//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CSG_PointCloud::_Save(const CSG_String &File_Name) { CSG_File Stream; SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s..."), _TL("Save point cloud"), File_Name.c_str()), true); CSG_String sFile_Name = SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, File_Name, SG_T("spc")); if( Stream.Open(sFile_Name, SG_FILE_W, true) == false ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("unable to create file.")); return( false ); } int i, iBuffer, nPointBytes = m_nPointBytes - 1; Stream.Write((void *)PC_FILE_VERSION, 6); Stream.Write(&nPointBytes , sizeof(int)); Stream.Write(&m_nFields , sizeof(int)); for(i=0; i<m_nFields; i++) { Stream.Write(&m_Field_Type[i], sizeof(TSG_Data_Type)); iBuffer = (int)m_Field_Name[i]->Length(); if( iBuffer >= 1024 - 1 ) iBuffer = 1024 - 1; Stream.Write(&iBuffer, sizeof(int)); Stream.Write((void *)m_Field_Name[i]->b_str(), sizeof(char), iBuffer); } _Set_Shape(m_Shapes_Index); for(i=0; i<Get_Count() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(i, Get_Count()); i++) { Stream.Write(m_Points[i] + 1, nPointBytes); } Set_Modified(false); Set_File_Name(sFile_Name, true); Save_MetaData(File_Name); Get_Projection().Save(SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, File_Name, SG_T("prj")), SG_PROJ_FMT_WKT); SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS); SG_UI_Process_Set_Ready(); return( true ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CSG_Grid::_Load(const CSG_String &File_Name, TSG_Data_Type Type, TSG_Grid_Memory_Type Memory_Type) { bool bResult; //----------------------------------------------------- Destroy(); m_Type = Type; //----------------------------------------------------- SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s..."), LNG("[MSG] Load grid"), File_Name.c_str()), true); if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File_Name, SG_T("grd")) ) { bResult = _Load_Surfer(File_Name, Memory_Type); } else { bResult = _Load_Native(File_Name, Memory_Type); } //----------------------------------------------------- if( bResult ) { Set_Update_Flag(); Set_File_Name(File_Name); Load_MetaData(File_Name); m_bCreated = true; SG_UI_Msg_Add(LNG("[MSG] okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS); } else { Destroy(); SG_UI_Msg_Add(LNG("[MSG] failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(LNG("[ERR] Grid file could not be opened.")); } //----------------------------------------------------- return( bResult ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CKriging_Universal::On_Initialize(void) { m_pGrids = Parameters("GRIDS" )->asGridList(); m_Interpolation = Parameters("INTERPOL" )->asInt(); m_nPoints_Min = Parameters("SEARCH_POINTS_MIN")->asInt (); m_nPoints_Max = Parameters("SEARCH_POINTS_ALL")->asInt () == 0 ? Parameters("SEARCH_POINTS_MAX")->asInt () : 0; m_Radius = Parameters("SEARCH_RANGE" )->asInt () == 0 ? Parameters("SEARCH_RADIUS" )->asDouble() : 0.0; m_Direction = Parameters("SEARCH_DIRECTION" )->asInt () == 0 ? -1 : 4; //----------------------------------------------------- if( m_nPoints_Max <= 0 && m_Radius <= 0 ) // global { return( CKriging_Universal_Global::On_Initialize() ); } //----------------------------------------------------- m_Search.Create(m_pPoints->Get_Extent()); for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<m_pPoints->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iPoint, m_pPoints->Get_Count()); iPoint++) { CSG_Shape *pPoint = m_pPoints->Get_Shape(iPoint); if( !pPoint->is_NoData(m_zField) ) { bool bAdd = true; for(int iGrid=0; iGrid<m_pGrids->Get_Count(); iGrid++) { if( !m_pGrids->asGrid(iGrid)->is_InGrid_byPos(pPoint->Get_Point(0)) ) { bAdd = false; } } if( bAdd ) { m_Search.Add_Point(pPoint->Get_Point(0).x, pPoint->Get_Point(0).y, m_bLog ? log(pPoint->asDouble(m_zField)) : pPoint->asDouble(m_zField)); } } } if( !m_Search.is_Okay() ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("could not initialize point search engine"), true); return( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------- return( true ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CSG_Shapes::Save(const CSG_String &File_Name, int Format) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s..."), _TL("Save shapes"), File_Name.c_str()), true); if( _Save_ESRI(File_Name) ) { Set_Modified(false); Set_File_Name(File_Name, true); SG_UI_Process_Set_Ready(); SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS); return( true ); } SG_UI_Process_Set_Ready(); SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); return( false ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CResection::On_Execute(void) { CSG_PointCloud *pPoints; // Input Point Cloud CSG_String fileName; CSG_File *pTabStream = NULL; int n = 6; // Number of unknowns CSG_Vector center(3); CSG_Vector target(3); double c = Parameters("F") ->asDouble(); // Focal Length (mm) double pixWmm = Parameters("W") ->asDouble() / 1000;// Pixel Width (mm) double ppOffsetX = Parameters("ppX") ->asDouble(); // Principal Point Offset X (pixels) double ppOffsetY = Parameters("ppY") ->asDouble(); // Principal Point Offset Y (pixels) pPoints = Parameters("POINTS") ->asPointCloud(); fileName = Parameters("OUTPUT FILE") ->asString(); center[0] = Parameters("Xc") ->asDouble(); center[1] = Parameters("Yc") ->asDouble(); center[2] = Parameters("Zc") ->asDouble(); target[0] = Parameters("Xt") ->asDouble(); target[1] = Parameters("Yt") ->asDouble(); target[2] = Parameters("Zt") ->asDouble(); int pointCount = pPoints->Get_Point_Count(); bool estPPOffsets = false; if ( Parameters("EST_OFFSETS")->asBool() ) { estPPOffsets = true; n = 8; // Increase number of unknowns by 2 } bool applyDistortions = false; CSG_Vector K(3); if ( Parameters("GIVE_DISTORTIONS")->asBool() ) { applyDistortions = true; K[0] = Parameters("K1") ->asDouble(); K[1] = Parameters("K2") ->asDouble(); K[2] = Parameters("K3") ->asDouble(); } double dxapp = center [0] - target [0]; double dyapp = center [1] - target [1]; double dzapp = center [2] - target [2]; double h_d = sqrt (dxapp * dxapp + dyapp * dyapp + dzapp * dzapp); // Distance between Proj. Center & Target (m) double h_dmm = h_d * 1000; // Convert to mm if( fileName.Length() == 0 ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Please provide an output file name!")); return( false ); } pTabStream = new CSG_File(); if( !pTabStream->Open(fileName, SG_FILE_W, false) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Unable to open output file %s!"), fileName.c_str())); delete (pTabStream); return (false); } CSG_Vector rotns = methods::calcRotations(center,target); // Approx. rotations omega, kappa, alpha CSG_String msg = "********* Initial Approximate Values *********"; pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Rotation Angles:"); pTabStream->Write(SG_T("\n") + msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Omega:\t") + SG_Get_String(rotns[0],6,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Kappa:\t") + SG_Get_String(rotns[1],6,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Alpha:\t") + SG_Get_String(rotns[2],6,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Projection Center:"); pTabStream->Write(SG_T("\n") + msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Xc:\t") + SG_Get_String(center[0],4,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Yc:\t") + SG_Get_String(center[1],4,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Zc:\t") + SG_Get_String(center[2],4,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); if (estPPOffsets) { msg = SG_T("Principal Point Offsets:"); pTabStream->Write(SG_T("\n") + msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("ppX:\t") + SG_Get_String(ppOffsetX,5,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("ppY:\t") + SG_Get_String(ppOffsetY,5,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); } double itrNo = 0; CSG_Matrix invN; while (true) { // Begin Iterations itrNo++; double omega = rotns[0]; double kappa = rotns[1]; double alpha = rotns[2]; CSG_Matrix R = methods::calcRotnMatrix(rotns); // Rotation Matrix from approximate values CSG_Matrix E(3,3); // [w1;w2;w3] = E * [dw;dk;da] E[0][0] = -1; E[0][1] = E[1][0] = E[2][0] = 0; E[0][2] = sin(kappa); E[1][1] = -cos(omega); E[1][2] = -sin(omega) * cos(kappa); E[2][1] = sin(omega); E[2][2] = -cos(omega) * cos(kappa); CSG_Matrix N(n,n); // Transpose(Design Matrix) * I * Design Matrix CSG_Vector ATL(n); // Transpose(Design Matrix) * I * Shortened obs. vector double SS = 0; double sigma_naught = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) { CSG_Vector pqs(3); // Approx. pi, qi, si for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { pqs[j] = R[j][0] * (pPoints->Get_X(i) - center[0]) + R[j][1] * (pPoints->Get_Y(i) - center[1]) + R[j][2] * (pPoints->Get_Z(i) - center[2]); } double p_i = pqs[0]; double q_i = pqs[1]; double s_i = pqs[2]; double dR = 0; // Undistorted double x_u = c * p_i / q_i; double y_u = c * s_i / q_i; double c_hat = c; if (applyDistortions) { double r2 = x_u * x_u + y_u * y_u; dR = K[0] * r2 + K[1] * r2 * r2 + K[2] * r2 * r2 * r2; c_hat = c * (1 - dR); } // Approx. image coordinates (with distortions) double x_i = (1 - dR) * x_u + ppOffsetX * pixWmm; double z_i = (1 - dR) * y_u + ppOffsetY * pixWmm; // Shortened obervation vector: dxi & dzi double dx_i = pPoints->Get_Attribute(i,0) * pixWmm - x_i; double dz_i = pPoints->Get_Attribute(i,1) * pixWmm - z_i; SS += pow(dx_i,2) + pow(dz_i,2); /* x_i, z_i in [mm] p_i,q_i,s_i in [m] h_d in [m] c, c_hat in [mm] h_dmm in [mm] */ CSG_Matrix L(3,2); // CSG_Matrix takes columns first and rows second CSG_Matrix V(3,3); CSG_Matrix LR(3,2); CSG_Matrix LVE(3,2); L[0][0] = L[1][2] = c_hat / (1000 * q_i); L[0][2] = L[1][0] = 0; L[0][1] = -x_u * (1 - dR) / (1000 * q_i); L[1][1] = -y_u * (1 - dR) / (1000 * q_i); V[0][0] = V[1][1] = V[2][2] = 0; V[0][1] = s_i / h_d; V[0][2] = -q_i / h_d; V[1][0] = -s_i / h_d; V[1][2] = p_i / h_d; V[2][0] = q_i / h_d; V[2][1] = -p_i / h_d; LVE = ( L * V ) * E; LR = L * R; // Design Matrix (J) CSG_Matrix design(n,2); for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { design[j][k] = LVE[j][k]; design[j][k+3] = -LR[j][k]; } } if ( estPPOffsets ) { design[0][6] = design[1][7] = 1.0; } // Build Normal Matrix for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) { for(int k = 0; k < n; k++) { N[j][k] += (design[0][j] * design[0][k] + design[1][j] * design[1][k]); } } // Build Tranpose (J) * I * (Shortened