Example #1
File: pe.c Project: 0x6d48/ghostpp
MEXP(int) cm_pe_fixed_version(cm_pe_t pe, cm_pe_res_t* res,
							  cm_pe_version_t* ver)
	cm_pe_section_t* sect = (pe->sections + 3);
	uint32_t check = 0xBD04EFFE;
	uint32_t check = 0xFEEF04BD;
	uint32_t rva;
	uint32_t size;
	uint32_t offset;
	uint32_t align;
	if (!pe || !res || !ver)
		return 0;
	if (fseek(pe->f, res->file_offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
		return 0;
	if (fread(&rva, 4, 1, pe->f) != 1)
		return 0;
	if (fread(&size, 4, 1, pe->f) != 1)
		return 0;
	rva = SWAP4(rva);
	size = SWAP4(size);
	offset = sect->raw_data_offset + (rva - sect->virtual_address) + 0x26;
	align = 4 -(offset & 0xF % 4);
	if (align < 4)
		offset += align;
	if (fseek(pe->f, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
		return 0;
	if (fread(ver, sizeof(cm_pe_version_t), 1, pe->f) != 1)
		return 0;
	if (ver->dwSignature != check)
		return 0;
	ver->dwSignature = SWAP32(ver->dwSignature);
	ver->dwStrucVersion = SWAP32(ver->dwStrucVersion);
	ver->dwFileVersionMS = SWAP32(ver->dwFileVersionMS);
	ver->dwFileVersionLS = SWAP32(ver->dwFileVersionLS);
	ver->dwProductVersionMS = SWAP32(ver->dwProductVersionMS); 
	ver->dwProductVersionLS = SWAP32(ver->dwProductVersionLS);
	ver->dwFileFlagsMask = SWAP32(ver->dwFileFlagsMask);
	ver->dwFileFlags = SWAP32(ver->dwFileFlags);
	ver->dwFileOS = SWAP32(ver->dwFileOS);
	ver->dwFileType = SWAP32(ver->dwFileType);
	ver->dwFileSubtype = SWAP32(ver->dwFileSubtype);
	ver->dwFileDateMS = SWAP32(ver->dwFileDateMS);
	ver->dwFileDateLS = SWAP32(ver->dwFileDateLS);
	return 1;
Example #2
// --------------------------------------------------
Host WSAClientSocket::getLocalHost()
	struct sockaddr_in localAddr;

	int len = sizeof(localAddr);
    if (getsockname(sockNum, (sockaddr *)&localAddr, &len) == 0)
		return Host(SWAP4(localAddr.sin_addr.s_addr),0);
		return Host(0,0);
Example #3
 * Writes a 32 bit integer to a StreamWrite.
 * @param stream The StreamWrite to write to.
 * @param value  The value to write.
EXPORT void streamWriteUInt(StreamWrite* stream, uint32_t value) {
  if (!stream) {

  if (stream->index + 4 >= stream->bufferLength) {

	if (stream->endianness != ENDIANNESS_NATIVE) {
    value = SWAP4(value);
  *(uint32_t*)(stream->data + stream->index) = value;
  streamWriteSkip(stream, 4);
Example #4
NMErr NetworkSendPlayerMessage
	const char *message,		/* ptr to message string to send */
	NMUInt32 messageType		/* type of message (question, info, etc. */
	char buffer[256];
	MessagePacketPtr theMessage = (MessagePacketPtr)buffer;
	clientPlayer *theClient;
	NMErr err = kNMNoError;

	theMessage->type = messageType;
	/* on little_endian systems (x86,etc) we need to swap our 4 byte type value into network(big-endian) format */
	#if (little_endian)
		theMessage->type = SWAP4(theMessage->type);
	/* As a host, to send a message to all players, we just go through our list of client endpoints
	and send to each of them */
	theClient = _clientList;
	while (theClient != NULL)
		/* If we've closed a client and are waiting for its close-complete, we don't send stuff to it*/
		if (theClient->closed == false)
			//printf("sending packat to %p\n",theClient->endpoint);
			err = ProtocolSendPacket(	theClient->endpoint, 							/* which endpoint */
										theMessage,										/* data */
										sizeof(*theMessage) + strlen(theMessage->str),	/* data size */
										0);												/* flags */
		theClient = theClient->next;
	return err;
Example #5
NMErr NetworkSendAnswer
	char answer			/* the answer to send (just a char!) */
	NMErr err = kNMNoError;
	MessagePacket_t theMessage;
	theMessage.type = kMessageType_Answer;
	theMessage.str[0] = answer;
	/* on little_endian systems (x86,etc) we need to swap our 4 byte type value into network(big-endian) format */
	#if (little_endian)
		theMessage.type = SWAP4(theMessage.type);
	/* To send messages to the host, we just use our local client endpoint */
	err = ProtocolSendPacket(	_ourClientEndpoint, /* which endpoint */
								&theMessage,		/* data */
								sizeof(theMessage),	/* data size */
								0);					/* flags */
	return err;
Example #6
NMErr NetworkSendName
	char *name			/* the name to send */
	char buffer[256];
	MessagePacketPtr theMessage = (MessagePacketPtr)buffer;
	NMErr err = kNMNoError;

