Example #1
void FilterBank_paint (FilterBank me, Graphics g, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double minimum, double maximum, int garnish) {
	if (xmax <= xmin) {
		xmin = my xmin; xmax = my xmax; 
	if (ymax <= ymin) {
		ymin = my ymin; ymax = my ymax;
	long ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax;
	(void) Matrix_getWindowSamplesX (me, xmin - 0.49999 * my dx, xmax + 0.49999 * my dx, &ixmin, &ixmax);
	(void) Matrix_getWindowSamplesY (me, ymin - 0.49999 * my dy, ymax + 0.49999 * my dy, &iymin, &iymax);
	if (maximum <= minimum) {
		(void) Matrix_getWindowExtrema (me, ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, &minimum, &maximum);
	if (maximum <= minimum) { 
		minimum -= 1.0; maximum += 1.0;
	if (xmin >= xmax || ymin >= ymax) {
	Graphics_setInner (g);
	Graphics_setWindow (g, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
	Graphics_image (g, my z,
			ixmin, ixmax, Sampled_indexToX   (me, ixmin - 0.5), Sampled_indexToX   (me, ixmax + 0.5),
			iymin, iymax, SampledXY_indexToY (me, iymin - 0.5), SampledXY_indexToY (me, iymax + 0.5),
			minimum, maximum);

	Graphics_unsetInner (g);
	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_marksLeft (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_textLeft (g, 1, GetFreqScaleText (my v_getFrequencyScale ()));
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_textBottom (g, 1, U"Time (s)");
Example #2
static void cellArrayOrImage (Matrix me, Graphics g, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax,
	double minimum, double maximum, bool interpolate)
	if (xmax <= xmin) { xmin = my xmin; xmax = my xmax; }
	if (ymax <= ymin) { ymin = my ymin; ymax = my ymax; }
	long ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax;
	(void) Matrix_getWindowSamplesX (me, xmin - 0.49999 * my dx, xmax + 0.49999 * my dx,
		& ixmin, & ixmax);
	(void) Matrix_getWindowSamplesY (me, ymin - 0.49999 * my dy, ymax + 0.49999 * my dy,
		& iymin, & iymax);
	if (maximum <= minimum)
		(void) Matrix_getWindowExtrema (me, ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, & minimum, & maximum);
	if (maximum <= minimum) { minimum -= 1.0; maximum += 1.0; }
	if (xmin >= xmax || ymin >= ymax) return;
	Graphics_setInner (g);
	Graphics_setWindow (g, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
	if (interpolate)
		Graphics_image (g, my z,
			ixmin, ixmax, Sampled_indexToX   (me, ixmin - 0.5), Sampled_indexToX   (me, ixmax + 0.5),
			iymin, iymax, SampledXY_indexToY (me, iymin - 0.5), SampledXY_indexToY (me, iymax + 0.5),
			minimum, maximum);
		Graphics_cellArray (g, my z,
			ixmin, ixmax, Sampled_indexToX   (me, ixmin - 0.5), Sampled_indexToX   (me, ixmax + 0.5),
			iymin, iymax, SampledXY_indexToY (me, iymin - 0.5), SampledXY_indexToY (me, iymax + 0.5),
			minimum, maximum);
	Graphics_rectangle (g, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
	Graphics_unsetInner (g);
Example #3
void SPINET_drawSpectrum (SPINET me, Graphics g, double time, double fromErb, double toErb, double minimum, double maximum, int enhanced, int garnish) {
    long ifmin, ifmax, icol = Sampled_xToLowIndex (me, time);   // ppgb: don't use Sampled2_xToColumn for integer rounding
    double **z = enhanced ? my s : my y;
    if (icol < 1 || icol > my nx) {
    if (toErb <= fromErb) {
        fromErb = my ymin;
        toErb = my ymax;
    SampledXY_getWindowSamplesY (me, fromErb, toErb, &ifmin, &ifmax);
    autoNUMvector<double> spec (1, my ny);

    for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
        spec[i] = z[i][icol];
    if (maximum <= minimum) {
        NUMvector_extrema (spec.peek(), ifmin, ifmax, &minimum, &maximum);
    if (maximum <= minimum) {
        minimum -= 1;
        maximum += 1;
    for (long i = ifmin; i <= ifmax; i++) {
        if (spec[i] > maximum) {
            spec[i] = maximum;
        } else if (spec[i] < minimum) {
            spec[i] = minimum;
    Graphics_setInner (g);
    Graphics_setWindow (g, fromErb, toErb, minimum, maximum);
    Graphics_function (g, spec.peek(), ifmin, ifmax, SampledXY_indexToY (me, ifmin), SampledXY_indexToY (me, ifmax));
    Graphics_unsetInner (g);
    if (garnish) {
        Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
        Graphics_textBottom (g, true, U"Frequency (ERB)");
        Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, true, true, false);
        Graphics_textLeft (g, true, U"strength");
        Graphics_marksLeft (g, 2, true, true, false);
void BandFilterSpectrogram_paintImage (BandFilterSpectrogram me, Graphics g, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double minimum, double maximum, int garnish) {
	if (xmax <= xmin) {
		xmin = my xmin; xmax = my xmax; 
	if (ymax <= ymin) {
		ymin = my ymin; ymax = my ymax;
	long ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax;
	(void) Matrix_getWindowSamplesX (me, xmin - 0.49999 * my dx, xmax + 0.49999 * my dx, &ixmin, &ixmax);
	(void) Matrix_getWindowSamplesY (me, ymin - 0.49999 * my dy, ymax + 0.49999 * my dy, &iymin, &iymax);
	autoMatrix thee = Spectrogram_to_Matrix_dB ((Spectrogram) me, 4e-10, 10, -100);
	if (maximum <= minimum) {
		(void) Matrix_getWindowExtrema (thee.peek(), ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, &minimum, &maximum);
	if (maximum <= minimum) { 
		minimum -= 1.0; maximum += 1.0;
	if (xmin >= xmax || ymin >= ymax) {
	Graphics_setInner (g);
	Graphics_setWindow (g, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
	Graphics_image (g, thy z,
			ixmin, ixmax, Sampled_indexToX   (thee.peek(), ixmin - 0.5), Sampled_indexToX   (thee.peek(), ixmax + 0.5),
			iymin, iymax, SampledXY_indexToY (thee.peek(), iymin - 0.5), SampledXY_indexToY (thee.peek(), iymax + 0.5),
			minimum, maximum);

