Example #1
void camellia128_init(const void* key, camellia128_ctx_t* s){
	uint8_t i;
	s->kll = 0; /* ((uint64_t*)key)[0]; */
	/* load the key, endian-adjusted, to kll,klr */
	for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
		s->kll <<= 8;
		s->kll |= *((uint8_t*)key);
		key = (uint8_t*)key+1;
	for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
		s->klr <<= 8;
		s->klr |= *((uint8_t*)key);
		key = (uint8_t*)key+1;

	s->kal = s->kll;
	s->kar = s->klr;
	s->kar ^= camellia_f(s->kal, SIGMA(0));
	s->kal ^= camellia_f(s->kar, SIGMA(1));
	s->kal ^= s->kll;
	s->kar ^= s->klr;
	s->kar ^= camellia_f(s->kal, SIGMA(2));
	s->kal ^= camellia_f(s->kar, SIGMA(3));
Example #2
void setOrdinaryMaterial(int m){
		CA(m) = (1 - SIGMA(m)*deltaT/(2*EPSR(m)*EPSNOT )) / ( 1 + SIGMA(m)*deltaT /(2*EPSR(m)*EPSNOT));   
		CB(m) = (deltaT/(EPSR(m)*EPSNOT*DELTA)) / ( 1 + SIGMA(m) * deltaT /(2*EPSR(m)*EPSNOT));   
		DA(m) = (1 - SIGMA(m)*deltaT/(2*MUR(m)*MUNOT)) / ( 1 + SIGMA(m) * deltaT /(2*MUR(m)*MUNOT));   
		DB(m) = (deltaT/(MUR(m)*MUNOT*DELTA)) / ( 1 + SIGMA(m)*deltaT /(2*MUR(m)*MUNOT));	
} // end setOrdinaryMaterial
int main()
  arma::mat X;

  // A) Toy Data
  //  char inputFile[] = "../data_files/toyclusters/toyclusters.dat";
  // B) X4.dat
  //char inputFile[] = "./X4.dat";
  // C) fisher data
  //char inputFile[] = "./fisher.dat";

  // D) MNIST data
  //char inputFile[] = "../data_files/MNIST/MNIST.dat";
  // E) Reduced MNIST (5000x400)
  //char inputFile[] = "../data_files/MNIST/MNISTreduced.dat";
  // F) Reduced MNIST (0 and 1) (1000x400)
  //char inputFile[] = "../data_files/MNIST/MNISTlittle.dat";

  // G) Girl.png (512x768, RGB, already unrolled)
  //char inputFile[] = "girl.dat";

  // H) Pool.png (383x512, RGB, already unrolled)
  //char inputFile[] = "pool.dat";

  // I) Cat.png (733x490, RGB, unrolled)
  //char inputFile[] = "cat.dat";
  // J) Airplane.png (512x512, RGB, unrolled)
  //char inputFile[] = "airplane.dat";

  // K) Monarch.png (512x768, RGB, unrolled)
  //char inputFile[] = "monarch.dat";

  // L) tulips.png (512x768 ,RGB, unrolled)
  //char inputFile[] = "tulips.dat";
  // M) demo.dat (2d data)
  char inputFile[] = "demo.dat";

  const arma::uword N = X.n_rows;
  const arma::uword D = X.n_cols;

  arma::umat ids(N,1);	// needed to shuffle indices later
  arma::umat shuffled_ids(N,1);
  for (arma::uword i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    ids(i,0) = i;
  arma::arma_rng::set_seed_random(); // set arma rng
  // int seed = time(NULL);	// set RNG seed to current time
  // srand(seed);

  arma::uword initial_K = 32;   // initial number of clusters
  arma::uword K = initial_K;
  arma::umat clusters(N,1); // contains cluster assignments for each data point
  for (arma::uword i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    clusters(i, 0) = i%K;		// initialize as [0,1,...,K-1,0,1,...,K-1,0,...]

