Example #1
static void _dagwalk_callback(SG_context* pCtx,
							  SG_UNUSED_PARAM(SG_repo* pRepo),
							  void* pData,
							  SG_dagnode* pCurrentNode,
							  SG_UNUSED_PARAM(SG_rbtree* pDagnodeCache),
							  SG_bool* pbContinue)
	_dagwalk_data* pDagWalkData = (_dagwalk_data*)pData;
	const char* pszCurrentNodeHid = NULL;
	SG_int32 genCurrentNode;


	SG_ERR_CHECK_RETURN(  SG_dagnode__get_generation(pCtx, pCurrentNode, &genCurrentNode)  );
	if (genCurrentNode < pDagWalkData->genLimit)
		*pbContinue = SG_FALSE;

	SG_ERR_CHECK_RETURN(  SG_dagnode__get_id_ref(pCtx, (const SG_dagnode*)pCurrentNode, &pszCurrentNodeHid)  );
	if (!strcmp(pDagWalkData->pszStartNodeHid, (const char*)pszCurrentNodeHid))

	SG_ERR_CHECK_RETURN(  SG_rbtree__update(pCtx, pDagWalkData->prbVisitedNodes, (const char*)pszCurrentNodeHid)  );

	// TODO: Stop walking when this node and all it siblings are already in prbVisitedNodes?
Example #2
static void _add_parents_to_work_queue(SG_context * pCtx, SG_dagnode * pDagnode, SG_rbtree* prb_WorkQueue)
	const char ** aszHidParents = NULL;
	SG_uint32 k, nrParents;

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__get_parents(pCtx,pDagnode,&nrParents,&aszHidParents)  );
	for (k=0; k<nrParents; k++)
	    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__update(pCtx,prb_WorkQueue,aszHidParents[k])  );

	// fall thru to common cleanup

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, aszHidParents);
Example #3
void SG_server__pull_request_fragball(SG_context* pCtx,
									  SG_repo* pRepo,
									  SG_vhash* pvhRequest,
									  const SG_pathname* pFragballDirPathname,
									  char** ppszFragballName,
									  SG_vhash** ppvhStatus)
	SG_pathname* pFragballPathname = NULL;
	SG_uint32* paDagNums = NULL;
    SG_rbtree* prbDagnodes = NULL;
	SG_string* pstrFragballName = NULL;
	char* pszRevFullHid = NULL;
	SG_rbtree_iterator* pit = NULL;
	SG_uint32* repoDagnums = NULL;


	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash_debug__dump_to_console__named(pCtx, pvhRequest, "pull fragball request")  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_fragball__create(pCtx, pFragballDirPathname, &pFragballPathname)  );

	if (!pvhRequest)
		// Add leaves from every dag to the fragball.
		SG_uint32 count_dagnums;
		SG_uint32 i;
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_dags(pCtx, pRepo, &count_dagnums, &paDagNums)  );

		for (i=0; i<count_dagnums; i++)
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__fetch_dag_leaves(pCtx, pRepo, paDagNums[i], &prbDagnodes)  );
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_fragball__append__dagnodes(pCtx, pFragballPathname, pRepo, paDagNums[i], prbDagnodes)  );
			SG_RBTREE_NULLFREE(pCtx, prbDagnodes);

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_pathname__get_last(pCtx, pFragballPathname, &pstrFragballName)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_STRDUP(pCtx, SG_string__sz(pstrFragballName), ppszFragballName)  );
		// Build the requested fragball.
		SG_bool found;

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__has(pCtx, pvhRequest, SG_SYNC_STATUS_KEY__CLONE, &found)  );
		if (found)
			// Full clone requested.
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__fetch_repo__fragball(pCtx, pRepo, pFragballDirPathname, ppszFragballName) );
			// Not a full clone.

			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__has(pCtx, pvhRequest, SG_SYNC_STATUS_KEY__DAGS, &found)  );
			if (found)
				// Dagnodes were requested.

				SG_uint32 generations = 0;
				SG_vhash* pvhDags;
				SG_uint32 count_requested_dagnums;
				SG_uint32 count_repo_dagnums = 0;
				SG_uint32 i;
				const char* pszDagNum = NULL;
				const SG_variant* pvRequestedNodes = NULL;
				SG_vhash* pvhRequestedNodes = NULL;
				const char* pszHidRequestedDagnode = NULL;

				// Were additional generations requested?
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__has(pCtx, pvhRequest, SG_SYNC_STATUS_KEY__GENERATIONS, &found)  );
				if (found)
					SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__uint32(pCtx, pvhRequest, SG_SYNC_STATUS_KEY__GENERATIONS, &generations)  );

				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__vhash(pCtx, pvhRequest, SG_SYNC_STATUS_KEY__DAGS, &pvhDags)  );
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__count(pCtx, pvhDags, &count_requested_dagnums)  );
				if (count_requested_dagnums)
					SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_dags(pCtx, pRepo, &count_repo_dagnums, &repoDagnums)  );

