/* * Unlock a previously locked surface */ void SDL_UnlockSurface(SDL_Surface * surface) { /* Only perform an unlock if we are locked */ if (!surface->locked || (--surface->locked > 0)) { return; } /* Update RLE encoded surface with new data */ if ((surface->flags & SDL_RLEACCEL) == SDL_RLEACCEL) { surface->flags &= ~SDL_RLEACCEL; /* stop lying */ SDL_RLESurface(surface); } }
/* Figure out which of many blit routines to set up on a surface */ int SDL_CalculateBlit(SDL_Surface *surface) { int blit_index; /* Clean everything out to start */ if ( (surface->flags & SDL_RLEACCEL) == SDL_RLEACCEL ) { SDL_UnRLESurface(surface, 1); } surface->map->sw_blit = NULL; /* Figure out if an accelerated hardware blit is possible */ surface->flags &= ~SDL_HWACCEL; //__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "libSDL", "SDL_CalculateBlit(): identity %d src hw %d dst hw %d video hw %d", (int)surface->map->identity, (int)(surface->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE), (int)(surface->map->dst->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE), (int)(current_video->info.blit_hw)); if ( surface->map->identity ) { int hw_blit_ok; if ( (surface->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == SDL_HWSURFACE ) { /* We only support accelerated blitting to hardware */ if ( surface->map->dst->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE ) { hw_blit_ok = current_video->info.blit_hw; } else { hw_blit_ok = 0; } if (hw_blit_ok && (surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY)) { hw_blit_ok = current_video->info.blit_hw_CC; } if ( hw_blit_ok && (surface->flags & SDL_SRCALPHA) ) { hw_blit_ok = current_video->info.blit_hw_A; } } else { /* We only support accelerated blitting to hardware */ if ( surface->map->dst->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE ) { hw_blit_ok = current_video->info.blit_sw; } else { hw_blit_ok = 0; } if (hw_blit_ok && (surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY)) { hw_blit_ok = current_video->info.blit_sw_CC; } if ( hw_blit_ok && (surface->flags & SDL_SRCALPHA) ) { hw_blit_ok = current_video->info.blit_sw_A; } } if ( hw_blit_ok ) { SDL_VideoDevice *video = current_video; SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; video->CheckHWBlit(this, surface, surface->map->dst); } } /* if an alpha pixel format is specified, we can accelerate alpha blits */ if (((surface->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == SDL_HWSURFACE )&&(current_video->displayformatalphapixel)) { if ( (surface->flags & SDL_SRCALPHA) ) if ( current_video->info.blit_hw_A ) { SDL_VideoDevice *video = current_video; SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; video->CheckHWBlit(this, surface, surface->map->dst); } } /* Get the blit function index, based on surface mode */ /* { 0 = nothing, 1 = colorkey, 2 = alpha, 3 = colorkey+alpha } */ blit_index = 0; blit_index |= (!!(surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY)) << 0; if ( surface->flags & SDL_SRCALPHA && (surface->format->alpha != SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE || surface->format->Amask) ) { blit_index |= 2; } /* Check for special "identity" case -- copy blit */ if ( surface->map->identity && blit_index == 0 ) { surface->map->sw_data->blit = SDL_BlitCopy; /* Handle overlapping blits on the same surface */ if ( surface == surface->map->dst ) { surface->map->sw_data->blit = SDL_BlitCopyOverlap; } } else { if ( surface->format->BitsPerPixel < 8 ) { surface->map->sw_data->blit = SDL_CalculateBlit0(surface, blit_index); } else { switch ( surface->format->BytesPerPixel ) { case 1: surface->map->sw_data->blit = SDL_CalculateBlit1(surface, blit_index); break; case 2: case 3: case 4: surface->map->sw_data->blit = SDL_CalculateBlitN(surface, blit_index); break; default: surface->map->sw_data->blit = NULL; break; } } } /* Make sure we have a blit function */ if ( surface->map->sw_data->blit == NULL ) { SDL_InvalidateMap(surface->map); SDL_SetError("Blit combination not supported"); return(-1); } /* Choose software blitting function */ if(surface->flags & SDL_RLEACCELOK && (surface->flags & SDL_HWACCEL) != SDL_HWACCEL) { if(surface->map->identity && (blit_index == 1 || (blit_index == 3 && !surface->format->Amask))) { if ( SDL_RLESurface(surface) == 0 ) surface->map->sw_blit = SDL_RLEBlit; } else if(blit_index == 2 && surface->format->Amask) { if ( SDL_RLESurface(surface) == 0 ) surface->map->sw_blit = SDL_RLEAlphaBlit; } } if ( surface->map->sw_blit == NULL ) { surface->map->sw_blit = SDL_SoftBlit; } return(0); }
/* The general purpose software blit routine */ static int SDL_SoftBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect) { int okay; int src_locked; int dst_locked; /* Everything is okay at the beginning... */ okay = 1; /* Lock the destination if it's in hardware */ dst_locked = 0; if ( dst->flags & (SDL_HWSURFACE|SDL_ASYNCBLIT) ) { SDL_VideoDevice *video = current_video; SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; if ( video->LockHWSurface(this, dst) < 0 ) { okay = 0; } else { dst_locked = 1; } } /* Lock the source if it's in hardware */ src_locked = 0; if ( src->flags & (SDL_HWSURFACE|SDL_ASYNCBLIT) ) { SDL_VideoDevice *video = current_video; SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; if ( video->LockHWSurface(this, src) < 0 ) { okay = 0; } else { src_locked = 1; } } /* Unencode the destination if it's RLE encoded */ if ( dst->flags & SDL_RLEACCEL ) { SDL_UnRLESurface(dst, 1); dst->flags |= SDL_RLEACCEL; /* save accel'd state */ } /* Set up source and destination buffer pointers, and BLIT! */ if ( okay && srcrect->w && srcrect->h ) { SDL_BlitInfo info; SDL_loblit RunBlit; /* Set up the blit information */ info.s_pixels = (Uint8 *)src->pixels + src->offset + (Uint16)srcrect->y*src->pitch + (Uint16)srcrect->x*src->format->BytesPerPixel; info.s_width = srcrect->w; info.s_height = srcrect->h; info.s_skip=src->pitch-info.s_width*src->format->BytesPerPixel; info.d_pixels = (Uint8 *)dst->pixels + dst->offset + (Uint16)dstrect->y*dst->pitch + (Uint16)dstrect->x*dst->format->BytesPerPixel; info.d_width = dstrect->w; info.d_height = dstrect->h; info.d_skip=dst->pitch-info.d_width*dst->format->BytesPerPixel; info.aux_data = src->map->sw_data->aux_data; info.src = src->format; info.table = src->map->table; info.dst = dst->format; RunBlit = src->map->sw_data->blit; /* Run the actual software blit */ RunBlit(&info); } /* Re-encode the destination if it's RLE encoded */ if ( dst->flags & SDL_RLEACCEL ) { dst->flags &= ~SDL_RLEACCEL; /* stop lying */ SDL_RLESurface(dst); } /* We need to unlock the surfaces if they're locked */ if ( dst_locked ) { SDL_VideoDevice *video = current_video; SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; video->UnlockHWSurface(this, dst); } else if ( src_locked ) { SDL_VideoDevice *video = current_video; SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; video->UnlockHWSurface(this, src); } /* Blit is done! */ return(okay ? 0 : -1); }