/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : GetInputString * Description : Get Input string from the HyperTerminal * Input : - buffP: The input string * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void GetInputString (u8 * buffP) { u32 bytes_read = 0; u8 c = 0; do { c = GetKey(); if (c == '\r'){ break; } if (c == '\b'){ /* Backspace */ if (bytes_read > 0){ SerialPutString("\b \b"); bytes_read --; } continue; } if (bytes_read >= CMD_STRING_SIZE ){ SerialPutString("Command string size overflow\r\n"); bytes_read = 0; continue; } if (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E){ buffP[bytes_read++] = c; SerialPutChar(c); } } while (1); SerialPutString("\n\r"); buffP[bytes_read] = '\0'; }
/*********************************************** * 打电话 ************************************************/ void DialVoiceCall() { SerialPutString("AT+COLP=1\r\n");//dial the number delay(2000); SerialPutString("ATD15200831527;\r\n");//dial the number delay(2000); }
int main() { pFunction Jump_To_Application; uint32_t JumpAddress; SystemInit(); /* 配置系统时钟为72M */ NVIC_Configuration(); watchdog_init(); delay_init(72); //72M w25x64_init(); InitSerial(); Signel_led_init(); TIM_init(); SerialPutString("BootLoader Runing...\n"); SerialPutString("BootLoader for "); SerialPutString(SYSTEM_NAME); SerialPutString("\n"); ymodem(); iap(); SerialPutString("Load App!\n"); TIM_Cmd(TIM2,DISABLE); if (((*(__IO uint32_t*)APP_LOCATION) & 0x2FFE0000 ) == 0x20000000) { JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (APP_LOCATION + 4); Jump_To_Application = (pFunction) JumpAddress; __set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*) APP_LOCATION); Jump_To_Application(); } return 0; }
/** * @brief Upload a file via serial port. * @param None * @retval None */ void SerialUpload(void) { uint32_t status = 0; SerialPutString("\n\n\rSelect Receive File ... (press any key to abort)\n\r"); if (GetKey() == CRC16) { /* Transmit the flash image through ymodem protocol */ status = Ymodem_Transmit((uint8_t*)ApplicationAddress, (const uint8_t*)"UploadedFlashImage.bin", FLASH_IMAGE_SIZE); if (status != 0) { SerialPutString("\n\rError Occured while Transmitting File\n\r"); } else { SerialPutString("\n\rFile Trasmitted Successfully \n\r"); } } else { SerialPutString("\r\n\nAborted by user.\n\r"); } }
/*********************************************** * 发送短信 ************************************************/ void sendsms() { SerialPutString(s1); delay(2000); SerialPutString(s2); delay(3000); SerialPutString(s3); delay(2000); SerialPutString(&s4); delay(2000); }
/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : FLASH_DisableWriteProtectionPages * Description : Disable the write protection of desired pages * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void FLASH_DisableWriteProtectionPages(void) { u32 useroptionbyte = 0, WRPR = 0; u16 var1 = OB_IWDG_SW, var2 = OB_STOP_NoRST, var3 = OB_STDBY_NoRST; FLASH_Status status = FLASH_BUSY; WRPR = FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte(); /* Test if user memory is write protected */ if ((WRPR & UserMemoryMask) != UserMemoryMask){ useroptionbyte = FLASH_GetUserOptionByte(); UserMemoryMask |= WRPR; status = FLASH_EraseOptionBytes(); if(UserMemoryMask != 0xFFFFFFFF){ status = FLASH_EnableWriteProtection((u32)~UserMemoryMask); } /* Test if user Option Bytes are programmed */ if((useroptionbyte & 0x07) != 0x07){ /* Restore user Option Bytes */ if((useroptionbyte & 0x01) == 0x0){ var1 = OB_IWDG_HW; } if((useroptionbyte & 0x02) == 0x0){ var2 = OB_STOP_RST; } if((useroptionbyte & 0x04) == 0x0){ var3 = OB_STDBY_RST; } FLASH_UserOptionByteConfig(var1, var2, var3); } if (status == FLASH_COMPLETE){ SerialPutString("Write Protection disabled...\r\n"); SerialPutString("...and a System Reset will be generated to re-load the new option bytes\r\n"); /* Enable WWDG clock */ RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_WWDG, ENABLE); /* Generate a system Reset to re-load the new option bytes: enable WWDG and set counter value to 0x4F, as T6 bit is cleared this will generate a WWDG reset */ WWDG_Enable(0x4F); }else{ SerialPutString("Error: Flash write unprotection failed...\r\n"); } }else{ SerialPutString("Flash memory not write protected\r\n"); } }
void main() { uchar len,i; uchar xdata Tvalue[6],Hvalue[6]; SerialInit(); LCDInit(); while(1) { RH(); SerialPutString(buff); sprintf(Tvalue,"%2.2f",temperature); sprintf(Hvalue,"%2.2f%%",humidity); LCDWriteCom(0x01);//ÇåÆÁ LCDWriteCom(0x80); len=strlen(info1); //дÊý¾Ýµ½LCD1602 for(i=0;i<len;i++) LCDWriteData(info1[i]); len=strlen(Tvalue); for(i=0;i<len;i++) LCDWriteData(Tvalue[i]); LCDWriteData((uchar)223); LCDWriteData('C'); LCDWriteCom(0x80+0x43); len=strlen(info2); for(i=0;i<len;i++) LCDWriteData(info2[i]); len=strlen(Hvalue); for(i=0;i<len;i++) LCDWriteData(Hvalue[i]); // Delay(10000); } }
