Example #1
 * sortServerByInst
static int sortServerByInst( const void *srv1, const void *srv2 )
    if( SRV( srv1 ) == NULL ) {
        return( 1 );
    if( SRV( srv2 ) == NULL ) {
        return( -1 );
    return( stricmp( SRV( srv1 )->instname, SRV( srv2 )->instname ) );
Example #2
 * sortServerByServer
static int sortServerByServer( const void *srv1, const void *srv2 )
    if( SRV( srv1 ) == NULL ) {
        return( 1 );
    if( SRV( srv2 ) == NULL ) {
        return( -1 );
    return( stricmp( SRV( srv1 )->server, SRV( srv2 )->server ) );
Example #3
File: cn.cpp Project: yagi/satori
static SRV	call_cn(string iCommand, deque<string>& iArguments, deque<string>& oValues)
	// 名前と命令を関連付けたmap
	typedef SRV (*Command)(deque<string>&, deque<string>&);
	static map<string, Command>	theMap;
	if ( theMap.empty() )
		// 初回準備
		#define	d(iName)	\
			SRV	_##iName(deque<string>&, deque<string>&); \
			theMap[ #iName ] = _##iName
		// 命令一覧の宣言と関連付け。
		#undef	d

	// 命令の存在を確認
	map<string, Command>::const_iterator i = theMap.find(iCommand);
	if ( i==theMap.end() ) {
		return SRV(400, string()+"Error: '"+iCommand+"'という名前の命令は定義されていません。");

	// 実際に呼ぶ
	return	i->second(iArguments, oValues);
Example #4
File: cn.cpp Project: yagi/satori
SRV _at(deque<string>& iArguments, deque<string>& oValues) {

	if ( iArguments.size()==2 ) {
		return	SRV(400, "引数が正しくありません。");

	return 200;
Example #5
File: cn.cpp Project: yagi/satori
SRV	cn::request(deque<string>& iArguments, deque<string>& oValues) {
	if ( iArguments.size()<1 )
		return	SRV(400, "命令が指定されていません");

	// 最初の引数は命令名として扱う
	string	theCommand = iArguments.front();
	return	call_cn(theCommand, iArguments, oValues);
BaseResolver::SRVPriorityList* BaseResolver::SRVCacheFactory::get(std::string key, int& ttl, SAS::TrailId trail)
  TRC_DEBUG("SRV cache factory called for %s", key.c_str());
  SRVPriorityList* srv_list = NULL;

  DnsResult result = _dns_client->dns_query(key, ns_t_srv, trail);

  if (!result.records().empty())
    // We have a result.
    TRC_DEBUG("SRV query returned %d records", result.records().size());
    srv_list = new SRVPriorityList;
    ttl = result.ttl();

    // Sort the records on priority.
    std::sort(result.records().begin(), result.records().end(), compare_srv_priority);

    // Now rearrange the results in to an SRV priority list (a map of vectors
    // for each priority level).
    for (std::vector<DnsRRecord*>::const_iterator i = result.records().begin();
         i != result.records().end();
      DnsSrvRecord* srv_record = (DnsSrvRecord*)(*i);

      // Get the appropriate priority list of SRVs.
      std::vector<SRV>& plist = (*srv_list)[srv_record->priority()];

      // Add a new entry for this SRV.
      SRV& srv = plist.back();
      srv.target = srv_record->target();
      srv.port = srv_record->port();
      srv.priority = srv_record->priority();
      srv.weight = srv_record->weight();

      // Adjust the weight.  Any items which have weight 0 are increase to
      // weight of one, and non-zero weights are multiplied by 100.  This gives
      // the right behaviour as per RFC2782 - when all weights are zero we
      // round-robin (but still have the ability to blacklist) and when there
      // are non-zero weights the zero weighted items have a small (but not
      // specified in RFC2782) chance of selection.
      srv.weight = (srv.weight == 0) ? 1 : srv.weight * 100;
    // No results from SRV query, so return no entry with the default TTL
    ttl = _default_ttl;

  return srv_list;
Example #7
static int
openssl_sni_servername_cb (SSL *ssl, int *ad, void *arg)
	ret_t                      ret;
	int                        re;
	const char                *servername;
	cherokee_connection_t     *conn;
	cherokee_buffer_t          tmp;
	cherokee_server_t         *srv       = SRV(arg);
	cherokee_virtual_server_t *vsrv      = NULL;


	/* Get the pointer to the socket
	conn = SSL_get_app_data (ssl);
	if (unlikely (conn == NULL)) {

	cherokee_buffer_ensure_size(&tmp, 40);

	/* Read the SNI server name
	servername = SSL_get_servername (ssl, TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name);
	if (servername == NULL) {
		/* Set the server name to the IP address if we couldn't get the host name via SNI
		cherokee_socket_ntop (&conn->socket, tmp.buf, tmp.size);
		TRACE (ENTRIES, "No SNI: Did not provide a server name, using IP='%s' as servername.\n", tmp.buf);
	} else {
		cherokee_buffer_add (&tmp, servername, strlen(servername));
		TRACE (ENTRIES, "SNI: Switching to servername='%s'\n", servername);

	/* Look up and change the vserver
	ret = cherokee_cryptor_libssl_find_vserver(ssl, srv, &tmp, conn);
	if (ret != ret_ok) {
	else {

	cherokee_buffer_mrproper (&tmp);
	return re;