TreeKey &SWGenBook::getTreeKey(const SWKey *k) const { const SWKey* thiskey = k?k:this->key; TreeKey *key = 0; SWTRY { key = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(TreeKey, (thiskey)); } SWCATCH ( ... ) {} if (!key) { ListKey *lkTest = 0; SWTRY { lkTest = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(ListKey, thiskey); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } if (lkTest) { SWTRY { key = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(TreeKey, lkTest->getElement()); if (!key) { VerseTreeKey *tkey = 0; SWTRY { tkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseTreeKey, lkTest->getElement()); } SWCATCH ( ... ) {} if (tkey) key = tkey->getTreeKey(); } } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } }
StringList *SWModule_impl::getKeyChildren() throw(CORBA::SystemException) { sword::SWKey *key = delegate->getKey(); StringList *retVal = new StringList; int count = 0; sword::VerseKey *vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, key); if (vkey) { retVal->length(6); SWBuf num; num.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->Testament()); (*retVal)[0] = CORBA::string_dup(num.c_str()); num = ""; num.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->Book()); (*retVal)[1] = CORBA::string_dup(num.c_str()); num = ""; num.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->Chapter()); (*retVal)[2] = CORBA::string_dup(num.c_str()); num = ""; num.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->Verse()); (*retVal)[3] = CORBA::string_dup(num.c_str()); num = ""; num.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->getChapterMax()); (*retVal)[4] = CORBA::string_dup(num.c_str()); num = ""; num.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->getVerseMax()); (*retVal)[5] = CORBA::string_dup(num.c_str()); } else { TreeKeyIdx *tkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(TreeKeyIdx, key); if (tkey) { if (tkey->firstChild()) { do { count++; } while (tkey->nextSibling()); tkey->parent(); } retVal->length(count); count = 0; if (tkey->firstChild()) { do { (*retVal)[count++] = CORBA::string_dup(tkey->getLocalName()); } while (tkey->nextSibling()); tkey->parent(); } } } return retVal; }
CORBA::Boolean SWModule_impl::hasKeyChildren() throw(CORBA::SystemException) { sword::SWKey *key = delegate->getKey(); bool retVal = ""; TreeKeyIdx *tkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(TreeKeyIdx, key); if (tkey) { retVal = tkey->hasChildren(); } return retVal; }
char *SWModule_impl::getKeyParent() throw(CORBA::SystemException) { sword::SWKey *key = delegate->getKey(); SWBuf retVal = ""; TreeKeyIdx *tkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(TreeKeyIdx, key); if (tkey) { if (tkey->parent()) { retVal = tkey->getText(); } } return CORBA::string_dup((const char *)retVal); }
VerseKey &SWText::getVerseKey(const SWKey *keyToConvert) const { const SWKey *thisKey = keyToConvert ? keyToConvert : this->key; VerseKey *key = 0; // see if we have a VerseKey * or decendant SWTRY { key = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, thisKey); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } if (!key) { ListKey *lkTest = 0; SWTRY { lkTest = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(ListKey, thisKey); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } if (lkTest) { SWTRY { key = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, lkTest->GetElement()); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } } }
bool ThMLRTF::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) { if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) { // manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution MyUserData *u = (MyUserData *)userData; XMLTag tag(token); if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) u->startTag = tag; if (tag.getName() && !strcmp(tag.getName(), "sync")) { SWBuf value = tag.getAttribute("value"); if (tag.getAttribute("type") && !strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "morph")) { //> buf.appendFormatted(" {\\cf4 \\sub (%s)}", value.c_str()); } else if( tag.getAttribute("type") && !strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "Strongs")) { if (value[0] == 'H' || value[0] == 'G' || value[0] == 'A') { value<<1; buf.appendFormatted(" {\\cf3 \\sub <%s>}", value.c_str()); } else if (value[0] == 'T') { value<<1; buf.appendFormatted(" {\\cf4 \\sub (%s)}", value.c_str()); } } else if (tag.getAttribute("type") && !strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "Dict")) { if (!tag.isEndTag()) buf += "{\\b "; else buf += "}"; } } // <note> tag else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "note")) { if (!tag.isEndTag()) { if (!tag.isEmpty()) { SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type"); SWBuf footnoteNumber = tag.getAttribute("swordFootnote"); VerseKey *vkey = NULL; // see if we have a VerseKey * or descendant SWTRY { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, u->key); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } if (vkey) { // leave this special osis type in for crossReference notes types? Might thml use this some day? Doesn't hurt. char ch = ((tag.getAttribute("type") && ((!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference")) || (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "x-cross-ref")))) ? 'x':'n'); buf.appendFormatted("{\\super <a href=\"\">*%c%i.%s</a>} ", ch, vkey->Verse(), footnoteNumber.c_str()); } u->suspendTextPassThru = true; } } if (tag.isEndTag()) { u->suspendTextPassThru = false; } }
SearchHitList *SWModule_impl::search(const char *istr, SearchType searchType, CORBA::Long flags, const char *scope) throw(CORBA::SystemException) { int stype = 2; sword::ListKey lscope; if (searchType == REGEX) stype = 0; if (searchType == PHRASE) stype = -1; if (searchType == MULTIWORD) stype = -2; if (searchType == ENTRYATTR) stype = -3; if (searchType == LUCENE) stype = -4; sword::ListKey result; if ((scope) && (strlen(scope)) > 0) { sword::SWKey *p = delegate->CreateKey(); sword::VerseKey *parser = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, p); if (!parser) { delete p; parser = new VerseKey(); } *parser = delegate->getKeyText(); lscope = parser->ParseVerseList(scope, *parser, true); result = delegate->Search(istr, stype, flags, &lscope); delete parser; } else result = delegate->Search(istr, stype, flags); SearchHitList *retVal = new SearchHitList; int count = 0; for (result = sword::TOP; !result.Error(); result++) count++; retVal->length(count); int i = 0; // if we're sorted by score, let's re-sort by verse, because Java can always re-sort by score result = sword::TOP; if ((count) && (long)result.getElement()->userData) result.sort(); for (result = sword::TOP; !result.Error(); result++) { (*retVal)[i].modName = CORBA::string_dup(delegate->Name()); (*retVal)[i].key = CORBA::string_dup((const char *)result); (*retVal)[i++].score = (long)result.getElement()->userData; } return retVal; }
void RawGenBook::linkEntry(const SWKey *inkey) { TreeKeyIdx *srckey = 0; TreeKeyIdx *key = ((TreeKeyIdx *)&(getTreeKey())); // see if we have a VerseKey * or decendant SWTRY { srckey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(TreeKeyIdx, inkey); } SWCATCH ( ... ) {} // if we don't have a VerseKey * decendant, create our own if (!srckey) { srckey = (TreeKeyIdx *)createKey(); (*srckey) = *inkey; } key->setUserData(srckey->getUserData(), 8); key->save(); if (inkey != srckey) // free our key if we created a VerseKey delete srckey; }
