Example #1
append_spline (spline_list_type *l, spline_type s)
  assert (l != NULL);

  SPLINE_LIST_DATA (*l) = g_realloc (SPLINE_LIST_DATA (*l),
                               SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (*l) * sizeof (spline_type));
Example #2
concat_spline_lists (spline_list_type *s1, spline_list_type s2)
  unsigned this_spline;
  unsigned new_length;

  assert (s1 != NULL);

  new_length = SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (*s1) + SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (s2);

  SPLINE_LIST_DATA (*s1) = g_realloc(SPLINE_LIST_DATA (*s1),new_length * sizeof(spline_type));

  for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (s2); this_spline++)
      = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (s2, this_spline);
Example #3
spline_list_type *
new_spline_list (void)
  spline_list_type *answer = g_new (spline_list_type, 1);

  SPLINE_LIST_DATA (*answer) = NULL;
  SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (*answer) = 0;

  return answer;
Example #4
spline_list_type *
init_spline_list (spline_type spline)
  spline_list_type *answer = g_new (spline_list_type, 1);

  SPLINE_LIST_DATA (*answer) = g_new (spline_type, 1);
  SPLINE_LIST_ELT (*answer, 0) = spline;
  SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (*answer) = 1;

  return answer;
Example #5
static void
out_splines (FILE * file, spline_list_array_type shape)
    unsigned this_list;
    spline_list_type list;

    for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (shape);
        unsigned this_spline;
        spline_type first;
        /* Whether to fill or stroke */
        gboolean stroke;

        list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (shape, this_list);
        first = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, 0);

        stroke = shape.centerline || list.open;

        /* If stroke, set outline color and no fill, otherwise set fill
         * color and no outline */
        fprintf(file, "%s((%g,%g,%g))\n", stroke ? "lp" : "fp",
                list.color.r / 255.0, list.color.g / 255.0,
                list.color.b / 255.0);
        fputs(stroke ? "fe()\n" : "le()\n", file);

        /* Start a bezier object */
        fputs("b()\n", file);

        /* Move to the start point */
        fprintf(file, "bs(%g,%g,0)\n",
                START_POINT(first).x, START_POINT(first).y);

        /* write the splines */
        for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list);
            spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, this_spline);
            if (SPLINE_DEGREE(s) == LINEARTYPE)
                fprintf(file, "bs(%g,%g,0)\n", END_POINT(s).x, END_POINT(s).y);
                fprintf(file, "bc(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,0)\n",
                        CONTROL1(s).x, CONTROL1(s).y,
                        CONTROL2(s).x, CONTROL2(s).y,
                        END_POINT(s).x, END_POINT(s).y);

        /* End the bezier object. If it's stroked do nothing otherwise
           close the path. */
        if (!stroke)
            fputs("bC()\n", file);
Example #6
x_output_char (char_info_type c, spline_list_array_type splines)
    unsigned this_list;

    if (!wants_display) return;

    /* Draw the fitted lines a little thicker, so they'll be easier to see.  */
    XSetLineAttributes (display, gc, 1, LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter);

    for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (splines);
        unsigned this_spline;
        spline_list_type list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (splines, this_list);

        for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list);
            spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, this_spline);

            if (SPLINE_DEGREE (s) == LINEAR)
                coordinate_type start
                    = real_cartesian_to_offset_x (START_POINT (s));
                coordinate_type end
                    = real_cartesian_to_offset_x (END_POINT (s));

                XDrawLine (display, pixmap, gc, X_LINE (start, end));

            else if (SPLINE_DEGREE (s) == CUBIC)
                digitize_spline (s);

                FATAL1 ("x_output_char: Spline with degree %d", SPLINE_DEGREE (s));

    /* If desired, make sure everything is visible, then wait for the user
       to hit return, so s/he can look at the results.  */
    if (display_stop)
        char dummy;

        send_event (server_window, foserver_update_pixmap_atom, pixmap);
        XSync (display, False);

        if (verbose) putchar ('\n');
        printf ("RET to continue: " );
        scanf ("%c", &dummy);
Example #7
static void
out_splines (FILE * epd_file, spline_list_array_type shape)
  unsigned this_list;
  spline_list_type list;
  at_color last_color = {0,0,0};

