Example #1
void plugin_extfile_add_svctype(const char* name, vscf_data_t* svc_cfg, const unsigned interval, const unsigned timeout) {
    dmn_assert(name); dmn_assert(svc_cfg);

    service_types = xrealloc(service_types, (num_svcs + 1) * sizeof(extf_svc_t));
    extf_svc_t* svc = &service_types[num_svcs++];

    svc->name = strdup(name);
    svc->timeout = timeout;
    svc->interval = interval;

    vscf_data_t* path_cfg = vscf_hash_get_data_byconstkey(svc_cfg, "file", true);
    if(!path_cfg || !vscf_is_simple(path_cfg))
        log_fatal("plugin_extfile: service_type '%s': the 'file' option is required and must be a string filename", name);
    svc->path = gdnsd_resolve_path_state(vscf_simple_get_data(path_cfg), "extfile");

    svc->direct = false;
    svc->def_sttl = GDNSD_STTL_TTL_MAX;
    SVC_OPT_BOOL(svc_cfg, name, direct, svc->direct);
    SVC_OPT_UINT(svc_cfg, name, def_ttl, svc->def_sttl, 1LU, (unsigned long)GDNSD_STTL_TTL_MAX);
    bool def_down = false;
    SVC_OPT_BOOL(svc_cfg, name, def_down, def_down);
        svc->def_sttl |= GDNSD_STTL_DOWN;

    svc->num_mons = 0;
    svc->mons = NULL;
Example #2
void plugin_http_status_add_svctype(const char* name, const vscf_data_t* svc_cfg, const unsigned interval, const unsigned timeout) {

    // defaults
    const char* url_path = "/";
    const char* vhost = NULL;
    unsigned port = 80;

    service_types = realloc(service_types, (num_http_svcs + 1) * sizeof(http_svc_t));
    http_svc_t* this_svc = &service_types[num_http_svcs++];

    this_svc->name = strdup(name);
    this_svc->num_ok_codes = 0;
    this_svc->ok_codes = NULL;
    bool ok_codes_set = false;

    if(svc_cfg) {
        SVC_OPT_STR(svc_cfg, name, url_path);
        SVC_OPT_STR(svc_cfg, name, vhost);
        SVC_OPT_UINT(svc_cfg, name, port, 1LU, 65534LU);
        const vscf_data_t* ok_codes_cfg = vscf_hash_get_data_byconstkey(svc_cfg, "ok_codes", true);
        if(ok_codes_cfg) {
            ok_codes_set = true;
            this_svc->num_ok_codes = vscf_array_get_len(ok_codes_cfg);
            this_svc->ok_codes = malloc(sizeof(unsigned long) * this_svc->num_ok_codes);
            for(unsigned i = 0; i < this_svc->num_ok_codes; i++) {
                const vscf_data_t* code_cfg = vscf_array_get_data(ok_codes_cfg, i);
                if(!vscf_simple_get_as_ulong(code_cfg, &this_svc->ok_codes[i]))
                    log_fatal("plugin_http_status: service type '%s': illegal ok_codes value '%s', must be numeric http status code (100-999)", this_svc->name, vscf_simple_get_data(code_cfg));
                if(this_svc->ok_codes[i] < 100LU || this_svc->ok_codes[i] > 999LU)
                    log_fatal("plugin_http_status: service type '%s': illegal ok_codes value '%lu', must be numeric http status code (100-999)", this_svc->name, this_svc->ok_codes[i]);

    // no config at all, but not the empty array...
    if(!ok_codes_set) {
        this_svc->num_ok_codes = 1;
        this_svc->ok_codes = malloc(sizeof(unsigned long));
        this_svc->ok_codes[0] = 200LU;

    make_req_data(this_svc, url_path, vhost);
    this_svc->port = port;
    this_svc->timeout = timeout;
    this_svc->interval = interval;
Example #3
void plugin_tcp_connect_add_svctype(const char* name, vscf_data_t* svc_cfg, const unsigned interval, const unsigned timeout) {
    dmn_assert(name); dmn_assert(svc_cfg);

    service_types = xrealloc(service_types, (num_tcp_svcs + 1) * sizeof(tcp_svc_t));
    tcp_svc_t* this_svc = &service_types[num_tcp_svcs++];

    this_svc->name = strdup(name);
    unsigned port = 0U;

    SVC_OPT_UINT(svc_cfg, name, port, 1LU, 65534LU);
        log_fatal("plugin_tcp_connect: service type '%s' must have a 'port' parameter", name);

    this_svc->port = port;
    this_svc->timeout = timeout;
    this_svc->interval = interval;