t* tri = surf->geometry;
		if( tri == NULL )
		if( tri->numIndexes == 0 )
			continue;		// happens for particles
		const idMaterial* shader = surf->shader;
		if( shader == NULL )
		if( !shader->IsDrawn() )
			continue;		// collision hulls, etc
		// RemapShaderBySkin
		if( entityDef->parms.customShader != NULL )
			// this is sort of a hack, but causes deformed surfaces to map to empty surfaces,
			// so the item highlight overlay doesn't highlight the autosprite surface
			if( shader->Deform() )
			shader = entityDef->parms.customShader;
		else if( entityDef->parms.customSkin )
			shader = entityDef->parms.customSkin->RemapShaderBySkin( shader );
			if( shader == NULL )
			if( !shader->IsDrawn() )
		// optionally override with the renderView->globalMaterial
		if( tr.primaryRenderView.globalMaterial != NULL )
			shader = tr.primaryRenderView.globalMaterial;
		SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( shader->GetName() );
		// debugging tool to make sure we have the correct pre-calculated bounds
		if( r_checkBounds.GetBool() )
			for( int j = 0; j < tri->numVerts; j++ )
				int k;
				for( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
					if( tri->verts[j].xyz[k] > tri->bounds[1][k] + CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON
							|| tri->verts[j].xyz[k] < tri->bounds[0][k] - CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON )
						common->Printf( "bad tri->bounds on %s:%s\n", entityDef->parms.hModel->Name(), shader->GetName() );
					if( tri->verts[j].xyz[k] > entityDef->localReferenceBounds[1][k] + CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON
							|| tri->verts[j].xyz[k] < entityDef->localReferenceBounds[0][k] - CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON )
						common->Printf( "bad referenceBounds on %s:%s\n", entityDef->parms.hModel->Name(), shader->GetName() );
				if( k != 3 )
		// view frustum culling for the precise surface bounds, which is tighter
		// than the entire entity reference bounds
		// If the entire model wasn't visible, there is no need to check the
		// individual surfaces.
		const bool surfaceDirectlyVisible = modelIsVisible && !idRenderMatrix::CullBoundsToMVP( vEntity->mvp, tri->bounds );
		// RB: added check wether GPU skinning is available at all
		const bool gpuSkinned = ( tri->staticModelWithJoints != NULL && r_useGPUSkinning.GetBool() && glConfig.gpuSkinningAvailable );
		// RB end
		// base drawing surface
		drawSurf_t* baseDrawSurf = NULL;
		if( surfaceDirectlyVisible )
			// make sure we have an ambient cache and all necessary normals / tangents
			if( !vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( tri->indexCache ) )
				tri->indexCache = vertexCache.AllocIndex( tri->indexes, ALIGN( tri->numIndexes * sizeof( triIndex_t ), INDEX_CACHE_ALIGN ) );
			if( !vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( tri->ambientCache ) )
				// we are going to use it for drawing, so make sure we have the tangents and normals
				if( shader->ReceivesLighting() && !tri->tangentsCalculated )
					assert( tri->staticModelWithJoints == NULL );
					R_DeriveTangents( tri );
					// RB: this was hit by parametric particle models ..
					//assert( false );	// this should no longer be hit
					// RB end
				tri->ambientCache = vertexCache.AllocVertex( tri->verts, ALIGN( tri->numVerts * sizeof( idDrawVert ), VERTEX_CACHE_ALIGN ) );
			// add the surface for drawing
			// we can re-use some of the values for light interaction surfaces
			baseDrawSurf = ( drawSurf_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *baseDrawSurf ), FRAME_ALLOC_DRAW_SURFACE );
			baseDrawSurf->frontEndGeo = tri;
			baseDrawSurf->space = vEntity;
			baseDrawSurf->scissorRect = vEntity->scissorRect;
			baseDrawSurf->extraGLState = 0;
			baseDrawSurf->renderZFail = 0;
			R_SetupDrawSurfShader( baseDrawSurf, shader, renderEntity );
			// Check for deformations (eyeballs, flares, etc)
			const deform_t shaderDeform = shader->Deform();
			if( shaderDeform != DFRM_NONE )
				drawSurf_t* deformDrawSurf = R_DeformDrawSurf( baseDrawSurf );
				if( deformDrawSurf != NULL )
					// any deforms may have created multiple draw surfaces
					for( drawSurf_t* surf = deformDrawSurf, * next = NULL; surf != NULL; surf = next )
						next = surf->nextOnLight;