  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (shape);
      unsigned this_spline;
	  spline_type first;

      list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (shape, this_list);
      first = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, 0);

      if (this_list == 0 || !at_color_equal(&list.color, &last_color))
          if (this_list > 0)
                OUT_LINE ((shape.centerline || list.open) ? "S" : "f");
          OUT4 ("%.3f %.3f %.3f %s\n", (double) list.color.r / 255.0,
            (double) list.color.g / 255.0, (double) list.color.b / 255.0,
            (shape.centerline || list.open) ? "RG" : "rg");
          last_color = list.color;
      OUT_COMMAND2 (START_POINT (first).x, START_POINT (first).y, "m");

      for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list);
          spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, this_spline);

          if (SPLINE_DEGREE (s) == LINEARTYPE)
            OUT_COMMAND2 (END_POINT (s).x, END_POINT (s).y, "l");
            OUT_COMMAND6 (CONTROL1 (s).x, CONTROL1 (s).y,
                          CONTROL2 (s).x, CONTROL2 (s).y,
                          END_POINT (s).x, END_POINT (s).y,
  if (SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH(shape) > 0)
    OUT_LINE ((shape.centerline || list.open) ? "S" : "f");
Example #8
text_output_char (bzr_char_type c)
  unsigned this_list;
  spline_list_array_type shape = BZR_SHAPE (c);
  printf ("Character: 0x%x=%u", CHARCODE (c), CHARCODE (c));
  if (isprint (CHARCODE (c)))
    printf (" (%c)", CHARCODE (c));
  puts (":");

  printf ("  set width: %.3f.\n", CHAR_SET_WIDTH (c));
  printf ("  min/max col: %.3f/%.3f; min/max row: %.3f/%.3f.\n",
          BZR_CHAR_MIN_COL (c), BZR_CHAR_MAX_COL (c),
          BZR_CHAR_MIN_ROW (c), BZR_CHAR_MAX_ROW (c));

  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (shape);
      unsigned this_spline;
      spline_list_type list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (shape, this_list);
      printf ("  Outline #%u:\n", this_list);
      for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list);
          spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, this_spline);

          if (SPLINE_DEGREE (s) == LINEAR)
            printf ("    (%.3f,%.3f)--(%.3f,%.3f)",
                    START_POINT (s).x, START_POINT (s).y,
                    END_POINT (s).x, END_POINT (s).y);

            printf ("    (%.3f,%.3f)..ctrls(%.3f,%.3f)&(%.3f,%.3f)..(%.3f,%.3f)",
                    START_POINT (s).x, START_POINT (s).y,
                    CONTROL1 (s).x, CONTROL1 (s).y,
                    CONTROL2 (s).x, CONTROL2 (s).y,
                    END_POINT (s).x, END_POINT(s).y);

          puts ("");

  puts ("");
Example #9
static void
out_splines (SWFMovie m, spline_list_array_type shape, int height)
  unsigned this_list;
  color_type last_color = {0,0,0};

  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (shape);
        SWFShape k;

        unsigned this_spline;
        spline_list_type list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (shape, this_list);
        spline_type first = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, 0);

        if (this_list == 0 || !COLOR_EQUAL(list.color, last_color))
            k = newSWFShape();
            SWFShape_setRightFill(k, SWFShape_addSolidFill(k, list.color.r, list.color.g, list.color.b, 0xff));
	        last_color = list.color;
        SWFShape_movePenTo(k, SWFSCALE*START_POINT(first).x,
			     SWFSCALE*height - SWFSCALE*START_POINT(first).y);

        for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list);
            spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, this_spline);

            if (SPLINE_DEGREE(s) == LINEARTYPE)
                SWFShape_drawLineTo(k, SWFSCALE*END_POINT(s).x,
                  SWFSCALE*height - SWFSCALE*END_POINT(s).y);
                SWFShape_drawCubicTo (k, SWFSCALE*CONTROL1(s).x,
                  SWFSCALE*height - SWFSCALE*CONTROL1(s).y,
                  SWFSCALE*height - SWFSCALE*CONTROL2(s).y,
                  SWFSCALE*height - SWFSCALE*END_POINT(s).y);
Example #10
static void out_splines(FILE * file, spline_list_array_type shape, int height)
  unsigned this_list;
  spline_list_type list;
  at_color last_color = { 0, 0, 0 };

