Example #1
void __cdecl My_SV_ClientEnterWorld(client_t* client, usercmd_t* cmd) {
	clientState_t state = client->state; // State before we call real one.
	SV_ClientEnterWorld(client, cmd);

	// gentity is NULL if map changed.
	// state is CS_PRIMED only if it's the first time they connect to the server,
	// otherwise the dispatcher would also go off when a game starts and such.
	if (client->gentity != NULL && state == CS_PRIMED) {
Example #2

Completely restarts a level, but doesn't send a new gamestate to the clients.
This allows fair starts with variable load times.
static void SV_MapRestart_f( void ) {
	int			i;
	client_t	*client;
	char		*denied;
	int			delay;

	// make sure we aren't restarting twice in the same frame
	if ( com_frameTime == sv.serverId ) {

	// make sure server is running
	if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) {
		Com_Printf( "Server is not running.\n" );

	if ( sv.restartTime ) {

	if (Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) {
		delay = atoi( Cmd_Argv(1) );
	else {
		delay = 5;
	if( delay && !Cvar_VariableValue("g_doWarmup") ) {
		sv.restartTime = sv.time + delay * 1000;
		SV_SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, va("%i", sv.restartTime) );

	// check for changes in variables that can't just be restarted
	// check for maxclients change
	if ( sv_maxclients->modified ) {
		char	mapname[MAX_QPATH];

		Com_Printf( "variable change -- restarting.\n" );
		// restart the map the slow way
		Q_strncpyz( mapname, Cvar_VariableString( "mapname" ), sizeof( mapname ) );

		SV_SpawnServer( mapname, qfalse );

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// map_restart has happened
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// generate a new serverid	
	// TTimo - don't update restartedserverId there, otherwise we won't deal correctly with multiple map_restart
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// if a map_restart occurs while a client is changing maps, we need
	// to give them the correct time so that when they finish loading
	// they don't violate the backwards time check in cl_cgame.c
	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		if (svs.clients[i].state == CS_PRIMED) {
			svs.clients[i].oldServerTime = sv.restartTime;

	// reset all the vm data in place without changing memory allocation
	// note that we do NOT set sv.state = SS_LOADING, so configstrings that
	// had been changed from their default values will generate broadcast updates
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;
	sv.restarting = qtrue;


	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		VM_Call (gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, sv.time);
		sv.time += 100;
		svs.time += 100;

	sv.state = SS_GAME;
	sv.restarting = qfalse;

	// connect and begin all the clients
	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		client = &svs.clients[i];

		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if ( client->state < CS_CONNECTED) {

		// add the map_restart command
		SV_AddServerCommand( client, "map_restart\n" );

		// connect the client again, without the firstTime flag
		denied = VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse ) );
		if ( denied ) {
			// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
			// was connected before the level change
			SV_DropClient( client, denied );
			Com_Printf( "SV_MapRestart_f(%d): dropped client %i - denied!\n", delay, i );

		if(client->state == CS_ACTIVE)
			SV_ClientEnterWorld(client, &client->lastUsercmd);
			// If we don't reset client->lastUsercmd and are restarting during map load,
			// the client will hang because we'll use the last Usercmd from the previous map,
			// which is wrong obviously.
			SV_ClientEnterWorld(client, NULL);

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	VM_Call (gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, sv.time);
	sv.time += 100;
	svs.time += 100;
Example #3

The message usually contains all the movement commands 
that were in the last three packets, so that the information
in dropped packets can be recovered.

