Example #1
uint8 WaitWiFiStr(char * MatchStr, uint16 TimeoutMs) // Wait for data matching matchstr or timeout (+save string into WifiRecData string/array return num chars rxd)
  char CharNo=0;
	char c;
	char *OrigMatchStr = MatchStr; // save the original address of the string in case we dont get a match and need to reset


  for(c=0; c<sizeof(WIFIRecData); c++)
  while(TimeoutMs--) // dont debug except where indicated or you WILL loose received characters!
			c = StrUCase(SerialRead(WIFI_UART));
      if( StrUCase(*MatchStr) == c)
					return 1; // debug here!
				MatchStr = OrigMatchStr; //reset search
	return 0; // debug here!
Example #2
u8 *BT_getBuffer(u8 uart_port, u8 *buffer)
	u8 c, i = 0;
	// wait until something is received
	while (!SerialAvailable(uart_port));

	do {
		c = SerialRead(uart_port);			// return 255 (-1) if no reception
		if (c != 255) buffer[i++] = c;
	} while (c != 255);// && (i < 80) );
	// C string must be null-terminated
	//BT_BUFFER[i] = '\0';
	buffer[i] = '\0';
	//CDCprintf("buffer = [%s]\r\n", BT_BUFFER);

	//return BT_BUFFER;
	return buffer;
void serialCom() {
  uint8_t c,n;  
  static uint8_t offset[UART_NUMBER];
  static uint8_t dataSize[UART_NUMBER];
  static enum _serial_state {
  } c_state[UART_NUMBER];// = IDLE;

  for(n=0;n<UART_NUMBER;n++) {
    #if !defined(PROMINI)
    #define GPS_COND
    #if defined(GPS_SERIAL)
      #if defined(GPS_PROMINI)
        #define GPS_COND       
        #undef GPS_COND
        #define GPS_COND  && (GPS_SERIAL != CURRENTPORT)
    #define SPEK_COND
    #if defined(SPEKTRUM) && (UART_NUMBER > 1)
    #define SBUS_COND
    #if defined(SBUS) && (UART_NUMBER > 1)
    uint8_t cc = SerialAvailable(CURRENTPORT);
    while (cc-- GPS_COND SPEK_COND SBUS_COND) {
      uint8_t bytesTXBuff = SerialUsedTXBuff(CURRENTPORT); // indicates the number of occupied bytes in TX buffer
      if (bytesTXBuff > TX_BUFFER_SIZE - 50 ) return; // ensure there is enough free TX buffer to go further (50 bytes margin)
      c = SerialRead(CURRENTPORT);
        // no MSP handling, so go directly
        // regular data handling to detect and handle MSP and other data
        if (c_state[CURRENTPORT] == IDLE) {
          c_state[CURRENTPORT] = (c=='$') ? HEADER_START : IDLE;
          if (c_state[CURRENTPORT] == IDLE) evaluateOtherData(c); // evaluate all other incoming serial data
        } else if (c_state[CURRENTPORT] == HEADER_START) {
          c_state[CURRENTPORT] = (c=='M') ? HEADER_M : IDLE;
        } else if (c_state[CURRENTPORT] == HEADER_M) {
          c_state[CURRENTPORT] = (c=='<') ? HEADER_ARROW : IDLE;
        } else if (c_state[CURRENTPORT] == HEADER_ARROW) {
          if (c > INBUF_SIZE) {  // now we are expecting the payload size
            c_state[CURRENTPORT] = IDLE;
          dataSize[CURRENTPORT] = c;
          offset[CURRENTPORT] = 0;
          checksum[CURRENTPORT] = 0;
          indRX[CURRENTPORT] = 0;
          checksum[CURRENTPORT] ^= c;
          c_state[CURRENTPORT] = HEADER_SIZE;  // the command is to follow
        } else if (c_state[CURRENTPORT] == HEADER_SIZE) {
          cmdMSP[CURRENTPORT] = c;
          checksum[CURRENTPORT] ^= c;
          c_state[CURRENTPORT] = HEADER_CMD;
        } else if (c_state[CURRENTPORT] == HEADER_CMD && offset[CURRENTPORT] < dataSize[CURRENTPORT]) {
          checksum[CURRENTPORT] ^= c;
          inBuf[offset[CURRENTPORT]++][CURRENTPORT] = c;
        } else if (c_state[CURRENTPORT] == HEADER_CMD && offset[CURRENTPORT] >= dataSize[CURRENTPORT]) {
          if (checksum[CURRENTPORT] == c) {  // compare calculated and transferred checksum
            evaluateCommand();  // we got a valid packet, evaluate it
          c_state[CURRENTPORT] = IDLE;
          cc = 0; // no more than one MSP per port and per cycle
Example #4
void serialCom() {
  uint8_t c,cc,port,state,bytesTXBuff;
  static uint8_t offset[UART_NUMBER];
  static uint8_t dataSize[UART_NUMBER];
  static uint8_t c_state[UART_NUMBER];
  uint32_t timeMax; // limit max time in this function in case of GPS