  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH(shape); this_list++) {
    unsigned this_spline;
    spline_type first;

    list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT(shape, this_list);
    first = SPLINE_LIST_ELT(list, 0);

    if (this_list == 0 || !at_color_equal(&list.color, &last_color)) {
      if (this_list > 0) {
        if (!(shape.centerline || list.open))
          fputs("z", file);
        fputs("\"/>\n", file);
      fprintf(file, "<path style=\"%s:#%02x%02x%02x; %s:none;\" d=\"", (shape.centerline || list.open) ? "stroke" : "fill", list.color.r, list.color.g, list.color.b, (shape.centerline || list.open) ? "fill" : "stroke");
    fprintf(file, "M%g %g", START_POINT(first).x, height - START_POINT(first).y);
    for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH(list); this_spline++) {
      spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT(list, this_spline);

        fprintf(file, "L%g %g", END_POINT(s).x, height - END_POINT(s).y);
      } else {
        fprintf(file, "C%g %g %g %g %g %g", CONTROL1(s).x, height - CONTROL1(s).y, CONTROL2(s).x, height - CONTROL2(s).y, END_POINT(s).x, height - END_POINT(s).y);
      last_color = list.color;
  if (!(shape.centerline || list.open))
    fputs("z", file);
  if (SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH(shape) > 0)
    fputs("\"/>\n", file);
Example #11
static void
outSplineList(FILE *           const fileP,
              spline_list_type const splineList,
              unsigned int     const height) {
    unsigned splineSeq;
    for (splineSeq = 0;
         splineSeq < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH(splineList);
         ++splineSeq) {
        spline_type const spline = SPLINE_LIST_ELT(splineList, splineSeq);
        if (SPLINE_DEGREE(spline) == LINEARTYPE) {
            fprintf(fileP, "L%g %g",
                    END_POINT(spline).x, height - END_POINT(spline).y);
        } else
            fprintf(fileP, "C%g %g %g %g %g %g",
                    CONTROL1(spline).x, height  - CONTROL1(spline).y,
                    CONTROL2(spline).x, height  - CONTROL2(spline).y,
                    END_POINT(spline).x, height - END_POINT(spline).y);
Example #12
metafont_output_char (bzr_char_type c)
  unsigned this_list;
  spline_list_array_type shape = BZR_SHAPE (c);
  int offset = CHAR_LSB (c);

  fprintf (mf_file, "\nbeginchar (%d, %.2fu#, %.2fu#, %.2fu#);\n", 
           CHARCODE (c), CHAR_SET_WIDTH (c), CHAR_HEIGHT (c), CHAR_DEPTH (c));

  /* Go through the list of splines once, assigning the control points
     to Metafont variables.  This allows us to produce more information
     on proofsheets.  */
  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (shape);
      unsigned this_spline;
      spline_list_type list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (shape, this_list);

      OUT_ZASSIGNMENT (INDENT "z%u\\%us", this_list, 0,
                       START_POINT (SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, 0))); 

      for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list);
          spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, this_spline);

          if (SPLINE_DEGREE (s) == CUBIC)
              OUT_ZASSIGNMENT (INDENT "z%u\\%uc1", this_list, this_spline,
                               CONTROL1 (s)); 
              OUT_ZASSIGNMENT (INDENT "z%u\\%uc2", this_list, this_spline,
                               CONTROL2 (s)); 

          /* The last point in the list is also the first point, and we
             don't want to output two variables for the same point.  */
          if (this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list) - 1)
            OUT_ZASSIGNMENT (INDENT "z%u\\%u", this_list, this_spline,
                             END_POINT (s));

  /* Go through the list of splines again, outputting the
     path-construction commands.  */

  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (shape);
      unsigned this_spline;
      spline_list_type list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (shape, this_list);

