Example #1
void berlekamp(vec_pair_ZZ_pX_long& factors, const ZZ_pX& f, long verbose)
   double t;
   vec_pair_ZZ_pX_long sfd;
   vec_ZZ_pX x;

   if (!IsOne(LeadCoeff(f)))
      Error("berlekamp: bad args");

   if (verbose) { cerr << "square-free decomposition..."; t = GetTime(); }
   SquareFreeDecomp(sfd, f);
   if (verbose) cerr << (GetTime()-t) << "\n";


   long i, j;

   for (i = 0; i < sfd.length(); i++) {
      if (verbose) {
         cerr << "factoring multiplicity " << sfd[i].b 
              << ", deg = " << deg(sfd[i].a) << "\n";

      SFBerlekamp(x, sfd[i].a, verbose);

      for (j = 0; j < x.length(); j++)
         append(factors, cons(x[j], sfd[i].b));
Example #2
// return an array such that alphas[i] \in R[X]/G(X) represent the
// same element as rt = (p mod Ft) \in R[X]/Ft(X) where t=T[i].
// If the optional map pointer is non-NULL, then (*map)[i] contains
// the output of mapToFt(...G,T[i]).
template<> void PAlgebraModTmpl<GF2X,vec_GF2X,GF2XModulus>::decodePlaintext(
   vector<GF2X>& alphas, const GF2X& ptxt, const GF2X &G, 
   const vector<GF2X>& maps) const
  unsigned nSlots = zmStar.NSlots();
  if (nSlots==0 || maps.size()!= nSlots ||deg(G)<1|| zmStar.OrdTwo()%deg(G)!=0){
    alphas.resize(0); return;
  // First decompose p into CRT componsnt
  vector<GF2X> CRTcomps(nSlots); // allocate space for CRT component
  CRT_decompoe(CRTcomps, ptxt);  // CRTcomps[i] = p mod facors[i]

  // Next convert each entry in CRTcomps[] back to base-G representation
  // (this is roughly the inverse of the embedInSlots operation)

  // maps contains all the base-G ==> base-Fi maps

  // SHAI: The code below is supposed to be Nigel's code, borrowed partly
  // from the constructor Algebra::Algebra(...) and partly from the
  // function AElement::to_type(2). I don't really unerstand that code,
  // so hopefully nothing was lost in translation

  GF2E::init(G); // the extension field R[X]/G(X)
  for (unsigned i=0; i<nSlots; i++) {
    // We need to lift Fi from R[Y] to (R[X]/G(X))[Y]
    GF2EX Qi; conv(Qi,(GF2X&)factors[i]);
    vec_GF2EX FRts=SFBerlekamp(Qi); // factor Fi over Z_2[X]/G(X)

    // need to choose the right factor, the one that gives us back X
    int j;
    for (j=0; j<FRts.length(); j++) { 
      // lift maps[i] to (R[X]/G(X))[Y] and reduce mod j'th factor of Fi
      GF2EX GRti = to_GF2EX((GF2X&)maps[i]);
      GRti %= FRts[j];

      if (IsX(rep(coeff(GRti,0)))) { // is GRti == X?
	Qi = FRts[j];                // If so, we found the right factor
      } // If this does not happen then move to the next factor of Fi

    GF2EX te; conv(te,CRTcomps[i]);   // lift i'th CRT componnet to mod G(X)
    te %= Qi;       // reduce CRTcomps[i](Y) mod Qi(Y), over (Z_2[X]/G(X))

    // the free term (no Y component) should be our answer (as a poly(X))
    alphas[i] = rep(coeff(te,0));