On very fast clients, there may be multiple usercmd packed into
each of the backup packets.
static void SV_UserMove( client_t *cl, msg_t *msg ) {
	int			i, start;
	int			cmdNum;
	int			firstNum;
	int			cmdCount;
	usercmd_t	nullcmd;
	usercmd_t	cmds[MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS];
	usercmd_t	*cmd, *oldcmd;
	int			clientTime;
	int			serverId;

	cl->reliableAcknowledge = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
	serverId = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
	clientTime = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
	cl->deltaMessage = MSG_ReadLong( msg );

	// cmdNum is the command number of the most recent included usercmd
	cmdNum = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
	cmdCount = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

	if ( cmdCount < 1 ) {
		Com_Printf( "cmdCount < 1\n" );

	if ( cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS ) {
		Com_Printf( "cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS\n" );

	memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd) );
	oldcmd = &nullcmd;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < cmdCount ; i++ ) {
		cmd = &cmds[i];
		MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd( msg, oldcmd, cmd );
		oldcmd = cmd;

	// if this is a usercmd from a previous gamestate,
	// ignore it or retransmit the current gamestate
	if ( serverId != sv.serverId ) {
		// if we can tell that the client has dropped the last
		// gamestate we sent them, resend it
		if ( cl->netchan.incomingAcknowledged > cl->gamestateMessageNum ) {
			Com_DPrintf( "%s : dropped gamestate, resending\n", cl->name );
			SV_SendClientGameState( cl );

	// if this is the first usercmd we have received
	// this gamestate, put the client into the world
	if ( cl->state == CS_PRIMED ) {

		SV_ClientEnterWorld( cl, &cmds[0], eSavedGameJustLoaded );
		if ( sv_mapname->string[0]!='_' )
			char savename[MAX_QPATH];
			if ( eSavedGameJustLoaded == eNO )
				Com_sprintf (savename, sizeof(savename), "auto_%s",sv_mapname->string);
				SG_WriteSavegame(savename,qtrue);//can't use va becuase it's nested
			else if ( qbLoadTransition == qtrue )
				Com_sprintf (savename, sizeof(savename), "hub/%s", sv_mapname->string );
				SG_WriteSavegame( savename, qfalse );//save a full one
				SG_WriteSavegame( "auto", qfalse );//need a copy for auto, too
		eSavedGameJustLoaded = eNO;
		// the moves can be processed normaly

	if ( cl->state != CS_ACTIVE ) {
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	// if there is a time gap from the last packet to this packet,
	// fill in with the first command in the packet

	// with a packetdup of 0, firstNum == cmdNum
	firstNum = cmdNum - ( cmdCount - 1 );
	if ( cl->cmdNum < firstNum - 1 ) {
		cl->droppedCommands = qtrue; 
		if ( sv_showloss->integer ) {
			Com_Printf("Lost %i usercmds from %s\n", firstNum - 1 - cl->cmdNum,
		if ( cl->cmdNum < firstNum - 6 ) {
			cl->cmdNum = firstNum - 6;		// don't generate too many
		while ( cl->cmdNum < firstNum - 1 ) {
			SV_ClientThink( cl, &cmds[0] );
	// skip over any usercmd_t we have already executed
	start = cl->cmdNum - ( firstNum - 1 );
	for ( i =  start ; i < cmdCount ; i++ ) {
		SV_ClientThink (cl, &cmds[ i ]);
	cl->cmdNum = cmdNum;

Example #4

Completely restarts a level, but doesn't send a new gamestate to the clients.
This allows fair starts with variable load times.
static void SV_MapRestart_f( void ) {
	int			i;
	client_t	*client;
	char		*denied;
	qboolean	isBot;
	int			delay;

	// make sure we aren't restarting twice in the same frame
	if ( com_frameTime == sv.serverId ) {

	// make sure server is running
	if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) {
		Com_Printf( "Server is not running.\n" );

	if ( sv.restartTime ) {

	if (Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) {
		delay = atoi( Cmd_Argv(1) );
	else {
		delay = 5;
	if( delay && (!Cvar_VariableValue("g_doWarmup") || Cvar_VariableValue("g_gametype") == GT_TOURNAMENT) ) {
		sv.restartTime = svs.time + delay * 1000;
		SV_SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, va("%i", sv.restartTime) );

	// check for changes in variables that can't just be restarted
	// check for maxclients change
	if ( sv_maxclients->modified || sv_gametype->modified ) {
		char	mapname[MAX_QPATH];

