Example #1
void CBrowser::DrawItems(const SRect RectUpdate, const std::list<SItem*>& Items, SPos& Pos)
	SSize SizeBitmap;

	tint32 iNrOfItems = Items.size();
	std::list<SItem*>::const_iterator it = Items.begin();
	tint32 iItem;
	for (iItem = 0; iItem < iNrOfItems; iItem++, it++) {
		SItem* pItem = *it;

		if (pItem->bFolder) {
			// Item is folder
			DrawBitmapFrame(mpArrow, RectUpdate, SRect(Pos, SizeBitmap),
				pItem->bFolderIsOpen ? 1 : 0,

		SPos PosText = Pos + mTextPosition;
		SSize SizeText;
		SizeText.iCY = mpFont->GetTextHeight();
		SizeText.iCX = mpFont->GetTextWidth((tchar*)(pItem->sNameModified.c_str()));
			SRect(PosText, SizeText),
			(const tchar*)(pItem->sNameModified.c_str()));

		if (pItem == mpItemSelected) {
			// This is the selected item
			SRect RectInvert(GetPos(), SizeText);
			RectInvert.iY = PosText.iY - 1;
			RectInvert.iCY += 1;
			RectInvert.iCX = GetSize().iCX;
			mpPrimitives->InvertRect(RectUpdate, RectInvert);

		Pos.iY += miSpaceBetweenItems;

		if (pItem->bFolder) {
			if (pItem->bFolderIsOpen) {
				tint iX = Pos.iX;
				Pos.iX += miSpaceBetweenFolders;
				DrawItems(RectUpdate, pItem->SubItems, Pos);
				Pos.iX = iX;
void EldritchFramework::SetMainViewTransform( const Vector& Location, const Angles& Orientation )
	m_MainView->m_Location = Location;
	m_MainView->m_Rotation = Orientation;

	m_FGView->m_Location = Location;
	m_FGView->m_Rotation = Orientation;

	m_Audio3DListener->SetLocation( Location );
	m_Audio3DListener->SetRotation( Orientation );

	new( m_FGView ) View( Vector(), Vector(), SRect(), 0.0f, 0.0f );
	new( m_MainView ) View( Vector( 25.0f, 25.0f, 13.0f ), Vector( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ), SRect( -25.0f, 13.0f, 25.0f, -13.0f ), 0.0f, 50.0f );
Example #3
void CBitmap::OnDraw(const SRect &rUpdate)
	if( !IsVisible() )

	if (mSize == mSizeBitmap) {
		// Size of control equals size of bitmap
		DrawBitmapFrame(GetBitmapResource(), rUpdate, SRect(GetPos(), mSizeBitmap),
			miFrameCur, miFrames);
	else {
		if (mSize.iCX < mSizeBitmap.iCX) {
			DrawBitmapFrame(GetBitmapResource(), rUpdate, SRect(GetPos(), mSize),
				miFrameCur, miFrames);
		else if (mSize.iCY < mSizeBitmap.iCY) {
			DrawBitmapFrame(GetBitmapResource(), rUpdate, SRect(GetPos(), mSize),
				miFrameCur, miFrames);
		else {
			SPos PosThis;
			// Size of control doesn't equal size of bitmap, so tiling is needed
			tint32 iYPos = rUpdate.iY - PosThis.iY - mSizeBitmap.iCY;
			if (iYPos < 0) {
				iYPos = 0;
			while ((iYPos < mSize.iCY) &&
				(PosThis.iY + iYPos < rUpdate.iY + rUpdate.iCY)) {
				tint32 iXPos = rUpdate.iX - PosThis.iX - mSizeBitmap.iCX;
				if (iXPos < 0) {
					iXPos = 0;
				while ((iXPos < mSize.iCX) &&
					(PosThis.iX + iXPos < rUpdate.iX + rUpdate.iCX)) {
					DrawBitmapFrame(GetBitmapResource(), rUpdate, SRect(PosThis + SPos(iXPos, iYPos), mSizeBitmap),
						miFrameCur, miFrames);

						iXPos += mSizeBitmap.iCX;

				iYPos += mSizeBitmap.iCY;
void UIWidgetText::UpdatePosition()
	MAKEHASH( m_Archetype );
	MAKEHASH( m_Name );