obs. vector) for (int m=0; m < n; m++) { ATL[m] += design[0][m] * dx_i + design[1][m] * dz_i; } L.Destroy(); V.Destroy(); LR.Destroy(); LVE.Destroy(); pqs.Destroy(); design.Destroy(); } // end looping over observations // Eigen values and Eigen Vectors CSG_Vector eigenVals(n); CSG_Matrix eigenVecs(n,n); SG_Matrix_Eigen_Reduction(N, eigenVecs, eigenVals, true); // One of the Eigen Values is 0 if (std::any_of(eigenVals.cbegin(), eigenVals.cend(), [] (double i) { return i == 0; })) { msg = "The Normal Matrix has a rank defect. Please measure more points."; pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); break; } double mx = *std::max_element(eigenVals.cbegin(), eigenVals.cend()); double mn = *std::min_element(eigenVals.cbegin(), eigenVals.cend()); // Ratio of Smallest to the Biggest Eigen value is too small if ((mn / mx) < pow(10,-12.0)) { msg = SG_T("Condition of the Matrix of Normal Equations:\t") + CSG_String::Format(SG_T(" %13.5e"), mn/mx); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = "The Normal Matrix is weakly conditioned. Please measure more points."; pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); break; } // Calculate the adjustments double absMax = 0; invN = N.Get_Inverse(); CSG_Vector est_param_incs = invN * ATL; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (abs(est_param_incs[i]) > absMax) { absMax = abs(est_param_incs[i]); } } if (absMax < thresh) { msg = "Solution has converged."; pTabStream->Write(SG_T("\n") + msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); break; } for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { rotns[a] += est_param_incs[a] / h_dmm; // New Approx. rotations omega, kappa, alpha center[a] += est_param_incs[a+3] / 1000; // New Approx. Projection Center } if ( estPPOffsets ) { ppOffsetX += (est_param_incs[6] / pixWmm); // New Approx. Principal Point ppOffsetY += (est_param_incs[7] / pixWmm); } sigma_naught = sqrt(SS / (2 * pointCount - n)); // Writing To Output File & SAGA Console msg = "********* Iteration: " + SG_Get_String(itrNo,0,false) + " *********"; pTabStream->Write(SG_T("\n") + msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = "Sum of Squared Residuals:\t" + SG_Get_String(SS,5,false); pTabStream->Write(SG_T("\n") + msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = "Sigma Naught:\t" + SG_Get_String(sigma_naught,5,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Condition of the Matrix of Normal Equations:\t") + CSG_String::Format(SG_T(" %13.5e"), mn/mx); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); R.Destroy(); E.Destroy(); N.Destroy(); ATL.Destroy(); invN.Destroy(); eigenVals.Destroy(); eigenVecs.Destroy(); est_param_incs.Destroy(); } // end of iterations msg = "********* Final Estimated Parameters *********"; pTabStream->Write(SG_T("\n") + msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Rotation Angles:"); pTabStream->Write(SG_T("\n") + msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Omega:\t") + SG_Get_String(rotns[0],6,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Kappa:\t") + SG_Get_String(rotns[1],6,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Alpha:\t") + SG_Get_String(rotns[2],6,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Projection Center:"); pTabStream->Write(SG_T("\n") + msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Xc:\t") + SG_Get_String(center[0],4,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Yc:\t") + SG_Get_String(center[1],4,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("Zc:\t") + SG_Get_String(center[2],4,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); if (estPPOffsets) { msg = SG_T("Principal Point Offsets:"); pTabStream->Write(SG_T("\n") + msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("ppX:\t") + SG_Get_String(ppOffsetX,5,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); msg = SG_T("ppY:\t") + SG_Get_String(ppOffsetY,5,false); pTabStream->Write(msg + SG_T("\n")); SG_UI_Msg_Add(msg, true); } K.Destroy(); rotns.Destroy(); center.Destroy(); target.Destroy(); pTabStream->Close(); return true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CKriging_Universal::On_Initialise(void) { m_pGrids = Parameters("GRIDS") ->asGridList(); m_Interpolation = Parameters("INTERPOL") ->asInt(); m_Radius = Parameters("MAXRADIUS") ->asDouble(); m_nPoints_Min = (int)Parameters("NPOINTS")->asRange()->Get_LoVal(); m_nPoints_Max = (int)Parameters("NPOINTS")->asRange()->Get_HiVal(); m_Mode = Parameters("MODE") ->asInt(); //----------------------------------------------------- m_Search.Create(m_pPoints->Get_Extent()); for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<m_pPoints->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iPoint, m_pPoints->Get_Count()); iPoint++) { CSG_Shape *pPoint = m_pPoints->Get_Shape(iPoint); if( !pPoint->is_NoData(m_zField) ) { bool bAdd = true; for(int iGrid=0; iGrid<m_pGrids->Get_Count(); iGrid++) { if( !m_pGrids->asGrid(iGrid)->is_InGrid_byPos(pPoint->Get_Point(0)) ) { bAdd = false; } } if( bAdd ) { m_Search.Add_Point(pPoint->Get_Point(0).x, pPoint->Get_Point(0).y, pPoint->asDouble(m_zField)); } } } if( !m_Search.is_Okay() ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("could not initialize point search engine"), true); return( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------- int nPoints_Max; switch( m_Mode ) { default: nPoints_Max = m_nPoints_Max; break; case 1: nPoints_Max = m_nPoints_Max * 4; break; } m_Points.Set_Count (nPoints_Max); m_G .Create (nPoints_Max + 1 + m_pGrids->Get_Count() + (m_bCoords ? 2 : 0)); m_W .Create (nPoints_Max + 1 + m_pGrids->Get_Count() + (m_bCoords ? 2 : 0), nPoints_Max + 1 + m_pGrids->Get_Count() + (m_bCoords ? 2 : 0)); return( true ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CPointCloud_From_Text_File::On_Execute(void) { CSG_String fileName; int iField, iType; TSG_Data_Type Type; CSG_String Name, Types, s; CSG_PointCloud *pPoints; CSG_Parameters P; CSG_Parameter *pNode; int xField, yField, zField, nAttribs, max_iField; bool bSkipHeader; char fieldSep; std::vector<int> vCol; std::ifstream tabStream; std::string tabLine; double lines; long cntPt, cntInvalid; double x, y, z, value; //----------------------------------------------------- fileName = Parameters("FILE") ->asString(); xField = Parameters("XFIELD") ->asInt() - 1; yField = Parameters("YFIELD") ->asInt() - 1; zField = Parameters("ZFIELD") ->asInt() - 1; nAttribs = Parameters("ATTRIBS") ->asInt(); bSkipHeader = Parameters("SKIP_HEADER") ->asBool(); switch (Parameters("FIELDSEP")->asInt()) { default: case 0: fieldSep = '\t'; break; case 1: fieldSep = ' '; break; case 2: fieldSep = ','; break; } Types.Printf(SG_T("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|"), _TL("1 byte integer"), _TL("2 byte integer"), _TL("4 byte integer"), _TL("4 byte floating point"), _TL("8 byte floating point") ); P.Set_Name(_TL("Attribute Field Properties")); for(iField=1; iField<=nAttribs; iField++) { s.Printf(SG_T("NODE_%03d") , iField); pNode = P.Add_Node(NULL, s, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%d. %s"), iField, _TL("Field")), _TL("")); s.Printf(SG_T("FIELD_%03d"), iField); P.Add_String(pNode, s, _TL("Name"), _TL(""), s); s.Printf(SG_T("COLUMN_%03d"), iField); P.Add_Value(pNode, s, _TL("Attribute is Column ..."), _TL(""), PARAMETER_TYPE_Int, iField+3, 1, true); s.Printf(SG_T("TYPE_%03d") , iField); P.Add_Choice(pNode, s, _TL("Type"), _TL(""), Types, 3); } //----------------------------------------------------- if( nAttribs > 0 ) { if( Dlg_Parameters(&P, _TL("Field Properties")) ) { pPoints = SG_Create_PointCloud(); pPoints->Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(fileName, false)); Parameters("POINTS")->Set_Value(pPoints); for(iField=0; iField<nAttribs; iField++) { Name = P(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("FIELD_%03d" ), iField + 1).c_str())->asString(); iType = P(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("TYPE_%03d" ), iField + 1).c_str())->asInt(); vCol.push_back(P(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("COLUMN_%03d"), iField + 1).c_str())->asInt() - 1); switch( iType ) { default: case 0: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Char; break; case 1: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Short; break; case 2: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Int; break; case 3: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Float; break; case 4: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Double; break; } pPoints->Add_Field(Name, Type); } } else return( false ); } else { pPoints = SG_Create_PointCloud(); pPoints->Create(); pPoints->Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(fileName, false)); Parameters("POINTS")->Set_Value(pPoints); } max_iField = M_GET_MAX(xField, yField); max_iField = M_GET_MAX(max_iField, zField); for( unsigned int i=0; i<vCol.size(); i++ ) { if( max_iField < vCol.at(i) ) max_iField = vCol.at(i); } // open input stream //--------------------------------------------------------- tabStream.open(fileName.b_str(), std::ifstream::in); if( !tabStream ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Unable to open input file!"))); return (false); } tabStream.seekg(0, std::ios::end); // get length of file lines = (double)tabStream.tellg(); tabStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); std::getline(tabStream, tabLine); // as a workaround we assume the number of lines from the length of the first line lines = lines / (double)tabStream.tellg(); if( !bSkipHeader ) { tabStream.clear(); // let's forget we may have reached the EOF tabStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // and rewind to the beginning } // import //--------------------------------------------------------- cntPt = cntInvalid = 0; SG_UI_Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Importing data ..."))); while( std::getline(tabStream, tabLine) ) { std::istringstream stream(tabLine); std::vector<std::string> tabCols; std::string tabEntry; if( cntPt%10000 == 0 ) SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress((double)cntPt, lines); cntPt++; while( std::getline(stream, tabEntry, fieldSep) ) // read every column in this line and fill vector { if (tabEntry.length() == 0) continue; tabCols.push_back(tabEntry); } if ((int)tabCols.size() < max_iField - 1 ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: Skipping misformatted line (%.0f)!"), cntPt), true); cntInvalid++; continue; } x = strtod(tabCols[xField].c_str(), NULL); y = strtod(tabCols[yField].c_str(), NULL); z = strtod(tabCols[zField].c_str(), NULL); pPoints->Add_Point(x, y, z); for( int i=0; i<nAttribs; i++ ) { value = strtod(tabCols.at(vCol.at(i)).c_str(), NULL); pPoints->Set_Attribute(i, value); } } // finalize //--------------------------------------------------------- tabStream.close(); CSG_Parameters sParms; DataObject_Get_Parameters(pPoints, sParms); if (sParms("COLORS_ATTRIB") && sParms("COLORS_TYPE") && sParms("METRIC_COLORS") && sParms("METRIC_ZRANGE") && sParms("COLORS_AGGREGATE")) { sParms("COLORS_AGGREGATE")->Set_Value(3); // highest z sParms("COLORS_TYPE")->Set_Value(2); // graduated color sParms("METRIC_COLORS")->asColors()->Set_Count(255); // number of colors sParms("COLORS_ATTRIB")->Set_Value(2); // z attrib sParms("METRIC_ZRANGE")->asRange()->Set_Range(pPoints->Get_Minimum(2),pPoints->Get_Maximum(2)); DataObject_Set_Parameters(pPoints, sParms); DataObject_Update(pPoints); } if (cntInvalid > 0) SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: Skipped %d invalid points!"), cntInvalid), true); SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("%d points sucessfully imported."), (cntPt-cntInvalid)), true); return( true ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CGrid_Tiling::On_Execute(void) { bool bSaveTiles; int ix, iy, nx, ny, Overlap; double y, x, dx, dy, dCell; CSG_String FilePath, BaseName; TSG_Data_Type Type; TSG_Rect Extent; TSG_Grid_Resampling Interpolation; CSG_Grid *pGrid, *pTile; CSG_Parameter_Grid_List *pTiles; //----------------------------------------------------- pGrid = Parameters("GRID") ->asGrid(); pTiles = Parameters("TILES") ->asGridList(); Overlap = Parameters("OVERLAP") ->asInt(); bSaveTiles = Parameters("SAVE_TILES") ->asBool(); BaseName = Parameters("TILE_BASENAME") ->asString(); FilePath = Parameters("TILE_PATH") ->asString(); switch( Parameters("METHOD")->asInt() ) { case 0: default: Extent.xMin = pGrid->Get_XMin(); Extent.xMax = pGrid->Get_XMax(); Extent.yMin = pGrid->Get_YMin(); Extent.yMax = pGrid->Get_YMax(); dCell = pGrid->Get_Cellsize(); nx = Parameters("NX") ->asInt(); ny = Parameters("NY") ->asInt(); dx = dCell * nx; dy = dCell * ny; Type = pGrid->Get_Type(); Interpolation = GRID_RESAMPLING_NearestNeighbour; break; case 1: Extent.xMin = Parameters("XRANGE") ->asRange()->Get_LoVal(); Extent.xMax = Parameters("XRANGE") ->asRange()->Get_HiVal(); Extent.yMin = Parameters("YRANGE") ->asRange()->Get_LoVal(); Extent.yMax = Parameters("YRANGE") ->asRange()->Get_HiVal(); dCell = Parameters("DCELL") ->asDouble(); dx = Parameters("DX") ->asDouble(); dy = Parameters("DY") ->asDouble(); nx = (int)(dx / dCell); ny = (int)(dy / dCell); Type = pGrid->Get_Type(); Interpolation = GRID_RESAMPLING_Undefined; break; } switch( Parameters("OVERLAP_SYM")->asInt() ) { case 0: default: // symetric nx += Overlap * 2; ny += Overlap * 2; break; case 1: // bottom / left nx += Overlap; ny += Overlap; break; case 2: // top / right nx += Overlap; ny += Overlap; Overlap = 0; break; } pTiles->Del_Items(); //----------------------------------------------------- if( dx <= 0.0 || dy <= 0.0 || dCell <= 0.0 ) { Message_Add(_TL("no intersection with mask grid.")); return( false ); } if( bSaveTiles ) { if( !SG_STR_CMP(BaseName, SG_T("")) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Please provide a valid base name for the output files!")); return( false ); } if( !SG_STR_CMP(FilePath, SG_T("")) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Please provide a valid output directory for the output files!")); return( false ); } } //----------------------------------------------------- int iTiles = 0; for(y=Extent.yMin, iy=1; y<Extent.yMax && Process_Get_Okay(); y+=dy, iy++) { for(x=Extent.xMin, ix=1; x<Extent.xMax; x+=dx, ix++) { pTile = SG_Create_Grid(Type, nx, ny, dCell, x - dCell * Overlap, y - dCell * Overlap); pTile ->Assign(pGrid, Interpolation); pTile ->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%d, %d]"), pGrid->Get_Name(), iy, ix)); if( pTile->Get_NoData_Count() == pTile->Get_NCells() ) { delete(pTile); } else { if( bSaveTiles ) { CSG_String FileName = CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s/%s_%d_%d"), FilePath.c_str(), BaseName.c_str(), iy, ix); pTile->Save(FileName); delete(pTile); } else { pTiles->Add_Item(pTile); } iTiles++; } } } SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("%d tiles created."), iTiles), true); return( iTiles > 0 ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CPointCloud_From_Text_File::On_Execute(void) { CSG_String fileName; int iField, iType; CSG_String Name, Types, s; CSG_PointCloud *pPoints; CSG_Parameters P; CSG_Parameter *pNode; int xField, yField, zField, nAttribs; bool bSkipHeader; char fieldSep; std::vector<int> vCol; std::ifstream tabStream; std::string tabLine; double lines; long cntPt, cntInvalid; double x, y, z; //----------------------------------------------------- fileName = Parameters("FILE") ->asString(); xField = Parameters("XFIELD") ->asInt() - 1; yField = Parameters("YFIELD") ->asInt() - 1; zField = Parameters("ZFIELD") ->asInt() - 1; bSkipHeader = Parameters("SKIP_HEADER") ->asBool(); switch (Parameters("FIELDSEP")->asInt()) { default: case 0: fieldSep = '\t'; break; case 1: fieldSep = ' '; break; case 2: fieldSep = ','; break; } pPoints = SG_Create_PointCloud(); pPoints->Create(); pPoints->Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(fileName, false)); Parameters("POINTS")->Set_Value(pPoints); DataObject_Add(pPoints); //----------------------------------------------------- if (SG_UI_Get_Window_Main()) { nAttribs = Parameters("ATTRIBS") ->asInt(); Types.Printf(SG_T("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|"), _TL("1 byte integer"), _TL("2 byte integer"), _TL("4 byte integer"), _TL("4 byte floating point"), _TL("8 byte floating point") ); P.Set_Name(_TL("Attribute Field Properties")); for(iField=1; iField<=nAttribs; iField++) { s.Printf(SG_T("NODE_%03d") , iField); pNode = P.Add_Node(NULL, s, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%d. %s"), iField, _TL("Field")), _TL("")); s.Printf(SG_T("FIELD_%03d"), iField); P.Add_String(pNode, s, _TL("Name"), _TL(""), s); s.Printf(SG_T("COLUMN_%03d"), iField); P.Add_Value(pNode, s, _TL("Attribute is Column ..."), _TL(""), PARAMETER_TYPE_Int, iField+3, 1, true); s.Printf(SG_T("TYPE_%03d") , iField); P.Add_Choice(pNode, s, _TL("Type"), _TL(""), Types, 3); } //----------------------------------------------------- if( nAttribs > 0 ) { if( Dlg_Parameters(&P, _TL("Field Properties")) ) { for(iField=0; iField<nAttribs; iField++) { Name = P(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("FIELD_%03d" ), iField + 1).c_str())->asString(); iType = P(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("TYPE_%03d" ), iField + 1).c_str())->asInt(); vCol.push_back(P(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("COLUMN_%03d"), iField + 1).c_str())->asInt() - 1); pPoints->Add_Field(Name, Get_Data_Type(iType)); } } else return( false ); } } else // CMD { CSG_String sFields, sNames, sTypes; CSG_String token; int iValue; std::vector<int> vTypes; sFields = Parameters("FIELDS")->asString(); sNames = Parameters("FIELDNAMES")->asString(); sTypes = Parameters("FIELDTYPES")->asString(); CSG_String_Tokenizer tkz_fields(sFields, ";", SG_TOKEN_STRTOK); while( tkz_fields.Has_More_Tokens() ) { token = tkz_fields.Get_Next_Token(); if( token.Length() == 0 ) break; if( !token.asInt(iValue) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Error parsing attribute fields: can't convert to number")); return( false ); } iValue -= 1; if( iValue < 1) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Error parsing attribute fields: field index out of range")); return( false ); } else vCol.push_back(iValue); } CSG_String_Tokenizer tkz_datatypes(sTypes, ";", SG_TOKEN_STRTOK); while( tkz_datatypes.Has_More_Tokens() ) { token = tkz_datatypes.Get_Next_Token(); if( token.Length() == 0 ) break; if( !token.asInt(iValue) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Error parsing field type: can't convert to number")); return( false ); } vTypes.push_back(iValue); } CSG_String_Tokenizer tkz_datanames(sNames, ";", SG_TOKEN_STRTOK); int iter = 0; while( tkz_datanames.Has_More_Tokens() ) { token = tkz_datanames.Get_Next_Token(); if( token.Length() == 0 ) break; pPoints->Add_Field(token, Get_Data_Type(vTypes.at(iter))); iter++; } if( vCol.size() != vTypes.size() || (int)vCol.size() != iter ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Number of arguments for attribute fields (%d), names (%d) and types (%d) do not match!"), vCol.size(), iter, vTypes.size())); return( false ); } } // open input stream //--------------------------------------------------------- tabStream.open(fileName.b_str(), std::ifstream::in); if( !tabStream ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Unable to open input file!"))); return (false); } tabStream.seekg(0, std::ios::end); // get length of file lines = (double)tabStream.tellg(); tabStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); std::getline(tabStream, tabLine); // as a workaround we assume the number of lines from the length of the first line lines = lines / (double)tabStream.tellg(); if( !bSkipHeader ) { tabStream.clear(); // let's forget we may have reached the EOF tabStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // and rewind to the beginning } // import //--------------------------------------------------------- cntPt = cntInvalid = 0; SG_UI_Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Importing data ..."))); while( std::getline(tabStream, tabLine) ) { std::istringstream stream(tabLine); std::vector<std::string> tabCols; std::string tabEntry; if( cntPt%10000 == 0 ) { SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress((double)cntPt, lines); } cntPt++; while( std::getline(stream, tabEntry, fieldSep) ) // read every column in this line and fill vector { if (tabEntry.length() == 0) continue; tabCols.push_back(tabEntry); } if ((int)tabCols.size() < (vCol.size() + 3) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: Skipping misformatted line: %d!"), cntPt), true); cntInvalid++; continue; } //parse line tokens std::vector<double> fieldValues; fieldValues.resize(vCol.size()); x = strtod(tabCols[xField].c_str(), NULL); y = strtod(tabCols[yField].c_str(), NULL); z = strtod(tabCols[zField].c_str(), NULL); for( int i=0; i<(int)vCol.size(); i++ ) { fieldValues[i] = strtod(tabCols.at(vCol.at(i)).c_str(), NULL); } pPoints->Add_Point(x, y, z); for( int i=0; i<(int)vCol.size(); i++ ) { pPoints->Set_Attribute(i, fieldValues[i]); } } // finalize //--------------------------------------------------------- tabStream.close(); CSG_Parameters sParms; DataObject_Get_Parameters(pPoints, sParms); if (sParms("METRIC_ATTRIB") && sParms("COLORS_TYPE") && sParms("METRIC_COLORS") && sParms("METRIC_ZRANGE") && sParms("DISPLAY_VALUE_AGGREGATE")) { sParms("DISPLAY_VALUE_AGGREGATE")->Set_Value(3); // highest z sParms("COLORS_TYPE")->Set_Value(2); // graduated color sParms("METRIC_COLORS")->asColors()->Set_Count(255); // number of colors sParms("METRIC_ATTRIB")->Set_Value(2); // z attrib sParms("METRIC_ZRANGE")->asRange()->Set_Range(pPoints->Get_Minimum(2),pPoints->Get_Maximum(2)); DataObject_Set_Parameters(pPoints, sParms); DataObject_Update(pPoints); } if (cntInvalid > 0) SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %d %s"), _TL("WARNING"), cntInvalid, _TL("invalid points have been skipped")), true); SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%d %s"), (cntPt-cntInvalid), _TL("points have been imported with success")), true); return( true ); }