  arma::umat cluster_sizes(N,1,arma::fill::zeros); // contains num data points in cluster k
  for (arma::uword i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    cluster_sizes(clusters(i,0), 0) += 1;

  arma::mat mu(N, D, arma::fill::zeros); // contains cluster mean parameters
  arma::mat filler(D,D,arma::fill::eye);
  std::vector<arma::mat> sigma(N,filler); // contains cluster covariance parameters

  if (K < N) {			// set parameters not belonging to any cluster to -999
    for (arma::uword k = K; k < N; ++k) {

  arma::umat uword_dummy(1,1);	// dummy 1x1 matrix;
  // for (arma::uword i = 0; i <N; ++i) {
  //   std::cout << sigma[i] << std::endl;
  // }
  // std::cout << X << std::endl
  // 	    << N << std::endl
  // 	    << D << std::endl
  // 	    << K << std::endl
  // 	    << clusters << std::endl
  // 	    << cluster_sizes << std::endl
  //	    << ids << std::endl;

  // Dirichlet Process concentration parameter is alpha:
  double alpha = 1;
  // Dirichlet Process base distribution (i.e. prior) is 
  // H(mu,sigma) = NIW(mu,Sigma|m_0,k_0,S_0,nu_0) = N(mu|m_0,Sigma/k_0)IW(Sigma|S_0,nu_0)
  arma::mat perturbation(D,D,arma::fill::eye);
  perturbation *= 0.000001;
  //const arma::mat S_0 = arma::cov(X,X,1) + perturbation; // S_xbar / N
  const arma::mat S_0(D,D,arma::fill::eye);
  const double nu_0 = D + 2;
  const arma::mat m_0 = mean(X).t();
  const double k_0 = 0.01;
  // std::cout << "S_0" << S_0 << std::endl;
  // std::cout << S_0 << std::endl
  // 	    << nu_0 << std::endl
  // 	    << m_0 << std::endl
  // 	    << k_0 << std::endl;

  arma::uword NUM_SWEEPS = 250;	// number of Gibbs iterations
  bool SAVE_CHAIN = false;	// save output of each Gibbs iteration?
  // arma::uword BURN_IN = NUM_SWEEPS - 10;
  // arma::uword CHAINSIZE = NUM_SWEEPS - BURN_IN;
  // std::vector<arma::uword> chain_K(CHAINSIZE, K); // Initialize chain variable to initial parameters for convinience
  // std::vector<arma::umat> chain_clusters(CHAINSIZE, clusters);
  // std::vector<arma::umat> chain_clusterSizes(CHAINSIZE, cluster_sizes);
  // std::vector<arma::mat> chain_mu(CHAINSIZE, mu);
  // std::vector<std::vector<arma::mat> > chain_sigma(CHAINSIZE, sigma);
  // for (arma::uword sweep = 0; sweep < CHAINSIZE; ++sweep) {
  //   std::cout << sweep << " K\n" << chain_K[sweep] << std::endl
  // 		<< sweep << " clusters\n" << chain_clusters[sweep] << std::endl
  // 		<< sweep << " sizes\n" << chain_clusterSizes[sweep] << std::endl
  // 		<< sweep << " mu\n" << chain_mu[sweep] << std::endl;
  //   for (arma::uword i = 0; i < N; ++i) { 
  // 	std::cout << sweep << " " << i << " sigma\n" << chain_sigma[sweep][i] << std::endl;
  //   }
  // }

  std::cout << "Starting Algorithm with K = " << K << std::endl;
  for (arma::uword sweep = 0; sweep < NUM_SWEEPS; ++sweep) { 
    // shuffle indices
    shuffled_ids = shuffle(ids);
    // std::cout << shuffled_ids << std::endl;

    for (arma::uword j = 0; j < N; ++j){
      //      std::cout << "j = " << j << std::endl;
      arma::uword i = shuffled_ids(j);
      arma::mat x = X.row(i).t(); // current data point
      // Remove i's statistics and any empty clusters
      arma::uword c = clusters(i,0); // current cluster
      cluster_sizes(c,0) -= 1;
      //std::cout << "old c = " << c << std::endl;

      if (cluster_sizes(c,0) == 0) { // remove empty cluster
      	cluster_sizes(c,0) = cluster_sizes(K-1,0); // move entries for K onto position c
	mu.row(c) = mu.row(K-1);
      	sigma[c] = sigma[K-1];
      	uword_dummy(0,0) = c;
	arma::uvec idx = find(clusters == K - 1);
      	clusters.each_row(idx) = uword_dummy;
	cluster_sizes(K-1,0) = 0;

