Example #1
void SNetDistribZMQHostsInit(int argc, char **argv)
  int i;
  node_location = -1;
  data_port = SNET_ZMQ_DPORT;
  sync_port = SNET_ZMQ_SPORT;
  net_size = 1;
  on_cloud = 0;

  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    if (strcmp(argv[i], "-raddr") == 0) { //root node address (tcp://host:port/)
      strncpy(root_addr, argv[i+1], SNET_ZMQ_HOSTLN);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-hostn") == 0) { //force local hostname
      strncpy(host_name, argv[i+1], SNET_ZMQ_HOSTLN);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sport") == 0) { //synchronization port
      sync_port = atoi(argv[i+1]);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dport") == 0) { //data port
      data_port = atoi(argv[i+1]);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-node") == 0) { //try to set snet node id
      node_location = atoi(argv[i+1]);
      if (node_location == 0) {
        SNetUtilDebugFatal("ZMQDistrib: -node argument cannot be 0");
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-root") == 0) { //be root node of network of size as param
      net_size = atoi(argv[i+1]);
      node_location = 0;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cloud-static") == 0) { //use static cloud instantiation
      on_cloud = 1;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cloud-dynamic") == 0) { //use dynamic cloud instantiation
      on_cloud = 2;


  if ((strcmp(root_addr, "") == 0) && (node_location != 0)) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("ZMQDistrib: <[-root <net_size>] | [-raddr <root_addr]>");

  SNetDistribZMQHTabInit(data_port, sync_port, node_location, root_addr,
      host_name, on_cloud);
  node_location = HTabNodeLocation();

  if (on_cloud == 1 && node_location == 0) {
    sprintf(root_addr, "tcp://%s:%d/", HTabGetHostName(), sync_port);
    SNetCloudInit(argv[0], root_addr);
    SNetCloudInstantiateNetRaw(net_size - 1);


Example #2
static FILE *SNetInOpenInputSocket(int port)
  struct sockaddr_in addr;
  struct sockaddr_in in_addr;
  int fdesc;
  FILE *file;
  int yes = 1;
  unsigned int sin_size;
  int in_fdesc;

  if ((fdesc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not create socket for input!\n");

  if(setsockopt(fdesc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)) == -1) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not obtain socket for input!\n");

  addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  addr.sin_port = htons(port);
  addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
  memset(addr.sin_zero, '\0', sizeof addr.sin_zero);

  if(bind(fdesc, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof addr) == -1) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not bind to input port (%d)!\n", addr.sin_port);

  /* Notice: This blocks the initialization of the SNet until the
   * first connection! (Listen in different thread?)
  listen(fdesc, 1);

  sin_size = sizeof(in_addr);

  in_fdesc = accept(fdesc, (struct sockaddr *)&in_addr, &sin_size);

  /* Currently only one connection accepted!
   * Note: it could be a nice feature to accept more?


  file = fdopen(in_fdesc, "r");

  if(file == NULL) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Socket error!\n");

  return file;
Example #3
/* A record arriving via the loopback now leaves the feedback network.
 * Remove the detref structure and check for termination conditions. */
void SNetFeedbackLeave(snet_record_t *rec, landing_t *landing, fifo_t *detfifo)
  snet_stack_t          *stack;
  detref_t              *detref, *first;


  // record must have a stack of detrefs
  if ((stack = DATA_REC(rec, detref)) == NULL) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: missing stack.", __func__);

  // stack must have at least one detref
  if ((detref = SNetStackPop(stack)) == NULL) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: empty stack.", __func__);
  if (SNetStackIsEmpty(stack)) {
    DATA_REC(rec, detref) = NULL;

  // detref must refer to this DetLeave node
  if (detref->leave != landing) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: leave %p != landing %p.", __func__,
                       detref->leave, landing);

  // reference counter must be at least two
  if (detref->refcount < 2) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: refcnt %d < 1.", __func__, detref->refcount);

  // decrease reference count
  if (DETREF_DECR(detref) == 1) {
  assert(detref->refcount >= 0);

  // pop detrefs in sequence which have no more records in the loopback left.
  while ((first = SNetFifoPeekFirst(detfifo)) != NULL) {
    // stop processing if more records to come for this sequence counter
    if (first->refcount > 0) {

Example #4
/* Language interface initialization function. */
void C4SNetInit( int id, snet_distrib_t distImpl)
	/* set call back function on data */

  interface_id = id;
  snet_pack_fun_t packfun = NULL;
  snet_unpack_fun_t unpackfun = NULL;

  switch (distImpl) {
    case nodist:
    case mpi:
      #ifdef ENABLE_DIST_MPI
        packfun = (void (*)(void*, void*)) &MPIPackFun;
        unpackfun = (void *(*)(void*)) &MPIUnpackFun;
        SNetUtilDebugFatal("C4SNet supports MPI, but is not configured to use "
    case scc:
      #ifdef ENABLE_DIST_SCC
        MemAlloc = &SCCMalloc;
        MemFree = &SCCFreeWrapper;
        packfun = (void (*)(void*, void*)) &SCCPackFun;
        unpackfun = &SCCUnpackFun;
        SNetUtilDebugFatal("C4SNet supports SCC, but is not configured to use "
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("C4SNet doesn't support the selected distribution "
                         "layer (%d).\n", distImpl);