	STATICHASH( DisplayWidth );
	const float DisplayWidth	= ConfigManager::GetFloat( sDisplayWidth );
	const float ParentWidth		= m_OriginParent ? m_OriginParent->GetWidth() : DisplayWidth;
	const float ParentX			= m_OriginParent ? Ceiling( m_OriginParent->GetX() ) : 0.0f;

	STATICHASH( DisplayHeight );
	const float DisplayHeight	= ConfigManager::GetFloat( sDisplayHeight );
	const float ParentHeight	= m_OriginParent ? m_OriginParent->GetHeight() : DisplayHeight;
	const float ParentY			= m_OriginParent ? Ceiling( m_OriginParent->GetY() ) : 0.0f;

	STATICHASH( PixelOffsetX );
	float X =
		ConfigManager::GetArchetypeFloat( sPixelOffsetX, sm_Archetype, 0.0f, sm_Name ) +
			ConfigManager::GetArchetypeFloat( sPixelX, sm_Archetype, 0.0f, sm_Name ),
			ParentWidth * ConfigManager::GetArchetypeFloat( sScreenX, sm_Archetype, 0.0f, sm_Name ) );
	STATICHASH( PixelOffsetY );
	float Y =
		ConfigManager::GetArchetypeFloat( sPixelOffsetY, sm_Archetype, 0.0f, sm_Name ) +
			ConfigManager::GetArchetypeFloat( sPixelY, sm_Archetype, 0.0f, sm_Name ),
			ParentHeight * ConfigManager::GetArchetypeFloat( sScreenY, sm_Archetype, 0.0f, sm_Name ) );

	// Get dimensions so we can do different origins
	Array<STypesetGlyph> UnusedTypesetting;
	Vector2 Dimensions;
	Array<unicode_t> CodePoints;
	GetString().UTF8ToUnicode( CodePoints );
	m_Font->Arrange( CodePoints, SRect( 0.0f, 0.0f, m_WrapWidth, 0.0f ), UnusedTypesetting, Dimensions );

	AdjustDimensionsToParent( X, Y, Dimensions.x, Dimensions.y, ParentX, ParentY, ParentWidth, ParentHeight );
	GetPositionFromOrigin( X, Y, Dimensions.x, Dimensions.y );

	STATICHASH( ClampToPixelGrid );
	m_ClampToPixelGrid = ConfigManager::GetArchetypeBool( sClampToPixelGrid, sm_Archetype, true, sm_Name );
	if( m_ClampToPixelGrid )
		// Add 0.5 to compensate for font UVs being on half pixel intervals.
		m_TopLeft.x = Round( m_TopLeft.x ) + 0.5f;
		m_TopLeft.y = Round( m_TopLeft.y ) + 0.5f;

