Example #1
/* ResolveTablePath
 *  takes either an accession or path
 *  substitutes any arguments
 *  resolves via SRAPath mgr if present
rc_t ResolveTablePath ( const SRAMgr *mgr,
        char *path, size_t psize, const char *spec, va_list args )
    int len;
    char tblpath [ 4096 ];
    const SRAPath *pmgr = mgr -> pmgr;

    /* if no path manager or if the spec string has embedded path separators,
       then this can't be an accession - just print it out */
    if ( mgr -> pmgr == NULL || strchr( spec, '/' ) != NULL )
        len = vsnprintf ( path, psize, spec, args );
        if ( len < 0 || ( size_t ) len >= psize )
            return RC ( rcSRA, rcTable, rcOpening, rcPath, rcExcessive );
        return 0;

    /* create a copy - not likely to be too large */
    len = vsnprintf ( tblpath, sizeof tblpath, spec, args );
    if ( len < 0 || ( size_t ) len >= sizeof tblpath )
        return RC ( rcSRA, rcTable, rcOpening, rcPath, rcExcessive );

    /* test if the path exists in current directory, i.e. with assumed dot */
    if ( ! SRAPathTest ( pmgr, tblpath ) )
        rc_t rc = SRAPathFind ( pmgr, tblpath, path, psize );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            return 0;

    /* use the path given */
    if ( ( size_t ) len >= psize )
        return RC ( rcSRA, rcTable, rcOpening, rcBuffer, rcInsufficient );
    strcpy ( path, tblpath );

    return 0;
Example #2
static rc_t resolve_accession( const KDirectory *my_dir, char ** path )
    SRAPath *my_sra_path;
    rc_t rc = 0;

    if ( strchr ( *path, '/' ) != NULL )
        return 0;

    rc = SRAPathMake( &my_sra_path, my_dir );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        if ( GetRCState ( rc ) != rcNotFound || GetRCTarget ( rc ) != rcDylib )
            if ( rc != 0 )
                LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "SRAPathMake() failed" );
            rc = 0;
        if ( !SRAPathTest( my_sra_path, *path ) )
            char *buf = translate_accession( my_sra_path, *path, 64 );
            if ( buf != NULL )
                free( (char*)(*path) );
                *path = buf;
        SRAPathRelease( my_sra_path );
    return rc;
Example #3
rc_t CC KMain ( int argc, char *argv [] )
    Args *args;
    rc_t rc = ArgsMakeAndHandle ( & args, argc, argv, 0 );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        LogErr ( klogErr, rc, "failed to parse arguments" );
        uint32_t paramc;
        rc = ArgsParamCount ( args, & paramc );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            LogErr ( klogInt, rc, "failed to obtain param count" );
            if ( paramc == 0 )
                rc = RC ( rcExe, rcArgv, rcParsing, rcParam, rcInsufficient );
                LogErr ( klogErr, rc, "missing target object" );
                MiniUsage ( args );
            else if ( paramc > 1 )
                rc = RC ( rcExe, rcArgv, rcParsing, rcParam, rcExcessive );
                LogErr ( klogErr, rc, "expected single target object" );
                MiniUsage ( args );
                const char *target;
                rc = ArgsParamValue ( args, 0, & target );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    LogErr ( klogInt, rc, "failed to obtain param value" );
                    VDBManager *mgr;

                    char full [ 4096 ];
                    SRAPath *sra_path;
                    rc = SRAPathMake ( & sra_path, NULL );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        if ( ! SRAPathTest ( sra_path, target ) )
                            rc = SRAPathFind ( sra_path, target, full, sizeof full );
                            if ( rc == 0 )
                                target = full;
                        SRAPathRelease ( sra_path );

                    rc = VDBManagerMakeUpdate ( & mgr, NULL );
                    if ( rc != 0 )
                        LogErr ( klogInt, rc, "failed to open VDB manager" );
                        rc = VDBManagerLock ( mgr, target );
                        if ( rc == 0 )
                            pLogMsg ( klogInfo, "locked '$(target)'", "target=%s", target );
                        else switch ( GetRCState ( rc ) )
                        case rcLocked:
                            pLogMsg ( klogInfo, "'$(target)' was already locked", "target=%s", target );
                            pLogErr ( klogErr, rc, "failed to lock '$(target)'", "target=%s", target );

                        VDBManagerRelease ( mgr );

        ArgsWhack ( args );

    return rc;
Example #4
 /* Test
  *  returns true if path appears to be accession
  *  the test is a heuristic, and may return false positives
  *  "path" [ IN ] - NUL terminated path to run
 inline bool Test ( const char *path ) const  throw()
     return SRAPathTest ( this, path );
Example #5
/* ResolveTablePath
 *  takes either an accession or path
 *  substitutes any arguments
 *  resolves via SRAPath mgr if present
rc_t ResolveTablePath ( const SRAMgr *mgr,
    char *path, size_t psize, const char *spec, va_list args )
    int len;
    char tblpath [ 4096 ];
    const SRAPath *pmgr = mgr -> _pmgr;

    /* if no path manager or if the spec string has embedded path separators,
       then this can't be an accession - just print it out */
    if ( mgr -> _pmgr == NULL || strchr( spec, '/' ) != NULL )
        len = vsnprintf ( path, psize, spec, args );
        if ( len < 0 || ( size_t ) len >= psize )
            return RC ( rcSRA, rcTable, rcOpening, rcPath, rcExcessive );
        return 0;

    /* create a copy - not likely to be too large */
    len = vsnprintf ( tblpath, sizeof tblpath, spec, args );
    if ( len < 0 || ( size_t ) len >= sizeof tblpath )
        return RC ( rcSRA, rcTable, rcOpening, rcPath, rcExcessive );

    /* test if the path exists in current directory, i.e. with assumed dot */
    if ( ! SRAPathTest ( pmgr, tblpath ) )
        rc_t rc = SRAPathFind ( pmgr, tblpath, path, psize );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            return 0;

    /* use the path given */
    if ( ( size_t ) len >= psize )
        return RC ( rcSRA, rcTable, rcOpening, rcBuffer, rcInsufficient );
    strcpy ( path, tblpath );

    return 0;
    VFSManager *vfs;
    rc_t rc = VFSManagerMake ( & vfs );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        VPath *accession;
        const VPath *tblpath = NULL;
        rc = VFSManagerVMakePath ( vfs, & accession, spec, args );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            rc = VResolverLocal ( ( const VResolver* ) mgr -> _pmgr, accession, & tblpath );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                size_t size;
                rc = VPathReadPath ( tblpath, path, psize, & size );
                VPathRelease ( tblpath );
            VPathRelease ( accession );

        VFSManagerRelease ( vfs );
    return rc;