      OUT2 (INDENT "fill_or_unfill z%u\\%us\n", this_list, 0);

      for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list);
          spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, this_spline);

          if (SPLINE_DEGREE (s) == LINEAR)
            OUT_STRING (INDENT INDENT "--");
              OUT_STRING (INDENT INDENT "..controls ");
              OUT2 ("z%u\\%uc1 and ", this_list, this_spline);
              OUT2 ("z%u\\%uc2..", this_list, this_spline);
          if (this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list) - 1)
            OUT2 ("z%u\\%u\n", this_list, this_spline);
      OUT_STRING ("cycle;\n");
  /* The plain Metafont `labels' command makes it possible to produce
     proofsheets with all the points labeled.  We always want labels for
     the starting and ending points, and possibly labels for the control
     points on each spline, so we have our own
     command `proof_labels', defined in `bzrsetup.mf'.  */
  OUT_LINE (INDENT "proof_labels (");
  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (shape);
      unsigned this_spline;
      spline_list_type list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (shape, this_list);

      for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list);
        OUT2 (INDENT INDENT "%u\\%u,\n", this_list, this_spline);
  OUT_STRING (");\n");

  OUT_STATEMENT ("endchar");
  mf_char_output_p[CHARCODE (c)] = true;
Example #13
* This function outputs the DXF code which produces the polylines 
static void out_splines (FILE * dxf_file, spline_list_array_type shape)
  unsigned this_list;
  double startx, starty;
  xypnt_head_rec *vec, *res;
  xypnt pnt, pnt_old  = {0,0};
  char fin, new_layer=0, layerstr[10];
  int i, first_seg = 1, idx;

  strcpy(layerstr, "C1");
  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (shape);
      unsigned this_spline;
      at_color last_color = {0,0,0};

      spline_list_type list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (shape, this_list);
      spline_type first = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, 0);
      at_color curr_color = curr_color = (list.clockwise && shape.background_color != NULL)? *(shape.background_color) : list.color;

      if (this_list == 0 || !at_color_equal(&curr_color, &last_color))
          if (!(curr_color.r==0 && curr_color.g==0 && curr_color.b==0) || !color_check)
             idx = GetIndexByRGBValue(curr_color.r, curr_color.g, curr_color.b);
             sprintf(layerstr, "C%d", idx);
             new_layer = 1;
             last_color = curr_color;
      startx = START_POINT (first).x;
      starty = START_POINT (first).y;
      if (!first_seg)
         if (ROUND(startx*RESOLUTION) != pnt_old.xp || ROUND(starty*RESOLUTION) != pnt_old.yp || new_layer)
            /* must begin new polyline */
             new_layer = 0;
             fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nSEQEND\n  8\n%s\n", layerstr);
             fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nPOLYLINE\n  8\n%s\n  66\n1\n  10\n%f\n  20\n%f\n",
                     layerstr, startx, starty);
             fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nVERTEX\n  8\n%s\n  10\n%f\n  20\n%f\n",
                     layerstr, startx, starty);
             pnt_old.xp = ROUND(startx*RESOLUTION);
             pnt_old.yp = ROUND(starty*RESOLUTION);
         fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nPOLYLINE\n  8\n%s\n  66\n1\n  10\n%f\n  20\n%f\n",
                 layerstr, startx, starty);
         fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nVERTEX\n  8\n%s\n  10\n%f\n  20\n%f\n",
                 layerstr, startx, starty);
         pnt_old.xp = ROUND(startx*RESOLUTION);
         pnt_old.yp = ROUND(starty*RESOLUTION);
      for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (list);
          spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (list, this_spline);

          if (SPLINE_DEGREE (s) == LINEARTYPE)

              if (ROUND(startx*RESOLUTION) != pnt_old.xp || ROUND(starty*RESOLUTION) != pnt_old.yp || new_layer)
                  /* must begin new polyline */
                  new_layer = 0;
                  fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nSEQEND\n  8\n%s\n", layerstr);
                  fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nPOLYLINE\n  8\n%s\n  66\n1\n  10\n%f\n  20\n%f\n",
                          layerstr, startx, starty);
                  fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nVERTEX\n  8\n%s\n  10\n%f\n  20\n%f\n",
                          layerstr, startx, starty);
              fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nVERTEX\n  8\n%s\n  10\n%f\n  20\n%f\n",
                      layerstr, END_POINT(s).x, END_POINT (s).y);

              startx = END_POINT(s).x;
              starty = END_POINT(s).y;
              pnt_old.xp = ROUND(startx*RESOLUTION);
              pnt_old.yp = ROUND(starty*RESOLUTION);
              vec = (struct xypnt_head_t *)calloc(1, sizeof (struct xypnt_head_t));