	// Offset to properly align on pixel grid.
	const float PixelGridOffset = GetPixelGridOffset();
	m_TopLeft.x -= PixelGridOffset;
	m_TopLeft.y -= PixelGridOffset;
Example #5
SRect Character::GetBoundingBox(const SVector2& renderOffset) const
	return SRect
		mPosition.x - 16.0f + renderOffset.x,
		mPosition.y - 16.0f + renderOffset.y,
		mPosition.x + 16.0f + renderOffset.x,
		mPosition.y + 16.0f + renderOffset.y
Example #6
SRect Character::GetBoundingBox() const
	return SRect
		mPosition.x - 16.0f,
		mPosition.y - 56.0f, 
		mPosition.x + 16.0f,
Example #7
SRect CharacterJump::GetBoundingBox() const
	const SVector2 pos(mpOwner->GetPosition());
	return SRect
		pos.x - 16.0f,
		pos.y - 56.0f,
		pos.x + 16.0f,
Example #8
View::View( const Vector& Location, const Angles& Rotation, float VerticalFOV, float AspectRatio, float NearClip, float FarClip )
:	m_Location( Location )
,	m_Rotation( Rotation )
,	m_NearClip( NearClip )
,	m_FarClip( FarClip )
,	m_InvRange( 0.0f )
,	m_VerticalFOV( VerticalFOV )
,	m_AspectRatio( AspectRatio )
,	m_OrthoMode( false )
,	m_Bounds( SRect( 0, 0, 640, -480 ) )
Example #9
:	m_Location( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f )
,	m_Rotation( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f )
,	m_NearClip( .01f )
,	m_FarClip( 3000.f )
,	m_InvRange( 0.0f )
,	m_VerticalFOV( 90.f )
,	m_AspectRatio( kAspect_4_3 )
,	m_OrthoMode( false )
,	m_Bounds( SRect( 0, 0, 640, -480 ) )
void EldritchFramework::CreateHUDView()
	PRINTF( "EldritchFramework::CreateHUDView\n" );

	SafeDelete( m_HUDView );

	const float		fDisplayWidth	= static_cast<float>( m_DisplayWidth );
	const float		fDisplayHeight	= static_cast<float>( m_DisplayHeight );
	const Vector	EyePosition		= Vector( 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f );
	const Vector	EyeDirection	= Vector( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
	const float		NearClip		= 0.01f;
	const float		FarClip			= 2.0f;

	m_HUDView						= new View( EyePosition, EyeDirection, SRect( 0.0f, 0.0f, fDisplayWidth, fDisplayHeight ), NearClip, FarClip );
void UIWidgetText::UpdateRender()
	// This will fail if UpdateRender is called between submitting UI meshes to the renderer and actually
	// rendering the scene. It may actually be safe if this widget was not submitted to the renderer.
	DEBUGASSERT( m_UIManager->DEBUGIsSafeToUpdateRender( m_LastRenderedTime ) );

	SafeDelete( m_Mesh );
	SafeDelete( m_DropShadowMesh );

	IRenderer* pRenderer = m_UIManager->GetRenderer();

	m_Mesh = m_Font->Print( m_String.CStr(), SRect( 0.0f, 0.0f, m_WrapWidth, 0.0f ), m_FontPrintFlags );
	ASSERT( m_Mesh );

	m_Mesh->m_Location = Vector( m_TopLeft.x, 0.0f, m_TopLeft.y );
	m_Mesh->m_AABB.m_Min.x += m_TopLeft.x;
	m_Mesh->m_AABB.m_Min.z += m_TopLeft.y;
	m_Mesh->m_AABB.m_Max.x += m_TopLeft.x;
	m_Mesh->m_AABB.m_Max.z += m_TopLeft.y;

	m_Mesh->SetMaterialDefinition( "Material_HUD", pRenderer );
	m_Mesh->SetMaterialFlags( m_RenderInWorld ? MAT_INWORLDHUD : MAT_HUD );
	m_Mesh->m_ConstantColor = m_Color;

	if( m_HasDropShadow )
		m_DropShadowMesh = new Mesh;
		m_DropShadowMesh->Initialize( m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer, m_Mesh->m_VertexDeclaration, m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer, NULL );
		m_DropShadowMesh->m_Material		= m_Mesh->m_Material;

		m_DropShadowMesh->m_Location		= m_Mesh->m_Location;
		m_DropShadowMesh->m_Location.x		+= m_DropShadowOffset.x;
		m_DropShadowMesh->m_Location.z		+= m_DropShadowOffset.y;

		m_DropShadowMesh->m_AABB			= m_Mesh->m_AABB;
		m_DropShadowMesh->m_AABB.m_Min.x	+= m_DropShadowOffset.x;
		m_DropShadowMesh->m_AABB.m_Min.z	+= m_DropShadowOffset.y;
		m_DropShadowMesh->m_AABB.m_Max.x	+= m_DropShadowOffset.x;
		m_DropShadowMesh->m_AABB.m_Max.z	+= m_DropShadowOffset.y;