      // quick test of logMvnPdf:
      // arma::mat m_(2,1);
      // arma::mat s_(2,2);
      // arma::mat t_(2,1);
      // m_ << 1 << arma::endr << 2;
      // s_ << 3 << -0.2 << arma::endr << -0.2 << 1;
      // t_ << -3 << arma::endr << -3;
      // double lpdf = logMvnPdf(t_, m_, s_);
      // std::cout << lpdf << std::endl; // śhould be -19.1034 (works)

      // Find categorical distribution over clusters (tested)
      arma::mat logP(K+1, 1, arma::fill::zeros);
      // quick test of logInvWishPdf
      // arma::mat si_(2,2), s_(2,2);
      // double nu_ = 4;
      // si_ << 1 << 0.5 << arma::endr << 0.5 << 4;
      // s_ << 3 << -0.2 << arma::endr << -0.2 << 1;
      // double lpdf = logInvWishPdf(si_, s_, nu_);
      // std::cout << lpdf << std::endl; // should be -7.4399 (it is)

      // quick test for logNormInvWishPdf
      // arma::mat si_(2,2), s_(2,2);
      // arma :: mat mu_(2,1), m_(2,1);
      // double k_ = 0.5, nu_ = 4;
      // si_ << 1 << 0.5 << arma::endr << 0.5 << 4;
      // s_ << 3 << -0.2 << arma::endr << -0.2 << 1;
      // mu_ << -3 << arma::endr << -3;
      // m_ << 1 << arma::endr << 2;
      // double lp = logNormInvWishPdf(mu_,si_,m_,k_,s_,nu_);
      // std::cout << lp << std::endl; // should equal -15.2318 (it is)
      // p(existing clusters) (tested)
      for (arma::uword k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
	arma::mat m_ = mu.row(k).t();
	arma::mat s_ = sigma[k];
	logP(k,0) = log(cluster_sizes(k,0)) - log(N-1+alpha) + logMvnPdf(x,m_,s_);

      // p(new cluster): find partition function (tested)
      // arma::mat dummy_mu(D, 1, arma::fill::zeros);
      // arma::mat dummy_sigma(D, D, arma::fill::eye);
      // double logPrior, logLklihd, logPstr, logPartition; 
      // posterior hyperparameters (tested)
      arma::mat m_1(D,1), S_1(D,D);
      double k_1, nu_1;
      k_1 = k_0 + 1;
      nu_1 = nu_0 + 1;
      m_1 = (k_0*m_0 + x) / k_1;
      S_1 = S_0 + x * x.t() + k_0 * (m_0 * m_0.t()) - k_1 * (m_1 * m_1.t());
      // std::cout << k_1 << std::endl
      // 		<< nu_1 << std::endl
      // 		<< m_1 << std::endl
      // 		<< S_1 << std::endl;
      // // partition = likelihood*prior/posterior (tested)
      // // (perhaps a direct computation of the partition function would be better)
      // logPrior = logNormInvWishPdf(dummy_mu, dummy_sigma, m_0, k_0, S_0, nu_0);
      // logLklihd = logMvnPdf(x, dummy_mu, dummy_sigma);
      // logPstr = logNormInvWishPdf(dummy_mu, dummy_sigma, m_1, k_1, S_1, nu_1);
      // logPartition = logPrior + logLklihd - logPstr;      
      // std::cout << "log  Prior = " << logPrior << std::endl
      // 		<< "log Likelihood = " << logLklihd << std::endl
      // 		<< "log Posterior = " << logPstr << std::endl
      // 		<< "log Partition = " << logPartition << std::endl;
      // Computing partition directly
      double logS0,signS0,logS1,signS1;
      /*std::cout << "log(det(S_0)) = " << logS0 << std::endl
	<< "log(det(S_1)) = " << logS1 << std::endl;*/
      double term1 = 0.5*D*(log(k_0)-log(k_1));
      double term2 = -0.5*D*log(arma::datum::pi);
      double term3 = 0.5*(nu_0*logS0 - nu_1*logS1);
      double term4 = lgamma(0.5*nu_1);
      double term5 = -lgamma(0.5*(nu_1-D));
      double logPartition = term1+term2+term3+term4+term5;
      /*double logPartition = 0.5*D*(log(k_0)-log(k_1)-log(arma::datum::pi)) \
	/+0.5*(nu_0*logS0 - nu_1*logS1) + lgamma(0.5*nu_1) - lgamma(0.5*(nu_1-D));*/
      /*      std::cout << "term1 = " << term1 << std::endl
		<< "term2 = " << term2 << std::endl
		<< "term3 = " << term3 << std::endl
		<< "term4 = " << term4 << std::endl
		<< "term5 = " << term5 << std::endl;*/
      //std::cout << "logP = " << logPartition << std::endl;