		Com_Printf( "variable change -- restarting.\n" );
		// restart the map the slow way
		Q_strncpyz( mapname, Cvar_VariableString( "mapname" ), sizeof( mapname ) );

		SV_SpawnServer( mapname, qfalse, eForceReload_NOTHING );

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// map_restart has happened
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// generate a new serverid
	sv.restartedServerId = sv.serverId;
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// reset all the vm data in place without changing memory allocation
	// note that we do NOT set sv.state = SS_LOADING, so configstrings that
	// had been changed from their default values will generate broadcast updates
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;
	sv.restarting = qtrue;


	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for ( i = 0 ;i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time );
		svs.time += 100;

	sv.state = SS_GAME;
	sv.restarting = qfalse;

	// connect and begin all the clients
	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		client = &svs.clients[i];

		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if ( client->state < CS_CONNECTED) {

		if ( client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT ) {
			isBot = qtrue;
		} else {
			isBot = qfalse;

		// add the map_restart command
		SV_AddServerCommand( client, "map_restart\n" );

		// connect the client again, without the firstTime flag
		denied = (char *)VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot ) );
		if ( denied ) {
			// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
			// was connected before the level change
			SV_DropClient( client, denied );
			Com_Printf( "SV_MapRestart_f(%d): dropped client %i - denied!\n", delay, i ); // bk010125

		client->state = CS_ACTIVE;

		SV_ClientEnterWorld( client, &client->lastUsercmd );

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time );
	svs.time += 100;
Example #5

Completely restarts a level, but doesn't send a new gamestate to the clients.
This allows fair starts with variable load times.
static void SV_MapRestart_f( void )
	int         i;
	client_t    *client;
	char        *denied;
	qboolean    isBot;
	int         delay = 0;

	// make sure we aren't restarting twice in the same frame
	if ( com_frameTime == sv.serverId )

	// make sure server is running
	if ( !com_sv_running->integer )
		Com_Printf(_( "Server is not running.\n" ));

	// ydnar: allow multiple delayed server restarts [atvi bug 3813]
	//% if ( sv.restartTime ) {
	//%     return;
	//% }

	if ( Cmd_Argc() > 1 )
		delay = atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );

	// check for changes in variables that can't just be restarted
	// check for maxclients change
	if ( sv_maxclients->modified )
		char mapname[ MAX_QPATH ];

		Com_Printf(_( "sv_maxclients variable change — restarting.\n" ));
		// restart the map the slow way
		Q_strncpyz( mapname, Cvar_VariableString( "mapname" ), sizeof( mapname ) );

		SV_SpawnServer( mapname );

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// map_restart has happened
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// generate a new serverid
	// TTimo - don't update restartedserverId there, otherwise we won't deal correctly with multiple map_restart
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va( "%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// reset all the VM data in place without changing memory allocation
	// note that we do NOT set sv.state = SS_LOADING, so configstrings that
	// had been changed from their default values will generate broadcast updates
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;
	sv.restarting = qtrue;

	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverRestarting", "1" );


	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for ( i = 0; i < GAME_INIT_FRAMES; i++ )
		VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time );
		svs.time += FRAMETIME;

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications
	// Gordon: meh, this won't work here as the client doesn't know it has happened
//  SV_CreateBaseline ();

	sv.state = SS_GAME;
	sv.restarting = qfalse;

	// connect and begin all the clients
	for ( i = 0; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
		client = &svs.clients[ i ];

		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if ( client->state < CS_CONNECTED )

		if ( client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT )
			isBot = qtrue;
			isBot = qfalse;

		// add the map_restart command
		SV_AddServerCommand( client, "map_restart\n" );

		// connect the client again, without the firstTime flag
		denied = VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot ) );

		if ( denied )
			// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
			// was connected before the level change
			SV_DropClient( client, denied );

			if ( !isBot )
				Com_Printf( "SV_MapRestart_f(%d): dropped client %i: denied!\n", delay, i );  // bk010125


		client->state = CS_ACTIVE;

		SV_ClientEnterWorld( client, &client->lastUsercmd );

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time );
	svs.time += FRAMETIME;

	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverRestarting", "0" );
Example #6

The message usually contains all the movement commands
that were in the last three packets, so that the information
in dropped packets can be recovered.