/* ******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: ExecCommandline * * DESCRIPTION: This function is used to process an input string, split the * input string into command and parameter strings, find a command * structure in the command list array and execute the command. * * INPUT PARAMETERS: cmdListP is a pointer to the command list array. * cmdStringP is a pointer to the input string. * * RETURNS: none. ******************************************************************************* */ void ExecCommandline (CommandListEntry_T * cmdListP, char * inputStringP) { CommandListEntry_T * cmdListEntryP; int argc; char *argv[16]; char *resid; while (*inputStringP) { memset(argv, 0, sizeof(argv)); parseargs(inputStringP, &argc, argv, &resid); if (argc > 0) { if ((cmdListEntryP=findCmd(cmdListP, argv[0])) == NULL) { SerialPutString("Command is not found\r\n"); } else { cmdListEntryP->func(argc, (const char **)argv); } } inputStringP = resid; } }
void main() { //delay(10000); SerialInit(); //串口初始化,用以向调试终端发送数据 while(1) { SerialPutString("yahoo!!!"); //发送一个测试字符串 } /* MMC_Init(); //SD卡初始化 delay(10000); MMC_get_volume_info(); //获得SD卡相关信息,输出到终端 FAT32_Init(&Init_Arg); //FAT32文件系统初始化,装入参数 Printf("BPB_Sector_No" ,Init_Arg.BPB_Sector_No); Printf("Total_Size" ,Init_Arg.Total_Size ); Printf("FirstDirClust" ,Init_Arg.FirstDirClust); Printf("FirstDataSector",Init_Arg.FirstDataSector); Printf("BytesPerSector" ,Init_Arg.BytesPerSector); Printf("FATsectors" ,Init_Arg.FATsectors); Printf("SectorsPerClust",Init_Arg.SectorsPerClust); Printf("FirstFATSector" ,Init_Arg.FirstFATSector); Printf("FirstDirSector" ,Init_Arg.FirstDirSector); //以上几个语句用以输出参数值到终端 Printf("FAT32_OpenFile" ,(FAT32_OpenFile("\\TEST.TXT"))->FileSize); //打开根目录下的TEST.TXT文件,并输出文件大小 FAT32_ReadFile(&FileInfo); //读取文件数据,输出到终端 */ // while(1); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Get Input string from the console. */ void GetInputString (char * buffP) { int bytes_read = 0; char c; do { c = GetKey(); if (c == '\r') break; if (c == '\b') //backspace { if (bytes_read > 0) { SerialPutString("\b \b"); bytes_read --; } continue; } if (bytes_read >= CMD_STRING_SIZE ) { SerialPutString("Command string size overflow\r\n"); bytes_read = 0; continue; } /* if (c == UP_KEY || c==DOWN_KEY || c==LEFT_KEY ||c==RIGHT_KEY) { c = BEEP_KEY; SerialPutChar(c); continue; }*/ if (c >= 0x20 && c<= 0x7E) { buffP[bytes_read++] = c; SerialPutChar(c); } }while (1); SerialPutString("\n\r"); buffP[bytes_read] = '\0'; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Serial printf. */ void SerialPrintf (char * fmt, ...) { char buffer[256]; va_list ap; va_start(ap,fmt); //doPrint(buffer,fmt,ap); vsprintf(buffer, fmt, ap); SerialPutString(buffer); }
/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : GetIntegerInput * Description : Get an integer from the HyperTerminal * Input : - num: The inetger * Output : None * Return : 1: Correct * 0: Error *******************************************************************************/ u32 GetIntegerInput(s32 * num) { u8 inputstr[16]; while (1) { GetInputString(inputstr); if (inputstr[0] == '\0') continue; if ((inputstr[0] == 'a' || inputstr[0] == 'A') && inputstr[1] == '\0'){ SerialPutString("User Cancelled \r\n"); return 0; } if (Str2Int(inputstr, num) == 0){ SerialPutString("Error, Input again: \r\n"); }else{ return 1; } } }
/** * @brief Upload a file via serial port. * @param None * @retval None */ void SerialUpload(void) { uint8_t status = 0 ; SerialPutString("\n\n\rSelect Receive File\n\r"); if (GetKey() == CRC16) { /* Transmit the flash image through ymodem protocol */ status = Ymodem_Transmit((uint8_t*)APPLICATION_ADDRESS, (const uint8_t*)"UploadedFlashImage.bin", USER_FLASH_SIZE); if (status != 0) { SerialPutString("\n\rError Occurred while Transmitting File\n\r"); } else { SerialPutString("\n\rFile uploaded successfully \n\r"); } } }
/** * @brief Main program. * @param None * @retval None */ int main(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; /* Flash unlock */ FLASH_Unlock(); /* Judge STM3210b-LK1 Key2 - PD3 */ /* Enable GPIOD clock */ RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOD, ENABLE); /* Configure PD.00 pin as input floating */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_3; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING; GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* Test if Key push-button on STM3210X-EVAL Board is pressed */ if (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_3) == 0x00) { /* If Key is pressed */ /* Execute the IAP driver in order to re-program the Flash */ IAP_Init(); SerialPutString("\r\n======================================================================"); SerialPutString("\r\n= (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= In-Application Programming Application (Version 3.3.0) ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= By MCD Application Team ="); SerialPutString("\r\n======================================================================"); SerialPutString("\r\n\r\n"); Main_Menu (); } /* Keep the user application running */ else { /* Test if user code is programmed starting from address "ApplicationAddress" */ if (((*(__IO uint32_t*)ApplicationAddress) & 0x2FFE0000 ) == 0x20000000) { /* Jump to user application */ JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (ApplicationAddress + 4); Jump_To_Application = (pFunction) JumpAddress; /* Initialize user application's Stack Pointer */ __set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*) ApplicationAddress); Jump_To_Application(); } } while (1) {} }
