int SDL_CaptureMouse(SDL_bool enabled) { SDL_Mouse *mouse = SDL_GetMouse(); SDL_Window *focusWindow; SDL_bool isCaptured; if (!mouse->CaptureMouse) { return SDL_Unsupported(); } focusWindow = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus(); isCaptured = focusWindow && (focusWindow->flags & SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_CAPTURE); if (isCaptured == enabled) { return 0; /* already done! */ } if (enabled) { if (!focusWindow) { return SDL_SetError("No window has focus"); } else if (mouse->CaptureMouse(focusWindow) == -1) { return -1; /* CaptureMouse() should call SetError */ } focusWindow->flags |= SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_CAPTURE; } else { if (mouse->CaptureMouse(NULL) == -1) { return -1; /* CaptureMouse() should call SetError */ } focusWindow->flags &= ~SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_CAPTURE; } return 0; }
static void CheckKeyboardFocus(SDL_Window* sdl_window) { SDL_Window* keyboard_window = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus(); if (keyboard_window != sdl_window) SDL_SetKeyboardFocus(sdl_window); }
/** * @brief Check call to SDL_GetKeyboardFocus * * @sa */ int keyboard_getKeyboardFocus(void *arg) { SDL_Window* window; /* Call, but ignore return value */ window = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus(); SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetKeyboardFocus()"); return TEST_COMPLETED; }
int SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_bool enabled) { SDL_Mouse *mouse = SDL_GetMouse(); SDL_Window *focusWindow = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus(); if (enabled == mouse->relative_mode) { return 0; } if (enabled && focusWindow) { /* Center it in the focused window to prevent clicks from going through * to background windows. */ SDL_SetMouseFocus(focusWindow); SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(focusWindow, focusWindow->w/2, focusWindow->h/2); } /* Set the relative mode */ if (!enabled && mouse->relative_mode_warp) { mouse->relative_mode_warp = SDL_FALSE; } else if (enabled && ShouldUseRelativeModeWarp(mouse)) { mouse->relative_mode_warp = SDL_TRUE; } else if (mouse->SetRelativeMouseMode(enabled) < 0) { if (enabled) { /* Fall back to warp mode if native relative mode failed */ if (!mouse->WarpMouse) { return SDL_SetError("No relative mode implementation available"); } mouse->relative_mode_warp = SDL_TRUE; } } mouse->relative_mode = enabled; mouse->scale_accum_x = 0.0f; mouse->scale_accum_y = 0.0f; if (mouse->focus) { SDL_UpdateWindowGrab(mouse->focus); /* Put the cursor back to where the application expects it */ if (!enabled) { SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(mouse->focus, mouse->x, mouse->y); } } /* Flush pending mouse motion - ideally we would pump events, but that's not always safe */ SDL_FlushEvent(SDL_MOUSEMOTION); /* Update cursor visibility */ SDL_SetCursor(NULL); return 0; }
static SDL_bool SDL_PrivateJoystickShouldIgnoreEvent() { if (SDL_joystick_allows_background_events) { return SDL_FALSE; } if (SDL_HasWindows() && SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() == NULL) { /* We have windows but we don't have focus, ignore the event. */ return SDL_TRUE; } return SDL_FALSE; }
void SDL_IBus_UpdateTextRect(SDL_Rect *rect) { SDL_Window *focused_win; SDL_SysWMinfo info; int x = 0, y = 0; SDL_DBusContext *dbus; if (rect) { SDL_memcpy(&ibus_cursor_rect, rect, sizeof(ibus_cursor_rect)); } focused_win = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus(); if (!focused_win) { return; } SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if (!SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(focused_win, &info)) { return; } SDL_GetWindowPosition(focused_win, &x, &y); #if SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11 if (info.subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_X11) { SDL_DisplayData *displaydata = (SDL_DisplayData *) SDL_GetDisplayForWindow(focused_win)->driverdata; Display *x_disp =; Window x_win =; int x_screen = displaydata->screen; Window unused; X11_XTranslateCoordinates(x_disp, x_win, RootWindow(x_disp, x_screen), 0, 0, &x, &y, &unused); } #endif x += ibus_cursor_rect.x; y += ibus_cursor_rect.y; dbus = SDL_DBus_GetContext(); if (IBus_CheckConnection(dbus)) { SDL_DBus_CallVoidMethodOnConnection(ibus_conn, IBUS_SERVICE, input_ctx_path, IBUS_INPUT_INTERFACE, "SetCursorLocation", DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &x, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &y, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &ibus_cursor_rect.w, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &ibus_cursor_rect.h, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); } }
int SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_bool enabled) { SDL_Mouse *mouse = SDL_GetMouse(); SDL_Window *focusWindow = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus(); int original_x = mouse->x, original_y = mouse->y; if (enabled == mouse->relative_mode) { return 0; } if (!mouse->SetRelativeMouseMode) { return SDL_Unsupported(); } if (enabled && focusWindow) { /* Center it in the focused window to prevent clicks from going through * to background windows. */ SDL_SetMouseFocus(focusWindow); SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(focusWindow, focusWindow->w/2, focusWindow->h/2); } if (mouse->SetRelativeMouseMode(enabled) < 0) { return -1; } /* Set the relative mode */ mouse->relative_mode = enabled; if (enabled) { /* Save the expected mouse position */ mouse->original_x = original_x; mouse->original_y = original_y; } else if (mouse->focus) { /* Restore the expected mouse position */ SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(mouse->focus, mouse->original_x, mouse->original_y); } /* Flush pending mouse motion */ SDL_FlushEvent(SDL_MOUSEMOTION); /* Update cursor visibility */ SDL_SetCursor(NULL); return 0; }
static SDL_bool SDL_PrivateJoystickShouldIgnoreEvent() { if (SDL_joystick_allows_background_events) { return SDL_FALSE; } if (SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)) { if (SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() == NULL) { /* Video is initialized and we don't have focus, ignore the event. */ return SDL_TRUE; } else { return SDL_FALSE; } } /* Video subsystem wasn't initialized, always allow the event */ return SDL_FALSE; }
static void ImGui_ImplSDL2_UpdateMousePosAndButtons() { ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); const ImVec2 mouse_pos_backup = io.MousePos; io.MousePos = ImVec2(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); // Set OS mouse position if requested (rarely used, only when ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos is enabled by user) // (When multi-viewports are enabled, all imgui positions are same as OS positions.) #if SDL_HAS_WARP_MOUSE_GLOBAL if (io.WantSetMousePos) SDL_WarpMouseGlobal((int)mouse_pos_backup.x, (int)mouse_pos_backup.y); #endif int mx, my; Uint32 mouse_buttons = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); io.MouseDown[0] = g_MousePressed[0] || (mouse_buttons & SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) != 0; // If a mouse press event came, always pass it as "mouse held this frame", so we don't miss click-release events that are shorter than 1 frame. io.MouseDown[1] = g_MousePressed[1] || (mouse_buttons & SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)) != 0; io.MouseDown[2] = g_MousePressed[2] || (mouse_buttons & SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE)) != 0; g_MousePressed[0] = g_MousePressed[1] = g_MousePressed[2] = false; #if SDL_HAS_CAPTURE_MOUSE SDL_Window* focused_window = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus(); if (g_Window == focused_window) { // SDL_GetMouseState() gives mouse position seemingly based on the last window entered/focused(?) // The creation of a new windows at runtime and SDL_CaptureMouse both seems to severely mess up with that, so we retrieve that position globally. int wx, wy; SDL_GetWindowPosition(focused_window, &wx, &wy); SDL_GetGlobalMouseState(&mx, &my); mx -= wx; my -= wy; io.MousePos = ImVec2((float)mx, (float)my); } // SDL_CaptureMouse() let the OS know e.g. that our imgui drag outside the SDL window boundaries shouldn't e.g. trigger the OS window resize cursor. // The function is only supported from SDL 2.0.4 (released Jan 2016) bool any_mouse_button_down = ImGui::IsAnyMouseDown(); SDL_CaptureMouse(any_mouse_button_down ? SDL_TRUE : SDL_FALSE); #else if (SDL_GetWindowFlags(g_Window) & SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS) io.MousePos = ImVec2((float)mx, (float)my); #endif }