              pnt.xp = ROUND(startx*RESOLUTION);  pnt.yp = ROUND(starty*RESOLUTION);
              xypnt_add_pnt(vec, pnt);
              pnt.xp = ROUND(CONTROL1(s).x*RESOLUTION);  pnt.yp = ROUND(CONTROL1 (s).y*RESOLUTION);
              xypnt_add_pnt(vec, pnt);
              pnt.xp = ROUND(CONTROL2(s).x*RESOLUTION);  pnt.yp = ROUND(CONTROL2 (s).y*RESOLUTION);
              xypnt_add_pnt(vec, pnt);
              pnt.xp = ROUND(END_POINT(s).x*RESOLUTION);  pnt.yp = ROUND(END_POINT (s).y*RESOLUTION);
              xypnt_add_pnt(vec, pnt);

              res = NULL;

              /* Note that spline order can be max. 4 since we have only 4 spline control points */
              bspline_to_lines(vec, &res, 4, 4, 10000);

              xypnt_first_pnt(res, &pnt, &fin);

              if (pnt.xp != pnt_old.xp || pnt.yp != pnt_old.yp || new_layer)
                 /* must begin new polyline */
                 new_layer = 0;
                 fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nSEQEND\n  8\n%s\n", layerstr);
                 fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nPOLYLINE\n  8\n%s\n  66\n1\n  10\n%f\n  20\n%f\n",
                         layerstr, (double)pnt.xp/RESOLUTION, (double)pnt.yp/RESOLUTION);
                 fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nVERTEX\n  8\n%s\n  10\n%f\n  20\n%f\n",
                         layerstr, (double)pnt.xp/RESOLUTION, (double)pnt.yp/RESOLUTION);
              i = 0;
              while (!fin)
                  if (i)
                     fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nVERTEX\n  8\n%s\n  10\n%f\n  20\n%f\n",
                            layerstr, (double)pnt.xp/RESOLUTION, (double)pnt.yp/RESOLUTION);
                  xypnt_next_pnt(res, &pnt, &fin);

              pnt_old = pnt;


              startx = END_POINT(s).x;
              starty = END_POINT(s).y;

       first_seg = 0;
       last_color = curr_color;
    fprintf(dxf_file, "  0\nSEQEND\n  8\n0\n");

static void
do_points (spline_list_array_type in_splines,
           gint32                 image_ID)
  gint32   vectors;
  gint32   stroke;
  gint     i, j;
  gboolean have_points = FALSE;
  spline_list_type spline_list;

  /* check if there really is something to do... */
  for (i = 0; i < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (in_splines); i++)
      spline_list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (in_splines, i);
      /* Ignore single points that are on their own */
      if (SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (spline_list) < 2)
      have_points = TRUE;

  if (!have_points)

  vectors = gimp_vectors_new (image_ID, _("Selection"));

  for (j = 0; j < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH (in_splines); j++)
      spline_type seg;

      spline_list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT (in_splines, j);

      /* Ignore single points that are on their own */
      if (SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (spline_list) < 2)

      seg = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (spline_list, 0);
      stroke = gimp_vectors_bezier_stroke_new_moveto (vectors,
                                                      START_POINT (seg).x,
                                                      START_POINT (seg).y);

      for (i = 0; i < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH (spline_list); i++)
          seg = SPLINE_LIST_ELT (spline_list, i);

          if (SPLINE_DEGREE (seg) == LINEAR)
            gimp_vectors_bezier_stroke_lineto (vectors, stroke,
                                               END_POINT (seg).x,
                                               END_POINT (seg).y);
          else if (SPLINE_DEGREE (seg) == CUBIC)
            gimp_vectors_bezier_stroke_cubicto (vectors, stroke,
                                                CONTROL1 (seg).x,
                                                CONTROL1 (seg).y,
                                                CONTROL2 (seg).x,
                                                CONTROL2 (seg).y,
                                                END_POINT (seg).x,
                                                END_POINT (seg).y);
            g_warning ("print_spline: strange degree (%d)",
                       SPLINE_DEGREE (seg));

      gimp_vectors_stroke_close (vectors, stroke);