						surf->linkChain = NULL;
						surf->nextOnLight = vEntity->drawSurfs;
						vEntity->drawSurfs = surf;
			// Most deform source surfaces do not need to be rendered.
			// However, particles are rendered in conjunction with the source surface.
			if( shaderDeform == DFRM_NONE || shaderDeform == DFRM_PARTICLE || shaderDeform == DFRM_PARTICLE2 )
				// copy verts and indexes to this frame's hardware memory if they aren't already there
				if( !vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( tri->ambientCache ) )
					tri->ambientCache = vertexCache.AllocVertex( tri->verts, ALIGN( tri->numVerts * sizeof( tri->verts[0] ), VERTEX_CACHE_ALIGN ) );
				if( !vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( tri->indexCache ) )
					tri->indexCache = vertexCache.AllocIndex( tri->indexes, ALIGN( tri->numIndexes * sizeof( tri->indexes[0] ), INDEX_CACHE_ALIGN ) );
				R_SetupDrawSurfJoints( baseDrawSurf, tri, shader );
				baseDrawSurf->numIndexes = tri->numIndexes;
				baseDrawSurf->ambientCache = tri->ambientCache;
				baseDrawSurf->indexCache = tri->indexCache;
				baseDrawSurf->shadowCache = 0;
				baseDrawSurf->linkChain = NULL;		// link to the view
				baseDrawSurf->nextOnLight = vEntity->drawSurfs;
				vEntity->drawSurfs = baseDrawSurf;
		// add all light interactions
		for( int contactedLight = 0; contactedLight < numContactedLights; contactedLight++ )
			viewLight_t* vLight = contactedLights[contactedLight];
			const idRenderLightLocal* lightDef = vLight->lightDef;
			const idInteraction* interaction = staticInteractions[contactedLight];
			// check for a static interaction
			surfaceInteraction_t* surfInter = NULL;
			if( interaction > INTERACTION_EMPTY && interaction->staticInteraction )
				// we have a static interaction that was calculated accurately
				assert( model->NumSurfaces() == interaction->numSurfaces );
				surfInter = &interaction->surfaces[surfaceNum];
				// try to do a more precise cull of this model surface to the light
				if( R_CullModelBoundsToLight( lightDef, tri->bounds, entityDef->modelRenderMatrix ) )
			// "invisible ink" lights and shaders (imp spawn drawing on walls, etc)
			if( shader->Spectrum() != lightDef->lightShader->Spectrum() )
			// Calculate the local light origin to determine if the view is inside the shadow
			// projection and to calculate the triangle facing for dynamic shadow volumes.
			idVec3 localLightOrigin;
			R_GlobalPointToLocal( vEntity->modelMatrix, lightDef->globalLightOrigin, localLightOrigin );
			// surface light interactions
			dynamicShadowVolumeParms_t* dynamicShadowParms = NULL;
			if( addInteractions && surfaceDirectlyVisible && shader->ReceivesLighting() )
				// static interactions can commonly find that no triangles from a surface
				// contact the light, even when the total model does
				if( surfInter == NULL || surfInter->lightTrisIndexCache > 0 )
					// create a drawSurf for this interaction
					drawSurf_t* lightDrawSurf = ( drawSurf_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *lightDrawSurf ), FRAME_ALLOC_DRAW_SURFACE );
					if( surfInter != NULL )
						// optimized static interaction
						lightDrawSurf->numIndexes = surfInter->numLightTrisIndexes;
						lightDrawSurf->indexCache = surfInter->lightTrisIndexCache;
						// throw the entire source surface at it without any per-triangle culling
						lightDrawSurf->numIndexes = tri->numIndexes;
						lightDrawSurf->indexCache = tri->indexCache;
						// optionally cull the triangles to the light volume
						if( r_cullDynamicLightTriangles.GetBool() )
							vertCacheHandle_t lightIndexCache = vertexCache.AllocIndex( NULL, ALIGN( lightDrawSurf->numIndexes * sizeof( triIndex_t ), INDEX_CACHE_ALIGN ) );
							if( vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( lightIndexCache ) )
								lightDrawSurf->indexCache = lightIndexCache;
								dynamicShadowParms = ( dynamicShadowVolumeParms_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( dynamicShadowParms[0] ), FRAME_ALLOC_SHADOW_VOLUME_PARMS );
								dynamicShadowParms->verts = tri->verts;
								dynamicShadowParms->numVerts = tri->numVerts;
								dynamicShadowParms->indexes = tri->indexes;
								dynamicShadowParms->numIndexes = tri->numIndexes;
								dynamicShadowParms->silEdges = tri->silEdges;
