Example #1
	Mesh* SceneManager::CreatePlaneMesh( float w, float h )
		float halfW = w / 2;
		float halfH = h / 2;

		SVertex vert[4] =
			SVertex(VEC3(-w,0,+h), VEC2(0,0), VEC3::UNIT_Y),
			SVertex(VEC3(+w,0,+h), VEC2(1,0), VEC3::UNIT_Y),
			SVertex(VEC3(+w,0,-h), VEC2(1,1), VEC3::UNIT_Y),
			SVertex(VEC3(-w,0,-h), VEC2(0,1), VEC3::UNIT_Y),

		DWORD dwIndex[6] = {0,1,3,1,2,3};

		Mesh* pMesh =  new Mesh;
		SubMesh* pSubmesh = new SubMesh;

		pSubmesh->InitVertData(eVertexType_General, vert, 4, true);
		pSubmesh->InitIndexData(dwIndex, 6, true);


		return pMesh;
Example #2
// Does a few inits
	: m_minVert(numeric_limits<float>::max(), numeric_limits<float>::max(), numeric_limits<float>::max())
	, m_maxVert(-numeric_limits<float>::max(), -numeric_limits<float>::max(), -numeric_limits<float>::max())
	//	Pushing some dummy front values.
	//	Note: this is uggly, find a better way.
	m_vertVector.push_back(SVertex(0, 0, 0));
	m_texVector.push_back(SVertex(0, 0, 0));
	m_normVector.push_back(SVertex(0, 0, 0));
Example #3
// Empties the mesh.
void CMesh::clear() {
	m_minVert.set(numeric_limits<float>::max(), numeric_limits<float>::max(), numeric_limits<float>::max());
	m_maxVert.set(-numeric_limits<float>::max(), -numeric_limits<float>::max(), -numeric_limits<float>::max());

	//	Cf. ctor.
	m_vertVector.push_back(SVertex(0, 0, 0));
	m_texVector.push_back(SVertex(0, 0, 0));
	m_normVector.push_back(SVertex(0, 0, 0));
Example #4
	,m_sizeRatio(0, 0)
		// Create screen quad
		static bool bCreate = false;
		if (!bCreate)
			m_pQuadMesh = new Mesh;
			SubMesh* pSubMesh = new SubMesh;

			SVertex v[4] = 
				SVertex(VEC3(-1,1,0), VEC2(0,0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(1,1,0), VEC2(1,0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(-1,-1,0), VEC2(0,1)),
				SVertex(VEC3(1,-1,0), VEC2(1,1))
			DWORD index[6] = { 0,1,2, 1,3,2 };

			// Store index to frustum far corner
			v[0].normal.x = 0;
			v[1].normal.x = 1;
			v[2].normal.x = 2;
			v[3].normal.x = 3;

			pSubMesh->InitVertData(eVertexType_General, v, ARRAYSIZE(v), true);
			pSubMesh->InitIndexData(index, ARRAYSIZE(index), true);


			m_pQuadEntity = new Entity(m_pQuadMesh);


			bCreate = true;
Example #5
	bool SceneManager::Init()
		m_camera = new Camera;
		m_camera->SetAspectRatio(m_pRenderSystem->GetWndWidth() / (float)m_pRenderSystem->GetWndHeight());

		m_sunLight.lightDir.Set(1, -1, 2);
		m_sunLight.lightColor.Set(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);

		m_pSSAO = new SSAO;

			m_pDebugRTMesh = new Mesh;
			SubMesh* pSubMesh = new SubMesh;