      // p(new cluster): (tested)
      logP(K,0) = log(alpha) - log(N - 1 + alpha) + logPartition;
      //      std::cout << "logP(new cluster) = " << logP(K,0) << std::endl;
      //if(i == 49)
      // sample cluster for i

      arma::uword c_ = logCatRnd(logP);
      clusters(i,0) = c_;
      //if (j % 10 == 0){
      //std::cout << "New c = " << c_ << std::endl;
      //std::cout << "logP = \n" << logP << std::endl;
      // quick test for mvnRnd
      // arma::mat mu, si;
      // mu << 1 << arma::endr << 2;
      // si << 1 << 0.9 << arma::endr << 0.9 << 1;
      // arma::mat m = mvnRnd(mu, si);
      // std::cout << m << std::endl;

      // quick test for invWishRnd
      // double df = 4;
      // arma::mat si(2,2);
      // si << 1 << 1 << arma::endr << 1 << 1;
      // arma::mat S = invWishRnd(si,df);
      // std::cout << S << std::endl;

      if (c_ == K) {	// Sample parameters for any new-born clusters from posterior
	cluster_sizes(K, 0) = 1;
	arma::mat si_ = invWishRnd(S_1, nu_1);
	//arma::mat si_ = S_1;
	arma::mat mu_ = mvnRnd(m_1, si_/k_1);
	//arma::mat mu_ = m_1;
	mu.row(K) = mu_.t();
	sigma[K] = si_;
	K += 1;
      } else {
	cluster_sizes(c_,0) += 1;
      // if (sweep == 0)
      // 	std::cout << " K = " << K << std::endl;
      // // if (j == N-1) {
      // // 	std::cout << logP << std::endl;
      // // 	std::cout << K << std::endl;
      // // 	assert(false);
      // // }
      // std::cout << "K = " << K << "\n" << std::endl;
    for (arma::uword k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
      // std::cout << "k = " << k << std::endl;
      // cluster data
      arma::mat Xk = X.rows(find(clusters == k));
      arma::uword Nk = cluster_sizes(k,0);

      // posterior hyperparameters
      arma::mat m_Nk(D,1), S_Nk(D,D);
      double k_Nk, nu_Nk;
      arma::mat sum_k = sum(Xk,0).t();
      arma::mat cov_k(D, D, arma::fill::zeros);
      for (arma::uword l = 0; l < Nk; ++l) { 
	cov_k += Xk.row(l).t() * Xk.row(l);
      k_Nk = k_0 + Nk;
      nu_Nk = nu_0 + Nk;
      m_Nk = (k_0 * m_0 + sum_k) / k_Nk;
      S_Nk = S_0 + cov_k + k_0 * (m_0 * m_0.t()) - k_Nk * (m_Nk * m_Nk.t());
      // sample fresh parameters
      arma::mat si_ = invWishRnd(S_Nk, nu_Nk);
      //arma::mat si_ = S_Nk;
      arma::mat mu_ = mvnRnd(m_Nk, si_/k_Nk);
      //arma::mat mu_ = m_Nk;
      mu.row(k) = mu_.t();
      sigma[k] = si_;
    std::cout << "Iteration " << sweep + 1 << "/" << NUM_SWEEPS<< " done. K = " << K << std::endl;
    // // STORE CHAIN
    // if (SAVE_CHAIN) {
    //   if (sweep >= BURN_IN) { 
    // 	chain_K[sweep - BURN_IN] = K;
    // 	chain_clusters[sweep - BURN_IN] = clusters;
    // 	chain_clusterSizes[sweep - BURN_IN] = cluster_sizes;
    // 	chain_mu[sweep - BURN_IN] = mu;
    // 	chain_sigma[sweep - BURN_IN] = sigma;
    //   }
    // }
  std::cout << "Final cluster sizes: " << std::endl
	    << cluster_sizes.rows(0, K-1) << std::endl;

  arma::mat MU = mu.rows(0,K-1);
  arma::mat SIGMA(D*K,D);
  for (arma::uword k = 0; k < K; ++k) { 
    SIGMA.rows(k*D,(k+1)*D-1) = sigma[k];
  arma::umat IDX = clusters;