								dynamicShadowParms->numSilEdges = tri->numSilEdges;
								dynamicShadowParms->joints = gpuSkinned ? tri->staticModelWithJoints->jointsInverted : NULL;
								dynamicShadowParms->numJoints = gpuSkinned ? tri->staticModelWithJoints->numInvertedJoints : 0;
								dynamicShadowParms->triangleBounds = tri->bounds;
								dynamicShadowParms->triangleMVP = vEntity->mvp;
								dynamicShadowParms->localLightOrigin = localLightOrigin;
								dynamicShadowParms->localViewOrigin = localViewOrigin;
								idRenderMatrix::Multiply( vLight->lightDef->baseLightProject, entityDef->modelRenderMatrix, dynamicShadowParms->localLightProject );
								dynamicShadowParms->zNear = znear;
								dynamicShadowParms->lightZMin = vLight->scissorRect.zmin;
								dynamicShadowParms->lightZMax = vLight->scissorRect.zmax;
								dynamicShadowParms->cullShadowTrianglesToLight = false;
								dynamicShadowParms->forceShadowCaps = false;
								dynamicShadowParms->useShadowPreciseInsideTest = false;
								dynamicShadowParms->useShadowDepthBounds = false;
								dynamicShadowParms->tempFacing = NULL;
								dynamicShadowParms->tempCulled = NULL;
								dynamicShadowParms->tempVerts = NULL;
								dynamicShadowParms->indexBuffer = NULL;
								dynamicShadowParms->shadowIndices = NULL;
								dynamicShadowParms->maxShadowIndices = 0;
								dynamicShadowParms->numShadowIndices = NULL;
								dynamicShadowParms->lightIndices = ( triIndex_t* )vertexCache.MappedIndexBuffer( lightIndexCache );
								dynamicShadowParms->maxLightIndices = lightDrawSurf->numIndexes;
								dynamicShadowParms->numLightIndices = &lightDrawSurf->numIndexes;
								dynamicShadowParms->renderZFail = NULL;
								dynamicShadowParms->shadowZMin = NULL;
								dynamicShadowParms->shadowZMax = NULL;
								dynamicShadowParms->shadowVolumeState = & lightDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState;
								lightDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState = SHADOWVOLUME_UNFINISHED;
								dynamicShadowParms->next = vEntity->dynamicShadowVolumes;
								vEntity->dynamicShadowVolumes = dynamicShadowParms;
					lightDrawSurf->ambientCache = tri->ambientCache;
					lightDrawSurf->shadowCache = 0;
					lightDrawSurf->frontEndGeo = tri;
					lightDrawSurf->space = vEntity;
					lightDrawSurf->material = shader;
					lightDrawSurf->extraGLState = 0;
					lightDrawSurf->scissorRect = vLight->scissorRect; // interactionScissor;
					lightDrawSurf->sort = 0.0f;
					lightDrawSurf->renderZFail = 0;
					lightDrawSurf->shaderRegisters = baseDrawSurf->shaderRegisters;
					R_SetupDrawSurfJoints( lightDrawSurf, tri, shader );
					// Determine which linked list to add the light surface to.
					// There will only be localSurfaces if the light casts shadows and
					// there are surfaces with NOSELFSHADOW.
					if( shader->Coverage() == MC_TRANSLUCENT )
						lightDrawSurf->linkChain = &vLight->translucentInteractions;
					else if( !lightDef->parms.noShadows && shader->TestMaterialFlag( MF_NOSELFSHADOW ) )
						lightDrawSurf->linkChain = &vLight->localInteractions;
						lightDrawSurf->linkChain = &vLight->globalInteractions;
					lightDrawSurf->nextOnLight = vEntity->drawSurfs;
					vEntity->drawSurfs = lightDrawSurf;
			// surface shadows
			if( !shader->SurfaceCastsShadow() )
			if( !lightDef->LightCastsShadows() )
			if( tri->silEdges == NULL )
				continue;		// can happen for beam models (shouldn't use a shadow casting material, though...)
			// if the static shadow does not have any shadows
			if( surfInter != NULL && surfInter->numShadowIndexes == 0 )
			// some entities, like view weapons, don't cast any shadows
			if( entityDef->parms.noShadow )
			// No shadow if it's suppressed for this light.
			if( entityDef->parms.suppressShadowInLightID && entityDef->parms.suppressShadowInLightID == lightDef->parms.lightId )
			if( lightDef->parms.prelightModel && lightDef->lightHasMoved == false &&
					entityDef->parms.hModel->IsStaticWorldModel() && !r_skipPrelightShadows.GetBool() )
				// static light / world model shadow interacitons
				// are always captured in the prelight shadow volume
			// If the shadow is drawn (or translucent), but the model isn't, we must include the shadow caps
