// Verifies the archive against the signature DWORD WINAPI SFileVerifyArchive(HANDLE hMpq) { MPQ_SIGNATURE_INFO si; TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *)hMpq; // Verify input parameters if(!IsValidMpqHandle(hMpq)) return ERROR_VERIFY_FAILED; // If the archive was modified, we need to flush it if(ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED) SFileFlushArchive(hMpq); // Get the MPQ signature and signature type memset(&si, 0, sizeof(MPQ_SIGNATURE_INFO)); if(!QueryMpqSignatureInfo(ha, &si)) return ERROR_VERIFY_FAILED; // If there is no signature if(si.SignatureTypes == 0) return ERROR_NO_SIGNATURE; // We haven't seen a MPQ with both signatures assert(si.SignatureTypes == SIGNATURE_TYPE_WEAK || si.SignatureTypes == SIGNATURE_TYPE_STRONG); // Verify the strong signature, if present if(si.SignatureTypes & SIGNATURE_TYPE_STRONG) return VerifyStrongSignature(ha, &si); // Verify the weak signature, if present if(si.SignatureTypes & SIGNATURE_TYPE_WEAK) return VerifyWeakSignature(ha, &si); return ERROR_NO_SIGNATURE; }
bool WINAPI SFileCloseArchive(HANDLE hMpq) { TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *)hMpq; bool bResult; // Flush all unsaved data to the storage bResult = SFileFlushArchive(hMpq); // Free all memory used by MPQ archive FreeMPQArchive(ha); return bResult; }
bool WINAPI SFileCloseArchive(HANDLE hMpq) { TMPQArchive * ha = IsValidMpqHandle(hMpq); bool bResult = false; // Only if the handle is valid if(ha == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return false; } // Invalidate the add file callback so it won't be called // when saving (listfile) and (attributes) ha->pfnAddFileCB = NULL; ha->pvAddFileUserData = NULL; // Flush all unsaved data to the storage bResult = SFileFlushArchive(hMpq); // Free all memory used by MPQ archive FreeArchiveHandle(ha); return bResult; }
bool WINAPI SFileCompactArchive(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szListFile, bool /* bReserved */) { TFileStream * pTempStream = NULL; TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *)hMpq; ULONGLONG ByteOffset; ULONGLONG ByteCount; LPDWORD pFileKeys = NULL; TCHAR szTempFile[MAX_PATH] = _T(""); TCHAR * szTemp = NULL; int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Test the valid parameters if(!IsValidMpqHandle(hMpq)) nError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; if(ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_READ_ONLY) nError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; // If the MPQ is changed at this moment, we have to flush the archive if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && (ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED)) { SFileFlushArchive(hMpq); } // Create the table with file keys if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if((pFileKeys = STORM_ALLOC(DWORD, ha->dwFileTableSize)) != NULL) memset(pFileKeys, 0, sizeof(DWORD) * ha->dwFileTableSize); else nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } // First of all, we have to check of we are able to decrypt all files. // If not, sorry, but the archive cannot be compacted. if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Initialize the progress variables for compact callback FileStream_GetSize(ha->pStream, &(ha->CompactTotalBytes)); ha->CompactBytesProcessed = 0; nError = CheckIfAllFilesKnown(ha, szListFile, pFileKeys); } // Get the temporary file name and create it if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _tcscpy(szTempFile, FileStream_GetFileName(ha->pStream)); if((szTemp = _tcsrchr(szTempFile, '.')) != NULL) _tcscpy(szTemp + 1, _T("mp_")); else _tcscat(szTempFile, _T("_")); pTempStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szTempFile, STREAM_PROVIDER_FLAT | BASE_PROVIDER_FILE); if(pTempStream == NULL) nError = GetLastError(); } // Write the data before MPQ user data (if any) if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->UserDataPos != 0) { // Inform the application about the progress if(ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL) ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_COPYING_NON_MPQ_DATA, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes); ByteOffset = 0; ByteCount = ha->UserDataPos; nError = CopyNonMpqData(ha, ha->pStream, pTempStream, ByteOffset, ByteCount); } // Write the MPQ user data (if any) if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->MpqPos > ha->UserDataPos) { // At this point, we assume that the user data size is equal // to pUserData->dwHeaderOffs. // If this assumption doesn't work, then we have an unknown version of MPQ ByteOffset = ha->UserDataPos; ByteCount = ha->MpqPos - ha->UserDataPos; assert(ha->pUserData != NULL); assert(ha->pUserData->dwHeaderOffs == ByteCount); nError = CopyNonMpqData(ha, ha->pStream, pTempStream, ByteOffset, ByteCount); } // Write the MPQ header