int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); parseArgs(argc, argv); LOG(INFO) << "Initializing alignment provider"; DazAlnProvider* ap; ap = new DazAlnProvider(popts); TrgBuf trgBuf(20); CnsBuf cnsBuf(10); std::thread writerThread(Writer, std::ref(cnsBuf)); std::vector<std::thread> cnsThreads; for (int i=0; i < popts.threads; i++) { std::thread ct(Consensus, i, std::ref(trgBuf), std::ref(cnsBuf)); cnsThreads.push_back(std::move(ct)); } std::thread readerThread(Reader, std::ref(trgBuf), ap); writerThread.join(); std::vector<std::thread>::iterator it; for (it = cnsThreads.begin(); it != cnsThreads.end(); ++it) it->join(); readerThread.join(); delete ap; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); el::Helpers::installLogDispatchCallback<MyHandler>("MyHandler"); // Your thread ID specification el::CustomFormatSpecifier myThreadIdSpecifier("%mythreadId", getThreadId_CustomVersion); el::Helpers::installCustomFormatSpecifier(myThreadIdSpecifier); el::Loggers::addFlag(el::LoggingFlag::MultiLoggerSupport); // Note your %mythreadId or built-in, both are logged el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::ConfigurationType::Format, "%datetime %level (%thread | %mythreadId) [%logger] [%func] [%loc] %msg"); el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::Level::Verbose, el::ConfigurationType::Format, "%datetime %level-%vlevel (%thread | %mythreadId) [%logger] [%func] [%loc] %msg"); el::Loggers::getLogger("network"); pthread_t thread1, thread2, thread3, thread4; // Create independent threads each of which will execute function pthread_create( &thread1, NULL, write, (void*)"1"); pthread_create( &thread2, NULL, write, (void*)"2"); pthread_create( &thread3, NULL, write, (void*)"3"); el::Logger* logger = el::Loggers::getLogger("default"); args.thrId = "4"; args.logger = logger; pthread_create( &thread4, NULL, write2, (void*)&args); pthread_join(thread1, NULL); pthread_join(thread2, NULL); pthread_join(thread3, NULL); pthread_join(thread4, NULL); #if 0 // Change this to 1 for some serious multiple threads int i = 5; // Last one we created was 4 so we dont want to confuse const int max = i + 500; for (; i <= max; ++i) { pthread_t thread; std::string s = std::to_string(static_cast<long long>(i)); if (i % 2 == 0) pthread_create( &thread, NULL, write, (void*)s.c_str()); else { args.thrId = s.c_str(); args.logger = logger; pthread_create( &thread, NULL, write2, (void*)&args); } pthread_join(thread, NULL); } #endif exit(0); }
void InitializeEasyLogging(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string app_dir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath().toStdString(); std::string log_file = app_dir + "/MHUD2.log"; std::string conf_file = app_dir + "/MHUD2.log.conf"; START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); el::Configurations logger_conf(conf_file); logger_conf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::Filename, log_file); logger_conf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::ToFile, "true"); el::Loggers::setDefaultConfigurations(logger_conf, true); }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); { std::ifstream test(TRAFFIC_TEST_CONF); if (test.is_open()) { el::Configurations conf(TRAFFIC_TEST_CONF); el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(conf); } } return Catch::Session().run( argc, argv ); }
INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP int main(int argc, char** argv) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); el::Loggers::addFlag(el::LoggingFlag::DisableApplicationAbortOnFatalLog); el::Loggers::addFlag(el::LoggingFlag::ColoredTerminalOutput); // You can uncomment following lines to take advantage of hierarchical logging // el::Loggers::addFlag(el::LoggingFlag::HierarchicalLogging); // el::Loggers::setLoggingLevel(el::Level::Global); LOG(INFO); LOG(DEBUG); LOG(WARNING); LOG(ERROR); LOG(TRACE); VLOG(1); LOG(FATAL); DLOG(INFO); DLOG(DEBUG); DLOG(WARNING); DLOG(ERROR); DLOG(TRACE); DVLOG(1); DLOG(FATAL); LOG(INFO) << "Turning off colored output"; el::Loggers::removeFlag(el::LoggingFlag::ColoredTerminalOutput); LOG_IF(true, INFO); LOG_IF(true, DEBUG); LOG_IF(true, WARNING); LOG_IF(true, ERROR); LOG_IF(true, TRACE); VLOG_IF(true, 1); LOG_IF(true, FATAL); LOG_EVERY_N(1, INFO); LOG_EVERY_N(1, DEBUG); LOG_EVERY_N(1, WARNING); LOG_EVERY_N(1, ERROR); LOG_EVERY_N(1, TRACE); VLOG_EVERY_N(1, 1); LOG_EVERY_N(1, FATAL); CHECK(1 == 1); CCHECK(1 == 1, "default"); return 0; }
INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP int main(int argc, char ** argv) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); // std::cout << "INIZIO" << std::endl; // FLAGS_colorlogtostderr=1; // FLAGS_logtostderr=1; google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); spc::ISerializable::Ptr ser = spc::io::deserializeFromFile(FLAGS_selection); spc::SelectionOfPointsBase::Ptr sel = spcDynamicPointerCast<spc::SelectionOfPointsBase>(ser); LOG(INFO) << "selection loaded"; spc::PointCloudBase::Ptr cloud = spc::io::loadPointCloud(FLAGS_cloud); LOG(INFO) << "cloud loaded"; spc::SelectionExtractor<Eigen::Vector3f, size_t> extractor; extractor.setSelection(sel); extractor.setInputSet(cloud); extractor.compute(); // LOG(INFO) << "create cloud"; // spc::PointCloudPCL cloud; // LOG(INFO) << "done"; // cloud.resize(10); // LOG(INFO) << cloud.asEigenMatrix(); // spc::PointCloudBase::Ptr out = cloud->extractIDS<spc::PointCloudPCL>(extractor.getInsideIds()); // pcl::io::savePCDFile("out.pcd", *out->getAsPclXyz()); // DLOG(INFO) << "percentage " << extractor.getPercentageInside(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); LOG(INFO) << "Starting the rover tests"; #ifdef RUNTEST_TEST_GPIO RVR::testGpio(10); #endif #ifdef RUNTEST_TEST_DC_MOTOR RVR::PowerRail *motorRail = RVR::PowerManager::getRail(RVR::RAIL12V0); const RVR::DRV8842Motor driveAMotor = RVR::DRV8842Motor(0, 86, 88, 89, 87, 10, 81, 32, 45, 61, 77, motorRail, 2500, 125); RVR::testDcMotor(driveAMotor); #endif #ifdef RUNTEST_TEST_WIFI_SEND_COMMAND RVR::testWifiSendCommand(ipAddressLocal, ipAddressRemote); #endif #ifdef RUNTEST_TEST_WIFI_SEND_COMMAND_NO_MESSAGE RVR::testWifiSendCommandNoMessage(ipAddressLocal, ipAddressRemote); #endif #ifdef RUNTEST_TEST_WIFI_SEND_STATUS RVR::testWifiSendStatus(ipAddressLocal, ipAddressRemote); #endif #ifdef RUNTEST_TEST_WIFI_SEND_TEXT RVR::testWifiSendText(ipAddressLocal, ipAddressRemote); #endif #ifdef RUNTEST_TEST_WIFI_RECEIVE_COMMAND RVR::testWifiReceiveCommand(ipAddressLocal, ipAddressRemote); #endif #ifdef RUNTEST_TEST_WIFI_RECEIVE_STATUS RVR::testWifiReceiveStatus(ipAddressLocal, ipAddressRemote); #endif #ifdef RUNTEST_TEST_WIFI_RECEIVE_TEXT RVR::testWifiReceiveText(ipAddressLocal, ipAddressRemote); #endif #ifdef RUNTEST_TEST_CAMERA_SAVE_FILE RVR::testCameraSaveFile(3); #endif return 0; }
void InitializeEasyLogging(int argc, char* argv[]) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); // EasyLogging++ does not support unicode file paths, we workaround this by changing the working directory std::wstring app_dir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath().toStdWString(); SetCurrentDirectory(app_dir.c_str()); // Initialize the file logging module std::string log_file = "MHUD2.log"; std::string conf_file = "MHUD2.log.conf"; el::Configurations logger_conf(conf_file); logger_conf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::Filename, log_file); logger_conf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::ToFile, "true"); el::Loggers::setDefaultConfigurations(logger_conf, true); }