/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Main_Menu * Description : Display/Manage a Menu on HyperTerminal Window * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void Main_Menu(void) { static char choice[3]; int i; while (1) { SerialPutString("\r\n==========================================================\r\n"); SerialPutString(" APPLICATION MENU :\r\n"); SerialPutString("\r\n==========================================================\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" 1 - FTP Client Start \r\n"); SerialPutString("Enter your choice : "); GetInputString(choice); for( i=0; i<3; i++) { printf("\r\n TEST STR = %c", choice[i]); } } /* While(1)*/ }/* Main_Menu */
void CommandMode(void * arg, char * dummyP) { char inputString[CMD_STRING_SIZE]; inputString[CMD_STRING_SIZE-1]= '\0'; SerialPutString("Command line mode...:\r\n"); while(1) { SerialPutChar('>'); // Process a command string. GetInputString (inputString); if (strcmp(inputString,"EXIT")==0 || strcmp(inputString,"exit")==0) return; ExecCommandline (PlatformCmdList, inputString); } }
/** * @brief Main program. * @param None * @retval None */ int main(void) { /* Flash unlock */ FLASH_Unlock(); /* Initialize Key Button mounted on STM3210X-EVAL board */ STM_EVAL_PBInit(BUTTON_KEY, BUTTON_MODE_GPIO); /* Test if Key push-button on STM3210X-EVAL Board is pressed */ if (STM_EVAL_PBGetState(BUTTON_KEY) == 0x00) { /* If Key is pressed */ /* Execute the IAP driver in order to re-program the Flash */ IAP_Init(); SerialPutString("\r\n======================================================================"); SerialPutString("\r\n= (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= In-Application Programming Application (Version 3.3.0) ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= By MCD Application Team ="); SerialPutString("\r\n======================================================================"); SerialPutString("\r\n\r\n"); Main_Menu (); } /* Keep the user application running */ else { /* Test if user code is programmed starting from address "ApplicationAddress" */ if (((*(__IO uint32_t*)ApplicationAddress) & 0x2FFE0000 ) == 0x20000000) { /* Jump to user application */ JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (ApplicationAddress + 4); Jump_To_Application = (pFunction) JumpAddress; /* Initialize user application's Stack Pointer */ __set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*) ApplicationAddress); Jump_To_Application(); } } while (1) {} }
/***************************************************************** Routine: SerialPutChar Inputs: unsigned char uch - the char to be placed in the COM Port out buffer Returns: int Description: This routine takes a single character and places it in the output buffer to be sent ot the attached hardware. *****************************************************************/ int Comm32Port::SerialPutChar(unsigned char uch) { int nRes = 0; unsigned char szString[1]; szString[0] = uch; nRes = SerialPutString(szString, 1); if (nRes < 0) return nRes; else return COMM_OK; } /* SerialPutChar */
/*********************************************** * GPRS采集数据 ************************************************/ void ConnectGPRS(float dust,float t,float h) { // char temp[40]; /* SerialPutString("AT+CGCLASS=\"B\"\r\n"); delay(2000); SerialPutString("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"CMNET\"\r\n"); delay(2000); SerialPutString("AT+CGATT=1\r\n"); delay(2000); SerialPutString("AT+CIPCSGP=1,\"CMNET\"\r\n"); delay(2000); SerialPutString("AT+CIPCSGP=0\r\n"); delay(2000); SerialPutString("AT+CDNSCFG=\"\"\r\n"); delay(2000); */ SerialPutString("AT+CLPORT=\"UDP\",\"3033\"\r\n");//set a port delay(2000); SerialPutString("AT+CIPSTART=\"UDP\",\"\",\"8080\"\r\n");//set destination IP delay(2000); SerialPutString("AT+CIPSEND\r\n");//dial the number delay(2000); //mySerial.print("PM2.5 value:"); sprintf(sensor,"%.2f",dust);// SerialPutString(sensor); sprintf(sensor,",%.2f",t);// SerialPutString(sensor); sprintf(sensor,",%.2f",h);// SerialPutString(sensor); SerialPutByte(s4); delay(2000); SerialPutString("AT+CIPCLOSE\r\n");//dial the number delay(2000); SerialPutString("AT+CIPSHUT\r\n"); delay(2000); }
/** * @brief Display the Main Menu on to HyperTerminal * @param None * @retval None */ void Main_Menu(void) { uint8_t key = 0; /* Get the number of block (4 or 2 pages) from where the user program will be loaded */ BlockNbr = (FlashDestination - 0x08000000) >> 12; /* Compute the mask to test if the Flash memory, where the user program will be loaded, is write protected */ #if defined (STM32F10X_MD) || defined (STM32F10X_MD_VL) UserMemoryMask = ((uint32_t)~((1 << BlockNbr) - 1)); #else /* USE_STM3210E_EVAL */ if (BlockNbr < 62) { UserMemoryMask = ((uint32_t)~((1 << BlockNbr) - 1)); } else { UserMemoryMask = ((uint32_t)0x80000000); } #endif /* (STM32F10X_MD) || (STM32F10X_MD_VL) */ /* Test if any page of Flash memory where program user will be loaded is write protected */ if ((FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte() & UserMemoryMask) != UserMemoryMask) { FlashProtection = 1; } else { FlashProtection = 0; } while (1) { SerialPutString("\r\n================== Main Menu ============================\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Download Image To the STM32F10x Internal Flash ------- 1\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Upload Image From the STM32F10x Internal Flash ------- 2\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Execute The New Program ------------------------------ 3\r\n\n"); if(FlashProtection != 0) { SerialPutString(" Disable the write protection ------------------------- 4\r\n\n"); } SerialPutString("==========================================================\r\n\n"); key = GetKey(); if (key == 0x31) { /* Download user application in the Flash */ SerialPutString(" File --> Transfer --> YMODEM --> Send... \r\n\n"); SerialDownload(); } else if (key == 0x32) { /* Upload user application from the Flash */ SerialUpload(); } else if (key == 0x33) { JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (ApplicationAddress + 4); /* Jump to user application */ Jump_To_Application = (pFunction) JumpAddress; /* Initialize user application's Stack Pointer */ __set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*) ApplicationAddress); Jump_To_Application(); } else if ((key == 0x34) && (FlashProtection == 1)) { /* Disable the write protection of desired pages */ FLASH_DisableWriteProtectionPages(); } else { if (FlashProtection == 0) { SerialPutString("Invalid Number ! ==> The number should be either 1, 2 or 3\r"); } else { SerialPutString("Invalid Number ! ==> The number should be either 1, 2, 3 or 4\r"); } } } }
/** * @brief Download a file via serial port * @param None * @retval None */ void SerialDownload(void) { uint8_t Number[10] = " "; int32_t Size = 0; SerialPutString("Waiting for the file to be sent ... (press 'a' to abort)\n\r"); Size = Ymodem_Receive(&tab_1024[0]); if (Size > 0) { SerialPutString("\n\n\r Programming Completed Successfully!\n\r--------------------------------\r\n Name: "); SerialPutString(file_name); Int2Str(Number, Size); SerialPutString("\n\r Size: "); SerialPutString(Number); SerialPutString(" Bytes\r\n"); SerialPutString("-------------------\n"); } else if (Size == -1) { SerialPutString("\n\n\rThe image size is higher than the allowed space memory!\n\r"); } else if (Size == -2) { SerialPutString("\n\n\rVerification failed!\n\r"); } else if (Size == -3) { SerialPutString("\r\n\nAborted by user.\n\r"); } else { SerialPutString("\n\rFailed to receive the file!\n\r"); } }
/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Main_Menu * Description : Display the Main Menu on to HyperTerminal * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void Main_Menu(void) { u8 key = 0; /* Get the number of block (4 pages) from where the user program will be loaded */ BlockNbr = (FlashDestination - 0x08000000) >> 12; /* Compute the mask to test if the Flash memory, where the user program will be loaded, is write protected */ UserMemoryMask = ((u32)~((1<<BlockNbr)-1)); /* Test if any page of Flash memory where program user will be loaded is write protected */ if ((FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte() & UserMemoryMask) != UserMemoryMask) { FlashProtection = TRUE; SerialPutString("\r\n================== Main Menu ============================\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Download Image To the STM32F10x Internal Flash ------- 1\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Execute The New Program ------------------------------ 2\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Disable the write protection ------------------------- 3\r\n\n"); SerialPutString("==========================================================\r\n\n"); } else { FlashProtection = FALSE; SerialPutString("\r\n================== Main Menu ============================\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Download Image To the STM32F10x Internal Flash ------- 1\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Execute The New Program ------------------------------ 2\r\n\n"); SerialPutString("==========================================================\r\n\n"); } while (1) { // SerialPutString("ready to get choice\r\n"); key = GetKey(); // SerialPutString("\r\n"); // SerialPutChar(key); // SerialPutString("\r\nget choice\r\n"); if (key == 0x31) { /* Download user application in the Flash */ SerialDownload(); } else if (key == 0x32) { JumpAddress = *(vu32*) (ApplicationAddress + 4); //the address value /* Jump to user application */ Jump_To_Application = (pFunction) JumpAddress; /* Initialize user application's Stack Pointer */ __set_MSP(*(vu32*) ApplicationAddress); Jump_To_Application(); } else if ((key == 0x33)&& (FlashProtection == TRUE)) { /* Disable the write protection of desired pages */ FLASH_DisableWriteProtectionPages(); } else { if(FlashProtection == FALSE) { SerialPutString("Invalid Number ! ==> The number should be either 1 or 2\r\n"); } else { SerialPutString("Invalid Number ! ==> The number should be either 1, 2 or 3\r\n"); } } } }
