Example #1
eMousePos DockingCont::isInRect(HWND hwnd, int x, int y)
	RECT		rc;
	eMousePos	ret	= posOutside;

	::GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc);
	ScreenRectToClientRect(hwnd, &rc);

	if (_isTopCaption == TRUE)
		if ((x > rc.left) && (x < rc.right-HIGH_CAPTION) && (y > rc.top) && (y < rc.bottom))
			ret = posCaption;
		else if ((x > rc.right-(12+CLOSEBTN_POS_LEFT)) && (x < (rc.right-CLOSEBTN_POS_LEFT)) && 
			(y > (rc.top+CLOSEBTN_POS_TOP)) && (y < (rc.bottom-CLOSEBTN_POS_TOP)))
			ret = posClose;
		if ((x > rc.left) && (x < rc.right) && (y > rc.top+HIGH_CAPTION) && (y < rc.bottom))
			ret = posCaption;
		else if ((x > rc.left+CLOSEBTN_POS_LEFT) && (x < rc.right-CLOSEBTN_POS_LEFT) && 
			(y > (rc.top+CLOSEBTN_POS_TOP)) && (y < (rc.top+(12+CLOSEBTN_POS_LEFT))))
			ret = posClose;

	return ret;
static void OnSize(HWND hDlg, LPARAM lParam)
    TWindowData * pData = GetDialogData(hDlg);
    HWND hTabCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TAB);
    HWND hButton = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EXIT);
    RECT rect;
    int nHeight = HIWORD(lParam);
    int nWidth = LOWORD(lParam);
    int x, y, cx, cy;

    // Sanity check for zero size
    if(pData != NULL && nWidth != 0 && nHeight != 0)
        // If the dialog hasn't done the initial resize,
        // we have to remember the relative sizes of the tab control
        // and the exit button
            // Save the relative position of the tab control
            GetWindowRect(hTabCtrl, &rect);
            ScreenRectToClientRect(hDlg, &rect);
            pData->nTabInnerTop = rect.top;
            pData->nTabInnerLeft = rect.left;
            pData->nTabInnerRight = pData->nTabInnerTop;
            pData->nTabInnerBottom = pData->nTabInnerTop;

            // Save position of the "Exit" button
            GetWindowRect(hButton, &rect);
            pData->nButtonInnerRight = pData->nTabInnerRight + (rect.right - rect.left);
            pData->nButtonInnerBottom = pData->nTabInnerBottom + (rect.bottom - rect.top);

            // Update the inner bottom margin of the tab cobtrol
            pData->nTabInnerBottom = pData->nButtonInnerBottom + 8;
            pData->bInitialResizeDone = true;

        // Resize the tab control
        cx = nWidth - (pData->nTabInnerLeft + pData->nTabInnerRight);
        cy = nHeight - (pData->nTabInnerTop + pData->nTabInnerBottom);
        TabCtrl_Resize(hTabCtrl, pData->nTabInnerLeft, pData->nTabInnerTop, cx, cy);

        // Move the Exit button
        x = nWidth - pData->nButtonInnerRight;
        y = nHeight - pData->nButtonInnerBottom;
        SetWindowPos(hButton, NULL, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER);
Example #3
static void ArrangeDialogButton(HWND hDlg, RECT & ClientRect, UINT nIDButton, int nDeltaY)
    HWND hWndChild = GetDlgItem(hDlg, nIDButton);
    RECT rect;
    int y;

    if(hWndChild != NULL)
        // Retrieve the child rect of the button
        GetWindowRect(hWndChild, &rect);
        ScreenRectToClientRect(hDlg, &rect);

        // Move the control
        y = (ClientRect.bottom - ClientRect.top) + nDeltaY - (ClientRect.bottom - rect.top);
        SetWindowPos(hWndChild, NULL, rect.left, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
Example #4
//    Process function of caption bar
LRESULT DockingCont::runProcCaption(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	static ToolTip	toolTip;

	switch (Message)
			_isMouseDown = TRUE;

			if (isInRect(hwnd, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)) == posClose)
				_isMouseClose	= TRUE;
				_isMouseOver	= TRUE;