		m_DropShadowMesh->m_ConstantColor	= m_DropShadowColor;
void SXBSchView::drawBuffer(int x,int y,int clipx,int clipy, int clipw, int cliph )
    //    qDebug("SXBSchView::drawBuffer\n");
    QPainter painter;
    QRect rcClip = QRect(clipx,clipy,clipw,cliph);
    QRect rcClipSheet = ContentsToSheet(rcClip);
    SRect srcClipSheet =SRect(rcClipSheet.left(),rcClipSheet.top(),rcClipSheet.width(),rcClipSheet.height());
    //qDebug() << m_viewBuffer.size();


    //    painter.setClipping(true);
    clipx -= x;
    clipy -= y;
    //    painter.setClipRect(clipx,clipy,clipw,cliph);
    SSize size = m_pDoc->SheetSize();
    if(m_bDisplayGrid) {
    drawMainXBSchObj(&painter,DRAW_ON,&srcClipSheet,m_fEditHighLight, m_viewScale,m_viewScaleMul);

    if((m_moveOption == MOVE_OPTION_COMPONENT_NAME)  || (m_moveOption == MOVE_OPTION_COMPONENT_NUM)) {
        int modeOption = 0;
        if(m_moveOption == MOVE_OPTION_COMPONENT_NAME) {
            modeOption = DRAW_INH_PARTNAME;
        } else {
            modeOption = DRAW_INH_PARTNUM;

Example #13
SRect Map::GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(const SLineSegment& line) const
	// Validate the line segment
	if (line.from.x < 0.0f || line.from.x > GetWidth() ||
		line.from.y < 0.0f || line.from.y > GetHeight() ||
		line.to.x < 0.0f || line.to.x > GetWidth() ||
		line.to.y < 0.0f || line.to.y > GetHeight())
		// Line segement is out of bound!
		return SRect();

	// Convert position to indices
	const int fromX = static_cast<int>(line.from.x) / mTileSize;
	const int fromY = static_cast<int>(line.from.y) / mTileSize;
	const int toX = static_cast<int>(line.to.x) / mTileSize;
	const int toY = static_cast<int>(line.to.y) / mTileSize;

	// Calculate tile count
	const int countX = toX - fromX + 1;
	const int countY = toY - fromY + 1;

	// Get region
	SRect region;
	for (int y = 0; y < countY; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < countX; ++x)
			const int index = (fromX + x) + ((fromY + y) * mColumns);
			if (!mTiles[index].IsWalkable())
				region += mTiles[index].GetBoundingBox();
	return region;
Example #14
void C2D::OnDraw(const SRect &rUpdate)
	if (IsVisible() == false) {

	SPos BitmapPos;
	BitmapPos.iX = GetValue() >> 16;
	if (BitmapPos.iX < 0) {
		BitmapPos.iX = 0;
	if (BitmapPos.iX >= (tint)muiXPositions) {
		BitmapPos.iX = muiXPositions - 1;
	BitmapPos.iY = GetValue() & 0xffff;
	if (BitmapPos.iY < 0) {
		BitmapPos.iY = 0;
	if (BitmapPos.iY >= (tint)muiYPositions) {
		BitmapPos.iY = muiYPositions - 1;

	DrawBitmap(GetBitmapResource(), rUpdate, SRect(GetPos() + BitmapPos, mSizeBitmap));
Example #15
SRect NPC::GetBoundingBox() const {
	return SRect(mNPCData.mPosition.x + 5, mNPCData.mPosition.y,
			mNPCData.mPosition.x + 25, mNPCData.mPosition.y + 50);
Example #16
SRect Map::GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(SLineSegment line, Character& character) {
	// Validate that the line segment is within the maps range
	if (line.from.x < 0.0f || line.from.x > mMapData.GetWidth()
			|| line.from.y < 0.0f || line.from.y > mMapData.GetHeight()
			|| line.to.x < 0.0f || line.to.x > mMapData.GetWidth()
			|| line.to.y < 0.0f || line.to.y > mMapData.GetHeight()) {
		return SRect();