static SDL_bool IBus_SetupConnection(SDL_DBusContext *dbus, const char* addr) { const char *client_name = "SDL2_Application"; const char *path = NULL; SDL_bool result = SDL_FALSE; DBusObjectPathVTable ibus_vtable; SDL_zero(ibus_vtable); ibus_vtable.message_function = &IBus_MessageHandler; ibus_conn = dbus->connection_open_private(addr, NULL); if (!ibus_conn) { return SDL_FALSE; } dbus->connection_flush(ibus_conn); if (!dbus->bus_register(ibus_conn, NULL)) { ibus_conn = NULL; return SDL_FALSE; } dbus->connection_flush(ibus_conn); if (SDL_DBus_CallMethodOnConnection(ibus_conn, IBUS_SERVICE, IBUS_PATH, IBUS_INTERFACE, "CreateInputContext", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &client_name, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { SDL_free(input_ctx_path); input_ctx_path = SDL_strdup(path); SDL_AddHintCallback(SDL_HINT_IME_INTERNAL_EDITING, &IBus_SetCapabilities, NULL); dbus->bus_add_match(ibus_conn, "type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.IBus.InputContext'", NULL); dbus->connection_try_register_object_path(ibus_conn, input_ctx_path, &ibus_vtable, dbus, NULL); dbus->connection_flush(ibus_conn); } SDL_IBus_SetFocus(SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() != NULL); SDL_IBus_UpdateTextRect(NULL); return result; }
static void X11_DispatchEvent(_THIS) { SDL_VideoData *videodata = (SDL_VideoData *) _this->driverdata; Display *display = videodata->display; SDL_WindowData *data; XEvent xevent; int i; SDL_zero(xevent); /* valgrind fix. --ryan. */ XNextEvent(display, &xevent); /* filter events catchs XIM events and sends them to the correct handler */ if (XFilterEvent(&xevent, None) == True) { #if 0 printf("Filtered event type = %d display = %d window = %d\n", xevent.type, xevent.xany.display, xevent.xany.window); #endif return; } /* Send a SDL_SYSWMEVENT if the application wants them */ if (SDL_GetEventState(SDL_SYSWMEVENT) == SDL_ENABLE) { SDL_SysWMmsg wmmsg; SDL_VERSION(&wmmsg.version); wmmsg.subsystem = SDL_SYSWM_X11; wmmsg.msg.x11.event = xevent; SDL_SendSysWMEvent(&wmmsg); } #if SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_SUPPORTS_GENERIC_EVENTS if(xevent.type == GenericEvent) { X11_HandleGenericEvent(videodata,xevent); return; } #endif #if 0 printf("type = %d display = %d window = %d\n", xevent.type, xevent.xany.display, xevent.xany.window); #endif data = NULL; if (videodata && videodata->windowlist) { for (i = 0; i < videodata->numwindows; ++i) { if ((videodata->windowlist[i] != NULL) && (videodata->windowlist[i]->xwindow == xevent.xany.window)) { data = videodata->windowlist[i]; break; } } } if (!data) { return; } switch (xevent.type) { /* Gaining mouse coverage? */ case EnterNotify:{ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: EnterNotify! (%d,%d,%d)\n", data, xevent.xcrossing.x, xevent.xcrossing.y, xevent.xcrossing.mode); if (xevent.xcrossing.mode == NotifyGrab) printf("Mode: NotifyGrab\n"); if (xevent.xcrossing.mode == NotifyUngrab) printf("Mode: NotifyUngrab\n"); #endif SDL_SetMouseFocus(data->window); } break; /* Losing mouse coverage? */ case LeaveNotify:{ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: LeaveNotify! (%d,%d,%d)\n", data, xevent.xcrossing.x, xevent.xcrossing.y, xevent.xcrossing.mode); if (xevent.xcrossing.mode == NotifyGrab) printf("Mode: NotifyGrab\n"); if (xevent.xcrossing.mode == NotifyUngrab) printf("Mode: NotifyUngrab\n"); #endif if (xevent.xcrossing.mode != NotifyGrab && xevent.xcrossing.mode != NotifyUngrab && xevent.xcrossing.detail != NotifyInferior) { SDL_SetMouseFocus(NULL); } } break; /* Gaining input focus? */ case FocusIn:{ if (xevent.xfocus.detail == NotifyInferior) { #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: FocusIn (NotifierInferior, ignoring)\n", data); #endif break; } #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: FocusIn!\n", data); #endif if (data->pending_focus == PENDING_FOCUS_OUT && data->window == SDL_GetKeyboardFocus()) { /* We want to reset the keyboard here, because we may have missed keyboard messages after our previous FocusOut. */ SDL_ResetKeyboard(); } data->pending_focus = PENDING_FOCUS_IN; data->pending_focus_time = SDL_GetTicks() + PENDING_FOCUS_IN_TIME; } break; /* Losing input focus? */ case FocusOut:{ if (xevent.xfocus.detail == NotifyInferior) { /* We still have focus if a child gets focus */ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: FocusOut (NotifierInferior, ignoring)\n", data); #endif break; } #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: FocusOut!