			// because we may be able to see into the shadow volume even though the view is outside it.
			// This happens for the player world weapon and possibly some animations in multiplayer.
			const bool forceShadowCaps = !addInteractions || r_forceShadowCaps.GetBool();
			drawSurf_t* shadowDrawSurf = ( drawSurf_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *shadowDrawSurf ), FRAME_ALLOC_DRAW_SURFACE );
			if( surfInter != NULL )
				shadowDrawSurf->numIndexes = 0;
				shadowDrawSurf->indexCache = surfInter->shadowIndexCache;
				shadowDrawSurf->shadowCache = tri->shadowCache;
				shadowDrawSurf->scissorRect = vLight->scissorRect;		// default to the light scissor and light depth bounds
				shadowDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState = SHADOWVOLUME_DONE;	// assume the shadow volume is done in case r_skipStaticShadows is set
				if( !r_skipStaticShadows.GetBool() )
					staticShadowVolumeParms_t* staticShadowParms = ( staticShadowVolumeParms_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( staticShadowParms[0] ), FRAME_ALLOC_SHADOW_VOLUME_PARMS );
					staticShadowParms->verts = tri->staticShadowVertexes;
					staticShadowParms->numVerts = tri->numVerts * 2;
					staticShadowParms->indexes = surfInter->shadowIndexes;
					staticShadowParms->numIndexes = surfInter->numShadowIndexes;
					staticShadowParms->numShadowIndicesWithCaps = surfInter->numShadowIndexes;
					staticShadowParms->numShadowIndicesNoCaps = surfInter->numShadowIndexesNoCaps;
					staticShadowParms->triangleBounds = tri->bounds;
					staticShadowParms->triangleMVP = vEntity->mvp;
					staticShadowParms->localLightOrigin = localLightOrigin;
					staticShadowParms->localViewOrigin = localViewOrigin;
					staticShadowParms->zNear = znear;
					staticShadowParms->lightZMin = vLight->scissorRect.zmin;
					staticShadowParms->lightZMax = vLight->scissorRect.zmax;
					staticShadowParms->forceShadowCaps = forceShadowCaps;
					staticShadowParms->useShadowPreciseInsideTest = r_useShadowPreciseInsideTest.GetBool();
					staticShadowParms->useShadowDepthBounds = r_useShadowDepthBounds.GetBool();
					staticShadowParms->numShadowIndices = & shadowDrawSurf->numIndexes;
					staticShadowParms->renderZFail = & shadowDrawSurf->renderZFail;
					staticShadowParms->shadowZMin = & shadowDrawSurf->scissorRect.zmin;
					staticShadowParms->shadowZMax = & shadowDrawSurf->scissorRect.zmax;
					staticShadowParms->shadowVolumeState = & shadowDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState;
					shadowDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState = SHADOWVOLUME_UNFINISHED;
					staticShadowParms->next = vEntity->staticShadowVolumes;
					vEntity->staticShadowVolumes = staticShadowParms;
				// When CPU skinning the dynamic shadow verts of a dynamic model may not have been copied to buffer memory yet.
				if( !vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( tri->shadowCache ) )
					assert( !gpuSkinned );	// the shadow cache should be static when using GPU skinning
					// Extracts just the xyz values from a set of full size drawverts, and
					// duplicates them with w set to 0 and 1 for the vertex program to project.
					// This is constant for any number of lights, the vertex program takes care
					// of projecting the verts to infinity for a particular light.
					tri->shadowCache = vertexCache.AllocVertex( NULL, ALIGN( tri->numVerts * 2 * sizeof( idShadowVert ), VERTEX_CACHE_ALIGN ) );
					idShadowVert* shadowVerts = ( idShadowVert* )vertexCache.MappedVertexBuffer( tri->shadowCache );
					idShadowVert::CreateShadowCache( shadowVerts, tri->verts, tri->numVerts );
				const int maxShadowVolumeIndexes = tri->numSilEdges * 6 + tri->numIndexes * 2;
				shadowDrawSurf->numIndexes = 0;
				shadowDrawSurf->indexCache = vertexCache.AllocIndex( NULL, ALIGN( maxShadowVolumeIndexes * sizeof( triIndex_t ), INDEX_CACHE_ALIGN ) );
				shadowDrawSurf->shadowCache = tri->shadowCache;
				shadowDrawSurf->scissorRect = vLight->scissorRect;		// default to the light scissor and light depth bounds
				shadowDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState = SHADOWVOLUME_DONE;	// assume the shadow volume is done in case the index cache allocation failed