On very fast clients, there may be multiple usercmd packed into
each of the backup packets.
static void SV_UserMove( client_t *cl, msg_t *msg, bool delta )
	int       i;
	int       cmdCount;
	usercmd_t nullcmd;
	usercmd_t cmds[ MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS ];
	usercmd_t *cmd, *oldcmd;

	if ( delta )
		cl->deltaMessage = cl->messageAcknowledge;
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	cmdCount = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

	if ( cmdCount < 1 )
		Log::Notice( "cmdCount < 1\n" );

	if ( cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS )
		Log::Notice( "cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS\n" );

	memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof( nullcmd ) );
	oldcmd = &nullcmd;

	for ( i = 0; i < cmdCount; i++ )
		cmd = &cmds[ i ];
		MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd( msg, oldcmd, cmd );
//      MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd( msg, oldcmd, cmd );
		oldcmd = cmd;

	// save time for ping calculation
	cl->frames[ cl->messageAcknowledge & PACKET_MASK ].messageAcked = svs.time;

	// if this is the first usercmd we have received
	// this gamestate, put the client into the world
	if ( cl->state == clientState_t::CS_PRIMED )
		SV_ClientEnterWorld( cl, &cmds[ 0 ] );
		// the moves can be processed normaly

	if ( cl->state != clientState_t::CS_ACTIVE )
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	// usually, the first couple commands will be duplicates
	// of ones we have previously received, but the servertimes
	// in the commands will cause them to be immediately discarded
	for ( i = 0; i < cmdCount; i++ )
		// if this is a cmd from before a map_restart ignore it
		if ( cmds[ i ].serverTime > cmds[ cmdCount - 1 ].serverTime )

		// extremely lagged or cmd from before a map_restart
		if ( cmds[ i ].serverTime <= cl->lastUsercmd.serverTime )

		SV_ClientThink( cl, &cmds[ i ] );
Example #7

The message usually contains all the movement commands 
that were in the last three packets, so that the information
in dropped packets can be recovered.

On very fast clients, there may be multiple usercmd packed into
each of the backup packets.
static void SV_UserMove( client_t *cl, msg_t *msg, qboolean delta ) {
	int			i, key;
	int			cmdCount;
	usercmd_t	nullcmd;
	usercmd_t	cmds[MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS];
	usercmd_t	*cmd, *oldcmd;

	if ( delta ) {
		cl->deltaMessage = cl->messageAcknowledge;
	} else {
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	cmdCount = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

	if ( cmdCount < 1 ) {
		Com_Printf( "cmdCount < 1\n" );

	if ( cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS ) {
		Com_Printf( "cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS\n" );

	// use the checksum feed in the key
	key = sv.checksumFeed;
	// also use the message acknowledge
	key ^= cl->messageAcknowledge;
	// also use the last acknowledged server command in the key
	key ^= Com_HashKey(cl->reliableCommands[ cl->reliableAcknowledge & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS-1) ], 32);

	Com_Memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd) );
	oldcmd = &nullcmd;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < cmdCount ; i++ ) {
		cmd = &cmds[i];
		MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmdKey( msg, key, oldcmd, cmd );
		oldcmd = cmd;

	// save time for ping calculation
	cl->frames[ cl->messageAcknowledge & PACKET_MASK ].messageAcked = svs.time;