/******************************************************************************* * 函数名称: refresh_flash * 输入参数: * 输出参数: * --返回值: * 函数功能: -- *******************************************************************************/ static void refresh_flash(void) { uint8_t Number[10] = " "; int32_t Size = 0; MFS_UARTSWRst(UartUSBCh); //reset UART UARTConfigMode(UartUSBCh, &tUARTModeConfigT); MFS_UARTEnableTX(UartUSBCh); MFS_UARTEnableRX(UartUSBCh); SerialPutString("Waiting for the file to be sent ...\n\r"); Size = Ymodem_Receive(&tab_1024[0]); // MFS_UARTDisableRX(UartUSBCh); // MFS_UARTDisableTX(UartUSBCh); if (Size > 0) { SerialPutString("\n\n\r Programming Completed Successfully!\n\r--------------------------------\r\n Name: "); SerialPutString(file_name); Int2Str(Number, Size); SerialPutString("\n\r Size: "); SerialPutString(Number); SerialPutString(" Bytes\r\n"); SerialPutString("--------------------------------\r\n"); //oneSound(10,0); /* read extern Flash(MX25L4006) verify image */ //#define TEST_IMAGE #ifdef TEST_IMAGE uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t j = ApplicationAddress; memset(&tab_1024[0], 0, PACKET_SIZE); for (i=0u; i<1056; i++) /* (132*1024)/128 0-32 sector */ { MX25L3206_Read((uint8_t *)tab_1024, j, PACKET_SIZE); j += PACKET_SIZE; printHex(tab_1024,PACKET_SIZE); } #endif /* check CRC32 */ //... /* updata image complete, jump application routine */ //Jump_To_app(); //while (1); } else if (Size == -1) { SerialPutString("\n\n\rThe image size is higher than the allowed space memory!\n\r"); } else if (Size == -2) { SerialPutString("\n\n\rVerification failed!\n\r"); } else if (Size == -3) { SerialPutString("\r\n\nAborted by user.\n\r"); } else { SerialPutString("\n\rFailed to receive the file!\n\r"); }/* end if (Size > 0) Ymodem Rev */ if (Size > 0) { oneSound(10,0); } else { oneSound(10, 300); /* BUZZER 201 error buzz */ } bFM3_GPIO_PDOR0_PD = 1u; /* LED 201 light off */ bFM3_GPIO_PDOR0_PC = 1u; /* LED 202 light off */ }
/******************************************************************************* * 函数名称: download_program_to_meter * 输入参数: * 输出参数: * --返回值: * 函数功能: -- *******************************************************************************/ static void download_program_to_meter(void) { uint32_t status = 0u; uint8_t tick_C = 0u; uint8_t Rev_flag = 0u; uint8_t read_flash_check_flag = 0u; uint8_t file_size[FILE_SIZE_LENGTH] = {0}; /* wait for meter send 'C', meter printf something before send 'C' */ delay_ms(5000); /* 存在很低的概率, 会出现在进入升级的时候会停滞几秒 */ MFS_UARTErrorClr(UartUSBCh); //CLR error flag MFS_UARTSWRst(UART52_Ch); //reset UART UARTConfigMode(UART52_Ch, &tUARTModeConfigT); MFS_UARTEnableRX(UART52_Ch); MFS_UARTEnableTX(UART52_Ch); //SerialPutString("\n\n\rSelect Receive File ... \n\r"); Rev_flag = Receive_Byte(UART52_Ch , &tick_C, Rev_timeout); if (0u == Rev_flag) { if (tick_C == CRC16) { printf("Rev C. \r\n"); } } else { SerialPutString("\r\n no Rev 'C' .\r\n"); } if (tick_C == CRC16) { SerialPutString("downlod image .bin ... \r\n"); read_flash_check_flag = 0u; read_flash_check_flag = MX25L3206_Read((uint8_t*)(file_size), (uint32_t)FLASH_IMAGE_SIZE_ADDRESS, FILE_SIZE_LENGTH); if (OK != read_flash_check_flag) { __NOP(); } else { Str2Int(file_size, &flash_image_size); /* str to hex */ /* Transmit the flash image through ymodem protocol */ status = Ymodem_Transmit((uint8_t*)ApplicationAddress, //!!!!Note (const uint8_t*)"DownloadFlashImage.bin", flash_image_size); /* , ,FLASH_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE */ MFS_UARTDisableRX(UART52_Ch); // if (status != 0) { SerialPutString("\n\rError Occured while Transmitting File\n\r"); oneSound(10, 300); /* BUZZER 201 error buzz */ } else { SerialPutString("\n\rFile Trasmitted Successfully \n\r"); oneSound(10, 0); /* BUZZER 201 buzz */ } }//end if flash check } else { SerialPutString("\r\n\nAborted by user or no Rev 'C' .\n\r"); oneSound(10, 300); /* BUZZER 201 error buzz */ //while(1); //test!!! } bFM3_GPIO_PDOR0_PD = 1u; /* LED 201 light off */ bFM3_GPIO_PDOR0_PC = 1u; /* LED 202 light off */ MFS_UARTDisableRX(UART52_Ch); MFS_UARTDisableTX(UART52_Ch); }
/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Main_Menu * Description : Display/Manage a Menu on HyperTerminal Window * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void Main_Menu(void) { static char choice[3]; static char subject[32], msg[256], sender[32], passwd[32], recipient[32], encodedText[256]; static bool bTreat; static u8 Sip[4]; static char key = 0; static wiz_NetInfo netinfo; while (1) { /* Display Menu on HyperTerminal Window */ bTreat = (bool)RESET ; SerialPutString("\r\n====================== STM32-Discovery ===================\r\n"); SerialPutString("This Application is basic example of UART interface with\r\n"); SerialPutString("Windows Hyper Terminal. \r\n"); SerialPutString("\r\n==========================================================\r\n"); SerialPutString(" APPLICATION MENU :\r\n"); SerialPutString("\r\n==========================================================\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" 1 - Set LD1 on \r\n"); SerialPutString(" 2 - Set LD1 off \r\n"); SerialPutString(" 3 - Show network setting\r\n"); SerialPutString(" 4 - Set network setting\r\n"); SerialPutString(" 5 - Run TCP Loopback\r\n"); SerialPutString(" 6 - Run UDP Loopback\r\n"); SerialPutString(" 7 - DNS test\r\n"); SerialPutString(" 8 - BASE64 test\r\n"); SerialPutString(" 9 - Send Mail\r\n"); SerialPutString("Enter your choice : "); GetInputString(choice); /* Set LD1 on */ if (strcmp(choice,"1")== 0) { bTreat = (bool)SET; LED3_onoff(ON); LED4_onoff(ON); } /* Set LD1 off */ if ((strcmp(choice,"2") == 0)) { bTreat = (bool)SET; LED3_onoff(OFF); LED4_onoff(OFF); } if (strcmp(choice,"3") == 0) { bTreat = (bool)SET; GetNetInfo(&netinfo); printf("\r\nIP : %d.