Example #1
extern "C" sfcgal_geometry_t* sfcgal_geometry_make_solid( const sfcgal_geometry_t* ga ) 
	const SFCGAL::Geometry* g = reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>(ga);
	if ( g->geometryTypeId() != SFCGAL::TYPE_POLYHEDRALSURFACE ) {
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "make_solid() only applies to polyhedral surfaces" );
		return 0;

	return static_cast<SFCGAL::Geometry*>(new SFCGAL::Solid( g->as<const SFCGAL::PolyhedralSurface>() ));
Example #2
extern "C" sfcgal_geometry_type_t sfcgal_geometry_type_id( const sfcgal_geometry_t* geom )

    try {
        return ( sfcgal_geometry_type_t )reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>( geom )->geometryTypeId();
    catch( std::exception& e ) {
        SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
        return SFCGAL_TYPE_POINT; // to avoid warning
Example #3
 * Get geometry orientation.
 * Returns:
 * -1 for a counter clock wise orientation,
 * 1 for a clock wise orientation,
 * 0 for invalid or undetermined orientation
extern "C" int sfcgal_geometry_orientation( const sfcgal_geometry_t* ga ) 
	const SFCGAL::Geometry* g = reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>(ga);
	if ( g->geometryTypeId() != SFCGAL::TYPE_POLYGON ) {
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "orientation() only applies to polygons" );
		return -1;

	bool r;
		r = g->as<const SFCGAL::Polygon>().isCounterClockWiseOriented();
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "During orientation(A) :" );
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "  with A: %s", ((const SFCGAL::Geometry*)(ga))->asText().c_str() );
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return -1.0;
	return r ? -1 : 1;
Example #4
extern "C" int sfcgal_geometry_is_planar( const sfcgal_geometry_t* ga ) 
	const SFCGAL::Geometry* g = reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>(ga);
	if ( g->geometryTypeId() != SFCGAL::TYPE_POLYGON ) {
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "is_planar() only applies to polygons" );
		return -1;

	bool r;
		r = SFCGAL::algorithm::hasPlane3D< SFCGAL::Kernel >( g->as< const SFCGAL::Polygon >() );
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "During is_planar(A) :" );
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "  with A: %s", ((const SFCGAL::Geometry*)(ga))->asText().c_str() );
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return -1.0;
	return r ? 1 : 0;
Example #5
extern "C" sfcgal_geometry_t* sfcgal_io_read_wkt( const char* str, size_t len )
	std::auto_ptr<SFCGAL::Geometry> g;
	try {
		g = SFCGAL::io::readWkt( str, len );
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return 0;
	return g.release();
Example #6
extern "C" sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t* sfcgal_io_read_ewkt( const char* str, size_t len )
	std::auto_ptr<SFCGAL::PreparedGeometry> g;
	try {
		g = SFCGAL::io::readEwkt( str, len );
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return 0;
	SFCGAL::PreparedGeometry* pg = g.release();
	return pg;
Example #7
extern "C" sfcgal_geometry_t* sfcgal_geometry_minkowski_sum( const sfcgal_geometry_t* ga, const sfcgal_geometry_t* gb )
	const SFCGAL::Geometry* g1 = reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>(ga);
	const SFCGAL::Geometry* g2 = reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>(gb);
	if ( g2->geometryTypeId() != SFCGAL::TYPE_POLYGON ) {
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "minkowski_sum(): the second argument must be a polygon" );
		return 0;

	std::auto_ptr<SFCGAL::MultiPolygon> sum;
		sum = SFCGAL::algorithm::minkowskiSum( *g1, g2->as<const SFCGAL::Polygon>() );
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "During minkowski_sum(A,B):" );
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "  with A: %s", ((const SFCGAL::Geometry*)(ga))->asText().c_str() );
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "   and B: %s", ((const SFCGAL::Geometry*)(gb))->asText().c_str() );
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return 0;
	return sum.release();
Example #8
extern "C" sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t* sfcgal_io_read_binary_prepared( const char* str, size_t len )
	std::string sstr( str, len );
	std::auto_ptr<SFCGAL::PreparedGeometry> g;
		g = SFCGAL::io::readBinaryPrepared( sstr );
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "During read_binary_prepared" );
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return 0;
	return g.release();
Example #9
extern "C" sfcgal_geometry_t* sfcgal_geometry_offset_polygon( const sfcgal_geometry_t* ga, double offset )
	const SFCGAL::Geometry* g1 = reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>(ga);
	std::auto_ptr<SFCGAL::MultiPolygon> mp;
		mp = SFCGAL::algorithm::offset( *g1, offset );
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "During offset(A,%g):", offset );
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "  with A: %s", ((const SFCGAL::Geometry*)(ga))->asText().c_str() );
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return 0;
	return mp.release();
Example #10
extern "C" sfcgal_geometry_t* sfcgal_geometry_force_rhr( const sfcgal_geometry_t* ga ) 
	const SFCGAL::Geometry* g = reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>(ga);
	SFCGAL::Geometry* gb = g->clone();
	SFCGAL::transform::ForceOrderPoints force( /* ccw */ false );
		gb->accept( force );
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "During force_rhr(A) :" );
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "  with A: %s", ((const SFCGAL::Geometry*)(ga))->asText().c_str() );
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return 0;
	return gb;
Example #11
extern "C" sfcgal_geometry_t* sfcgal_geometry_triangulate_2dz( const sfcgal_geometry_t* ga )
	const SFCGAL::Geometry* g = reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>(ga);
	SFCGAL::TriangulatedSurface* surf = new SFCGAL::TriangulatedSurface;
		SFCGAL::triangulate::ConstraintDelaunayTriangulation cdt;
		SFCGAL::triangulate::triangulate2DZ( *g, cdt );
		cdt.getTriangles( *surf );
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "During triangulate_2d(A) :" );
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "  with A: %s", ((const SFCGAL::Geometry*)(ga))->asText().c_str() );
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return 0;
	return static_cast<SFCGAL::Geometry*>(surf);
Example #12
extern "C" sfcgal_geometry_t* sfcgal_geometry_extrude( const sfcgal_geometry_t* ga, double x, double y, double z )
	const SFCGAL::Geometry* g = reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>(ga);
	SFCGAL::Geometry* gb = g->clone();
	SFCGAL::transform::ForceZOrderPoints forceZ;
	std::auto_ptr<SFCGAL::Geometry> result;
		gb->accept( forceZ );
		result = SFCGAL::algorithm::extrude( *gb, x, y, z );
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "During extrude(A, %g, %g, %g) :", x, y, z );
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "  with A: %s", ((const SFCGAL::Geometry*)(ga))->asText().c_str() );
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return 0;
	return result.release();
Example #13
extern "C" sfcgal_geometry_t* sfcgal_geometry_round( const sfcgal_geometry_t* ga, int scale )
	const SFCGAL::Geometry* g = reinterpret_cast<const SFCGAL::Geometry*>(ga);
	SFCGAL::Geometry* gb = g->clone();
	//	SFCGAL_WARNING( "geom: %s %s", gb->asText().c_str(), typeid(g).name() );

	SFCGAL::transform::RoundTransform roundT( scale );
		gb->accept( roundT );
	catch ( std::exception& e )
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "During round(A):" );
		SFCGAL_WARNING( "  with A: %s", ((const SFCGAL::Geometry*)(ga))->asText().c_str() );
		SFCGAL_ERROR( "%s", e.what() );
		return 0;
	//	SFCGAL_WARNING( "processed geom: %s", gb->asText().c_str() );
	return gb;