  SNetInterfaceRegister( id,
                         (void (*)(void*))          &C4SNetFree,
                         (void *(*)(void*))         &C4SNetShallowCopy,
                         (size_t (*)(void*))        &AllocatedSpace,
                         (void (*)(FILE*, void*))   &C4SNetSerialise,
                         (void *(*)(FILE*))         &C4SNetDeserialise,
                         (void (*)(FILE*, void*))   &C4SNetEncode,
                         (void *(*)(FILE*))         &C4SNetDecode,
Example #5
/* Serializes data to a file using textual representation. */
static void C4SNetSerialise(FILE *file, c4snet_data_t *data)
  switch (data->type) {
    case CTYPE_uchar: fprintf(file, "(unsigned char"); break;
    case CTYPE_char: fprintf(file, "(char"); break;
    case CTYPE_ushort: fprintf(file, "(unsigned short"); break;
    case CTYPE_short: fprintf(file, "(short"); break;
    case CTYPE_uint: fprintf(file, "(unsigned int"); break;
    case CTYPE_int: fprintf(file, "(int"); break;
    case CTYPE_ulong: fprintf(file, "(unsigned long"); break;
    case CTYPE_long: fprintf(file, "(long"); break;
    case CTYPE_float: fprintf(file, "(float"); break;
    case CTYPE_double: fprintf(file, "(double"); break;
    case CTYPE_ldouble: fprintf(file, "(long double"); break;
    case CTYPE_pointer: fprintf(file, "(pointer"); break;
    default: SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: Unknown type %d in C4SNet.", __func__, data->type);

  if (data->vtype == VTYPE_array) fprintf(file, "[%lu]", data->size);
  fprintf(file, ")");

  if (data->vtype == VTYPE_array) {
    for (int i = 0; i < data->size; i++) {
      SerialiseData(file, data->type,
                    (char*) data->data.ptr + i * C4SNetSizeof(data));

      if (i < data->size - 1) fprintf(file, ",");
  } else {
    SerialiseData(file, data->type, &data->data);
Example #6
static void SerialiseData(FILE *file, c4snet_type_t type, void *data)
  switch (type) {
    case CTYPE_uchar:
    case CTYPE_char:
        char c = *(char*) data;
        /* '&' and '<' must be encoded to '&amp;' and 'lt';
        * as they are not legal characters in  XML character data!
        if (c == '<') fprintf(file, "&lt;");
        else if (c == '&') fprintf(file, "&amp;");
        else fprintf(file, "%c", c);

    case CTYPE_ushort: fprintf(file, "%hu", *(unsigned short *) data); break;
    case CTYPE_short: fprintf(file, "%hd", *(short *) data); break;
    case CTYPE_uint: fprintf(file, "%u", *(unsigned int *) data); break;
    case CTYPE_int: fprintf(file, "%d", *(int *) data); break;
    case CTYPE_ulong: fprintf(file, "%lu", *(unsigned long *) data); break;
    case CTYPE_long: fprintf(file, "%ld", *(long *) data); break;
    case CTYPE_float: fprintf(file, "%.32f", *(float *) data); break;
    case CTYPE_double: fprintf(file, "%.32le", *(double *) data); break;
    case CTYPE_ldouble: fprintf(file, "%.32Le", *(long double *) data); break;
    case CTYPE_pointer: fprintf(file, "%p", *(void **) data); break;
    default: SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: Unknown type %d in C4SNet.", __func__, type);
Example #7
void SAC4SNetInit( int id, snet_distrib_t distImpl)
  my_interface_id = id;
  snet_pack_fun_t packfun = NULL;
  snet_unpack_fun_t unpackfun = NULL;

  switch (distImpl) {
    case nodist:
    case mpi:
      #ifdef ENABLE_DIST_MPI
        packfun = &SAC4SNetMPIPackFun;
        unpackfun = &SAC4SNetMPIUnpackFun;
        SNetUtilDebugFatal("SAC4SNet supports MPI, but is not configured to use "
    case scc:
      #ifdef ENABLE_DIST_SCC
        packfun = &SAC4SNetSCCPackFun;
        unpackfun = &SAC4SNetSCCUnpackFun;
        SNetUtilDebugFatal("SAC4SNet supports SCC, but is not configured to use "
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("SAC4SNet doesn't support the selected distribution "
                         "layer (%d).\n", distImpl);

  SNetInterfaceRegister( id,
Example #8
/* Deserializes textual data from a file. */
static c4snet_data_t *C4SNetDeserialise(FILE *file)
  char buf[16];
  c4snet_data_t *temp = SNetMemAlloc(sizeof(c4snet_data_t));

  temp->size = 0;
  temp->ref_count = 1;

  if (fscanf(file, "(%15[^[)][%lu])", buf, &temp->size) == 2) {
    temp->vtype = VTYPE_array;
  } else {
    temp->vtype = VTYPE_simple;
    (void) fscanf(file, ")");

  int size = strlen(buf);
  if (strncmp(buf, "unsigned char", size) == 0)       temp->type = CTYPE_uchar;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "char", size) == 0)            temp->type = CTYPE_char;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "unsigned short", size) == 0)  temp->type = CTYPE_ushort;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "short", size) == 0)           temp->type = CTYPE_short;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "unsigned int", size) == 0)    temp->type = CTYPE_uint;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "int", size) == 0)             temp->type = CTYPE_int;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "unsigned long", size) == 0)   temp->type = CTYPE_ulong;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "long", size) == 0)            temp->type = CTYPE_long;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "float", size) == 0)           temp->type = CTYPE_float;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "double", size) == 0)          temp->type = CTYPE_double;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "long double", size) == 0)     temp->type = CTYPE_ldouble;
  else if(strncmp(buf, "pointer", size) == 0)         temp->type = CTYPE_pointer;
  else SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: C4SNet interface encountered an unknown type.", __func__);