	// if this is the first usercmd we have received
	// this gamestate, put the client into the world
	if ( cl->state == CS_PRIMED ) {
		SV_ClientEnterWorld( cl, &cmds[0] );
		// the moves can be processed normaly
	if (sv_pure->integer != 0 && cl->pureAuthentic == 0) {
		SV_DropClient( cl, "Cannot validate pure client!");

	if ( cl->state != CS_ACTIVE ) {
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	// usually, the first couple commands will be duplicates
	// of ones we have previously received, but the servertimes
	// in the commands will cause them to be immediately discarded
	for ( i =  0 ; i < cmdCount ; i++ ) {
		// if this is a cmd from before a map_restart ignore it
		if ( cmds[i].serverTime > cmds[cmdCount-1].serverTime ) {
		// extremely lagged or cmd from before a map_restart
		//if ( cmds[i].serverTime > svs.time + 3000 ) {
		//	continue;
		// don't execute if this is an old cmd which is already executed
		// these old cmds are included when cl_packetdup > 0
		if ( cmds[i].serverTime <= cl->lastUsercmd.serverTime ) {
		SV_ClientThink (cl, &cmds[ i ]);

The message usually contains all the movement commands 
that were in the last three packets, so that the information
in dropped packets can be recovered.

On very fast clients, there may be multiple usercmd packed into
each of the backup packets.
static void SV_UserMove( client_t *cl, msg_t *msg, qboolean delta ) {
	int			i, key;
	int			cmdCount;
	usercmd_t	nullcmd;
	usercmd_t	cmds[MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS];
	usercmd_t	*cmd, *oldcmd;

	if ( delta ) {
		cl->deltaMessage = cl->messageAcknowledge;
	} else {
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	cmdCount = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

	if ( cmdCount < 1 ) {
		Com_Printf( "cmdCount < 1\n" );

	if ( cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS ) {
		Com_Printf( "cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS\n" );

	// use the checksum feed in the key
	key = sv.checksumFeed;
	// also use the message acknowledge
	key ^= cl->messageAcknowledge;
	// also use the last acknowledged server command in the key
	key ^= Com_HashKey( SV_GetServerCommand( cl, cl->reliableAcknowledge ), 32);

	Com_Memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd) );
	oldcmd = &nullcmd;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < cmdCount ; i++ ) {
		cmd = &cmds[i];
		MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmdKey( msg, key, oldcmd, cmd );
		oldcmd = cmd;

	// save time for ping calculation
	cl->frames[ cl->messageAcknowledge & PACKET_MASK ].messageAcked = svs.time;

	// TTimo
	// catch the no-cp-yet situation before SV_ClientEnterWorld
	// if CS_ACTIVE, then it's time to trigger a new gamestate emission
	// if not, then we are getting remaining parasite usermove commands, which we should ignore
	if (sv_pure->integer != 0 && cl->pureAuthentic == 0 && !cl->gotCP) {
		if (cl->state == CS_ACTIVE)
			// we didn't get a cp yet, don't assume anything and just send the gamestate all over again
			Com_DPrintf( "%s: didn't get cp command, resending gamestate\n", cl->name, cl->state );
			SV_SendClientGameState( cl );
	// if this is the first usercmd we have received
	// this gamestate, put the client into the world
	if ( cl->state == CS_PRIMED ) {
		SV_ClientEnterWorld( cl, &cmds[0] );
		// the moves can be processed normaly
	// a bad cp command was sent, drop the client
	if (sv_pure->integer != 0 && cl->pureAuthentic == 0) {		
		SV_DropClient( cl, "Cannot validate pure client!");

	if ( cl->state != CS_ACTIVE ) {
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	// usually, the first couple commands will be duplicates
	// of ones we have previously received, but the servertimes
	// in the commands will cause them to be immediately discarded
	for ( i =  0 ; i < cmdCount ; i++ ) {
		// if this is a cmd from before a map_restart ignore it
		if ( cmds[i].serverTime > cmds[cmdCount-1].serverTime ) {
		// extremely lagged or cmd from before a map_restart
		//if ( cmds[i].serverTime > svs.time + 3000 ) {
		//	continue;
		// don't execute if this is an old cmd which is already executed
		// these old cmds are included when cl_packetdup > 0
		if ( cmds[i].serverTime <= cl->lastUsercmd.serverTime ) {
		SV_ClientThink (cl, &cmds[ i ]);
Example #9

