void CParty::SendPartyInfoOneToAll(DWORD pid) { TMemberMap::iterator it = m_memberMap.find(pid); if (it == m_memberMap.end()) return; if (it->second.pCharacter) { SendPartyInfoOneToAll(it->second.pCharacter); return; } // Data Building TPacketGCPartyUpdate p; memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p)); p.header = HEADER_GC_PARTY_UPDATE; p.pid = pid; p.percent_hp = 255; p.role = it->second.bRole; for (it = m_memberMap.begin();it!= m_memberMap.end(); ++it) { if ((it->second.pCharacter) && (it->second.pCharacter->GetDesc())) { //sys_log(2, "PARTY send info %s[%d] to %s[%d]", ch->GetName(), (DWORD)ch->GetVID(), it->second.pCharacter->GetName(), (DWORD)it->second.pCharacter->GetVID()); it->second.pCharacter->GetDesc()->Packet(&p, sizeof(p)); } } }
bool CParty::SetRole(DWORD dwPID, BYTE bRole, bool bSet) { TMemberMap::iterator it = m_memberMap.find(dwPID); if (it == m_memberMap.end()) { return false; } LPCHARACTER ch = it->second.pCharacter; if (bSet) { if (m_anRoleCount[bRole] >= m_anMaxRole[bRole]) return false; if (it->second.bRole != PARTY_ROLE_NORMAL) return false; it->second.bRole = bRole; if (ch && GetLeader()) ComputeRolePoint(ch, bRole, true); if (bRole < PARTY_ROLE_MAX_NUM) { ++m_anRoleCount[bRole]; } else { sys_err("ROLE_COUNT_INC_ERROR: INDEX(%d) > MAX(%d)", bRole, PARTY_ROLE_MAX_NUM); } } else { if (it->second.bRole == PARTY_ROLE_LEADER) return false; if (it->second.bRole == PARTY_ROLE_NORMAL) return false; it->second.bRole = PARTY_ROLE_NORMAL; if (ch && GetLeader()) ComputeRolePoint(ch, PARTY_ROLE_NORMAL, false); if (bRole < PARTY_ROLE_MAX_NUM) { --m_anRoleCount[bRole]; } else { sys_err("ROLE_COUNT_DEC_ERROR: INDEX(%d) > MAX(%d)", bRole, PARTY_ROLE_MAX_NUM); } } SendPartyInfoOneToAll(dwPID); return true; }
void CParty::Link(LPCHARACTER pkChr) { TMemberMap::iterator it; if (pkChr->IsPC()) it = m_memberMap.find(pkChr->GetPlayerID()); else it = m_memberMap.find(pkChr->GetVID()); if (it == m_memberMap.end()) { sys_err("%s is not member of this party", pkChr->GetName()); return; } // 플레이어 파티일 경우 업데이트 이벤트 생성 if (m_bPCParty && !m_eventUpdate) { party_update_event_info* info = AllocEventInfo<party_update_event_info>(); info->pid = m_dwLeaderPID; m_eventUpdate = event_create(party_update_event, info, PASSES_PER_SEC(3)); } if (it->second.bRole == PARTY_ROLE_LEADER) m_pkChrLeader = pkChr; sys_log(2, "PARTY[%d] %s linked to party", GetLeaderPID(), pkChr->GetName()); it->second.pCharacter = pkChr; pkChr->SetParty(this); if (pkChr->IsPC()) { if (it->second.strName.empty()) { it->second.strName = pkChr->GetName(); } SendPartyJoinOneToAll(pkChr->GetPlayerID()); SendPartyJoinAllToOne(pkChr); SendPartyLinkOneToAll(pkChr); SendPartyLinkAllToOne(pkChr); SendPartyInfoAllToOne(pkChr); SendPartyInfoOneToAll(pkChr); SendParameter(pkChr); //sys_log(0, "PARTY-DUNGEON connect %p %p", this, GetDungeon()); if (GetDungeon() && GetDungeon()->GetMapIndex() == pkChr->GetMapIndex()) { pkChr->SetDungeon(GetDungeon()); } RequestSetMemberLevel(pkChr->GetPlayerID(), pkChr->GetLevel()); } }
