Example #1
 * Add an inverse entry for the physical page associated with mapping from vaddr 
 * to paddr into the coremap. Inverse mapping means the page is indexed by page
 * number calculated using paddr.
int add_ppage (u_int32_t vaddr, u_int32_t paddr, pid_t pid, u_int32_t status)
    int result = 0;
    int spl=splhigh();    
    paddr = paddr & PAGE_FRAME;
    //get the index of the page in the page table
    int page_index = (paddr - coremap_base) / PAGE_SIZE;
    //make sure that the paddr address is valid
    assert( (coremap[ page_index ].paddr & PAGE_FRAME) == paddr );
     * Add the mapping and set the attribute bits
    coremap[ page_index ].vaddr = vaddr;
    //If it is a kernel address allocated by kernel then set kernel attribute flag
    if(vaddr > USERTOP)
        coremap[ page_index ].paddr = SET_VALID(paddr)|SET_DIRTY(paddr)|SET_KERNEL(paddr);
        coremap[ page_index ].paddr = SET_VALID(paddr)|SET_DIRTY(paddr);
    /*Initialize _PTE fields for this entry*/
    coremap[ page_index ].last_access_time_sec = 0;
    coremap[ page_index ].last_access_time_nsec = 0;
    coremap[ page_index ].pid = pid;
    coremap[ page_index ].status = PAGE_DIRTY;
     * mark (unavailable) the page entry of coremap.
        bitmap_mark(core_memmap, page_index);    
    return result;
Example #2
static FAR uint8_t *lpc43_cacheread(struct lpc43_dev_s *priv, off_t sector)
  FAR const uint8_t *src;
  off_t blkno;
  int   index;

  /* Convert from the 512 byte sector to the erase sector size of the device.  For
   * exmample, if the actual erase sector size if 4Kb (1 << 12), then we first
   * shift to the right by 3 to get the sector number in 4096 increments.

  blkno = sector >> (SPIFI_BLKSHIFT - SPIFI_512SHIFT);
  fvdbg("sector: %ld blkno: %d\n", sector, blkno);

  /* Check if the requested erase block is already in the cache */

  if (!IS_VALID(priv) || blkno != (off_t)priv->blkno)
      /* No.. Flush any dirty erase block currently in the cache */


      /* Read the new erase block into the cache */
      /* Get the SPIFI address corresponding to the new erase block */

      src = SPIFI_BASE + (blkno << SPIFI_BLKSHIFT);

      /* Read the entire erase block from FLASH */

      lpc43_pageread(priv, priv->cache, src, SPIFI_BLKSIZE);

      /* Mark the sector as cached */

      priv->blkno = (uint16_t)blkno;

      SET_VALID(priv);          /* The data in the cache is valid */
      CLR_DIRTY(priv);          /* It should match the FLASH contents */
      CLR_ERASED(priv);         /* The underlying FLASH has not been erased */

  /* Get the index to the 512 sector in the erase block that holds the argument */

  index = sector & ((1 << (SPIFI_BLKSHIFT - SPIFI_512SHIFT)) - 1);

  /* Return the address in the cache that holds this sector */

  return &priv->cache[index << SPIFI_512SHIFT];
Example #3
 * alloc_page(): allocate a single page:
 * -------------------------------------
 * 1. Snatch a page from paging module by calling snatch_a_page()
 * 2. Insert the page into the coremap and mark the bitmap properly.
 * 3. Return the physical address of the page
u_int32_t alloc_page(u_int32_t vaddr, int pid)
    u_int32_t paddr;
    //kprintf("vm bootstrap: alloc_page\n");
    //snatch a page from paging module. Paging module is responsible for all
    //paging/swapping mechanism to allocate the page
    paddr = snatch_a_page();
    //set valid attribute as snatch_a_page() guaranteed to return a valid paddr
    paddr = SET_VALID(paddr);
    //check whether it is a kernel page or not, if yes then mark as kernel and
    //we'll not touch it later
    if( vaddr >= MIPS_KSEG0)
        paddr = SET_KERNEL(paddr);
    //Add the invert entry for this page mapped to vaddr into pagetable coremap
    add_ppage(vaddr, paddr, pid, PAGE_DIRTY);
    return paddr;    
Example #4
 * Bring back the page from disk into memory by swapping out a victim page if
 * necessary
u_int32_t load_page_into_memory(u_int32_t vaddr, pid_t pid) 
    //panic("VM: hm......right...\n);
    //Get the chunk containing demanded page (not in memory) from disk
    u_int32_t chunk = get_spage(vaddr, pid);
     * snatch a entry in page table for this page by swapping out a victim page 
     * if necessary
    u_int32_t paddr = snatch_a_page();
     * Now, we have a free entry in the page table for this page. So bring 
     * back the page from disk by swapping the chunk into paddr.
    swapin(paddr, chunk);
     * set the attributes
    paddr = SET_VALID(paddr);    
    paddr = SET_SWAPPED(paddr);
     * So, we have swapped in the page into memory. Add the pagetable entry for
     * this page.
    int spl=splhigh();
    assert((chunk & PAGE_FRAME)/PAGE_SIZE < swaparea_size);
    //add_ppage(vaddr, paddr, swaparea[(chunk & PAGE_FRAME)/PAGE_SIZE].pid, PAGE_CLEAN);
	add_ppage(vaddr, paddr, pid, PAGE_CLEAN); //Changed by tocurtis
    return paddr;	
Example #5
/* Allocate n contiguous kernel pages */
u_int32_t kpage_nalloc(int n, int pid)
    u_int32_t paddr;