  if (temp->vtype == VTYPE_simple) {
    DeserialiseData(file, temp->type, &temp->data);
  } else {
    temp->data.ptr = MemAlloc(AllocatedSpace(temp));
    for (int i = 0; i < temp->size; i++) {
      if (i > 0 && fgetc(file) != ',') {
        SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: Parse error deserialising data.", __func__);
      DeserialiseData(file, temp->type,
                      (char*) temp->data.ptr + i * C4SNetSizeof(temp));

  return temp;
Example #9
snet_record_t *SNetRecCreate( snet_record_descr_t descr, ...)
  snet_record_t *rec;
  va_list args;

  rec = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( snet_record_t));
  REC_DESCR( rec) = descr;

  va_start( args, descr);
  switch (descr) {
    case REC_data:
      RECPTR( rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( snet_record_types_t));
      RECORD( rec, data_rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( data_rec_t));
      DATA_REC( rec, btags) = SNetIntMapCreate(0);
      DATA_REC( rec, tags) = SNetIntMapCreate(0);
      DATA_REC( rec, fields) = SNetRefMapCreate(0);
      DATA_REC( rec, mode) = MODE_binary;
      GenerateRecId( &DATA_REC( rec, rid) );
      DATA_REC( rec, parent_rids) = NULL;
      DATA_REC( rec, interface_id) = 0;
    case REC_trigger_initialiser:
      RECPTR( rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( snet_record_types_t));
    case REC_sync:
        RECPTR( rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( snet_record_types_t));
        RECORD( rec, sync_rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( sync_rec_t));
        SYNC_REC( rec, input) = va_arg( args, snet_stream_t *);
        SYNC_REC( rec, outtype) = NULL;
    case REC_collect:
      RECPTR( rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( snet_record_types_t));
      RECORD( rec, coll_rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( coll_rec_t));
      COLL_REC( rec, output) = va_arg( args, snet_stream_t*);
    case REC_terminate:
      RECPTR( rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( snet_record_types_t));
      RECORD( rec, terminate_rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( terminate_rec_t));
      TERM_REC( rec, local) = false;
    case REC_sort_end:
      RECPTR( rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( snet_record_types_t));
      RECORD( rec, sort_end_rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( sort_end_rec_t));
      SORT_E_REC( rec, level) = va_arg( args, int);
      SORT_E_REC( rec, num) = va_arg( args, int);
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown control record description. [%d]", descr);
  va_end( args);

  return rec;
Example #10
static FILE *SNetInOpenFile(const char *file, const char *args)
  FILE *fileptr = fopen(file, args);

  if(fileptr == NULL) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not open file \"%s\" with mode \"%s\"!\n", file, args);

  return fileptr;
Example #11
snet_msg_t SNetDistribRecvMsg(void)
  int count;
  snet_msg_t result;
  MPI_Status status;
  static mpi_buf_t recvBuf = {0, 0, NULL};

  MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_PACKED, &count);

  MPI_Pack_size(count, MPI_PACKED, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recvBuf.offset);
  if (recvBuf.offset > recvBuf.size) {
    recvBuf.data = SNetMemResize(recvBuf.data, recvBuf.offset);
    recvBuf.size = recvBuf.offset;

  MPI_Recv(recvBuf.data, count, MPI_PACKED, status.MPI_SOURCE, status.MPI_TAG,
            MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

  recvBuf.offset = 0;
  result.type = status.MPI_TAG;

  switch (status.MPI_TAG) {
    case snet_rec:
        result.rec = SNetRecDeserialise(&recvBuf);
    case snet_block:
    case snet_unblock:
      result.dest = SNetDestDeserialise(&recvBuf);
      result.dest.node = status.MPI_SOURCE;
    case snet_ref_set:
      result.ref = SNetRefDeserialise(&recvBuf);
      result.data = (uintptr_t) SNetInterfaceGet(SNetRefInterface(result.ref))->unpackfun(&recvBuf);
    case snet_ref_fetch:
      result.ref = SNetRefDeserialise(&recvBuf);
      result.data = status.MPI_SOURCE;
    case snet_ref_update:
      result.ref = SNetRefDeserialise(&recvBuf);
      SNetDistribUnpack(&recvBuf, &result.val, sizeof(result.val));
    case snet_update:
    case snet_stop:
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: Unexpected MPI TAG %d\n", __func__, result.type);

  return result;
Example #12
static FILE *SNetInOpenOutputSocket(const char *address, int port)
  struct hostent *host;
  struct sockaddr_in addr;
  int fdesc;
  FILE *file;

  if(inet_aton(address, &addr.sin_addr)) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not parse output address (%s)!\n", address);

  host = gethostbyname(address);

  if(!host) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown host for output (%s)!\n", address);

  addr.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr*)host->h_addr;
  fdesc = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

  if(fdesc == -1){
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not create socket for output!\n");
  addr.sin_port = htons(port);
  addr.sin_family = AF_INET;

  if(connect(fdesc, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not connect to host (%s:%d)!\n", address, port);

  file = fdopen(fdesc, "w");
  if(file == NULL) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Socket error!\n");