%d.%d.%d", netinfo.IP[0],netinfo.IP[1],netinfo.IP[2],netinfo.IP[3]); printf("\r\nSN : %d.%d.%d.%d", netinfo.Subnet[0],netinfo.Subnet[1],netinfo.Subnet[2],netinfo.Subnet[3]); printf("\r\nGW : %d.%d.%d.%d", netinfo.Gateway[0],netinfo.Gateway[1],netinfo.Gateway[2],netinfo.Gateway[3]); printf("\r\nDNS server : %d.%d.%d.%d", netinfo.DNSServerIP[0],netinfo.DNSServerIP[1],netinfo.DNSServerIP[2],netinfo.DNSServerIP[3]); } if (strcmp(choice,"4") == 0) { bTreat = (bool)SET; // IP address SerialPutString("\r\nIP address : "); GetInputString(msg); if(!VerifyIPAddress(msg, netinfo.IP)) { SerialPutString("\aInvalid."); } // Subnet mask SerialPutString("\r\nSubnet mask : "); GetInputString(msg); if(!VerifyIPAddress(msg, netinfo.Subnet)) { SerialPutString("\aInvalid."); } // gateway address SerialPutString("\r\nGateway address : "); GetInputString(msg); if(!VerifyIPAddress(msg, netinfo.Gateway)) { SerialPutString("\aInvalid."); } // DNS address SerialPutString("\r\nDNS address : "); GetInputString(msg); if(!VerifyIPAddress(msg, netinfo.DNSServerIP)) { SerialPutString("\aInvalid."); } printf("\r\nIP : %d.%d.%d.%d", netinfo.IP[0],netinfo.IP[1],netinfo.IP[2],netinfo.IP[3]); printf("\r\nSN : %d.%d.%d.%d", netinfo.Subnet[0],netinfo.Subnet[1],netinfo.Subnet[2],netinfo.Subnet[3]); printf("\r\nGW : %d.%d.%d.%d", netinfo.Gateway[0],netinfo.Gateway[1],netinfo.Gateway[2],netinfo.Gateway[3]); printf("\r\nDNS server : %d.%d.%d.%d", netinfo.DNSServerIP[0],netinfo.DNSServerIP[1],netinfo.DNSServerIP[2],netinfo.DNSServerIP[3]); SetNetInfo(&netinfo); } if (strcmp(choice,"5") == 0) { bTreat = (bool)SET; SerialPutString("\r\nRun TCP loopback"); printf("\r\nRun TCP loopback, port number [%d] is listened", (u16)TCP_LISTEN_PORT); SerialPutString("\r\nTo Exit, press [Q]"); while(1) { if ((SerialKeyPressed((char*)&key) == 1) && (key == 'Q')) { SerialPutString("\r\n Stop "); break; } loopback_tcps(7, (u16)TCP_LISTEN_PORT); } } if (strcmp(choice,"6") == 0) { bTreat = (bool)SET; SerialPutString("\r\nRun UDP loopback"); printf("\r\nRun UDP loopback, port number [%d] is listened", (u16)UDP_LISTEN_PORT); SerialPutString("\r\nTo Exit, press [Q]"); while(1) { if ((SerialKeyPressed((char*)&key) == 1) && (key == 'Q')) { SerialPutString("\r\n Stop "); break; } loopback_udp(7, (u16)UDP_LISTEN_PORT); } } if (strcmp(choice,"7")== 0) { bTreat = (bool)SET; SerialPutString("\r\nServer address : "); GetInputString(msg); SerialPutString("URL = "); SerialPutString(msg); if (dns_query(SOCK_DNS, (void *)msg, Sip) == 1) { printf("\r\nSIP : %d.%d.%d.%d", (u16)Sip[0],(u16)Sip[1],(u16)Sip[2],(u16)Sip[3]); }else { SerialPutString("\n\r DNS fail"); } } if (strcmp(choice,"8")== 0) { bTreat = (bool)SET; memset(encodedText, '\0', 256); SerialPutString("\r\n"); SerialPutString(" 1 - BASE64 Encode \r\n"); SerialPutString(" 2 - BASE64 Decode \r\n"); SerialPutString("Enter your choice : "); GetInputString(choice); if (strcmp(choice,"1")== 0) { SerialPutString("Type Plain Text\r\n"); GetInputString(msg); base64_encode(msg, strlen(msg)+1, encodedText); SerialPutString("Encoded Text\r\n"); printf("%s\r\n", encodedText); }else if(strcmp(choice,"2")== 0){ SerialPutString("Type Encoded Text\r\n"); GetInputString(msg); base64_decode(msg, (void *)encodedText, strlen(msg)); SerialPutString("Decoded Text\r\n"); printf("%s\r\n", encodedText); } } if (strcmp(choice,"9")== 0) { bTreat = (bool)SET; SerialPutString("\r\nServer address : "); GetInputString(msg); SerialPutString("URL = "); SerialPutString(msg); // DNS if (dns_query(SOCK_DNS, (void *)msg, Sip) == 1) { printf("\r\nSIP : %d.%d.%d.%d", (u16)Sip[0],(u16)Sip[1],(u16)Sip[2],(u16)Sip[3]); while(1) { SerialPutString("\r\nType a Sender: "); GetInputString(sender); SerialPutString("Type a Password: "******"Type a Recipient: "); GetInputString(recipient); SerialPutString("Type a Subject: "); GetInputString(subject); SerialPutString("Type a message: "); GetInputString(msg); send_mail(SOCK_SMTP, (void *)sender, (void *) passwd, (void *)recipient, (void *)subject, (void *)msg, Sip); SerialPutString("\r\nIf you want send another message? [YES]: any key, [NO]: Q"); key = GetKey(); if (key == 'Q') { SerialPutString("\r\n Stop "); break; } } }else { SerialPutString("\r\nDNS error"); } } /* OTHERS CHOICE*/ if (bTreat == (bool)RESET) { SerialPutString(" wrong choice \r\n"); } } /* While(1)*/ }/* Main_Menu */