	theMessage->type = kMessageType_Name;
	/* on little_endian systems (x86,etc) we need to swap our 4 byte type value into network(big-endian) format */
	#if (little_endian)
		theMessage->type = SWAP4(theMessage->type);
	err = ProtocolSendPacket(	_ourClientEndpoint, 							/* which endpoint */
								theMessage,										/* data */
								sizeof(*theMessage) + strlen(theMessage->str),	/* data size */
								0);												/* flags */
	return err;
Example #7
File: pe.c Project: 0x6d48/ghostpp
MEXP(cm_pe_resdir_t*) cm_pe_load_resources(cm_pe_t pe)
	cm_pe_section_t* sect;
	cm_pe_resdir_t* root = (cm_pe_resdir_t*) 0;
	cm_pe_resdir_t* dir;
	cm_pe_resdir_t* subdirs;
	cm_pe_res_t res;
	cm_pe_res_t* resources;
	cm_stack_t stack;
	size_t i;
	uint32_t base;
	// no need to check validity of pe pointer; cm_pe_get_section does this
	sect = cm_pe_get_section(pe, ".rsrc");
	if (!sect)
		return (cm_pe_resdir_t*) 0;
	root = (cm_pe_resdir_t*) malloc(sizeof(cm_pe_resdir_t));
	if (!root)
		return (cm_pe_resdir_t*) 0;
	base = sect->raw_data_offset;
	if (!cm_pe_load_resdir(pe->f, base, root)) {
		return (cm_pe_resdir_t*) 0;
	stack = cm_stack_create();
	if (!stack) {
		return (cm_pe_resdir_t*) 0;
	cm_stack_push(stack, root);
	while ( (dir = (cm_pe_resdir_t*) cm_stack_pop(stack)) ) {
		while (dir->subdir_count + dir->resource_count <
			   dir->named_entry_count + dir->id_entry_count)
			if (fseek(pe->f, dir->offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
				return (cm_pe_resdir_t*) 0;
			if (fread(&res, CM_RES_REAL_SIZE, 1, pe->f) != 1) {
				return (cm_pe_resdir_t*) 0;
			res.name = SWAP4(res.name);
			res.offset = SWAP4(res.offset);
			if (res.offset & 0x80000000) {
				// subdirectory
				i = dir->subdir_count++;
				subdirs = (cm_pe_resdir_t*) realloc(dir->subdirs,
					sizeof(cm_pe_resdir_t) * dir->subdir_count);
				if (!subdirs) {
					return (cm_pe_resdir_t*) 0;
				dir->subdirs = subdirs;
				cm_stack_push(stack, dir);
				dir->offset += CM_RES_REAL_SIZE;
				dir = (subdirs + i);
				res.offset &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
				res.file_offset = base + res.offset;
				if (!cm_pe_load_resdir(pe->f, res.file_offset, dir)) {
					return (cm_pe_resdir_t*) 0;
				dir->name = res.name;
				cm_stack_push(stack, dir);
			// real resource
			res.file_offset = base + res.offset;
			i = dir->resource_count++;
			resources = (cm_pe_res_t*) realloc(dir->resources,
				sizeof(cm_pe_res_t) * dir->resource_count);
			if (!resources) {
				return (cm_pe_resdir_t*) 0;
			dir->resources = resources;
			memcpy(dir->resources + i, &res, sizeof(cm_pe_res_t));
			dir->offset += CM_RES_REAL_SIZE;
	return root;
Example #8
uint32_t SRPCalcU(const unsigned char *B) {
	unsigned char hash[20];
	SHA1(B, 32, hash);
	return SWAP4(*(uint32_t *)hash);
Example #9
static void _callBack( PEndpointRef inEndpoint, void* inContext,NMCallbackCode inCode, NMErr inError,void* inCookie )
	/*we have to respond to connect requests immediately, because when we connect to ourself, we'll be in a
	ProtocolOpenEndpoint() call and won't be able to call our message checking function*/
	if (inCode == kNMConnectRequest)
		/*this is a tiny bit sloppy to be comparing values at interrupt time - we should use some sort of mutual-exclusion setup
		so we can't have two threads manipulating these values simultaneously.  Anyway, for our simple purposes this is fine*/
		if (_playerCount < _maxPlayers)
			clientPlayer *thePlayer;
			/*create a player struct and pass it as our context for this new endpoint 
			we dont', however, add it to our list yet - we gotta wait for our accept complete
			(we shouldnt at interrupt time anyway)*/
			thePlayer = (clientPlayer*)_interruptSafeAllocate(sizeof(*thePlayer));
			strcpy(thePlayer->name,"mr. untitled"); /*until we get a name message from the guy, we hereby dub him mr. untitled*/
			/* Rejected!!! */
		MessageStorageNode *theStorageNode;
		/*theres one or more datagrams waiting*/
		if (inCode == kNMDatagramData){
			NMUInt32 dataLength = kMaxMessageSize;
			NMFlags flags = 0;
			char buffer[kMaxMessageSize];
			NMErr err;
			/* receive packets until there are no more to be found */
			err = ProtocolReceivePacket(inEndpoint,(void*)buffer,&dataLength,&flags);
			while (!err)
				/* we got a packet - make a node big enough to hold it, save all the message info,
				and copy the data we received (in this case just a string) to it */
				theStorageNode = _newMessageStorageNode(dataLength);
				theStorageNode->endpoint = inEndpoint;
				theStorageNode->context = inContext;
				theStorageNode->cookie = inCookie;
				theStorageNode->code = inCode;
				theStorageNode->type = ((MessagePacketPtr)buffer)->type;
				/* we just pulled a 4 byte integer off the network - if we're on a little-endian system (x86,etc)
				we need to swap it out of big-endian format */
				#if (little_endian)
					theStorageNode->type = SWAP4(theStorageNode->type);
				/*add it to our interrupt-safe list and try for the next one*/
				err = ProtocolReceivePacket(inEndpoint,buffer,&dataLength,&flags);					
		/*its some other message - make a storage node without any extra space for data and copy the info in */
			theStorageNode = _newMessageStorageNode(0);
			theStorageNode->endpoint = inEndpoint;
			theStorageNode->context = inContext;
			theStorageNode->cookie = inCookie;
			theStorageNode->code = inCode;