				// start hooking
				hWndServer		= _hCaption;
				winVer ver = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getWinVersion();
				hookMouse	= ::SetWindowsHookEx(ver >= WV_W2K?WH_MOUSE_LL:WH_MOUSE, (HOOKPROC)hookProcMouse, _hInst, 0);

				if (!hookMouse)
					DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError();
					TCHAR  str[128];
					::wsprintf(str, TEXT("GetLastError() returned %lu"), dwError);
					::MessageBox(NULL, str, TEXT("SetWindowsHookEx(MOUSE) failed"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
				::RedrawWindow(hwnd, NULL, NULL, TRUE);

			return TRUE;
			_isMouseDown = FALSE;
			if (_isMouseClose == TRUE)
				// end hooking

				if (_isMouseOver == TRUE)
				_isMouseClose	= FALSE;
				_isMouseOver	= FALSE;
			return TRUE;
			if (isInRect(hwnd, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)) == posCaption)
				::SendMessage(_hParent, DMM_FLOATALL, 0, (LPARAM)this);

			return TRUE;
			POINT	pt			= {0};

			// get correct cursor position
			::ScreenToClient(_hCaption, &pt);

			if (_isMouseDown == TRUE)
				if (_isMouseClose == FALSE)
                    // keep sure that button is still down and within caption
                    if ((wParam == MK_LBUTTON) && (isInRect(hwnd, pt.x, pt.y) == posCaption))
    					_dragFromTab = FALSE;
    					_isMouseDown = FALSE;
                        _isMouseDown = FALSE;
					BOOL    isMouseOver	= _isMouseOver;
					_isMouseOver = (isInRect(hwnd, pt.x, pt.y) == posClose ? TRUE : FALSE);

					// if state is changed draw new
					if (_isMouseOver != isMouseOver)
						::RedrawWindow(hwnd, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
			else if (_bCapTTHover == FALSE)
				_hoverMPos = isInRect(hwnd, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));

				if ((_bCaptionTT == TRUE) || (_hoverMPos == posClose))
					tme.cbSize = sizeof(tme);
					tme.hwndTrack = hwnd;
					tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE | TME_HOVER;
					tme.dwHoverTime = 1000;
					_bCapTTHover = _TrackMouseEvent(&tme);
			else if ((_bCapTTHover == TRUE) &&
				(_hoverMPos != isInRect(hwnd, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam))))
				_bCapTTHover = FALSE;
			return TRUE;
			RECT	rc	= {0};
			POINT	pt	= {0};

			// get mouse position

			toolTip.init(_hInst, hwnd);
			if (_hoverMPos == posCaption)
				toolTip.Show(rc, _pszCaption.c_str(), pt.x, pt.y + 20);
				toolTip.Show(rc, TEXT("Close"), pt.x, pt.y + 20);
			return TRUE;
			_bCapTTHover = FALSE;
			return TRUE;
		case WM_SIZE:
			::GetWindowRect(hwnd, &_rcCaption);
			ScreenRectToClientRect(hwnd, &_rcCaption);
		case WM_SETTEXT:
			::RedrawWindow(hwnd, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
			return TRUE;

	return ::CallWindowProc(_hDefaultCaptionProc, hwnd, Message, wParam, lParam);
Example #5
// Arranging the dialog layout for empty dialogs, where the controls need to be created
static void CreateDialogLayout_Empty(TFlagDialogData * pData)
    TFlagInfo * pFlags;
    HWND hWndGroup = GetDlgItem(pData->hDlg, IDC_GROUPBOX);
    HWND hWndFirst = GetDlgItem(pData->hDlg, IDC_CHILD_MUSTER);
    HWND hWndChild = hWndFirst;
    RECT DialogRect;                        // Rectangle of the dialog (screen-relative)
    RECT ParentRect;                        // Rectangle of the dialog's parent (screen-relative)
    RECT ClientRect;                        // Rectangle of the dialog client area (screen-relative)
    RECT GroupRect;                         // Rectangle of the group box
    RECT CheckBoxRect;                      // Rectangle of the checkbox
    DWORD dwFlags = pData->dwFlags;
    int nChecked = BST_UNCHECKED;
    int x, y, cx, cy;