bool GBFHTMLHREF::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) { const char *tok; MyUserData *u = (MyUserData *)userData; if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) { XMLTag tag(token); /*if (!strncmp(token, "w", 1)) { // OSIS Word (temporary until OSISRTF is done) valto = val; num = strstr(token, "lemma=\"x-Strongs:"); if (num) { for (num+=17; ((*num) && (*num != '\"')); num++) *valto++ = *num; *valto = 0; if (atoi((!isdigit(*val))?val+1:val) < 5627) { buf += " <small><em><<a href=\"type=Strongs value="; for (tok = val; *tok; tok++) buf += *tok; buf += "\">"; for (tok = (!isdigit(*val))?val+1:val; *tok; tok++) buf += *tok; buf += "</a>></em></small> "; //cout << buf; } // forget these for now //else { // verb morph //sprintf(wordstr, "%03d", word-1); //module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["Morph"] = val; //} } else { num = strstr(token, "lemma=\"strong:"); if (num) { for (num+=14; ((*num) && (*num != '\"')); num++) *valto++ = *num; *valto = 0; if (atoi((!isdigit(*val))?val+1:val) < 5627) { buf += " <small><em><<a href=\"type=Strongs value="; for (tok = val; *tok; tok++) buf += *tok; buf += "\">"; for (tok = (!isdigit(*val))?val+1:val; *tok; tok++) buf += *tok; buf += "</a>></em></small> "; //cout << buf; } // forget these for now //else { // verb morph //sprintf(wordstr, "%03d", word-1); //module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["Morph"] = val; //} } } valto = val; num = strstr(token, "morph=\"x-Robinson:"); if (num) { for (num+=18; ((*num) && (*num != '\"')); num++) *valto++ = *num; *valto = 0; buf += " <small><em>(<a href=\"type=morph class=Robinson value="; for (tok = val; *tok; tok++) // normal robinsons tense buf += *tok; buf += "\">"; for (tok = val; *tok; tok++) //if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "</a>)</em></small> "; } }*/ // else if (!strncmp(token, "WG", 2)) { // strong's numbers //buf += " <small><em><<a href=\"type=Strongs value="; buf += " <a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=Greek&value="; for (tok = token+2; *tok; tok++) //if(token[i] != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "\" class=\"strongs\"><"; for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) //if(token[i] != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "></a>"; } else if (!strncmp(token, "WH", 2)) { // strong's numbers //buf += " <small><em><<a href=\"type=Strongs value="; buf += " <a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=Hebrew&value="; for (tok = token+2; *tok; tok++) //if(token[i] != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "\" class=\"strongs\"><"; for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) //if(token[i] != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "></a>"; } else if (!strncmp(token, "WTG", 3)) { // strong's numbers tense //buf += " <small><em>(<a href=\"type=Strongs value="; buf += " <a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=Greek&value="; for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "\" class=\"strongs\">("; for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += ")</a>"; } else if (!strncmp(token, "WTH", 3)) { // strong's numbers tense //buf += " <small><em>(<a href=\"type=Strongs value="; buf += " <a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=Hebrew&value="; for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "\" class=\"strongs\">("; for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += ")</a>"; } else if (!strncmp(token, "WT", 2) && strncmp(token, "WTH", 3) && strncmp(token, "WTG", 3)) { // morph tags //buf += " <small><em>(<a href=\"type=morph class=none value="; buf += " <a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showMorph&type=Greek&value="; for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "\" class=\"morph\">("; for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += ")</a>"; } else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "RX")) { buf += "<a href=\""; for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) { if(*tok != '<' && *tok+1 != 'R' && *tok+2 != 'x') { buf += *tok; } else { break; } } buf += "\">"; } else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "RF")) { SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type"); SWBuf footnoteNumber = tag.getAttribute("swordFootnote"); SWBuf noteName = tag.getAttribute("n"); VerseKey *vkey = NULL; // see if we have a VerseKey * or descendant SWTRY { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, u->key); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } if (vkey) { // leave this special osis type in for crossReference notes types? Might thml use this some day? Doesn't hurt. //char ch = ((tag.getAttribute("type") && ((!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference")) || (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "x-cross-ref")))) ? 'x':'n'); buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showNote&type=n&value=%s&module=%s&passage=%s\"><small><sup class=\"n\">*n%s</sup></small></a> ", URL::encode(footnoteNumber.c_str()).c_str(), URL::encode(u->version.c_str()).c_str(), URL::encode(vkey->getText()).c_str(), (renderNoteNumbers ? URL::encode(noteName.c_str()).c_str(): "")); } u->suspendTextPassThru = true; }
char OSISFootnotes::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) { SWBuf token; bool intoken = false; bool hide = false; SWBuf tagText; XMLTag startTag; SWBuf refs = ""; int footnoteNum = 1; char buf[254]; SWKey *p = (module) ? module->createKey() : (key) ? key->clone() : new VerseKey(); VerseKey *parser = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, p); if (!parser) { delete p; parser = new VerseKey(); } *parser = key->getText(); SWBuf orig = text; const char *from = orig.c_str(); XMLTag tag; bool strongsMarkup = false; for (text = ""; *from; ++from) { // remove all newlines temporarily to fix kjv2003 module if ((*from == 10) || (*from == 13)) { if ((text.length()>1) && (text[text.length()-2] != ' ') && (*(from+1) != ' ')) text.append(' '); continue; } if (*from == '<') { intoken = true; token = ""; continue; } if (*from == '>') { // process tokens intoken = false; if (!strncmp(token, "note", 4) || !strncmp(token.c_str(), "/note", 5)) { tag = token; if (!tag.isEndTag()) { if (tag.getAttribute("type") && (!strcmp("x-strongsMarkup", tag.getAttribute("type")) || !strcmp("strongsMarkup", tag.getAttribute("type"))) // deprecated ) { tag.setEmpty(false); // handle bug in KJV2003 module where some note open tags were <note ... /> strongsMarkup = true; } if (!tag.isEmpty()) { // if ((!tag.isEmpty()) || (SWBuf("strongsMarkup") == tag.getAttribute("type"))) { refs = ""; startTag = tag; hide = true; tagText = ""; continue; } } if (hide && tag.isEndTag()) { if (module->isProcessEntryAttributes() && !strongsMarkup) { //don`t parse strongsMarkup to EntryAttributes as Footnote sprintf(buf, "%i", footnoteNum++); StringList attributes = startTag.getAttributeNames(); for (StringList::const_iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); it++) { module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][buf][it->c_str()] = startTag.getAttribute(it->c_str()); } module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][buf]["body"] = tagText; startTag.setAttribute("swordFootnote", buf); if ((startTag.getAttribute("type")) && (!strcmp(startTag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference"))) { if (!refs.length()) refs = parser->parseVerseList(tagText.c_str(), *parser, true).getRangeText(); module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][buf]["refList"] = refs.c_str(); } } hide = false; if (option || (startTag.getAttribute("type") && !strcmp(startTag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference"))) { // we want the tag in the text; crossReferences are handled by another filter text.append(startTag); // text.append(tagText); // we don't put the body back in because it is retrievable from EntryAttributes["Footnotes"][]["body"]. } else continue; } strongsMarkup = false; } // if not a heading token, keep token in text //if ((!strcmp(tag.getName(), "reference")) && (!tag.isEndTag())) { // SWBuf osisRef = tag.getAttribute("osisRef"); if (!strncmp(token, "reference", 9)) { if (refs.length()) { refs.append("; "); } const char* attr = strstr(token.c_str() + 9, "osisRef=\""); const char* end = attr ? strchr(attr+9, '"') : 0; if (attr && end) { refs.append(attr+9, end-(attr+9)); } } if (!hide) { text.append('<'); text.append(token); text.append('>'); } else { tagText.append('<'); tagText.append(token); tagText.append('>'); } continue; } if (intoken) { //copy token token.append(*from); } else if (!hide) { //copy text which is not inside a token text.append(*from); } else tagText.append(*from); } delete parser; return 0; }