int main(int argv, char* argc[]) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argv, argc); configureLogging(); char* configPath = (char *) "./config.json"; LOG(INFO) << "Loading configuration from " << configPath; ConfigurationLoader* configLoader = new ConfigurationLoader(); Configuration* config = configLoader->loadFromFile(configPath); VLOG(9) << "Configuration values:" << std::endl << config->toString(); kernel = new Kernel(config); signal(SIGINT, signalHandler); kernel->boot(); return 0; }
INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); el::Configurations defaultConf; defaultConf.setToDefault(); // Values are always std::string defaultConf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::Format, "%datetime %level %fbase:%line %msg"); // default logger uses default configurations el::Loggers::reconfigureLogger("default", defaultConf); el::Configurations performanceConf; performanceConf.setToDefault(); performanceConf.set(el::Level::Info, el::ConfigurationType::Format, "%msg"); performanceConf.set(el::Level::Info,el::ConfigurationType::Filename,"../performance.log"); /// TODO make output file include version number of this upcoming release //performanceConf.set(el::Level::Info,el::ConfigurationType::MillisecondsWidth,"6"); el::Loggers::reconfigureLogger("performance", performanceConf); el::Loggers::addFlag(el::LoggingFlag::FixedTimeFormat); // ensures performance numbers are always quoted as seconds, never formatted LOG(INFO) << "In tests main"; /// TODO delete performance.csv before running tests //CppUnit::TestResult controller; //CppUnit::TestResultCollector collector; //controller.addListener(&collector); //CppUnit::BriefTestProgressListener progress; //controller.addListener(&progress); CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner; runner.addTest(CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest()); bool wasSuccessful = "", false ); return wasSuccessful; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); el::Configurations conf("config/launcher_logging.cfg"); el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(conf); startLog(); if (!al_init()) { LOG(FATAL) << "failed to initialize allegro!"; return -1; } DWORD exitCode = startup("bin/Box2D SFML Engine.exe"); LOG(INFO) << "Game exited with code: " << exitCode; if (exitCode == 0) { LOG(INFO) << "Game exited succesfully!"; } else if (exitCode == -1) { LOG(WARNING) << "Game failed to start!"; LOG(WARNING) << "Check that Box2D SFML Engine.exe is in the bin folder"; } endLog(); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Press enter to exit"; std::cin.ignore(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); Py_Initialize(); PyRun_SimpleString("print pow(2, 3)"); Py_Finalize(); el::Configurations conf("config/logging.cfg"); el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(conf); startLog(); LOG(INFO) << "Initialising SFML Render Window with a resolution of " << windowWidth << "x" << windowHeight; LOG(INFO) << "IGNORE OPENGL MISSING EXTENSION!"; sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(windowWidth, windowHeight), windowTitle, sf::Style::Close, settings); window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(false); // vsync messes with updates sf::View viewPort(sf::Vector2f(windowWidth / 2, windowHeight / 2), sf::Vector2f(windowWidth, windowHeight)); // Initialise physics //b2Vec2 gravity(0.0f, 0.0f); //b2World world(gravity); // scripting