	// Convert position to indices
	const int fromX = static_cast<int>(line.from.x) / 32;
	const int fromY = static_cast<int>(line.from.y) / 32;
	const int toX = static_cast<int>(line.to.x) / 32;
	const int toY = static_cast<int>(line.to.y) / 32;

	// Calculate Tile Count
	const int countX = toX - fromX + 1;
	const int countY = toY - fromY + 1;

	// Get Region
	SRect region;

#if _DEBUG

	for(int a = 0; a < mNumberOfNPCS; ++a)
		SRect region2 = mNPCS[a]->GetBoundingBox();
		Graphics_DebugRect(region2 + sOffset, 0XFF00FF);

		Graphics_DebugRect(character.GetBoundingBox() + sOffset, 0X00FFFF);

	for(int a = 0; a < mMapData.GetTileAmount(); ++a)
			SRect region2 = mMapData.mLayer1[a].GetBoundingBox();
			Graphics_DebugRect(region2 + sOffset, 0XFF00FF);


	int width = GetWidth();
	for (int y = 0; y < countY; ++y) {
		for (int x = 0; x < countX; ++x) {
			const int index = (fromX + x) + ((fromY + y) * (width));


			// Block Tile
			if (!mMapData.mLayer1[index].IsWalkable()) {
				region += mMapData.mLayer1[index].GetBoundingBox();
				Graphics_DebugRect(region + sOffset, 0XFF0000);

			for (int a = 0; a < mNumberOfNPCS; ++a) {
				bool npcIntersect = PointInRect(line.to,

				if (npcIntersect) {
					return region += mNPCS[a]->GetBoundingBox();

			// Item Tile
			if (mMapData.mLayer1[index].GetItemImageNumber()) {
				SRect debug = region + mMapData.mLayer1[index].GetBoundingBox();
				Graphics_DebugRect(debug + sOffset, 0XFFFF00);
			} else {

	return region;
void UIWidgetText::GetBounds( SRect& OutBounds )
	OutBounds = SRect( m_Mesh->m_AABB.m_Min.x, m_Mesh->m_AABB.m_Min.z, m_Mesh->m_AABB.m_Max.x, m_Mesh->m_AABB.m_Max.z );
void SXBSchView::print(QPrinter*  pPrinter)
    QPainter paint;
    if(paint.begin(pPrinter ) ) {
        int dpi;
#ifdef Q_WS_MACX
        int dpix,dpiy;;
        dpix = pPrinter->logicalDpiX();
        dpiy = pPrinter->logicalDpiY();
        dpi=((dpix < dpiy) ? dpix : dpiy);
        dpi = pPrinter->resolution();

        paint.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);

        //    	QRect rcPaper = pPrinter->paperRect();
        //    printf("paperRect %d,%d,%d,%d\n",rcPaper.left(),rcPaper.top(),rcPaper.width(),rcPaper.height());
        QRect rcVp = paint.viewport();
        QRect rcPg = pPrinter->pageRect();
        //    printf("pageRect %d,%d,%d,%d\n",rcPg.left(),rcPg.top(),rcPg.width(),rcPg.height());
        //    	int orientation = pPrinter->orientation();
        //    printf("orientation %d\n",orientation);

        int vpWidth, vpHeight;
        int pgLeft, pgTop, pgWidth, pgHeight;

        vpWidth    =rcVp.width();
        vpHeight = rcVp.height();

        pgLeft    =rcPg.left();
        pgTop    =rcPg.top();
        pgWidth    =rcPg.width();
        pgHeight = rcPg.height();

        if(    	(vpWidth > vpHeight && pgWidth < pgHeight)
                ||    (vpWidth < vpHeight && pgWidth > pgHeight)    ) {
            int swapn;
            swapn = pgLeft;
            pgLeft = pgTop;
            pgTop = swapn;

            swapn = pgWidth;
            pgWidth = pgHeight;
            pgHeight = swapn;

