void CCountGen::OnBnClickedBtnSave() { if (SaveParams() < 0) { return; } PostMessage(WM_CLOSE,0,0); }
RegFrame::~RegFrame() { SaveParams(); delete m_textCtrlBasic; delete m_textCtrlDR; delete m_textCtrlFPU; delete m_textCtrlMMX; delete m_textCtrl3dnow; delete m_bookCtrl; delete m_panel; }
LRESULT CThumbEditor::OnClickedOK(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { /*Settings.ThumbSettings.FrameColor = FrameColor.GetColor(); Settings.ThumbSettings.ThumbColor1 = Color1.GetColor(); Settings.ThumbSettings.ThumbColor2 = Color2.GetColor(); Settings.ThumbSettings.ThumbTextColor=ThumbTextColor.GetColor(); Settings.ImageSettings.TextColor=TextColor.GetColor(); Settings.ImageSettings.StrokeColor=StrokeColor.GetColor();*/ SaveParams(); //Settings.ThumbSettings.TextOverThumb = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_TEXTOVERTHUMB2, BM_GETCHECK); EndDialog(wID); return 0; }
void CGeneralCRC::OnSave() { if (!UpdateData()) return; // Get the name to save the settings under and check its valid CString strName; GetDlgItemText(IDC_CRC_NAME, strName); if (strName.IsEmpty()) { TaskMessageBox("Invalid Name", "The CRC name cannot be empty"); return; } else if (find_name(strName) != -1) { CString ss; ss.Format("The name \"%s\" is already being used. " "Please choose another name.", strName); TaskMessageBox("Name in Use", ss); return; } // Get the current settings to be associated with the name CString params = SaveParams(); // Add the name to the end of the Select menu CMenu menu; menu.Attach(select_menu_.m_hMenu); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, settings_.size(), strName); menu.Detach(); // Add corresponding parameters to the end of settings_ settings_.push_back(params); // Add to the registry (for next time the dialog is opened) HKEY hkey; if (::RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_locn, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ::RegSetValueEx(hkey, strName, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)params.GetBuffer(), params.GetLength()+1); ::RegCloseKey(hkey); } // Disable Save button as we can't save again with the same name GetDlgItem(IDC_CRC_SAVE)->EnableWindow(FALSE); }
void CCountGen::OnBnClickedButton1() { CString strAcc=""; CString strPwd=""; CString strPhone = ""; GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_PICSAVENAME,strPhone); strPhone.Trim(); if (strPhone == "") { MessageBox("每IP账号数不能为空,请一定填写!"); return; } g_iFreshCount = atoi(strPhone); if (SaveParams() < 0) { return; } CString strRecommandPhone = ""; int lines = 0; CStdioFile file; CString cstr; CFileException fe; CString strFilePath = ""; char szFilter[]="Text files(*.txt)|*.txt"; CFileDialog dlg(1,NULL,NULL,NULL,szFilter); if(dlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { strFilePath = dlg.GetPathName(); } if (strFilePath=="") { return; } if(file.Open(strFilePath,CFile::modeRead,&fe)) { file.SeekToBegin(); int idx1=0; int idx2=0; srand(time(NULL)); while (file.ReadString(cstr)) { cstr+=","; strAcc = ""; strPwd = ""; //strPhone = ""; strRecommandPhone = ""; idx2 =cstr.Find(","); if (idx2==-1) { continue; } strAcc = cstr.Left(idx2); cstr = cstr.Right(cstr.GetLength()-idx2-1); idx2 =cstr.Find(","); if (idx2==-1) { continue; } strPwd = cstr.Left(idx2); map<CString,int>::iterator it = m_mapOldAcc.find(strAcc+strPwd); if (it != m_mapOldAcc.end()) { CString strShow = ""; strShow.Format("%s,%s 已经对此账号做过处理",strAcc,strPwd); CUserMessagePump *pMsgPump = NULL; pMsgPump = CUserMessagePump::GetInstance(); if (!pMsgPump) { return; } pMsgPump->AddToMessagePump(USERWINDOWMSG_1,strShow); continue; } // cstr = cstr.Right(cstr.GetLength()-idx2-1); // idx2 =cstr.Find(","); // if (idx2==-1) // { // continue; // } //strPhone = cstr.Left(idx2); //已经找到所有需要的数据 if (strAcc !