				// if the index cache was successfully allocated then setup the parms to create a shadow volume in parallel
				if( vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( shadowDrawSurf->indexCache ) && !r_skipDynamicShadows.GetBool() )
					// if the parms were not already allocated for culling interaction triangles to the light frustum
					if( dynamicShadowParms == NULL )
						dynamicShadowParms = ( dynamicShadowVolumeParms_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( dynamicShadowParms[0] ), FRAME_ALLOC_SHADOW_VOLUME_PARMS );
						// the shadow volume will be rendered first so when the interaction surface is drawn the triangles have been culled for sure
						*dynamicShadowParms->shadowVolumeState = SHADOWVOLUME_DONE;
					dynamicShadowParms->verts = tri->verts;
					dynamicShadowParms->numVerts = tri->numVerts;
					dynamicShadowParms->indexes = tri->indexes;
					dynamicShadowParms->numIndexes = tri->numIndexes;
					dynamicShadowParms->silEdges = tri->silEdges;
					dynamicShadowParms->numSilEdges = tri->numSilEdges;
					dynamicShadowParms->joints = gpuSkinned ? tri->staticModelWithJoints->jointsInverted : NULL;
					dynamicShadowParms->numJoints = gpuSkinned ? tri->staticModelWithJoints->numInvertedJoints : 0;
					dynamicShadowParms->triangleBounds = tri->bounds;
					dynamicShadowParms->triangleMVP = vEntity->mvp;
					dynamicShadowParms->localLightOrigin = localLightOrigin;
					dynamicShadowParms->localViewOrigin = localViewOrigin;
					idRenderMatrix::Multiply( vLight->lightDef->baseLightProject, entityDef->modelRenderMatrix, dynamicShadowParms->localLightProject );
					dynamicShadowParms->zNear = znear;
					dynamicShadowParms->lightZMin = vLight->scissorRect.zmin;
					dynamicShadowParms->lightZMax = vLight->scissorRect.zmax;
					dynamicShadowParms->cullShadowTrianglesToLight = r_cullDynamicShadowTriangles.GetBool();
					dynamicShadowParms->forceShadowCaps = forceShadowCaps;
					dynamicShadowParms->useShadowPreciseInsideTest = r_useShadowPreciseInsideTest.GetBool();
					dynamicShadowParms->useShadowDepthBounds = r_useShadowDepthBounds.GetBool();
					dynamicShadowParms->tempFacing = NULL;
					dynamicShadowParms->tempCulled = NULL;
					dynamicShadowParms->tempVerts = NULL;
					dynamicShadowParms->indexBuffer = NULL;
					dynamicShadowParms->shadowIndices = ( triIndex_t* )vertexCache.MappedIndexBuffer( shadowDrawSurf->indexCache );
					dynamicShadowParms->maxShadowIndices = maxShadowVolumeIndexes;
					dynamicShadowParms->numShadowIndices = & shadowDrawSurf->numIndexes;
					// dynamicShadowParms->lightIndices may have already been set for the interaction surface
					// dynamicShadowParms->maxLightIndices may have already been set for the interaction surface
					// dynamicShadowParms->numLightIndices may have already been set for the interaction surface
					dynamicShadowParms->renderZFail = & shadowDrawSurf->renderZFail;
					dynamicShadowParms->shadowZMin = & shadowDrawSurf->scissorRect.zmin;
					dynamicShadowParms->shadowZMax = & shadowDrawSurf->scissorRect.zmax;
					dynamicShadowParms->shadowVolumeState = & shadowDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState;
					shadowDrawSurf->shadowVolumeState = SHADOWVOLUME_UNFINISHED;
					// if the parms we not already linked for culling interaction triangles to the light frustum
					if( dynamicShadowParms->lightIndices == NULL )
						dynamicShadowParms->next = vEntity->dynamicShadowVolumes;
						vEntity->dynamicShadowVolumes = dynamicShadowParms;
			assert( vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( shadowDrawSurf->shadowCache ) );
			assert( vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( shadowDrawSurf->indexCache ) );
			shadowDrawSurf->ambientCache = 0;
			shadowDrawSurf->frontEndGeo = NULL;
			shadowDrawSurf->space = vEntity;
			shadowDrawSurf->material = NULL;
			shadowDrawSurf->extraGLState = 0;
			shadowDrawSurf->sort = 0.0f;
			shadowDrawSurf->shaderRegisters = NULL;
			R_SetupDrawSurfJoints( shadowDrawSurf, tri, NULL );
			// determine which linked list to add the shadow surface to
			shadowDrawSurf->linkChain = shader->TestMaterialFlag( MF_NOSELFSHADOW ) ? &vLight->localShadows : &vLight->globalShadows;
			shadowDrawSurf->nextOnLight = vEntity->drawSurfs;
			vEntity->drawSurfs = shadowDrawSurf;
Example #18