  timeMax = micros();
  for(port=0;port<UART_NUMBER;port++) {
#define RX_COND
#if defined(SERIAL_RX) && (UART_NUMBER > 1)
#define RX_COND && (RX_SERIAL_PORT != port)
    cc = SerialAvailable(port);
    while (cc-- RX_COND) {
      bytesTXBuff = SerialUsedTXBuff(port); // indicates the number of occupied bytes in TX buffer
      if (bytesTXBuff > TX_BUFFER_SIZE - 50 ) return; // ensure there is enough free TX buffer to go further (50 bytes margin)
      c = SerialRead(port);
      evaluateOtherData(c); // no MSP handling, so go directly
      state = c_state[port];
      // regular data handling to detect and handle MSP and other data
      if (state == IDLE) {
        if (c=='$') state = HEADER_START;
        else evaluateOtherData(c); // evaluate all other incoming serial data
      else if (state == HEADER_START) {
        state = (c=='M') ? HEADER_M : IDLE;
      else if (state == HEADER_M) {
        state = (c=='<') ? HEADER_ARROW : IDLE;
      else if (state == HEADER_ARROW) {
        if (c > INBUF_SIZE) {  // now we are expecting the payload size
          state = IDLE;
        dataSize[port] = c;
        checksum[port] = c;
        offset[port] = 0;
        indRX[port] = 0;
        state = HEADER_SIZE;  // the command is to follow
      else if (state == HEADER_SIZE) {
        cmdMSP[port] = c;
        checksum[port] ^= c;
        state = HEADER_CMD;
      else if (state == HEADER_CMD) {
        if (offset[port] < dataSize[port]) {
          checksum[port] ^= c;
          inBuf[offset[port]++][port] = c;
        else {
          if (checksum[port] == c) // compare calculated and transferred checksum
            evaluateCommand(cmdMSP[port]); // we got a valid packet, evaluate it
          state = IDLE;
          cc = 0; // no more than one MSP per port and per cycle
      c_state[port] = state;

      // SERIAL: try to detect a new nav frame based on the current received buffer
#if defined(GPS_SERIAL)
      if (GPS_SERIAL == port) {
        static uint32_t GPS_last_frame_seen; //Last gps frame seen at this time, used to detect stalled gps communication
        if (GPS_newFrame(c)) {
          //We had a valid GPS data frame, so signal task scheduler to switch to compute
          if (GPS_update == 1) GPS_update = 0; 
          else GPS_update = 1; //Blink GPS update
          GPS_last_frame_seen = timeMax;
          GPS_Frame = 1;