void CParty::Update() { sys_log(1, "PARTY::Update"); LPCHARACTER l = GetLeaderCharacter(); if (!l) return; TMemberMap::iterator it; int iNearMember = 0; bool bResendAll = false; for (it = m_memberMap.begin(); it != m_memberMap.end(); ++it) { LPCHARACTER ch = it->second.pCharacter; it->second.bNear = false; if (!ch) continue; if (l->GetDungeon()) it->second.bNear = l->GetDungeon() == ch->GetDungeon(); else it->second.bNear = (DISTANCE_APPROX(l->GetX()-ch->GetX(), l->GetY()-ch->GetY()) < PARTY_DEFAULT_RANGE); if (it->second.bNear) { ++iNearMember; //sys_log(0,"NEAR %s", ch->GetName()); } } if (iNearMember <= 1 && !l->GetDungeon()) { for (it = m_memberMap.begin(); it != m_memberMap.end(); ++it) it->second.bNear = false; iNearMember = 0; } if (iNearMember != m_iCountNearPartyMember) { m_iCountNearPartyMember = iNearMember; bResendAll = true; } m_iLeadership = l->GetLeadershipSkillLevel(); int iNewExpBonus = ComputePartyBonusExpPercent(); m_iAttBonus = ComputePartyBonusAttackGrade(); m_iDefBonus = ComputePartyBonusDefenseGrade(); if (m_iExpBonus != iNewExpBonus) { bResendAll = true; m_iExpBonus = iNewExpBonus; } bool bLongTimeExpBonusChanged = false; // 파티 결성 후 충분한 시간이 지나면 경험치 보너스를 받는다. if (!m_iLongTimeExpBonus && (get_dword_time() - m_dwPartyStartTime > PARTY_ENOUGH_MINUTE_FOR_EXP_BONUS * 60 * 1000 / (g_iUseLocale?1:2))) { bLongTimeExpBonusChanged = true; m_iLongTimeExpBonus = 5; bResendAll = true; } for (it = m_memberMap.begin(); it != m_memberMap.end(); ++it) { LPCHARACTER ch = it->second.pCharacter; if (!ch) continue; if (bLongTimeExpBonusChanged && ch->GetDesc()) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("파티의 협동력이 높아져 지금부터 추가 경험치 보너스를 받습니다.")); bool bNear = it->second.bNear; ComputeRolePoint(ch, it->second.bRole, bNear); if (bNear) { if (!bResendAll) SendPartyInfoOneToAll(ch); } } // PARTY_ROLE_LIMIT_LEVEL_BUG_FIX m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_ATTACKER] = m_iLeadership >= 10 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_HASTE] = m_iLeadership >= 20 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_TANKER] = m_iLeadership >= 20 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_BUFFER] = m_iLeadership >= 25 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_SKILL_MASTER] = m_iLeadership >= 35 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_DEFENDER] = m_iLeadership >= 40 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_ATTACKER] += m_iLeadership >= 40 ? 1 : 0; // END_OF_PARTY_ROLE_LIMIT_LEVEL_BUG_FIX // Party Heal Update if (!m_bPartyHealReady) { if (!m_bCanUsePartyHeal && m_iLeadership >= 18) m_dwPartyHealTime = get_dword_time(); m_bCanUsePartyHeal = m_iLeadership >= 18; // 통솔력 18 이상은 힐을 사용할 수 있음. // 통솔력 40이상은 파티 힐 쿨타임이 적다. DWORD PartyHealCoolTime = (m_iLeadership >= 40) ? PARTY_HEAL_COOLTIME_SHORT * 60 * 1000 : PARTY_HEAL_COOLTIME_LONG * 60 * 1000; if (m_bCanUsePartyHeal) { if (get_dword_time() > m_dwPartyHealTime + PartyHealCoolTime) { m_bPartyHealReady = true; // send heal ready if (0) // XXX DELETEME 클라이언트 완료될때까지 if (GetLeaderCharacter()) GetLeaderCharacter()->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND, "PartyHealReady"); } } } if (bResendAll) { for (TMemberMap::iterator it = m_memberMap.begin(); it != m_memberMap.end(); ++it) if (it->second.pCharacter) SendPartyInfoOneToAll(it->second.pCharacter); } }