init here! /*script::FalconEngine scripting; // load resource paths try { scripting.embed("resources.fal"); } catch (Falcon::Error *err) { Falcon::AutoCString edesc(err->toString()); LOG(FATAL) << edesc.c_str() << std::endl; err->decref(); return 1; } try { scripting.embed("test.fal"); } catch (Falcon::Error *err) { Falcon::AutoCString edesc(err->toString()); LOG(FATAL) << edesc.c_str() << std::endl; err->decref(); return 1; }*/ texture.loadFromFile("data/abstract liquify thing.png"); sprite.setTexture(texture); int testMusic = loadMusic("data/audio/music/Three_Days_Grace_-_The_High_Road_("); int channel2 = loadMusic("data/audio/music/Kygo - Firestone (feat. Conrad).ogg"); int channel3 = loadMusic("data/audio/music/Seether - Broken (Featuring Amy Lee).ogg"); int channel4 = loadMusic("data/audio/music/New Found Glory - This Disaster.ogg"); int channel5 = loadMusic("data/audio/music/Story of the Year - Until the Day I Die.ogg"); Player player(sf::Vector2f(windowWidth / 2, windowHeight / 2)); FriendlyTrader test(sf::Vector2f(64, 128)); sf::Clock clock; sf::Clock seconds; while (window.isOpen()) { sf::Time elapsed = clock.getElapsedTime(); bool fadeCompleted; if (elapsed.asMicroseconds() >= updateRate.asMicroseconds()) { clock.restart(); update(&window, &player, &viewPort); if (!getFadeCompleted()) { fadeCompleted = true; //windowFade = fadeOut(&window); } test.Update(); } elapsed = seconds.getElapsedTime(); if (elapsed.asSeconds() >= 1) { UPS = tick; FPS = frame; //#ifdef _DEBUG char windowTitle[128] = "SFML and Box2D"; char buffer[8]; strcat_s(windowTitle, " | "); _itoa_s(UPS, buffer, 10); strcat_s(windowTitle, "UPS: "); strcat_s(windowTitle, buffer); strcat_s(windowTitle, ", FPS: "); _itoa_s(FPS, buffer, 10); strcat_s(windowTitle, buffer); window.setTitle(windowTitle); //#endif //std::cout << "UPS: " << UPS << ", FPS: " << FPS << std::endl; tick = 0; frame = 0; seconds.restart(); } render(&window, viewPort); } LOG(INFO) << "Unloading SFML"; sf::sleep(sf::seconds(0.5)); //LogWhiteSpace(); endLog(); std::cout << std::endl; return 0; }
MyLib::MyLib(int argc, char** argv) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); LOG(INFO) << "---MyLib Constructor(int, char**) ---"; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); microunit::UnitTester::Run(); return 0; }
Logger::Logger(int argc, char** argv) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc,argv); LOG(INFO) << "Logger ctor(argc,argv)"; }
void wex::log::init(int argc, char** argv) { // Load elp configuration from file. const path elp(config().dir(), "conf.elp"); if (elp.file_exists()) { el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::Configurations(; } // We need to convert argc and argv, as elp expects = sign between values. // The logging-flags are handled by syncped. bool error = false; std::vector<const char*> v; const std::vector <std::pair< std::string, std::string>> supported { {"-m", "-vmodule"}, {"-D", "--default-log-file"}, {"-L", "--loggingflags"}, {"--logfile", "--default-log-file"}, {"--logflags", "--loggingflags"}, {"--x", "--v"}, // for testing with verbosity {"--v", "--v"}}; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { bool found = false; for (const auto& s : supported) { if (strcmp(argv[i], s.first.c_str()) == 0) { found = true; if (i + 1 < argc) { const std::string option(argv[i + 1]); v.push_back(std::string(s.second + "=" + option).c_str()); } else { error = true; } } } if (!found) { v.push_back(argv[i]); } } START_EASYLOGGINGPP(v.size(), (const char**)&v[0]); verbose(1) << "verbosity:" << (int)el::Loggers::verboseLevel() << "config:" <<; if (error) { log("option value missing"); } }