Note that dangling edges outside the light frustum don't make silhouette planes because
a triangle outside the light frustum is considered facing and the "fake triangle" on
the outside of the dangling edge is also set to facing: cullInfo.facing[numFaces] = 1;
static srfTriangles_t *R_CreateInteractionShadowVolume( const idRenderEntityLocal * ent, 
														const srfTriangles_t * tri, const idRenderLightLocal * light ) {
	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "R_CreateInteractionShadowVolume" );

	srfCullInfo_t cullInfo = {};

	R_CalcInteractionFacing( ent, tri, light, cullInfo );
	R_CalcInteractionCullBits( ent, tri, light, cullInfo );

	int numFaces = tri->numIndexes / 3;
	int	numShadowingFaces = 0;
	const byte * facing = cullInfo.facing;

	// if all the triangles are inside the light frustum
	if ( cullInfo.cullBits == LIGHT_CULL_ALL_FRONT ) {

		// count the number of shadowing faces
		for ( int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++ ) {
			numShadowingFaces += facing[i];
		numShadowingFaces = numFaces - numShadowingFaces;

	} else {

		// make all triangles that are outside the light frustum "facing", so they won't cast shadows
		const triIndex_t * indexes = tri->indexes;
		byte *modifyFacing = cullInfo.facing;
		const byte *cullBits = cullInfo.cullBits;
		for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3, j++ ) {
			if ( !modifyFacing[j] ) {
				int	i1 = indexes[i+0];
				int	i2 = indexes[i+1];
				int	i3 = indexes[i+2];
				if ( cullBits[i1] & cullBits[i2] & cullBits[i3] ) {
					modifyFacing[j] = 1;
				} else {

	if ( !numShadowingFaces ) {
		// no faces are inside the light frustum and still facing the right way
		R_FreeInteractionCullInfo( cullInfo );
		return NULL;

	// shadowVerts will be NULL on these surfaces, so the shadowVerts will be taken from the ambient surface
	srfTriangles_t * newTri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();

	newTri->numVerts = tri->numVerts * 2;

	// alloc the max possible size
	R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, ( numShadowingFaces + tri->numSilEdges ) * 6 );
	triIndex_t * tempIndexes = newTri->indexes;
	triIndex_t * shadowIndexes = newTri->indexes;

	// create new triangles along sil planes
	const silEdge_t * sil = tri->silEdges;
	for ( int i = tri->numSilEdges; i > 0; i--, sil++ ) {

		int f1 = facing[sil->p1];
		int f2 = facing[sil->p2];

		if ( !( f1 ^ f2 ) ) {

		int v1 = sil->v1 << 1;
		int v2 = sil->v2 << 1;

		// set the two triangle winding orders based on facing
		// without using a poorly-predictable branch

		shadowIndexes[0] = v1;
		shadowIndexes[1] = v2 ^ f1;
		shadowIndexes[2] = v2 ^ f2;
		shadowIndexes[3] = v1 ^ f2;
		shadowIndexes[4] = v1 ^ f1;
		shadowIndexes[5] = v2 ^ 1;

		shadowIndexes += 6;

	int	numShadowIndexes = shadowIndexes - tempIndexes;

	// we aren't bothering to separate front and back caps on these
	newTri->numIndexes = newTri->numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps = numShadowIndexes + numShadowingFaces * 6;
	newTri->numShadowIndexesNoCaps = numShadowIndexes;
	newTri->shadowCapPlaneBits = SHADOW_CAP_INFINITE;

	// decrease the size of the memory block to only store the used indexes
	// R_ResizeStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, newTri->numIndexes );

	// these have no effect, because they extend to infinity

	// put some faces on the model and some on the distant projection
	const triIndex_t * indexes = tri->indexes;
	shadowIndexes = newTri->indexes + numShadowIndexes;
	for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3, j++ ) {
		if ( facing[j] ) {

		int i0 = indexes[i+0] << 1;
		int i1 = indexes[i+1] << 1;
		int i2 = indexes[i+2] << 1;

		shadowIndexes[0] = i2;
		shadowIndexes[1] = i1;
		shadowIndexes[2] = i0;
		shadowIndexes[3] = i0 ^ 1;
		shadowIndexes[4] = i1 ^ 1;
		shadowIndexes[5] = i2 ^ 1;

		shadowIndexes += 6;

	R_FreeInteractionCullInfo( cullInfo );

	return newTri;