	Graphics_unsetInner (g);
	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_marksLeft (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_textLeft (g, 1, Melder_cat (U"Frequency (", my v_getFrequencyUnit (), U")"));
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_textBottom (g, 1, U"Time (s)");
Example #5
autoPitch SPINET_to_Pitch (SPINET me, double harmonicFallOffSlope, double ceiling, int maxnCandidates) {
	try {
		long nPointsPerOctave = 48;
		double fmin = NUMerbToHertz (SampledXY_indexToY (me, 1L));
		double fmax = NUMerbToHertz (SampledXY_indexToY (me, my ny));
		double fminl2 = NUMlog2 (fmin), fmaxl2 = NUMlog2 (fmax);
		double points = (fmaxl2 - fminl2) * nPointsPerOctave;
		double dfl2 = (fmaxl2 - fminl2) / (points - 1);
		long nFrequencyPoints = (long) floor (points);
		long maxHarmonic = (long) floor (fmax / fmin);
		double maxStrength = 0.0, unvoicedCriterium = 0.45, maxPower = 0.0;

		if (nFrequencyPoints < 2) {
			Melder_throw (U"Frequency range too small.");
		if (ceiling <= fmin) {
			Melder_throw (U"Ceiling is smaller than centre frequency of lowest filter.");

		autoPitch thee = Pitch_create (my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1, ceiling, maxnCandidates);
		autoNUMvector<double> power (1, my nx);
		autoNUMvector<double> pitch (1, nFrequencyPoints);
		autoNUMvector<double> sumspec (1, nFrequencyPoints);
		autoNUMvector<double> y (1, my ny);
		autoNUMvector<double> yv2 (1, my ny);
		autoNUMvector<double> fl2 (1, my ny);

		// From ERB's to log (f)

		for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
			double f = NUMerbToHertz (my y1 + (i - 1) * my dy);
			fl2[i] = NUMlog2 (f);

		// Determine global maximum power in frame

		for (long j = 1; j <= my nx; j++) {
			double p = 0.0;
			for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
				p += my s[i][j];
			if (p > maxPower) {
				maxPower = p;
			power[j] = p;
		if (maxPower == 0.0) {
			Melder_throw (U"No power");

		for (long j = 1; j <= my nx; j++) {
			Pitch_Frame pitchFrame = &thy frame[j];

			pitchFrame -> intensity = power[j] / maxPower;
			for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
				y[i] = my s[i][j];
			NUMspline (fl2.peek(), y.peek(), my ny, 1e30, 1e30, yv2.peek());
			for (long k = 1; k <= nFrequencyPoints; k++) {
				double f = fminl2 + (k - 1) * dfl2;
				NUMsplint (fl2.peek(), y.peek(), yv2.peek(), my ny, f, & pitch[k]);
				sumspec[k] = 0.0;

			// Formula (8): weighted harmonic summation.

			for (long m = 1; m <= maxHarmonic; m++) {
				double hm = 1 - harmonicFallOffSlope * NUMlog2 (m);
				long kb = 1 + (long) floor (nPointsPerOctave * NUMlog2 (m));
				for (long k = kb; k <= nFrequencyPoints; k++) {
					if (pitch[k] > 0.0) {
						sumspec[k - kb + 1] += pitch[k] * hm;

			// into Pitch object

			Pitch_Frame_init (pitchFrame, maxnCandidates);
			pitchFrame -> nCandidates = 0; /* !!!!! */
			Pitch_Frame_addPitch (pitchFrame, 0, 0, maxnCandidates); /* unvoiced */

			for (long k = 2; k <= nFrequencyPoints - 1; k++) {
				double y1 = sumspec[k - 1], y2 = sumspec[k], y3 = sumspec[k + 1];
				if (y2 > y1 && y2 >= y3) {
					double denum = y1 - 2.0 * y2 + y3, tmp = y3 - 4.0 * y2;
					double x = dfl2 * (y1 - y3) / (2 * denum);
					double f = pow (2.0, fminl2 + (k - 1) * dfl2 + x);
					double strength = (2.0 * y1 * (4.0 * y2 + y3) - y1 * y1 - tmp * tmp) / (8.0 * denum);
					if (strength > maxStrength) {
						maxStrength = strength;
					Pitch_Frame_addPitch (pitchFrame, f, strength, maxnCandidates);

		// Scale the pitch strengths

		for (long j = 1; j <= my nx; j++) {
			double f0, localStrength;
			Pitch_Frame_getPitch (&thy frame[j], &f0, &localStrength);
			Pitch_Frame_resizeStrengths (&thy frame[j], localStrength / maxStrength, unvoicedCriterium);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no Pitch created.");