  return file;
Example #13
/* Get a copy of an unterminated char array as a proper C string. */
char* C4SNetGetString(c4snet_data_t *data)
  if (data->type != CTYPE_char && data->type != CTYPE_uchar) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: Not a char array type %d.", __func__, data->type);
    return NULL; /* NOT REACHED */
  } else {
    size_t size = C4SNetArraySize(data);
    char* str = SNetMemAlloc(size + 1);
    memcpy(str, C4SNetGetData(data), size);
    str[size] = '\0';
    return str;
Example #14
static size_t sizeOfType(SACbasetype_t type)
  switch (type) {
    case T_int: return sizeof(int);
    case T_double: return sizeof(double);
    case T_float: return sizeof(float);
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown SAC type!\n");

  return -1;
Example #15
static void DeserialiseData(FILE *file, c4snet_type_t type, void *data)
  char buf[6];

  char *fmt = NULL;
  switch (type) {
    case CTYPE_char:
    case CTYPE_uchar:
        /* '&' and '<' must be encoded to '&amp;' and 'lt';
        * as they are not legal characters in  XML character data!
        int count = fscanf(file, "%c%4[^<,]", buf, buf+1);

        if (!strcmp(buf, "&amp;")) *(char *) data = '&';
        else if (!strcmp(buf, "&lt;")) *(char *) data = '<';
        else if (count == 1) *(char *) data = buf[0];
        else SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: FIXME invalid char '%s'.", __func__, buf);

        if (type == CTYPE_uchar) *(unsigned char*) data = (unsigned char) *(char*) data;

    case CTYPE_ushort: fmt = "%hu"; break;
    case CTYPE_short: fmt = "%hd"; break;
    case CTYPE_uint: fmt = "%u"; break;
    case CTYPE_int: fmt = "%d"; break;
    case CTYPE_ulong: fmt = "%lu"; break;
    case CTYPE_long: fmt = "%ld"; break;
    case CTYPE_float: fmt = "%f"; break;
    case CTYPE_double: fmt = "%lf"; break;
    case CTYPE_ldouble: fmt = "%Lf"; break;
    case CTYPE_pointer: fmt = "%p"; break;
    default: SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: FIXME invalid type %d.", __func__, type);

  (void) fscanf(file, fmt, data);
Example #16
static MPI_Datatype TypeToMPIType(c4snet_type_t type)
  switch (type) {
    case CTYPE_uchar: return MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR;
    case CTYPE_char: return MPI_CHAR;
    case CTYPE_ushort: return MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
    case CTYPE_short: return MPI_SHORT;
    case CTYPE_uint: return MPI_UNSIGNED;
    case CTYPE_int: return MPI_INT;
    case CTYPE_ulong: return MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG;
    case CTYPE_long: return MPI_LONG;
    case CTYPE_float: return MPI_FLOAT;
    case CTYPE_double: return MPI_DOUBLE;
    case CTYPE_ldouble: return MPI_LONG_DOUBLE;
    default: SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown MPI datatype!\n");

  return MPI_CHAR;
Example #17
static MPI_Datatype TypeToMPIType(c4snet_type_t type)
  switch (type) {
    case CTYPE_uchar:   return MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR;
    case CTYPE_char:    return MPI_CHAR;
    case CTYPE_ushort:  return MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
    case CTYPE_short:   return MPI_SHORT;
    case CTYPE_uint:    return MPI_UNSIGNED;
    case CTYPE_int:     return MPI_INT;
    case CTYPE_ulong:   return MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG;
    case CTYPE_long:    return MPI_LONG;
    case CTYPE_float:   return MPI_FLOAT;
    case CTYPE_double:  return MPI_DOUBLE;
    case CTYPE_ldouble: return MPI_LONG_DOUBLE;
    case CTYPE_pointer: return MPI_VOID_POINTER;
    default: SNetUtilDebugFatal("[%s]: Unknown C4SNet datatype %d.\n", __func__, type);

  return MPI_CHAR;
Example #18
static int sizeOfType(c4snet_type_t type)
  switch (type) {
    case CTYPE_uchar: return sizeof(unsigned char);
    case CTYPE_char: return sizeof(signed char);
    case CTYPE_ushort: return sizeof(unsigned short);
    case CTYPE_short: return sizeof(signed short);
    case CTYPE_uint: return sizeof(unsigned int);
    case CTYPE_int: return sizeof(signed int);
    case CTYPE_ulong: return sizeof(unsigned long);
    case CTYPE_long: return sizeof(signed long);
    case CTYPE_float: return sizeof(float);
    case CTYPE_double: return sizeof(double);
    case CTYPE_ldouble: return sizeof(long double);
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown type in C4SNet language interface!");

  return 0;
Example #19
void SNetDistribZMQSend(zframe_t *payload, int type, int destination)
  int rc;
  zframe_t *source_f = NULL;
  zframe_t *type_f = NULL;
  zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new();

  zmsg_push(msg, payload);

  SNetDistribPack(&type_f, &type, sizeof(int));
  zmsg_push(msg, type_f);

