Example #1
void CleanSpriteArea( int player, MRect *myRect )
	SDL_Rect sdlRect;

	SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( myRect, &sdlRect );
	SDLU_BlitSurface( playerSurface[player],       &sdlRect,
	                  playerSpriteSurface[player], &sdlRect  );
	SetUpdateRect( player, myRect );
Example #2
void SDLU_ChangeSurfaceDepth( SDL_Surface** surface, int depth )
	SDL_Surface* newSurface;

	newSurface = SDLU_InitSurface( &surface[0]->clip_rect, depth );

	SDLU_BlitSurface( *surface,    &surface[0]->clip_rect,
	                   newSurface, &newSurface->clip_rect  );

	SDL_FreeSurface( *surface );

	*surface = newSurface;
Example #3
void SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( SDL_Surface* source, SDL_Rect* sourceSDLRect, SDL_Rect* destSDLRect )
	extern SDL_Surface* frontSurface;
	static unsigned long lastTick = 0;
	SDLU_BlitSurface( source,       sourceSDLRect,
	                  frontSurface, destSDLRect );

	unsigned long thisTick = MTickCount();
	if ( thisTick > lastTick + 1 ) {
		SDL_Flip( frontSurface );
		lastTick = thisTick;
Example #4
void StartBalloon( const char *message )
	MPoint      balloonTip, balloonFill;
	int         replace;
	const char* match[] = { "~~", "||", "``", "{{" };
	char*       search;
	SDL_Rect    balloonSDLRect, balloonContentsSDLRect;
	MRect       balloonContentsRect;
	strcpy( balloonMsg, message );
	for( replace=0; replace<4; replace++ )
		search = strstr( balloonMsg, match[replace] );
		if( search )
			char temp[256];
			search[0] = '%';
			search[1] = 's';
			sprintf( temp, balloonMsg, SDL_GetKeyName( playerKeys[1][replace] ) );
			strcpy( balloonMsg, temp );
	// Erase previous balloons
	SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &balloonRect, &balloonSDLRect );
	SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( backdropSurface, &balloonSDLRect, &balloonSDLRect );

	// Draw empty balloon outline
	SDLU_AcquireSurface( balloonSurface );

	balloonRect.left = balloonRect.right - 25 - CalculateBalloonWidth ( balloonMsg );
	balloonRect.top = balloonRect.bottom - 25 - CalculateBalloonHeight( balloonMsg );

	SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &balloonRect, &balloonSDLRect );
	SDLU_BlitSurface( backdropSurface, &balloonSDLRect,
	                  balloonSurface,  &balloonSDLRect  );
	balloonContentsRect = balloonRect;
	balloonContentsRect.bottom -= 25;
	SurfaceGetEdges( balloonSurface, &balloonContentsRect );
	SDL_FillRect( balloonSurface, 
				  SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &balloonContentsRect, &balloonContentsSDLRect ), 
				  SDL_MapRGB( balloonSurface->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ) );
	SurfaceCurveEdges( balloonSurface, &balloonContentsRect );
	balloonTip.v = balloonContentsRect.bottom - 2;
	balloonTip.h = balloonContentsRect.right - 40;
	balloonFill = balloonTip;

	SurfaceBlitCharacter( balloonFont, '\x01', &balloonFill,  0,  0,  0,  0 );
	SurfaceBlitCharacter( balloonFont, '\x02', &balloonTip,  31, 31, 31,  0 );
	SDLU_ReleaseSurface( balloonSurface );

	// Blit empty balloon to screen
	SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &balloonRect, &balloonSDLRect );
	SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( balloonSurface, &balloonSDLRect, &balloonSDLRect );
	balloonPt.h = balloonRect.left + 10;
	balloonPt.v = balloonRect.top + 10;
	balloonChar = balloonMsg;
	balloonTime = GameTickCount( );
	OpponentChatter( true );
Example #5
void UpdateOpponent( void )
	MRect    myRect = {0,0,64,64}, dstRect = {0,0,64,64}, maskRect;
	int      emotiMap[] = {0, 1, 2, 1}, draw = false, count;
	SDL_Rect srcSDLRect, dstSDLRect;
	if( GameTickCount( ) > opponentTime )
		switch( opponentMood )
			case 0: 				// Idle
				opponentTime += 60 + RandomBefore(180);
				opponentMood = RandomBefore(2) + 1;
				opponentFrame = (emotiMap[emotions[1]] * kOppFrames);
			case 1:					// Shifty Eyes
				opponentTime += 40 + RandomBefore(60);
				opponentMood = 0;
				opponentFrame = (emotiMap[emotions[1]] * kOppFrames) + RandomBefore(2) + 1;

			case 2:					// Blinks
				opponentTime += 3;
				opponentMood = 3;
				opponentFrame = (emotiMap[emotions[1]] * kOppFrames) + 3;
			case 3:					// Blinks (more)
				opponentTime += 3;
				opponentMood = 4;
				opponentFrame = (emotiMap[emotions[1]] * kOppFrames) + 4;
			case 4: 				// Blinks (more)
				opponentTime += 3;
				opponentMood = 0;
				opponentFrame = (emotiMap[emotions[1]] * kOppFrames) + 3;
			case 5:                 // Chatter (only good for tutorial)
				opponentTime += 8;
				opponentMood = 6;
				opponentFrame = 5;

			case 6:					// Chatter 2 (only good for tutorial)
				opponentTime += 8;
				opponentMood = 5;
				opponentFrame = 6;
			case 7:					// Pissed (when hit with punishments)
				opponentTime += 60;
				opponentFrame = 7;
				opponentMood = 0;
		draw = true;
	if( GameTickCount( ) > panicTime )
		panicTime += 2;
		if( emotions[1] == kEmotionPanic )
			if( ++panicFrame >= kGlowArraySize ) panicFrame = 0;
			draw = true;
			panicFrame = 0;
	for( count=0; count<kGlows; count++ )
		if( GameTickCount( ) > glowTime[count] )
			glowTime[count] += character[1].glow[count].time;
			if( character[1].glow[count].color )
				if( ++glowFrame[count] >= kGlowArraySize ) glowFrame[count] = 0;
				draw = true;
				glowFrame[count] = 0;
	if( draw )
		OffsetMRect( &myRect, 64*opponentFrame, 0 );
		SDLU_AcquireSurface( opponentDrawSurface );
		SDLU_BlitSurface( opponentSurface,     SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &myRect, &srcSDLRect ),
		                  opponentDrawSurface, SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &dstRect, &dstSDLRect )  );
		maskRect = myRect;
		for( count=0; count<kGlows; count++ )
			OffsetMRect( &maskRect, 0, 64 );

			if( glowFrame[count] )
				if( character[1].glow[count].color & 0x8000 )
					SurfaceBlitColor(  opponentMaskSurface,  opponentDrawSurface,
					                  &maskRect,            &dstRect, 
					                   (character[1].glow[count].color & 0x7C00) >> 10,
									   (character[1].glow[count].color & 0x03E0) >> 5,
									   (character[1].glow[count].color & 0x001F),
									   heavyGlowArray[glowFrame[count]] );
					SurfaceBlitColor(  opponentMaskSurface,  opponentDrawSurface,
					                  &maskRect,            &dstRect, 
					                   (character[1].glow[count].color & 0x7C00) >> 10,
									   (character[1].glow[count].color & 0x03E0) >> 5,
									   (character[1].glow[count].color & 0x001F),
									   lightGlowArray[glowFrame[count]] );