        QSettings *settings = g_cfg.getSettings();

        int leftMargin = 15;
        int topMargin = 15;
        int rightMargin = 15;
        int bottomMargin = 15;

        bool color = settings->value("Color",true).toBool();

        topMargin = settings->value("Top",15).toInt();
        bottomMargin = settings->value("Bottom",15).toInt();
        leftMargin = settings->value("Left",15).toInt();
        rightMargin = settings->value("Right",15).toInt();

        if      (topMargin    < 0)   topMargin = 0;
        else if (topMargin    > 50)  topMargin = 50;
        if      (bottomMargin < 0)   bottomMargin = 0;
        else if (bottomMargin > 50)  bottomMargin = 50;
        if      (leftMargin   < 0)   leftMargin = 0;
        else if (leftMargin   > 50)  leftMargin = 50;
        if      (rightMargin  < 0)   rightMargin = 0;
        else if (rightMargin  > 50)  rightMargin = 50;

        topMargin = dpi * 10 * topMargin / 254;
        bottomMargin = dpi * 10 * bottomMargin / 254;
        leftMargin = dpi * 10 * leftMargin / 254;
        rightMargin = dpi * 10 * rightMargin / 254;

        //    printf("SXBSchView::print() dpi:%d\n",dpi);


        paint.setViewTransformEnabled (true);

        SSize size = m_pDoc->SheetSize();
        int w = size.w();
        int h = size.h();

        int dw = w*10;
        int dh = h*10;
        //    p->setWindow( 0,0, dw, dh );
        //    QRect rc = paint.viewport();

        int rightWidth = vpWidth-(pgLeft+pgWidth);
        if(rightWidth < 0) rightWidth = 0;
        int bottomWidth = vpHeight-(pgTop+pgHeight);
        if(bottomWidth < 0) bottomWidth = 0;

        leftMargin -= pgLeft;
        if(leftMargin < 0)leftMargin = 0;

        topMargin -= pgTop;
        if(topMargin < 0) topMargin = 0;

        rightMargin -= rightWidth;
        if(rightMargin < 0) rightMargin = 0;

        bottomMargin -= bottomWidth;
        if(bottomMargin < 0) bottomMargin = 0;

        int vw = pgWidth-(leftMargin+rightMargin);
        int vh = pgHeight-(topMargin+bottomMargin);

        double sheetRatio=(double)w / (double)h;
        double viewRatio=(double)vw / (double)vh;

        int newW;
        int newH;

        if(sheetRatio > viewRatio) {
            newW = vw;
            newH = (int)(vw / sheetRatio);
        } else {
            newH = vh;
            newW = (int)(vh *  sheetRatio);
        //    printf("newW,H=%d,%d\n",newW,newH);
        //     p->setViewport(     rc.left() + (vw-newW)/2,
        //    	    	    rc.top() + (vh-newH)/2,
        //    	    	    newW, newH );
        //    QRect rcvp = p->viewport();
        //    printf("x,y,w,h  %d,%d,%d,%d\n",rcvp.x(),rcvp.y(),rcvp.width(),rcvp.height());

        paint.setViewport( leftMargin+ (vw-newW)/2,
                           topMargin + (vh-newH)/2,
                           newW, newH );
        paint.setWindow( 0,0, dw, dh );

        //    rcvp = p->viewport();
        //    printf("x,y,w,h  %d,%d,%d,%d\n",rcvp.x(),rcvp.y(),rcvp.width(),rcvp.height());

        QRect rcClip = QRect(0,0,dw,dh);
        SRect srcClip =SRect(0,0,w,h);

        drawMainXBSchObj(&paint,(color ? DRAW_ON : DRAW_MONO)|DRAW_FOR_PRINT,&srcClip,false,1,10);