        // Check for stalled GPS, if no frames seen for 1.2sec then consider it LOST
        if ((timeMax - GPS_last_frame_seen) > 1200000) {
          //No update since 1200ms clear fix...
          f.GPS_FIX = 0;
          GPS_numSat = 0;
      if (micros()-timeMax>250) return;  // Limit the maximum execution time of serial decoding to avoid time spike
    } // while
  } // for
Example #5
void serialCom() {
  uint8_t c,cc,port,state,bytesTXBuff;
  static uint8_t offset[UART_NUMBER];
  static uint8_t dataSize[UART_NUMBER];
  static uint8_t c_state[UART_NUMBER];

  for(port=0;port<UART_NUMBER;port++) {
    #define GPS_COND
    #if defined(GPS_SERIAL) && (UART_NUMBER > 1)
      #define GPS_COND  && (GPS_SERIAL != port)
    #define RX_COND
    #if (defined(SPEKTRUM) || defined(SBUS) || defined(SUMD)) && (UART_NUMBER > 1)
      #define RX_COND && (RX_SERIAL_PORT != port)
    cc = SerialAvailable(port);
    while (cc-- GPS_COND RX_COND) {
      bytesTXBuff = SerialUsedTXBuff(port); // indicates the number of occupied bytes in TX buffer
      if (bytesTXBuff > TX_BUFFER_SIZE - 50 ) return; // ensure there is enough free TX buffer to go further (50 bytes margin)
      c = SerialRead(port);
        // no MSP handling, so go directly
        state = c_state[port];
        // regular data handling to detect and handle MSP and other data
        if (state == IDLE) {
          if (c=='$') state = HEADER_START;
          else evaluateOtherData(c); // evaluate all other incoming serial data
        } else if (state == HEADER_START) {
          state = (c=='M') ? HEADER_M : IDLE;
        } else if (state == HEADER_M) {
          state = (c=='<') ? HEADER_ARROW : IDLE;
        } else if (state == HEADER_ARROW) {
          if (c > INBUF_SIZE) {  // now we are expecting the payload size
            state = IDLE;
          dataSize[port] = c;
          offset[port] = 0;
          checksum[port] = 0;
          indRX[port] = 0;
          checksum[port] ^= c;
          state = HEADER_SIZE;  // the command is to follow
        } else if (state == HEADER_SIZE) {
          cmdMSP[port] = c;
          checksum[port] ^= c;
          state = HEADER_CMD;
        } else if (state == HEADER_CMD) {
          if (offset[port] < dataSize[port]) {
            checksum[port] ^= c;
            inBuf[offset[port]++][port] = c;
          } else {
            if (checksum[port] == c) // compare calculated and transferred checksum
              evaluateCommand(); // we got a valid packet, evaluate it
            state = IDLE;
            cc = 0; // no more than one MSP per port and per cycle
        c_state[port] = state;
Example #6
uint8_t GPS_NewData(void) {
  uint8_t axis;
  #if defined(I2C_GPS)
    static uint8_t _i2c_gps_status;

    //Do not use i2c_writereg, since writing a register does not work if an i2c_stop command is issued at the end
    //Still investigating, however with separated i2c_repstart and i2c_write commands works... and did not caused i2c errors on a long term test.

    GPS_numSat = (_i2c_gps_status & 0xf0) >> 4;
    _i2c_gps_status = i2c_readReg(I2C_GPS_ADDRESS,I2C_GPS_STATUS_00);                 //Get status register 

    uint8_t *varptr;
    #if defined(I2C_GPS_SONAR)

      varptr = (uint8_t *)&sonarAlt;          // altitude (in cm? maybe)
      *varptr++ = i2c_readAck();
      *varptr   = i2c_readNak();
    if (_i2c_gps_status & I2C_GPS_STATUS_3DFIX) {                                     //Check is we have a good 3d fix (numsats>5)
      f.GPS_FIX = 1;

      if (_i2c_gps_status & I2C_GPS_STATUS_NEW_DATA) {                                //Check about new data
        GPS_Frame = 1;

        i2c_write(I2C_GPS_LOCATION);                //Start read from here 2x2 bytes distance and direction