  SNetDistribPack(&source_f, &node_location, sizeof(int));
  zmsg_push(msg, source_f);

  rc = HTabSend(msg, destination);
  if (rc != 0) {
    SNetUtilDebugFatal("ZMQDistrib: Cannot send message to  %d (%s): zmsg_send (%d)",
        destination, SNetDistribZMQHTabLookUp(destination)->host, rc);
Example #20
void SNetRecDestroy( snet_record_t *rec)
  int name;
  snet_ref_t *field;

  switch (REC_DESCR( rec)) {
    case REC_data:
      RECORD_FOR_EACH_FIELD(rec, name, field) {
      SNetRefMapDestroy( DATA_REC( rec, fields));
      SNetIntMapDestroy( DATA_REC( rec, tags));
      SNetIntMapDestroy( DATA_REC( rec, btags));
      if (DATA_REC( rec, parent_rids) != NULL) SNetRecIdListDestroy( DATA_REC( rec, parent_rids));
      SNetMemFree( RECORD( rec, data_rec));
    case REC_sync:
        snet_variant_t *var = SYNC_REC( rec, outtype);
        if (var != NULL) {
        SNetMemFree( RECORD( rec, sync_rec));
    case REC_collect:
      SNetMemFree( RECORD( rec, coll_rec));
    case REC_sort_end:
      SNetMemFree( RECORD( rec, sort_end_rec));
    case REC_terminate:
      SNetMemFree( RECORD( rec, terminate_rec));
    case REC_trigger_initialiser:
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown record description, in SNetRecDestroy");
Example #21
snet_record_t *SNetRecCopy( snet_record_t *rec)
  snet_record_t *new_rec;

  switch (REC_DESCR( rec)) {
    case REC_data:
      new_rec = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( snet_record_t));
      REC_DESCR( new_rec) = REC_data;
      RECPTR( new_rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( snet_record_types_t));
      RECORD( new_rec, data_rec) = SNetMemAlloc( sizeof( data_rec_t));

      DATA_REC( new_rec, fields) = SNetRefMapCopy(DATA_REC(rec, fields));
      DATA_REC( new_rec, tags) = SNetIntMapCopy( DATA_REC( rec, tags));
      DATA_REC( new_rec, btags) = SNetIntMapCopy( DATA_REC( rec, btags));
      SNetRecSetInterfaceId( new_rec, SNetRecGetInterfaceId( rec));
      SNetRecSetDataMode( new_rec, SNetRecGetDataMode( rec));
      DATA_REC( new_rec, parent_rids) = NULL;
      (DATA_REC( rec, parent_rids)==NULL) ?
        NULL : SNetRecIdListCopy(DATA_REC( rec, parent_rids));
    case REC_sort_end:
      new_rec = SNetRecCreate( REC_DESCR( rec),  SORT_E_REC( rec, level),
                               SORT_E_REC( rec, num));
    case REC_terminate:
      new_rec = SNetRecCreate( REC_terminate);
      TERM_REC(new_rec, local) = TERM_REC(rec, local);
      new_rec = NULL;
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("Can't copy record of type %d", REC_DESCR( rec));

  return new_rec;
Example #22
int SNetThreadingInit(int argc, char **argv)
	/* init map from file */
	SNetLocvecMapInit(argc, argv);

	char *mon_elts = NULL;

	lpel_config_t config;
	int i;
	memset(&config, 0, sizeof(lpel_config_t));
	config.type = DECEN_LPEL;

	config.flags = LPEL_FLAG_PINNED; // pinned by default

	/* task migration configure */
	lpel_tm_config_t tm_conf;
	memset(&tm_conf, 0, sizeof(lpel_tm_config_t));
	int tm_mech = 0;
	double tm_threshold = 0.0;

	for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
		if(strcmp(argv[i], "-m") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
			/* Monitoring level */
			i = i + 1;
			mon_elts = argv[i];
		} else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-excl") == 0 ) {
			/* Assign realtime priority to workers*/
			config.flags |= LPEL_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE;
		} else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-dloc") == 0 ) {
			/* Use distributed s-net location placement */
			dloc_placement = true;
		} else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-co") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
			/* Number of cores for others */
			i = i + 1;
			proc_others = atoi(argv[i]);
		} else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-cw") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
			/* Number of cores for others */
			i = i + 1;
			proc_workers = atoi(argv[i]);
		} else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-w") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
			/* Number of workers */
			i = i + 1;
			num_workers = atoi(argv[i]);
		} else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-sosi") == 0) {
			sosi_placement = true;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-np") == 0) { // no pinned
			config.flags ^= LPEL_FLAG_PINNED;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-tm") == 0) {
			i = i + 1;
			tm_mech = atoi(argv[i]);
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-threshold") == 0) {
			i = i +1;
			tm_threshold = atof(argv[i]);

	/* set up task migration configuration */
	switch (tm_mech) {
	case 1:
		tm_conf.mechanism = LPEL_MIG_RAND;
		if (tm_threshold <= 0)
			tm_threshold = 0.5;
		tm_conf.threshold = tm_threshold;
	case 2:
		tm_conf.mechanism = LPEL_MIG_WAIT_PROP;
		tm_conf.mechanism = LPEL_MIG_NONE;

	char fname[20+1];
	if (mon_elts != NULL) {

		if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_ALL_FLAG) != NULL) {
			mon_flags = (1<<7) - 1;
		} else {
			if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_MAP_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_MAP;
			if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_TIME_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_TIME;
			if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_WORKER_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_WORKER;
			if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_TASK_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_TASK;
			if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_STREAM_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_STREAM;
			if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_MESSAGE_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_MESSAGE;
			if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_LOAD_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_LOAD;

		/* set monitoring framework for task migration */
		if (tm_conf.mechanism == LPEL_MIG_WAIT_PROP)
			mon_flags |= SNET_MON_WAIT_PROP;

		if ( mon_flags & SNET_MON_MAP) {
			snprintf(fname, 20, "n%02d_tasks.map", SNetDistribGetNodeId() );
			/* create a map file */
			mapfile = fopen(fname, "w");
			assert( mapfile != NULL);
			(void) fprintf(mapfile, "%s%c", LOG_FORMAT_VERSION, END_LOG_ENTRY);