Completely restarts a level, but doesn't send a new gamestate to the clients.
This allows fair starts with variable load times.
static void SV_MapRestart_f( void ) {
	int i;
	client_t    *client;
	char        *denied;
	qboolean isBot;
	int delay = 0;
	gamestate_t new_gs, old_gs;     // NERVE - SMF
	int worldspawnflags;            // DHM - Nerve
	int nextgt;                     // DHM - Nerve
	sharedEntity_t  *world;

	// make sure we aren't restarting twice in the same frame
	if ( com_frameTime == sv.serverId ) {

	// make sure server is running
	if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) {
		Com_Printf( "Server is not running.\n" );

	if ( sv.restartTime ) {

	// DHM - Nerve :: Check for invalid gametype
	sv_gametype = Cvar_Get( "g_gametype", "5", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH );
	nextgt = sv_gametype->integer;

	world = SV_GentityNum( ENTITYNUM_WORLD );
	worldspawnflags = world->r.worldflags;
	if  (
		( nextgt == GT_WOLF && ( worldspawnflags & 1 ) ) ||
		( nextgt == GT_WOLF_STOPWATCH && ( worldspawnflags & 2 ) ) ||
		( ( nextgt == GT_WOLF_CP || nextgt == GT_WOLF_CPH ) && ( worldspawnflags & 4 ) )
		) {

		if ( !( worldspawnflags & 1 ) ) {
			Cvar_Set( "g_gametype", "5" );
		} else {
			Cvar_Set( "g_gametype", "7" );

		sv_gametype = Cvar_Get( "g_gametype", "5", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH );
	// dhm

	if ( Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) {
		delay = atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );

	if ( delay ) {
		sv.restartTime = svs.time + delay * 1000;
		SV_SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, va( "%i", sv.restartTime ) );

	// NERVE - SMF - read in gamestate or just default to GS_PLAYING
	old_gs = atoi( Cvar_VariableString( "gamestate" ) );

	if ( Cmd_Argc() > 2 ) {
		new_gs = atoi( Cmd_Argv( 2 ) );
	} else {
		new_gs = GS_PLAYING;

	if ( !SV_TransitionGameState( new_gs, old_gs, delay ) ) {

	// check for changes in variables that can't just be restarted
	// check for maxclients change
	if ( sv_maxclients->modified ) {
		char mapname[MAX_QPATH];

		Com_Printf( "sv_maxclients variable change -- restarting.\n" );
		// restart the map the slow way
		Q_strncpyz( mapname, Cvar_VariableString( "mapname" ), sizeof( mapname ) );

		SV_SpawnServer( mapname, qfalse );

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// map_restart has happened
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// generate a new serverid
	// TTimo - don't update restartedserverId there, otherwise we won't deal correctly with multiple map_restart
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va( "%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// reset all the vm data in place without changing memory allocation
	// note that we do NOT set sv.state = SS_LOADING, so configstrings that
	// had been changed from their default values will generate broadcast updates
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;
	sv.restarting = qtrue;

	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverRestarting", "1" );


	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time );
		svs.time += 100;

	sv.state = SS_GAME;
	sv.restarting = qfalse;

	// connect and begin all the clients
	for ( i = 0 ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		client = &svs.clients[i];

		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if ( client->state < CS_CONNECTED ) {

		if ( client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT ) {
			isBot = qtrue;
		} else {
			isBot = qfalse;

		// add the map_restart command
		SV_AddServerCommand( client, "map_restart\n" );

		// connect the client again, without the firstTime flag
		denied = VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot ) );
		if ( denied ) {
			// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
			// was connected before the level change
			SV_DropClient( client, denied );
			Com_Printf( "SV_MapRestart_f(%d): dropped client %i - denied!\n", delay, i ); // bk010125

		client->state = CS_ACTIVE;

		SV_ClientEnterWorld( client, &client->lastUsercmd );

