virtual void TearDown() {
   Shakespeare::log(Shakespeare::NOTICE, PROCESS, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END TEST <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
   // start timer from call
   timer_t wait_timer = timer_get();
   while (!timer_complete(&wait_timer)) { /* pause */ }
Example #2
TEST(SerialTestGroup, UTestSerial_ConfigureInterface)
    struct termios settings;

    settings.c_iflag &= ~(
          IGNBRK // disable: ignore BREAK condition on input
        | BRKINT // convert break to null byte
        | ICRNL  // no CR to NL translation
        | INLCR  // no NL to CR translation
        | PARMRK // don't mark parity errors or breaks
        | INPCK  // no input parity check
        | ISTRIP // don't strip high bit off
    //    | IXON   // no XON/XOFF software flow control
    settings.c_iflag |= (
        | IXOFF
        | IGNPAR // ignore bytes with parity errors
        | ICRNL  // map CR to NL (otherwise CR input on other computer will not terminate input)
    //    | INLCR  // map NL to CR (otherwise CR input on other computer will not terminate input)

    // Output flags
    settings.c_oflag = 0; // disable output processing, raw output

    // Line processing flags
    settings.c_lflag = 0; // disable line processing

    // settings.c_lflag = ICANON; // enable canonical input
    //cfmakeraw(&settings); // raw mode Input is not assembled into lines and special characters are not processed.

    settings.c_lflag = ECHONL;

    // Control flags
    settings.c_cflag &= ~( // disable stuff
          PARENB  // no parity bit
        | CSIZE   // mask the character size bits
        | CSTOPB  // stop bits: 1 stop bit
        | CRTSCTS // disable hardware flow control
        //| ~PARODD; // even parity
    settings.c_cflag |= ( // enable stuff
          B9600    // set BAUD to 9600
        | CS8      // byte size: 8 data bits
        | CREAD   // enable receiver
        //| PARENB  // enable parity bit
        //| PARODD  // odd parity
        //| CLOCAL  // set local mode

    settings.c_ispeed = B9600;
    settings.c_ospeed = B9600;

    // ONLY for non-canonical read control behaviour
    settings.c_cc[VMIN]  = 1;     // min bytes to return read
    settings.c_cc[VTIME] = 30;    // read timeout in 1/10 seconds

    // set up our mock serial device
    int pdm; // the master pseudo tty to write to
    int pds; // the slave pseudo tty to read from

    // set up master
    pdm = SC_openPort("/dev/ptmx"/*, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY*/);
    CHECK(pdm != -1);

    // assign slave
    pds = SC_openPort(ptsname(pdm), settings); // TESTING OVERLOADED CALL HERE

    CHECK(pds != -1);

    CHECK( SC_configureInterface(pdm,settings) == 0 ); // TESTING OVERLOADED CALL HERE
    // flush and close the pseudo serial devices

    // close both pseudo terminal connections
    int pdmc = SC_closePort(pdm);
    int pdsc = SC_closePort(pds);

    // check that the return status was successful when closing