bool Cconnectivity_analysis::On_Execute(void) { CSG_Grid *pinpgrid, *bingrid, *symb_grid, *hgrid; CSG_Shapes *pOutlines; bool filter, corners_centers, remove_marginal_regions; unsigned short numrows; unsigned short numcols; unsigned char center; double xmin; double ymin; short interm_grid_created; simple_REGIONC_list *reg_first; simple_REGIONC_list *reg_last; simple_REGIONC_list *reg_curr; pinpgrid = Parameters ("INPUT_GRID")->asGrid(); bingrid = Parameters ("FILTERED_MASK")->asGrid(); filter = Parameters ("FILTER")->asBool(); corners_centers = Parameters ("BORDER_PIXEL_CENTERS")->asBool(); remove_marginal_regions = Parameters ("REMOVE_MARGINAL_REGIONS")->asBool(); pOutlines = Parameters("OUTLINES")->asShapes(); symb_grid = Parameters ("SYMBOLIC_IMAGE")->asGrid(); CSG_String sName = pOutlines->Get_Name(); pOutlines->Destroy(); pOutlines->Set_Name(sName); pOutlines->Add_Field(SG_T("ID"), SG_DATATYPE_Int); numrows=pinpgrid->Get_NY()+2; numcols=pinpgrid->Get_NX()+2; // xmin=pinpgrid->Get_XMin()-2*pinpgrid->Get_Cellsize(); // ymin=pinpgrid->Get_YMin()-2*pinpgrid->Get_Cellsize(); xmin=pinpgrid->Get_XMin(); ymin=pinpgrid->Get_YMin(); unsigned char **bin_image; long **symb_image; if (corners_centers) center = 1; else center = 0; bin_image = (unsigned char **) matrix_all_alloc (numrows, numcols, 'U', 0); symb_image = (long **) matrix_all_alloc (numrows, numcols, 'L', 0); interm_grid_created = 0; //SG_Free(bin_image); //CSG_Grid *pTmp = new CSG_Grid(); //delete pTmp; if (filter) { if (bingrid == NULL) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("Filtered mask will be created automatically ..."), true); bingrid = SG_Create_Grid(SG_DATATYPE_Char, pinpgrid->Get_NX(), pinpgrid->Get_NY(), pinpgrid->Get_Cellsize(), pinpgrid->Get_XMin(), pinpgrid->Get_YMin()); if (bingrid == NULL) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Unable to create filtered mask grid!")); matrix_all_free ((void **) bin_image); matrix_all_free ((void **) symb_image); return (false); } Parameters("FILTERED_MASK")->Set_Value(bingrid); interm_grid_created = 1; } //----------------------------------------------------- RUN_MODULE("grid_filter" , 13, SET_PARAMETER("INPUT_GRID" , pinpgrid) && SET_PARAMETER("OUTPUT_GRID" , bingrid) && SET_PARAMETER("RADIUS" , Parameters ("SIZE")->asInt()) ) hgrid = bingrid; } else { hgrid = pinpgrid; } for (int y = 0; y < hgrid->Get_NY () && Set_Progress(y, hgrid->Get_NY()); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < hgrid->Get_NX(); x++) { if (hgrid->is_NoData(x,y)) bin_image[y+1][x+1] = 0; else bin_image[y+1][x+1] = hgrid->asChar(x,y); } } // Here the regions are removed which have contact with the image margins; // this is achieved by a region growing if (remove_marginal_regions) { for (int y = 1; y < numrows - 1; y++) { if (bin_image [y][1] != 0) background_region_growing (bin_image, numrows, numcols, y, 1); if (bin_image [y][numcols - 2] != 0) background_region_growing (bin_image, numrows, numcols, y, numcols-2); } for (int x = 1; x < numcols - 1; x++) { if (bin_image [1][x] != 0) background_region_growing (bin_image, numrows, numcols, 1, x); if (bin_image [numrows-2][x] != 0) background_region_growing (bin_image, numrows, numcols, numrows-2, x); } if (filter) { for (int y = 0; y < bingrid->Get_NY (); y++) { #pragma omp parallel for for (int x = 0; x < bingrid->Get_NX(); x++) { bingrid->Set_Value(x, y, bin_image[y+1][x+1]); } } } } if (interm_grid_created) bingrid->Destroy(); // The function which does the proper work: // computation of the symbolic image, construction of the border chains (shapes) comb_contour_region_marking (numrows, numcols, bin_image, symb_image, ®_first, ®_last, center); for (int y = 0; y < symb_grid->Get_NY () && Set_Progress(y, symb_grid->Get_NY()); y++) { #pragma omp parallel for for (int x = 0; x < symb_grid->Get_NX(); x++) { symb_grid->Set_Value(x, y, symb_image[y+1][x+1]); } } // Here the shapes are generated int iPolygon; for (iPolygon = 0, reg_curr = reg_first; reg_curr != NULL; reg_curr = reg_curr -> next, iPolygon++) { CSG_Shape *pShape = pOutlines->Add_Shape(); pShape->Set_Value(0, iPolygon); // set ID field (= first field in table) to polygon ID for (simple_PIXELC_list *pix_curr = reg_curr->first_pix; pix_curr != NULL; pix_curr = pix_curr->next) { TSG_Point point = symb_grid->Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(pix_curr->col - 1, pix_curr->row - 1); pShape->Add_Point(point, 0); } int iHoles; simple_INNER_REGION_list *inner_curr; for (iHoles=0, inner_curr = reg_curr->inner_first; iHoles < reg_curr->num_holes; iHoles++, inner_curr = inner_curr->next) { for (simple_PIXELC_list *pix_curr = inner_curr->first_pix; pix_curr != NULL; pix_curr = pix_curr->next) { TSG_Point point = symb_grid->Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(pix_curr->col - 1, pix_curr->row - 1); pShape->Add_Point(point, iHoles+1); } } if (!corners_centers) shift_shape (pShape, -Get_Cellsize()/2.0, -Get_Cellsize()/2.0); } matrix_all_free ((void **) bin_image); matrix_all_free ((void **) symb_image); free_regions (®_first, ®_last); return( true ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CGrid_IMCORR::On_Execute(void) { CSG_Grid *pGrid1, *pGrid2, *pDTM1, *pDTM2; CSG_Shapes *pCorrPts, *pCorrLines; CSG_Shape *pCorrPt, *pCorrLine; int Search_Chipsize, Ref_Chipsize, Grid_Spacing; double SpacingMetrics; pGrid1 = Parameters("GRID_1")->asGrid(); pGrid2 = Parameters("GRID_2")->asGrid(); pDTM1 = Parameters("DTM_1")->asGrid(); pDTM2 = Parameters("DTM_2")->asGrid(); pCorrPts = Parameters("CORRPOINTS")->asShapes(); pCorrLines = Parameters("CORRLINES")->asShapes(); Search_Chipsize = Parameters("SEARCH_CHIPSIZE")->asInt(); Ref_Chipsize = Parameters("REF_CHIPSIZE")->asInt(); SpacingMetrics = Parameters("GRID_SPACING")->asDouble(); Search_Chipsize = (int)(pow(2.0,4+Search_Chipsize)); Ref_Chipsize = (int)(pow(2.0,4+Ref_Chipsize)); if (Search_Chipsize < Ref_Chipsize) Search_Chipsize = Ref_Chipsize; CSG_String Message = CSG_String::Format(_TL("Search chip size set to %d"), Search_Chipsize); SG_UI_Msg_Add(Message,true); Message = CSG_String::Format(_TL("Reference chip size set to %d"), Ref_Chipsize); SG_UI_Msg_Add(Message,true); if (pDTM1 == NULL || pDTM2 == NULL) { CSG_String name = CSG_String::Format(_TL("%s_CORRPOINTS"), pGrid1->Get_Name()); pCorrPts->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Point, name.c_str(), pCorrPts); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("ID"), SG_DATATYPE_Int); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("GX"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("GY"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("REALX"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("REALY"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("DISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("STRENGTH"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("FLAG"), SG_DATATYPE_Int); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("XDISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("YDISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("XDISP_UNIT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("YDISP_UNIT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("XTARG"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("YTARG"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("XERR"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("YERR"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("ASPECT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); CSG_String name2 = CSG_String::Format(_TL("%s_DISP_VEC"), pGrid1->Get_Name()); pCorrLines->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Line, name2.c_str(), pCorrLines); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("ID"), SG_DATATYPE_Int); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("GX"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("GY"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("REALX"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("REALY"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("DISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("STRENGTH"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("FLAG"), SG_DATATYPE_Int); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("XDISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("YDISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("XDISP_UNIT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("YDISP_UNIT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("XTARG"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("YTARG"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("XERR"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("YERR"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("ASPECT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); } else // If DTM is given the Output gets 3D { CSG_String name = CSG_String::Format(_TL("%s_CORRPOINTS"), pGrid1->Get_Name()); pCorrPts->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Point, name.c_str(), pCorrPts, SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XYZ); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("ID"), SG_DATATYPE_Int); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("GX"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("GY"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("REALX"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("REALY"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("REALZ"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("DISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("DISP_REAL"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("STRENGTH"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("FLAG"), SG_DATATYPE_Int); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("XDISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("YDISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("ZDISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("XDISP_UNIT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("YDISP_UNIT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("XTARG"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("YTARG"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("ZTARG"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("XERR"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("YERR"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("ASPECT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrPts->Add_Field(SG_T("SLOPE"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); CSG_String name2 = CSG_String::Format(_TL("%s_DISP_VEC"), pGrid1->Get_Name()); pCorrLines->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Line, name2.c_str(), pCorrLines, SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XYZ); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("ID"), SG_DATATYPE_Int); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("GX"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("GY"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("REALX"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("REALY"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("REALZ"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("DISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("DISP_REAL"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("STRENGTH"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("FLAG"), SG_DATATYPE_Int); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("XDISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("YDISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("ZDISP"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("XDISP_UNIT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("YDISP_UNIT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("XTARG"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("YTARG"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("ZTARG"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("XERR"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("YERR"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("ASPECT"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); pCorrLines->Add_Field(SG_T("SLOPE"), SG_DATATYPE_Double); } // create containers std::vector<std::vector<double> > SearchChip; SearchChip.resize(Search_Chipsize); for(int i = 0; i < Search_Chipsize; i++) SearchChip[i].resize(Search_Chipsize); std::vector<std::vector<double> > RefChip; RefChip.resize(Ref_Chipsize); for(int i = 0; i < Ref_Chipsize; i++) RefChip[i].resize(Ref_Chipsize); // defaults for values; double mincorr = 2.0; int fitmeth = 1, okparam = 1; double maxdis = -1.0; std::vector<double>ioffrq,nomoff; nomoff.push_back(0.0); nomoff.push_back((Search_Chipsize-Ref_Chipsize)*0.5); nomoff.push_back((Search_Chipsize-Ref_Chipsize)*0.5); ioffrq.push_back(0.0); ioffrq.push_back(Search_Chipsize/2); ioffrq.push_back(Search_Chipsize/2); double disp=0.0; double strength=0.0; std::vector<double>best_fit, est_err; Grid_Spacing = (int)(SpacingMetrics / (pGrid1->Get_Cellsize())); // enshures that chips are always in grid int ID = 0; for(int gx1 = (Search_Chipsize/2-1); gx1 < pGrid1->Get_NX()-(Search_Chipsize/2) && Set_Progress(gx1, pGrid1->Get_NX()-(Search_Chipsize/2)); gx1 += Grid_Spacing) { for(int gy1 = (Search_Chipsize/2-1); gy1 < pGrid1->Get_NY()-(Search_Chipsize/2); gy1 += Grid_Spacing) { // get ref_chip Get_This_Chip(RefChip, pGrid1, gx1, gy1, Ref_Chipsize); // get search chip Get_This_Chip(SearchChip, pGrid2, gx1, gy1, Search_Chipsize); gcorr(SearchChip, RefChip, mincorr, fitmeth, maxdis, ioffrq, nomoff, okparam, strength, best_fit, est_err, disp); if (okparam ==1) { disp = sqrt(best_fit[1]*best_fit[1] + best_fit[2]*best_fit[2]) * Get_Cellsize(); double DirNormX = (best_fit[2] * Get_Cellsize()) / disp; double DirNormY = (best_fit[1] * Get_Cellsize()) / disp; double Aspect; if((DirNormY > 0.0 && DirNormX > 0)) Aspect = (atan(fabs(DirNormX)/fabs(DirNormY)))*M_RAD_TO_DEG; else if ((DirNormY <= 0.0 && DirNormX > 0)) Aspect = 90+((atan(fabs(DirNormY)/fabs(DirNormX)))*M_RAD_TO_DEG); else if ((DirNormY <= 0.0 && DirNormX <= 0)) Aspect = 180+((atan(fabs(DirNormX)/fabs(DirNormY)))*M_RAD_TO_DEG); else Aspect = 270+((atan(fabs(DirNormY)/fabs(DirNormX)))*M_RAD_TO_DEG); double xReal = pGrid1->Get_System().Get_xGrid_to_World(gx1); double yReal = pGrid1->Get_System().Get_yGrid_to_World(gy1); double xReal2 = xReal + best_fit[2] * Get_Cellsize(); double yReal2 = yReal + best_fit[1] * Get_Cellsize(); if (pDTM1 == NULL || pDTM2 == NULL) { pCorrPt = pCorrPts->Add_Shape(); pCorrPt->Add_Point(xReal, yReal); pCorrPt->Set_Value(0, ID); pCorrPt->Set_Value(1, gx1); pCorrPt->Set_Value(2, gy1); pCorrPt->Set_Value(3, xReal); pCorrPt->Set_Value(4, yReal); pCorrPt->Set_Value(5, disp); pCorrPt->Set_Value(6, strength); pCorrPt->Set_Value(7, okparam); pCorrPt->Set_Value(8, best_fit[2] * Get_Cellsize()); pCorrPt->Set_Value(9, best_fit[1] * Get_Cellsize()); pCorrPt->Set_Value(10, DirNormX); pCorrPt->Set_Value(11, DirNormY); pCorrPt->Set_Value(12, xReal2); pCorrPt->Set_Value(13, yReal2); pCorrPt->Set_Value(14, est_err[2]); pCorrPt->Set_Value(15, est_err[1]); pCorrPt->Set_Value(16, Aspect); pCorrLine = pCorrLines->Add_Shape(); pCorrLine->Add_Point(xReal, yReal); pCorrLine->Add_Point(xReal2, yReal2); pCorrLine->Set_Value(0, ID); pCorrLine->Set_Value(1, gx1); pCorrLine->Set_Value(2, gy1); pCorrLine->Set_Value(3, xReal); pCorrLine->Set_Value(4, yReal); pCorrLine->Set_Value(5, disp); pCorrLine->Set_Value(6, strength); pCorrLine->Set_Value(7, okparam); pCorrLine->Set_Value(8, best_fit[2] * Get_Cellsize()); pCorrLine->Set_Value(9, best_fit[1] * Get_Cellsize()); pCorrLine->Set_Value(10, DirNormX); pCorrLine->Set_Value(11, DirNormY); pCorrLine->Set_Value(12, xReal2); pCorrLine->Set_Value(13, yReal2); pCorrLine->Set_Value(14, est_err[2]); pCorrLine->Set_Value(15, est_err[1]); pCorrLine->Set_Value(16, Aspect); } else { double zReal2 = pDTM2->Get_Value(xReal2, yReal2); double zReal = pDTM1->asDouble(gx1, gy1); double Slope = (atan((zReal2-zReal)/fabs(disp)))*M_RAD_TO_DEG; double dispReal = sqrt(pow(zReal2-zReal,2) + disp*disp); pCorrPt = pCorrPts->Add_Shape(); pCorrPt->Add_Point(xReal,yReal); pCorrPt->Set_Z(zReal,ID,0); pCorrPt->Set_Value(0, ID); pCorrPt->Set_Value(1, gx1); pCorrPt->Set_Value(2, gy1); pCorrPt->Set_Value(3, xReal); pCorrPt->Set_Value(4, yReal); pCorrPt->Set_Value(5, zReal); pCorrPt->Set_Value(6, disp); pCorrPt->Set_Value(7, dispReal); pCorrPt->Set_Value(8, strength); pCorrPt->Set_Value(9, okparam); pCorrPt->Set_Value(10, best_fit[2] * Get_Cellsize()); pCorrPt->Set_Value(11, best_fit[1] * Get_Cellsize()); pCorrPt->Set_Value(12, zReal2-zReal); pCorrPt->Set_Value(13, DirNormX); pCorrPt->Set_Value(14, DirNormY); pCorrPt->Set_Value(15, xReal2); pCorrPt->Set_Value(16, yReal2); pCorrPt->Set_Value(17, zReal2); pCorrPt->Set_Value(18, est_err[2]); pCorrPt->Set_Value(19, est_err[1]); pCorrPt->Set_Value(20, Aspect); pCorrPt->Set_Value(21, Slope); pCorrLine = pCorrLines->Add_Shape(); pCorrLine->Add_Point(xReal, yReal); pCorrLine->Set_Z(zReal,0,0); pCorrLine->Add_Point(xReal2, yReal2); pCorrLine->Set_Z(zReal2,1,0); pCorrLine->Set_Value(0, ID); pCorrLine->Set_Value(1, gx1); pCorrLine->Set_Value(2, gy1); pCorrLine->Set_Value(3, xReal); pCorrLine->Set_Value(4, yReal); pCorrLine->Set_Value(5, zReal); pCorrLine->Set_Value(6, disp); pCorrLine->Set_Value(7, dispReal); pCorrLine->Set_Value(8, strength); pCorrLine->Set_Value(9, okparam); pCorrLine->Set_Value(10, best_fit[2] * Get_Cellsize()); pCorrLine->Set_Value(11, best_fit[1] * Get_Cellsize()); pCorrLine->Set_Value(12, zReal2-zReal); pCorrLine->Set_Value(13, DirNormX); pCorrLine->Set_Value(14, DirNormY); pCorrLine->Set_Value(15, xReal2); pCorrLine->Set_Value(16, yReal2); pCorrLine->Set_Value(17, zReal2); pCorrLine->Set_Value(18, est_err[2]); pCorrLine->Set_Value(19, est_err[1]); pCorrLine->Set_Value(20, Aspect); pCorrLine->Set_Value(21, Slope); } ID++; } } } return( true ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CPC_Reclass_Extract::On_Execute(void) { int method; CSG_Parameters sParms; m_pInput = Parameters("INPUT")->asPointCloud(); m_pResult = Parameters("RESULT")->asPointCloud(); method = Parameters("METHOD")->asInt(); m_AttrField = Parameters("ATTRIB")->asInt(); m_bExtract = Parameters("MODE")->asInt() == 0 ? false : true; m_bCreateAttrib = Parameters("CREATE_ATTRIB")->asBool(); m_pResult->Create(m_pInput); if (m_bExtract) m_pResult->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s_subset_%s"), m_pInput->Get_Name(), m_pInput->Get_Field_Name(m_AttrField))); else { m_pResult->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s_reclass_%s"), m_pInput->Get_Name(), m_pInput->Get_Field_Name(m_AttrField))); if( m_bCreateAttrib ) m_pResult->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s_reclass"), m_pInput->Get_Field_Name(m_AttrField)), m_pInput->Get_Field_Type(m_AttrField)); } m_iOrig = 0; // counter of unchanged points //----------------------------------------------------- switch( method ) { case 0: Reclass_Single(); break; case 1: Reclass_Range(); break; case 2: if( Reclass_Table(false) ) break; else return( false ); case 3: if( Reclass_Table(true) ) break; else return( false ); default: break; } //----------------------------------------------------- DataObject_Update(m_pResult); DataObject_Get_Parameters(m_pResult, sParms); if (m_bExtract) Set_Display_Attributes(m_pResult, 2, sParms); else { if( m_bCreateAttrib ) Set_Display_Attributes(m_pResult, m_pResult->Get_Field_Count()-1, sParms); else Set_Display_Attributes(m_pResult, m_AttrField, sParms); } if( m_bExtract) SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("%d points out of %d extracted."), m_pInput->Get_Point_Count()-m_iOrig, m_pInput->Get_Point_Count()), true); else SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("%d points out of %d reclassified."), m_pInput->Get_Point_Count()-m_iOrig, m_pInput->Get_Point_Count()), true); return( true ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CSG_PointCloud::_Load(const CSG_String &File_Name) { TSG_Data_Type Type; char ID[6]; int i, iBuffer, nPointBytes, nFields; char Name[1024]; CSG_File Stream; SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s..."), _TL("Load point cloud"), File_Name.c_str()), true); //----------------------------------------------------- if( !Stream.Open(File_Name, SG_FILE_R, true) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("file could not be opened.")); return( false ); } if( !Stream.Read(ID, 6) || strncmp(ID, PC_FILE_VERSION, 5) != 0 ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("incompatible file.")); return( false ); } if( !Stream.Read(&nPointBytes, sizeof(int)) || nPointBytes < (int)(3 * sizeof(float)) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("incompatible file.")); return( false ); } if( !Stream.Read(&nFields, sizeof(int)) || nFields < 3 ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("incompatible file.")); return( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------- Destroy(); for(i=0; i<nFields; i++) { if( !Stream.Read(&Type , sizeof(TSG_Data_Type)) || !Stream.Read(&iBuffer , sizeof(int)) || !