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time );
	svs.time += 100;

	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverRestarting", "0" );
Example #10

Completely restarts a level, but doesn't send a new gamestate to the clients.
This allows fair starts with variable load times.
static void SV_MapRestart_f(void) {
	int             i, delay = 0;
	client_t       *client;
	char           *denied;
	qboolean        isBot;
	gamestate_t     new_gs, old_gs;	// NERVE - SMF

	// make sure we aren't restarting twice in the same frame
	if(com_frameTime == sv.serverId) {

	// make sure server is running
	if(!com_sv_running->integer) {
		Com_Printf("Server is not running.\n");

	if(Cmd_Argc() > 1) {
		delay = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));

	if(delay) {
		sv.restartTime = svs.time + delay * 1000;
		SV_SetConfigstring(CS_WARMUP, va("%i", sv.restartTime));

	// NERVE - SMF - read in gamestate or just default to GS_PLAYING
	old_gs = (gamestate_t)atoi(Cvar_VariableString("gamestate"));

	if(SV_GameIsSinglePlayer() || SV_GameIsCoop()) {
		new_gs = GS_PLAYING;
	} else {
		if(Cmd_Argc() > 2) {
			new_gs = (gamestate_t)atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
		} else {
			new_gs = GS_PLAYING;

	if(!SV_TransitionGameState(new_gs, old_gs, delay)) {

	// check for changes in variables that can't just be restarted
	// check for maxclients change
	if(sv_maxclients->modified) {
		char mapname[MAX_QPATH];

		Com_Printf("sv_maxclients variable change -- restarting.\n");
		// restart the map the slow way
		Q_strncpyz(mapname, Cvar_VariableString("mapname"), sizeof(mapname));

		SV_SpawnServer(mapname, qfalse);

	// Check for loading a saved game
	if(Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("savegame_loading")) {
		// open the current savegame, and find out what the time is, everything else we can ignore
		char    savemap[MAX_QPATH], *cl_profileStr = Cvar_VariableString("cl_profile");
		byte    *buffer;
		int     size, savegameTime;

		if(com_gameInfo.usesProfiles) {
			Com_sprintf(savemap, sizeof(savemap), "profiles/%s/save/current.sav", cl_profileStr);
		} else {
			Q_strncpyz(savemap, "save/current.sav", sizeof(savemap));

		size = FS_ReadFile(savemap, NULL);
		if(size < 0) {
			Com_Printf("Can't find savegame %s\n", savemap);

		//buffer = Hunk_AllocateTempMemory(size);
		FS_ReadFile(savemap, (void **)&buffer);

		// the mapname is at the very start of the savegame file
		savegameTime = *(int *)(buffer + sizeof(int) + MAX_QPATH);

		if(savegameTime >= 0) {
			svs.time = savegameTime;

	// done.

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// map_restart has happened
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// generate a new serverid
	// TTimo - don't update restartedserverId there, otherwise we won't deal correctly with multiple map_restart
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	Cvar_Set("sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId));

	// reset all the vm data in place without changing memory allocation
	// note that we do NOT set sv.state = SS_LOADING, so configstrings that
	// had been changed from their default values will generate broadcast updates
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;
	sv.restarting = qtrue;

	Cvar_Set("sv_serverRestarting", "1");


	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for(i = 0; i < GAME_INIT_FRAMES; i++)
		VM_Call(gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time);
		svs.time += FRAMETIME;

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications
	// Gordon: meh, this wont work here as the client doesn't know it has happened
//  SV_CreateBaseline ();

	sv.state = SS_GAME;
	sv.restarting = qfalse;

	// connect and begin all the clients
	for(i = 0; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++) {
		client = &svs.clients[i];

		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if(client->state < CS_CONNECTED) {

		if(client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT) {
			if(SV_GameIsSinglePlayer() || SV_GameIsCoop()) {
				continue;		// dont carry across bots in single player
			isBot = qtrue;
		} else {
			isBot = qfalse;