char GBFOSIS::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) { char token[2048]; //cheesy, we seem to like cheese :) int tokpos = 0; bool intoken = false; bool keepToken = false; // static QuoteStack quoteStack; SWBuf orig = text; SWBuf tmp; SWBuf value; bool suspendTextPassThru = false; bool handled = false; bool newWord = false; bool newText = false; bool lastspace = false; const char *wordStart = text.c_str(); const char *wordEnd = NULL; const char *textStart = NULL; const char *textEnd = NULL; SWBuf textNode = ""; SWBuf buf; text = ""; for (const char* from = orig.c_str(); *from; ++from) { if (*from == '<') { //start of new token detected intoken = true; tokpos = 0; token[0] = 0; token[1] = 0; token[2] = 0; textEnd = from-1; //end of last text node found wordEnd = text.c_str() + text.length();//not good, instead of wordEnd = to! continue; } if (*from == '>') { // process tokens intoken = false; keepToken = false; suspendTextPassThru = false; newWord = true; handled = false; while (wordStart < (text.c_str() + text.length())) { //hack if (strchr(";,. :?!()'\"", *wordStart) && wordStart[0] && wordStart[1]) wordStart++; else break; } while (wordEnd > wordStart) { if (strchr(" ,;:.?!()'\"", *wordEnd)) wordEnd--; else break; } // Scripture Reference if (!strncmp(token, "scripRef", 8)) { suspendTextPassThru = true; newText = true; handled = true; } else if (!strncmp(token, "/scripRef", 9)) { tmp = ""; tmp.append(textStart, (int)(textEnd - textStart)+1); text += VerseKey::convertToOSIS(tmp.c_str(), key); lastspace = false; suspendTextPassThru = false; handled = true; } // Footnote if (!strcmp(token, "RF") || !strncmp(token, "RF ", 3)) { //the GBFFootnotes filter adds the attribute "swordFootnote", we want to catch that, too // pushString(buf, "<reference work=\"Bible.KJV\" reference=\""); text += "<note type=\"x-StudyNote\">"; newText = true; lastspace = false; handled = true; } else if (!strcmp(token, "Rf")) { text += "</note>"; lastspace = false; handled = true; } // hebrew titles if (!strcmp(token, "TH")) { text += "<title type=\"psalm\">"; newText = true; lastspace = false; handled = true; } else if (!strcmp(token, "Th")) { text += "</title>"; lastspace = false; handled = true; } // Italics assume transchange if (!strcmp(token, "FI")) { text += "<transChange type=\"added\">"; newText = true; lastspace = false; handled = true; } else if (!strcmp(token, "Fi")) { text += "</transChange>"; lastspace = false; handled = true; } // less than if (!strcmp(token, "CT")) { text += "<"; newText = true; lastspace = false; handled = true; } // greater than if (!strcmp(token, "CG")) { text += ">"; newText = true; lastspace = false; handled = true; } // Paragraph break. For now use empty paragraph element if (!strcmp(token, "CM")) { text += "<milestone type=\"x-p\" />"; newText = true; lastspace = false; handled = true; } // Figure else if (!strncmp(token, "img ", 4)) { const char *src = strstr(token, "src"); if (!src) // assert we have a src attribute continue; // return false; text += "<figure src=\""; const char *c; for (c = src;((*c) && (*c != '"')); c++); // uncomment for SWORD absolute path logic // if (*(c+1) == '/') { // pushString(buf, "file:"); // pushString(buf, module->getConfigEntry("AbsoluteDataPath")); // if (*((*buf)-1) == '/') // c++; // skip '/' // } // end of uncomment for asolute path logic for (c++;((*c) && (*c != '"')); c++) { text += *c; } text += "\" />"; lastspace = false; handled = true; } // Strongs numbers else if (*token == 'W' && (token[1] == 'G' || token[1] == 'H')) { // Strongs bool divineName = false; value = token+1; // normal strongs number //strstrip(val); if (!strncmp(wordStart, "<w ", 3)) { const char *attStart = strstr(wordStart, "lemma"); if (attStart) { attStart += 7; buf = ""; buf.appendFormatted("strong:%s ", value.c_str()); } else { // no lemma attribute attStart = wordStart + 3; buf = ""; buf.appendFormatted(buf, "lemma=\"strong:%s\" ", value.c_str()); } text.insert(attStart - text.c_str(), buf); } else { //wordStart doesn't point to an existing <w> attribute! if (!strcmp(value.c_str(), "H03068")) { //divineName buf = ""; buf.appendFormatted("<divineName><w lemma=\"strong:%s\">", value.c_str()); divineName = true; } else { buf = ""; buf.appendFormatted("<w lemma=\"strong:%s\">", value.c_str()); } text.insert(wordStart - text.c_str(), buf); if (divineName) { wordStart += 12; text += "</w></divineName>"; } else text += "</w>"; lastspace = false; } handled = true; } // Morphology else if (*token == 'W' && token[1] == 'T') { if (token[2] == 'G' || token[2] == 'H') { // Strongs value = token+2; } else value = token+1; if (!strncmp(wordStart, "<w ", 3)) { const char *attStart = strstr(wordStart, "morph"); if (attStart) { //existing morph attribute, append this one to it attStart += 7; buf = ""; buf.appendFormatted("%s:%s ", "robinson", value.c_str()); } else { // no lemma attribute attStart = wordStart + 3; buf = ""; buf.appendFormatted("morph=\"%s:%s\" ", "robinson", value.c_str()); } text.insert(attStart - text.c_str(), buf); //hack, we have to } else { //no existing <w> attribute fond buf = ""; buf.appendFormatted("<w morph=\"%s:%s\">", "robinson", value.c_str()); text.insert(wordStart - text.c_str(), buf); text += "</w>"; lastspace = false; } handled = true; } if (!keepToken) { if (!handled) { SWLog::getSystemLog()->logError("Unprocessed Token: <%s> in key %s", token, key ? (const char*)*key : "<unknown>"); // exit(-1); } if (from[1] && strchr(" ,;.:?!()'\"", from[1])) { if (lastspace) { text--; } } if (newText) { textStart = from+1; newText = false; } continue; } // if not a strongs token, keep token in text text.appendFormatted("<%s>", token); if (newText) { textStart = text.c_str() + text.length(); newWord = false; } continue; } if (intoken) { if ((tokpos < 2045) && ((*from != 10)&&(*from != 13))) { token[tokpos++] = *from; token[tokpos+2] = 0; } } else { switch (*from) { case '\'': case '\"': case '`': // quoteStack.handleQuote(fromStart, from, &to); text += *from; //from++; //this line removes chars after an apostrophe! Needs fixing. break; default: if (newWord && (*from != ' ')) { wordStart = text.c_str() + text.length(); newWord = false; //fix this if required? //memset(to, 0, 10); } if (!suspendTextPassThru) { text += (*from); lastspace = (*from == ' '); } } } } VerseKey *vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, key); if (vkey) { SWBuf ref = ""; if (vkey->getVerse()) { ref.appendFormatted("\t\t<verse osisID=\"%s\">", vkey->getOSISRef()); } if (ref.length() > 0) { text = ref + text; if (vkey->getVerse()) { VerseKey *tmp = (VerseKey *)vkey->clone(); *tmp = *vkey; tmp->setAutoNormalize(false); tmp->setIntros(true); text += "</verse>"; *tmp = MAXVERSE; if (*vkey == *tmp) { tmp->setVerse(0); // sprintf(ref, "\t</div>"); // pushString(&to, ref); *tmp = MAXCHAPTER; *tmp = MAXVERSE; if (*vkey == *tmp) { tmp->setChapter(0); tmp->setVerse(0); // sprintf(ref, "\t</div>"); // pushString(&to, ref); /* if (!quoteStack.empty()) { SWLog::getSystemLog()->logError("popping unclosed quote at end of book"); quoteStack.clear(); } */ } } delete tmp; } // else if (vkey->Chapter()) { // sprintf(ref, "\t<div type=\"chapter\" osisID=\"%s\">", vkey->getOSISRef()); // } // else sprintf(ref, "\t<div type=\"book\" osisID=\"%s\">", vkey->getOSISRef()); } } return 0; }