  /* determine number of cpus */
	if ( 0 != LpelGetNumCores( &num_cpus) ) {
		SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not determine number of cores!\n");

	if (num_workers == -1)
		config.num_workers = num_cpus;
		config.num_workers = num_workers;

	if (proc_workers == -1)
		config.proc_workers = num_cpus;
		config.proc_workers = proc_workers;

	config.proc_others = proc_others;
	/* initialise monitoring module */
	config.mon.num_workers = config.num_workers;
	SNetThreadingMonInit(&config.mon, SNetDistribGetNodeId(), mon_flags);

	/* assin non-sosi task to non-sosi workers */


	/* init task migration */
	tm_conf.num_workers = config.num_workers;

	/* start Lpel */
	if (LpelStart(&config)) SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not initialize LPEL!");

	return 0;
Example #23
int SNetThreadingInit(int argc, char **argv)
  lpel_config_t config;
  char fname[20+1];
  int num_others = 0;
  char *mon_elts = NULL;


  config.flags = LPEL_FLAG_PINNED;
  config.threshold = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-m") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Monitoring level */
      i = i + 1;
      mon_elts = argv[i];
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-excl") == 0 ) {
      /* Assign realtime priority to workers*/
      config.flags |= LPEL_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE;
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-dloc") == 0 ) {
      /* Use distributed s-net location placement */
      dloc_placement = true;
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-wo") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Number of cores for others */
      i = i + 1;
      num_others = atoi(argv[i]);
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-w") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Number of workers */
      i = i + 1;
      num_workers = atoi(argv[i]);
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-threshold") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Threshold for placement scheduler */
      i = i + 1;
      config.threshold = atof(argv[i]);
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-sockets") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
      i = i + 1;
      config.sockets = atoi(argv[i]);
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-cores") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
      i = i + 1;
      config.cores = atoi(argv[i]);
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-threads") == 0 && i + 1 <= argc) {
      i = i + 1;
      config.threads = atoi(argv[i]);
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-gather") == 0) {
      config.gather = 1;

  if (mon_elts != NULL) {
    if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_ALL_FLAG) != NULL) {
      mon_flags = (1<<7) - 1;
    } else {
      if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_MAP_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_MAP;
      if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_TIME_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_TIME;
      if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_WORKER_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_WORKER;
      if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_TASK_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_TASK;
      if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_STREAM_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_STREAM;
      if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_MESSAGE_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_MESSAGE;
      if (strchr(mon_elts, MON_LOAD_FLAG) != NULL) mon_flags |= SNET_MON_LOAD;

    if ( mon_flags & SNET_MON_MAP) {
      snprintf(fname, 20, "n%02d_tasks.map", SNetDistribGetNodeId() );
      /* create a map file */
      mapfile = fopen(fname, "w");
      assert( mapfile != NULL);
      (void) fprintf(mapfile, "%s%c", LOG_FORMAT_VERSION, END_LOG_ENTRY);

  config.proc_others = num_others;
  if (num_workers) {
    config.proc_workers = num_workers;
    config.num_workers = config.proc_others + config.proc_workers;
  } else {
    config.proc_workers = config.num_workers - config.proc_others;
    num_workers = config.proc_workers;

  /* initialise monitoring module */
  SNetThreadingMonInit(&config.mon, SNetDistribGetNodeId(), mon_flags);


  if (LpelStart(&config)) SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not initialize LPEL!");

  return 0;
Example #24
 * Process commandline options.
static int SNetInParseOptions(int argc, char **argv, FILE **input_ptr, FILE **output_ptr)
  FILE *input = stdin;
  FILE *output = stdout;
  int i = 0;
  char *brk;
  char addr[256];
  int len;
  int port;

  /* Parse argv: */
  for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
      /* Help */

      if(input != stdin && input != NULL) {

      if(output != stdout && output != NULL) {

      return false;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-V") == 0) {
      if (input != stdin && input != NULL) {
      if (output != stdout && output != NULL) {
      return false;
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0 && input == stdin && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Input from file */
      i = i + 1;
      input =  SNetInOpenFile(argv[i], "r");
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-I") == 0 && input == stdin && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Input from socket */
      i = i + 1;
      input = SNetInOpenInputSocket(atoi(argv[i]));
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0 && output == stdout && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Output to file */
      i = i + 1;
      output = SNetInOpenFile(argv[i], "w");
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-O") == 0 && output == stdout && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Output to socket */
      i = i + 1;
      brk = strchr(argv[i], ':');

      if(brk == NULL) {
	output = NULL;

	SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not parse URL!\n");

      len = brk - argv[i];
      strncpy((char *)addr, (const char *)argv[i], len);
      addr[len] = '\0';
      port = atoi(brk + 1);

      output = SNetInOpenOutputSocket(addr, port);

  *input_ptr = input;
  *output_ptr = output;

  if(input == NULL) {

    if(output != stdout && output != NULL) {

    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not open input");

  if(output == NULL) {

    if(input != stdin && input != NULL) {

    SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not open output");

  return true;
Example #25
File: star.c Project: jsyk/snet-rts
 * Star component task
static void StarBoxTask(void *arg)
  star_arg_t *sarg = arg;
  snet_record_t *rec;