    int spl=splhigh();
    int i;
    unsigned index=0,count=0;
    unsigned swap_index=0,swap_count=0;
    unsigned best_count=0,best_index=0;

    //kprintf("vm bootstrap: cp5\n");
    //Just one page? then snatch a page and update pagetable coremap
        u_int32_t paddr = snatch_a_page();
        paddr = SET_VALID(paddr);
        paddr = SET_KERNEL(paddr);
        add_ppage( PADDR_TO_KVADDR(paddr), paddr, curthread->pid, PAGE_DIRTY);
        return (paddr & PAGE_FRAME);

     * Otherwise, find the index of a hole from which there are at least n contagious pages. 
    for(i = 0 ; i < (int)coremap_size; i++) 
        //We should not replace kernel pages: kernel pages shouldn't be touched
        //so look for non-kernel pages to replace and make a big enough hole
            //If it is a kernel page and we didn't find a big enough hole so 
            //far then we can't take the current hole. So get back.
            swap_count = 0;
	//a non-kernel page is found in the hole currently under investigation
	    //ok last page was kernel an so we are restarting the hole from this page
            if( swap_count == 0) 
                swap_index = i;
            //keep maintaining how many contagious pages should be replaced
            //ok, now we have n contagious nonkernel pages. So, this is a potential good hole
            if ((int)swap_count >= n)
		//update index and size of the best hole found so far
                if(best_count > count) 
                    best_count = count;
                    best_index = swap_index;

		//resrart the search from this page to find a better hole (if exists)
                swap_count = 0;
	//if this is a free page then a free hole can be started from here, set free hole index and size
        if( !bitmap_isset(core_memmap, i) )	       
            index = i;
            count = 0;
	    //ok, we can't get this page as free page. So, lets check if we have found n free pages or nor
	    //if we fund n pages then its the perfect free hole so far, so stop the search.
	    if((int)count == n) 

	count ++;
    //so no of contagious free pages found in the search is not enough. 
    //So, we need to replace some non-kernel pages. Start from the best 
    //the best non-kernel hole we found in the search. 
    if((int)count < n) 
        if((int)best_count < n)         
	    //not enough pages to replace. Panic
            return 0; 
            //ok, we have enough nonkernel pages to replace
            for(i=best_index; i < (int)(best_index + best_count); i++) 
                u_int32_t ppaddr = coremap[i].paddr;
                //the page is valid
                if( IS_VALID(ppaddr) ) 
                    //find an empty chunk in the disk to swap out the existing page
                    u_int32_t chunk = get_empty_chunk();
                    //mark entry into swap_table
                    //Now, swapout the page into the chunk of the disk
		    //update the swap area map to make the page frame free for allocation.
		    //we are allocating below. So, there is a possibility of a race condition here. 
 	    //so, we have now replaced pages starting from best_index to make space for the demanded n pages.
	    //we will now claim these pages below.
            index = best_index;	
    //claim the hole we set up above
    for(i=index ; i < (int)(index + n); i++) 
        add_ppage(PADDR_TO_KVADDR(coremap[i].paddr), coremap[i].paddr, pid, PAGE_DIRTY);
    paddr = coremap[index].paddr;
    //kprintf("VM_ALLOCN: 0x%x\n", paddr);
    return (paddr & PAGE_FRAME);