\n", data); #endif data->pending_focus = PENDING_FOCUS_OUT; data->pending_focus_time = SDL_GetTicks() + PENDING_FOCUS_OUT_TIME; } break; /* Generated upon EnterWindow and FocusIn */ case KeymapNotify:{ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: KeymapNotify!\n", data); #endif /* FIXME: X11_SetKeyboardState(SDL_Display, xevent.xkeymap.key_vector); */ } break; /* Has the keyboard layout changed? */ case MappingNotify:{ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: MappingNotify!\n", data); #endif X11_UpdateKeymap(_this); } break; /* Key press? */ case KeyPress:{ KeyCode keycode = xevent.xkey.keycode; KeySym keysym = NoSymbol; char text[SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE]; Status status = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0x%X)\n", data, xevent.xkey.keycode); #endif SDL_SendKeyboardKey(SDL_PRESSED, videodata->key_layout[keycode]); #if 1 if (videodata->key_layout[keycode] == SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN) { int min_keycode, max_keycode; XDisplayKeycodes(display, &min_keycode, &max_keycode); #if SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_HAS_XKBKEYCODETOKEYSYM keysym = XkbKeycodeToKeysym(display, keycode, 0, 0); #else keysym = XKeycodeToKeysym(display, keycode, 0); #endif fprintf(stderr, "The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, please report this to the SDL mailing list <*****@*****.**> X11 KeyCode %d (%d), X11 KeySym 0x%lX (%s).\n", keycode, keycode - min_keycode, keysym, XKeysymToString(keysym)); } #endif /* */ SDL_zero(text); #ifdef X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING if (data->ic) { Xutf8LookupString(data->ic, &xevent.xkey, text, sizeof(text), &keysym, &status); } #else XLookupString(&xevent.xkey, text, sizeof(text), &keysym, NULL); #endif if (*text) { SDL_SendKeyboardText(text); } } break; /* Key release? */ case KeyRelease:{ KeyCode keycode = xevent.xkey.keycode; #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x%X)\n", data, xevent.xkey.keycode); #endif if (X11_KeyRepeat(display, &xevent)) { /* We're about to get a repeated key down, ignore the key up */ break; } SDL_SendKeyboardKey(SDL_RELEASED, videodata->key_layout[keycode]); } break; /* Have we been iconified? */ case UnmapNotify:{ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: UnmapNotify!\n", data); #endif X11_DispatchUnmapNotify(data); } break; /* Have we been restored? */ case MapNotify:{ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: MapNotify!\n", data); #endif X11_DispatchMapNotify(data); } break; /* Have we been resized or moved? */ case ConfigureNotify:{ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: ConfigureNotify! (position: %d,%d, size: %dx%d)\n", data, xevent.xconfigure.x, xevent.xconfigure.y, xevent.xconfigure.width, xevent.xconfigure.height); #endif if (xevent.xconfigure.x != data->last_xconfigure.x || xevent.xconfigure.y != data->last_xconfigure.y) { SDL_SendWindowEvent(data->window, SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED, xevent.xconfigure.x, xevent.xconfigure.y); } if (xevent.xconfigure.width != data->last_xconfigure.width || xevent.xconfigure.height != data->last_xconfigure.height) { SDL_SendWindowEvent(data->window, SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED, xevent.xconfigure.width, xevent.xconfigure.height); } data->last_xconfigure = xevent.xconfigure; } break; /* Have we been requested to quit (or another client message?) */ case ClientMessage:{ if ((xevent.xclient.message_type == videodata->WM_PROTOCOLS) && (xevent.xclient.format == 32) && ([0] == videodata->_NET_WM_PING)) { Window root = DefaultRootWindow(display); #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: _NET_WM_PING\n", data); #endif xevent.xclient.window = root; XSendEvent(display, root, False, SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &xevent); break; } else if ((xevent.xclient.message_type == videodata->WM_PROTOCOLS) && (xevent.xclient.format == 32) && ([0] == videodata->WM_DELETE_WINDOW)) { #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: WM_DELETE_WINDOW\n", data); #endif SDL_SendWindowEvent(data->window, SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE, 0, 0); break; } } break; /* Do we need to refresh ourselves? */ case Expose:{ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: Expose (count = %d)\n", data, xevent.xexpose.count); #endif SDL_SendWindowEvent(data->window, SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED, 0, 0); } break; case MotionNotify:{ SDL_Mouse *mouse = SDL_GetMouse(); if(!mouse->relative_mode) { #ifdef DEBUG_MOTION printf("window %p: X11 motion: %d,%d\n", xevent.xmotion.x, xevent.xmotion.y); #endif SDL_SendMouseMotion(data->window, 0, xevent.xmotion.x, xevent.xmotion.y); } } break; case ButtonPress:{ int ticks = 0; if (X11_IsWheelEvent(display,&xevent,&ticks) == SDL_TRUE) { SDL_SendMouseWheel(data->window, 0, ticks); } else { SDL_SendMouseButton(data->window, SDL_PRESSED, xevent.xbutton.button); } } break; case ButtonRelease:{ SDL_SendMouseButton(data->window, SDL_RELEASED, xevent.xbutton.button); } break; case PropertyNotify:{ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS unsigned char *propdata; int status, real_format; Atom real_type; unsigned long items_read, items_left, i; char *name = XGetAtomName(display, xevent.xproperty.atom); if (name) { printf("window %p: PropertyNotify: %s %s\n", data, name, (xevent.xproperty.state == PropertyDelete) ? "deleted" : "changed"); XFree(name); } status = XGetWindowProperty(display, data->xwindow, xevent.xproperty.atom, 0L, 8192L, False, AnyPropertyType, &real_type, &real_format, &items_read, &items_left, &propdata); if (status == Success && items_read > 0) { if (real_type == XA_INTEGER) { int *values = (int *)propdata; printf("{"); for (i = 0; i < items_read; i++) { printf(" %d", values[i]); } printf(" }\n"); } else if (real_type == XA_CARDINAL) { if (real_format == 32) { Uint32 *values = (Uint32 *)propdata; printf("{"); for (i = 0; i < items_read; i++) { printf(" %d", values[i]); } printf(" }\n"); } else if (real_format == 16) { Uint16 *values = (Uint16 *)propdata; printf("{"); for (i = 0; i < items_read; i++) { printf(" %d", values[i]); } printf(" }\n"); } else if (real_format == 8) { Uint8 *values = (Uint8 *)propdata; printf("{"); for (i = 0; i < items_read; i++) { printf(" %d", values[i]); } printf(" }\n"); } } else if (real_type == XA_STRING || real_type == videodata->UTF8_STRING) { printf("{ \"%s\" }\n", propdata); } else if (real_type == XA_ATOM) { Atom *atoms = (Atom *)propdata; printf("{"); for (i = 0; i < items_read; i++) { char *name = XGetAtomName(display, atoms[i]); if (name) { printf(" %s", name); XFree(name); } } printf(" }\n"); } else { char *name = XGetAtomName(display, real_type); printf("Unknown type: %ld (%s)\n", real_type, name ? name : "UNKNOWN"); if (name) { XFree(name); } } } if (status == Success) { XFree(propdata); } #endif /* DEBUG_XEVENTS */ if (xevent.xproperty.atom == data->videodata->_NET_WM_STATE) { /* Get the new state from the window manager. Compositing window managers can alter visibility of windows without ever mapping / unmapping them, so we handle that here, because they use the NETWM protocol to notify us of changes. */ Uint32 flags = X11_GetNetWMState(_this, xevent.xproperty.window); if ((flags^data->window->flags) & SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN) { if (flags & SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN) { X11_DispatchUnmapNotify(data); } else { X11_DispatchMapNotify(data); } } } } break; /* Copy the selection from XA_CUT_BUFFER0 to the requested property */ case SelectionRequest: { XSelectionRequestEvent *req; XEvent sevent; int seln_format; unsigned long nbytes; unsigned long overflow; unsigned char *seln_data; req = &xevent.xselectionrequest; #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: SelectionRequest (requestor = %ld, target = %ld)\n", data, req->requestor, req->target); #endif SDL_zero(sevent); sevent.xany.type = SelectionNotify; sevent.xselection.selection = req->selection; = None; = None; sevent.xselection.requestor = req->requestor; sevent.xselection.time = req->time; if (XGetWindowProperty(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), XA_CUT_BUFFER0, 0, INT_MAX/4, False, req->target, &, &seln_format, &nbytes, &overflow, &seln_data) == Success) { if ( == req->target) { XChangeProperty(display, req->requestor, req->property,, seln_format, PropModeReplace, seln_data, nbytes); = req->property; } XFree(seln_data); } XSendEvent(display, req->requestor, False, 0, &sevent); XSync(display, False); } break; case SelectionNotify: { #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: SelectionNotify (requestor = %ld, target = %ld)\n", data, xevent.xselection.requestor,; #endif videodata->selection_waiting = SDL_FALSE; } break; default:{ #ifdef DEBUG_XEVENTS printf("window %p: Unhandled event %d\n", data, xevent.type); #endif } break; } }