bool TEIRTF::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) { // manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) { MyUserData *u = (MyUserData *)userData; XMLTag tag(token); // <p> paragraph tag if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "p")) { if (!tag.isEndTag()) { // non-empty start tag buf += "{\\sb100\\fi200\\par}"; } } // <hi> else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "hi") || !strcmp(tag.getName(), "emph")) { SWBuf rend = tag.getAttribute("rend"); if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) { if (rend == "italic" || rend == "ital") buf += "{\\i1 "; else if (rend == "bold") buf += "{\\b1 "; else if (rend == "super" || rend == "sup") buf += "{\\super "; else if (rend == "sub") buf += "{\\sub "; } else if (tag.isEndTag()) { buf += "}"; } } // <entryFree> else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "entryFree")) { SWBuf n = tag.getAttribute("n"); if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) { if (n != "") { buf += "{\\b1 "; buf += n; buf += ". }"; } } } // <sense> else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "sense")) { SWBuf n = tag.getAttribute("n"); if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) { if (n != "") { buf += "{\\sb100\\par\\b1 "; buf += n; buf += ". }"; } } } // <orth> else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "orth")) { if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) { buf += "{\\b1 "; } else if (tag.isEndTag()) { buf += "}"; } } // <div> else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "div")) { if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) { buf.append("{\\pard\\sa300}"); } else if (tag.isEndTag()) { } } // <pos>, <gen>, <case>, <gram>, <number>, <mood> else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "pos") || !strcmp(tag.getName(), "gen") || !strcmp(tag.getName(), "case") || !strcmp(tag.getName(), "gram") || !strcmp(tag.getName(), "number") || !strcmp(tag.getName(), "mood")) { if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) { buf += "{\\i1 "; } else if (tag.isEndTag()) { buf += "}"; } } // <tr> else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "tr")) { if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) { buf += "{\\i1 "; } else if (tag.isEndTag()) { buf += "}"; } } // <etym> else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "etym")) { if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) { buf += "["; } else if (tag.isEndTag()) { buf += "]"; } } // <note> tag else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "note")) { if (!tag.isEndTag()) { if (!tag.isEmpty()) { SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type"); SWBuf footnoteNumber = tag.getAttribute("swordFootnote"); VerseKey *vkey = 0; // see if we have a VerseKey * or descendant SWTRY { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, u->key); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } if (vkey) { buf.appendFormatted("{\\super <a href=\"\">*%s</a>} ", footnoteNumber.c_str()); } u->suspendTextPassThru = true; } } if (tag.isEndTag()) { u->suspendTextPassThru = false; } }
char ThMLFootnotes::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) { SWBuf token; bool intoken = false; bool hide = false; SWBuf tagText; XMLTag startTag; SWBuf refs = ""; int footnoteNum = 1; char buf[254]; SWKey *p = (module) ? module->createKey() : (key) ? key->clone() : new VerseKey(); VerseKey *parser = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, p); if (!parser) { delete p; parser = new VerseKey(); } *parser = key->getText(); SWBuf orig = text; const char *from = orig.c_str(); for (text = ""; *from; from++) { if (*from == '<') { intoken = true; token = ""; continue; } if (*from == '>') { // process tokens intoken = false; XMLTag tag(token); if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "note")) { if (!tag.isEndTag()) { if (!tag.isEmpty()) { refs = ""; startTag = tag; hide = true; tagText = ""; continue; } } if (hide && tag.isEndTag()) { if (module->isProcessEntryAttributes()) { SWBuf fc = module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"]["count"]["value"]; footnoteNum = (fc.length()) ? atoi(fc.c_str()) : 0; sprintf(buf, "%i", ++footnoteNum); module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"]["count"]["value"] = buf; StringList attributes = startTag.getAttributeNames(); for (StringList::iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); it++) { module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][buf][it->c_str()] = startTag.getAttribute(it->c_str()); } module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][buf]["body"] = tagText; startTag.setAttribute("swordFootnote", buf); if ((startTag.getAttribute("type")) && (!strcmp(startTag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference"))) { if (!refs.length()) refs = parser->parseVerseList(tagText.c_str(), *parser, true).getRangeText(); module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][buf]["refList"] = refs.c_str(); } } hide = false; if ((option) || ((startTag.getAttribute("type") && (!strcmp(startTag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference"))))) { // we want the tag in the text; crossReferences are handled by another filter text += startTag; text.append(tagText); } else continue; } } // if not a note token, keep token in text if ((!strcmp(tag.getName(), "scripRef")) && (!tag.isEndTag())) { SWBuf osisRef = tag.getAttribute("passage"); if (refs.length()) refs += "; "; refs += osisRef; } if (!hide) { text += '<'; text.append(token); text += '>'; } else { tagText += '<'; tagText.append(token); tagText += '>'; } continue; } if (intoken) { //copy token token += *from; } else if (!hide) { //copy text which is not inside a token text += *from; } else tagText += *from; } delete parser; return 0; }
bool OSISWEBIF::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) { MyUserData *u = (MyUserData *)userData; SWBuf scratch; bool sub = (u->suspendTextPassThru) ? substituteToken(scratch, token) : substituteToken(buf, token); if (!sub) { // manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution XMLTag tag(token); // <w> tag if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "w")) { // start <w> tag if ((!tag.isEmpty()) && (!tag.isEndTag())) { u->w = token; } // end or empty <w> tag else { bool endTag = tag.isEndTag(); SWBuf lastText; bool show = true; // to handle unplaced article in kjv2003-- temporary till combined if (endTag) { tag = u->w.c_str(); lastText = u->lastTextNode.c_str(); } else lastText = "stuff"; const char *attrib; const char *val; if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("xlit"))) { val = strchr(attrib, ':'); val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib; // buf.appendFormatted(" %s", val); } if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("gloss"))) { val = strchr(attrib, ':'); val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib; buf.appendFormatted(" %s", val); } if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("lemma"))) { int count = tag.getAttributePartCount("lemma", ' '); int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0 do { attrib = tag.getAttribute("lemma", i, ' '); if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition val = strchr(attrib, ':'); val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib; const char *val2 = val; if ((strchr("GH", *val)) && (isdigit(val[1]))) val2++; if ((!strcmp(val2, "3588")) && (lastText.length() < 1)) show = false; else buf.appendFormatted(" <small><em><<a href=\"%s?showStrong=%s#cv\">%s</a>></em></small> ", passageStudyURL.c_str(), URL::encode(val2).c_str(), val2); } while (++i < count); } if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("morph")) && (show)) { SWBuf savelemma = tag.getAttribute("savlm"); if ((strstr(savelemma.c_str(), "3588")) && (lastText.length() < 1)) show = false; if (show) { int count = tag.getAttributePartCount("morph", ' '); int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0 do { attrib = tag.getAttribute("morph", i, ' '); if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition val = strchr(attrib, ':'); val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib; const char *val2 = val; if ((*val == 'T') && (strchr("GH", val[1])) && (isdigit(val[2]))) val2+=2; buf.appendFormatted(" <small><em>(<a href=\"%s?showMorph=%s#cv\">%s</a>)</em></small> ", passageStudyURL.c_str(), URL::encode(val2).c_str(), val2); } while (++i < count); } } if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("POS"))) { val = strchr(attrib, ':'); val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib; buf.appendFormatted(" %s", val); } /*if (endTag) buf += "}";*/ } } // <note> tag else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "note")) { if (!tag.isEndTag()) { SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type"); bool strongsMarkup = (type == "x-strongsMarkup" || type == "strongsMarkup"); // the latter is deprecated if (strongsMarkup) { tag.setEmpty(false); // handle bug in KJV2003 module where some note open tags were <note ... /> } if (!tag.isEmpty()) { if (!strongsMarkup) { // leave strong's markup notes out, in the future we'll probably have different option filters to turn different note types on or off SWBuf footnoteNumber = tag.getAttribute("swordFootnote"); SWBuf modName = (u->module) ? u->module->getName() : ""; VerseKey *vkey = NULL; // see if we have a VerseKey * or descendant SWTRY { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, u->key); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } if (vkey) { char ch = ((tag.getAttribute("type") && ((!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference")) || (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "x-cross-ref")))) ? 'x':'n'); // buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"noteID=%s.%c.%s\"><small><sup>*%c</sup></small></a> ", vkey->getText(), ch, footnoteNumber.c_str(), ch); buf.appendFormatted("<span class=\"fn\" onclick=\"f(\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\');\" >%c</span>", modName.c_str(), u->key->getText(), footnoteNumber.c_str(), ch); } } u->suspendTextPassThru = (++u->suspendLevel); } }
char ThMLWordJS::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) { if (option) { char token[2112]; // cheese. Fix. int tokpos = 0; bool intoken = false; int word = 1; char val[128]; char *valto; char *ch; char wordstr[5]; unsigned int textStart = 0, lastAppendLen = 0, textEnd = 0; SWBuf tmp; bool newText = false; bool needWordOut = false; AttributeValue *wordAttrs = 0; SWBuf modName = (module)?module->getName():""; SWBuf wordSrcPrefix = modName; const SWBuf orig = text; const char * from = orig.c_str(); VerseKey *vkey = 0; if (key) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, key); } for (text = ""; *from; from++) { if (*from == '<') { intoken = true; tokpos = 0; token[0] = 0; token[1] = 0; token[2] = 0; textEnd = text.length(); continue; } if (*from == '>') { // process tokens intoken = false; if (!strnicmp(token, "sync type=\"Strongs\" ", 20)) { // Strongs valto = val; for (unsigned int i = 27; token[i] != '\"' && i < 150; i++) *valto++ = token[i]; *valto = 0; if (atoi((!isdigit(*val))?val+1:val) < 5627) { // normal strongs number sprintf(wordstr, "%03d", word++); needWordOut = (word > 2); wordAttrs = &(module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]); (*wordAttrs)["Strongs"] = val; //printf("Adding: [\"Word\"][%s][\"Strongs\"] = %s\n", wordstr, val); tmp = ""; tmp.append(text.c_str()+textStart, (int)(textEnd - textStart)); (*wordAttrs)["Text"] = tmp; text.append("</span>"); SWBuf ts; ts.appendFormatted("%d", textStart); (*wordAttrs)["TextStart"] = ts; //printf("Adding: [\"Word\"][%s][\"Text\"] = %s\n", wordstr, tmp.c_str()); newText = true; } else { // verb morph (*wordAttrs)["Morph"] = val; //printf("Adding: [\"Word\"][%s][\"Morph\"] = %s\n", wordstr, val); } } if (!strncmp(token, "sync type=\"morph\"", 17)) { for (ch = token+17; *ch; ch++) { if (!strncmp(ch, "class=\"", 7)) { valto = val; for (unsigned int i = 7; ch[i] != '\"' && i < 127; i++) *valto++ = ch[i]; *valto = 0; (*wordAttrs)["MorphClass"] = val; //printf("Adding: [\"Word\"][%s][\"MorphClass\"] = %s\n", wordstr, val); } if (!strncmp(ch, "value=\"", 7)) { valto = val; for (unsigned int i = 7; ch[i] != '\"' && i < 127; i++) *valto++ = ch[i]; *valto = 0; (*wordAttrs)["Morph"] = val; //printf("Adding: [\"Word\"][%s][\"Morph\"] = %s\n", wordstr, val); } } newText = true; } // if not a strongs token, keep token in text text += '<'; text += token; text += '>'; if (needWordOut) { char wstr[10]; sprintf(wstr, "%03d", word-2); AttributeValue *wAttrs = &(module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wstr]); needWordOut = false; SWBuf strong = (*wAttrs)["Strongs"]; SWBuf morph = (*wAttrs)["Morph"]; SWBuf morphClass = (*wAttrs)["MorphClass"]; SWBuf wordText = (*wAttrs)["Text"]; SWBuf textSt = (*wAttrs)["TextStart"]; if (strong.size()) { char gh = 0; gh = isdigit(strong[0]) ? 0:strong[0]; if (!gh) { if (vkey) { gh = vkey->getTestament() ? 'H' : 'G'; } } else strong << 1; SWModule *sLex = 0; SWModule *sMorph = 0; if (gh == 'G') { sLex = defaultGreekLex; sMorph = defaultGreekParse; } if (gh == 'H') { sLex = defaultHebLex; sMorph = defaultHebParse; } SWBuf lexName = ""; if (sLex) { // we can pass the real lex name in, but we have some // aliases in the javascript to optimize bandwidth lexName = sLex->getName(); if (lexName == "StrongsGreek") lexName = "G"; if (lexName == "StrongsHebrew") lexName = "H"; } SWBuf wordID; if (vkey) { // optimize for bandwidth and use only the verse as the unique entry id wordID.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->getVerse()); } else { wordID = key->getText(); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wordID.size(); i++) { if ((!isdigit(wordID[i])) && (!isalpha(wordID[i]))) { wordID[i] = '_'; } } wordID.appendFormatted("_%s%d", wordSrcPrefix.c_str(), atoi(wstr)); if (textSt.size()) { int textStr = atoi(textSt.c_str()); textStr += lastAppendLen; SWBuf spanStart = ""; if (!sMorph) sMorph = 0; // avoid unused warnings for now /* if (sMorph) { SWBuf popMorph = "<a onclick=\""; popMorph.appendFormatted("p(\'%s\',\'%s\','%s','');\" >%s</a>", sMorph->getName(), morph.c_str(), wordID.c_str(), morph.c_str()); morph = popMorph; } */ // 'p' = 'fillpop' to save bandwidth const char *m = strchr(morph.c_str(), ':'); if (m) m++; else m = morph.c_str(); spanStart.appendFormatted("<span class=\"clk\" onclick=\"p('%s','%s','%s','%s','','%s');\" >", lexName.c_str(), strong.c_str(), wordID.c_str(), m, modName.c_str()); text.insert(textStr, spanStart); lastAppendLen = spanStart.length(); } } } if (newText) { textStart = text.length(); newText = false; } continue; } if (intoken) { if (tokpos < 2045) { token[tokpos++] = *from; // TODO: why is this + 2 ? token[tokpos+2] = 0; } } else { text += *from; } } char wstr[10]; sprintf(wstr, "%03d", word-1); AttributeValue *wAttrs = &(module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wstr]); needWordOut = false; SWBuf strong = (*wAttrs)["Strongs"]; SWBuf morph = (*wAttrs)["Morph"]; SWBuf morphClass = (*wAttrs)["MorphClass"]; SWBuf wordText = (*wAttrs)["Text"]; SWBuf textSt = (*wAttrs)["TextStart"]; if (strong.size()) { char gh = 0; gh = isdigit(strong[0]) ? 0:strong[0]; if (!gh) { if (vkey) { gh = vkey->getTestament() ? 'H' : 'G'; } } else strong << 1; SWModule *sLex = 0; if (gh == 'G') { sLex = defaultGreekLex; } if (gh == 'H') { sLex = defaultHebLex; } SWBuf lexName = ""; if (sLex) { // we can pass the real lex name in, but we have some // aliases in the javascript to optimize bandwidth lexName = sLex->getName(); if (lexName == "StrongsGreek") lexName = "G"; if (lexName == "StrongsHebrew") lexName = "H"; } SWBuf wordID; if (vkey) { // optimize for bandwidth and use only the verse as the unique entry id wordID.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->getVerse()); } else { wordID = key->getText(); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wordID.size(); i++) { if ((!isdigit(wordID[i])) && (!isalpha(wordID[i]))) { wordID[i] = '_'; } } wordID.appendFormatted("_%s%d", wordSrcPrefix.c_str(), atoi(wstr)); if (textSt.size()) { int textStr = atoi(textSt.c_str()); textStr += lastAppendLen; SWBuf spanStart = ""; // 'p' = 'fillpop' to save bandwidth const char *m = strchr(morph.c_str(), ':'); if (m) m++; else m = morph.c_str(); spanStart.appendFormatted("<span class=\"clk\" onclick=\"p('%s','%s','%s','%s','','%s');\" >", lexName.c_str(), strong.c_str(), wordID.c_str(), m, modName.c_str()); text.insert(textStr, spanStart); } } } return 0; }