      /* transform to GIMPs coordinate system, taking the selections
       * bounding box into account  */
      gimp_vectors_stroke_scale (vectors, stroke, 1.0, -1.0);
      gimp_vectors_stroke_translate (vectors, stroke,
                                     sel_x1, sel_y1 + sel_height + 1);

  gimp_image_insert_vectors (image_ID, vectors, -1, -1);
Example #15
static void out_fig_splines(FILE * file, spline_list_array_type shape, int llx, int lly, int urx, int ury, at_exception_type * exp)
  unsigned this_list;
/*    int fig_colour, fig_depth, i; */
  int fig_colour, fig_fill, fig_width, fig_subt, fig_spline_close, i;
  int *spline_colours;

	add an array of colours for splines (one for each group)
	create palette hash

  /*  Need to create hash table for colours */
  XMALLOC(spline_colours, (sizeof(int) * SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH(shape)));

  /* Preload the big 8 */

  /*  Load the colours from the splines */
  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH(shape); this_list++) {
    spline_list_type list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT(shape, this_list);
    at_color curr_color = (list.clockwise && shape.background_color != NULL) ? *(shape.background_color) : list.color;
    spline_colours[this_list] = get_fig_colour(curr_color, exp);
  /* Output colours */
  if (LAST_FIG_COLOUR > 32) {
    for (i = 32; i < LAST_FIG_COLOUR; i++) {
      fprintf(file, "0 %d #%.2x%.2x%.2x\n", i, fig_colour_map[i].c.r, fig_colour_map[i].c.g, fig_colour_map[i].c.b);
/*	Each "spline list" in the array appears to be a group of splines */
  fig_depth = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH(shape) + 20;
  if (fig_depth > 999) {
    fig_depth = 999;

  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH(shape); this_list++) {
    unsigned this_spline;
    spline_list_type list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT(shape, this_list);

/*	store the spline points in two arrays, control weights in another */
    int *pointx, *pointy;
    gfloat *contrl;
    int pointcount = 0, is_spline = 0, j;
    int maxlength = SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH(list) * 5 + 1;

    XMALLOC(pointx, maxlength * sizeof(int));
    XMALLOC(pointy, maxlength * sizeof(int));
    XMALLOC(contrl, maxlength * sizeof(gfloat));

    if (list.clockwise) {
      fig_colour = FIG_WHITE;
    } else {
      fig_colour = spline_colours[this_list];

    fig_spline_close = 5;

    for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH(list); this_spline++) {
      spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT(list, this_spline);

      if (pointcount == 0) {
        pointx[pointcount] = FIG_X(START_POINT(s).x);
        pointy[pointcount] = FIG_Y(START_POINT(s).y);
        contrl[pointcount] = (gfloat) 0.0;
        fig_addtobbox(START_POINT(s).x, START_POINT(s).y);
      /* Apparently START_POINT for one spline section is same as END_POINT
         for previous section - should gfloatly test for this */
        pointx[pointcount] = FIG_X(END_POINT(s).x);
        pointy[pointcount] = FIG_Y(END_POINT(s).y);
        contrl[pointcount] = (gfloat) 0.0;
        fig_addtobbox(START_POINT(s).x, START_POINT(s).y);
      } else {                  /* Assume Bezier like spline */

