Example #1
static void SHA512_Process(SHA512_CTX *ctx)
    int t;
    uint64_t temp1;
    uint64_t temp2;
    // Initialize the 8 working registers
    uint64_t a = ctx->h_dig.h[0];
    uint64_t b = ctx->h_dig.h[1];
    uint64_t c = ctx->h_dig.h[2];
    uint64_t d = ctx->h_dig.h[3];
    uint64_t e = ctx->h_dig.h[4];
    uint64_t f = ctx->h_dig.h[5];
    uint64_t g = ctx->h_dig.h[6];
    uint64_t h = ctx->h_dig.h[7];
    // Process message in 16-word blocks
    uint64_t *w = ctx->w_buf.w;
    // Convert from big-endian byte order to host byte order
    for (t = 0; t < 16; t++)
       w[t] = be64toh(w[t]);

    // Prepare the message schedule
    for (t = 16; t < 80; t++)
       w[t] = SIGMA4(w[t - 2]) + w[t - 7] + SIGMA3(w[t - 15]) + w[t - 16];
    // SHA-512 hash computation
    for (t = 0; t < 80; t++)
       // Calculate T1 and T2
       temp1 = h + SIGMA2(e) + CH(e, f, g) + k[t] + w[t];
       temp2 = SIGMA1(a) + MAJ(a, b, c);
       // Update the working registers
       h = g;
       g = f;
       f = e;
       e = d + temp1;
       d = c;
       c = b;
       b = a;
       a = temp1 + temp2;
    // Update the hash value
    ctx->h_dig.h[0] += a;
    ctx->h_dig.h[1] += b;
    ctx->h_dig.h[2] += c;
    ctx->h_dig.h[3] += d;
    ctx->h_dig.h[4] += e;
    ctx->h_dig.h[5] += f;
    ctx->h_dig.h[6] += g;
    ctx->h_dig.h[7] += h;
Example #2
void sha512ProcessBlock(Sha512Context *context)
   uint_t t;
   uint64_t temp1;
   uint64_t temp2;

   //Initialize the 8 working registers
   uint64_t a = context->h[0];
   uint64_t b = context->h[1];
   uint64_t c = context->h[2];
   uint64_t d = context->h[3];
   uint64_t e = context->h[4];
   uint64_t f = context->h[5];
   uint64_t g = context->h[6];
   uint64_t h = context->h[7];

   //Process message in 16-word blocks
   uint64_t *w = context->w;

   //Convert from big-endian byte order to host byte order
   for(t = 0; t < 16; t++)
      w[t] = betoh64(w[t]);

   //SHA-512 hash computation (alternate method)
   for(t = 0; t < 80; t++)
      //Prepare the message schedule
      if(t >= 16)
         W(t) += SIGMA4(W(t + 14)) + W(t + 9) + SIGMA3(W(t + 1));

      //Calculate T1 and T2
      temp1 = h + SIGMA2(e) + CH(e, f, g) + k[t] + W(t);
      temp2 = SIGMA1(a) + MAJ(a, b, c);

      //Update the working registers
      h = g;
      g = f;
      f = e;
      e = d + temp1;
      d = c;
      c = b;
      b = a;
      a = temp1 + temp2;

   //Update the hash value
   context->h[0] += a;
   context->h[1] += b;
   context->h[2] += c;
   context->h[3] += d;
   context->h[4] += e;
   context->h[5] += f;
   context->h[6] += g;
   context->h[7] += h;