="" && strPwd != "" && strPhone != "") { int nCount = m_pList->GetItemCount(); CString listIndex = ""; int iIsExist = 0; for (int i=0;i<nCount;i++) { if (strAcc == m_pList->GetItemText(i,1) && strPwd == m_pList->GetItemText(i,2)) { CString strShow = ""; strShow.Format("%s,%s 重复导入",strAcc,strPwd); CUserMessagePump *pMsgPump = NULL; pMsgPump = CUserMessagePump::GetInstance(); if (!pMsgPump) { return; } pMsgPump->AddToMessagePump(USERWINDOWMSG_1,strShow); iIsExist = 1; break; } } if (iIsExist == 1) { continue; } RegisterPack rgPack; rgPack.strAcc = strAcc; //卡号 rgPack.strPwd = strPwd; //密码 rgPack.strNickName = strPhone; //充值账号 AddRegisterPack(rgPack); nCount = m_pList->GetItemCount(); listIndex.Format("%d",nCount); m_pList->InsertItem(nCount,"",0); m_pList->SetItemText(nCount,0,listIndex); m_pList->SetItemText(nCount,1,strAcc); m_pList->SetItemText(nCount,2,strPwd); } } file.Close(); } PostMessage(WM_CLOSE,0,0); }
/********************************* *表示字母 ?表示数字 其他为0 (账号仅限用下划线,且不能在第一位) 密码尽量采用数字加字母 ****************************************/ int CCountGen::GenerateCounts() { CString strAccType = ""; CString strPwdType = ""; CString strMailType = ""; CString strTemp = ""; CString strAcc = ""; CString strPwd = ""; CString strMail = ""; CString strIntroMan = ""; CString strIntroManEx = ""; CString strNickNameEx = ""; int generateNum = 0; CString mailtype = "@china.com.cn"; GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_ACC,strAccType); GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_PWD,strPwdType); GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_MAILACC,strMailType); generateNum = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_COUNTNUM); g_iShowWidth = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_SHOWWIDTH); g_iShowHeight = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_SHOWHEIGHT); GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_INTROMAN,strIntroMan); strAccType.Trim(); strPwdType.Trim(); strMailType.Trim(); strIntroMan.Trim(); int iCheck = ((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_NAMEADD))->GetCheck(); GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_MAILTAIL,mailtype); CString strNickName = ""; GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_NICKNAME,strNickName); strNickName.Trim(); mailtype.Trim(); //保存配置 if (SaveParams() == -1) { return -1; } CString tempStr = ""; //临时变量 srand(time(NULL)); for (int i=0;i< generateNum;) { char inChar; char outChar; int iLen = 0; strAcc = ""; strPwd = ""; strMail = ""; strIntroManEx = ""; strNickNameEx = ""; int j = 0; iLen = strIntroMan.GetLength(); for (j=0;j<iLen;j++) //身份证 { inChar = strIntroMan.GetAt(j); outChar = RandChar(inChar); tempStr.Format("%c",outChar); strIntroManEx += tempStr; } strTemp.Format("%c",DoVerify(strIntroManEx)); if (strTemp.MakeLower() =="x") { continue; } strIntroManEx += strTemp; iLen = strAccType.GetLength(); for (j=0;j<iLen;j++) //账号 { inChar = strAccType.GetAt(j); outChar = RandChar(inChar); tempStr.Format("%c",outChar); strAcc += tempStr; } iLen = strPwdType.GetLength(); for (j=0;j<iLen;j++) //密码 { inChar = strPwdType.GetAt(j); outChar = RandChar(inChar); tempStr.Format("%c",outChar); strPwd += tempStr; } iLen = strMailType.GetLength(); for (j=0;j<iLen;j++) //邮箱 { inChar = strMailType.GetAt(j); outChar = RandChar(inChar); tempStr.Format("%c",outChar); strMail += tempStr; } strMail += mailtype; iLen = strNickName.GetLength(); for (j=0;j<iLen;j++) //邮箱 { inChar = strNickName.GetAt(j); outChar = RandChar(inChar); tempStr.Format("%c",outChar); strNickNameEx += tempStr; } if (iCheck == 1) { strNickNameEx = strAcc + strNickNameEx; } RegisterPack rgPack; rgPack.strAcc = strAcc; //账号 rgPack.strPwd = strPwd; //密码 rgPack.strMail = strMail; //邮箱 rgPack.strNickName = strNickNameEx; //昵称 rgPack.strIntroMan = strIntroManEx; //身份证号 AddRegisterPack(rgPack); int nCount = m_pList->GetItemCount(); CString listIndex = ""; listIndex.Format("%d",nCount); m_pList->InsertItem(nCount,"",0); m_pList->SetItemText(nCount,0,listIndex); m_pList->SetItemText(nCount,1,strAcc); m_pList->SetItemText(nCount,2,strPwd); m_pList->SetItemText(nCount,3,strMail); m_pList->SetItemText(nCount,4,strIntroManEx); m_pList->SetItemText(nCount,7,strNickNameEx); m_pList->SetItemText(nCount,8,""); i++; } return 0; }
CClientApp::~CClientApp() { A_MUTEX_DESTROY(&m_mtxQueue); SaveParams(); }