    // Get the size of the parent
    if(pData->hWndParent != NULL)
        GetWindowRect(pData->hWndParent, &ParentRect);
        SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &ParentRect, FALSE);

    // Set the dialog title
    SetWindowTextRc(pData->hDlg, pData->nIDTitle);

    // Get the size of the dialog and the "master" settings
    GetWindowRect(pData->hDlg, &DialogRect);
    GetClientRect(pData->hDlg, &ClientRect);
    pData->hFont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hWndChild, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);

    // Get the position of the groupbox and the child muster
    GetWindowRect(hWndGroup, &GroupRect);
    ScreenRectToClientRect(pData->hDlg, &GroupRect);
    GetWindowRect(hWndChild, &CheckBoxRect);
    ScreenRectToClientRect(pData->hDlg, &CheckBoxRect);

    // Get the settings of the "master" checkbox
    pData->dwExStyle = GetWindowLong(hWndChild, GWL_EXSTYLE);
    pData->dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hWndChild, GWL_STYLE) & ~(WS_TABSTOP | WS_GROUP);

    // Create all switch items
    for(pFlags = pData->pFlags; pFlags->szFlagText != NULL; pFlags++)
        // Create the (next) switch item
        hWndChild = CreateSwitchItem(pData, pFlags, CheckBoxRect, hWndChild);
        nChecked = BST_UNCHECKED;

        // Check/uncheck the box
        if(pFlags->dwValue != FLAG_SEPARATOR)
            // Do we have radio buttons?
                if(dwFlags == pFlags->dwValue)
                    nChecked = BST_CHECKED;
                    dwFlags = 0;
                if((dwFlags & pFlags->dwMask) == pFlags->dwValue)
                    nChecked = BST_CHECKED;
                    dwFlags = dwFlags & ~pFlags->dwValue;

            // Check or uncheck the button
            Button_SetCheck(hWndChild, nChecked);

        // The next control will be created dynamically, 6 dialog units lower
        hWndChild = NULL;

    // If there is at least one flag unused, we need to create an extra button
    if(dwFlags != 0)
        LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_CUSTOM_VALUE, pData->szCustomValue, _maxchars(pData->szCustomValue));
        pData->ExtraFlag.dwValue = dwFlags;
        pData->ExtraFlag.dwMask  = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        pData->ExtraFlag.szFlagText = pData->szCustomValue;
        hWndChild = CreateSwitchItem(pData, &pData->ExtraFlag, CheckBoxRect, hWndChild);
        Button_SetCheck(hWndChild, BST_CHECKED);

    // Resize the group box so it covers all buttons
    cx = (GroupRect.right - GroupRect.left);
    cy = (GroupRect.bottom - GroupRect.top) + pData->nDeltaY;
    SetWindowPos(hWndGroup, NULL, 0, 0, cx, cy, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);

    // Move the buttons
    ArrangeDialogButton(pData->hDlg, ClientRect, IDC_SELECT_ALL, pData->nDeltaY);
    ArrangeDialogButton(pData->hDlg, ClientRect, IDC_CLEAR_ALL, pData->nDeltaY);
    ArrangeDialogButton(pData->hDlg, ClientRect, IDOK, pData->nDeltaY);

    // Resize and center the dialog
    cx = (DialogRect.right - DialogRect.left);
    cy = (DialogRect.bottom - DialogRect.top) + pData->nDeltaY;
    x = ParentRect.left + ((ParentRect.right - ParentRect.left) - cx) / 2;
    y = ParentRect.top + ((ParentRect.bottom - ParentRect.top) - cy) / 2;
    SetWindowPos(pData->hDlg, NULL, x, y, cx, cy, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);