void CParty::Update() { sys_log(1, "PARTY::Update"); LPCHARACTER l = GetLeaderCharacter(); if (!l) return; TMemberMap::iterator it; int iNearMember = 0; bool bResendAll = false; for (it = m_memberMap.begin(); it != m_memberMap.end(); ++it) { LPCHARACTER ch = it->second.pCharacter; it->second.bNear = false; if (!ch) continue; if (l->GetDungeon()) it->second.bNear = l->GetDungeon() == ch->GetDungeon(); else it->second.bNear = (DISTANCE_APPROX(l->GetX()-ch->GetX(), l->GetY()-ch->GetY()) < PARTY_DEFAULT_RANGE); if (it->second.bNear) { ++iNearMember; //sys_log(0,"NEAR %s", ch->GetName()); } } if (iNearMember <= 1 && !l->GetDungeon()) { for (it = m_memberMap.begin(); it != m_memberMap.end(); ++it) it->second.bNear = false; iNearMember = 0; } if (iNearMember != m_iCountNearPartyMember) { m_iCountNearPartyMember = iNearMember; bResendAll = true; } m_iLeadership = l->GetLeadershipSkillLevel(); int iNewExpBonus = ComputePartyBonusExpPercent(); m_iAttBonus = ComputePartyBonusAttackGrade(); m_iDefBonus = ComputePartyBonusDefenseGrade(); if (m_iExpBonus != iNewExpBonus) { bResendAll = true; m_iExpBonus = iNewExpBonus; } bool bLongTimeExpBonusChanged = false; // ЖДЖј °бјє ИД ГжєРЗС ЅГ°ЈАМ БціЄёй °жЗиДЎ єёіКЅєё¦ №ЮґВґЩ. if (!m_iLongTimeExpBonus && (get_dword_time() - m_dwPartyStartTime > PARTY_ENOUGH_MINUTE_FOR_EXP_BONUS * 60 * 1000 / (g_iUseLocale?1:2))) { bLongTimeExpBonusChanged = true; m_iLongTimeExpBonus = 5; bResendAll = true; } for (it = m_memberMap.begin(); it != m_memberMap.end(); ++it) { LPCHARACTER ch = it->second.pCharacter; if (!ch) continue; if (bLongTimeExpBonusChanged && ch->GetDesc()) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("ЖДЖјАЗ Зщµї·ВАМ іфѕЖБ® Бц±ЭєОЕН ГЯ°Ў °жЗиДЎ єёіКЅєё¦ №ЮЅАґПґЩ.")); bool bNear = it->second.bNear; ComputeRolePoint(ch, it->second.bRole, bNear); if (bNear) { if (!bResendAll) SendPartyInfoOneToAll(ch); } } // PARTY_ROLE_LIMIT_LEVEL_BUG_FIX m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_ATTACKER] = m_iLeadership >= 10 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_HASTE] = m_iLeadership >= 20 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_TANKER] = m_iLeadership >= 20 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_BUFFER] = m_iLeadership >= 25 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_SKILL_MASTER] = m_iLeadership >= 35 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_DEFENDER] = m_iLeadership >= 40 ? 1 : 0; m_anMaxRole[PARTY_ROLE_ATTACKER] += m_iLeadership >= 40 ? 1 : 0; // END_OF_PARTY_ROLE_LIMIT_LEVEL_BUG_FIX // Party Heal Update if (!m_bPartyHealReady) { if (!m_bCanUsePartyHeal && m_iLeadership >= 18) m_dwPartyHealTime = get_dword_time(); m_bCanUsePartyHeal = m_iLeadership >= 18; // ЕлјЦ·В 18 АМ»уАє ИъА» »зїлЗТ јц АЦАЅ. // ЕлјЦ·В 40АМ»уАє ЖДЖј Иъ ДрЕёАУАМ АыґЩ. DWORD PartyHealCoolTime = (m_iLeadership >= 40) ? PARTY_HEAL_COOLTIME_SHORT * 60 * 1000 : PARTY_HEAL_COOLTIME_LONG * 60 * 1000; if (m_bCanUsePartyHeal) { if (get_dword_time() > m_dwPartyHealTime + PartyHealCoolTime) { m_bPartyHealReady = true; // send heal ready if (0) // XXX DELETEME Е¬¶уАМѕрЖ® їП·бµЙ¶§±оБц if (GetLeaderCharacter()) GetLeaderCharacter()->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND, "PartyHealReady"); } } } if (bResendAll) { for (TMemberMap::iterator it = m_memberMap.begin(); it != m_memberMap.end(); ++it) if (it->second.pCharacter) SendPartyInfoOneToAll(it->second.pCharacter); } }