Example #19
SRect CScrollBar::GetHandleRect()
	SRect rctHandle;

	if (mpScrollPane)

	switch(mType) {
		case TypeHorizontal:
				// The leftmost top-left point is 1 pixel to the right of the top-right point of the left arrow
				std::list<IControl*>::iterator it = mControls.begin();
				if (mControls.size() > 2) {
				IControl* pControl = *it++;
				SRect RctArrow;

				SPos Pos(RctArrow.iX + RctArrow.iCX, RctArrow.iY);

				// Calculate the relative position (top-left point)
				tint iDiff = mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCX - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCX;
				tfloat64 fPositionRelative;
				if (iDiff == 0) {
					fPositionRelative = 0;
				else {
					fPositionRelative = (double)mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX / iDiff;

				// Calculate the maximum width of the handle
				pControl = *it;
				SPos PosRightArrow;
				tint iMaxWidth = PosRightArrow.iX - Pos.iX;

				// Calculate the relative width we occupy
				tfloat64 fWidthRelative = mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCX / (double)mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCX;

				// Calculate the absolute size
				rctHandle = SRect(Pos, SSize(0, 0));
				rctHandle.iCY = mpBitmapSizes[BitmapCenterHandle].iCY;
				rctHandle.iCX = (int)((fWidthRelative * iMaxWidth) + 0.5);

				// Calculate the absolute position
				rctHandle.iX += (int)((fPositionRelative * (iMaxWidth - rctHandle.iCX)) + 0.5);

				if (rctHandle.iCX < mpBitmapSizes[BitmapLeftTopHandle].iCX + mpBitmapSizes[BitmapRightDownHandle].iCX) {
					rctHandle.iCX = mpBitmapSizes[BitmapLeftTopHandle].iCX + mpBitmapSizes[BitmapRightDownHandle].iCX;
		case TypeVertical:
				// The topmost top-left point is 1 pixel below the bottom-left point of the up arrow
				std::list<IControl*>::iterator it = mControls.begin();
				if (mControls.size() > 2) {
				IControl* pControl = *it++;
				SRect RctArrow;

				SPos Pos(RctArrow.iX, RctArrow.iY + RctArrow.iCY);

				// Calculate the relative position (top-left point)
				tint iDiff = mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCY - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCY;
				tfloat64 fPositionRelative;
				if (iDiff == 0) {
					fPositionRelative = 0;
				else {
					fPositionRelative = (double)mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY / iDiff;

				// Calculate the maximum height of the handle
				pControl = *it;
				SPos PosDownArrow;
				tint iMaxHeight = PosDownArrow.iY - Pos.iY;

				// Calculate the relative height we occupy
				tfloat64 fHeightRelative = mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCY / (double)mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCY;

				// Calculate the absolute size
				rctHandle = SRect(Pos, SSize(0, 0));
				rctHandle.iCX = mpBitmapSizes[BitmapCenterHandle].iCX;
				rctHandle.iCY = (int)((fHeightRelative * iMaxHeight) + 0.5);

				// Calculate the absolute position
				rctHandle.iY += (int)((fPositionRelative * (iMaxHeight - rctHandle.iCY)) + 0.5);

				if (rctHandle.iCY < mpBitmapSizes[BitmapLeftTopHandle].iCY + mpBitmapSizes[BitmapRightDownHandle].iCY) {
					rctHandle.iCY = mpBitmapSizes[BitmapLeftTopHandle].iCY + mpBitmapSizes[BitmapRightDownHandle].iCY;

	return rctHandle;
void UIWidgetImage::GetBounds( SRect& OutBounds )
	OutBounds = SRect( m_TopLeft.x, m_TopLeft.y, m_TopLeft.x + m_Dimensions.x, m_TopLeft.y + m_Dimensions.y );
void CGM_ControlDescBase::SetDefault()
	ID = -1;

	Rect = SRect( 0, 0, 2, 2 );
Example #22
		SNode* Insert(const SCharData& data)
			if (m_pChild[0] != NULL && m_pChild[1] != NULL)
				// try inserting into first child
				SNode* pNewNode = m_pChild[0]->Insert(data);
				if (pNewNode != NULL)
					return pNewNode;