if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TMPQHeader SaveMpqHeader; // Write the MPQ header to the file memcpy(&SaveMpqHeader, ha->pHeader, ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize); BSWAP_TMPQHEADER(&SaveMpqHeader, MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_1); BSWAP_TMPQHEADER(&SaveMpqHeader, MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_2); BSWAP_TMPQHEADER(&SaveMpqHeader, MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_3); BSWAP_TMPQHEADER(&SaveMpqHeader, MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_4); if(!FileStream_Write(pTempStream, NULL, &SaveMpqHeader, ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize)) nError = GetLastError(); // Update the progress ha->CompactBytesProcessed += ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize; } // Now copy all files if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) nError = CopyMpqFiles(ha, pFileKeys, pTempStream); // Defragment the file table if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) nError = RebuildFileTable(ha, ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize, ha->dwMaxFileCount); // We also need to rebuild the HET table, if any if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Invalidate (listfile) and (attributes) InvalidateInternalFiles(ha); // Rebuild the HET table, if we have any if(ha->pHetTable != NULL) nError = RebuildHetTable(ha); } // If succeeded, switch the streams if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(FileStream_Replace(ha->pStream, pTempStream)) pTempStream = NULL; else nError = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } // If all succeeded, save the MPQ tables if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // // Note: We don't recalculate position of the MPQ tables at this point. // SaveMPQTables does it automatically. // nError = SaveMPQTables(ha); if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL) { ha->CompactBytesProcessed += (ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash)); ha->CompactBytesProcessed += (ha->pHeader->dwBlockTableSize * sizeof(TMPQBlock)); ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_CLOSING_ARCHIVE, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes); } } // Cleanup and return if(pTempStream != NULL) FileStream_Close(pTempStream); if(pFileKeys != NULL) STORM_FREE(pFileKeys); if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(nError); return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) try { po::options_description desc("Required options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "produce help message") ("force,f", "overwrite existing files") ("mpq", po::value<std::string>(), "the mpq to create") ("files", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(), "input files"); po::positional_options_description p; p.add("mpq", 1); p.add("files", -1); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(p).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); if (!vm.count("files") || !vm.count("mpq") || vm.count("help")) { std::cout << "usage: <mpq> [<files> ...]" << std::endl << std::endl << desc << std::endl; return 1; } std::vector<std::string> files(vm["files"].as< std::vector<std::string> >()); std::vector<FileEntry> toAdd; fs::path mpqPath(vm["mpq"].as<std::string>()); if(fs::exists(mpqPath)) { if(vm.count("force")) fs::remove(mpqPath); else throw std::runtime_error("mpq does already exist"); } for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator path = files.begin(); path != files.end(); ++path) { if(fs::is_regular_file(*path)) toAdd.push_back(FileEntry(*path, *path)); if(!fs::is_directory(*path)) //no symlinks etc continue; for(fs::recursive_directory_iterator file(*path), end; file != end; ++file) if(fs::is_regular_file(file->path())) toAdd.push_back(FileEntry(file->path(), makeRelative(*path, file->path()))); } for(std::vector<FileEntry>::iterator it = toAdd.begin(); it != toAdd.end(); ++it) std::cout << it->realPath << " >> " << it->mpqPath << std::endl; HANDLE mpq; if(!SFileCreateArchive(mpqPath.string().c_str(), MPQ_CREATE_ARCHIVE_V2, toAdd.size(), &mpq)) throw std::runtime_error("couldn't create mpq"); SFileSetLocale(0); size_t counter(0); for(std::vector<FileEntry>::iterator it = toAdd.begin(); it != toAdd.end(); ++it) { loadbar(++counter, toAdd.size()); if(!SFileAddFileEx(mpq, it->realPath.string().c_str(), it->mpqPath.string().c_str(), MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS, MPQ_COMPRESSION_BZIP2, MPQ_COMPRESSION_BZIP2)) std::cout << "couldn't add file " << it->realPath << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; SFileCompactArchive(mpq, NULL, false); SFileFlushArchive(mpq); SFileCloseArchive(mpq); return 0; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << "\n"; }
