void DrawHUD() { player_t * CPlayer = StatusBar->CPlayer; players[consoleplayer].inventorytics = 0; if (hud_althudscale && SCREENWIDTH>640) { hudwidth=SCREENWIDTH/2; if (hud_althudscale == 2) { // Optionally just double the pixels to reduce scaling artifacts. hudheight=SCREENHEIGHT/2; } else { if (WidescreenRatio == 4) { hudheight = hudwidth * 30 / BaseRatioSizes[WidescreenRatio][3]; // BaseRatioSizes is inverted for this mode } else { hudheight = hudwidth * 30 / (48*48/BaseRatioSizes[WidescreenRatio][3]); } } } else { hudwidth=SCREENWIDTH; hudheight=SCREENHEIGHT; } if (!automapactive) { int i; // No HUD in the title level! if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL || !CPlayer) return; if (!deathmatch) DrawStatus(CPlayer, 5, hudheight-50); else { DrawStatus(CPlayer, 5, hudheight-75); DrawFrags(CPlayer, 5, hudheight-70); } DrawHealth(CPlayer, 5, hudheight-45); DrawArmor(CPlayer->mo->FindInventory<ABasicArmor>(), CPlayer->mo->FindInventory<AHexenArmor>(), 5, hudheight-20); i=DrawKeys(CPlayer, hudwidth-4, hudheight-10); i=DrawAmmo(CPlayer, hudwidth-5, i); if (hud_showweapons) DrawWeapons(CPlayer, hudwidth - 5, i); DrawInventory(CPlayer, 144, hudheight-28); if (CPlayer->camera && CPlayer->camera->player) { StatusBar->DrawCrosshair(); } if (idmypos) DrawCoordinates(CPlayer); DrawTime(); DrawLatency(); } else { FString mapname; char printstr[256]; int seconds; int length=8*SmallFont->GetCharWidth('0'); int fonth=SmallFont->GetHeight()+1; int bottom=hudheight-1; if (am_showtotaltime) { seconds = Tics2Seconds(level.totaltime); mysnprintf(printstr, countof(printstr), "%02i:%02i:%02i", seconds/3600, (seconds%3600)/60, seconds%60); DrawHudText(SmallFont, hudcolor_ttim, printstr, hudwidth-length, bottom, FRACUNIT); bottom -= fonth; } if (am_showtime) { if (level.clusterflags&CLUSTER_HUB) { seconds = Tics2Seconds(level.time); mysnprintf(printstr, countof(printstr), "%02i:%02i:%02i", seconds/3600, (seconds%3600)/60, seconds%60); DrawHudText(SmallFont, hudcolor_time, printstr, hudwidth-length, bottom, FRACUNIT); bottom -= fonth; } // Single level time for hubs seconds= Tics2Seconds(level.maptime); mysnprintf(printstr, countof(printstr), "%02i:%02i:%02i", seconds/3600, (seconds%3600)/60, seconds%60); DrawHudText(SmallFont, hudcolor_ltim, printstr, hudwidth-length, bottom, FRACUNIT); } ST_FormatMapName(mapname); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_titl, 1, hudheight-fonth-1, mapname, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, TAG_DONE); DrawCoordinates(CPlayer); } }
void DrawHUD() { player_t * CPlayer = StatusBar->CPlayer; // [BB] The player may not have a body while connecting. if ( CPlayer->mo == NULL ) return; players[consoleplayer].inventorytics = 0; if (hud_althudscale && SCREENWIDTH>640) { hudwidth=SCREENWIDTH/2; if (hud_althudscale == 2) { // Optionally just double the pixels to reduce scaling artifacts. hudheight=SCREENHEIGHT/2; } else { if (WidescreenRatio == 4) { hudheight = hudwidth * 30 / BaseRatioSizes[WidescreenRatio][3]; // BaseRatioSizes is inverted for this mode } else { hudheight = hudwidth * 30 / (48*48/BaseRatioSizes[WidescreenRatio][3]); } } } else { hudwidth=SCREENWIDTH; hudheight=SCREENHEIGHT; } if (!automapactive) { int i; // No HUD in the title level! if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL || !CPlayer) return; if (!deathmatch) DrawStatus(CPlayer, 5, hudheight-50); else { DrawStatus(CPlayer, 5, hudheight-75); // [TP] Only draw frags if not playing in teams if (( GAMEMODE_GetCurrentFlags() & GMF_PLAYERSONTEAMS ) == 0 ) DrawFrags(CPlayer, 5, hudheight-70); } // [TP] Only draw health and armor if we are allowed to know those stats. Also don't // draw spectator's health/armor stats. if ( ShouldDrawHealth( CPlayer )) { DrawHealth(CPlayer, 5, hudheight-45); DrawArmor(CPlayer->mo->FindInventory<ABasicArmor>(), CPlayer->mo->FindInventory<AHexenArmor>(), 5, hudheight-20); } // [TP] Draw team stuff. DrawTeamScores( 10, hudheight - 90 ); i=DrawKeys(CPlayer, hudwidth-4, hudheight-10); i=DrawAmmo(CPlayer, hudwidth-5, i); DrawWeapons(CPlayer, hudwidth-5, i); DrawInventory(CPlayer, 144, hudheight-28); if (CPlayer->camera && CPlayer->camera->player) { StatusBar->DrawCrosshair(); } if (idmypos) DrawCoordinates(CPlayer); DrawTime(); } else { FString mapname; char printstr[256]; int seconds; int length=8*SmallFont->GetCharWidth('0'); int fonth=SmallFont->GetHeight()+1; int bottom=hudheight-1; if (am_showtotaltime) { seconds = level.totaltime / TICRATE; mysnprintf(printstr, countof(printstr), "%02i:%02i:%02i", seconds/3600, (seconds%3600)/60, seconds%60); DrawHudText(SmallFont, hudcolor_ttim, printstr, hudwidth-length, bottom, FRACUNIT); bottom -= fonth; } if (am_showtime) { if (level.clusterflags&CLUSTER_HUB) { seconds = level.time /TICRATE; mysnprintf(printstr, countof(printstr), "%02i:%02i:%02i", seconds/3600, (seconds%3600)/60, seconds%60); DrawHudText(SmallFont, hudcolor_time, printstr, hudwidth-length, bottom, FRACUNIT); bottom -= fonth; } // Single level time for hubs seconds= level.maptime /TICRATE; mysnprintf(printstr, countof(printstr), "%02i:%02i:%02i", seconds/3600, (seconds%3600)/60, seconds%60); DrawHudText(SmallFont, hudcolor_ltim, printstr, hudwidth-length, bottom, FRACUNIT); } ST_FormatMapName(mapname); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_titl, 1, hudheight-fonth-1, mapname, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, TAG_DONE); DrawCoordinates(CPlayer); } }