The end result of running this is the addition of drawSurf_t to the
tr.viewDef->drawSurfs[] array and light link chains, along with
frameData and vertexCache allocations to support the drawSurfs.
void R_AddModels()
	tr.viewDef->viewEntitys = R_SortViewEntities( tr.viewDef->viewEntitys );
	// Go through each view entity that is either visible to the view, or to
	// any light that intersects the view (for shadows).
	if( r_useParallelAddModels.GetBool() )
		for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = tr.viewDef->viewEntitys; vEntity != NULL; vEntity = vEntity->next )
			tr.frontEndJobList->AddJob( ( jobRun_t )R_AddSingleModel, vEntity );
		for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = tr.viewDef->viewEntitys; vEntity != NULL; vEntity = vEntity->next )
			R_AddSingleModel( vEntity );
	// Kick off jobs to setup static and dynamic shadow volumes.
	if( r_useParallelAddShadows.GetInteger() == 1 )
		for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = tr.viewDef->viewEntitys; vEntity != NULL; vEntity = vEntity->next )
			for( staticShadowVolumeParms_t* shadowParms = vEntity->staticShadowVolumes; shadowParms != NULL; shadowParms = shadowParms->next )
				tr.frontEndJobList->AddJob( ( jobRun_t )StaticShadowVolumeJob, shadowParms );
			for( dynamicShadowVolumeParms_t* shadowParms = vEntity->dynamicShadowVolumes; shadowParms != NULL; shadowParms = shadowParms->next )
				tr.frontEndJobList->AddJob( ( jobRun_t )DynamicShadowVolumeJob, shadowParms );
			vEntity->staticShadowVolumes = NULL;
			vEntity->dynamicShadowVolumes = NULL;
		// wait here otherwise the shadow volume index buffer may be unmapped before all shadow volumes have been constructed
		int start = Sys_Microseconds();
		for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = tr.viewDef->viewEntitys; vEntity != NULL; vEntity = vEntity->next )
			for( staticShadowVolumeParms_t* shadowParms = vEntity->staticShadowVolumes; shadowParms != NULL; shadowParms = shadowParms->next )
				StaticShadowVolumeJob( shadowParms );
			for( dynamicShadowVolumeParms_t* shadowParms = vEntity->dynamicShadowVolumes; shadowParms != NULL; shadowParms = shadowParms->next )
				DynamicShadowVolumeJob( shadowParms );
			vEntity->staticShadowVolumes = NULL;
			vEntity->dynamicShadowVolumes = NULL;
		int end = Sys_Microseconds();
		backEnd.pc.shadowMicroSec += end - start;
	// Move the draw surfs to the view.
	tr.viewDef->numDrawSurfs = 0;	// clear the ambient surface list
	tr.viewDef->maxDrawSurfs = 0;	// will be set to INITIAL_DRAWSURFS on R_LinkDrawSurfToView
	for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = tr.viewDef->viewEntitys; vEntity != NULL; vEntity = vEntity->next )
		for( drawSurf_t* ds = vEntity->drawSurfs; ds != NULL; )
			drawSurf_t* next = ds->nextOnLight;
			if( ds->linkChain == NULL )
				R_LinkDrawSurfToView( ds, tr.viewDef );
				ds->nextOnLight = *ds->linkChain;
				*ds->linkChain = ds;
			ds = next;
		vEntity->drawSurfs = NULL;
Example #20

This is only used for the static interaction case, dynamic interactions
just draw everything and let the GPU deal with it.

The resulting surface will be a subset of the original triangles,
it will never clip triangles, but it may cull on a per-triangle basis.
static srfTriangles_t *R_CreateInteractionLightTris( const idRenderEntityLocal *ent, 
									 const srfTriangles_t *tri, const idRenderLightLocal *light,
									 const idMaterial *shader ) {

	SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "R_CreateInteractionLightTris" );

	int			i;
	int			numIndexes;
	triIndex_t	*indexes;
	srfTriangles_t	*newTri;
	int			c_backfaced;
	int			c_distance;
	idBounds	bounds;
	bool		includeBackFaces;
	int			faceNum;

	c_backfaced = 0;
	c_distance = 0;

	numIndexes = 0;
	indexes = NULL;

	// it is debatable if non-shadowing lights should light back faces. we aren't at the moment
	if ( r_lightAllBackFaces.GetBool() || light->lightShader->LightEffectsBackSides()
			|| shader->ReceivesLightingOnBackSides() || ent->parms.noSelfShadow || ent->parms.noShadow  ) {
		includeBackFaces = true;
	} else {
		includeBackFaces = false;

	// allocate a new surface for the lit triangles
	newTri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();

	// save a reference to the original surface
	newTri->ambientSurface = const_cast<srfTriangles_t *>(tri);

	// the light surface references the verts of the ambient surface
	newTri->numVerts = tri->numVerts;
	R_ReferenceStaticTriSurfVerts( newTri, tri );

	// calculate cull information
	srfCullInfo_t cullInfo = {};

	if ( !includeBackFaces ) {
		R_CalcInteractionFacing( ent, tri, light, cullInfo );
	R_CalcInteractionCullBits( ent, tri, light, cullInfo );

	// if the surface is completely inside the light frustum
	if ( cullInfo.cullBits == LIGHT_CULL_ALL_FRONT ) {