  // A) toycluster data
  // char MuFile[] = "../data_files/toyclusters/dpmMU.out";
  // char SigmaFile[] = "../data_files/toyclusters/dpmSIGMA.out";
  // char IdxFile[] = "../data_files/toyclusters/dpmIDX.out";

  // B) X4.dat
  char MuFile[] = "dpmMU.out";
  char SigmaFile[] = "dpmSIGMA.out";
  char IdxFile[] = "dpmIDX.out";
  std::ofstream KFile("K.out");
  MU.save(MuFile, arma::raw_ascii);
  SIGMA.save(SigmaFile, arma::raw_ascii);
  IDX.save(IdxFile, arma::raw_ascii);
  KFile << "K = " << K << std::endl;
  if (SAVE_CHAIN) {}
  //   std::ofstream chainKFile("chainK.out");
  //   std::ofstream chainClustersFile("chainClusters.out");
  //   std::ofstream chainClusterSizesFile("chainClusterSizes.out");
  //   std::ofstream chainMuFile("chainMu.out");
  //   std::ofstream chainSigmaFile("chainSigma.out");
  //   chainKFile << "Dirichlet Process Mixture Model.\nInput: " << inputFile << std::endl
  // 	       << "Number of iterations of Gibbs Sampler: " << NUM_SWEEPS << std::endl
  // 	       << "Burn-In: " << BURN_IN << std::endl
  // 	       << "Initial number of clusters: " << initial_K << std::endl
  // 	       << "Output: Number of cluster (K)\n" << std::endl; 
  //   chainClustersFile << "Dirichlet Process Mixture Model.\nInput: " << inputFile << std::endl
  // 		      << "Number of iterations of Gibbs Sampler: " << NUM_SWEEPS << std::endl
  // 		      << "Burn-In: " << BURN_IN << std::endl
  // 		      << "Initial number of clusters: " << initial_K << std::endl
  // 		      << "Output: Cluster identities (clusters)\n" << std::endl; 
  //   chainClusterSizesFile << "Dirichlet Process Mixture Model.\nInput: " << inputFile << std::endl
  // 			  << "Number of iterations of Gibbs Sampler: " << NUM_SWEEPS << std::endl
  // 			  << "Burn-In: " << BURN_IN << std::endl
  // 			  << "Initial number of clusters: " << initial_K << std::endl
  // 			  << "Output: Size of clusters (cluster_sizes)\n" << std::endl; 
  //   chainMuFile << "Dirichlet Process Mixture Model.\nInput: " << inputFile << std::endl
  // 		<< "Number of iterations of Gibbs Sampler: " << NUM_SWEEPS << std::endl
  // 		<< "Burn-In: " << BURN_IN << std::endl
  // 		<< "Initial number of clusters: " << initial_K << std::endl
  // 		<< "Output: Samples for cluster mean parameters (mu. Note: means stored in rows)\n" << std::endl; 
  //   chainSigmaFile << "Dirichlet Process Mixture Model.\nInput: " << inputFile << std::endl
  // 		   << "Number of iterations of Gibbs Sampler: " << NUM_SWEEPS << std::endl
  // 		   << "Burn-In " << BURN_IN << std::endl
  // 		   << "Initial number of clusters: " << initial_K << std::endl
  // 		   << "Output: Samples for cluster covariances (sigma)\n" << std::endl; 

  //   for (arma::uword sweep = 0; sweep < CHAINSIZE; ++sweep) {
  //     arma::uword K = chain_K[sweep];
  //     chainKFile << "Sweep #" << BURN_IN + sweep + 1 << "\n" << chain_K[sweep] << std::endl;
  //     chainClustersFile << "Sweep #" << BURN_IN + sweep + 1 << "\n" << chain_clusters[sweep]  << std::endl;
  //     chainClusterSizesFile << "Sweep #" << BURN_IN + sweep + 1 << "\n" << chain_clusterSizes[sweep].rows(0, K - 1) << std::endl;
  //     chainMuFile << "Sweep #" << BURN_IN + sweep + 1 << "\n" << chain_mu[sweep].rows(0, K - 1) << std::endl;
  //     chainSigmaFile << "Sweep #" << BURN_IN + sweep + 1<< "\n";
  //     for (arma::uword i = 0; i < K; ++i) { 
  // 	chainSigmaFile << chain_sigma[sweep][i] << std::endl;
  //     }
  //     chainSigmaFile << std::endl;
  //   }
  // }