(iBuffer > 0 && iBuffer < 1024) || !Stream.Read(Name , iBuffer) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("incompatible file.")); return( false ); } if( ID[5] == '0' ) // Data Type Definition changed!!! { switch( Type ) { default: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined; break; case 1: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Char; break; case 2: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Short; break; case 3: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Int; break; case 4: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Long; break; case 5: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Float; break; case 6: Type = SG_DATATYPE_Double; break; } } Name[iBuffer] = '\0'; if( !_Add_Field(CSG_String((const char *)Name), Type) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("incompatible file.")); return( false ); } } if( m_nPointBytes != nPointBytes + 1 ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("incompatible file.")); return( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------- sLong fLength = Stream.Length(); while( _Inc_Array() && Stream.Read(m_Cursor + 1, nPointBytes) && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress((double)Stream.Tell(), (double)fLength) ) {} _Dec_Array(); Set_File_Name(File_Name, true); Load_MetaData(File_Name); if( 0 > Get_Count() ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("no records in file.")); return( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------- SG_UI_Process_Set_Ready(); Get_Projection().Load(SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, File_Name, SG_T("prj")), SG_PROJ_FMT_WKT); SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS); return( true ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CSG_Table::_Load(const CSG_String &File_Name, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char *Separator) { if( !::SG_File_Exists(File_Name) ) { return( false ); } bool bResult; CSG_String fName, sSeparator(Separator); _Destroy(); SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s..."), LNG("[MSG] Load table"), File_Name.c_str()), true); //----------------------------------------------------- if( Format == TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined ) { if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File_Name, SG_T("dbf")) ) { Format = TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase; } else if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File_Name, SG_T("csv")) ) { Format = TABLE_FILETYPE_Text; sSeparator = ";"; } else //if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File_Name, SG_T("txt")) ) { Format = TABLE_FILETYPE_Text; } } //----------------------------------------------------- switch( Format ) { case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text: bResult = _Load_Text (File_Name, true , sSeparator); break; case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text_NoHeadLine: bResult = _Load_Text (File_Name, false, sSeparator); break; case TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase: bResult = _Load_DBase(File_Name); break; default: bResult = false; } //----------------------------------------------------- if( bResult ) { Set_Modified(false); Set_Update_Flag(); Set_File_Name(File_Name); Load_MetaData(File_Name); SG_UI_Msg_Add(LNG("[MSG] okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS); return( true ); } SG_UI_Msg_Add(LNG("[MSG] failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); return( false ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CSG_Table::Save(const CSG_String &File_Name, int Format, const SG_Char *Separator) { bool bResult; CSG_String sSeparator(Separator); SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s..."), LNG("[MSG] Save table"), File_Name.c_str()), true); //----------------------------------------------------- if( Format <= TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined || Format > TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase ) { if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File_Name, SG_T("dbf")) ) { Format = TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase; } else if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File_Name, SG_T("csv")) ) { Format = TABLE_FILETYPE_Text; sSeparator = ';'; } else //if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File_Name, SG_T("txt")) ) { Format = TABLE_FILETYPE_Text; } } switch( Format ) { case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text: bResult = _Save_Text (File_Name, true , Separator); break; case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text_NoHeadLine: bResult = _Save_Text (File_Name, false, Separator); break; case TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase: bResult = _Save_DBase(File_Name); break; } //----------------------------------------------------- if( bResult ) { Set_Modified(false); Set_Update_Flag(); Set_File_Type(Format); Set_File_Name(File_Name); Save_MetaData(File_Name); SG_UI_Msg_Add(LNG("[MSG] okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS); return( true ); } SG_UI_Msg_Add(LNG("[MSG] failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); return( false ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CLAS_Import::On_Execute(void) { CSG_Parameter_PointCloud_List *pPointsList; bool bValidity; CSG_Strings Files; int RGBrange; int cntInvalid = 0; bValidity = Parameters("VALID")->asBool(); RGBrange = Parameters("RGB_RANGE")->asInt(); //----------------------------------------------------- if( !Parameters("FILES")->asFilePath()->Get_FilePaths(Files) ) { return( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------- pPointsList = Parameters("POINTS")->asPointCloudList(); pPointsList ->Del_Items(); for(int i=0; i<Files.Get_Count(); i++) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Parsing %s ... "), SG_File_Get_Name(Files[i], true).c_str()), true); std::ifstream ifs; ifs.open(Files[i].b_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if( !ifs ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Unable to open LAS file!"))); continue; } //----------------------------------------------------- // Check if LAS version is supported liblas::LASReader *pReader; try { pReader = new liblas::LASReader(ifs); } catch(std::exception &e) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("LAS header exception: %s"), e.what())); ifs.close(); return( false ); } catch(...) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Unknown LAS header exception!"))); ifs.close(); return( false ); } delete (pReader); ifs.clear(); //----------------------------------------------------- liblas::LASReader reader(ifs); liblas::LASHeader const& header = reader.GetHeader(); //----------------------------------------------------- int nFields, iField[VAR_Count]; CSG_PointCloud *pPoints = SG_Create_PointCloud(); pPoints->Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(Files[i], false)); nFields = 3; ADD_FIELD("T", VAR_T, _TL("gps-time") , SG_DATATYPE_Double); // SG_DATATYPE_Long ADD_FIELD("i", VAR_i, _TL("intensity") , SG_DATATYPE_Float); // SG_DATATYPE_Word ADD_FIELD("a", VAR_a, _TL("scan angle") , SG_DATATYPE_Float); // SG_DATATYPE_Byte ADD_FIELD("r", VAR_r, _TL("number of the return") , SG_DATATYPE_Int); ADD_FIELD("c", VAR_c, _TL("classification") , SG_DATATYPE_Int); // SG_DATATYPE_Byte ADD_FIELD("u", VAR_u, _TL("user data") , SG_DATATYPE_Double); // SG_DATATYPE_Byte ADD_FIELD("n", VAR_n, _TL("number of returns of given pulse") , SG_DATATYPE_Int); ADD_FIELD("R", VAR_R, _TL("red channel color") , SG_DATATYPE_Int); // SG_DATATYPE_Word ADD_FIELD("G", VAR_G, _TL("green channel color") , SG_DATATYPE_Int); ADD_FIELD("B", VAR_B, _TL("blue channel color") , SG_DATATYPE_Int); ADD_FIELD("e", VAR_e, _TL("edge of flight line flag") , SG_DATATYPE_Char); ADD_FIELD("d", VAR_d, _TL("direction of scan flag") , SG_DATATYPE_Char); ADD_FIELD("p", VAR_p, _TL("point source ID") , SG_DATATYPE_Int); // SG_DATATYPE_Word ADD_FIELD("C", VAR_C, _TL("rgb color") , SG_DATATYPE_Int); //----------------------------------------------------- int iPoint = 0; try { while( reader.ReadNextPoint() ) { if (iPoint % 100000) SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(iPoint, header.GetPointRecordsCount()); liblas::LASPoint const& point = reader.GetPoint(); if( bValidity ) { if( !point.IsValid() ) { cntInvalid++; continue; } } pPoints->Add_Point(point.GetX(), point.GetY(), point.GetZ()); if( iField[VAR_T] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_T], point.GetTime()); if( iField[VAR_i] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_i], point.GetIntensity()); if( iField[VAR_a] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_a], point.GetScanAngleRank()); if( iField[VAR_r] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_r], point.GetReturnNumber()); if( iField[VAR_c] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_c], point.GetClassification()); if( iField[VAR_u] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_u], point.GetUserData()); if( iField[VAR_n] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_n], point.GetNumberOfReturns()); if( iField[VAR_R] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_R], point.GetColor().GetRed()); if( iField[VAR_G] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_G], point.GetColor().GetGreen()); if( iField[VAR_B] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_B], point.GetColor().GetBlue()); if( iField[VAR_e] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_e], point.GetFlightLineEdge()); if( iField[VAR_d] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_d], point.GetScanDirection()); if( iField[VAR_p] > 0 ) pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_p], point.GetPointSourceID()); if( iField[VAR_C] > 0 ) { double r, g, b; r = point.GetColor().GetRed(); g = point.GetColor().GetGreen(); b = point.GetColor().GetBlue(); if (RGBrange == 0) // 16 bit { r = r / 65535 * 255; g = g / 65535 * 255; b = b / 65535 * 255; } pPoints->Set_Value(iPoint, iField[VAR_C], SG_GET_RGB(r, g, b)); } iPoint++; } } catch(std::exception &e) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("LAS reader exception: %s"), e.what())); ifs.close(); return( false ); } catch(...) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Unknown LAS reader exception!"))); ifs.close(); return( false ); } ifs.close(); pPointsList->Add_Item(pPoints); DataObject_Add(pPoints); //----------------------------------------------------- CSG_Parameters sParms; DataObject_Get_Parameters(pPoints, sParms); if (sParms("METRIC_ATTRIB") && sParms("COLORS_TYPE") && sParms("METRIC_COLORS") && sParms("METRIC_ZRANGE") && sParms("DISPLAY_VALUE_AGGREGATE")) { sParms("DISPLAY_VALUE_AGGREGATE")->Set_Value(3); // highest z sParms("COLORS_TYPE")->Set_Value(2); // graduated color sParms("METRIC_COLORS")->asColors()->Set_Count(255); // number of colors sParms("METRIC_ATTRIB")->Set_Value(2); // z attrib sParms("METRIC_ZRANGE")->asRange()->Set_Range(pPoints->Get_Minimum(2),pPoints->Get_Maximum(2)); } DataObject_Set_Parameters(pPoints, sParms); SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("okay"), false); } //----------------------------------------------------- if( bValidity && cntInvalid > 0 ) SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: %d invalid points skipped!"), cntInvalid), true); return( true ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CLakeFloodInteractive::On_Execute_Position(CSG_Point ptWorld, TSG_Tool_Interactive_Mode Mode) { //----------------------------------------------------- if( Mode == TOOL_INTERACTIVE_LDOWN ) { int x, y, ix, iy, i; double level; x = Get_System()->Get_xWorld_to_Grid(ptWorld.Get_X()); y = Get_System()->Get_yWorld_to_Grid(ptWorld.Get_Y()); if( pElev->is_InGrid(x, y, true) ) { if( !m_bLevel ) level = m_water + pElev->asDouble(x, y); else level = m_water; if( level <= pOlevel->asDouble(x, y) ) return (true); newCell = new CTraceOrder(); newCell->x = x; newCell->y = y; firstCell = newCell; pOdepth->Set_Value(x, y, level - pElev->asDouble(x, y)); pOlevel->Set_Value(x, y, level); iterCell = firstCell; lastCell = firstCell; while( iterCell != NULL ) { x = iterCell->x; y = iterCell->y; for( i=0; i<8; i++ ) { ix = Get_xTo(i, x); iy = Get_yTo(i, y); if( is_InGrid(ix, iy) && !pElev->is_NoData(ix, iy) && pOlevel->asDouble(ix, iy) < level ) { pOdepth->Set_Value(ix, iy, level - pElev->asDouble(ix, iy)); pOlevel->Set_Value(ix, iy, level); newCell = new CTraceOrder(); newCell->x = ix; newCell->y = iy; newCell->prev = lastCell; lastCell->next = newCell; lastCell = newCell; } } newCell = firstCell; if( newCell->next == NULL ) { firstCell = lastCell = NULL; delete (newCell); newCell = NULL; } else { newCell->next->prev = NULL; firstCell = newCell->next; newCell->next = NULL; delete (newCell); newCell = NULL; } iterCell = firstCell; } SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("ready ..."), true); DataObject_Update(pOdepth, pOdepth->Get_ZMin(), pOdepth->Get_ZMax()); DataObject_Update(pOlevel, pOlevel->Get_ZMin(), pOlevel->Get_ZMax()); return( true ); } } return( false ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CTable_Field_Statistics::On_Execute(void) { CSG_Table *pTab_in, *pTab_out; int nFeatures, *Features; //----------------------------------------------------- pTab_in = Parameters("TABLE")->asTable(); pTab_out = Parameters("STATISTICS")->asTable(); Features = (int *)Parameters("FIELDS")->asPointer(); nFeatures = Parameters("FIELDS")->asInt (); //----------------------------------------------------- if( !Features || nFeatures <= 0 ) { Error_Set(_TL("No attribute fields selected!")); return( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------- pTab_out->Destroy(); pTab_out->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(_TL("%s_stats"), pTab_in->Get_Name())); pTab_out->Add_Field(_TL("Field") , SG_DATATYPE_String); pTab_out->Add_Field(_TL("n") , SG_DATATYPE_Long); pTab_out->Add_Field(_TL("min") , SG_DATATYPE_Double); pTab_out->Add_Field(_TL("max") , SG_DATATYPE_Double); pTab_out->Add_Field(_TL("range") , SG_DATATYPE_Double); pTab_out->Add_Field(_TL("sum") , SG_DATATYPE_Double); pTab_out->Add_Field(_TL("mean") , SG_DATATYPE_Double); pTab_out->Add_Field(_TL("variance") , SG_DATATYPE_Double); pTab_out->Add_Field(_TL("stddev") , SG_DATATYPE_Double); //----------------------------------------------------- for(int iFeature=0; iFeature<nFeatures; iFeature++) { if( SG_Data_Type_is_Numeric(pTab_in->Get_Field_Type(Features[iFeature])) ) { CSG_Table_Record *pRecord = pTab_out->Add_Record(); pRecord->Set_Value(0, pTab_in->Get_Field_Name(Features[iFeature])); pRecord->Set_Value(1, pTab_in->Get_N(Features[iFeature])); pRecord->Set_Value(2, pTab_in->Get_Minimum(Features[iFeature])); pRecord->Set_Value(3, pTab_in->Get_Maximum(Features[iFeature])); pRecord->Set_Value(4, pTab_in->Get_Range(Features[iFeature])); pRecord->Set_Value(5, pTab_in->Get_Sum(Features[iFeature])); pRecord->Set_Value(6, pTab_in->Get_Mean(Features[iFeature])); pRecord->Set_Value(7, pTab_in->Get_Variance(Features[iFeature])); pRecord->Set_Value(8, pTab_in->Get_StdDev(Features[iFeature])); } else { SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: skipping non-numeric field '%s'!"), pTab_in->Get_Field_Name(Features[iFeature])), true); } } //----------------------------------------------------- DataObject_Update(pTab_out); return( true ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CSG_Shapes::Create(const CSG_String &File_Name) { Destroy(); SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format("%s: %s...", _TL("Load shapes"), File_Name.c_str()), true); //----------------------------------------------------- bool bResult = File_Name.BeforeFirst(':').Cmp("PGSQL") && SG_File_Exists(File_Name) && _Load_ESRI(File_Name); if( bResult ) { Set_File_Name(File_Name, true); } //----------------------------------------------------- else if( File_Name.BeforeFirst(':').Cmp("PGSQL") == 0 ) // database source { CSG_String s(File_Name); s = s.AfterFirst(':'); CSG_String Host (s.BeforeFirst(':')); s = s.AfterFirst(':'); CSG_String Port (s.BeforeFirst(':')); s = s.AfterFirst(':'); CSG_String DBName(s.BeforeFirst(':')); s = s.AfterFirst(':'); CSG_String Table (s.BeforeFirst(':')); CSG_Tool *pTool = SG_Get_Tool_Library_Manager().Get_Tool("db_pgsql", 0); // CGet_Connections if( pTool != NULL ) { SG_UI_ProgressAndMsg_Lock(true); //--------------------------------------------- CSG_Table Connections; CSG_String Connection = DBName + " [" + Host + ":" + Port + "]"; pTool->Settings_Push(); if( pTool->On_Before_Execution() && SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("CONNECTIONS", &Connections) && pTool->Execute() ) // CGet_Connections { for(int i=0; !bResult && i<Connections.Get_Count(); i++) { if( !Connection.Cmp(Connections[i].asString(0)) ) { bResult = true; } } } pTool->Settings_Pop(); //--------------------------------------------- if( bResult && (bResult = (pTool = SG_Get_Tool_Library_Manager().Get_Tool("db_pgsql", 20)) != NULL) == true ) // CPGIS_Shapes_Load { pTool->Settings_Push(); bResult = pTool->On_Before_Execution() && SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("CONNECTION", Connection) && SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("TABLES" , Table) && SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("SHAPES" , this) && pTool->Execute(); pTool->Settings_Pop(); } SG_UI_ProgressAndMsg_Lock(false); } } //----------------------------------------------------- if( bResult ) { Set_Modified(false); Set_Update_Flag(); SG_UI_Process_Set_Ready(); SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS); return( true ); } for(int iShape=Get_Count()-1; iShape>=0; iShape--) // be kind, keep at least those shapes that have been loaded successfully { if( !Get_Shape(iShape)->is_Valid() ) { Del_Shape(iShape); } } if( Get_Count() <= 0 ) { Destroy(); } SG_UI_Process_Set_Ready(); SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); return( false ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CKriging_Base::On_Execute(void) { bool bResult = false; //----------------------------------------------------- m_Block = Parameters("BLOCK" )->asBool() ? Parameters("DBLOCK")->asDouble() / 2.0 : 0.0; m_bStdDev = Parameters("TQUALITY")->asInt() == 0; m_bLog = Parameters("LOG" )->asBool(); m_pPoints = Parameters("POINTS" )->asShapes(); m_zField = Parameters("ZFIELD" )->asInt(); if( m_pPoints->Get_Count() <= 1 ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("not enough points for interpolation"), true); return( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------- CSG_Table Variogram; if( SG_UI_Get_Window_Main() ) { static CVariogram_Dialog dlg; if( dlg.Execute(m_pPoints, m_zField, m_bLog, &Variogram, &m_Model) ) { bResult = true; } } else { int nSkip = Parameters("VAR_NSKIP" )->asInt(); int nClasses = Parameters("VAR_NCLASSES")->asInt(); double maxDistance = Parameters("VAR_MAXDIST" )->asDouble(); m_Model.Set_Formula(Parameters("VAR_MODEL")->asString()); if( CSG_Variogram::Calculate(m_pPoints, m_zField, m_bLog, &Variogram, nClasses, maxDistance, nSkip) ) { m_Model.Clr_Data(); for(int i=0; i<Variogram.Get_Count(); i++) { CSG_Table_Record *pRecord = Variogram.Get_Record(i); m_Model.Add_Data(pRecord->asDouble(CSG_Variogram::FIELD_DISTANCE), pRecord->asDouble(CSG_Variogram::FIELD_VAR_EXP)); } bResult = m_Model.Get_Trend() || m_Model.Get_Parameter_Count() == 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------- if( bResult && (bResult = _Initialise_Grids() && On_Initialize()) ) { Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s"), _TL("variogram model"), m_Model.Get_Formula(SG_TREND_STRING_Formula_Parameters).c_str()), false); for(int y=0; y<m_pGrid->Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, m_pGrid->Get_NY()); y++) { #pragma omp parallel for for(int x=0; x<m_pGrid->Get_NX(); x++) { double z, v; if( Get_Value(m_pGrid->Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(x, y), z, v) ) { Set_Value(x, y, z, v); } else { Set_NoData(x, y); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------- m_Model.Clr_Data(); On_Finalize(); return( bResult ); }