bool OSISXHTMLXS::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) { MyUserDataXS *u = (MyUserDataXS *)userData; SWBuf scratch; bool sub = (u->suspendTextPassThru) ? substituteToken(scratch, token) : substituteToken(buf, token); if (!sub) { // manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution XMLTag tag(token); // <w> tag if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "w")) { VerseKey *vkey; // see if we have a VerseKey * or descendant SWTRY { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, u->key); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } if (vkey) { // start <w> tag if (!tag.isEndTag()) { u->w = "skip"; SWBuf snumbers; const char *attrib; const char *val; bool sep = false; if (attrib = tag.getAttribute("lemma")) { int count = tag.getAttributePartCount("lemma", ' '); int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0 do { attrib = tag.getAttribute("lemma", i, ' '); if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition val = strchr(attrib, ':'); val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib; if (sep) {snumbers += ".";} snumbers += "S"; snumbers += "_"; if (!strncmp(attrib, "DSS", 3)) { snumbers += "DSS_"; } else if (!strncmp(attrib, "MT", 2)) { snumbers += "MT_"; } snumbers += val; sep = true; } while (++i < count); } if (attrib = tag.getAttribute("morph")) { int count = tag.getAttributePartCount("morph", ' '); int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0 do { attrib = tag.getAttribute("morph", i, ' '); if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition val = strchr(attrib, ':'); val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib; if (*val > 0 && *val < 127) { // some mods (like SP) have Hebrew Unicode chars as morph attribute- so skip them if (sep) {snumbers += ".";} if (!strncmp(attrib, "robinson", 8)) {snumbers += "RM";} else {snumbers += "SM";} snumbers += "_"; snumbers += val; sep = true; } } while (++i < count); } snumbers.replaceBytes(".", ' '); // Changed in xulsword 3+ if (!tag.isEmpty() && (tag.getAttribute("lemma") || tag.getAttribute("morph"))) { SWBuf tmp; tmp.appendFormatted("<span class=\"sn %s\">", snumbers.c_str()); outHtmlTag(tmp, buf, u); u->w = "keep"; } } // end <w> tag else if (u->w == "keep") {outHtmlTag("</span>", buf, u);} } }
bool ThMLXHTML::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) { if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) { // manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution MyUserData *u = (MyUserData *)userData; XMLTag tag(token); if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) u->startTag = tag; if (tag.getName() && !strcmp(tag.getName(), "sync")) { SWBuf value = tag.getAttribute("value"); if (tag.getAttribute("type") && !strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "morph")) { //> if(value.length()) buf.appendFormatted("<small><em class=\"morph\">(<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showMorph&type=Greek&value=%s\" class=\"morph\">%s</a>)</em></small>", URL::encode(value.c_str()).c_str(), value.c_str()); } else if (tag.getAttribute("type") && !strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "lemma")) { //> if(value.length()) // empty "type=" is deliberate. buf.appendFormatted("<small><em class=\"strongs\"><<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=&value=%s\" class=\"strongs\">%s</a>></em></small>", URL::encode(value.c_str()).c_str(), value.c_str()); } else if (tag.getAttribute("type") && !strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "Strongs")) { char ch = *value; value<<1; buf.appendFormatted("<small><em class=\"strongs\"><<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=%s&value=%s\" class=\"strongs\">", ((ch == 'H') ? "Hebrew" : "Greek"), URL::encode(value.c_str()).c_str()); buf += (value.length()) ? value.c_str() : ""; buf += "</a>></em></small>"; } else if (tag.getAttribute("type") && !strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "Dict")) { buf += (tag.isEndTag() ? "</b>" : "<b>"); } } // <note> tag else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "note")) { if (!tag.isEndTag()) { if (!tag.isEmpty()) { SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type"); SWBuf footnoteNumber = tag.getAttribute("swordFootnote"); SWBuf noteName = tag.getAttribute("n"); VerseKey *vkey = NULL; // see if we have a VerseKey * or descendant SWTRY { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, u->key); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } if (vkey) { // leave this special osis type in for crossReference notes types? Might thml use this some day? Doesn't hurt. char ch = ((tag.getAttribute("type") && ((!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference")) || (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "x-cross-ref")))) ? 'x':'n'); buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showNote&type=%c&value=%s&module=%s&passage=%s\"><small><sup class=\"%c\">*%c%s</sup></small></a>", ch, URL::encode(footnoteNumber.c_str()).c_str(), URL::encode(u->version.c_str()).c_str(), URL::encode(vkey->getText()).c_str(), ch, ch, (renderNoteNumbers ? noteName.c_str() : "")); } else { char ch = ((tag.getAttribute("type") && ((!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference")) || (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "x-cross-ref")))) ? 'x':'n'); buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showNote&type=%c&value=%s&module=%s&passage=%s\"><small><sup class=\"%c\">*%c%s</sup></small></a>", ch, URL::encode(footnoteNumber.c_str()).c_str(), URL::encode(u->version.c_str()).c_str(), URL::encode(u->key->getText()).c_str(), ch, ch, (renderNoteNumbers ? noteName.c_str() : "")); } u->suspendTextPassThru = true; } } if (tag.isEndTag()) { u->suspendTextPassThru = false; } }
char OSISStrongs::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) { SWBuf token; bool intoken = false; int wordNum = 1; char wordstr[5]; const char *wordStart = 0; SWBuf page = ""; // some modules include <seg> page info, so we add these to the words const SWBuf orig = text; const char * from = orig.c_str(); for (text = ""; *from; ++from) { if (*from == '<') { intoken = true; token = ""; continue; } if (*from == '>') { // process tokens intoken = false; // possible page seg -------------------------------- if (token.startsWith("seg ")) { XMLTag stag(token); SWBuf type = stag.getAttribute("type"); if (type == "page") { SWBuf number = stag.getAttribute("subtype"); if (number.length()) { page = number; } } } // --------------------------------------------------- if (token.startsWith("w ")) { // Word XMLTag wtag(token); if (module->isProcessEntryAttributes()) { wordStart = from+1; char gh = 0; VerseKey *vkey = 0; if (key) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, key); } SWBuf lemma = ""; SWBuf morph = ""; SWBuf src = ""; SWBuf morphClass = ""; SWBuf lemmaClass = ""; const char *attrib; sprintf(wordstr, "%03d", wordNum); // why is morph entry attribute processing done in here? Well, it's faster. It makes more local sense to place this code in osismorph. // easier to keep lemma and morph in same wordstr number too maybe. if ((attrib = wtag.getAttribute("morph"))) { int count = wtag.getAttributePartCount("morph", ' '); int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0 do { SWBuf mClass = ""; SWBuf mp = ""; attrib = wtag.getAttribute("morph", i, ' '); if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition const char *m = strchr(attrib, ':'); if (m) { int len = m-attrib; mClass.append(attrib, len); attrib += (len+1); } if ((mClass == "x-Robinsons") || (mClass == "x-Robinson") || (mClass == "Robinson")) { mClass = "robinson"; } if (i) { morphClass += " "; morph += " "; } mp += attrib; morphClass += mClass; morph += mp; if (count > 1) { SWBuf tmp; tmp.setFormatted("Morph.