int EXPORT_SYMBOL SFileCompactArchive(void * hMpq, const char * szListFile, int bReserved) { TFileStream * pTempStream = NULL; TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *)hMpq; uint64_t ByteOffset; uint64_t ByteCount; uint32_t * pFileKeys = NULL; char szTempFile[1024] = ""; char * szTemp = NULL; int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS; /* Test the valid parameters */ if(!IsValidMpqHandle(hMpq)) nError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; if(ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_READ_ONLY) nError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; /* If the MPQ is changed at this moment, we have to flush the archive */ if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && (ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED)) { SFileFlushArchive(hMpq); } /* Create the table with file keys */ if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if((pFileKeys = STORM_ALLOC(uint32_t, ha->dwFileTableSize)) != NULL) memset(pFileKeys, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * ha->dwFileTableSize); else nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } /* First of all, we have to check of we are able to decrypt all files. */ /* If not, sorry, but the archive cannot be compacted. */ if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* Initialize the progress variables for compact callback */ FileStream_GetSize(ha->pStream, &(ha->CompactTotalBytes)); ha->CompactBytesProcessed = 0; nError = CheckIfAllKeysKnown(ha, szListFile, pFileKeys); } /* Get the temporary file name and create it */ if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { strcpy(szTempFile, FileStream_GetFileName(ha->pStream)); if((szTemp = strrchr(szTempFile, '.')) != NULL) strcpy(szTemp + 1, "mp_"); else strcat(szTempFile, "_"); pTempStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szTempFile, STREAM_PROVIDER_FLAT | BASE_PROVIDER_FILE); if(pTempStream == NULL) nError = GetLastError(); } /* Write the data before MPQ user data (if any) */ if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->UserDataPos != 0) { /* Inform the application about the progress */ if(ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL) ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_COPYING_NON_MPQ_DATA, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes); ByteOffset = 0; ByteCount = ha->UserDataPos; nError = CopyNonMpqData(ha, ha->pStream, pTempStream, &ByteOffset, ByteCount); } /* Write the MPQ user data (if any) */ if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->MpqPos > ha->UserDataPos) { /* At this point, we assume that the user data size is equal */ /* to pUserData->dwHeaderOffs. */ /* If this assumption doesn't work, then we have an unknown version of MPQ */ ByteOffset = ha->UserDataPos; ByteCount = ha->MpqPos - ha->UserDataPos; assert(ha->pUserData != NULL); assert(ha->pUserData->dwHeaderOffs == ByteCount); nError = CopyNonMpqData(ha, ha->pStream, pTempStream, &ByteOffset, ByteCount); } /* Write the MPQ header */ if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TMPQHeader SaveMpqHeader; /* Write the MPQ header to the file */ memcpy(&SaveMpqHeader, ha->pHeader, ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize); BSWAP_TMPQHEADER(&SaveMpqHeader, MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_1); BSWAP_TMPQHEADER(&SaveMpqHeader, MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_2); BSWAP_TMPQHEADER(&SaveMpqHeader, MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_3); BSWAP_TMPQHEADER(&SaveMpqHeader, MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_4); if(!FileStream_Write(pTempStream, NULL, &SaveMpqHeader, ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize)) nError = GetLastError(); /* Update the progress */ ha->CompactBytesProcessed += ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize; } /* Now copy all files */ if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) nError = CopyMpqFiles(ha, pFileKeys, pTempStream); /* If succeeded, switch the streams */ if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ha->dwFlags |= MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED; if(FileStream_Replace(ha->pStream, pTempStream)) pTempStream = NULL; else nError = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } /* Final user notification */ if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL) { ha->CompactBytesProcessed += (ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash)); ha->CompactBytesProcessed += (ha->dwFileTableSize * sizeof(TMPQBlock)); ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_CLOSING_ARCHIVE, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes); } /* Cleanup and return */ if(pTempStream != NULL) FileStream_Close(pTempStream); if(pFileKeys != NULL) STORM_FREE(pFileKeys); if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(nError); return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS); }