  /* read from input stream */
  rec = SNetStreamRead( sarg->instream);

  switch( SNetRecGetDescriptor( rec)) {

    case REC_data:
      if( MatchesExitPattern( rec, sarg->exit_patterns, sarg->guards)) {
        SNetUtilDebugNoticeEnt( ent,
            "[STAR] Notice: Data leaves replication network.");
        /* send rec to collector */
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream, rec);
      } else {
        /* if instance has not been created yet, create it */
        if( sarg->nextstream == NULL) {
          CreateOperandNetwork(&sarg->nextstream, sarg, sarg->outstream);
        /* send the record to the instance */
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->nextstream, rec);
      } /* end if not matches exit pattern */

      /* deterministic non-incarnate has to append control records */
      if (sarg->is_det && !sarg->is_incarnate) {
        /* send new sort record to collector level=0, counter=0*/
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream,
            SNetRecCreate( REC_sort_end, 0, sarg->counter) );

        /* if has next instance, send new sort record */
        if (sarg->nextstream != NULL) {
          SNetStreamWrite( sarg->nextstream,
              SNetRecCreate( REC_sort_end, 0, sarg->counter) );
        /* increment counter */

#ifdef ENABLE_GC
      else if (sarg->sync_cleanup) {
        snet_record_t *term_rec;
         * If sync_cleanup is set, we decided to postpone termination
         * due to garbage collection triggered by a sync record until now.
         * Postponing was done in order not to create the operand network unnecessarily
         * only to be able to forward the sync record.
        assert( sarg->nextstream != NULL);
        /* first send a sync record to the next instance */
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->nextstream,
            SNetRecCreate( REC_sync, SNetStreamGet(sarg->instream)) );

        /* send a terminate record to collector, it will close and
           destroy the stream */
        term_rec = SNetRecCreate(REC_terminate);
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream, term_rec);

        /* terminating due to GC */
        SNetUtilDebugNoticeEnt( ent,
            "[STAR] Notice: Destroying star dispatcher due to GC, "
            "delayed until new data record!"
        SNetStreamClose(sarg->nextstream, false);
        SNetStreamClose(sarg->instream, false);
#endif /* ENABLE_GC */

    case REC_sync:
        snet_stream_t *newstream = SNetRecGetStream( rec);
#ifdef ENABLE_GC
        snet_locvec_t *loc = SNetStreamGetSource( newstream);
        if (loc != NULL) {
          int size = SNetLocvecPrintSize(loc) + 1;
          char srecloc[size];
          srecloc[size - 1] = '\0';
          SNetLocvecPrint(srecloc, loc);
                "[STAR] Notice: Received sync record with a stream with source %s.",
        /* TODO
         * It is not necessary to carry the whole location vector in the
         * next stream of a star-entity, only a flag. As a prerequisite,
         * non_incarnates must not clean themselves up!
         * Only incarnates are eligible for cleanup!
         * check if the source (location) of the stream and the own location are
         * (subsequent) star dispatcher entities of the same star combinator network
         * -> if so, we can clean-up ourselves
        if ( sarg->is_incarnate && loc != NULL ) {
          assert( true == SNetLocvecEqualParent(loc, SNetLocvecGet(sarg->info)) );
          /* If the next instance is already created, we can forward the sync-record
           * immediately and terminate.
           * Otherwise we postpone termination to the point when a next data record
           * is received, as we create the operand network then.
          if (sarg->nextstream != NULL) {
            snet_record_t *term_rec;
            /* forward the sync record  */
            SNetStreamWrite( sarg->nextstream, rec);
            /* send a terminate record to collector, it will close and
               destroy the stream */
            term_rec = SNetRecCreate(REC_terminate);
            SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream, term_rec);

            /* terminating due to GC */
            SNetUtilDebugNoticeEnt( ent,
                "[STAR] Notice: Destroying star dispatcher due to GC, "
                "immediately on sync!"
            SNetStreamClose(sarg->nextstream, false);
            SNetStreamClose(sarg->instream, true);
          } else {
            sarg->sync_cleanup = true;
            SNetUtilDebugNoticeEnt( ent,
                "[STAR] Notice: Remembering delayed destruction.");
            /* handle sync record as usual */
            SNetStreamReplace( sarg->instream, newstream);
            SNetRecDestroy( rec);
        } else
#endif /* ENABLE_GC */
          /* handle sync record as usual */
          SNetStreamReplace( sarg->instream, newstream);
          SNetRecDestroy( rec);

    case REC_sort_end:
        int rec_lvl = SNetRecGetLevel(rec);
        /* send a copy to the box, if exists */
        if( sarg->nextstream != NULL) {
              SNetRecCreate( REC_sort_end,
                (!sarg->is_incarnate)? rec_lvl+1 : rec_lvl,
                SNetRecGetNum(rec) )

        /* send the original one to the collector */
        if (!sarg->is_incarnate) {
          /* if non-incarnate, we have to increase level */
          SNetRecSetLevel( rec, rec_lvl+1);
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream, rec);

    case REC_terminate:
      if( sarg->nextstream != NULL) {
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->nextstream, SNetRecCopy( rec));
        SNetStreamClose( sarg->nextstream, false);
      SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream, rec);
      /* note that no sort record has to be appended */
      SNetStreamClose(sarg->instream, true);


    case REC_collect:
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown record type!");
      /* if ignore, at least destroy ... */
      SNetRecDestroy( rec);
Example #26
 * Main starting entry point of the SNet program
int SNetInRun(int argc, char **argv,
              char *static_labels[], int number_of_labels,
              char *static_interfaces[], int number_of_interfaces,
              snet_startup_fun_t fun)
  FILE *input = stdin;
  FILE *output = stdout;
  snet_stream_t *input_stream = NULL;
  snet_stream_t *output_stream = NULL;
  int i = 0;
  snet_info_t *info = NULL;
  snet_locvec_t *locvec;
  snetin_label_t *labels = NULL;
  snetin_interface_t *interfaces = NULL;
  char *brk;
  char addr[256];
  int len;
  int port;
  /* Parse argv: */
  for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
      /* Help */

      if(input != stdin && input != NULL) {

      if(output != stdout && output != NULL) {

      return 0;