%d", i+1); module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr][tmp] = mp; tmp.setFormatted("MorphClass.%d", i+1); module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr][tmp] = mClass; } } while (++i < count); } if ((attrib = wtag.getAttribute("lemma"))) { int count = wtag.getAttributePartCount("lemma", ' '); int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0 do { gh = 0; SWBuf lClass = ""; SWBuf l = ""; attrib = wtag.getAttribute("lemma", i, ' '); if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition const char *m = strchr(attrib, ':'); if (m) { int len = m-attrib; lClass.append(attrib, len); attrib += (len+1); } if ((lClass == "x-Strongs") || (lClass == "strong") || (lClass == "Strong")) { if (isdigit(attrib[0])) { if (vkey) { gh = vkey->getTestament() ? 'H' : 'G'; } } else { gh = *attrib; attrib++; } lClass = "strong"; } if (gh) l += gh; l += attrib; if (i) { lemmaClass += " "; lemma += " "; } lemma += l; lemmaClass += lClass; if (count > 1) { SWBuf tmp; tmp.setFormatted("Lemma.%d", i+1); module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr][tmp] = l; tmp.setFormatted("LemmaClass.%d", i+1); module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr][tmp] = lClass; } } while (++i < count); module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["PartCount"].setFormatted("%d", count); } if ((attrib = wtag.getAttribute("src"))) { int count = wtag.getAttributePartCount("src", ' '); int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0 do { SWBuf mp = ""; attrib = wtag.getAttribute("src", i, ' '); if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition if (i) src += " "; mp += attrib; src += mp; if (count > 1) { SWBuf tmp; tmp.setFormatted("Src.%d", i+1); module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr][tmp] = mp; } } while (++i < count); } if (lemma.length()) module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["Lemma"] = lemma; if (lemmaClass.length()) module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["LemmaClass"] = lemmaClass; if (morph.length()) module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["Morph"] = morph; if (morphClass.length()) module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["MorphClass"] = morphClass; if (src.length()) module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["Src"] = src; if (page.length()) module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["Page"] = page; if (wtag.isEmpty()) { int j; for (j = token.length()-1; ((j>0) && (strchr(" /", token[j]))); j--); token.size(j+1); } token += " wn=\""; token += wordstr; token += "\""; if (wtag.isEmpty()) { token += "/"; } wordNum++; } if (!option) { /* * Code which handles multiple lemma types. Kindof works but breaks at least WEBIF filters for strongs. * int count = wtag.getAttributePartCount("lemma", ' '); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { SWBuf a = wtag.getAttribute("lemma", i, ' '); const char *prefix = a.stripPrefix(':'); if ((prefix) && (!strcmp(prefix, "x-Strongs") || !strcmp(prefix, "strong") || !strcmp(prefix, "Strong"))) { // remove attribute part wtag.setAttribute("lemma", 0, i, ' '); i--; count--; } } * Instead the codee below just removes the lemma attribute *****/ const char *l = wtag.getAttribute("lemma"); if (l) { SWBuf savlm = l; wtag.setAttribute("lemma", 0); wtag.setAttribute("savlm", savlm); token = wtag; token.trim(); // drop <> token << 1; token--; } } } if (token.startsWith("/w")) { // Word End if (module->isProcessEntryAttributes()) { if (wordStart) { SWBuf tmp; tmp.append(wordStart, (from-wordStart)-3); sprintf(wordstr, "%03d", wordNum-1); module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["Text"] = tmp; } } wordStart = 0; } // keep token in text text.append('<'); text.append(token); text.append('>'); continue; } if (intoken) { token += *from; } else { text.append(*from); } } return 0; }
int TreeKeyIdx::compare(const SWKey &ikey) { TreeKeyIdx *treeKey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(TreeKeyIdx, (&ikey)); if (treeKey) return _compare(*treeKey); return SWKey::compare(ikey); }
bool OSISHTMLHREF::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) { MyUserData *u = (MyUserData *)userData; SWBuf scratch; bool sub = (u->suspendTextPassThru) ? substituteToken(scratch, token) : substituteToken(buf, token); if (!sub) { // manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution XMLTag tag(token); // <w> tag if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "w")) { // start <w> tag if ((!tag.isEmpty()) && (!tag.isEndTag())) { u->w = token; } // end or empty <w> tag else { bool endTag = tag.isEndTag(); SWBuf lastText; //bool show = true; // to handle unplaced article in kjv2003-- temporary till combined if (endTag) { tag = u->w.c_str(); lastText = u->lastTextNode.c_str(); } else lastText = "stuff"; const char *attrib; const char *val; if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("xlit"))) { val = strchr(attrib, ':'); val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib; outText(" ", buf, u); outText(val, buf, u); } if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("gloss"))) { // I'm sure this is not the cleanest way to do it, but it gets the job done // for rendering ruby chars properly ^_^ buf -= lastText.length(); outText("<ruby><rb>", buf, u); outText(lastText, buf, u); val = strchr(attrib, ':'); val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib; outText("</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>", buf, u); outText(val, buf, u); outText("</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>", buf, u); } if (!morphFirst) { processLemma(u->suspendTextPassThru, tag, buf); processMorph(u->suspendTextPassThru, tag, buf); } else { processMorph(u->suspendTextPassThru, tag, buf); processLemma(u->suspendTextPassThru, tag, buf); } if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("POS"))) { val = strchr(attrib, ':'); val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib; outText(" ", buf, u); outText(val, buf, u); } /*if (endTag) buf += "}";*/ } } // <note> tag else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "note")) { if (!tag.isEndTag()) { SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type"); bool strongsMarkup = (type == "x-strongsMarkup" || type == "strongsMarkup"); // the latter is deprecated if (strongsMarkup) { tag.setEmpty(false); // handle bug in KJV2003 module where some note open tags were <note ... /> } if (!tag.isEmpty()) { if (!strongsMarkup) { // leave strong's markup notes out, in the future we'll probably have different option filters to turn different note types on or off SWBuf footnoteNumber = tag.getAttribute("swordFootnote"); SWBuf noteName = tag.getAttribute("n"); VerseKey *vkey = NULL; char ch = ((tag.getAttribute("type") && ((!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference")) || (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "x-cross-ref")))) ? 'x':'n'); u->inXRefNote = true; // Why this change? Ben Morgan: Any note can have references in, so we need to set this to true for all notes // u->inXRefNote = (ch == 'x'); // see if we have a VerseKey * or descendant SWTRY { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, u->key); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showNote&type=%c&value=%s&module=%s&passage=%s\"><small><sup class=\"%c\">*%c%s</sup></small></a>", ch, URL::encode(footnoteNumber.c_str()).c_str(), URL::encode(u->version.c_str()).c_str(), URL::encode(vkey ? vkey->getText() : u->key->getText()).c_str(), ch, ch, (renderNoteNumbers ? noteName.c_str() : "")); } } u->suspendTextPassThru = (++u->suspendLevel); }