  return 0;
Example #4
void gmm_fisher_save_soft_assgn(int n, const float *v, const gmm_t * g, int flags,
                                float *dp_dlambda,
                                float *word_total_soft_assignment) {
    long d=g->d, k=g->k;
    float *p = fvec_new(n * k);
    long i,j,l;
    long ii=0;

    float * vp = NULL; /* v*p */
    float * sum_pj = NULL; /* sum of p's for a given j */

    gmm_compute_p(n,v,g,p,flags | GMM_FLAGS_W);

#define P(j,i) p[(i)*k+(j)]
#define V(l,i) v[(i)*d+(l)]
#define MU(l,j) g->mu[(j)*d+(l)]
#define SIGMA(l,j) g->sigma[(j)*d+(l)]
#define VP(l,j) vp[(j)*d+(l)]

    // Save total soft assignment per centroid
    if (word_total_soft_assignment != NULL) {
        for (j=0; j<k; j++) {
            double sum=0;
            for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
                sum += P(j,i);
            if (n != 0) {
                word_total_soft_assignment[j] = (float)(sum/n);
            } else {
                word_total_soft_assignment[j] = 0.0;

    if(flags & GMM_FLAGS_W) {

        for(j=1; j<k; j++) {
            double accu=0;

            for(i=0; i<n; i++)
                accu+= P(j,i)/g->w[j] - P(0,i)/g->w[0];

            /* normalization */
            double f=n*(1/g->w[j]+1/g->w[0]);


    if(flags & GMM_FLAGS_MU) {
        float *dp_dmu=dp_dlambda+ii;

#define DP_DMU(l,j) dp_dmu[(j)*d+(l)]

        if(0) { /* simple and slow */

            for(j=0; j<k; j++) {
                for(l=0; l<d; l++) {
                    double accu=0;

                    for(i=0; i<n; i++)
                        accu += P(j,i) * (V(l,i)-MU(l,j)) / SIGMA(l,j);


        } else { /* complicated and fast */

            /* precompute  tables that may be useful for sigma too */
            vp = fvec_new(k * d);

            sum_pj = fvec_new(k);
            for(j=0; j<k; j++) {
                double sum=0;
                for(i=0; i<n; i++) sum += P(j,i);
                sum_pj[j] = sum;

            for(j=0; j<k; j++) {
                for(l=0; l<d; l++)
                    DP_DMU(l,j) = (VP(l,j) - MU(l,j) * sum_pj[j]) / SIGMA(l,j);

        /* normalization */
        if(!(flags & GMM_FLAGS_NO_NORM)) {
            for(j=0; j<k; j++)
                for(l=0; l<d; l++) {
                    float nf = sqrt(n*g->w[j]/SIGMA(l,j));
                    if(nf > 0) DP_DMU(l,j) /= nf;
#undef DP_DMU

    if(flags & (GMM_FLAGS_SIGMA | GMM_FLAGS_1SIGMA)) {

        if(flags & GMM_FLAGS_1SIGMA) { /* fast not implemented for 1 sigma */

            for(j=0; j<k; j++) {
                double accu2=0;
                for(l=0; l<d; l++) {
                    double accu=0;

                    for(i=0; i<n; i++)
                        accu += P(j,i) * (sqr(V(l,i)-MU(l,j)) / SIGMA(l,j) - 1) / sqrt(SIGMA(l,j));

                    if(flags & GMM_FLAGS_SIGMA) {

                        double f=flags & GMM_FLAGS_NO_NORM ? 1.0 : 2*n*g->w[j]/SIGMA(l,j);


                if(flags & GMM_FLAGS_1SIGMA) {
                    double f=flags & GMM_FLAGS_NO_NORM ? 1.0 : 2*d*n*g->w[j]/SIGMA(0,j);