        /* Convert approximated bezier to interpolated X Spline */
        gfloat temp;
        for (temp = (gfloat) 0.2; temp < (gfloat) 0.9; temp += (gfloat) 0.2) {
          pointx[pointcount] = FIG_X(bezpnt(temp, START_POINT(s).x, CONTROL1(s).x, CONTROL2(s).x, END_POINT(s).x));
          pointy[pointcount] = FIG_Y(bezpnt(temp, START_POINT(s).y, CONTROL1(s).y, CONTROL2(s).y, END_POINT(s).y));
          contrl[pointcount] = (gfloat) - 1.0;
        pointx[pointcount] = FIG_X(END_POINT(s).x);
        pointy[pointcount] = FIG_Y(END_POINT(s).y);
        contrl[pointcount] = (gfloat) 0.0;
        fig_addtobbox(START_POINT(s).x, START_POINT(s).y);
        fig_addtobbox(CONTROL1(s).x, CONTROL1(s).y);
        fig_addtobbox(CONTROL2(s).x, CONTROL2(s).y);
        fig_addtobbox(END_POINT(s).x, END_POINT(s).y);
        is_spline = 1;
    if (shape.centerline) {
      fig_fill = -1;
      fig_width = 1;
      fig_spline_close = 4;
    } else {
      /* Use zero width lines - unit width is too thick */
      fig_fill = 20;
      fig_width = 0;
      fig_spline_close = 5;
    if (is_spline != 0) {
      fprintf(file, "3 %d 0 %d %d %d %d 0 %d 0.00 0 0 0 %d\n", fig_spline_close, fig_width, fig_colour, fig_colour, fig_depth, fig_fill, pointcount);
      /* Print out points */
      j = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < pointcount; i++) {
        if (j == 1) {
          fprintf(file, "\t");
        fprintf(file, "%d %d ", pointx[i], pointy[i]);
        if (j == 8) {
          fprintf(file, "\n");
          j = 0;
      if (j != 0) {
        fprintf(file, "\n");
      j = 0;
      /* Print out control weights */
      for (i = 0; i < pointcount; i++) {
        if (j == 1) {
          fprintf(file, "\t");
        fprintf(file, "%f ", contrl[i]);
        if (j == 8) {
          fprintf(file, "\n");
          j = 0;
      if (j != 0) {
        fprintf(file, "\n");
    } else {
      /* Polygons can be handled better as polygons */
      fig_subt = 3;
      if (pointcount == 2) {
        if ((pointx[0] == pointx[1]) && (pointy[0] == pointy[1])) {
          /* Point */
          fprintf(file, "2 1 0 1 %d %d %d 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 1\n", fig_colour, fig_colour, fig_depth);
          fprintf(file, "\t%d %d\n", pointx[0], pointy[0]);
        } else {
          /* Line segment? */
          fprintf(file, "2 1 0 1 %d %d %d 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n", fig_colour, fig_colour, fig_depth);
          fprintf(file, "\t%d %d %d %d\n", pointx[0], pointy[0], pointx[1], pointy[1]);
      } else {
        if ((pointcount == 3) && (pointx[0] == pointx[2])
            && (pointy[0] == pointy[2])) {
          /* Line segment? */
          fprintf(file, "2 1 0 1 %d %d %d 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n", fig_colour, fig_colour, fig_depth);
          fprintf(file, "\t%d %d %d %d\n", pointx[0], pointy[0], pointx[1], pointy[1]);
        } else {
          if ((pointx[0] != pointx[pointcount - 1]) || (pointy[0] != pointy[pointcount - 1])) {
            if (shape.centerline) {
              fig_subt = 1;
            } else {
              /* Need to have last point same as first for polygon */
              pointx[pointcount] = pointx[0];
              pointy[pointcount] = pointy[0];
          fprintf(file, "2 %d 0 %d %d %d %d 0 %d 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 %d\n", fig_subt, fig_width, fig_colour, fig_colour, fig_depth, fig_fill, pointcount);
          /* Print out points */
          j = 0;
          for (i = 0; i < pointcount; i++) {
            if (j == 1) {
              fprintf(file, "\t");
            fprintf(file, "%d %d ", pointx[i], pointy[i]);
            if (j == 8) {
              fprintf(file, "\n");
              j = 0;
          if (j != 0) {
            fprintf(file, "\n");
/*	fig_depth--; */
    if (fig_depth < 0) {
      fig_depth = 0;
Example #16
static void out_splines(FILE * er_file, spline_list_array_type shape, unsigned width, unsigned height, at_output_opts_type * opts)
  unsigned this_list, corresp_pt;
  double x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, corresp_length;

  for (this_list = 0; this_list < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH(shape); this_list++) {
    unsigned this_spline;
    spline_type prev;

    spline_list_type list = SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT(shape, this_list);
    unsigned length = SPLINE_LIST_LENGTH(list);
    unsigned out_length = (list.open || length == 1 ? length + 1 : length);

    fprintf(er_file, "Shape = {\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\t#Shape Number %d\n", this_list + 1);
    fprintf(er_file, "\tGroup = Default\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\tType = Source\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\tRoll = A\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\tOpaque = True\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\tLocked = False\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\tWarp = True\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\tCookieCut = True\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\tColorCorrect = True\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\tPrecision = 10\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\tClosed = %s\n", (list.open ? "False" : "True"));
    fprintf(er_file, "\tTween = Linear\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\tBPoints = %d\n", out_length);
    fprintf(er_file, "\tCPoints = %d\n", NUM_CORRESP_POINTS);
    fprintf(er_file, "\tFormKey = {\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\t\tFrame = 1\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\t\tPointList = {\n");