			SVertex v[4] = 
				SVertex(VEC3(0.5f,1.0f,0), VEC2(0,0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(1.0f,1.0f,0), VEC2(1,0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(0.5f,0.4f,0), VEC2(0,1)),
				SVertex(VEC3(1.0f,0.4f,0), VEC2(1,1))
			DWORD index[6] = { 0,1,2, 1,3,2 };

			pSubMesh->InitVertData(eVertexType_General, v, ARRAYSIZE(v), true);
			pSubMesh->InitIndexData(index, ARRAYSIZE(index), true);


			m_pDebugRTMaterial = new Material;
			m_pDebugRTMaterial->InitShader(GetResPath("DebugRT.hlsl"), GetResPath("DebugRT.hlsl"));



		return true;
Example #6
	Decal::Decal(const VEC3& pos, float size, const QUATERNION& rot)
		: m_vPos(pos)
		, m_fSize(size)
		, m_pMaterial(nullptr)
		if (!m_pUnitCube)
			SVertex vert[8] =
				SVertex(VEC3(-0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f), VEC2(0, 0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(+0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f), VEC2(0, 0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(+0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f), VEC2(0, 0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f), VEC2(0, 0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(-0.5f, +0.5f, +0.5f), VEC2(0, 0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(+0.5f, +0.5f, +0.5f), VEC2(0, 0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(+0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f), VEC2(0, 0)),
				SVertex(VEC3(-0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f), VEC2(0, 0)),

			DWORD dwIndex[36] = {
				0,2,1,0,3,2,		// bottom
				4,5,7,5,6,7,		// top
				4,7,0,7,3,0,		// left
				6,5,2,5,1,2,		// right
				7,6,3,6,2,3,		// behind
				5,4,1,4,0,1,		// front

			Mesh* pMesh = new Mesh;
			SubMesh* pSubmesh = new SubMesh;

			pSubmesh->InitVertData(eVertexType_General, vert, 8, true);
			pSubmesh->InitIndexData(dwIndex, 36, true);


			m_pUnitCube = new Entity(pMesh);

			m_pCB_Decal = g_env.pRenderer->GetRenderSys()->CreateConstantBuffer(sizeof(cBufferDecal), 10);

		m_cbDecal.matRotation = rot.ToRotationMatrix().Transpose();
		m_cbDecal.fProjClip = 10000.f;
Example #7
void CTexturedLineRData::CreateLineCap(const SOverlayTexturedLine& line, const CVector3D& corner1, const CVector3D& corner2,
	const CVector3D& lineDirectionNormal, SOverlayTexturedLine::LineCapType endCapType, std::vector<SVertex>& verticesOut,
	std::vector<u16>& indicesOut)
	if (endCapType == SOverlayTexturedLine::LINECAP_FLAT)
		return; // no action needed, this is the default

	// When not in closed mode, we've created artificial points for the start- and endpoints that extend the line in the
	// direction of the first and the last segment, respectively. Thus, we know both the start and endpoints have perpendicular
	// butt endings, i.e. the end corner vertices on either side of the line extend perpendicularly from the segment direction.
	// That is to say, when viewed from the top, we will have something like
	//                                                 .
	//  this:                     and not like this:  /|
	//         ----+                                 / |
	//             |                                /  .
	//             |                                  /
	//         ----+                                 /

	int roundCapPoints = 8; // amount of points to sample along the semicircle for rounded caps (including corner points)
	float radius = line.m_Thickness;

	CVector3D centerPoint = (corner1 + corner2) * 0.5f;
	SVertex centerVertex(centerPoint, 0.5f, 0.5f);
	u16 indexOffset = verticesOut.size(); // index offset in verticesOut from where we start adding our vertices

	switch (endCapType)
	case SOverlayTexturedLine::LINECAP_SHARP:
			roundCapPoints = 3; // creates only one point directly ahead
			radius *= 1.5f; // make it a bit sharper (note that we don't use the radius for the butt-end corner points so it should be ok)
			centerVertex.m_UVs[0] = 0.480f; // slight visual correction to make the texture match up better at the corner points
		// fall-through
	case SOverlayTexturedLine::LINECAP_ROUND:
			// Draw a rounded line cap in the 3D plane of the line specified by the two corner points and the normal vector of the 
			// line's direction. The terrain normal at the centroid between the two corner points is perpendicular to this plane.
			// The way this works is by taking a vector from the corner points' centroid to one of the corner points (which is then 
			// of radius length), and rotate it around the terrain normal vector in that centroid. This will rotate the vector in 
			// the line's plane, producing the desired rounded cap.

