Example #1
void DUEL_StartCountdown( ULONG ulTicks )
	ULONG	ulIdx;

	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) != NETSTATE_CLIENT )
		// First, reset everyone's fragcount.
		PLAYER_ResetAllPlayersFragcount( );

		// If we're the server, tell clients to reset everyone's fragcount.
		if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
			SERVERCOMMANDS_ResetAllPlayersFragcount( );

		// Also, tell bots that a duel countdown is starting.
		for ( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < MAXPLAYERS; ulIdx++ )
			if ( playeringame[ulIdx] )
				if ( players[ulIdx].pSkullBot )
					players[ulIdx].pSkullBot->PostEvent( BOTEVENT_DUEL_STARTINGCOUNTDOWN );

		// Put the duel in a countdown state.

	// Set the duel countdown ticks.
	DUEL_SetCountdownTicks( ulTicks );

	// Announce that the fight will soon start.
	ANNOUNCER_PlayEntry( cl_announcer, "PrepareToFight" );

	// Reset announcer "frags left" variables.
	ANNOUNCER_AllowNumFragsAndPointsLeftSounds( );

	// Reset the first frag awarded flag.
	g_bFirstFragAwarded = false;

	// Tell clients to start the countdown.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
		SERVERCOMMANDS_DoGameModeCountdown( ulTicks );
Example #2
void LASTMANSTANDING_StartCountdown( ULONG ulTicks )
	ULONG	ulIdx;

	for ( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < MAXPLAYERS; ulIdx++ )
		if (( playeringame[ulIdx] ) && ( players[ulIdx].pSkullBot ))
			players[ulIdx].pSkullBot->PostEvent( BOTEVENT_LMS_STARTINGCOUNTDOWN );

	// First, reset everyone's fragcount. This must be done before setting the state to LMSS_COUNTDOWN
	// otherwise PLAYER_SetFragcount will ignore our request.
	for ( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < MAXPLAYERS; ulIdx++ )
		if ( playeringame[ulIdx] )
			PLAYER_SetFragcount( &players[ulIdx], 0, false, false );
	for ( ULONG i = 0; i < teams.Size( ); i++ )
		TEAM_SetFragCount( i, 0, false );
	// Put the game in a countdown state.
	if (( NETWORK_GetState( ) != NETSTATE_CLIENT ) &&
		( CLIENTDEMO_IsPlaying( ) == false ))

	// Set the LMS countdown ticks.
	LASTMANSTANDING_SetCountdownTicks( ulTicks );

	// Announce that the fight will soon start.
	ANNOUNCER_PlayEntry( cl_announcer, "PrepareToFight" );

	// Tell clients to start the countdown.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
		SERVERCOMMANDS_DoGameModeCountdown( ulTicks );