/** * @brief Display the Main Menu on HyperTerminal * @param None * @retval None */ void Main_Menu(void) { uint8_t key = 0; SerialPutString("\r\n======================================================================"); SerialPutString("\r\n= (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= STM32F4xx In-Application Programming Application (Version 1.0.0) ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= By MCD Application Team ="); SerialPutString("\r\n======================================================================"); SerialPutString("\r\n\r\n"); /* Test if any sector of Flash memory where user application will be loaded is write protected */ if (FLASH_If_GetWriteProtectionStatus() == 0) { FlashProtection = 1; } else { FlashProtection = 0; } while (1) { SerialPutString("\r\n================== Main Menu ============================\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Download Image To the STM32F4xx Internal Flash ------- 1\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Upload Image From the STM32F4xx Internal Flash ------- 2\r\n\n"); SerialPutString(" Execute The New Program ------------------------------ 3\r\n\n"); if(FlashProtection != 0) { SerialPutString(" Disable the write protection ------------------------- 4\r\n\n"); } SerialPutString("==========================================================\r\n\n"); /* Receive key */ key = GetKey(); if (key == 0x31) { /* Download user application in the Flash */ SerialDownload(); } else if (key == 0x32) { /* Upload user application from the Flash */ SerialUpload(); } else if (key == 0x33) /* execute the new program */ { JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (APPLICATION_ADDRESS + 4); /* Jump to user application */ Jump_To_Application = (pFunction) JumpAddress; /* Initialize user application's Stack Pointer */ __set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*) APPLICATION_ADDRESS); Jump_To_Application(); } else if ((key == 0x34) && (FlashProtection == 1)) { /* Disable the write protection */ switch (FLASH_If_DisableWriteProtection()) { case 1: { SerialPutString("Write Protection disabled...\r\n"); FlashProtection = 0; break; } case 2: { SerialPutString("Error: Flash write unprotection failed...\r\n"); break; } default: { } } } else { if (FlashProtection == 0) { SerialPutString("Invalid Number ! ==> The number should be either 1, 2 or 3\r"); } else { SerialPutString("Invalid Number ! ==> The number should be either 1, 2, 3 or 4\r"); } } } }
int serialCommunicator::SerialPutChar( unsigned char uch, unsigned int msTimeout ) { std::string character(1, uch); return SerialPutString(character, character.length(), msTimeout); }
/** * @brief Main program. * @param None * @retval None */ int main(void) { /*Clock initialization. */ clock_init(); /* Flash unlock */ FLASH_Unlock(); /*GPIO Initialization. */ /*GPIOA, GPIOB on APB2 bus clock enable. */ RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN | RCC_APB2ENR_IOPBEN | RCC_APB2ENR_AFIOEN; /*PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 in output mode general purpose push-pull. */ GPIOA->CRL =(0x03 << (3 * 4)) | (0x03 << (2 * 4)) | (0x03 << (1 * 4)) | (0x03 << (0 * 4)); /*PB0, PB1 in floating input mode. */ GPIOB->CRL = (0x08 << (1 * 4)) | (0x08 << (0 * 4)); /*why do we do this?. */ GPIOB->ODR |= GPIO_ODR_ODR0 | GPIO_ODR_ODR1; /*Light up all leds by resetting the output bits. */ GPIOA->BSRR |= GPIO_BSRR_BR0 | GPIO_BSRR_BR1 | GPIO_BSRR_BR2 | GPIO_BSRR_BR3; /* Initialize Key Button mounted on STM3210X-EVAL board */ //STM_EVAL_PBInit(BUTTON_KEY, BUTTON_MODE_GPIO); /* Test if button on the board is pressed during reset. */ if ((GPIOB->IDR & GPIO_IDR_IDR1) == 0x00) { /* If Key is pressed */ /* Execute the IAP driver in order to re-program the Flash */ IAP_Init(); SerialPutString("\r\n======================================================================"); SerialPutString("\r\n= (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= In-Application Programming Application (Version 3.3.0) ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= By MCD Application Team ="); SerialPutString("\r\n======================================================================"); SerialPutString("\r\n\r\n"); Main_Menu (); } /* Keep the user application running */ else { /* Test if user code is programmed starting from address "ApplicationAddress" */ uint32_t pippo1, pippo2; pippo1 = (*(__IO uint32_t*)ApplicationAddress); // 0x08000000 what is this value pippo2 = pippo1 & 0x2FFE0000; if (pippo2 == 0x20000000) { /* Jump to user application */ /* JumpAddress is not a pointer type. */ /* ApplicationAddress+4 casted to a pointer to uin32_t. Jump address is the content * of the cell pointed by ApplicationAddress * Though wouldn't this be correct: JumpAddress = ApplicationAddress+4; * or! why does it dereferences it? */ JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (ApplicationAddress + 4); /*Jump_To_Application now points to the same address = JumpAddress through casting. */ Jump_To_Application = (pFunction) JumpAddress; /* Initialize user application's Stack Pointer */ /* __set_MSP implemented in CMSIS (as all the functions __* like). */ __set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*) ApplicationAddress); Jump_To_Application(); } } while (1) {} }
