Example #1
    int i1i = 42;
    double i2d = 4.0;
    IntDouble i1(i1i);
    IntDouble i2(i2d);
    IntDouble o1, o2;

    SendTest3(i1, i2, &o1, &o2);

    test_assert(i1i == o1.get_int(), "wrong value");
    test_assert(i2d == o2.get_double(), "wrong value");

    printf("  passed %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
  uint32_t result;
  // Send a synchronous message, expect to get an urgent message while
  // blocked.
  test_ = kFirstTestBegin;
  if (!SendTest1(&result))
    fail("calling SendTest1");
  if (result != 99)
    fail("bad result in RecvStart");
  if (test_ != kFirstTestGotReply)
    fail("never received urgent message");

  // Initiate the next test by sending an asynchronous message, then becoming
  // blocked. This tests that the urgent message is still delivered properly,
  // and that the parent does not try to service the sync 
  test_ = kSecondTestBegin;
  if (!SendTest2())
    fail("calling SendTest2");
  if (!SendTest3(&result))
    fail("calling SendTest3");
  if (test_ != kSecondTestGotReply)
    fail("never received urgent message #2");
  if (result != 1000)
    fail("wrong value from test3");

  if (!SendTest4_Begin())
    fail("calling SendTest4_Begin");

  // This must be the last test, since the child process may die.
  if (SendFinalTest_Begin())
    fail("Final test should not have succeeded");


  return true;