				// For each requested dag, get the requested nodes.
				for (i=0; i<count_requested_dagnums; i++)
					SG_uint32 iMissingNodeCount;
					SG_uint32 iDagnum;
					SG_uint32 j;
					SG_bool isValidDagnum = SG_FALSE;
					SG_bool bSpecificNodesRequested = SG_FALSE;

					// Get the dag's missing node vhash.
					SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get_nth_pair(pCtx, pvhDags, i, &pszDagNum, &pvRequestedNodes)  );
					SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnum__from_sz__decimal(pCtx, pszDagNum, &iDagnum)  );

					// Verify that requested dagnum exists
					for (j = 0; j < count_repo_dagnums; j++)
						if (repoDagnums[j] == iDagnum)
							isValidDagnum = SG_TRUE;
					if (!isValidDagnum)
						char buf[SG_DAGNUM__BUF_MAX__NAME];
						SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnum__to_name(pCtx, iDagnum, buf, sizeof(buf))  );
						SG_ERR_THROW2(SG_ERR_NO_SUCH_DAG, (pCtx, "%s", buf));

					if (pvRequestedNodes)
						SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_variant__get__vhash(pCtx, pvRequestedNodes, &pvhRequestedNodes)  );

						// Get each node listed for the dag
						SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__count(pCtx, pvhRequestedNodes, &iMissingNodeCount)  );
						if (iMissingNodeCount > 0)
							SG_uint32 j;
							const SG_variant* pvVal;

							bSpecificNodesRequested = SG_TRUE;

							SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_RBTREE__ALLOC__PARAMS(pCtx, &prbDagnodes, iMissingNodeCount, NULL)  );
							for (j=0; j<iMissingNodeCount; j++)
								SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get_nth_pair(pCtx, pvhRequestedNodes, j, &pszHidRequestedDagnode, &pvVal)  );

								if (pvVal)
									const char* pszVal;
									SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_variant__get__sz(pCtx, pvVal, &pszVal)  );
									if (pszVal)
										if (0 == strcmp(pszVal, SG_SYNC_REQUEST_VALUE_HID_PREFIX))
											SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__hidlookup__dagnode(pCtx, pRepo, iDagnum, pszHidRequestedDagnode, &pszRevFullHid)  );
											pszHidRequestedDagnode = pszRevFullHid;
										else if (0 == strcmp(pszVal, SG_SYNC_REQUEST_VALUE_TAG))
											SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__lookup__tag(pCtx, pRepo, pszHidRequestedDagnode, &pszRevFullHid)  );
											if (!pszRevFullHid)
											pszHidRequestedDagnode = pszRevFullHid;
								SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__update(pCtx, prbDagnodes, pszHidRequestedDagnode)  );
								// Get additional dagnode generations, if requested.
								SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_sync__add_n_generations(pCtx, pRepo, pszHidRequestedDagnode, prbDagnodes, generations)  );
								SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszRevFullHid);

					if (!bSpecificNodesRequested)
						// When no specific nodes are in the request, add all leaves.
						SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__fetch_dag_leaves(pCtx, pRepo, iDagnum, &prbDagnodes)  );

						// Get additional dagnode generations, if requested.
						if (generations)
							SG_bool found;
							const char* hid;
							SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__iterator__first(pCtx, &pit, prbDagnodes, &found, &hid, NULL)  );
							while (found)
								SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_sync__add_n_generations(pCtx, pRepo, hid, prbDagnodes, generations)  );
								SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__iterator__next(pCtx, pit, &found, &hid, NULL)  );

					if (prbDagnodes) // can be null when leaves of an empty dag are requested
						SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_fragball__append__dagnodes(pCtx, pFragballPathname, pRepo, iDagnum, prbDagnodes)  );
						SG_RBTREE_NULLFREE(pCtx, prbDagnodes);

				} // dagnum loop
			} // if "dags" exists

			/* Add requested blobs to the fragball */
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__has(pCtx, pvhRequest, SG_SYNC_STATUS_KEY__BLOBS, &found)  );
			if (found)
				// Blobs were requested.
				SG_vhash* pvhBlobs;
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__vhash(pCtx, pvhRequest, SG_SYNC_STATUS_KEY__BLOBS, &pvhBlobs)  );
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_sync__add_blobs_to_fragball(pCtx, pRepo, pFragballPathname, pvhBlobs)  );

			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_pathname__get_last(pCtx, pFragballPathname, &pstrFragballName)  );
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_STRDUP(pCtx, SG_string__sz(pstrFragballName), ppszFragballName)  );
	/* fallthru */
	// If we had an error, delete the half-baked fragball.
	if (pFragballPathname && SG_context__has_err(pCtx))
		SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_fsobj__remove__pathname(pCtx, pFragballPathname)  );

	SG_PATHNAME_NULLFREE(pCtx, pFragballPathname);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, paDagNums);
	SG_RBTREE_NULLFREE(pCtx, prbDagnodes);
	SG_STRING_NULLFREE(pCtx, pstrFragballName);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszRevFullHid);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, repoDagnums);