bool GBFXHTML::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) { const char *tok; MyUserData *u = (MyUserData *)userData; if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) { XMLTag tag(token); if (!strncmp(token, "WG", 2)) { // strong's numbers //buf += " <small><em><<a href=\"type=Strongs value="; buf += " <small><em class=\"strongs\"><<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=Greek&value="; for (tok = token+2; *tok; tok++) //if(token[i] != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "\" class=\"strongs\">"; for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) //if(token[i] != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "</a>></em></small>"; } else if (!strncmp(token, "WH", 2)) { // strong's numbers //buf += " <small><em><<a href=\"type=Strongs value="; buf += " <small><em class=\"strongs\"><<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=Hebrew&value="; for (tok = token+2; *tok; tok++) //if(token[i] != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "\" class=\"strongs\">"; for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) //if(token[i] != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "</a>></em></small>"; } else if (!strncmp(token, "WTG", 3)) { // strong's numbers tense //buf += " <small><em>(<a href=\"type=Strongs value="; buf += " <small><em class=\"strongs\">(<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=Greek&value="; for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "\" class=\"strongs\">"; for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "</a>)</em></small>"; } else if (!strncmp(token, "WTH", 3)) { // strong's numbers tense //buf += " <small><em>(<a href=\"type=Strongs value="; buf += " <small><em class=\"strongs\">(<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=Hebrew&value="; for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "\" class=\"strongs\">"; for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "</a>)</em></small>"; } else if (!strncmp(token, "WT", 2) && strncmp(token, "WTH", 3) && strncmp(token, "WTG", 3)) { // morph tags //buf += " <small><em>(<a href=\"type=morph class=none value="; buf += " <small><em class=\"morph\">(<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showMorph&type=Greek&value="; for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "\" class=\"morph\">"; for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) if(*tok != '\"') buf += *tok; buf += "</a>)</em></small>"; } else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "RX")) { buf += "<a href=\""; for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) { if(*tok != '<' && *tok+1 != 'R' && *tok+2 != 'x') { buf += *tok; } else { break; } } buf += "\">"; } else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "RF")) { SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type"); SWBuf footnoteNumber = tag.getAttribute("swordFootnote"); SWBuf noteName = tag.getAttribute("n"); VerseKey *vkey = NULL; // see if we have a VerseKey * or descendant SWTRY { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, u->key); } SWCATCH ( ... ) { } if (vkey) { // leave this special osis type in for crossReference notes types? Might thml use this some day? Doesn't hurt. //char ch = ((tag.getAttribute("type") && ((!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference")) || (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "x-cross-ref")))) ? 'x':'n'); buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showNote&type=n&value=%s&module=%s&passage=%s\"><small><sup class=\"n\">*n%s</sup></small></a> ", URL::encode(footnoteNumber.c_str()).c_str(), URL::encode(u->version.c_str()).c_str(), URL::encode(vkey->getText()).c_str(), (renderNoteNumbers ? URL::encode(noteName.c_str()).c_str(): "")); } u->suspendTextPassThru = true; }
char OSISWordJS::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) { if (option) { char token[2112]; // cheese. Fix. int tokpos = 0; bool intoken = false; int wordNum = 1; char wordstr[5]; SWBuf modName = (module)?module->getName():""; // add TR to w src in KJV then remove this next line SWBuf wordSrcPrefix = (modName == "KJV")?SWBuf("TR"):modName; VerseKey *vkey = 0; if (key) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, key); } const SWBuf orig = text; const char * from = orig.c_str(); for (text = ""; *from; ++from) { if (*from == '<') { intoken = true; tokpos = 0; token[0] = 0; token[1] = 0; token[2] = 0; continue; } if (*from == '>') { // process tokens intoken = false; if ((*token == 'w') && (token[1] == ' ')) { // Word XMLTag wtag(token); sprintf(wordstr, "%03d", wordNum); SWBuf lemmaClass; SWBuf lemma; SWBuf morph; SWBuf page; SWBuf src; char gh = 0; page = module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["Page"].c_str(); if (page.length()) page = (SWBuf)"p:" + page; int count = atoi(module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["PartCount"].c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // for now, lemma class can just be equal to last lemma class in multi part word SWBuf tmp = "LemmaClass"; if (count > 1) tmp.appendFormatted(".%d", i+1); lemmaClass = module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr][tmp]; tmp = "Lemma"; if (count > 1) tmp.appendFormatted(".%d", i+1); tmp = (module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr][tmp].c_str()); // if we're strongs, if (lemmaClass == "strong") { gh = tmp[0]; tmp << 1; } if (lemma.size()) lemma += "|"; lemma += tmp; tmp = "Morph"; if (count > 1) tmp.appendFormatted(".%d", i+1); tmp = (module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr][tmp].c_str()); if (morph.size()) morph += "|"; morph += tmp; tmp = "Src"; if (count > 1) tmp.appendFormatted(".%d", i+1); tmp = (module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr][tmp].c_str()); if (!tmp.length()) tmp.appendFormatted("%d", wordNum); tmp.insert(0, wordSrcPrefix); if (src.size()) src += "|"; src += tmp; } SWBuf lexName = ""; // we can pass the real lex name in, but we have some // aliases in the javascript to optimize bandwidth if ((gh == 'G') && (defaultGreekLex)) { lexName = (!strcmp(defaultGreekLex->getName(), "StrongsGreek"))?"G":defaultGreekLex->getName(); } else if ((gh == 'H') && (defaultHebLex)) { lexName = (!strcmp(defaultHebLex->getName(), "StrongsHebrew"))?"H":defaultHebLex->getName(); } SWBuf xlit = wtag.getAttribute("xlit"); if ((lemmaClass != "strong") && (xlit.startsWith("betacode:"))) { lexName = "betacode"; // const char *m = strchr(xlit.c_str(), ':'); // strong = ++m; } SWBuf wordID; if (vkey) { // optimize for bandwidth and use only the verse as the unique entry id wordID.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->getVerse()); } else { wordID = key->getText(); } wordID.appendFormatted("_%s", src.c_str()); // clean up our word ID for XHTML for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wordID.size(); i++) { if ((!isdigit(wordID[i])) && (!isalpha(wordID[i]))) { wordID[i] = '_'; } } // 'p' = 'fillpop' to save bandwidth text.appendFormatted("<span class=\"clk\" onclick=\"p('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s');\" >", lexName.c_str(), lemma.c_str(), wordID.c_str(), morph.c_str(), page.c_str(), modName.c_str()); wordNum++; if (wtag.isEmpty()) { text += "</w></span>"; } } if ((*token == '/') && (token[1] == 'w') && option) { // Word text += "</w></span>"; continue; } // if not a strongs token, keep token in text text.append('<'); text.append(token); text.append('>'); continue; } if (intoken) { if (tokpos < 2045) { token[tokpos++] = *from; token[tokpos+2] = 0; } } else { text.append(*from); } } } return 0; }