		// if we aren't self shadowing, let back facing triangles get
		// through so the smooth shaded bump maps light all the way around
		if ( includeBackFaces ) {

			// the whole surface is lit so the light surface just references the indexes of the ambient surface
			newTri->indexes = tri->indexes;
			newTri->indexCache = tri->indexCache;
//			R_ReferenceStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, tri );

			numIndexes = tri->numIndexes;
			bounds = tri->bounds;

		} else {

			// the light tris indexes are going to be a subset of the original indexes so we generally
			// allocate too much memory here but we decrease the memory block when the number of indexes is known
			R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, tri->numIndexes );

			// back face cull the individual triangles
			indexes = newTri->indexes;
			const byte *facing = cullInfo.facing;
			for ( faceNum = i = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3, faceNum++ ) {
				if ( !facing[ faceNum ] ) {
				indexes[numIndexes+0] = tri->indexes[i+0];
				indexes[numIndexes+1] = tri->indexes[i+1];
				indexes[numIndexes+2] = tri->indexes[i+2];
				numIndexes += 3;

			// get bounds for the surface
			SIMDProcessor->MinMax( bounds[0], bounds[1], tri->verts, indexes, numIndexes );

			// decrease the size of the memory block to the size of the number of used indexes
			newTri->numIndexes = numIndexes;
			R_ResizeStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, numIndexes );

	} else {

		// the light tris indexes are going to be a subset of the original indexes so we generally
		// allocate too much memory here but we decrease the memory block when the number of indexes is known
		R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, tri->numIndexes );

		// cull individual triangles
		indexes = newTri->indexes;
		const byte *facing = cullInfo.facing;
		const byte *cullBits = cullInfo.cullBits;
		for ( faceNum = i = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3, faceNum++ ) {
			int i1, i2, i3;

			// if we aren't self shadowing, let back facing triangles get
			// through so the smooth shaded bump maps light all the way around
			if ( !includeBackFaces ) {
				// back face cull
				if ( !facing[ faceNum ] ) {

			i1 = tri->indexes[i+0];
			i2 = tri->indexes[i+1];
			i3 = tri->indexes[i+2];

			// fast cull outside the frustum
			// if all three points are off one plane side, it definately isn't visible
			if ( cullBits[i1] & cullBits[i2] & cullBits[i3] ) {

			// add to the list
			indexes[numIndexes+0] = i1;
			indexes[numIndexes+1] = i2;
			indexes[numIndexes+2] = i3;
			numIndexes += 3;

		// get bounds for the surface
		SIMDProcessor->MinMax( bounds[0], bounds[1], tri->verts, indexes, numIndexes );

		// decrease the size of the memory block to the size of the number of used indexes
		newTri->numIndexes = numIndexes;
		R_ResizeStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, numIndexes );

	// free the cull information when it's no longer needed
	R_FreeInteractionCullInfo( cullInfo );

	if ( !numIndexes ) {
		R_FreeStaticTriSurf( newTri );
		return NULL;

	newTri->numIndexes = numIndexes;

	newTri->bounds = bounds;

	return newTri;
Example #21
void idCommonLocal::Draw()
	// debugging tool to test frame dropping behavior
	if( com_sleepDraw.GetInteger() )
		Sys_Sleep( com_sleepDraw.GetInteger() );
	if( loadGUI != NULL )
		loadGUI->Render( renderSystem, Sys_Milliseconds() );
	else if( game && game->Shell_IsActive() )
		bool gameDraw = game->Draw( game->GetLocalClientNum() );
		if( !gameDraw )
			renderSystem->SetColor( colorBlack );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth(), renderSystem->GetVirtualHeight(), 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial );
	else if( readDemo )
		renderWorld->RenderScene( &currentDemoRenderView );
	else if( mapSpawned )
		bool gameDraw = false;
		// normal drawing for both single and multi player
		if( !com_skipGameDraw.GetBool() && Game()->GetLocalClientNum() >= 0 )
			// draw the game view
			int	start = Sys_Milliseconds();
			if( game )
				gameDraw = game->Draw( Game()->GetLocalClientNum() );
			int end = Sys_Milliseconds();
			time_gameDraw += ( end - start );	// note time used for com_speeds
		if( !gameDraw )
			renderSystem->SetColor( colorBlack );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth(), renderSystem->GetVirtualHeight(), 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial );
		// save off the 2D drawing from the game
		if( writeDemo )
		renderSystem->SetColor4( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
		renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth(), renderSystem->GetVirtualHeight(), 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial );
		// draw the wipe material on top of this if it hasn't completed yet
		Dialog().Render( loadGUI != NULL );
		// draw the half console / notify console on top of everything
		console->Draw( false );