/* ** mo_oper ** parv[0] = sender prefix ** parv[1] = oper name ** parv[2] = oper password */ static void mo_oper(struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, char *parv[]) { sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_YOUREOPER), me.name, parv[0]); SendMessageFile(source_p, &ConfigFileEntry.opermotd); return; }
/* * m_help - HELP message handler * parv[0] = sender prefix */ int m_help(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]) { int i; static time_t last_used = 0; if (!NoFloodProtection(sptr)) { /* HELP is always local */ if (IsHoneypot(sptr) || (last_used + PACE_WAIT) > CurrentTime) { /* safe enough to give this on a local connect only */ sendto_one(sptr,form_str(RPL_LOAD2HI),me.name,parv[0],"HELP"); return 0; } else { last_used = CurrentTime; } } if (!HasUmode(sptr,UMODE_OPER) ) { for (i = 0; msgtab[i].cmd; i++) sendto_one(sptr,":%s NOTICE %s :%s", me.name, parv[0], msgtab[i].cmd); return 0; } else SendMessageFile(sptr, &ConfigFileEntry.helpfile); return 0; }
static void g_motd(struct Luser *lptr, int ac, char **av) { RecordCommand("%s: %s!%s@%s MOTD", n_Global, lptr->nick, lptr->username, lptr->hostname); if (!Network->LogonNewsFile.Contents) { notice(n_Global, lptr->nick, "No logon news specified"); return; } SendMessageFile(lptr, &Network->LogonNewsFile); } /* g_motd() */
static void m_links(struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, char *parv[]) { if (!ConfigServerHide.flatten_links) { mo_links(client_p, source_p, parc, parv); return; } SendMessageFile(source_p, &ConfigFileEntry.linksfile); /* * Print our own info so at least it looks like a normal links * then print out the file (which may or may not be empty) */ sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_LINKS), me.name, parv[0], me.name, me.name, 0, me.info); sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_ENDOFLINKS), me.name, parv[0], "*"); }
/* * m_challenge - generate RSA challenge for wouldbe oper * parv[0] = sender prefix * parv[1] = operator to challenge for, or +response * */ static void m_challenge(struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, char *parv[]) { char *challenge; dlink_node *ptr; struct ConfItem *aconf, *oconf; if(!(source_p->user) || !source_p->localClient) return; /* if theyre an oper, reprint oper motd and ignore */ if(IsOper(source_p)) { sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_YOUREOPER), me.name, parv[0]); SendMessageFile(source_p, &ConfigFileEntry.opermotd); return; } if(*parv[1] == '+') { /* Ignore it if we aren't expecting this... -A1kmm */ if(!source_p->user->response) return; if(irccmp(source_p->user->response, ++parv[1])) { sendto_one(source_p, form_str(ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH), me.name, source_p->name); log_foper(source_p, source_p->user->auth_oper); if(ConfigFileEntry.failed_oper_notice) sendto_realops_flags(UMODE_ALL, L_ALL, "Failed OPER attempt by %s (%s@%s)", source_p->name, source_p->username, source_p->host); return; } if((aconf = find_conf_by_name(source_p->user->auth_oper, CONF_OPERATOR)) == NULL) { sendto_one(source_p, form_str(ERR_NOOPERHOST), me.name, parv[0]); log_foper(source_p, source_p->user->auth_oper); if(ConfigFileEntry.failed_oper_notice) sendto_realops_flags(UMODE_ALL, L_ALL, "Failed CHALLENGE attempt - host mismatch by %s (%s@%s)", source_p->name, source_p->username, source_p->host); return; } ptr = source_p->localClient->confs.head; oconf = ptr->data; detach_conf(source_p, oconf); if(attach_conf(source_p, aconf) != 0) { sendto_one(source_p, ":%s NOTICE %s :Can't attach conf!", me.name, source_p->name); sendto_realops_flags(UMODE_ALL, L_ALL, "Failed CHALLENGE attempt by %s (%s@%s) can't attach conf!", source_p->name, source_p->username, source_p->host); log_foper(source_p, source_p->user->auth_oper); attach_conf(source_p, oconf); return; } oper_up(source_p, aconf); ilog(L_TRACE, "OPER %s by %s!%s@%s", source_p->user->auth_oper, source_p->name, source_p->username, source_p->host); log_oper(source_p, source_p->user->auth_oper); MyFree(source_p->user->response); MyFree(source_p->user->auth_oper); source_p->user->response = NULL; source_p->user->auth_oper = NULL; return; } MyFree(source_p->user->response); MyFree(source_p->user->auth_oper); source_p->user->response = NULL; source_p->user->auth_oper = NULL; if(!(aconf = find_conf_exact(parv[1], source_p->username, source_p->host, CONF_OPERATOR)) && !(aconf = find_conf_exact(parv[1], source_p->username, source_p->localClient->sockhost, CONF_OPERATOR))) { sendto_one(source_p, form_str(ERR_NOOPERHOST), me.name, parv[0]); log_foper(source_p, parv[1]); if(ConfigFileEntry.failed_oper_notice) sendto_realops_flags(UMODE_ALL, L_ALL, "Failed CHALLENGE attempt - host mismatch by %s (%s@%s)", source_p->name, source_p->username, source_p->host); return; } if(!aconf->rsa_public_key) { sendto_one(source_p, ":%s NOTICE %s :I'm sorry, PK authentication " "is not enabled for your oper{} block.", me.name, parv[0]); return; } if(!generate_challenge(&challenge, &(source_p->user->response), aconf->rsa_public_key)) { sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_RSACHALLENGE), me.name, parv[0], challenge); } DupString(source_p->user->auth_oper, aconf->name); MyFree(challenge); return; }