        } else { /* fast and complicated */
            assert(flags & GMM_FLAGS_SIGMA);
            float *dp_dsigma = dp_dlambda + ii;

            if(!vp) {
                vp = fvec_new(k * d);

            if(!sum_pj) {
                sum_pj = fvec_new(k);
                for(j=0; j<k; j++) {
                    double sum=0;
                    for(i=0; i<n; i++) sum += P(j,i);
                    sum_pj[j] = sum;
            float *v2 = fvec_new(n * d);
            for(i = n*d-1 ; i >= 0; i--) v2[i] = v[i] * v[i];
            float *v2p = fvec_new(k * d);

#define V2P(l,j) v2p[(j)*d+(l)]
#define DP_DSIGMA(i,j) dp_dsigma[(i)+(j)*d]
            for(j=0; j<k; j++) {

                for(l=0; l<d; l++) {
                    double accu;

                    accu = V2P(l, j);

                    accu += VP(l, j) * (- 2 * MU(l,j));

                    accu += sum_pj[j] * (sqr(MU(l,j))  - SIGMA(l,j));

                    /* normalization */

                    double f;

                    if(flags & GMM_FLAGS_NO_NORM) {
                        f = pow(SIGMA(l,j), -1.5);
                    } else {
                        f = 1 / (SIGMA(l,j) * sqrt(2*n*g->w[j]));

                    DP_DSIGMA(l,j) = accu * f;




#undef DP_DSIGMA
#undef V2P
            ii += d * k;


#undef P
#undef V
#undef MU
#undef SIGMA
Example #5
// draws cells
void drawCells(float xrot, float yrot, int64_t ***lattice, cell_info_t *cells) {
  int i, j, x, y, z, sigma;
  for(i = 1; i <= numCells; i++) {
    sigma = i;
    DEBUG(printf("\t\tprinting cell sig %i with volume %i, membrane: %i, type: %i.\n", i, cells[i].volume, cells[i].membraneArea, cells[i].type);)
    for(j = 0; j < cells[i].volume; j++) {
      x = cells[i].subcells[j].x;
      y = cells[i].subcells[j].y;
      z = cells[i].subcells[j].z;
      glLoadIdentity();                       // Reset the model-view matrix
      glTranslatef((x - (MODEL_SIZE_X/2)) * translationX, (y - (MODEL_SIZE_Y/2)) * translationY, (z - (MODEL_SIZE_Z/2)) * translationZ); 
        // set collor accoring to subcell type
          case MEDIUM:
          case VASCULAR:
            glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f);    
          case TUMOR_NORM:
            glColor4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f);    
          case TUMOR_NECROSIS:
            glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f);    
          case TUMOR_STEM:
            glColor4f(0.2f, 0.6f, 0.8f, 0.4f);    
            glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f);

        // Top face
        if(y >= MODEL_SIZE_Y - 1 || SIGMA(lattice[x][y + 1][z]) != sigma) {
          glVertex3f( viewScaleX, viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX, viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX, viewScaleY,  viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f( viewScaleX, viewScaleY,  viewScaleZ);

        // Bottom face 
        if(y == 0 || SIGMA(lattice[x][y - 1][z]) != sigma) { 
          glVertex3f( viewScaleX, -viewScaleY,  viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX, -viewScaleY,  viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX, -viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f( viewScaleX, -viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);

        // Front face 
        if(z >= MODEL_SIZE_Z - 1 || SIGMA(lattice[x][y][z + 1]) != sigma) {
          glVertex3f( viewScaleX,  viewScaleY, viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX,  viewScaleY, viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX, -viewScaleY, viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f( viewScaleX, -viewScaleY, viewScaleZ);

        // Back face 
        if(z == 0 || SIGMA(lattice[x][y][z - 1]) != sigma) {
          glVertex3f( viewScaleX, -viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX, -viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX,  viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f( viewScaleX,  viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);

        // Left face 
        if(x == 0 || SIGMA(lattice[x - 1][y][z]) != sigma) {
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX,  viewScaleY,  viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX,  viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX, -viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(-viewScaleX, -viewScaleY,  viewScaleZ);

        // Right face 
        if(x >= MODEL_SIZE_X - 1 || SIGMA(lattice[x + 1][y][z]) != sigma) {
          glVertex3f(viewScaleX,  viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(viewScaleX,  viewScaleY,  viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(viewScaleX, -viewScaleY,  viewScaleZ);
          glVertex3f(viewScaleX, -viewScaleY, -viewScaleZ);