			// To please OpenGL's winding order, this angle needs to be negated depending on whether we start rotating from 
			// the (center -> corner1) or (center -> corner2) vector. For the (center -> corner2) vector, we apparently need to use 
			// the negated angle.
			float stepAngle = -(float)(M_PI/(roundCapPoints-1));

			// Push the vertices in triangle fan order (easy to generate GL_TRIANGLES indices for afterwards)
			// Note that we're manually adding the corner vertices instead of having them be generated by the rotating vector. 
			// This is because we want to support an overly large radius to make the sharp line ending look sharper.
			verticesOut.push_back(SVertex(corner2, 0.f, 0.f));

			// Get the base vector that we will incrementally rotate in the cap plane to produce the radial sample points.
			// Normally corner2 - centerPoint would suffice for this since it is of radius length, but we want to support custom 
			// radii to support tuning the 'sharpness' of sharp end caps (see above)
			CVector3D rotationBaseVector = (corner2 - centerPoint).Normalized() * radius;
			// Calculate the normal vector of the plane in which we're going to be drawing the line cap. This is the vector that
			// is perpendicular to both baseVector and the 'lineDirectionNormal' vector indicating the direction of the line.
			// Note that we shouldn't use terrain->CalcExactNormal() here because if the line is being rendered on top of water,
			// then CalcExactNormal will return the normal vector of the terrain that's underwater (which can be quite funky).
			CVector3D capPlaneNormal = lineDirectionNormal.Cross(rotationBaseVector).Normalized();

			for (int i = 1; i < roundCapPoints - 1; ++i)
				// Rotate the centerPoint -> corner vector by i*stepAngle radians around the cap plane normal at the center point.
				CQuaternion quatRotation;
				quatRotation.FromAxisAngle(capPlaneNormal, i * stepAngle);
				CVector3D worldPos3D = centerPoint + quatRotation.Rotate(rotationBaseVector);

				// Let v range from 0 to 1 as we move along the semi-circle, keep u fixed at 0 (i.e. curve the left vertical edge 
				// of the texture around the edge of the semicircle)
				float u = 0.f;
				float v = clamp((i/(float)(roundCapPoints-1)), 0.f, 1.f); // pos, u, v
				verticesOut.push_back(SVertex(worldPos3D, u, v));

			// connect back to the other butt-end corner point to complete the semicircle 
			verticesOut.push_back(SVertex(corner1, 0.f, 1.f)); 

			// now push indices in GL_TRIANGLES order; vertices[indexOffset] is the center vertex, vertices[indexOffset + 1] is the 
			// first corner point, then a bunch of radial samples, and then at the end we have the other corner point again. So: 
			for (int i=1; i < roundCapPoints; ++i)
				indicesOut.push_back(indexOffset); // center vertex 
				indicesOut.push_back(indexOffset + i); 
				indicesOut.push_back(indexOffset + i + 1); 

	case SOverlayTexturedLine::LINECAP_SQUARE:
			// Extend the (corner1 -> corner2) vector along the direction normal and draw a square line ending consisting of 
			// three triangles (sort of like a triangle fan)
			// NOTE: The order in which the vertices are pushed out determines the visibility, as they
			// are rendered only one-sided; the wrong order of vertices will make the cap visible only from the bottom.
			verticesOut.push_back(SVertex(corner2, 0.f, 0.f));
			verticesOut.push_back(SVertex(corner2 + (lineDirectionNormal * (line.m_Thickness)), 0.f, 0.33333f)); // extend butt corner point 2 along the normal vector 
			verticesOut.push_back(SVertex(corner1 + (lineDirectionNormal * (line.m_Thickness)), 0.f, 0.66666f)); // extend butt corner point 1 along the normal vector 
			verticesOut.push_back(SVertex(corner1, 0.f, 1.0f)); // push butt corner point 1 

			for (int i=1; i < 4; ++i) 
				indicesOut.push_back(indexOffset); // center point 
				indicesOut.push_back(indexOffset + i); 
				indicesOut.push_back(indexOffset + i + 1);