    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0 && input == stdin && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Input from file */
      i = i + 1;
      input =  SNetInOpenFile(argv[i], "r");
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-I") == 0 && input == stdin && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Input from socket */
      i = i + 1;
      input = SNetInOpenInputSocket(atoi(argv[i]));
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0 && output == stdout && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Output to file */
      i = i + 1;
      output = SNetInOpenFile(argv[i], "w");
    } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-O") == 0 && output == stdout && i + 1 <= argc) {
      /* Output to socket */
      i = i + 1;
      brk = strchr(argv[i], ':');

      if(brk == NULL) {
	output = NULL;

	SNetUtilDebugFatal("Could not parse URL!\n");

      len = brk - argv[i];
      strncpy((char *)addr, (const char *)argv[i], len);
      addr[len] = '\0';
      port = atoi(brk + 1);

      output = SNetInOpenOutputSocket(addr, port);

  if(input == NULL) {

    if(output != stdout && output != NULL) {


  if(output == NULL) {

    if(input != stdin && input != NULL) {


  /* Actual SNet network interface main: */

  /* check for number of interfaces */
  if (0 == number_of_interfaces) {
    SNetUtilDebugNotice("No language interfaces were specified by the source program!");
  labels     = SNetInLabelInit(static_labels, number_of_labels);
  interfaces = SNetInInterfaceInit(static_interfaces, number_of_interfaces);

  info = SNetInfoInit();

  SNetDistribInit(argc, argv, info);

  (void) SNetThreadingInit(argc, argv);

  //SNetObserverInit(labels, interfaces); 

  locvec = SNetLocvecCreate();
  SNetLocvecSet(info, locvec);


  if (SNetDistribIsRootNode()) {
    input_stream = SNetStreamCreate(0);
    output_stream = fun(input_stream, info, 0);
    output_stream = SNetRouteUpdate(info, output_stream, 0);
    /* create output thread */
    SNetInOutputInit(output, labels, interfaces, output_stream);

    /* create input thread */
    SNetInInputInit(input, labels, interfaces, input_stream); 
    SNetRuntimeStartWait(input_stream, info, output_stream);  
    /* tell the threading layer that it is ok to shutdown,
     and wait until it has stopped such that it can be cleaned up */
    (void) SNetThreadingStop();

  (void) SNetThreadingCleanup();


  /* destroy observers */


  if(input != stdin) {

  if(output != stdout) {

  return 0;
Example #27
/* This function prints records to stdout */
static void printRec(snet_record_t *rec, handle_t *hnd)
  snet_ref_t *field;
  int name, val;
  char *label = NULL;
  char *interface = NULL;
  snet_record_mode_t mode;

  /* Change this to redirect the output! */

  if (rec != NULL) {

    fprintf(hnd->file, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");

    switch( SNetRecGetDescriptor( rec)) {
    case REC_data:
      mode = SNetRecGetDataMode(rec);
      if (mode == MODE_textual) {
	fprintf(hnd->file, "<record xmlns=\"snet-home.org\" type=\"data\" mode=\"textual\" >\n");
      } else {
	fprintf(hnd->file, "<record xmlns=\"snet-home.org\" type=\"data\" mode=\"binary\" >\n");

      /* Fields */
      RECORD_FOR_EACH_FIELD(rec, name, field) {
        int id = SNetRecGetInterfaceId(rec);

        if((label = SNetInIdToLabel(hnd->labels, name)) != NULL){
          if((interface = SNetInIdToInterface(hnd->interfaces, id)) != NULL) {
            fprintf(hnd->file, "<field label=\"%s\" interface=\"%s\">", label,

            if(mode == MODE_textual) {
            } else {

            fprintf(hnd->file, "</field>\n");

        } else{
          SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown field %d at output!", name);

       /* Tags */
      RECORD_FOR_EACH_TAG(rec, name, val) {
        if ((label = SNetInIdToLabel(hnd->labels, name)) != NULL) {
          fprintf(hnd->file, "<tag label=\"%s\">%d</tag>\n", label, val);
        } else{
          SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown tag %d at output!", name);


      /* BTags */
      RECORD_FOR_EACH_BTAG(rec, name, val) {
        if ((label = SNetInIdToLabel(hnd->labels, name)) != NULL){
          fprintf(hnd->file, "<btag label=\"%s\">%d</btag>\n", label, val);
        } else{
          SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown binding tag %d at output!", name);


      fprintf(hnd->file, "</record>\n");
    case REC_sync:
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("REC_sync in output! This should not happen.");
    case REC_collect:
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("REC_collect in output! This should not happen.");
    case REC_sort_end:
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("REC_sort_end in output! This should not happen.");
    case REC_trigger_initialiser:
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("REC_trigger_initializer in output! This should not happen.");
    case REC_terminate:
      fprintf(hnd->file, "<record type=\"terminate\" />");