				// no room, insert into second
				return m_pChild[1]->Insert(data);
				// if there's already a glyph here, return
				if (m_CharIndex >= 0)
					return NULL;

				int width = m_Rect.m_Right - m_Rect.m_Left;
				int height = m_Rect.m_Bottom - m_Rect.m_Top;
				// if we're too small, return
				if (data.m_Width > width ||
					data.m_Height > height)
					return NULL;

				// if we're just right, accept
				if (data.m_Width == width &&
					data.m_Height == height)
					return this;

				// otherwise, gotta split this node and create some kids
				m_pChild[0] = new SNode();
				m_pChild[1] = new SNode();

				// decide which way to split
				int dw = width - data.m_Width;
				int dh = height - data.m_Height;

				if (dw > dh)
					m_pChild[0]->m_Rect = SRect(m_Rect.m_Left, m_Rect.m_Left + data.m_Width,
												m_Rect.m_Top, m_Rect.m_Bottom);
					m_pChild[1]->m_Rect = SRect(m_Rect.m_Left + data.m_Width + 1, m_Rect.m_Right,
												m_Rect.m_Top, m_Rect.m_Bottom);
					m_pChild[0]->m_Rect = SRect(m_Rect.m_Left, m_Rect.m_Right,
												m_Rect.m_Top, m_Rect.m_Top + data.m_Height);
					m_pChild[1]->m_Rect = SRect(m_Rect.m_Left, m_Rect.m_Right,
												m_Rect.m_Top + data.m_Height + 1, m_Rect.m_Bottom);

				// insert into first child we created
				return m_pChild[0]->Insert(data);
			return NULL;
void SXBSchView::drawContents(QPainter*p,int clipx,int clipy,int clipw,int cliph)
    //    qDebug("SXBSchView::drawContents\n");

    updateViewBuffer();// clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph );

    QRect rcClip = QRect(clipx,clipy,clipw,cliph);
    QRect rcClipSheet = ContentsToSheet(rcClip);
    SRect srcClipSheet =SRect(rcClipSheet.left(),rcClipSheet.top(),rcClipSheet.width(),rcClipSheet.height());

    //int vclipx,vclipy;
    //    p->setClipping(true);
    //contentsToViewport ( clipx,clipy,vclipx,vclipy);
    //    p->setClipRect(vclipx,vclipy,clipw,cliph);

    //    p->drawPixmap(clipx,clipy,m_viewBuffer,vclipx,vclipy,clipw,cliph);
    //Qt4    	bitBlt(viewport(),clipx,clipy,&m_viewBuffer,clipx,clipy,clipw,cliph);//,Qt::CopyROP,false);


        SSize size = m_pDoc->SheetSize();
        drawMainXBSchObj(p,DRAW_ON,&srcClipSheet, m_viewScale,m_viewScaleMul);

        if((m_moveOption == MOVE_OPTION_COMPONENT_NAME)  || (m_moveOption == MOVE_OPTION_COMPONENT_NUM)){
                int modeOption = 0;
                if(m_moveOption == MOVE_OPTION_COMPONENT_NAME){
                        modeOption = DRAW_INH_PARTNAME;
                        modeOption = DRAW_INH_PARTNUM;

    int modeOption = 0;
    if(m_pDoc->m_listTemp.size()>0) {
        if(m_bCompleteDrawTemp) {
            if(m_moveOption == MOVE_OPTION_COMPONENT_NAME) {
                modeOption = (DRAW_INH_PARTNUM | DRAW_INH_PARTBODY);
            } else if(m_moveOption == MOVE_OPTION_COMPONENT_NUM) {
                modeOption = (DRAW_INH_PARTNAME | DRAW_INH_PARTBODY);

        if(m_clearTempRect) {
            m_clearTempRect = false;
        if(!modeOption) {

    if(m_bDrawSelectFrame) drawSelectFrame(p);
    if(m_bDrawTempLine)    drawTempLine(p);
    if(m_pCursorObj) drawCursorObj(p);