    prev = PREV_SPLINE_LIST_ELT(list, 0);
    if (list.open || length == 1)
      SPLINE_DEGREE(prev) = (polynomial_degree) - 1;

    for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < length; this_spline++) {
      spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT(list, this_spline);

      if (SPLINE_DEGREE(prev) == -1) {
        x0 = START_POINT(s).x;
        y0 = START_POINT(s).y;
      } else if (SPLINE_DEGREE(prev) == CUBICTYPE) {
        x0 = CONTROL2(prev).x;
        y0 = CONTROL2(prev).y;
      } else {                  /* if (SPLINE_DEGREE(prev) == LINEARTYPE) */
        x0 = START_POINT(s).x;
        y0 = START_POINT(s).y;

      x1 = START_POINT(s).x;
      y1 = START_POINT(s).y;

      if (SPLINE_DEGREE(s) == CUBICTYPE) {
        x2 = CONTROL1(s).x;
        y2 = CONTROL1(s).y;
      } else {
        x2 = START_POINT(s).x;
        y2 = START_POINT(s).y;

      fprintf(er_file, "\t\t\t(%f, %f), (%f, %f), (%f, %f),\n", x0 / width, y0 / height, x1 / width, y1 / height, x2 / width, y2 / height);

      prev = s;

    if (list.open || length == 1) {
      x0 = CONTROL2(prev).x;
      y0 = CONTROL2(prev).y;
      x2 = x1 = END_POINT(prev).x;
      y2 = y1 = END_POINT(prev).y;

      fprintf(er_file, "\t\t\t(%f, %f), (%f, %f), (%f, %f),\n", x0 / width, y0 / height, x1 / width, y1 / height, x2 / width, y2 / height);

    /* Close PointList and enclosing FormKey. */
    fprintf(er_file, "\t\t}\n\n\t}\n\n");

    if (shape.centerline && shape.preserve_width) {
      gfloat w = (gfloat) 1.0 / (shape.width_weight_factor);

      fprintf(er_file, "\tWeightKey = {\n");
      fprintf(er_file, "\t\tFrame = 1\n");
      fprintf(er_file, "\t\tPointList = {\n");
      prev = PREV_SPLINE_LIST_ELT(list, 0);
      if (list.open || length == 1)
        SPLINE_DEGREE(prev) = (polynomial_degree) - 1;
      for (this_spline = 0; this_spline < length; this_spline++) {
        spline_type s = SPLINE_LIST_ELT(list, this_spline);

        if (SPLINE_DEGREE(prev) == -1)
          x0 = START_POINT(s).z;
        else if (SPLINE_DEGREE(prev) == CUBICTYPE)
          x0 = CONTROL2(prev).z;
        else                    /* if (SPLINE_DEGREE(prev) == LINEARTYPE) */
          x0 = START_POINT(s).z;

        x1 = START_POINT(s).z;

        if (SPLINE_DEGREE(s) == CUBICTYPE)
          x2 = CONTROL1(s).z;
          x2 = START_POINT(s).z;

        fprintf(er_file, "\t\t\t%g, %g, %g,\n", x0 * w, x1 * w, x2 * w);

        prev = s;
      if (list.open || length == 1) {
        x0 = CONTROL2(prev).z;
        x2 = x1 = END_POINT(prev).z;
        fprintf(er_file, "\t\t\t%g, %g, %g,\n", x0 * w, x1 * w, x2 * w);
      /* Close PointList and enclosing WeightKey. */
      fprintf(er_file, "\t\t}\n\n\t}\n\n");

    fprintf(er_file, "\tCorrKey = {\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\t\tFrame = 1\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\t\tPointList = {\n");
    fprintf(er_file, "\t\t\t0");
    corresp_length = out_length - (list.open ? 1.0 : 2.0);
    for (corresp_pt = 1; corresp_pt < NUM_CORRESP_POINTS; corresp_pt++) {
      fprintf(er_file, ", %g", corresp_length * corresp_pt / (NUM_CORRESP_POINTS - (list.open ? 1.0 : 0.0)));
    /* Close PointList and enclosing CorrKey. */
    fprintf(er_file, "\n\t\t}\n\n\t}\n\n");

    /* Close Shape. */
    fprintf(er_file, "}\n\n");