/** * @brief Disable the write protection of desired pages * @param None * @retval None */ void FLASH_DisableWriteProtectionPages(void) { uint32_t useroptionbyte = 0, WRPR = 0; uint16_t var1 = OB_IWDG_SW, var2 = OB_STOP_NoRST, var3 = OB_STDBY_NoRST; FLASH_Status status = FLASH_BUSY; WRPR = FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte(); /* Test if user memory is write protected */ if ((WRPR & UserMemoryMask) != UserMemoryMask) { useroptionbyte = FLASH_GetUserOptionByte(); UserMemoryMask |= WRPR; status = FLASH_EraseOptionBytes(); if (UserMemoryMask != 0xFFFFFFFF) { status = FLASH_EnableWriteProtection((uint32_t)~UserMemoryMask); } /* Test if user Option Bytes are programmed */ if ((useroptionbyte & 0x07) != 0x07) { /* Restore user Option Bytes */ if ((useroptionbyte & 0x01) == 0x0) { var1 = OB_IWDG_HW; } if ((useroptionbyte & 0x02) == 0x0) { var2 = OB_STOP_RST; } if ((useroptionbyte & 0x04) == 0x0) { var3 = OB_STDBY_RST; } FLASH_UserOptionByteConfig(var1, var2, var3); } if (status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { SerialPutString("Write Protection disabled...\r\n"); SerialPutString("...and a System Reset will be generated to re-load the new option bytes\r\n"); /* Generate System Reset to load the new option byte values */ NVIC_SystemReset(); } else { SerialPutString("Error: Flash write unprotection failed...\r\n"); } } else { SerialPutString("Flash memory not write protected\r\n"); } }
/******************************************************************************* * @函数名称 main * @函数说明 主函数 * @输入参数 无 * @输出参数 无 * @返回参数 无 *******************************************************************************/ int main(void) { uint8_t fuf=0; uint8_t fu_e=1; //固件更新使能 uint8_t i=0; uint8_t hui[32]= {0x04,0x04,0xF4,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x54,0xFF,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x54,0xF4,0x04,0x04,0x00, 0x40,0x30,0x01,0x01,0x39,0x41,0x41,0x45,0x59,0x41,0x41,0x71,0x01,0x08,0x30,0x00};/*"恵",0*/ SystemTick_Init(); NVIC_Configuration(); oled_control_Init(); OLED_ON; OLED_Init(); SPI_FLASH_Init(); //SPI接口初始化 FLASH_Unlock(); //STM32内部Flash 解锁 //LED_Configuration(); //配置按键 KEY_Configuration();//按钮对应的PB5脚初始化 IAP_Init(); //即串口1初始化,但是没有串口中断程序 buzzer_control_Init(); coil_control_Init(); // OLED_Clear(); // OLED_ShowUnite(24,2,"if updata"); // OLED_ShowUnite(28,4,"press OK"); // delay_ms(500); // while(i<5) // { // OLED_Clear(); // OLED_DrawBMP(32,2,48,4,hui); // OLED_ShowUnite(48,2," 科 "); // OLED_ShowUnite(32,4," 合 技"); // delay_ms(500); // // OLED_Clear(); // OLED_ShowUnite(32,2," 合 技"); // OLED_DrawBMP(32,4,48,6,hui); // OLED_ShowUnite(48,4," 科 "); // delay_ms(500); // // i++; // } // OLED_Clear(); // OLED_DrawBMP(32,2,48,4,hui); // OLED_ShowUnite(48,2,"合科技"); // delay_ms(800); //测试发送 // while(1) // { // Send_Byte(ACK); //收到上位机发送的第0帧之后发送ACK命令 // Send_Byte(CRC16); //接着再发送C,表示等待上位机发送数据帧 // } //按键是否按下 //if (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_5) == 0x00) /* 出厂时,下载程序的步骤: 1.下载字库 2.下载IAP 3.下载应用程序 */ //在下载字库时,先将FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_FLAG标志置为1,所以再下载IAP程序时会直接进入固件更新 SPI_FLASH_Read(&fuf,FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_FLAG,1); if(fuf==1) { OLED_Clear(); //OLED_ShowUnite(16,2,"固件更新中..."); OLED_ShowUnite(32,2,"to updata"); delay_ms(500); //假如按键按下 //执行IAP驱动程序更新Flash程序 SerialPutString("\r\n======================================================================"); SerialPutString("\r\n= (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 Lierda ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= In-Application Programming Application (Version 1.0.0) ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= ="); SerialPutString("\r\n= By wuguoyan ="); SerialPutString("\r\n======================================================================"); SerialPutString("\r\n\r\n"); Main_Menu(); } //否则执行用户程序 else { /* 在程序里#define ApplicationAddress 0x8003000 ,*(__IO uint32_t*)ApplicationAddress) 即取0x8003000开始到0x8003003 的4个字节的值, 因为我们的应用程序APP中设置把 中断向 量表 放置在0x08003000 开始的位置;而中断向量表里第一个放的就是栈顶地址的值 也就是说,这句话即通过判断栈顶地址值是否正确(是否在0x2000 0000 - 0x 2000 2000之间) 来判断是否应用程序已经下载了,因为应用程序的启动文件刚开始就去初始化化栈空间, 如果栈顶值对了,说应用程已经下载了启动文件的初始化也执行了; */ //判断用户是否已经下载程序,因为正常情况下此地址是栈地址。 //若没有这一句的话,即使没有下载程序也会进入而导致跑飞。 //*(__IO uint32_t*)ApplicationAddress 与 __vector_table[0]是一样的 //__vector_table[0]是应用程序栈的顶 //X=*(__IO uint32_t*)ApplicationAddress //if (( X & 0x2FFE0000 ) == 0x20000000) //X只有在0x20000000与0x2001FFFF之间时,才可能有(X&0x2FFE0000) == 0x20000000成立 //即栈顶是不是在以0x20000000开始的128K的范围内,这里便是STM32的RAM区域 if (( ( *(__IO uint32_t*)ApplicationAddress ) & 0x2FFE0000 ) == 0x20000000) { // OLED_Clear(); // OLED_ShowUnite(4,2,"Execute Program"); // delay_ms(500); //SerialPutString("Execute Program\r\n\n"); //跳转至用户代码 JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (ApplicationAddress + 4); Jump_To_Application = (pFunction) JumpAddress; //初始化用户程序的堆栈指针 __set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*) ApplicationAddress); Jump_To_Application(); //执行复位中断函数 } else { OLED_Clear(); OLED_ShowUnite(4,2,"no user Program"); delay_ms(500); SerialPutString("no user Program\r\n\n"); } } // OLED_Clear(); // OLED_ShowUnite(16,2,"please reboot"); // delay_ms(500); // // SerialPutString("please reboot\r\n\n"); // while (1) // { // } }