bool FLinuxWindow::IsForegroundWindow() const { return (HWnd == SDL_GetMouseFocus() || HWnd == SDL_GetKeyboardFocus()); }
int idris_SDL_getKeyboardFocus() { window = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus(); return window != NULL; }
bool Window::hasFocus() const { return (window && SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() == window); }
static mrb_value mrb_sdl2_keyboard_keyboard_focus(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value mod) { return mrb_sdl2_video_associated_window(mrb, SDL_GetKeyboardFocus()); }
bool sdl_window::is_active() const { return SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() == iHandle; }
static SDL_bool IBus_SetupConnection(SDL_DBusContext *dbus, const char* addr) { const char *path = NULL; SDL_bool result = SDL_FALSE; DBusMessage *msg; DBusObjectPathVTable ibus_vtable = {0}; ibus_vtable.message_function = &IBus_MessageHandler; ibus_conn = dbus->connection_open_private(addr, NULL); if (!ibus_conn) { return SDL_FALSE; } dbus->connection_flush(ibus_conn); if (!dbus->bus_register(ibus_conn, NULL)) { ibus_conn = NULL; return SDL_FALSE; } dbus->connection_flush(ibus_conn); msg = dbus->message_new_method_call(IBUS_SERVICE, IBUS_PATH, IBUS_INTERFACE, "CreateInputContext"); if (msg) { const char *client_name = "SDL2_Application"; dbus->message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &client_name, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); } if (msg) { DBusMessage *reply; reply = dbus->connection_send_with_reply_and_block(ibus_conn, msg, 1000, NULL); if (reply) { if (dbus->message_get_args(reply, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { if (input_ctx_path) { SDL_free(input_ctx_path); } input_ctx_path = SDL_strdup(path); result = SDL_TRUE; } dbus->message_unref(reply); } dbus->message_unref(msg); } if (result) { SDL_AddHintCallback(SDL_HINT_IME_INTERNAL_EDITING, &IBus_SetCapabilities, NULL); dbus->bus_add_match(ibus_conn, "type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.IBus.InputContext'", NULL); dbus->connection_try_register_object_path(ibus_conn, input_ctx_path, &ibus_vtable, dbus, NULL); dbus->connection_flush(ibus_conn); } SDL_IBus_SetFocus(SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() != NULL); SDL_IBus_UpdateTextRect(NULL); return result; }
void SDL_Fcitx_UpdateTextRect(SDL_Rect *rect) { SDL_Window *focused_win = NULL; SDL_SysWMinfo info; int x = 0, y = 0; SDL_Rect *cursor = &fcitx_client.cursor_rect; SDL_DBusContext *dbus = fcitx_client.dbus; DBusMessage *msg = NULL; DBusConnection *conn; if (rect) { SDL_memcpy(cursor, rect, sizeof(SDL_Rect)); } focused_win = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus(); if (!focused_win) { return ; } SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if (!SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(focused_win, &info)) { return; } SDL_GetWindowPosition(focused_win, &x, &y); #if SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11 if (info.subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_X11) { SDL_DisplayData *displaydata = (SDL_DisplayData *) SDL_GetDisplayForWindow(focused_win)->driverdata; Display *x_disp =; Window x_win =; int x_screen = displaydata->screen; Window unused; X11_XTranslateCoordinates(x_disp, x_win, RootWindow(x_disp, x_screen), 0, 0, &x, &y, &unused); } #endif if (cursor->x == -1 && cursor->y == -1 && cursor->w == 0 && cursor->h == 0) { // move to bottom left int w = 0, h = 0; SDL_GetWindowSize(focused_win, &w, &h); cursor->x = 0; cursor->y = h; } x += cursor->x; y += cursor->y; msg = FcitxClientICNewMethod(&fcitx_client, "SetCursorRect"); if (msg == NULL) return ; dbus->message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &x, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &y, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &cursor->w, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &cursor->h, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); conn = dbus->session_conn; if (dbus->connection_send(conn, msg, NULL)) dbus->connection_flush(conn); dbus->message_unref(msg); }