        varptr = (uint8_t *)&GPS_coord[LAT];        // for latitude displaying
        *varptr++ = i2c_readAck();
        *varptr++ = i2c_readAck();
        *varptr++ = i2c_readAck();
        *varptr   = i2c_readAck();

        varptr = (uint8_t *)&GPS_coord[LON];        // for longitude displaying
        *varptr++ = i2c_readAck();
        *varptr++ = i2c_readAck();
        *varptr++ = i2c_readAck();
        *varptr   = i2c_readNak();


        varptr = (uint8_t *)&GPS_speed;          // speed in cm/s for OSD
        *varptr++ = i2c_readAck();
        *varptr   = i2c_readAck();

        varptr = (uint8_t *)&GPS_altitude;       // altitude in meters for OSD
        *varptr++ = i2c_readAck();
        *varptr   = i2c_readAck();	

        varptr = (uint8_t *)&GPS_ground_course;
        *varptr++ = i2c_readAck();
        *varptr   = i2c_readNak();

      } else {
        return 0; 
    } else {
      f.GPS_FIX = 0;
      return 0;

  #if defined(GPS_SERIAL) || defined(GPS_FROM_OSD)
    #if defined(GPS_SERIAL)
      uint8_t c = SerialAvailable(GPS_SERIAL);
      if (c==0) return 0;
      while (c--) {
        if (GPS_newFrame(SerialRead(GPS_SERIAL))) {
    #elif defined(GPS_FROM_OSD)
        if(GPS_update & 2) {  // Once second bit of GPS_update is set, indicate new GPS datas is readed from OSD - all in right format.
          GPS_update &= 1;    // We have: GPS_fix(0-2), GPS_numSat(0-15), GPS_coord[LAT & LON](signed, in 1/10 000 000 degres), GPS_altitude(signed, in meters) and GPS_speed(in cm/s)                     
          GPS_Frame = 1;
  return 1;

uint8_t GPS_Compute(void) {
  if (GPS_Frame == 0) return 0; else GPS_Frame = 0;

  if (GPS_update == 1) GPS_update = 0; else GPS_update = 1;
  if (f.GPS_FIX && GPS_numSat >= 5) {
    #if !defined(DONT_RESET_HOME_AT_ARM)
       if (!f.ARMED) {f.GPS_FIX_HOME = 0;}
    if (!f.GPS_FIX_HOME && f.ARMED) {

    //Apply moving average filter to GPS data
    #if defined(GPS_FILTERING)
      GPS_filter_index = (GPS_filter_index+1) % GPS_FILTER_VECTOR_LENGTH;
      for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis< 2; axis++) {
        GPS_read[axis] = GPS_coord[axis]; //latest unfiltered data is in GPS_latitude and GPS_longitude
        GPS_degree[axis] = GPS_read[axis] / 10000000;  // get the degree to assure the sum fits to the int32_t
        // How close we are to a degree line ? its the first three digits from the fractions of degree
        // later we use it to Check if we are close to a degree line, if yes, disable averaging,
        fraction3[axis] = (GPS_read[axis]- GPS_degree[axis]*10000000) / 10000;
        GPS_filter_sum[axis] -= GPS_filter[axis][GPS_filter_index];
        GPS_filter[axis][GPS_filter_index] = GPS_read[axis] - (GPS_degree[axis]*10000000); 
        GPS_filter_sum[axis] += GPS_filter[axis][GPS_filter_index];
        GPS_filtered[axis] = GPS_filter_sum[axis] / GPS_FILTER_VECTOR_LENGTH + (GPS_degree[axis]*10000000);
        if ( nav_mode == NAV_MODE_POSHOLD) {      //we use gps averaging only in poshold mode...
          if ( fraction3[axis]>1 && fraction3[axis]<999 ) GPS_coord[axis] = GPS_filtered[axis];

