Example #1

Sends a reliable command string to be interpreted by
the client game module: "cp", "print", "chat", etc
A NULL client will broadcast to all clients
void QDECL SV_SendServerCommand(client_t *cl, const char *fmt, ...) {
	va_list		argptr;
	byte		message[MAX_MSGLEN];
	client_t	*client;
	int			j;

	va_start (argptr,fmt);
	Q_vsnprintf ((char *)message, sizeof(message), fmt,argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	// Fix to http://aluigi.altervista.org/adv/q3msgboom-adv.txt
	// The actual cause of the bug is probably further downstream
	// and should maybe be addressed later, but this certainly
	// fixes the problem for now
	if ( strlen ((char *)message) > 1022 ) {

	if ( cl != NULL ) {
		SV_AddServerCommand( cl, (char *)message );

	// hack to echo broadcast prints to console
	if ( com_dedicated->integer && !strncmp( (char *)message, "print", 5) ) {
		Com_Printf ("broadcast: %s\n", SV_ExpandNewlines((char *)message) );

	// save broadcasts to demo
	// note: in the case a command is only issued to a specific client, it is NOT recorded (see above when cl != NULL). If you want to record them, just place this code above, but be warned that it may be dangerous (such as "disconnect" command) because server commands will be replayed to every connected clients!
	if ( sv.demoState == DS_RECORDING ) {
		SV_DemoWriteServerCommand( (char *)message );

	// send the data to all relevent clients
	for (j = 0, client = svs.clients; j < sv_maxclients->integer ; j++, client++) {
		SV_AddServerCommand( client, (char *)message );
Example #2

Sends a reliable command string to be interpreted by 
the client game module: "cp", "print", "chat", etc
A NULL client will broadcast to all clients
void QDECL SV_SendServerCommand(client_t *cl, const char *fmt, ...) {
	va_list		argptr;
	byte		message[MAX_MSGLEN];
	client_t	*client;
	int			j;
	va_start (argptr,fmt);
	Q_vsnprintf ((char *)message, sizeof(message), fmt,argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	// Fix to http://aluigi.altervista.org/adv/q3msgboom-adv.txt
	// The actual cause of the bug is probably further downstream
	// and should maybe be addressed later, but this certainly
	// fixes the problem for now
	if ( strlen ((char *)message) > 1022 ) {

	if ( cl != NULL ) {
		SV_AddServerCommand( cl, (char *)message );

	// hack to echo broadcast prints to console
	if ( com_dedicated->integer && !strncmp( (char *)message, "print", 5) ) {
		Com_Printf ("broadcast: %s\n", SV_ExpandNewlines((char *)message) );

	// save broadcasts to demo
	if ( sv.demoState == DS_RECORDING )
		SV_DemoWriteServerCommand( (char *)message );

	// send the data to all relevent clients
	for (j = 0, client = svs.clients; j < sv_maxclients->integer ; j++, client++) {
		SV_AddServerCommand( client, (char *)message );