		// add the map_restart command
		SV_AddServerCommand(client, "map_restart\n");

		// connect the client again, without the firstTime flag
		denied = (char*)VM_ExplicitArgPtr(gvm, VM_Call(gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot));
			// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
			// was connected before the level change
			SV_DropClient(client, denied);
			if((!SV_GameIsSinglePlayer()) || (!isBot)) {
				Com_Printf("SV_MapRestart_f(%d): dropped client %i - denied!\n", delay, i);	// bk010125

		client->state = CS_ACTIVE;

		SV_ClientEnterWorld(client, &client->lastUsercmd);

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	VM_Call(gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time);
	svs.time += FRAMETIME;

	Cvar_Set("sv_serverRestarting", "0");
Example #11

Completely restarts a level, but doesn't send a new gamestate to the clients.
This allows fair starts with variable load times.
static void SV_MapRestart_f(void)
	int         i;
	client_t    *client;
	char        *denied;
	qboolean    isBot;
	int         delay = 0;
	gamestate_t new_gs, old_gs;

	// make sure we aren't restarting twice in the same frame
	if (com_frameTime == sv.serverId)

	// make sure server is running
	if (!com_sv_running->integer)
		Com_Printf("Server is not running.\n");

	if (Cmd_Argc() > 1)
		delay = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));

	if (delay)
		sv.restartTime = svs.time + delay * 1000;
		SV_SetConfigstring(CS_WARMUP, va("%i", sv.restartTime));

	// read in gamestate or just default to GS_PLAYING
	old_gs = atoi(Cvar_VariableString("gamestate"));

	if (Cmd_Argc() > 2)
		new_gs = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
		new_gs = GS_PLAYING;

	if (!SV_TransitionGameState(new_gs, old_gs, delay))

	// check for changes in variables that can't just be restarted
	// check for maxclients change
	if (sv_maxclients->modified)
		char mapname[MAX_QPATH];

		Com_Printf("sv_maxclients variable change -- restarting.\n");
		// restart the map the slow way
		Q_strncpyz(mapname, Cvar_VariableString("mapname"), sizeof(mapname));



	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// map_restart has happened
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// generate a new serverid
	// don't update restartedserverId there, otherwise we won't deal correctly with multiple map_restart
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	Cvar_Set("sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId));

	// reset all the vm data in place without changing memory allocation
	// note that we do NOT set sv.state = SS_LOADING, so configstrings that
	// had been changed from their default values will generate broadcast updates
	sv.state      = SS_LOADING;
	sv.restarting = qtrue;


	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for (i = 0; i < GAME_INIT_FRAMES; i++)
		VM_Call(gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time);
		svs.time += FRAMETIME;

	sv.state      = SS_GAME;
	sv.restarting = qfalse;

	// connect and begin all the clients
	for (i = 0 ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++)
		client = &svs.clients[i];

		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if (client->state < CS_CONNECTED)

		if (client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT)
			isBot = qtrue;
			isBot = qfalse;

		// add the map_restart command
		SV_AddServerCommand(client, "map_restart\n");

		// connect the client again, without the firstTime flag
		denied = VM_ExplicitArgPtr(gvm, VM_Call(gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot));
		if (denied)
			// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
			// was connected before the level change
			SV_DropClient(client, denied);
			if (!isBot)
				Com_Printf("SV_MapRestart_f(%d): dropped client %i - denied!\n", delay, i);   // bk010125


		// Player won't enter the world until the download is done
		if (client->download == 0)
			if (client->state == CS_ACTIVE)
				SV_ClientEnterWorld(client, &client->lastUsercmd);
				// If we don't reset client->lastUsercmd and are restarting during map load,
				// the client will hang because we'll use the last Usercmd from the previous map,
				// which is wrong obviously.
				SV_ClientEnterWorld(client, NULL);

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	VM_Call(gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time);
	svs.time += FRAMETIME;

	// start recording a demo
	if (sv_autoDemo->integer)