bool CSG_Grid::Save(const CSG_String &File_Name, int Format, int xA, int yA, int xN, int yN) { bool bResult; CSG_String sFile_Name = SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, File_Name, SG_T("sgrd")); //----------------------------------------------------- if( xA < 0 || xA >= Get_NX() - 1 ) { xA = 0; } if( yA < 0 || yA >= Get_NY() - 1 ) { yA = 0; } if( xN > Get_NX() - xA ) { xN = Get_NX() - xA; } if( yN > Get_NY() - yA ) { yN = Get_NY() - yA; } //----------------------------------------------------- SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s..."), LNG("[MSG] Save grid"), File_Name.c_str()), true); switch( Format ) { default: case GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Binary: // 1 - Binary bResult = _Save_Native(sFile_Name, xA, yA, xN, yN, true); break; case GRID_FILE_FORMAT_ASCII: // 2 - ASCII bResult = _Save_Native(sFile_Name, xA, yA, xN, yN, false); break; } //----------------------------------------------------- if( bResult ) { Set_Modified(false); Set_File_Name(sFile_Name); Save_MetaData(File_Name); SG_UI_Msg_Add(LNG("[MSG] okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS); } else { SG_UI_Msg_Add(LNG("[MSG] failed"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE); SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(LNG("[ERR] Grid file could not be saved.")); } return( bResult ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CPointCloud_Create_SPCVF::On_Execute(void) { CSG_Strings sFiles; CSG_String sFileInputList, sFileName; int iMethodPaths; CSG_MetaData SPCVF; CSG_Projection projSPCVF; double dNoData; std::vector<TSG_Data_Type> vFieldTypes; std::vector<CSG_String> vFieldNames; double dBBoxXMin = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); double dBBoxYMin = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); double dBBoxXMax = std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); double dBBoxYMax = std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); int iSkipped = 0, iEmpty = 0; int iDatasetCount = 0; double dPointCount = 0.0; double dZMin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); double dZMax = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); //----------------------------------------------------- sFileName = Parameters("FILENAME")->asString(); iMethodPaths = Parameters("METHOD_PATHS")->asInt(); sFileInputList = Parameters("INPUT_FILE_LIST")->asString(); //----------------------------------------------------- if( !Parameters("FILES")->asFilePath()->Get_FilePaths(sFiles) && sFileInputList.Length() <= 0 ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Please provide some input files!")); return( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------- if( sFiles.Get_Count() <= 0 ) { CSG_Table *pTable = new CSG_Table(); if( !pTable->Create(sFileInputList, TABLE_FILETYPE_Text_NoHeadLine) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Input file list could not be opened!")); delete( pTable ); return( false ); } sFiles.Clear(); for (int i=0; i<pTable->Get_Record_Count(); i++) { sFiles.Add(pTable->Get_Record(i)->asString(0)); } delete( pTable ); } //----------------------------------------------------- SPCVF.Set_Name(SG_T("SPCVFDataset")); SPCVF.Add_Property(SG_T("Version"), SG_T("1.1")); switch( iMethodPaths ) { default: case 0: SPCVF.Add_Property(SG_T("Paths"), SG_T("absolute")); break; case 1: SPCVF.Add_Property(SG_T("Paths"), SG_T("relative")); break; } //----------------------------------------------------- CSG_MetaData *pSPCVFHeader = SPCVF.Add_Child( SG_T("Header")); CSG_MetaData *pSPCVFFiles = pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child( SG_T("Datasets")); CSG_MetaData *pSPCVFPoints = pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child( SG_T("Points")); CSG_MetaData *pSRS = pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child( SG_T("SRS")); CSG_MetaData *pSPCVFBBox = pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child( SG_T("BBox")); CSG_MetaData *pSPCVFZStats = pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child( SG_T("ZStats")); CSG_MetaData *pSPCVFNoData = pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child( SG_T("NoData")); CSG_MetaData *pSPCVFAttr = pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child( SG_T("Attributes")); CSG_MetaData *pSPCVFDatasets = NULL; //----------------------------------------------------- for(int i=0; i<sFiles.Get_Count() && Set_Progress(i, sFiles.Get_Count()); i++) { CSG_PointCloud *pPC = SG_Create_PointCloud(sFiles[i]); //----------------------------------------------------- if( i==0 ) // first dataset determines projection, NoData value and table structure { projSPCVF = pPC->Get_Projection(); dNoData = pPC->Get_NoData_Value(); pSPCVFNoData->Add_Property(SG_T("Value"), dNoData); pSPCVFAttr->Add_Property(SG_T("Count"), pPC->Get_Field_Count()); for(int iField=0; iField<pPC->Get_Field_Count(); iField++) { vFieldTypes.push_back(pPC->Get_Field_Type(iField)); vFieldNames.push_back(pPC->Get_Field_Name(iField)); CSG_MetaData *pSPCVFField = pSPCVFAttr->Add_Child(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("Field_%d"), iField + 1)); pSPCVFField->Add_Property(SG_T("Name"), pPC->Get_Field_Name(iField)); pSPCVFField->Add_Property(SG_T("Type"), gSG_Data_Type_Identifier[pPC->Get_Field_Type(iField)]); } if( projSPCVF.is_Okay() ) { pSRS->Add_Property(SG_T("Projection"), projSPCVF.Get_Name()); pSRS->Add_Property(SG_T("WKT"), projSPCVF.Get_WKT()); } else { pSRS->Add_Property(SG_T("Projection"), SG_T("Undefined Coordinate System")); } pSPCVFDatasets = SPCVF.Add_Child(SG_T("Datasets")); } else // validate projection, NoData value and table structure { bool bSkip = false; if( pPC->Get_Field_Count() != (int)vFieldTypes.size() ) { bSkip = true; } if( !bSkip && projSPCVF.is_Okay() ) { if ( !pPC->Get_Projection().is_Okay() || SG_STR_CMP(pPC->Get_Projection().Get_WKT(), projSPCVF.Get_WKT()) ) { bSkip = true; } } if( !bSkip ) { for(int iField=0; iField<pPC->Get_Field_Count(); iField++) { if( pPC->Get_Field_Type(iField) != vFieldTypes.at(iField) ) { bSkip = true; break; } if( SG_STR_CMP(pPC->Get_Field_Name(iField), vFieldNames.at(iField)) ) { bSkip = true; break; } } } if( bSkip ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Skipping dataset %s because of incompatibility with the first input dataset!"), sFiles[i].c_str()), true); delete( pPC ); iSkipped++; continue; } } //----------------------------------------------------- if( pPC->Get_Point_Count() <= 0 ) { delete( pPC ); iEmpty++; continue; } //----------------------------------------------------- CSG_MetaData *pDataset = pSPCVFDatasets->Add_Child(SG_T("PointCloud")); CSG_String sFilePath; switch( iMethodPaths ) { default: case 0: sFilePath = SG_File_Get_Path_Absolute(sFiles.Get_String(i)); break; case 1: sFilePath = SG_File_Get_Path_Relative(SG_File_Get_Path(sFileName), sFiles.Get_String(i)); break; } sFilePath.Replace(SG_T("\\"), SG_T("/")); pDataset->Add_Property(SG_T("File"), sFilePath); pDataset->Add_Property(SG_T("Points"), pPC->Get_Point_Count()); pDataset->Add_Property(SG_T("ZMin"), pPC->Get_ZMin()); pDataset->Add_Property(SG_T("ZMax"), pPC->Get_ZMax()); //----------------------------------------------------- CSG_MetaData *pBBox = pDataset->Add_Child(SG_T("BBox")); pBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("XMin"), pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMin()); pBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("YMin"), pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMin()); pBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("XMax"), pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMax()); pBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("YMax"), pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMax()); if( dBBoxXMin > pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMin() ) dBBoxXMin = pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMin(); if( dBBoxYMin > pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMin() ) dBBoxYMin = pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMin(); if( dBBoxXMax < pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMax() ) dBBoxXMax = pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMax(); if( dBBoxYMax < pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMax() ) dBBoxYMax = pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMax(); iDatasetCount += 1; dPointCount += pPC->Get_Point_Count(); if( dZMin > pPC->Get_ZMin() ) dZMin = pPC->Get_ZMin(); if( dZMax < pPC->Get_ZMax() ) dZMax = pPC->Get_ZMax(); delete( pPC ); } //----------------------------------------------------- pSPCVFBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("XMin"), dBBoxXMin); pSPCVFBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("YMin"), dBBoxYMin); pSPCVFBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("XMax"), dBBoxXMax); pSPCVFBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("YMax"), dBBoxYMax); pSPCVFFiles->Add_Property(SG_T("Count"), iDatasetCount); pSPCVFPoints->Add_Property(SG_T("Count"), CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%.0f"), dPointCount)); pSPCVFZStats->Add_Property(SG_T("ZMin"), dZMin); pSPCVFZStats->Add_Property(SG_T("ZMax"), dZMax); //----------------------------------------------------- if( !SPCVF.Save(sFileName) ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Unable to save %s file!"), sFileName.c_str())); return( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------- if( iSkipped > 0 ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: %d dataset(s) skipped because of incompatibilities!"), iSkipped), true); } if( iEmpty > 0 ) { SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: %d dataset(s) skipped because they are empty!"), iEmpty), true); } SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("SPCVF successfully created from %d dataset(s)."), iDatasetCount), true); //----------------------------------------------------- return( true ); }