			/*add it to our interrupt-safe list*/
Example #10
MEXP(int) cm_pe_fixed_version(cm_pe_t pe, cm_pe_res_t* res,
                              cm_pe_version_t* ver)
    // find ".rsrc" section
    cm_pe_section_t* sect = pe->sections;
        int i=0;
        for(; i<pe->header.section_count; ++i)
                sect = &sect[i];
        if(i == pe->header.section_count) // no resources ???
            return 0;
    uint32_t check = 0xBD04EFFE;
    uint32_t check = 0xFEEF04BD;
    uint32_t rva;
    uint32_t size;
    uint32_t offset;

    if (!pe || !res || !ver)
        return 0;

    if (fseek(pe->f, res->file_offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
        return 0;
    if (fread(&rva, 4, 1, pe->f) != 1)
        return 0;
    if (fread(&size, 4, 1, pe->f) != 1)
        return 0;
    rva = SWAP4(rva);
    size = SWAP4(size);

    offset = sect->raw_data_offset + (rva - sect->virtual_address) + 0x26;
    offset = (offset+3) & 0xFFFFFFFC; // align 4 byte
    if (fseek(pe->f, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
        return 0;
    if (fread(ver, sizeof(cm_pe_version_t), 1, pe->f) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (ver->dwSignature != check)
        return 0;

    ver->dwSignature = SWAP32(ver->dwSignature);
    ver->dwStrucVersion = SWAP32(ver->dwStrucVersion);
    ver->dwFileVersionMS = SWAP32(ver->dwFileVersionMS);
    ver->dwFileVersionLS = SWAP32(ver->dwFileVersionLS);
    ver->dwProductVersionMS = SWAP32(ver->dwProductVersionMS);
    ver->dwProductVersionLS = SWAP32(ver->dwProductVersionLS);
    ver->dwFileFlagsMask = SWAP32(ver->dwFileFlagsMask);
    ver->dwFileFlags = SWAP32(ver->dwFileFlags);
    ver->dwFileOS = SWAP32(ver->dwFileOS);
    ver->dwFileType = SWAP32(ver->dwFileType);
    ver->dwFileSubtype = SWAP32(ver->dwFileSubtype);
    ver->dwFileDateMS = SWAP32(ver->dwFileDateMS);
    ver->dwFileDateLS = SWAP32(ver->dwFileDateLS);

    return 1;