    //dTnav calculation
    //Time for calculating x,y speed and navigation pids
    static uint32_t nav_loopTimer;
    dTnav = (float)(millis() - nav_loopTimer)/ 1000.0;
    nav_loopTimer = millis();
    // prevent runup from bad GPS
    dTnav = min(dTnav, 1.0);  

    //calculate distance and bearings for gui and other stuff continously - From home to copter
    uint32_t dist;
    int32_t  dir;
    GPS_distanceToHome = dist/100;
    GPS_directionToHome = dir/100;

    if (!f.GPS_FIX_HOME) {     //If we don't have home set, do not display anything
      GPS_distanceToHome = 0;
      GPS_directionToHome = 0;

    //calculate the current velocity based on gps coordinates continously to get a valid speed at the moment when we start navigating

    if (f.GPS_HOLD_MODE || f.GPS_HOME_MODE){    //ok we are navigating 
      //do gps nav calculations here, these are common for nav and poshold  
      #if defined(GPS_LEAD_FILTER)
      switch (nav_mode) {
        case NAV_MODE_POSHOLD: 
          //Desired output is in nav_lat and nav_lon where 1deg inclination is 100 
        case NAV_MODE_WP:
          int16_t speed = GPS_calc_desired_speed(NAV_SPEED_MAX, NAV_SLOW_NAV);      //slow navigation 
          // use error as the desired rate towards the target
          //Desired output is in nav_lat and nav_lon where 1deg inclination is 100 

          //Tail control
          if (NAV_CONTROLS_HEADING) {
            if (NAV_TAIL_FIRST) {
              magHold = wrap_18000(nav_bearing-18000)/100;
            } else {
              magHold = nav_bearing/100;
          // Are we there yet ?(within 2 meters of the destination)
          if ((wp_distance <= GPS_wp_radius) || check_missed_wp()){         //if yes switch to poshold mode
            nav_mode = NAV_MODE_POSHOLD;
            if (NAV_SET_TAKEOFF_HEADING) { magHold = nav_takeoff_bearing; }
    } //end of gps calcs  

void GPS_reset_home_position(void) {
  if (f.GPS_FIX && GPS_numSat >= 5) {
    GPS_home[LAT] = GPS_coord[LAT];
    GPS_home[LON] = GPS_coord[LON];
    GPS_calc_longitude_scaling(GPS_coord[LAT]);  //need an initial value for distance and bearing calc
    nav_takeoff_bearing = att.heading;             //save takeoff heading
    //Set ground altitude
    f.GPS_FIX_HOME = 1;

//reset navigation (stop the navigation processor, and clear nav)
void GPS_reset_nav(void) {
  uint8_t i;
  for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
    nav_rated[i] = 0;
    nav[i] = 0;
    nav_mode = NAV_MODE_NONE;

//Get the relevant P I D values and set the PID controllers 
void GPS_set_pids(void) {
  posholdPID_PARAM.kP   = (float)conf.pid[PIDPOS].P8/100.0;
  posholdPID_PARAM.kI   = (float)conf.pid[PIDPOS].I8/100.0;
  posholdPID_PARAM.Imax = POSHOLD_RATE_IMAX * 100;
  poshold_ratePID_PARAM.kP   = (float)conf.pid[PIDPOSR].P8/10.0;
  poshold_ratePID_PARAM.kI   = (float)conf.pid[PIDPOSR].I8/100.0;
  poshold_ratePID_PARAM.kD   = (float)conf.pid[PIDPOSR].D8/1000.0;
  poshold_ratePID_PARAM.Imax = POSHOLD_RATE_IMAX * 100;
  navPID_PARAM.kP   = (float)conf.pid[PIDNAVR].P8/10.0;
  navPID_PARAM.kI   = (float)conf.pid[PIDNAVR].I8/100.0;
  navPID_PARAM.kD   = (float)conf.pid[PIDNAVR].D8/1000.0;
Example #7
char serial4available(void)
    return SerialAvailable(UART4);